Preston Nichols

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Preston Nichols, was born in Long Island, New York, in 1946. He received degrees in Parapsychology, Psychology, and Electrical Engineering.
After graduating, he went into Defense Electronics and worked at Brookhaven and AIL. In 1968, Preston's involvement with Montauk began. He became involved with the tail end of stealth research at AIL. Preston was told that stealth research started right after the Philadelphia Experiment. (check for Montauk books HERE)

Preston claims to have actually read the final report of Project Rainbow - which we know as the Philadelphia Experiment. The report named the Cameron brothers as being the Navy liaison in the experiment. Next, he got pulled into the mind sciences project at Montauk. They were working on interfacing a person's mind to the computer.

Preston worked with Al Bielek on the psychic aspects of the Montauk Chair and the Montauk Boys program. Preston trained the Montauk Boys to be "PSI Warriors". The Montauk Chair used subtle quantum fields to read a person's thoughts. A psychic would lay in the chair, go into a trance, and a group of coils pick the emanations. A bank of radio receivers designed by Tesla would pick up and digitize the thought. Turning thought into computer code. The radar tower was used to turn thought into reality.

This chair was used for many purposes. One was to open up a vortex for time travel. Another was to collect and amplify the energy of fear generated from the Montauk Boys. Many Montauk Boys were lost forever to this program.
Preston still believes he is periodically pulled into working with these secret programs. The people who abduct him don't seem to care too much that he is talking about his experience.
More about Preston Nichols HERE