I don't know how many times I have heard Christian claims concerning the Nazarene or his angels banishing Satan from an area or "Casting out Demons."
My own opinion regarding this is that the "Demons" aren't really "Demons" but angels impersonating what Christians believe to be "Demons."
Because it makes Satan appear to be under the control of the Nazarene and in many cases frightens those who lack knowledge.
Fear is used by these nefarious programs for control.
I was watching the movie "The Exorcist."
For those of you who are unfamiliar with this 1973 flick, the plot concerned a 12-year-old girl who was possessed by the Mesopotamian Demon "Pazuzu."
This demon I might add was on the lower end of the Demonic hierarchy.
This movie topped the charts for years, designated as the ultimate in frightening the public.
There have been few actual claims concerning cases of "possession."
Accounts included sketchy reports of victims "vomiting objects" and performing other senseless acts.
Everyone knows souls are important to Satan; humanity is his creation.
When we dedicate our souls to Satan, we become a part of a massive vortex of energy that we can tap into to accomplish our desires and objectives.
This additional energy not only benefits humanity, but also benefits Father Satan and the Original Gods, and gives everyone concerned more power.
The Christian churches have exploited souls and their energy for centuries.
Now, as we know souls are important to Satan, why would he or his Demons do anything to frighten people away, or make people try to avoid him at all costs?
When looking at this analytically, one can see the truth, as there is a motive behind nearly everything.
The only motive here is the greedy entity Jehovah and ilk frightening ignorant human beings back into his energy bank of souls.
This Jehovah character is really enemy extraterrestrial Greys and enemy Nordics, not an individual entity.
Of course, Satan and his Demons are blamed as usual.
Since Christians are forbidden to practice any magick or become knowledgeable about the occult, this ends with Jehovah and ilk having a full supply of energy all to themselves to use as they see fit.
The Greys call this amalgam of energy "The One."
For people who use the traditional methods of summoning spirits as instructed in the popular grimoires, which use the names of Jehovah and his angels, how do they really know exactly who or what they are contacting?
Everyone I ever heard from who went through Satan directly to summon a Demon respectfully, has had positive experiences.
I know I have.
The followers of the Christian 'God' are forever crowing that this entity has power over Satan.
In reality, this is not true.
In the biblical tale where Satan approached the Nazarene in the desert, HE DID NOT APPROACH HIM AS AN EQUAL, BUT AS A SUPERIOR.
One does not worship an equal or a lesser being.
Satan's offering to the Nazarene, right there, blatantly indicated that he had much more power than the Nazarene fool.
He talked down to the Nazarene.
Some believe the Nazarene to be a fictitious character, created from various myths and legends predating Christianity from hundreds to thousands of years.
The sole purpose of this entity is to create a distraction.
Unknowing followers are fooled into believing "Jesus Saves" when in truth, we save our own souls.
Human beings have the power to heal and perform many other spiritual feats dubbed as "miracles."
The Nazarene has been used over the centuries to strip humanity of all spiritual power and knowledge.
This has placed humanity as a whole at the mercy of advanced enemy beings to be viciously exploited and victimized.
A weak soul not only experiences physical illness but also is spiritually a pawn both in the hands of fate and in the hands of the enemy (the Christian entity and ilk).