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Bionics, Transhumanism, and the End of Evolution

CFR Discusses a Future with "Humans 2.0" and "Autonomous Robots"

by Council on Foreign Relations May 23, 2014

Join CFR 'experts' as they discuss recent technological innovations and the role they play in the policymaking environment.


Joel Garreau, Principal, The Garreau Group; Author, Radical Evolution: The Promise and Peril of Enhancing Our Minds, Our Bodies, and What It Means to Be Human

Michael Rogers, Founder, Practical Futurist; Futurist-in-Residence, New York Times Company


Lee Brenner, Cofounder and Publisher,

Technology, Policymaking, and the Future

Cry for Freedom - Why Cyborgs won't save the World

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November 07, 2022, from StopWorldControl Website

This film contains
the most important message
humanity has to hear in our time...

Submitting humanity to the rule of elite cyborgs

'Cry for Freedom' reveals the officially promoted agenda of globalist organizations to create a new species of "humanoids" or "cyborgs":
humans that will be genetically engineered and technologically enhanced, to greatly increase their physical and mental abilities.
These cyborgs will become the new masters of this world, they say.

According to the World Economic Forum, the difference between these humanoids (created by the elites) and the original humans (created by God) will be similar to the difference between humans today and chimpanzees.
There will come a separation between humanity (homo sapiens) and this new species (homo deus). "Deus" is Latin for "god".
The reason they name this new species homo deus, is because they literally believe they will become gods.

They claim this new species of "homo deus" will save the world.

The rest of humanity will be considered a lower life form, a useless class, animals without value, equal to chimpanzees.
These are their own exact words, that you can hear in the film 'Cry for Freedom'.
Their insane idea is being pushed worldwide, among the wealthiest and most powerful, through the World Economic Forum and the financial tyrants who run the:


'Cry for Freedom' exposes their agenda, in order to protect humanity from this hellish plan.

I know many of you are busy with other things, but please - take some time to watch this. It will blow you away.
Share it far and wide. The whole world must see this.
We have to wake up and rise up to resist this nefarious plan...!


Now and Zen - Zen Gardner talks to David Icke

Obsolete - Mini Documentary (2016)

by Truthstream Media May 01, 2017

The Future Doesn't Need Us… Or So We've Been Told...

With the rise of technology and the real-time pressures of an online, global economy, humans will have to be very clever - and very careful - not to be left behind by the future.

From the perspective of those in charge, human labor is losing its value, and people are becoming a liability.

This documentary reveals the real motivation behind the secretive effort to reduce the population and bring resource use into strict, centralized control.

Could it be that the biggest threat we face isn't just automation and robots destroying jobs, but the larger sense that humans could become obsolete altogether?

Synthetic Biology - The Potential and The problems of Re-Engineering Life - Prof. Jamie Davies

The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology - From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life

by IonUCanada October 11, 2011

As the natural world dies around us, what will take its place?
Planetary engineering includes bioremediation measures to bring us genetically engineered trees and crops. And what of humans themselves? How are we being transformed from the inside out?

Presented at Conspiracy Con 2011, this 1 hour power point presentation by Sofia Smallstorm introduces primary and scientific findings hidden in the muffles of mainstream alternative media.

People around the world are observing aerosol spraying (also called "chemtrials") and strange man-made clouds. White skies filter sunlight as trees around the country sicken and die.
Soil and water tests high for heavy metals, and artificial fibres fall on us from the sky.

  • Is aerosol spraying only about experimenting with weather?
  • What do the self-replicating fibres found in Morgellons patients signify?
  • Why are engineered materials being found in airborne environmental samples?

All this suggests a planetary engineering program that is affecting and targeting all living things.
Synthetic biology is science's most exciting new frontier, combining genetics, robotics and nano-technology with artificial intelligence, hybridizing natural forms and engineering tissues beyond our wildest dreams.
The technology explosion is skyrocketing, and artificial intelligence will soon surpass our own capabilities.

  • How will our world be organized then?
  • Will we turn ourselves over to machines?
  • Or will we have become technological hybrids ourselves?

These People Do Not Exist

Trance-Formation - Exposing The Meme That Enslaves Society

by Max Igan April 22, 2012

How powerful is a social meme?
The control over the belief of society is the control over the members of that society. The means by which control is exerted means less than the strength of the control.

By tapping into our base needs, humanity is more easily forced into this “hamster on a wheel” existence. We are completely out of sync with our environment. We are too busy keeping up with the conditions set forth before us to question why we need any of this at all.

A social meme is the dictator that runs society alone for a social meme transfers the burden of oversight to the one that is controlled. This amazing film explains just how insidious and overwhelmingly power our social memes are.
And the methodology by which we “freely choose” to pursue the life that is dictated to us from birth.

Xenobots 3.0 - Living Robots that can Reproduce

The scientists behind the Xenobots participated in a live panel discussion on December 1, 2021
to discuss the latest developments in their research.

Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard University