Mars: Bases & Colonies

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A Space Base on Mars

Colonies on Mars

Huge Mars Colony Eyed by SpaceX Founder

SpaceX to Create Mars Colony of 80,000 - Antigravity Technology Would Enable Vision Before End of Decade

Is Mars in the midst of a 'Planetary Liberation War'?

Life on Mars?

Mars Active Industrial Site Located by Remote Viewing, JPL Photos, Corroborating Mars Whistleblowers

Mars Colony Would Be a Hedge Against World War III - Elon Musk Says

Mars Disclosure - Randy Cramer (Captain Kaye) expands upon his Mars Recall

Mars Experiencer Andrew D. Basiago Validates Mars Experiences of U.S. Marine Capt. Randy Cramer

Mars - The Next Fifty Years

Mission to Mars - Disinformation to Hide Secret Mining of Red Planet

Moon and Mars Bases - Ets Coordinate Their Activities From a Distance

NASA Image Reveals Secret Base on Mars

Packing for Mars - Will this Award-winning Film spark a US Congress/UN disclosure of Secret US Bases and Life on Mars?

Plan to Replace Humanity with Mars Elite DNA Colony - says Marine Corps

Revealed Plans for First 'Sustainable City' on Mars

Secret Bases on the Moon and Mars

Secret Colonization of the Moon and Mars 

The Fake Second Coming - 04 (

Slave Colony on Mars Claim goes Mainstream

SpaceX Says it Will Put Humans on Mars by 2026 - Almost 10 Years Ahead of NASA

SpaceX to Create Mars Colony of 80,000 - Antigravity Technology Would Enable Vision Before End of Decade

Terraforming Mars - A Review of Research

Terraforming Mars with strange Silica Blanket could let Plants Thrive

The Mars Records – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
Twenty Years as a 'Cyborg Supersoldier' on Mars and Kuiper Belt

Two Whistleblowers Independently Report Teleporting to Mars and Meeting Martian Extraterrestrials

Whistleblower Claims he Served 17 Years at Secret Mars Military Base

Whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, Ike’s Great-Granddaughter, Outs Secret Mars Colony Project

Whistleblower Reveals Serving for 3 Years on Secret Space Fleet

Additional Information

Books, Reports & Treatises

A Novel Material for In Situ Construction on Mars - Experiments and Numerical Simulations

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The Discovery of Life on Mars


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