Multimedia: Barack Obama

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Barack Obama - The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

|  -  Bush and Obama - Age of Terror - Untold History of United States - Oliver Stone
|  -  Bush y Obama - La Era del Terror - La Historia No Contada de Estados Unidos - Oliver Stone
|  -  Capitalismo - Historia de Un Romance - Capitalism - A Love Story
|  -  CIA Officer Explains New World Order's Demise |
|  -  Collateral Murder - Wikileaks |
|  -  Did The U.S. Government Plan The Earthquake in Haiti? |
|  -  Dirty Wars - Jeremy Scahill and Rick Rowley's New Film Exposes Hidden Truths of Covert U.S. Warfare
|  -  Fall of The Republic - The Presidency of Barack H. Obama |
|  -  Gray State 2013 - America's Last Chance for Liberty |
|  -  How To Buy A Politician |
|  -  Is Fast and Furious Obama's Watergate? |
|  -  Judge Andrew Napolitano - "It's Time to Change Our Government!!"
|  -  Kids Attack President Obama |
|  -  Lisa M. Harrison Interviews 1980-83 CIA Jumproom Experiencer William Brett Stillings
|  -  Los Hombres Detrás de Barack Obama |
|  -  NASA-Kennedy-Obama Connection to 2012 |
|  -  National Security is A Myth - Patrick Wood Report |
|  -  Obama - A Legacy of Ashes |
|  -  Obama and The Agenda to Destroy America... - David Icke |
|  -  Obama and The War Criminals
|  - "Obama - El Gran Engaño" - de Alex Jones |
|  -  Obama's H1N1 National Emergency Declaration |
|  -  Obama - Things Are Not Always What They Seem - Adrian Salbuchi
|  -  President Obama, Do The Right Thing! - Appointing Pro-Israeli Hawks Isn't Change We Can Believe In
|  -  Putin Checkmates Obama on New World Order WWIII
|  -  Rothschild's Choice |
|  -  Sen. Joe Biden - "I Am a Zionist" |
|  -  The Hyperdimensional Election of Barack Obama and 2012 |
|  -  The Men Behind Barack Obama |
|  -  The Most State Censored Citizen Film Ever |
|  -  The NASA-Kennedy-Obama Connection to 2012 |
|  -  The Obama Deception |
|  -  The Trilateral Commission - Analysis by Patrick Wood |
|  -  Unintended Consequences - Hyperinflation |
|  -  Unraveling The Soetoro-Obama Deception - Unicus Radio |
|  -  War of The Rich |
|  -  What Happened to Strauss-Kahn, Was No Accident - New Political Shift in Progress...
|  -  Who is Zbigniew Brzezinski? - Obama's Adviser |
|  -  Zbigniew Brzezinski Endorse Obama Presidential Candidacy |