The Magickal Properties of Color

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  • absorbs
  • conceals


  • confusion and chaos
  • new beginnings
  • knowledge of hidden things

the container of light, one of the most powerful of colors.

Use black for:

  • self-control
  • endurance
  • patience 

It can be used also for:

  • protection
  • binding negative forces
  • breaking up obstacles and blocks

reversing and breaking up negative thoughtforms.

THOUGHTFORMS – Library of Rickandria 

Best when applied to others.

Black rules over:

  • the base chakra
  • the planet Saturn
  • the element of earth

and in the original religions, it signified new beginnings.

Gods & Religions Across Planet Earth – Library of Rickandria

In Satanic alchemy, black represents the step of void meditation and transformation.

Satanism: Far East Origins – Library of Rickandria

Black Magick:

Creates confusion and chaos, to bring discord and confusion to enemies.

BLACK MAGICK – Library of Rickandria


Eiffel-65-Blue-(Da-Ba-Dee)-[Gabry-Ponte-Ice-Pop Mix].mp4 11.9 MB View full-size Download

  • Truths
  • wisdom
  • protection
  • inner peace
  • loyalty
  • occult power

and expansion. 

Jupiter rules royal blue:

  • Luck
  • expansion
  • abundance
  • long distance travel
  • higher education
  • legal matters
  • taxes
  • (use with green) investments
  • foundations
  • prosperity

and opportunity.

  • Spirituality
  • summoning Demons
  • healing, inspiration
  • devotion
  • serenity
  • sincerity and truth
  • fidelity
  • inner peace
  • knowledge and wisdom
  • harmony in the home
  • occult power

and expansion.

Blue rules over the throat chakra.

VISHUDDI: The Throat Chakra – Library of Rickandria

Blue is of the water element.

Black Magick: 

For inciting:

  • depression
  • sadness
  • hopelessness
  • lack of sympathy
  • coldness

and gloom.


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Communicating with nature spirits and for grounding and centering oneself. 

Brown is used in spells for:

  • solidity
  • neutrality
  • practicality

For working with brown energy, the feet chakras are used.

Energy should be absorbed from the earth through the feet chakras.

Grounding – Library of Rickandria

Black Magick: 

Brown is used for inciting:

  • indecision
  • hesitancy
  • sadness
  • dullness

and uncertainty.


  • Great Fortune
  • intuition
  • understanding
  • divination
  • fast luck
  • financial benefits

I believe gold attracts larger sums of money (use green with shimmering gold for money meditation.)

Gold is used for:

  • healing
  • happiness
  • authority
  • reputation
  • honor

and personal power.

Use gold for:

  • confidence
  • fame
  • success in gambling
  • pleasure
  • securing popularity/charisma
  • increasing health and vitality
  • healing
  • protection
  • success

and magickal power.

WITCHCRAFT – Library of Rickandria

Gold is one of the most powerful of the colors.

Gold for Humans & Others… – Library of Rickandria

Satan has a golden aura.

The Identity of Satan – Library of Rickandria

Gold is the color of the Sun and is of the element of fire.

In Satanic alchemy, gold represents the perfection of the soul.

Both the colors gold and white gold are seen all over in the Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, in the temples and pyramids.

Becoming a God – Library of Rickandria

Gold is the color of riches and power.

Global Banking System – Library of Rickandria


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  • Money
  • fertility
  • abundance
  • material gain
  • wealth
  • healing
  • communication with nature spirits
  • anti-inflammatory

Venus rules green: 

  • Love
  • making love, (affectionate; red is for lust/sex)
  • fidelity
  • reconciliation
  • beauty
  • youth
  • friendships
  • attraction
  • harmony
  • financial gain
  • earnings increases
  • social functions
  • possessions
  • riches
  • indulgence
  • pleasure

Good for beginnings and growth.

Bananarama-Venus(Official-Video).mp4 21.7 MB View full-size Download

Venus rules green:

  • Abundance
  • fertility
  • success
  • general good luck
  • harmony
  • immortality
  • generosity
  • material gain
  • renewal
  • marriage
  • balance

Black Magick: 

Used for inciting:

  • jealousy
  • greed
  • suspicion
  • resentment
  • sickness
  • disease

and disharmony when applied to others and directed.

Indigo [Blue-Violet]

  • Meditation
  • psychic ability
  • telepathy
  • mind reading
  • Spirit communication
  • absorbing knowledge telepathically

The Moon rules over indigo. Indigo is of the element of the quintessence/ether/spirit.

Indigo rules the third eye, along with the colors of silver and white, and the sixth chakra.


  • Creativity
  • enthusiasm
  • energy
  • stamina

and is a powerful color of major changes. 

Orange helps with:

  • adaptability
  • attraction
  • sudden changes
  • stimulation
  • enthusiasm
  • creativity
  • energy
  • gaining control
  • changing luck

and inciting justice.

The Sun rules orange.

Orange rules the creative/sexual chakra (2nd) and is of the element of fire.


  • Psychic ability
  • wisdom
  • divination
  • removing curses
  • healing
  • psychic work
  • business success
  • influencing people in power

Powerful color with energies that can be difficult to handle.

Consciousness & Human Energy – Library of Rickandria 

It can be used when applied to others to incite idealism and influencing people who have power over you. 

Jupiter rules purple. 

Purple rules the crown chakra.

Black Magick: 


  • sadness and treachery in others
  • tyranny
  • abuse of power


  • Energy
  • passion
  • inflammatory
  • lust
  • strength
  • protects against psychic attack

Mars rules red:

  • Revenge
  • anger
  • pure sexual lust, and physical gratification
  • courage
  • determination
  • dealing with enemies

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Red can also be used for:

  • self-confidence
  • athletics
  • strength
  • creating magickal energy for black magick, (Good for self-empowerment before workings of black magick)

and inducing intensity.


  • lust
  • energy
  • strength
  • sexual energy
  • dynamism
  • passionate love
  • physical desire
  • courage
  • will power
  • athletics (especially competitive)

and vitality. 

Mars rules red. 

Red is of the element of fire. 

Both the colors red and black rule the root chakra.

Black Magick: 

  • Revenge
  • anger


  • accidents
  • fires
  • injuries

red as opposed to black brings on:

  • sudden attacks
  • accidents
  • bloodshed
  • violence

Red can also be used to incite:

  • wars
  • anarchy
  • cruelty


  • Develops psychic abilities
  • neutralizes situations
  • repels destructive forces
  • works with female deity powers

The Moon rules the color silver:

  • the home and immediate surroundings
  • imagination
  • memory
  • psychic awareness/dreams
  • spirituality
  • meditation

For psychic related, meditative/hypnotic.

Silver rules the third eye.

The Third Eye – Library of Rickandria


  • All-purpose
  • balances the aura as all color emanates from white light

  • Energizing
  • protective
  • stimulating
  • inspiring
  • destroys destructive energies
  • cleans the aura

  • Cleansing
  • purity
  • innocence

Provides protection when applied to others and directed. 

The Moon rules white.

White rules the third eye, along with indigo and silver.

Black Magick: 

White can be used to:

  • incite corruption
  • bring impotence
  • destroy the sex drive

White can also be used to create:

  • weakness
  • neurosis
  • fear


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Yellow is the color of:

  • intellect
  • computers
  • communication
  • audio
  • video
  • TV
  • electronics
  • books

and literature.

Yellow rules the solar chakra of the will.

MANIPURA: The Solar 666 Chakra – Library of Rickandria 

Ruled by the planet Mercury.

Yellow can be used for:

  • passing exams
  • improving the mind
  • for deeper concentration
  • mental power
  • learning ability
  • speech
  • writing
  • publishing
  • media concerns
  • gossip
  • slander
  • interviews
  • brothers
  • sisters
  • neighbors
  • rumors
  • theft
  • all areas of study and communication
  • astral projection 
  • overcoming addictions

and breaking habits.

Good for:

  • friendship
  • imagination
  • creativity (orange is more powerful for creativity)
  • inspiration

and charisma.

Yellow is of the element of air.

Yellow rules the solar plexus chakra.

insanity, and inconsistency in others.



Grey is the color of illness and bad energy.

It can be used to induce death, illness, and/or to incite mourning and sadness.

Death: A Transition – Library of Rickandria

Grey, applied repeatedly to the aura of a hated one, can bring about a slow death, if programmed to do so.

How to Clean Your Aura – Library of Rickandria

The Magickal Properties of Color (

The Magickal Properties of Color – Library of Rickandria