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A world army is to be achieved through the manipulation of conflicts leading to extra military powers for the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces.

Meanwhile, NATO is expanding to absorb more countries of the Eastern bloc and operate outside its designated areas.

Eventually these will fuse to form a world army to enforce the New World Order.
The Gulf War was a major step along the path, as it was fought with NATO funding under a UN banner.

Just prior to the conflict, closer co-operation was called between the countries of the former Soviet Union and NATO in order to extend the alliance beyond the North Atlantic and Europe

The Gulf War

Iraq, in an attempt to recover from the expensive eight-year war with Iran, had been seeking to control its own oil reserves – independence which the Western oil companies could not allow.

So, as well as being of importance to the Elite’s long-term goals of a world army, the conflict was engineered to effectively destroy Iraq both economically and in terms of its population.

Saddam Hussein had been installed in 1968 on the back of CIA support for his Baath party.

In November 1989, US loans to Iraq were guaranteed providing that the money was used to buy US farm produce. Instead, as expected, Hussein used the money for arms and defaulted on the loans. The US taxpayer is now picking up the bill for rearming the ’enemy’.
This US funding was done through the Atlantan branch of the Italian government bank, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL), which loaned $5 billion. Loans from the BNL to Iraq for arms purchases were organized as early as 1984 by Kissinger Associates.

Some of the Iraqi arms were bought from Britain in illegal sales which implicate the British government.

This possibly includes the Midland Industrial Trade Services, allegedly the secret arms running wing of the Midland Bank, which was introduced to the Iraqis by Kissinger Associates.

Having armed Iraq, America needed an excuse to invade.

This opportunity came through covertly supporting Kuwait’s obstinate insistence to make economic recovery difficult for Iraq by over-producing oil and keeping prices low.

In July 1990, whilst assuring Hussein that his administration had no interest in an ’Arab-Arab conflict, like your border disagreement with Kuwait’, Bush reached agreement with Gorbachev that Russia would not intervene if America invaded Iraq.

Kuwait was invaded by Iraq in August 1990 and Bush started talking about economic sanctions against Iraq.

Saudi Arabia was convinced by the Americans that it was under threat and under this pretext US forces were dispatched to protect Saudi Arabia.

These were later joined by British and French troops to create a UN army.

One month before the UN invasion of Kuwait/Iraq, a US army report detailed the destruction of Kuwait, the firing of the oil wells and which companies would be involved in the lucrative rebuilding of Kuwait and extinguishing the fires. In the ensuing bombing, Iraqui industry, and therefore its post-conflict economy, was destroyed and hundreds of thousands of people have died, either as a direct result of indiscriminate bombing or in the ensuing poverty and deprivation.

Through the Gulf conflict, the phrase ’New World Order’, used by Bush in a victory speech, was used by all and sundry to describe this unprecedented global military co-operation.

Public approval for this type of intervention has been amplified by the manipulation of Yugoslavia to show inadequacies in the current UN Peacekeeping force, as first highlighted by their ineffectiveness in Rwanda and Somalia.
As none of these trouble spots adversely affect the oil trade, an operation on the scale of the Gulf War is not required. Incidentally, there is already a joint UN/NATO Allied Rapid Reaction Corps whose existence was justified by the failure of the UN in Yugoslavia.

The Supposed ET Menace

The need for a world army is also being sold to the public as a defense against UFOs, for planetary security against aggressive extra-terrestrials.

This has been achieved through a massive cover up of genuine ET contact and UFO sightings.

ETs of both positive and negative intent for humanity are visiting this planet – they have been for millennia – and have possibly established underground bases on Earth.

By working with these ETs, Elite science is far more advanced than conventional science would have us believe.

Free energy, anti-gravity technology, advanced mass mind manipulation techniques are all under the control of the military in highly secretive and sinister underground centers like Area S-4 in Nevada, the Dulce facility in New Mexico, RAF Rudloe Manor (Wiltshire) and Mount Weather near Washington DC.
The ’non-existence’ of such technology enables the issue of UFO/ET interaction to be plagued with disinformation.

The propaganda machine ridicules true sightings, while high publicity awaits encounters where people are subjected to terrifying experiments at the hands of ETs

However, it is very probable that such incidents are in fact carried out by the military and intelligence services using technology the general public are unaware of in order to create the desired response of fear and the demand for global defense.
However, I believe that a proportion of abductions are occurring to individuals who have agreed – perhaps before incarnation – to being involved in such ET experiments which are monitoring the human race in such areas as pollution effects on the body and genetic evolution etc..

Abductee reports include a program of implantation and removal of fetuses for the purpose of crossbreeding humans and aliens.

One further sinister twist to the tale of ETs is that certain people who have been victims of Satanic and pedophilic abuse have, as part of the process of regaining suppressed memories, uncovered images of ETs over-laid on the memories of abuse by people.

Mind control is a central part of the process of Satanic abuse whereby the brain is compartmentalized through severe trauma, assisted by drugs and Electro-Convulsive-Treatment. 

In this way it is possible to bury memories of events a long way behind implanted ones.
This is the same technique used by the intelligence agencies to create perfect lone assassins.

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