Despite six announced visits by U.S. astronauts between 1969 and 1972, the Moon remains a riddle to scientists in many regards.
The solutions to these riddles could indicate an alien aspect of our familiar Moon.
Called “the Rosetta Stone of the planets” by Dr. Robert Jastrow, the first chairman of NASA’s Lunar Exploration Committee, scientists had hoped by studying the composition of the Moon, to resolve some of the mysteries of how our planet and solar system came into existence.
However, six Moon landings later, science writer Earl Ubell declared, “… the lunar Rosetta Stone remains a mystery.
The Moon is more complicated than anyone expected; it is not simply a kind of billiard ball frozen in space and time, as many scientists had believed.
Few of the fundamental questions have been answered, but the Apollo rocks and recordings have spawned a score of mysteries, a few truly breath-stopping.”
Among these “breath-stopping” mysteries or anomalies as scientists prefer to call them is the fact that the Moon is far older than previously imagined, perhaps even much older than the Earth and Sun.
By examining tracks burned into Moon rocks by cosmic rays, scientists have dated them as billions of years old.
Some have been dated back 4.5 billion years, far older than the Earth and nearly as old as the solar system.
The Moon has at least three distinct layers of rocks.
Contrary to the idea that heavier objects sink, the heavier rocks are found on the surface.
And there is a definite disparity in the distribution of minerals.
Ubell asked:
“If the Earth and Moon were created at the same time, near each other, why has one body got all the iron [the Earth] and the other [the Moon] not much? The differences suggest that Earth and Moon came into being far from each other, an idea that stumbles over the inability of astrophysicists to explain how exactly the Moon became a satellite of the Earth.”
The Moon is extremely dry and does not appear to have ever had water in any substantial amounts.
None of the Moon rocks, regardless of where they were found, contained free water or even water molecules bound into the minerals.
Yet Apollo 16 astronauts found Moon rocks that contained bits of rusted iron.
Since oxidation requires oxygen and free hydrogen, this rust indicates there must be water somewhere on the Moon.
Furthermore, instruments left behind by Apollo missions sent a signal to Earth on March 7, 1971, indicating a “wind” of water had crossed the Moon’s surface.
Since any water on the airless Moon surface vaporizes and behaves like the wind on Earth, the question became where did this water originate?
The vapor cloud eruptions lasted 14 hours and covered an area of some 100 square miles, prompting Rice University physicists Dr. John Freeman, Jr. and Dr. H. Ken Hills to pronounce the event one of “the most exciting discoveries yet” indicating water within the Moon.
The two physicists claimed the water vapor came from deep inside the Moon, apparently released during a moonquake.
NASA officials offered a more mundane, and questionable, explanation.
They speculated that two tanks on Apollo descent stages containing between 60 and 100 pounds of water became stressed and ruptured, releasing their contents.
Freeman and Hills declined to accept this explanation, pointing out that the two tanks — from Apollo 12 and 14 — were some 180 kilometers apart yet the water vapor was detected with the same flux at both sites although the instruments faced in opposite directions.
Skeptics also have understandably questioned the odds of two separate tanks breaking simultaneously and how such a small quantity of water could produce 100 square miles of vapor.
Moon rocks were found to be magnetized — not strong enough to pick up a paper clip, but magnetic, nevertheless.
However, there is no magnetic field on the Moon itself.
So where did the magnetism come from?
The presence of maria, or large seas of smooth solidified molten rock, also presented a mystery.
These maria indicate nothing less than a vast outpouring of lava at some distant time.
It has now been confirmed that some of the Moon’s craters are of internal origin.
Yet there is no indication that the Moon has ever been hot enough to produce volcanic eruptions.
Another puzzle is that almost all — four-fifths — of the maria are located on the Moon’s Earthside hemisphere.
Few maria mark the far side of the Moon, often erroneously referred to as the “dark side.”
Yet the far side contains many more craters and mountainous areas.
In comparison to the rest of the Moon, the maria are relatively free of craters suggesting that craters were covered by lava flow.
Adding to this mystery are the mascons — large dense circular masses lying 20 to 40 miles below the center of the Moon’s maria.
The mascons were discovered because their denseness distorted the orbits of our spacecraft flying over or near them.
One scientist proposed that the mascons are heavy iron meteorites that plunged deep into the Moon while it was in a soft, formable stage.
This theory has been discounted since meteorites strike with such high velocities, they would vaporize on contact.
Another mundane explanation is that the mascons are nothing more than lava-filled caverns, but skeptics say there isn’t enough lava present to accomplish this. It would seem these mascons are huge disk-shaped objects possibly of artificial construction.
It is unlikely that large circular disks located directly under the center of the maria like a giant bullseye happened by accident or coincidence.
Between 1969 and 1977, Apollo mission seismographic equipment registered up to 3,000 “moonquakes” each year of operation.
Most of the vibrations were quite small and were caused by meteorite strikes or falling booster rockets.
But many other quakes were detected deep inside the Moon.
This internal creaking is believed to be caused by the gravitational pull of our planet as most moonquakes occur when the Moon is closest to the Earth.
An event occurred in 1958 in the Moon’s Alphonsus crater, which shook the idea that all internal moonquake activity was simply settling rocks.
In November of that year, Soviet astronomer Nikolay A. Kozyrev of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory startled the scientific world by photographing the first recorded gaseous eruption on the Moon near the crater’s peak.
Kozyrev attributed this to escaping fluorescent gases.
He also detected a reddish glow characteristic of carbon compounds, which “seemed to move and disappeared after an hour.”
Some scientists refused to accept Kozyrev’s findings until astronomers at the Lowell Observatory also saw reddish glows on the crests of ridges in the Aristarchus region in 1963.
Days later, colored lights on the Moon lasting more than an hour were reported at two separate observatories.
Something was going on inside the volcanically dead Moon.
And whatever it is, it occurs the same way at the same time.
As the Moon moves closer to the Earth, seismic signals from different stations on the lunar surface detect identical vibrations.
It is difficult to accept this movement as a natural phenomenon.
For example, a broken artificial hull plate could shift exactly the same way each time the Moon passed near the Earth.
There is evidence to indicate the Moon may be hollow.
Studies of Moon rocks indicate that the Moon’s interior differs from the Earth’s mantle in ways suggesting a very small, or even nonexistent, core.
As far back as 1962, NASA scientist Dr. Gordon MacDonald stated, “If the astronomical data are reduced, it is found that the data require that the interior of the Moon be less dense than the outer parts.
Indeed, it would seem that the Moon is more like a hollow than a homogeneous sphere.”
Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, while scoffing at the possibility of a hollow moon, nevertheless admitted that since heavier materials were on the surface, it is quite possible that giant caverns exist within the Moon.
“The Lunar Orbiter experiments vastly improved our knowledge of the Moon’s gravitational field… indicating the frightening possibility that the Moon might be hollow.” Why frightening?
The significance was stated by astronomer Carl Sagan way back in his 1966 work Intelligent Life in the Universe, “A natural satellite cannot be a hollow object.”
Sean Carl Solomon (born October 24, 1945) is the director of the Lamont–Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, where he is also the William B. Ransford Professor of Earth and Planetary Science. Before moving to Columbia in 2012, he was the director of the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism at the Carnegie Institute in Washington, D.C. His research area is in geophysics, including the fields of planetary geology, seismology, marine geophysics, and geodynamics. Solomon is the principal investigator on the NASA MESSENGER mission to Mercury. He is also a team member on the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory mission and the Plume-Lithosphere Undersea Melt Experiment (PLUME).
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The most startling evidence that the Moon could be hollow came on November 20, 1969, when the Apollo 12 crew, after returning to their command ship, sent the lunar module (LM) ascent stage crashing back onto the Moon creating an artificial moonquake.
The LM struck the surface about 40 miles from the Apollo 12 landing site where ultra-sensitive seismic equipment recorded something both unexpected and astounding—the Moon reverberated like a bell for more than an hour.
The vibration wave took almost eight minutes to reach a peak, and then decreased in intensity.
At a news conference that day, one of the co-directors of the seismic experiment, Maurice Ewing, told reporters that scientists were at a loss to explain the ringing.
“As for the meaning of it, I’d rather not make an interpretation right now.
But it is as though someone had struck a bell, say, in the belfry of a church a single blow and found that the reverberation from it continued for 30 minutes.”
William Maurice "Doc" Ewing (May 12, 1906 – May 4, 1974) was an American geophysicist and oceanographer. Ewing has been described as a pioneering geophysicist who worked on the research of seismic reflection and refraction in ocean basins, ocean bottom photography, submarine sound transmission (including the SOFAR channel), deep sea core samples of the ocean bottom, theory and observation of earthquake surface waves, fluidity of the Earth's core, generation and propagation of microseisms, submarine explosion seismology, marine gravity surveys, bathymetry and sedimentation, natural radioactivity of ocean waters and sediments, study of abyssal plains and submarine canyons.
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It was later established that small vibrations had continued on the Moon for more than an hour.
The phenomenon was repeated when the Apollo 13’s third stage was sent crashing onto the Moon by radio command, striking with the equivalent of 11 tons of TNT.
According to NASA, this time the Moon “reacted like a gong.”
Although seismic equipment was more than 108 miles from the crash site, recordings showed reverberations lasted for three hours and 20 minutes and traveled to a depth of 22 to 25 miles.
Subsequent studies of man-made crashes on the Moon yielded similar results.
After one impact the Moon reverberated for four hours.
This ringing coupled with the density problem on the Moon reinforces the idea of a hollow moon.
Scientists hoped to record the impact of a meteor large enough to send shock waves to the Moon’s core and back and settle the issue.
That opportunity came on May 13, 1972, when a large meteor stuck the Moon with the equivalent force of 200 tons of TNT.
After sending shock waves deep into the interior of the Moon, scientists were baffled to find that none returned, confirming that there is something unusual about the Moon’s core, or lack thereof.
Dr. Farouk El Baz was quoted as saying, “There are many undiscovered caverns suspected to exist beneath the surface of the Moon.
Several experiments have been flown to the Moon to see if there actually were such caverns.”
Farouk El-Baz (Arabic: فاروق الباز, Pronunciation: [fɑˈruːʔ elˈbæːz, fæˈruːʔ]) (born January 2, 1938) is an Egyptian American space scientist and geologist, who worked with NASA in the scientific exploration of the Moon and the planning of the Apollo program. He was a leading geologist on the program, responsible for studying the geology of the Moon, the selection of landing sites for the Apollo missions, and the training of astronauts in lunar observations and photography. He played a key role in the Apollo 11 Moon landing mission, and later Apollo missions. He also came up with the idea of touchable Moon rocks at a museum, inspired by his childhood pilgrimage to Mecca where he touched the Black Stone (which in Islam is believed to be sent down from the heavens).
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The results of these experiments have not been made public.
It seems apparent that the Moon has a tough, hard outer shell and a light or nonexistent interior.
The Moon’s shell contains dense minerals such as titanium, used on Earth in the construction of aircraft and space vehicles.
Many people still recall watching our astronauts on TV as they vainly tried to drill through the crust of a Moon maria.
Their specially designed drills could only penetrate a few inches.
The puzzle of the Moon’s hard surface was compounded by the discovery of what appeared to be processed metals.
Experts were surprised to find lunar rocks bearing brass, mica and amphibole in addition to the near-pure titanium.
Uranium 236 and Neptunium 237 — elements not previously found in nature — were discovered in Moon rocks, according to the Argonne National Laboratory.
While still trying to explain the presence of these materials, scientists were further startled to learn of rust-proof iron particles in a soil sample from the Sea of Crisis.
In 1976, the Associated Press reported that the Soviets had announced the discovery of iron particles that “do not rust” in samples brought back by an unmanned Moon mission in 1970.
Iron that does not rust is unknown in nature and well beyond present Earth technology.
Undoubtedly the greatest mystery concerning our Moon is how it came to be there in the first place.
Prior to the Apollo missions, one serious theory as to the Moon’s origin was that it broke off of the Earth eons ago.
Although no one could positively locate where on Earth it originated, many speculated the loss of material explained the huge gouge in the Earth, which forms the Pacific Ocean.
However, this idea was discarded when it was found that there is little similarity between the composition of our world and the Moon.
A more recent theory had the Moon created out of space debris left over from the creation of the Earth.
This concept proved untenable in light of current gravitational theory, which indicates that one large object will accumulate all loose material, leaving none for the formation of another large body.
It is now generally accepted that the Moon originated elsewhere and entered the Earth’s gravitational field at some point in the distant past.
Here theories diverge — one stating that the Moon was originally a planet which collided with the Earth creating debris which combined forming the Moon while another states the Moon, while wandering through our solar system, was captured and pulled into orbit by Earth’s gravity.
Neither of these theories are especially compelling because of the lack of evidence that neither the Earth nor the Moon seem to have been physically disrupted by a past close encounter.
There is no debris in space indicating a past collision and it does not appear that the Earth and the Moon developed during the same time period.
As for the “capture” theory, even scientist Isaac Asimov, well known for his works of fiction, has written:
“It’s too big to have been captured by the Earth.
The chances of such a capture having been affected and the Moon then having taken up nearly circular orbit around our Earth are too small to make such an eventuality credible.”
Asimov was right to consider the Moon’s orbit — it is not only nearly a perfect circle, but stationary, one side always facing the Earth with only the slightest variation.
As far as we know, it’s the only natural satellite with such an orbit.
This circular orbit is especially odd considering that the Moon’s center of mass lies more than a mile closer to the Earth than its geometric center.
This fact alone should produce an unstable, wobbly orbit, much as a ball with its mass off center will not roll in a straight line.
Additionally, almost all of the other satellites in our solar system orbit in the plane of their planet’s equator.
Not so the Moon, whose orbit lies strangely nearer the Earth’s orbit around the Sun or inclined to the Earth’s ecliptic by more than five degrees.
Add to this the fact that the Moon’s bulge — located on the side facing away from Earth — thus negating the idea that it was caused by the Earth’s gravitational pull — makes for an off-balanced world.
It seems impossible that such an oddity could naturally fall into such a precise and circular orbit.
It is a fascinating conundrum as articulated by science writer William Roy Shelton, who wrote, “It is important to remember that something had to put the Moon at or near its present circular pattern around the Earth.
Just as an Apollo spacecraft circling the Earth every 90 minutes while 100 miles high has to have a velocity of roughly 18,000 miles per hour to stay in orbit, so something had to give the Moon the precisely required velocity for its weight and altitude…
The point — and it is one seldom noted in considering the origin of the Moon — is that it is extremely unlikely that any object would just stumble into the right combination of factors required to stay in orbit.
‘Something’ had to put the Moon at its altitude, on its course and at its speed.
The question is: what was that ‘something’?”
If the precise and stationary orbit of the Moon is seen as sheer coincidence, is it also coincidence that the Moon is at just the right distance from the Earth to completely cover the Sun during an eclipse?
While the diameter of the Moon is a mere 2,160 miles against the Sun’s gigantic 864,000 miles, it is nevertheless in just the proper position to block out all but the Sun’s flaming corona when it moves between the Sun and the Earth.
Asimov explained:
“There is no astronomical reason why the Moon and the Sun should fit so well.
It is the sheerest of coincidences, and only the Earth among all the planets is blessed in this fashion.”
Isaac Asimov (/ˈæzɪmɒv/ AZ-ih-mov; c. January 2, 1920 – April 6, 1992) was an American writer and professor of biochemistry at Boston University. During his lifetime, Asimov was considered one of the "Big Three" science fiction writers, along with Robert A. Heinlein and Arthur C. Clarke. A prolific writer, he wrote or edited more than 500 books. He also wrote an estimated 90,000 letters and postcards. Best known for his hard science fiction, Asimov also wrote mysteries and fantasy, as well as much non-fiction.
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Is it merely coincidence?
How does one explain this and many other Moon mysteries?
In July 1970, two Russian scientists, Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov, published an article in the Soviet journal Sputnik entitled “Is the Moon the Creation of Alien Intelligence?”
They advanced the theory that the Moon is not a completely natural world, but a planetoid that was hollowed out eons ago in the far reaches of space by intelligent beings possessing a technology far superior to ours.
Huge machines were used to melt rock and form large cavities within the Moon, spewing the molten refuse onto the surface.
Protected by a hull-like inner shell plus a reconstructed outer shell of metallic rocky junk, this gigantic craft was steered through the cosmos and finally parked in orbit around the Earth.
In their article Vasin and Shcherbakov wrote, “Abandoning the traditional paths of ‘common sense,’ we have plunged into what may at first sight seem to be unbridled and irresponsible fantasy.
But the more minutely we go into all the information gathered by man about the Moon, the more we are convinced that there is not a single fact to rule out our supposition.
Not only that, but many things so far considered to be lunar enigmas are explainable in the light of this new hypothesis.”
Outrageous as the spaceship moon theory might first appear, consider how this model reconciles all of the mysteries of the Moon.
It would explain why the Moon gives evidence of being much older than the Earth and perhaps even our solar system and why there are three distinct layers within the Moon, with the densest materials in the outside layer, exactly as one would expect of the “hull” of a spacecraft.
It could also explain why no sign of water has been found on the Moon’s surface, yet there is evidence it exists deep inside.
This theory also would explain the strange maria and mascons, perhaps the remnants of the machinery used to hollow out the Moon.
The idea of an artificial satellite could explain the odd, rhythmic “moonquakes” as artificial constructs reacting the same way during periods of stress from the Earth’s pull.
And artificial equipment beneath the Moon’s surface might be the source of the gas clouds that have been observed.
Intelligent “terraforming” of the Moon could prove the solution to the argument between “hot moon” and “cold moon” scientists — they are both right!
The Moon originally was a cold world, which was transformed into a spacecraft by artificially heating and expelling vast quantities of its interior.
This theory also could explain the seeming contradictions over the question of a hollow moon.
If the Moon originally was a solid world which was artificially hollowed out, there would be evidence of both phases—exactly what we have with current Moon knowledge.
An artificially hollowed-out Moon would explain why the satellite rings like a bell for hours after struck and why specimens of tough, refractory metals such as:
“rust-proof” iron; Uranium 236 and Neptunium 237 have been found there.
In fact, the spaceship moon theory may come closer than any other in reconciling the questions over the origin and amazing orbit of the Moon.
But we are not supposed to consider this thesis. The circular logic of modern science regarding the origins of the Moon runs something like this: We know that extraterrestrials don’t exist but we do know that the Moon exists and has been mentioned throughout human history.
We, humans, did not create it or place it in Earth’s orbit, so it must have been done by extraterrestrials.
But since we know they don’t exist; we will simply call it an anomaly and will not publicly say anything more about this.
Many New Dawn readers will know of British writer Christopher Knight from his first book The Hiram Key, which he co-authored with Robert Lomas and published in 1997.
Quickly becoming a best seller, The Hiram Key was acclaimed a classic in the field of alternative history, going on to influence a generation of researchers among them The Da Vinci Code’s Dan Brown.
Daniel Gerhard Brown (born June 22, 1964) is an American author best known for his thriller novels, including the Robert Langdon novels Angels & Demons (2000), The Da Vinci Code (2003), The Lost Symbol (2009), Inferno (2013), and Origin (2017). His novels are treasure hunts that usually take place over a period of 24 hours. They feature recurring themes of cryptography, art, and conspiracy theories. His books have been translated into 57 languages and, as of 2012, have sold over 200 million copies. Three of them, Angels & Demons, The Da Vinci Code, and Inferno, have been adapted into films, while one of them, The Lost Symbol, was adapted into a television show. The Robert Langdon novels are deeply engaged with Christian themes and historical fiction, and have generated controversy as a result. Brown states on his website that his books are not anti-Christian and he is on a "constant spiritual journey" himself. He states that his book The Da Vinci Code is "an entertaining story that promotes spiritual discussion and debate" and suggests that the book may be used "as a positive catalyst for introspection and exploration of our faith."
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In the last ten years Knight has written six books, four with Robert Lomas and two, including his latest Who Built the Moon?, with Alan Butler.
Robert Lomas is a British writer, physicist and business studies academic. He writes primarily about the history of Freemasonry as well as the Neolithic period, ancient engineering, and archaeoastronomy.
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Knight and Butler raise some fascinating and challenging questions, foremost:
Could it be that the Moon is artificial?
Could it even be hollow?
And does the Moon really exist through some happy accident, or is a blueprint apparent – and if so, who was the architect?
New Dawn recently spoke with Christopher Knight about his controversial new book and his astonishing conclusions:
All of mankind’s visits to the Moon have not answered some of the most basic questions about its origin and importance.
Your new book Who Built the Moon? (co-authored with Alan Butler) brings to light some extraordinary facts about the Moon and comes to a mind-blowing conclusion about its origin.
Could you briefly outline some of these little known and ignored facts?
The Moon sits very close to the Earth yet it is widely regarded as the strangest object in the known universe.
It is a bit like knowing that every person in the world is completely normal except the person you live next door to, who has three heads and lives on a diet of broken razor blades.
The book lists the strangeness of the Moon, which includes the fact that it does not have a solid core like every other planetary object. It is either hollow or has a very low-density interior.
Bizarrely, its concentration of mass is located at a series of points just under its surface – which caused havoc with early lunar spacecraft.
The material the Moon is made from came from the outer surface of the Earth and left a shallow hole that filled with water, and we now call the Pacific.
This rock left the Earth to produce the Moon very quickly after our planet had formed around 4,6 billion years ago.
The Moon is not only extremely odd in its construction; it also behaves in a way that is nothing less than miraculous.
It is exactly four hundred times smaller than the Sun but four hundred times closer to the Earth so that both the Sun and the Moon appear to be precisely the same size in the sky – which gives us the phenomenon we call a total eclipse.
Whilst we take this for granted it has been called the biggest coincidence in the universe.
Furthermore, the Moon mirrors the movement of the Sun in the sky by rising and setting at the same point on the horizon as the Sun does at opposite solstices.
For example, this means the Moon rises at midwinter at the same place the Sun does at midsummer.
There is no logical reason why the Moon mimics the Sun in this way and it is only meaningful to a human standing on the Earth.
What led you to write Who Built the Moon?
And does this latest book relate to your earlier research when writing Civilization One and Uriel’s Machine?
All of the six books I have had published over the last ten years are part of a continued single piece of research.
I came to write Who Built the Moon?, with Alan Butler after we had finished Civilization One, because our research led us to study the Moon very closely.
We had found that the superbly advanced measuring system in use over 5,000 years ago was based on the:
of the Earth.
However, for thoroughness we checked every planet and moon in the solar system to see if there was any pattern.
Amazingly, it worked perfectly for every aspect of the Moon but did not apply at all to any other known body – except the Sun.
It was as though we had found a blueprint where the Moon had been ‘manufactured’ using very specific units taken from Earth’s relationship with the Sun.
The more we looked, everything fitted – and fitted perfectly in every conceivable way.
Most astoundingly, you found that an ancient system of geometry and measurement used in the Stone Age works perfectly on the Moon.
What exactly is this system and how could the ancients have attained this knowledge?
It is not possible to describe the greatness of this ancient system of geometry and measurement without repeating the content of Civilization One.
This was a precise unit of measurement that was the basis of late Stone Age structures across Western Europe – such as Stonehenge.
Most archaeologists have written his work off as a mistake but when one looks coldly at their objections, they are baseless.
Alan and I were able to show how they made these highly precise linear units based on the rotation of the Earth and how they were also the basis of all:
weight units
in use today.
Once again these are exact – not approximations or close fits.
Where the ancients got such knowledge is quite baffling.
All we can be certain of is that they were way ahead of us today!
It’s easy to check out by anyone with a calculator.
Your conclusion is there are more than enough anomalies about the Moon to suggest it is not a naturally occurring body and was quite possibly engineered to sustain life on Earth.
How did you reach this conclusion?
Not only is the Moon an apparently impossible object, but it also has some unique benefits for us humans.
It has been nothing less than an incubator for life.
If the Moon was not exactly the size, mass and distance that it has been at each stage of the Earth’s evolution – there would be no intelligent life here.
Scientists are agreed that we owe everything to the Moon.
It acts as a stabilizer that holds our planet at just the right angle to produce the seasons and keep water liquid across most of the planet.
Without our Moon the Earth would be as dead and solid as Venus.
If the Moon is an artificial construct, what are your theories on who or what built it, and why?
In Who Built the Moon? we explain that we could not come to any other conclusion than the Moon is artificial.
Because it is certain that it is 4.6 billion years old that raises some interesting points.
Another factor was the obvious message that has been built into the Moon to tell us it’s artificial.
The language of the message is base ten arithmetic so it looks as though it is directed to a ten digit species that is living on Earth right now – which seems to mean humans.
The question of why the Moon had to be built is easy to answer:
To produce all life, especially humans.
As to who did it – well that’s a lot tougher!
We give the three possibilities we can think of, namely:
The only one of these that is 100% scientifically possible is the last one.
Time travel is universally accepted as being physically possible and a number of scientists are close to sending matter back in time.
We can envisage that machines could be built in the future that could be sent back to remove matter from the young Earth to construct the Moon – probably using mini black hole technology.
The Moon is the eye in the sky to the inhabitants of Earth.
It provides us with the natural tidal cycles which are said to maintain the equilibrium of all species on the planet.
Peculiarly, certain phases of the Moon cycle are even known to affect our moods and emotions.
Most will likely never question the existence or makeup of the Moon as it does its usual routine of lighting up the night sky and circling the planet, however many scientists are not convinced that the narrative of its origin is as ‘solid’ as we are led to believe.
Much controversy exists around the origin and makeup of the Moon today, and one of the largest arguments surrounding the satellite is the solidity (or lack thereof) of its center and the process by which we got our Moon in the first place.
“What in blazes is our Moon doing way out there?
It’s too far out to be a true satellite of Earth, it is too big to have been captured by the Earth.
“The chances of such a capture having been effected and the Moon then having taken up a nearly circular orbit about the Earth are too small to make such an eventuality credible…
“But then, if the Moon is neither a true satellite of the Earth nor a captured one, what is it?” – Isaac Asimov, Asimov on Astronomy, Doubleday, 1974; Mercury Press 1963; also quoted in Don Wilson’s book, Secrets ofOur Mysterious Spaceship Moon (1975).
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Soviet space probes have photographed strange pyramidal structures on the moon's surface - who built them?
Extraterrestrial voices picked up by US astronauts while looking for moon-rock samples - who was responsible for these messages?
Currently there are around 5 widely discussed theories of Moon formation.
They are as follows:
1.) Capture
This theory proposes that the Moon was captured by the gravitational pull of the Earth.
The one main problem is the capture mechanism.
A close encounter with Earth typically results in either collision or altered trajectories.
This hypothesis has difficulty explaining the essentially identical oxygen isotope ratios of the two worlds.
2.) Fission
This theory states that during a time when the Earth was forming and was still molten, the spinning of the planet projected out material which became our moon today.
The Pacific Ocean was supposedly the area where the Moon came from, however this was debunked considering the immaturity of the ocean floor crust and the knowing that the moon formed much longer ago.
3.) Accretion
This hypothesis states that the Earth and the Moon formed together as a double system from the primordial accretion disk of the Solar System.
The problem with this hypothesis is that it does not explain the angular momentum of the Earth-Moon system or why the Moon has a relatively small iron core compared to the Earth (25% of its radius compared to 50% for the Earth).
4.) Georeactor Explosion
A more radical alternative hypothesis, published in 2010, proposes that the Moon may have been formed from the explosion of a georeactor located along the core-mantle boundary at the equatorial plane of the rapidly rotating Earth.
5.) The Giant Impact Theory
This was the most commonly accepted theory up until recently.
This theory suggests that long ago a planetary body the size of Mars crashed into Earth expelling a large piece of mass into space which became our Moon.
While this hypothesis explains many aspects of the Earth-Moon system, there are still a few unresolved problems facing it, such as the Moon’s volatile elements not being as depleted as expected from such an energetic impact.
Another issue is Lunar and Earth isotope comparisons.
In 2011, the most precise measurement yet of the isotopic signatures of lunar rocks was published.
Surprisingly, the Apollo lunar samples carried an isotopic signature identical to Earth rocks, but different from other Solar system bodies.
Since most of the material that went into orbit to form the Moon was thought to come from Theia (the name scientists gave to the impactor), this observation was unexpected.
Theia is a hypothesized ancient planet in the early Solar System that, according to the giant-impact hypothesis, collided with the early Earth around 4.5 billion years ago, with some of the resulting ejected debris gathering to form the Moon. Such a collision, with the two planets' cores and mantles fusing, could explain why Earth's core is larger than expected for a body its size. Theia is hypothesized to have been about the size of Mars and may have formed in the outer Solar System and provided much of Earth's water.
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In 2007, researchers from Caltech showed that the likelihood of Theia having an identical isotopic signature as the Earth was very small (less than 1%).
Published in 2012, an analysis of titanium isotopes in Apollo lunar samples showed that the Moon has the same composition as the Earth which conflicts with the moon forming far from Earth’s orbit.
Unfortunately, none of the previous theories provide the answers to the big questions surrounding the Moon’s origins.
What’s apparent however is the number of strange facts about the Moon which conjure up many ‘hmms’ about its existence.
Let’s take a look at some of them:
1. Moon’s Age:
The Moon is far older than previously expected, maybe even older than the Earth or the Sun.
The oldest age for the Earth is estimated to be 4.6 billion years old; Moon rocks were dated at 5.3 billion years old, and the dust upon which they were resting was at least another billion years older.
Some argue that the Moon may seem older only because its surface never renews itself, whereas the Earth may have rocks that old but have since been recycled through the natural resurfacing of the planet.
Bennett, M., Percy, D. (2001). Dark Moon: Apollo and the Whistle-blowers. (p. 269). Adventures Unlimited Press.
2. Rock’s Origin:
The chemical composition of the dust upon which the rocks sat differed remarkably from the rocks themselves, contrary to accepted theories that the dust resulted from weathering and breakup of the rocks themselves.
Normal planetary composition results in heavier elements in the core and lighter materials at the surface; not so with the Moon.
Don Wilson writes in his book Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon,
“The abundance of refractory elements like titanium in the surface areas is so pronounced that several geologists proposed the refractory compounds were brought to the Moon’s surface in great quantity in some unknown way.
They don’t know how, but that it was done cannot be questioned.”
4. Water Vapor:
On March 7, 1971, lunar instruments placed by the astronauts recorded a vapor cloud of water passing across the surface of the Moon.
The cloud lasted 14 hours and covered an area of about 100 square miles.
This is odd because there is no magnetic field on the Moon itself.
This could not have originated from a “close call” with Earth—such an encounter would have ripped the Moon apart.
There have been many theories that aim to explain this magnetism however they all still sit as theories.
6. Seismic Activity:
Hundreds of “moonquakes” are recorded each year that cannot be attributed to meteor strikes.
In November 1958, Soviet astronomer Nikolay A. Kozyrev of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory photographed a gaseous eruption of the Moon near the crater Alphonsus.
He also detected a reddish glow that lasted for about an hour.
In 1963, astronomers at the Lowell Observatory also saw reddish glows on the crests of ridges in the Aristarchus region.
These observations have proved to be precisely identical and periodical, repeating themselves as the Moon moves closer to the Earth.
These are probably not natural phenomena.
7. Hollow Moon:
The Moon’s mean density is 3.34 gm/cm3 (3.34 times an equal volume of water) whereas the Earth’s is 5.5.
What does this mean?
In 1962, NASA scientist Dr. Gordon MacDonald stated,
“If the astronomical data are reduced, it is found that the data require that the interior of the Moon is more like a hollow than a homogeneous sphere.”
Nobel chemist Dr. Harold Urey suggested the Moon’s reduced density is because of large areas inside the Moon where there is “simply a cavity.”
Harold Clayton Urey ForMemRS (/ˈjʊəri/ YOOR-ee; April 29, 1893 – January 5, 1981) was an American physical chemist whose pioneering work on isotopes earned him the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1934 for the discovery of deuterium. He played a significant role in the development of the atom bomb, as well as contributing to theories on the development of organic life from non-living matter. Born in Walkerton, Indiana, Urey studied thermodynamics under Gilbert N. Lewis at the University of California, Berkeley. After he received his PhD in 1923, he was awarded a fellowship by the American-Scandinavian Foundation to study at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen. He was a research associate at Johns Hopkins University before becoming an associate professor of chemistry at Columbia University. In 1931, he began work with the separation of isotopes that resulted in the discovery of deuterium. During World War II, Urey turned his knowledge of isotope separation to the problem of uranium enrichment. He headed the group located at Columbia University that developed isotope separation using gaseous diffusion. The method was successfully developed, becoming the sole method used in the early post-war period. After the war, Urey became professor of chemistry at the Institute for Nuclear Studies, and later Ryerson professor of chemistry at the University of Chicago. Urey speculated that the early terrestrial atmosphere was composed of ammonia, methane, and hydrogen. One of his Chicago graduate students was Stanley L. Miller, who showed in the Miller–Urey experiment that, if such a mixture were exposed to electric sparks and water, it can interact to produce amino acids, commonly considered the building blocks of life. Work with isotopes of oxygen led to pioneering the new field of paleoclimatic research. In 1958, he accepted a post as a professor at large at the new University of California, San Diego (UCSD), where he helped create the science faculty. He was one of the founding members of UCSD's school of chemistry, which was created in 1960. He became increasingly interested in space science, and when Apollo 11 returned Moon rock samples from the Moon, Urey examined them at the Lunar Receiving Laboratory. Lunar astronaut Harrison Schmitt said that Urey approached him as a volunteer for a one-way mission to the Moon, stating "I will go, and I don't care if I don't come back."
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MIT’s Dr. Sean C. Solomon wrote,
“The Lunar Orbiter experiments vastly improved our knowledge of the Moon’s gravitational field… indicating the frightening possibility that the Moon might be hollow.”
In Carl Sagan’s treatise, Intelligent Life in the Universe, the famous astronomer stated,
“A natural satellite cannot be a hollow object.”
Therefore, the Moon may not be a “natural” satellite at all.
8. Moon Echoes:
On November 20, 1969, the Apollo 12 crew jettisoned the lunar module ascent stage causing it to crash onto the Moon.
The LM’s impact (about 40 miles from the Apollo 12 landing site) created an artificial moonquake with startling characteristics—the Moon reverberated like a bell for more than an hour.
This phenomenon was repeated with Apollo 13 (intentionally commanding the third stage to impact the Moon), with even more startling results.
Seismic instruments recorded that the reverberations lasted for three hours and twenty minutes and traveled to a depth of twenty-five miles, leading to the conclusion that the Moon has an unusually light — or even no — core.
To put it into perspective, when the Earth experiences a large earthquake, the reverberations from the quake usually only last minutes due to the density of the planet.
9. Moon’s Origin:
Before the astronauts’ Moon rocks conclusively disproved the theory, the Moon was believed to have originated when a chunk of Earth broke off eons ago.
Another theory was that the Moon was created from leftover “space dust” remaining after the Earth was created.
Analysis of the composition of moon rocks disproved this theory also.
Another popular theory is that the Moon was somehow “captured” by the Earth’s gravitational attraction.
But no evidence exists to support this theory.
Isaac Asimov, stated,
“It’s too big to have been captured by the Earth.
The chances of such a capture having been affected and the Moon then having taken up nearly circular orbit around our Earth are too small to make such an eventuality credible.”
10. Weird Orbit:
Our Moon is the only Moon in the solar system that has a stationary, near-perfect circular orbit (although it is still elliptical).
Stranger still, the Moon’s center of mass is about 6,000 feet closer to the Earth than its geometric center (which should cause wobbling), but the Moon’s bulge is on the far side of the Moon, away from the Earth.
It seems that “something” must have put the moon in orbit with its precise:
11. Moon Diameter:
How does one explain the “coincidence” that the Moon is just the right distance, coupled with just the right diameter, to completely cover the sun during an eclipse?
Again, Isaac Asimov responds,
“There is no astronomical reason why the moon and the sun should fit so well.
It is the sheerest of coincidences, and only the Earth among all the planets is blessed in this fashion.”
Theories about the moon actually date back thousands of years as various cultures and civilizations discussed the story of how it came to be where it resides today.
An ancient calendar located in the Courtyard of Kalasasaya, Bolivia tells of a time when our moon wasn’t there.
The Kalasasaya (also: Kalassasaya; kala for stone; saya or sayasta for standing up) or Stopped Stones is a major archaeological structure that is part of Tiwanaku, an ancient archeological complex in the Andes of western Bolivia that is designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Kalasasaya is a low platform mound with a large courtyard, which is surrounded by high stone walls. The Kalasasaya is about 120 by 130 meters in dimension and aligned to the cardinal directions. Like the other platform mounds within Tiwanaku, it has a central sunken court. This sunken court can be reached by a monumental staircase through an opening in its eastern wall. The walls are composed of sandstone pillars that alternated with sections of smaller blocks of Ashlar masonry. This wall has been reconstructed in modern times. From 1957-1960 excavations took place at the site where all 4 walls were reconstructed along with the entrance gate. The Kalasasaya dates to at least 200 BCE - 200 CE. It is located to the north of the Akapana and west of the Semi-Subterranean Temple, other structures in the complex.
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Greek authors Aristotle and Plutarch, and Roman authors Apollonius Rhodius and Ovid all wrote of a group of people called the Proselenes who lived in the central mountainous area of Greece called Arcadia.
The Proselenes claimed title to this area because their forebears were there “before there was a moon in the heavens.”
This claim is substantiated by symbols on the wall of the Courtyard of Kalasasaya, near the city of Tiahuanaco, Bolivia, which record that the moon came into orbit around the Earth between 11,500 and 13, 000 years ago, long before recorded history.
Zulu Shaman Credo Mutwa said that Zulu legends believe the Moon to be hollow and the home of the Python or Chitauri, or as David Icke calls them the “Reptilians”, a race of intelligent extraterrestrials.
Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa /ˈkreɪdoʊ ˈmʊtwə/ (21 July 1921 – 25 March 2020) was a Zulu sangoma (traditional healer) from South Africa. He was known as an author of books that draw upon African mythology, traditional Zulu folklore, extraterrestrial encounters and his own personal encounters. His last work was a graphic novel called the Tree of Life Trilogy based on his writings of his most famous book, Indaba my Children. In 2018 he was honored with an USIBA award presented by the South African Department of Arts and Culture, for his work in Indigenous Wisdom. Credo was a sanusi (common spelling isanuse) which is a type of Zulu diviner or sangoma. The term stems from a more historic time and is not widely used today, even in a traditional setting. Credo lived with his wife Virginia in Kuruman, where they ran a hospice clinic.
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The legend states the Moon was brought here hundreds of generations ago by two brothers, Wowane and Mpanku, who were the leaders of these Reptilian extraterrestrials.
(African Zulu legends tell of an extraterrestrial race called the Chitauri who hollowed out a moon and brought it to Earth to use as a hub to oversee the control of the human race.
This legend fits well into the theory of the reptilian-human hybrids which are thought to run our world today).
These two were known as the water brothers and they both had scaly skin like a fish.
This tale is very similar to the Mesopotamia and Sumerian accounts about the two chief leader brothers Enlil and Enki, (Lords of the Earth).
Credo continues telling the Zulu legends of how Wowane and Mpanku stole the Moon in the form of an egg from the “Great Fire Dragon,” and emptied out the yolk until it was hollow.
Then they “rolled” the Moon across the sky to the Earth which brought about cataclysmic events on this planet that ended the “Golden Age” of the past.
Credo Mutwa claims that the Earth was very different then it is now before the Moon had arrived.
There weren’t any seasons, and the planet was perpetually engulfed by a canopy of water vapor.
People did not feel the strong glare of the Sun that we do now, and they could only see it through a watery mist.
The Earth was once a beautiful place, a lovely place, lush and green with giant Redwoods, Violets and Ferns with a gentle drizzle and mist.
The water canopy fell to the Earth as a cataclysm of rain when the Moon was put into place in the Earth’s orbit.
This is symbolized in the Bible when it rains for 40 days and 40 nights.
The arrival of the Moon and the Reptilians changed everything on Earth.
It modified the Earth’s rotation and angle.
The earth turned over on its axis as we are upside down, as the legend says, and brought more powerful tidal systems that once had been much calmer.
Women did not menstruate before the Moon arrived.
Zulus and other native African accounts say the Moon was built far, far, away to keep an eye on people, and as a vehicle to travel the Universe.
Credo says that the Reptilians “Giant Mothership” is the Moon and that’s where they escaped to during the cataclysms of the “Great Flood,” which they had caused by manipulating the Moon and creating other cosmic events.
Could It Be True?
Outrageous as the spacecraft Moon theory might first appear, consider how this model reconciles all the mysteries of the Moon.
It explains why the Moon gives evidence of being older than the Earth and perhaps even our solar system and why there are three distinct layers within the Moon, with the densest materials on the outside layer, as one would expect of the “hull” of a spacecraft would be.
It could also explain why no sign of water has been found on the Moon’s surface, yet there is evidence it exists deep inside.
This theory also would explain the strange maria and mascons, perhaps the remnants of the machinery used to hollow out the Moon.
The idea of an artificial satellite could explain the odd, rhythmic “moon quakes” as artificial constructs reacting the same way during periods of stress from the Earth’s pull.
And artificial equipment beneath the Moon’s surface might be the source of the gas clouds that have been observed.
A scientist called Irwin I. Shapiro who works at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for astrophysics said,
“Looking at all the anomaly’s and unanswered questions about the Moon, the best explanation for the Moon is observational error, it doesn’t exist”
Irwin I. Shapiro is a respected figure in astrophysics, his research includes using gravitational lenses to assess the age of the universe.
The following strange structures and happenings further propagate the mystery surrounding the moon:
1. Ages of Flashes:
Rabbi Levi
and Posidonius all reported anomalous lights on the moon.
Posidonius (/ˌpɒsɪˈdoʊniəs/; Greek: Ποσειδώνιος Poseidṓnios, "of Poseidon") "of Apameia" (ὁ Ἀπαμεύς) or "of Rhodes" (ὁ Ῥόδιος) (c. 135 – c. 51 BC), was a Greek politician, astronomer, astrologer, geographer, historian, mathematician, and teacher native to Apamea, Syria. He was considered the most learned man of his time and, possibly, of the entire Stoic school. After a period learning Stoic philosophy from Panaetius in Athens, he spent many years in travel and scientific research in Spain, Africa, Italy, Gaul, Liguria, Sicily and on the eastern shores of the Adriatic. He settled as a teacher at Rhodes where his fame attracted numerous scholars. Next to Panaetius he did most, by writings and personal lectures, to spread Stoicism to the Roman world, and he became well known to many leading men, including Pompey and Cicero. His works are now lost, but they proved a mine of information to later writers. The titles and subjects of more than twenty of them are known. In common with other Stoics of the middle period, he displayed syncretic tendencies, following not just the earlier Stoics, but making use of the works of Plato and Aristotle. A polymath as well as a philosopher, he took genuine interest in natural science, geography, natural history, mathematics and astronomy. He sought to determine the distance and magnitude of the Sun, to calculate the diameter of the Earth and the influence of the Moon on the tides.
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NASA, one year before the first lunar landing, reported 570+ lights and flashes were observed on the moon from 1540 to 1967.
One of the most curious features ever photographed on the Lunar surface (Lunar Orbiter photograph III-84M) is an amazing spire that rises more than 5 miles from the Sinus Medii region of the lunar surface.
5. The Obelisks:
Lunar Orbiter II took several photographs in November 1966 that showed several obelisks, one of which was more than 150 feet tall.
“… the spires were arranged in precisely the same as the apices of the three great pyramids.”
The subject of the Moon is a touchy one for many.
Any suggestion of the Moon not being what we’ve been told it is usually follows with accusations of “conspiracy” and pseudo-science.
Although there may be many theories that aim to debunk all aspects of this theory, there are too many factors that still don’t add up.
How is it that seemingly unconnected ancient cultures have their own version of the artificial Moon myth?
Why are there unexplained geometric structures on the surface of the Moon which correlate to the structures found in ancient Egypt and other primitive locations on Earth?
How is it that by miraculous “chance” the Moon perfectly eclipses our Sun?
NASA is a government agency; government agencies are known to have a history of information concealment from the general public.
Questioning NASA’s story isn’t ludicrous.
Many speculate that NASA discovered unsettling information when they finally visited the Moon decades ago, information that would have caused a lot of commotion if leaked to the public.
Nevertheless, we are left simply curious, as no one can currently complete the narrative of the Moon’s origin.
We encourage you to think outside of the box in this regard, as history and mainstream science provide only a limited perspective on the matter.
Perhaps George Lucas was on to something after all…
Paper published in the eminent Soviet Journal ‘SPUTNIK’ by Russian scientists Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov, 1970s
Although people long ago began to wonder whether the “canals” on Mars were the creation of cosmic engineers, for some odd reason it has not occurred to look with the same eyes upon the peculiarities of the lunar landscape much closer at hand.
And all the arguments about the possibilities of intelligent life existing on other celestial bodies have been confined to the idea that other civilizations must necessarily live on the surface of a planet, and that the interior as a habitat is out of the question.
Abandoning the traditional paths of “common sense”, we have plunged into what may at first sight seem to be unbridled and irresponsible fantasy.
But the more minutely we go into all the information gathered by man about the Moon, the more we are convinced that there is not a single fact to rule out our supposition.
Not only that, but many things so far considered to be lunar enigmas are explainable in the light of this new hypothesis.
The origin of the Moon is one of the most complicated problems of cosmogony.
So far there have been basically three hypotheses under discussion.
The Moon was once a part of the Earth and broke away from it.
This has now been refuted by the evidence.
The Moon was formed independently from the same cloud of dust and gas as the Earth, and immediately became the Earth’s natural satellite.
But then why is there such a big difference between the specific gravity of the Moon (3.33 grams per cubic centimeter) and that of the Earth (5.5 gr.)?
Furthermore, according to the latest information (analysis of samples brought back by the U.S. Apollo astronauts) lunar rock is not of the same composition as the Earth’s.
The Moon came into being separately, and, moreover, far from the Earth (perhaps even outside the Solar system).
This would mean that the moon would not have to be fashioned from the same “clay” as our own planet.
Sailing through the Universe, the Moon came into Earth’s proximity, and by a complex interplay of forces of gravity was brought within a geocentric orbit, very close to circular.
But a catch of this kind is virtually impossible.
In fact, scientists studying the origin of the Universe today have no acceptable theory to explain how the Earth-Moon system came into being.
The Moon is an artificial Earth satellite put into orbit around the Earth by some intelligent beings unknown to ourselves.
We refuse to engage in speculation about who exactly staged this unique experiment, which only a highly developed civilization was capable of.
If you are going to launch an artificial sputnik, then it is advisable to make it hollow.
At the same time it would be naive to imagine that anyone capable of such a tremendous space project would be satisfied simply with some kind of giant empty trunk hurled into a near-Earth trajectory.
It is more likely that what we have here is a very ancient spaceship, the interior of which was filled with fuel for the engines, materials and appliances for:
repair work
observation equipment
and all manner of machinery…
In other words, everything necessary to enable this “caravelle of the Universe” to serve as a kind of Noah’s Ark of intelligence, perhaps even as the home of a whole civilization envisaging a prolonged (thousands of millions of years) existence and long wanderings through space (thousands of millions of miles).
Naturally, the hull of such a spaceship must be super-tough in order to stand up to the blows of meteorites and sharp fluctuations between extreme heat and extreme cold.
Probably the shell is a double-layered affair–the basis a dense armoring of about 20 miles in thickness, and outside it some kind of more loosely packed covering (a thinner layer — averaging about three miles).
In certain areas — where the lunar “seas” and “craters” are, the upper layer is quite thin, in some cases, non-existent.
Since the Moon’s diameter is 2,162 miles, then looked at from our point of view it is a thin- walled sphere.
And, understandably, not an empty one.
There could be all kinds of materials and equipment on its inner surface.
But the greatest proportion of the lunar mass is concentrated in the central part of the sphere, in its core, which has a diameter of 2,062 miles.
Thus, the distance between the kernel and the shell of this nut is in the region of 30 miles.
This space was doubtless filled with gases required for breathing, and for technological and other purposes.
With such an internal structure the Moon could have an average specific gravity if 3.3 grams per cubic centimeter, which differs considerably from that of Earth (5.5 grams per cubic centimeter).
The most numerous and interesting of the formations on the lunar surface are the craters.
In diameter they vary considerably.
Some are less that a yard across, while others are more than 120 miles (the biggest has a diameter of 148 miles).
How does the Moon come to be so pockmarked?
There are two hypotheses — volcanic and meteoric.
Most scientists vote for the latter.
Kirill Stanyukovich, a Soviet physicist, has written a whole series of works since 1937 in which he expounds the idea that the craters are the result of bombardment of the Moon for millions of years.
And he really means bombardment, for even the smallest celestial body, when it is involved in one of those fastest head-on collisions so common in the cosmos behaves itself like a warhead charged with dynamite, or even an atomic warhead at times.
Instant combustion takes place on impact, turning it into a dense cloud of incandescent gas, into plasma, and there is a very definite explosion.
According to Professor Stanyukovich, a “missile” of a sizable character (say 6 miles in diameter) must, on collision with the Moon, penetrate to a depth equal to 4 or 5 times its own diameter (24-30 miles).
The surprising thing is that however big the meteorites may have been which have fallen on the Moon (some have been more than 60 miles in diameter), and however fast they must have been traveling (in some cases the combined speed was as much as 38 miles per second), the craters they have left behind are for some odd reason all about the same depth, 1.2-2 miles, although they vary tremendously in diameter.
Take that 148-mile diameter crater.
In area it outdoes Hiroshima hundreds of times over.
What a powerful explosion it must have been to send millions of tons of lunar rock fountaining over tens of miles!
On the face of it, one would expect to find a very deep crater here, but nothing of the sort:
there is three miles at the most between top and bottom levels, and one third of that is accounted for by the wall of rock thrown up around the crater like a toothed crown.
For such a big hole, it is too shallow.
Furthermore, the bottom of the crater is convex, following the curve of the lunar surface.
If you were to stand in the middle of the crater you would not even be able to see the soaring edge– it would be beyond the horizon.
A hollow that is more like a hill is a rather strange affair, perhaps.
Not really, if one assumes that when the meteorite strikes the outer covering of the moon, this plays the role of a buffer and the foreign body finds itself up against an impenetrable spherical barrier.
Only slightly denting the 20-mile layer of armour plating, the explosion flings bits of its “coating” far and wide.
Bearing in mind that the Moon’s defense coating is, according to our calculations, 2.5 miles thick, one sees that this is approximately the maximum depth of the craters.
Now let us consider the chemical peculiarities of the lunar rock.
Upon analysis, American scientists have found:
in it.
These are all metals with:
mechanically strong
anti-corrosive properties
A combination of them all would have enviable resistance to heat and the ability to stand up to means of aggression and could be used on Earth for linings for electrical furnaces.
If a material had to be devised to protect a giant artificial satellite from the unfavorable effects of temperature, from cosmic radiation and meteorite bombardment, the experts would probably have hit on precisely these metals.
In that case it is not clear why lunar rock is such an extraordinarily poor heat conductor – a factor which so amazed the astronauts?
Wasn’t that what the designers of the super-sputnik of the Earth were after?
From the engineer's point of view, this spaceship of ages long past which we call the Moon is superbly constructed.
There may be a good reason for its extreme longevity.
It is even possible that it predates our own planet.
At any rate, some pieces of lunar rock have proved older than the oldest on Earth, although it is true, this applies to the age of the materials and not of the structure for which they were used.
And from the number of craters on its surface, the Moon itself is no chicken.
It is, of course, difficult to say when it began to shine in the sky above the Earth, but on the basis of some preliminary estimates one might hazard a guess that it was around two thousand million years ago.
We do not, of course, imagine that the moon is still inhabited, and probably many of its automatic devices have stopped working, too.
The stabilizers have ceased functioning and the poles have shifted.
Even though the moon keeps that same side turned towards us, for some time it has been unsteady on its own axis, on occasion showing us part of its reverse side which were once invisible to observers on the Earth – for example, the Selenites themselves if they made expeditions here.
Time has taken its toll.
Both body and rigging have disintegrated to some extent; some seams on the inner shell evidently diverged.
We assume that the long (up to 940 miles) chains of small craters formerly ascribed to volcanic activity were brought about by eruptions of gas through cracks appearing in the armor plating as a result of accidents.
No doubt one of the most splendid features of the lunarscape — a straight “wall” nearly 500 yards high and over 60 miles long – formed as a result of one of the armor plates bending under the impact of celestial torpedoes and raising one of its straight, even edges.
The Moon’s population presumably took the necessary steps to remedy the effects of meteorite bombardment, for example, patching up rents in the outer shield covering the inner shell.
For such purposes a substance from the lunar core was probably used, a kind a cement being made from it.
After processing this would be piped to the surface sites where it was required.
Not long ago astronomers discovered variations in the gravitational fields near the large “seas”.
We believe the reason to be this: the Moon’s dry seas are in fact areas from which the protective coating was torn from the armor cladding.
To make good the damage to these vast tracts, the installation producing the repair substance would have had to be brought immediately beneath the site so that it could flood the area with its “cement”.
The resulting flat stretches are what look like seas to the terrestrial observer.
The stocks of materials and machinery for doing this are no doubt still where they were, and are sufficiently massive to give rise to these gravitational anomalies.
What is the Moon today?
Is it a colossal necropolis, a “city of the dead,” where some form of life became extinct?
A craft abandoned by its crew and controlled automatically?
We do not know, and we shall not try to guess.
We have put forward in this article only a few of the reasons – unfortunately the evidence is so far only circumstantial – for our hypothesis, which at first glance may appear to be crazy.
A similar “crazy” idea was put forward in 1959 by Professor Iosif Shklovsky, an eminent scientist, in relation to the “moons” circling around Mars.
Iosif Samuilovich Shklovsky (Russian: Ио́сиф Самуи́лович Шкло́вский; sometimes transliterated Josif, Josif, Shklovskii, Shklovskij) (1 July 1916 – 3 March 1985) was a Soviet astronomer and astrophysicist. He is remembered for work in theoretical astrophysics and other topics, as well as for his 1962 book on extraterrestrial life, the revised and expanded version of which was co-authored by American astronomer Carl Sagan in 1966 as Intelligent Life in the Universe. He won the Lenin Prize in 1960 and the Bruce Medal in 1972. Asteroid 2849 Shklovskij and the crater Shklovsky (on the Martian moon Phobos) are named in his honor. He was a Corresponding Member of Soviet Academy of Sciences since 1966.
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After carefully weighing up the evidence he concludes that they are both hollow and therefore artificial satellites.
We feel that the questions we have raised in connection with our Moon provide sufficient food for serious thought on the matter; the result may be the illumination of our many lunar riddles.
Now, of course, we have to wait for direct evidence to support our idea.
Sure, claiming the Moon is artificial might sound crazy, but why does it ring like a bell when struck?
Previous expeditions to the Moon have brought back considerable amount of information, but our planet’s natural satellite still remains mostly a mistery for researchers.
The first man ever invested by NASA to head the Commission of Lunar Exploration, Dr. Jastrow, referred to the Moon as “the Rosetta stone of the planets.”
Many UFOlogists are convinced that the Moon, who everybody believes to be a natural satellite, was in fact built by a more advanced civilization as a study base where they could document the behavior of our species.
Others believe the aliens aren’t that interested in our society as they don’t understand intra-racial violence, so the Moon serves as a simple watchtower that would let them know if mankind would ever try to leave Earth and travel through space.
Moderate theorists say its body is covered by a rocky layer, which could measure more than 3 miles from the surface, sitting on top of a shell, made out of extremely durable chemical components, that could even withstand a large scale impact like with an asteroid or a comet without sustaining much damage.
A NASA researcher named Robin Brett once stated that:
“It seems easier to explain the nonexistence of the Moon than its existence.”
Here are some strange facts that make us believe the Moon was actually built from scratch.
In 1969, the United States built a module for the sole purpose of crashing it into the Moon in order to study the aftereffects.
The estimated power it packed upon impact was said to be that of one thousand Kilograms of TNT.
After the controlled crash, experts observed the waves generated by the shock and were amazed.
The Moon made a sound resembling that of a gigantic bell, and the echo went on for more than half an hour.
Ken Johnson, the man supervising photo and information stated that the Moon also vibrated or “wobbled” in a symmetric manner, “almost as though it had gigantic hydraulic damper struts inside it”.
It is common knowledge that our moon doesn’t have a hard nucleus as other planets or natural satellites do and the mass is concentrated in a number of points, most of which are located at a very low depth.
Another well-known fact is that the Moon is older than 4 and a half billion years, which makes it older than our planet by almost a million years.
It is different from any other satellite known across the universe.
Unlike any other natural satellite, the moon describes a perfect round orbit around the planet it’s circling.
No matter which points you look from, one side of the moon will always be invisible.
Titanium, a very rare and expensive metal on Earth, used for the development of advanced technology (space shuttles or submarines), is found in large and concentrated quantities inside rocks on the moon.
Harold Urey, a Nobel prize winning chemist, is still very confused by this fact.
Strange facts as the ones you’ve just read keep piling up every day, while modern science keeps failing to explain them.
Not only is the amount of information about the moon very scarce, but the percentage of people with access to it is being kept under control.
Scientists have theories about the planetary object’s origins yet all remain mere speculation.
Some researchers disagree with current hypotheses and have proposed an intriguing conclusion.
They argue the moon is an artificial satellite intentionally placed into orbit by advanced extraterrestrials.
“The Moon is bigger than it should be, apparently older than it should be and much lighter in mass than it should be.
It occupies an unlikely orbit and is so extraordinary that all existing explanations for its presence are fraught with difficulties and none of them could be considered remotely watertight.” – Alan Butler, Who Built the Moon?
Another chilling factor is its chemical composition.
Cosmonauts attempted to drill into several craters but could barely penetrate the surface.
After multiple failed boring attempts, metallurgists performed extensive tests on the materials.
Analysis led to a startling conclusion: the elements were not naturally occurring.
comprise the ethereal sphere — compounds often utilized in architectural design.
Structures On The Surface
On November 23, 1966, a manned orbiter took photographs of the lunar surface.
Shockingly, six enormous megalithic structures were captured on film.
It was a groundbreaking discovery that made the front page of newspapers including LA Times and Washington Post.
The monoliths feature incredible geometric precision and unnatural right angles.
Researchers estimate the towers could be taller than skyscrapers found on Earth.
Russian space engineer, Alexander Abramov, studied these perplexing images and noted the spire’s arrangement accurately matched the Great Pyramids of Giza.
Although the satellite is a quarter of Earth’s eight-thousand-mile diameter, it only has 1.2% of the mass.
Four moons should theoretically be equivalent to one Earth.
In reality, it would take over eighty-one moons to produce our world’s total mass.
Two Russian scientists, Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov, found this fact more than unsettling.
In 1970 they risked their entire careers when they published an article in a major magazine titled Is the Moon the Creation of Alien Intelligence?
After years of examination, both men concluded the moon was placed in orbit eons ago by sentient beings currently unknown to society.
In their writings, they state: “If higher life only developed on Earth because the Moon is exactly what it is, and where it is, it becomes irrational to cling to the idea that it is a natural object.”
Mathematical Components
Examining the geometrical and mathematical aspects of the:
Kelli Coffee confirms the multitude of control systems that are run from the moon including
mind control
weather control
etc.… see what YOU can do NOW to do your part in lifting the veil and freeing humanity.
First, I want to congratulate you all for not falling for the deception that has been so carefully laid out in front of you.
You are creator beings who are currently dealing with manipulative beings that cannot create, but only manipulate what already exists.
These beings have infiltrated:
and the media.
If you are paying attention, they are not using force to carry out their plans, but suggestion and trickery, not unlike the blue guy attempted when I died.
They are putting their ideal outcome in front of you in the form of:
tv programs
news casts
religious texts
and social systems.
They have created deities who are really your slave masters and have put them so high on a pedestal that you can’t tell they are actually evil, draining the life out of you to feed and nourish their very existence.
Without us they cannot exist.
They have carefully studied humans to be able to manipulate them to create whatever they want.
That is UNTIL NOW!
A revolution is taking place.
This is not a violent one.
It is not even physical.
It’s a revolution of the mind.
Assume everything you have learned your whole life is false and was presented to you in an attempt to guide and manipulate you to their end game.
Take the moon for example.
Why do stars shine through the dark part of the moon, and the sun shines through the moon during an eclipse?
It’s because the moon is a spaceship that is crystalline in nature, and the hologram imposed on the surface can’t block out the light. Just like it is a hologram, the hologram you are in also cannot block out your light.
You deserve a huge pat on the back for making it through this past year.
Most of the population was scheduled to be destroyed this past year.
The manipulators are off schedule because of you, and your resistance to their programming.
Waking up was only the first step.
You have to discover that you are infinite light and have the power to do anything.
You must hold this power close to you, and only use it to help this planet and mankind.
Do not give this power away to those who want to continue to create fear for their food source.
You have realized that passages in the bible like “There will always be wars and rumors of wars” is merely a suggestion.
You have replaced your own self talk to “There will always be peace and rumors of peace.”
By doing so you have created that reality.
The controllers of this reality are struggling right now to maintain control.
Glitches and holes in the matrix are easily being seen now by those who have been deeply asleep.
The matrix is malfunctioning and is falling apart.
Because of this huge shift in energy, you are seeing people die, commit suicide or commit acts of violence.
Do not let this distract you from why you came here.
You came to liberate not only this planet, but the system that controls a huge sector of this universe.
The controllers have worked so hard to keep you not only asleep but distanced from your true history.
You have been manipulated through time travel, but now you are understanding you have the ability to time travel right now and go back to correct the wrongs that have been done.
One of the most important things we can do at this time is to disable the moon.
It controls every aspect on this planet.
When that happens there will be a mass awakening.
When people awaken from their slumber, they will immediately know what to do to reverse the control that is on this planet.
They will instantly remember why they came here.
David Icke talks about the hollow moon theory and the Matrix of control:
In ancient writings and traditions one can find proof of a time when the moon did not exist.
Democritus and Anaxagoras mention that there was a time when no moon could be seen in the night skies.
In describing the history of the Greek region of Arcadia, Aristotle writes that the Pelasgians lived in the area since very old times; at a time when the moon did not exist.
Apollonios from Rhodes mentions something similar; he talks about a time when not all of the celestial objects existed in the sky; before the time of Deucalion’s and Pyrrha’s generation (before the cataclysm); when the moon did not exist and the only humans that existed were the Pelasgians living on the mountains of Arcadia (region in Greece).
These inhabitants of Arcadia where also known as Proselenes (meaning “those that were before moon” in Greek).
In Plutarch’s work “Morals” we find the following:
“There were Arcadians of Evander’s following, the so-called pre-Lunar people.”
Similarly, Ovid wrote:
“The Arcadians are said to have possessed their land before the birth of Zeus, and the folk is older than the Moon.”
Stephanus of Byzantium wrote:
“Arcadians and females, both exist before the moon”.
Evidence has also been found in other parts of the world.
In Bolivia symbols on the wall of the courtyard of Kalasasaya (built in 13,000 BC) provide evidence that the moon came into orbit around the Earth at a specific moment in time thousands of years ago, long before what mainstream historians refer to as recorded history.
Moreover, the calendar gate in the same site provides evidence that a smaller satellite once rotated around the Earth.
The oral traditions of Colombian Indians of the Bogota highlands in the eastern Corldilleras of Colombia refer to a time before the moon.
“In the earliest times, when the moon was not yet in the heavens,” say the tribesmen of Chibchas (1).
Africa also provides its own evidence.
According to Zulu legend, the moon was brought hundreds of generations ago by two brothers of alien form, Wowane and Mpanku.
What does all this mean?
The ancient memory of an Earth inhabited by humans without a moon has passed from generations to generations forming the traditions of numerous civilizations.
How did the moon get there?
Reference: 1. A. von Humboldt, Vues des Cordilléres (1816), English transl.: Research Concerning the Institutions and Monuments of the Ancient Inhabitants of America, (1814), vol. I, p. 87; cf. H. Fischer,In mondener Welt (1930), p. 145
The Earth Without the Moon
The period when the Earth was Moonless is probably the most remote recollection of mankind.
Democritus and Anaxagoras taught that there was a time when the Earth was without the Moon.
Source: Hippolytus, Refutatio Omnium Haeresium V. ii.
Aristotle wrote that Arcadia in Greece, before being inhabited by the Hellenes, had a population of Pelasgians, and that these aborigines occupied the land already before there was a moon in the sky above the Earth; for this reason, they were called Proselenes.
Source: Aristotle, fr. 591 (ed. V. Rose [Teubner:Tuebingen, 1886] ). Cf. Pauly’s Realencyclopaedie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft,article “Mond” ; H. Roscher, Lexicon d. griech. und roemisch. Mythologie, article “Proselenes.”
Apollonius of Rhodes mentioned the time “when not all the orbs were yet in the heavens, before the Danai and Deukalion races came into existence, and only the Arcadians lived, of whom it is said that they dwelt on mountains and fed on acorns, before there was a moon.”
Source: Argonautica IV.264.
Plutarch wrote in The Roman Questions:
“There were Arcadians of Evander’s following, the so-called pre-Lunar people.”
Source: Plutarch, Moralia, transl. by F. C. Babbit, sect. 76.
Similarly wrote Ovid:
“The Arcadians are said to have possessed their land before the birth of Jove, and the folk is older than the Moon.”
Source: Fasti, transl. by Sir J. Frazer, II. 290.
Hippolytus refers to a legend that “Arcadia brought forth Pelasgus, of greater antiquity than the moon.”
Source: Refutatio Omnium Haeresium V. ii.
Lucian in his Astrology says that “the Arcadians affirm in their folly that they are older than the moon.”
Source: Lucian, Astrology, transl. by A. M. Harmon (1936), p. 367, par. 26.
Censorinus also alludes to the time in the past when there was no moon in the sky.
Source: Liber de die natali 19; also scholium on Aristophanes’ Clouds, line 398.
Some allusions to the time before there was a Moon may be found also in the Scriptures.
In Job 25:5 the grandeur of the Lord who “Makes peace in the heights” is praised and the time is mentioned “before [there was] a moon and it did not shine.”
Also in Psalm 72:5 it is said:
“Thou wast feared since [the time of] the sun and before [the time of] the moon, a generation of generations.”
A “generation of generations” means a very long time.
Of course, it is of no use to counter this psalm with the myth of the first chapter of Genesis, a tale brought down from exotic and earlier sources.
The memory of a world without a moon, lives on in oral tradition among the Indians.
The Indians of the Bogota highlands in the eastern Cordilleras of Colombia relate some of their tribal reminiscences to the time before there was a moon.
“In the earliest times, when the moon was not yet in the heavens,” say the tribesmen of Chibchas.
Source: A. von Humboldt, Vues des Cordillères (1816), English transl.: Research Concerning the Institutions and Monuments of the Ancient Inhabitants of America, (1814), vol. I, p. 87; cf. H. Fischer, In mondener Welt (1930), p. 145.
There are currently three theories of the origin of the moon:
1) The Moon originated at the same time as the Earth, being formed substantially from the same material, aggregating and solidifying.
2) The Moon was formed not in the vicinity of the Earth, but in a different part of the solar system, and was later captured by the Earth.
3) The Moon was originally a portion of the terrestrial crust and was torn out, leaving behind the bed of the Pacific.
All three theories claim the presence of the Moon on an orbit around the Earth for billions of years.
Mythology may supply each of these views with some support (Genesis I for the first view; the birth of Aphrodite from the sea for the third view; Aphrodite’s origin in the disruption of Uranus, and also the violence of Sin—the Babylonian Moon—seems to support the second view).
Since mankind on both sides of the Atlantic preserved the memory of a time when the Earth was without the Moon, the first hypothesis, namely, of the Moon originating simultaneously with the Earth and in its vicinity, is to be excluded, leaving the other two hypotheses to compete between themselves.
We have seen that the traditions of diverse peoples offer corroborative testimony to the effect that in a very early age, but still in the memory of mankind, no moon accompanied the Earth.
Source: [In addition to the sources cited above, cf. The Nihongi Chronicles of Japan (I.ii, in Transactions and Proceedings of the Japanese Society,vol. I [1896]) which recount how “Heaven and Earth . . . produced the Moon-god.” The Kalevala of the Finns recalls a time “when the Moon was placed in orbit.” (Rune III.35)]
Since human beings already peopled the Earth, it is improbable that the Moon sprang from it:
there must have existed a solid lithosphere, not a liquid earth.
Thus, while I do not claim to know the origin of the Moon, I find it more probable that the Moon was captured by the Earth.
Such an event would have occurred as a catastrophe.
Source: [Cf. the effects of such an event on the Earth’s rotation calculated by H. Gerstenkorn in Zeitschrift fuer Astrophysik, 36 (1955), p. 245; cf. idem, in Mantles of the Earth and the Terrestrial Planets, S. K. Runcorn ed., (New York, 1967); also idem in Icarus 9 (1968), p. 394.]
If the Moon’s formation took place away from the Earth, its composition may be quite different.
Source: [Cf. H. Alfven and G. Arrhenius, “Two Alternatives for the History of the Moon,” Science 165 (1969), 11ff.; S. F. Singer and L. W. Banderman, “Where was the Moon Formed?” Science 170 (1970), 438-439: “ . . . The moon was formed independently of the earth and later captured, presumably by a three-body interaction, and these events were followed by the dissipation of the excess energy through tidal friction in a close encounter.”
More recently, a study of lunar paleotides has shown that “the Moon could not have been formed in orbit around the Earth” (A. J. Anderson, “Lunar Paleotides and the Origin of the Earth-Moon System,” The Moon and the Planets, 19 [1978], 409-417).
Because of a certain degree of instability in the Sun-Earth-Moon system, “the planetary origin and capture of the Moon by the Earth becomes a strong dynamic possibility.” (V. Szebehely and R. McKenzie, “Stability of the Sun-Earth-Moon System,” The Astronomical Journal 82 (1977), 303ff.].
There is no evidence to suggest whether the Moon was a planet, a satellite of another planet, or a comet at the time of its capture by the Earth.
Whatever atmosphere it may have had was pulled away by the Earth, by other contacting bodies, or dissipated in some other way.
Source: [Cf. Yu. B. Chernyak, “On Recent Lunar Atmosphere,” Nature, 273 (15 June, 1978), pp. 497ff.
The author found “strong theoretical evidence of a considerable atmosphere on the Moon during the greater part of its history.”]
Since the time the Moon began to accompany the Earth, it underwent the influence of contacts with comets and planets that passed near the Earth in subsequent ages.
The mass of the Moon being less than that of the Earth, the Moon must have suffered greater disturbances in cosmic contacts.
During these contacts the Moon was not carried away: this is due to the fact that no body more powerful than the Earth came sufficiently close to the Moon to take it away from the Earth for good; but in the contacts that took place the Moon was removed repeatedly from one orbit to another.
The variations in the position of the Moon can be read in the variations in the length of the month.
The length of the month repeatedly changed in subsequent catastrophic events—and for this there exists a large amount of supporting evidence. In these later occurrences the Moon played a passive role, and Zeus in the Iliad advised it (Aphrodite) to stay out of the battle in which Athene and Ares (Venus and Mars) were the main contestants.