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Italy Paralyzed as Grillo Plots Exit Route from Euro

Britain's Royal Wedding - A Big Day For the Global Oligarchy

Britain’s Royal Wedding Fiasco and Its "Dirty little Secret" in Bahrain (

Dead Body Found on Royal Front Lawn Raises Questions About Personal Lives of The Elite (

Euro Elite Using Financial Crisis to Centralize Power (

EU's Recipe for The United States of Europe and Seizure of Our Money Through Homemade “Crises” - Here Is Why (

EU-US Trade Pact Can Halt West's Decline - Brzezinski Says (

Farage Unleashed - "You Are Common Criminals" (

Fear of 'Nuremberg Trials' for Corrupt Italian Politicians (

Former Italian PM Berlusconi Gets 1-Year Reduced Sentence for Fraud (

Leaked 1955 Bilderberg Document Outline Plan For Single European Currency (

Political Union In Europe - Governance Of, By, And For The Elite (

Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands - Personal Background and His Part in Starting the Bilderberg Conferences (

The British Establishment - Pedophiles Everywhere (

The European Union Is a Neo-Feudal Kleptocracy - 500 Million Debt-Serfs (

The Long Story - The British Establishment (

Will Europe's Unemployment Crisis Spark a Return for Fascism? (


Kincora: How an Establishment Paedophile Ring Leads to the Monarchy, MI5 & Rothschilds