The Ascension: Transformation & Evolution Process

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Planetary Transition or Ascension of Souls

The Process of 'Ascension' is the liberation of human beings as incarnated entities from the invisible enslavement by the dark entities from the 4th dimension, the Powers That Be, who have chosen the path of total separation from the 'Whole.'

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The Ascension = The Harvest

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The Human Harvest (

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Ascension - The Quest For the Holy Grail
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Levels of Ascension
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Additional Information

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Handbook for The New Paradigm - by George Green
Return to Source - How Enlightenment is the Process of Creation in the Universe in Reverse - by B. & A.P.
The Matrix and The Sanskrit Texts - by Susan Ferguson
The Way of Liberation - A Practical Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment - by Adyashanti
The World's Secret History - by L. Knight-Jadczyk


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