BOOKS: Xaviant Haze

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Aliens in Ancient Egypt: The Brotherhood of the Serpent and the Secrets of the Nile Civilization

Xaviant Haze - Aliens in Ancient Egypt_ The Brotherhood of the Serpent and the Secrets of the Nile Civilization-Bear & Company (2013).pdf 65.2 MB View full-size Download

The alien influences behind the rise and fall of Egypt’s Golden Age

Explains how Akhenaten was the last pharaoh entrusted with the sacred and ancient alien knowledge of:

  • stargates
  • free energy
  •  antigravity technologies

Reveals how the Brotherhood of the Snake, a secret society of reptilian aliens, sought to destroy Akhenaten and suppress the sacred knowledge of the pharaohs.

Explores the original purpose of the pyramids--to transmit energy to expand consciousness--and how they were decommissioned after the Great Flood.

The sophisticated civilization of ancient Egypt arose seemingly overnight, complete with advanced levels of:

  • art
  • agriculture
  • astronomy

and physics. 

Then, with the death of Pharaoh Akhenaten, much of this higher knowledge was lost--or suppressed. 

But evidence of this former Golden Age, the alien visitors behind its rise, and those behind its decline still exists--some of it in plain sight.

Examining the purposefully obscured reign of Akhenaten and Nefertiti, Xaviant Haze explains how they represent the last dynasty with access to the sacred knowledge of:

  • stargates
  • free energy
  • antigravity technologies

knowledge handed down from an advanced interstellar race in the remote past.

He reveals how the reptilian race known as the Shemsu Hor infiltrated the Egyptian priesthood and banking systems and formed the Brotherhood of the Snake--a secret society set on destroying Akhenaten’s flourishing kingdom and suppressing the sacred knowledge of the pharaohs.

Haze examines the evidence of aliens in ancient Egypt, such as the reptilian beings depicted in the Temple of Hathor and Thutmose III’s alien encounter.

He shows how Akhenaten, and his family are always portrayed with elongated skulls and explores the connection between ancient aliens and Mars, including the Martian materials used in Egyptian monuments.

He explains the original purpose of the pyramids--to transmit uplifting energy throughout the planet to help expand consciousness--and explores how they were decommissioned after the Great Flood of prehistory.

He reveals how the original builders of the pyramids foresaw humanity’s fall from the Golden Age and strategically encoded these magnificent structures to wake humanity from the depths of the Dark Ages.

Aliens in Ancient Egypt: The Brotherhood of the Serpent and the Secrets of the Nile Civilization - Anna’s Archive (

Ancient Giants: History, Myth, and Scientific Evidence from around the World

Ancient-Giants_-History_-Myth_-and-Scientific-Evidence-from-around-the-World-Xaviant-Haze-Original-r.pdf 18.2 MB View full-size Download

Investigates physical evidence, history, and myths to reveal the lost race of giants that once dominated the world.

Reveals suppressed archaeological and scientific discoveries supporting the existence of a worldwide race of giants.

Examines giant myths and legends from ancient religious texts and literature from around the world.

Includes findings from throughout Europe:

  • Britain
  • France
  • Spain
  • Italy
  • Germany

and Russia.

The Middle East:

  • Israel
  • Egypt
  • Syria
  • Iraq

and Iran.

  • Africa
  • Australia
  • New Zealand

and the Far East:

  • China
  • Japan
  • Malaysia

and the Philippines.

From the Nephilim and Goliath in the Bible to the Titans in Greek mythology and the Fomorians and Frost Giants in Celtic and Nordic lore, almost every culture around the world has spoken of an ancient race of giants. 

Giant footprints left in the geological bedrock, tens of thousands of years old, have been discovered in India, China, and the war-torn lands of Syria. 

Giant bones and full skeletons have been found in:

  • Europe
  • the Middle East
  • Africa
  • Australia

and Asia.

Yet despite mounting evidence, mainstream science continues to consign these findings to the fringe.


  • global myths
  • historical records
  • megalithic ruins

and archaeological findings, Xaviant Haze provides compelling evidence for a lost race of giants in Earth’s prehistory. 

He explores myths that go back thousands of years, including those found in the world’s holiest scriptures, as well as medieval and modern myths, such as Geoffrey of Monmouth’s account of the first kings of Britain and the stories of giant bones unearthed by Allied soldiers during World War II. 

He investigates historical reports of ancient giants found in Ireland and the British Isles—the remains of which mysteriously disappeared shortly after their discovery. 

He explores the legends of giants in Russia and goes deep into the Far East, revealing the multitude of fascinating giant legends in China. 

Haze explains how giants were responsible for the megalithic wonders of Malta and how the early settlers of Australia discovered the remains of giants, but these findings were suppressed by the Royal Academies. 

He also explores the mythic origins of the giants: Were they the hybrid results from genetic experiments of ancient aliens or from the interbreeding of the fallen angels with the daughters of man?

Covering legends and finds from throughout:

  • Europe
  • the Middle East
  • Africa
  • Australia
  • New Zealand

and the Far East, Haze also presents--in its entirety--The Book of Giants, a portion of the Dead Sea Scrolls suppressed due to its overwhelming support for the existence of giants in antiquity.

Ancient Giants: History, Myth, and Scientific Evidence from around the World - Anna’s Archive (

The Suppressed History of American Banking: How Big Banks Fought Jackson, Killed Lincoln & Caused the Civil War

Xaviant Haze - The Suppressed History of American Banking_ How Big Banks Fought Jackson, Killed Lincoln, and Caused the Civil War-Simon and Schuster (2016).pdf 8.53 MB View full-size Download

Reveals how the Rothschild Banking Dynasty fomented war and assassination attempts on 4 presidents in order to create the Federal Reserve Bank.

Explains how the Rothschild family began the War of 1812 because Congress failed to renew a 20-year charter for their Central Bank as well as how the ensuing debt of the war forced Congress to renew the charter.

Details Andrew Jackson’s anti-bank presidential campaigns, his war on Rothschild agents within the government, and his successful defeat of the Central Bank.

Reveals how the Rothschilds spurred the Civil War and were behind the assassination of Lincoln.

In this startling investigation into the suppressed history of America in the 1800s, Xaviant Haze reveals how the powerful Rothschild banking family and the Central Banking System, now known as the Federal Reserve Bank, provide a continuous thread of connection between the War of 1812, the Civil War, the financial crises of the 1800s, and assassination attempts on Presidents Jackson and Lincoln.

The author reveals how the War of 1812 began after Congress failed to renew a 20-year charter for the Central Bank.

After the war, the ensuing debt forced Congress to grant the central banking scheme another 20-year charter.

The author explains how this spurred General Andrew Jackson--fed up with the central bank system and Nathan Rothschild’s control of Congress--to enter politics and become president in 1828.

Citing the financial crises engineered by the banks, Jackson spent his first term weeding out Rothschild agents from the government.

After being re-elected to a 2nd term with the slogan “Jackson and No Bank,” he became the only president to ever pay off the national debt.

When the Central Bank’s charter came up for renewal in 1836, he successfully rallied Congress to vote against it.

The author explains how, after failing to regain their power politically, the Rothschilds plunged the country into Civil War.

He shows how Lincoln created a system allowing the U.S. to furnish its own money, without need for a Central Bank, and how this led to his assassination by a Rothschild agent.

With Lincoln out of the picture, the Rothschilds were able to wipe out his prosperous monetary system, which plunged the country into high unemployment and recession and laid the foundation for the later formation of the Federal Reserve Bank--a banking scheme still in place in America today.

The Suppressed History of American Banking_ How Big Banks Fought Jackson, Killed Lincoln & Caused the Civil War - Anna’s Archive (

The Suppressed History of America: The Murder of Meriwether Lewis and His Mysterious Discoveries

Paul Schrag, Xaviant Haze, Michael Tsarion - The Suppressed History of America_ The Murder of Meriwether Lewis and the Mysterious Discoveries of the Lewis and Clark Expedition-Bear & Company (2011).pdf 1.45 MB View full-size Download

Lewis and Clark discovered far more than the history books tell.

They found evidence that the American continent was visited long before Columbus.

They uncovered evidence of early explorers from Europe and Asia, strange monuments, ''nearly white, blue-eyed'' Indians, the fountain of youth, and even a long-extinct race of giants. 

Verifying stories from Lewis's journals with modern archaeological finds, geological studies, 18th- and 19th-century newspapers, and accounts of the world in the days of Columbus, the authors reveal that Lewis and Clark's finds threatened powerful interests in Washington, including the Smithsonian Institution and culminated in Lewis's murder.


''Authors Schrag and Haze teach a fascinating lesson in what we will never be taught but what every American should know.''

(Edward F. Malkowski, author of Sons of God Daughters of Men, Before the Pharaohs, The Spiritual Technology of Ancient...

Secrets of Orgy Island: The Unauthorized Biography of Jeffrey Epstein

Secrets of Orgy Island_ The Unauthorized Biography of Jeffrey Epstein -- Xaviant Haze -- 2019 -- Alima Press -- 2ac8f98eab3ed55b995ea7b8b45bb307 -- Anna’s Archive.pdf 6.09 MB View full-size Download