Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II Chapter 12: AFTER JESUS – the Greeks, Persians, Romans & Jews

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The Advent of Jesus Christ shook Judaism to its very foundations.

But the Monsters of Babylon did not fall.

This international corporation of moneylenders and merchants had a shiny new Temple to their God of Gold and Warfare, built by Herod in Jerusalem.

What worry did they have now that this Galilean denouncer of their schemes and swindles had been scourged and crucified?

No matter whether their dupes were Roman emperors or mere peasants, the lies of Judaism had given these conniving merchant-moneylenders immense “prestige” among their gullible victims whom they considered to be nothing but lowly insects and stupid cattle when compared to their own devious cunning.

The stupendous wealth that they had garnered into their counting houses through the machinations of the Sumerian Swindle and its related frauds, was safely concealed behind the incredible lie that it was all a blessing from a mighty god who doted upon them.

If the goyim, such as those logical and war-happy Greeks, did not believe that the Jews were the Chosen Ones of a mighty God, what did it matter?

They had the backing of the venal Roman senators to protect them and to pass laws to keep them safe from assault by the victims of their crimes.

With hefty bribes to the senators and emperors, combined with theatrical moaning and wailing about how their mighty god would strike them dead if they broke the Sabbath, they were safe from induction into the Roman army.

“Oy Gevalt!

War is so brutal, it is only fit for goyim!”

With infinite, swindled wealth at their fingertips and the Roman senate at their beck and call, what should the rabbis and money moguls worry about?

It was business just as it had always been –
  • enslaving the poor
  • impoverishing the rich
  • slaughtering the goyim on the golden, horned altar of war and genocide

and bringing the entire world into submission to their:

  • holy mortgage payments and loans
  • brothels
  • taverns

and pawn shops.

Sublime - Pawn Shop (Official Video)

With their shiny, new temple behind its impregnable walls, situated on an unassailable spur of rock above deep ravines, Abraham’s First National Bank and Pawn Shop was open for business and that business was to own the entire world and to enslave the people upon it.

Now that the Romans had been inveigled into murdering that troublesome Jesus for them, the priests merely straightened up the moneychangers' tables that he had upset.

The bankers gathered up their piles of coins.

DON'T Spend This BICENTENNIAL Quarter!

And for the next 70 years, business was good.

There were some protestors making noises that this Jesus fellow had actually been the Messiah, but in general, business was good and it rumbled along just as it always had – the Jews sent in their Temple tax, the rich sent in a ten-percent tithe of their incredible profits and the rabbis and priests could use those monies to give a stipend to the poor Jews in order to keep them kissing the priests’ hands and making way for the rabbis in the marketplace through this trickle down criminal economic system of Jewish organized crime.

Some Jews had much, and some Jews had little.

But no Jew was poor like the Gentiles were poor because every Jew received a pay-off from the profits that flowed into the Temple.

And if a Jew showed the rabbi even the slightest ability in turning a profit, that Jew could receive seed money and interest-free loans for swindling the Gentiles.

And it was always the Gentiles who were swindled because this system of organized crime prohibited the swindling of a fellow Jew.

Thus, Judaism was a predatory parasite upon Mankind, a Monster in disguise, a monster who kept its fangs hidden behind hands that prayed to He-Who Must-Not-Be-Named, that terrible god of genocide who guarded the gold.

Wolves at the Gate - PARASITE (Official Music Video)

After Rome annexed Egypt, to keep the Gold-Silver Exchange Mechanism functioning, Augustus, like the Ptolomies before him, virtually severed Egypt from the rest of the world.

Augustus of Prima Porta, 1st century 2.19 MB View full-size Download

Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus (born Gaius Octavius; 23 September 63 BC – 19 August AD 14), also known as Octavian (Latin: Octavianus), was the founder of the Roman Empire. He reigned as the first Roman emperor from 27 BC until his death in AD 14. The reign of Augustus initiated an imperial cult, as well as an era of imperial peace (the Pax Romana or Pax Augusta) in which the Roman world was largely free of armed conflict. The Principate system of government was established during his reign and lasted until the Crisis of the Third Century.

He desired it to be closed to Roman contacts.

The temporary increase in land values near Rome in Augustus’ day was due to the lavish coinage of gold brought by Augustus from Egypt.

But it was a temporary golden glitter.

In the reign of Tiberius, Rome’s silver denarii were not allowed into Egypt.

Bust, Musée Saint-Raymond, Toulouse 1.04 MB View full-size Download

Tiberius Julius Caesar Augustus (/taɪˈbɪəriəs/ ty-BEER-ee-əs; 16 November 42 BC – 16 March AD 37) was Roman emperor from AD 14 until 37. He succeeded his stepfather Augustus, the first Roman emperor. Tiberius was born in Rome in 42 BC to Roman politician Tiberius Claudius Nero and his wife, Livia Drusilla. In 38 BC, Tiberius's mother divorced his father and married Augustus. Following the untimely deaths of Augustus's two grandsons and adopted heirs, Gaius and Lucius Caesar, Tiberius was designated Augustus's successor. Prior to this, Tiberius had proved himself an able diplomat and one of the most successful Roman generals: his conquests of Pannonia, Dalmatia, Raetia, and (temporarily) parts of Germania laid the foundations for the empire's northern frontier.

This made unofficial leakages of silver to the East more difficult.

Rome wanted to use the silver denarii coins as money while using the commodity silver bullion in trade with India.

Pliny wrote that 100 million Sesterces of silver (118,258 Kilograms or 130 tons) was annually exported to India and to China from Rome.

Stipple engraving by Friedrich Wilhelm Bollinger [de], 1777–1825 2.19 MB View full-size Download

Gaius Plinius Secundus (AD 23/24–79), known in English as Pliny the Elder (/ˈplɪni/ PLIN-ee), was a Roman author, naturalist, natural philosopher, and naval and army commander of the early Roman Empire, and a friend of the emperor Vespasian. He wrote the encyclopedic Naturalis Historia (Natural History), a comprehensive thirty-seven-volume work covering a vast array of topics on human knowledge and the natural world, which became an editorial model for encyclopedias. He spent most of his spare time studying, writing, and investigating natural and geographic phenomena in the field.

He had been appointed Procurator in silver-producing Spain and entrusted with managing the Revenue.

But the secrecy of the Gold-Silver Exchange Mechanism is underscored by the fact that its workings were not known to him, for he could not understand why his countrymen,

“always demanded silver and not gold from conquered races.”

The silver drain continually pressured Rome.

An awareness of this tendency of silver to drain eastward explains some of the legislation Rome enacted in response.

The Republic banned the export of money in 63 BC.

With less silver in circulation as coinage, business and small farming took a downturn into economically depressed conditions. [444]

And yet, since gold was the preferred methods of big business in the West, the merchant-moneylenders profited while the little man who depended on silver for his small change, fell into poverty, losing his farm to the moneylenders and then joining the army out of desperation.

The Sumerian Swindle had found new victims in the Roman Empire.

Rome’s gold standard was born in the dictatorship of the Julius Caesar and his successors – who were all friends and protectors of the Jews.

Caesar as portrayed by the Tusculum portrait 1.03 MB View full-size Download

Gaius Julius Caesar (12 July 100 BC – 15 March 44 BC) was a Roman general and statesman. A member of the First Triumvirate, Caesar led the Roman armies in the Gallic Wars before defeating his political rival Pompey in a civil war and subsequently became dictator from 49 BC until his assassination in 44 BC. He played a critical role in the events that led to the demise of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire.

Gold coinage was then nurtured through three centuries of growing:

  • totalitarianism
  • slavery
  • injustice 

But as huge as  the Roman Empire was, it did not cover a larger area than the trans-national systems of trade routes and waterways that linked together the business interests of the scheming merchant-moneylender guilds.

Roman armies could take and hold territory, but it was the merchant-moneylender guilds who controlled the life blood of Rome through their control of import-export, trade channels and bullion supplies.

And among all of the merchant-moneylenders in the world, none were more carefully committed and organized into owning everything than the Jews.

After all, that was the “Promise” of the moneylenders who had established the Jewish Cult – 

“follow these Laws and walk in these ways and you will own everything and everyone on earth.” 

That’s the Promise.

But it was not a promise of holiness, it was a promise of wealth derived from tyranny and deceit.

And true-to-form for those international thieves and bankers posing as honest businessmen, no sooner was Rome fully committed to gold and silver for her primary coinages, than she began to run out of them!

Trade with India was draining the monetary metals from the empire.

Rome began importing costly:

  • spices
  • pearls
  • perfumes

from the east.

To pay for them she had no great mass of manufactured goods to offer; payment had to be made for the most part in bullion.

The result was a steady depletion of the stocks of precious metals and therefore depletion of the money that was made out of these metals.

This was not merely a negative balance of payments accounting situation like the modern Jews use to swindle modern nations.

Rome’s actual money supply was constantly being exported to the east because the money was made out of bullion.

As the bullion drained away, the money of Rome disappeared leaving the Romans with not enough bullion to mint a sufficient supply of money to supply her armies or maintain her economy.

Jewish religious dues also drained the money supply to Asia.

One of the most important privileges that the Jews had bribed from the Caesars was the permission to collect money and send it to Jerusalem.

Thus, the Jews were above the law because of their “religious exclusion.”

Even while Rome was being destroyed by the bankers, the sums of money collected among the Jews were not small.

During the Roman Empire it was 2 Denarii per head each year, for all men 20 to 50 years of age.

And this was not counting the vast sums paid to the Temple as tithes as well as what the Jews smuggled.

You can do your own estimate of how much this was in tons of silver every year.

The Roman denarii were 4.8 grams of silver.

According to the census of emperor Claudius in the middle of the 1st century AD, there were 6,944,000 Jews in the Roman Empire.

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Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (/ˈklɔːdiəs/ KLAW-dee-əs; Classical Latin: [tɪˈbɛri.ʊs ˈkɫau̯di.ʊs ˈkae̯sar au̯ˈɡʊstʊs ɡɛrˈmaːnɪkʊs]; 1 August 10 BC – 13 October AD 54), or Claudius, was a Roman emperor, ruling from AD 41 to 54. A member of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, Claudius was born to Drusus and Antonia Minor at Lugdunum in Roman Gaul, where his father was stationed as a military legate. He was the first Roman emperor to be born outside Italy.

One million of them lived in Egypt.

As a result of this size, every tenth Roman was a Jew.

16th-century engraving of Strabo 1.99 MB View full-size Download

Strabo (/ˈstreɪboʊ/; Greek: Στράβων Strábōn; 64 or 63 BC – c. 24 AD) was an ancient Greek geographer who lived in Asia Minor during the transitional period of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. He is best known for his work Geographica, which presented a descriptive history of people and places from different regions of the world known during his lifetime. Additionally, Strabo authored historical works, but only fragments and quotations of these survive in the writings of other authors.

Strabo, (64BC - 21AD) a Greek geographer and historian, wrote in his Geographica:

“The Jews have penetrated every country, so that it is difficult to find any place in the world where their tribe has not entered and become dominant.”

The Jews became dominant through their penis fetish of out breeding other people, their willful and subversive destruction of other people, and their monopoly of trade and finance; not because they had a god who loved them.

Most of the Jews lived east of Italy.

That part of the empire had almost twenty percent Jews.

In other words, every fifth “Hellenistic” inhabitant of the eastern Mediterranean world was a Jew. [445]

So, do the math.

If you only count a million Jews paying the Temple tax, that’s ten tons of silver every year being siphoned out of the Roman empire by the Jews, every year for hundreds of years.

This constant drain to the east was aggravated by loan sharking.

Once Rome monetized gold, she handed power to the Near Eastern holders of the metal.

They used their metallic hoards in loans through front men and intermediaries as well as through every Jew who had ever attended a synagogue.

Over the centuries, this cumulative drain was enormous, with powerful deflationary consequences.

Just as in modern Europe and America where the vast wealth of the People is drained away into the pockets of private Jewish bankers as interest payments on their Sumerian Swindle, Rome soon found herself without the money to pay her soldiers, or maintain her roads, or to feed her people.

Once again, through simple arithmetical fraud, the bankers had all of the silver and gold hoarded away in their temple treasuries and stashed among their far-flung network of voracious relatives, all hiding their wealth behind their shoddy clothes and their whines and wails about how bad business was and how poor they were.

In spite of the great amounts of silver denarii being minted, Rome faced severe liquidity crises which she solved in the standard methods used by every king since the Sumeria Swindle was first invented in 3500 BC.

The flow of precious metals to the east was relieved by military expeditions against the east, which brought large quantities of gold and silver back to Rome to be coined.

Even so, to meet the money needs of business and labor, the precious metals content of Roman coinage had to be reduced [446] in order for enough coins to circulate that:

  • daily trade
  • business
  • government

could function.

With less silver and gold content, the money was worth less and less, which created a growing inflationary cycle.

And all because Rome had been lured by the moneylenders and financiers into accepting gold and silver as a basis of its coins instead of the bronze fiat coins that had financed her into Empire and greatness.

Through a large bribe to Caesar and the Senators, the Jewish merchant moneylenders had gained an even greater wealth of the entire Roman empire.

By gaining control over the Roman money, the bankers and merchants gained control over the destiny of Rome.

When bankers control a country, then:

  • poverty for the people
  • enslavement
  • warfare

are sure to follow because that’s where the big profits are for the bankers.

Where else do the bankers get their money other than by swindling it from the People?

They make themselves rich by making everyone else poor through the variety of their frauds rooted in the ancient Sumerian Swindle.

But because most of today’s bankers are Jews, they think that they actually deserve to steal your money because their ancient god of gold “promised” them that many must be dispossessed and genocided so that the Jews could eat the food they did not grow and live in the houses they did not build. (Deu 6:10-11)

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Among all of the ancient peoples, no one liked the Jews.

BOOK: Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Chapter 4: Secret Powers of the Ancient People – Library of Rickandria

The Jews were hated everywhere and for good reasons.

But none of those good reasons had anything to do with an alleged “anti-Semitism” or “bigotry” or “prejudice.”

Rather, it was the Jewiness of the Jews, themselves – their:

  • dishonesty
  • treachery
  • malice
  • greed
  • arrogant and baseless conceit
  • insulting and slanderous social aggression
  • perfidious mendacity

and foul personal hygiene, all wrapped with a hypocritically self-assured conviction of their own superiority and holiness.

The Jews were not normal by anyone’s definition.

They were a sickness and scourge and blot upon Mankind.

But they had cornered the markets in various essential goods and had internationally monopolized the control of gold and silver bullion, so they had the money to buy themselves the protection of kings and emperors.

That is the only way that this tribe of thieves and con artists had been able to continue with their lives of crime, through their control of vast fortunes organized under their Training Manual for Jewish Criminality and Sociopathy known as the Hebrew Bible. 


  • wealth
  • deceit
  • never-ending malice

the Jews penetrated and destroyed every society that they were allowed to infest.

The People might protest, but the Jews were allowed to corrupt society because the kings and Senators had been bribed by the Jews, so the corruption had always begun from the top.

The ancient Jews as well as their modern spawn, all claim that they had a “higher morality” than the Gentiles whom they had:

  • colonized
  • cheated
  • betrayed

This is their abracadabra justification as to why they were successful in their subversions of entire peoples and nations.

And it is the reason that they celebrate their betrayals today.

But like everything in Judaism, this is just one more of their lies.

There is nothing of a “higher morality” found anywhere in Judaism other than the fake word of the Jews that is actually nothing but empty air.

Even while the Jews lie and claim a “higher morality,” the very book that they claim as “the Word of God” teaches them:

“Do not say in your heart, when Yahweh has driven them before you, ‘It is for my own goodness that Yahweh has brought me to possession of this land’; when it is for their wickedness that Yahweh dispossesses these goyim for you.

It is not for any goodness or sincerity of yours that you are entering their land to possess it; no, it is for the wickedness of these goyim that Yahweh is dispossessing them for you, and to keep the word that he swore to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.”
(Deu 9:4-5)

This mythological “word of the Jews” by the lying rabbis of their allegedly “higher morality” is nothing more than the claim that the Jews do not have to worry about being good people at all because, according to Judaism, no matter how evil the Jews are, the Gentiles are even worse!

This is the only “higher morality” of the Jews, hypocritically pointing their lying fingers at others for being wicked while practicing the most heinous of crimes, themselves.

With the Devil’s Truth built into Judaism, is the restriction that the Jews must believe every word in the Hebrew Bible without question or else the rabbis would execute them as apostates.

BOOK: Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Chapter 6: The Devil’s Truth & the Hebrew Bible – Library of Rickandria

The Jews were prohibited under pain of death from even inquiring into other religions or philosophies from which they could actually understand the people around them or even to compare the teachings of Judaism with other religions. (Deu 8:19)

Under the demonic teachings of Judaism, the Hebrews really had no choice but to either follow the Contract of the Hebrew Bible or to be strangled, decapitated, have molten lead poured down their throats, or stoned to death – these being the four “approved” methods for Sanhedrin executions of their fellow Jews.

The rabbis were (and are) really horrible devils. Identical to every system of organized crime, no Jew was allowed to leave Judaism and join another religion without being murdered for it.

But since it was so profitable for them to be members of the Temple Cult, all of the Jews were keen and enthusiastic subversives in the Greco-Roman world.

It was very profitable to be a swindling Jew among the non-Jews from whom so much wealth could be so ingeniously extracted.

Singing horrible demon songs such as Psalm 109, appealing to their ancient Canaanite deity to destroy and genocide all who do not kiss their lying asses, these Monsters of Babylon bought their way into the Greek and Roman societies, well-knowing that by corrupting the kings that they could destroy the king’s people and swindle all wealth and property for themselves.

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Not through any specialness of their own, but strictly through bribery, the Jews had attained high office within the Greek Ptolemaic government of Egypt.

Bribery and political blackmail would be standard Jewish methods throughout their entire history even into modern times, but it was especially effective when used against the Greek and Roman leaders because that is how the ancient people normally conducted both government and business.

Bribery was what the officials considered as a part of their pay as well as the selling of offices to the highest bidder.

Thus, the Jews had the money to bribe their way into high office under corrupt officials regardless of whether the People wanted them there or not – and it was always “not.”

Philo’s brother Alexander Lysimachus was the customs official in Egypt in the 30s AD, overseeing the trillions of dollars' worth of goods that yearly passed through the trade routes of Egypt.

Imaginative illustration of Philo made in 1584 by the French portrait artist André Thevet 1.59 MB View full-size Download

Philo of Alexandria (/ˈfaɪloʊ/; Ancient Greek: Φίλων, romanized: Phílōn; Hebrew: יְדִידְיָה, romanized: Yəḏīḏyāh; c. 20 BCE – c. 50 CE), also called Philō Judæus, was a Hellenistic Jewish philosopher who lived in Alexandria, in the Roman province of Egypt.

Another Jew, Demetrius, held the same post late in Claudius’ principate.

The Jews certainly did not get such lucrative posts without paying for the jobs.

Jews also sat in the assembly, acted as councilors and jurymen, and on occasion held Greek municipal offices. [447]

In Greek or Roman society, none of those Jews slinked into such positions of authority on their merit alone because, both as people and as civilized cultures, the Greeks and Romans were always superior to the Semites.

Rather, the Jews bought and bribed their way in.

Once inside a Gentile society, they packed the lower but no less important positions with fellow Jews, fanning out and penetrating like the mycelium of a mold fungus infecting an otherwise healthy tree.

They were hated by the Greek people, but the Jews had plenty of money to bribe the Greek officials.

From these high positions in Greek society, they could practice Judaism.

“Look, today I am setting you over goyim and over kingdoms, to tear up and knock down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant.” (Jer 1:10)

“You will feed on the wealth of goyim and array yourselves in their magnificence.” (Isaiah 61:6) 

With their strategy of having as many children as possible in order to out-breed everybody else as well as by congregating wherever the most money was to be made; the Jews had greatly increased both their numbers and their influence in Egypt by 38 AD.

The Jew Philo reports that two out of five quarters of Alexandria were Jewish quarters of the city. [448]

Not only were they very wealthy but they had both Jewish and Gentile friends in high places to protect them.

With all of their:

  • bad habits
  • intrigues
  • frauds

the Jews definitely needed protection from their infuriated victims who had been swindled, ruined in business, dispossessed of their homes and farms, and shackled in slave’s collars by the Jews who were all practicing the Sumerian Swindle combined with the malicious subversion outlined in the Hebrew Bible.

One of the Jews’ best friends was the Jewish king Agrippa.

Julius Agrippa was born in 11 BC.

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Herod Agrippa (Roman name Marcus Julius Agrippa; c. 11 BC – c. AD 44), also known as Agrippa I (Hebrew: אגריפס) or Agrippa the Great, was the last king of Judea. He was a grandson of Herod the Great and the father of Herod Agrippa II, the last known king from the Herodian dynasty. He was an acquaintance or friend of Roman emperors and played crucial roles in internal Roman politics.

He was sent to Rome for his education where he quickly offered his “Jewish Loyalty” and friendship to the various imperial princes.

His mother, who had accompanied him, did her Jewish duty and made friends with the widowed mother of the future emperor Claudius.

Among the princes were Claudius, who was of exactly the same age, and emperor Tiberius’ only son Drusus, about three years older, who became Agrippa’s close friends. [449

Bust, Musée Saint-Raymond 871 KB View full-size Download

Drusus Julius Caesar (7 October c. 14 BC – 14 September AD 23), also called Drusus the Younger, was the son of Emperor Tiberius, and heir to the Roman Empire following the death of his adoptive brother Germanicus in AD 19.

Agrippa also became friends with the emperor Tiberius’ teenage grandson, Gemellus.

Bust, Musée Saint-Raymond, Toulouse 1.09 MB View full-size Download

Tiberius Julius Caesar Nero, known as Tiberius Gemellus (10 October AD 19 – 37/38), was the son of Drusus and Livilla, the grandson of the Emperor Tiberius, and the cousin of the Emperor Caligula. Gemellus is a nickname meaning "the twin". His twin brother, Germanicus Gemellus, died as a young child in AD 23. His father and older cousins died, and are suspected by contemporary sources as having been systematically eliminated by the powerful praetorian prefect Sejanus. Their removal allowed Gemellus and Caligula to be named joint-heirs by Tiberius in 35, a decision that ultimately resulted in Caligula assuming power and having Gemellus killed (or forced to kill himself) in late 37 or early 38.

But Agrippa, now over forty-five, found the company of Gaius, aged twenty-three, the “rising sun” in popular opinion, more congenial and potentially more profitable.

So, he ingratiated himself as much as possible with Gaius, the future emperor.

Marble bust, AD 37–41 1.75 MB View full-size Download

Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (31 August 12 – 24 January 41), better known by his nickname Caligula (/kəˈlɪɡjʊlə/), was Roman emperor from AD 37 until his assassination in AD 41. He was the son of the Roman general Germanicus and Augustus' granddaughter Agrippina the Elder, members of the first ruling family of the Roman Empire. He was born two years before Tiberius was made emperor. Gaius accompanied his father, mother and siblings on campaign in Germania, at little more than four or five years old. He had been named after Gaius Julius Caesar, but his father's soldiers affectionately nicknamed him "Caligula" ('little boot').

And sure enough, when Tiberius died, Gaius made him ruler in the vacant tetrarchy of Phillip in Palestine and gave him the coveted title of “king” as well as bestowing on him special honors in Rome to give him “prestige” before the Romans. [450]

He also received his official appointment over Galilee and Peraea from Gaius’ hands.

And when Gaius was assassinated on 24 January 41 AD, Agrippa was at hand to play a valuable part in putting Claudius on the throne by acting as mediator between him and the senate. 

Claudius had every reason for gratitude towards Agrippa, and he showed it by confirming him as king of the domains which Gaius had given him, adding to them the province of Judaea together with Abilene, and honoring him with a formal treaty of alliance.

From then until his death in 44 AD, Agrippa ruled a kingdom larger than his grandfather’s as: 

“Great King, Friend of Caesar and Friend of Rome.” [451]

Thus, the Jews throughout the Roman Empire had a powerfully positioned ally in King Agrippa.

No other people in the Roman Empire had as many rights as did the Jews.

Starting with Julius Caesar, the emperors all received hefty bribes to insure those special privileges.

“Jewish rights” would from thenceforth be a continuing and “traditional” slogan among all of the Jews of the world as a means of forcing themselves into positions of authority over, and to profit from, the peoples among whom they were allowed to live.

“Jewish rights” became a sort of mantra wherever they settled so as to convince the Gentiles that “Jewish rights” were automatically to be appended to the Jews.

But even as they demanded special rights and special privileges for themselves, the Jews had no intention of giving any rights at all to anyone else because the Jews were bent upon the destruction of everything that was not Jewish as they,

“walked in the ways”

of their Canaanite god of armies.

“… dispossess them and destroy them quickly … it is for the wickedness of these goyim that Yahweh is dispossessing them for you.” (Deu 9:3-5)

Soon after annexing Egypt, Caesar Augustus took steps to safeguard the Jews’ “political rights” in accordance with Julius Caesar’s original legislation.

He spelled out the Jews’ position in a charter confirming their political and religious rights which was inscribed on a bronze pillar in Alexandria.

No other people had a bronze pillar with any special rights inscribed on it. [452]

This was very irritating to the Greeks of Egypt who were experiencing at first hand the voracious greed and malicious nature of the Jews.

The Jews had already been enjoying special privileges through their monopoly of trade and the protectionist bias of the Jews who had bribed their way into high office.

With their financial advantages and population increase, the Jews were already pushing out the Greeks.

Under Tiberius, Avilius Flaccus had been appointed as Prefect to Egypt late in 32 AD.

The smoldering friction in Alexandria between the Greeks and the Jews came to a head in 38 AD, where for some months control of affairs lay with the Greek nationalist party.

Its leading lights were patriotic and loyal members of the governing class – Lampo and Isidorus.

These men decided that they wanted to control the destiny of their own people and their own country without the negative influence of those subversive and perfidious gangs of Jews whose only merit was that they had been able to get control of a major part of the Egyptian economy.

But just as in modern times, the actual will and goals of the People were superseded by the influence and bribery of the Jews upon the Jew-corrupted leaders of the People.

With both bribery and their unquenchable and never-ending lust for revenge, the Jews would later engineer the execution of both Lampo and Isidorus during the ensuing reign of Caligula.

After the death of Tiberius, the accession of Gaius in March, 37 AD, was the turning-point for Flaccus and for the city of Alexandria because now the Jews had a Roman emperor, Gaius, whose close friend was the Jew King Agrippa.

Flaccus’ personal position was precarious under the new emperor because of his friendship with Tiberius and the part which he had played in the banishment of Gaius’ mother.

In addition, Flaccus’ post in Egypt was automatically terminated by Tiberius’ death.

So, there was certainly no reason for Flaccus to do anything for the benefit of the Jews since they were automatically elevated in their power over him by the ascension of Gaius to the throne.

In their efforts to further ingratiate themselves with the new emperor, the Jews of Alexandria passed a flattering resolution in Gaius’ honor and offered their “Jewish Loyalty” to him. Flaccus promised to forward it to Rome together with a covering letter testifying to their alleged “Jewish Loyalty” but in fact he omitted to do so.

A year later the Jews discovered that it was still in his office in Alexandria.

But in August, 38 AD, to their rescue came King Agrippa, the personal friend of the emperor, Gaius. [453]

The Jews got Agrippa to send to Rome a duplicate copy of the resolution, together with a covering letter blaming Flaccus for its tardiness and telling of their difficulties with the Greeks.

Scapegoats are an ancient tradition among the Jews who were always innocent of any wrong while all of their sins were blamed on someone else.

No mention was made of the Jews swindling and dispossessing the Greeks, pushing them out of government jobs, ruining their businesses by under-cutting and over-charging them, insulting them with every sneer and revulsion they could muster, cat-calling and jeering them during athletic events, all while flaunting their own immunity from military duty guaranteed by Rome.

It was the “loyal Jews” who needed the emperor’s help and Gaius (who imagined himself to be a god) had the advice of his “loyal” Jewish friend, king Agrippa.

The mad Roman emperor believed the flattering, lying Jews when he should have been listening to the words of the Greek historian, Diodorus Siculus, (30 BC – 20 AD) who wrote that the Jews are:

“Those alone among all the nations who were unwilling to have any intermingling with any other nation, and who regarded all others as enemies.”

While the letter was on its way, a Greek mob took advantage of the prefect Flaccus’ impotence to attack the Jewish community as a whole.

They got Flaccus to issue a proclamation declaring that the Jews were “aliens and foreigners” in Alexandria.

They could now legally be expelled.

All of the Jews were forced to move into the “Delta” section of Alexandria where the Greeks could keep an eye on them.

The Greeks could have ended their problems then and there by wiping out the Jews once and for all.

But the Greeks were human beings; only the Jews believed in genocide as a cultural “tradition.”

However, the Jews had been too greedy in dispossessing the Greeks and too arrogant about their special privileges.

The outrage of the Greeks could not be contained merely by forcing the Jews into a ghetto.

Soon, an anti-Jewish riot developed.

The mob hounded Jews from other parts of the city into the ghetto, tortured and massacred many before they could take refuge there, and looted Jewish shops and over four hundred abandoned houses.

The Jews had swindled the Greeks, and the Greeks wanted their money back.

Overcrowding in the ghetto and exposure on the seashore, where large numbers for whom there was no room in the ghetto were forced to camp out near the cemeteries and rubbish-dumps.

This, combined with the Jewish aversion to bathing with soap and water, led to an epidemic.

Poverty became acute as normal trades and professions could no longer be carried on, and when food ran short, Jews who ventured out to the city markets in search of supplies were lynched.

The Jews had forced many Greeks into poverty and now it was the Jews’ turn to take their own medicine.

Jewish merchants arriving at the harbor were robbed of their goods and murdered before they could put any more Greek merchants out of business with cheap imports.

Flaccus himself contributed to the Jews’ degradation.

After a fruitless attempt to find a way out of the anarchy by negotiation with the Jewish leaders who were screaming insults and threatening the wrath of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, he arrested thirty-eight rabbis and a number of other Jews.

The Jews had bribed previous administrators to exempt them from being flogged like the unenfranchised Egyptians.

But now that “special Jewish privilege” was nullified.

Other Jews were tortured and hanged in the theatre, while the women were offered pork to eat and tortured if they refused.

After the Jews finally realized that the Greeks were not going to put up with their criminality anymore, peace returned to Alexandria and the outlying regions.

But at that very season, the Jews had the satisfaction of seeing a detachment of soldiers arrive from Rome with a warrant for Flaccus’ arrest.

The Jewish king Agrippa and king Herod of Chalcis had worked their Jewish abracadabra on the mad Roman god-king, Gaius.

The tick-behind-the-ear technique had worked once again.

Also, the international line of credit that the Jews kept within their Temple and synagogue system proved its power.

After all that the Jews had lost to the Greek mobs, within twelve months the Jews had recovered economically to the extent of being able to afford the expense of slitting the throats of one hundred cattle in Jerusalem as a sacrifice at the beginning of Gaius’ campaign in Gaul and Germany.


This indicates the resumption of their normal means of livelihood and probably a return to their homes and the repair and reconsecration of the synagogues.

But the situation remained unstable, and the Jews lacked security for a further two years and a half, until their “rights” were officially re-established by Claudius. [454]

Claudius came to the throne on 24 January 41 AD.

The news of Gaius’ assassination, which probably reached Alexandria early in March, was greeted by a fresh outbreak of violence.

This time it was initiated by the Jews who had apparently spent the interval since the riots of 38 AD secretly acquiring the arms which they had lacked then and proving the international organized criminal character of the Jews by calling in compatriots from Syria and the rest of Egypt as allies, and who now made a retaliatory attack on the Greeks. [455]

Did the Jews fear that breaking the truce would rebound upon them under a new emperor?

Of course, not. Claudius, like Gaius before him, had already been corrupted through the wiles of his “loyal Jewish friend” Agrippa.

Claudius was already a tarnished king who owed Agrippa, and the Jews favors in return for their “Jewish Loyalty.”

At the time of Claudius’ succession, his Jewish “friends” Agrippa I and Herod of Chalcis were at hand to use their influence on the Alexandrian Jews’ behalf, and it was only natural for the delegations led by Philo and Isidorus to try to get from the new emperor the settlement which they had failed to get from Gaius.

Claudius allowed the two sides to put their cases to him, and then issued an edict aimed at giving an immediate answer to the urgent problems of Alexandria.

In it Claudius dwells at some length on the antiquity of the Jewish community in Alexandria, on its early privileges, and on the “religious liberty” granted by Augustus and infringed in the riots of 38 AD.

Then he firmly sides with the Jews against the Greeks by reaffirming the traditional Augustan policy towards the Jews.

Claudius re-established all the rights, religious and political, held by the Jews before August 38 AD, which safeguarded the synagogues and restored to the Jews their status of “aliens with the right of residence.”

Once again, the Jews had found that by corrupting kings, they could swindle entire peoples. Instead of listening to the flattering, lying Jews, Claudius should have listened to Apollonius Molon, a Roman philosopher and rhetorician who was the tutor of Cicero and Caesar:

“The Jews are enemies of all Mankind; they have invented nothing useful, and they are brutal.” 

A great understatement, as the following centuries would prove! However, anti-Jewism was not confined to Alexandria, even if it was currently at its most virulent there.

Anti-Semitism is never found among normal societies of happy people because it is something carried only by Jews and given to non-Jews.

No one hates Jews until they meet Jews and have dealings with Jews.

Only then, do they hate Jews.

So, anti-Semitism is not something that People have, it is something that the Jews carry with them wherever they go and give it to the non-Jews.

But in their duplicitous falseness, the Jews do not accept any responsibility for the hatred that they cause nor look into their own malicious and avaricious character to amend it but blame anti Semitism entirely on their victims.

Because the Jews at that time were allowed to live all around the Roman Empire, then anti-Semitism was found wherever the Jews were found living.

Where there were no living Jews, there was no anti-Semitism.

This being the case, at the request of Agrippa I and Herod, Claudius issued a general edict of universal application, confirming for all Jews throughout the empire the same privileges as the Jews in Alexandria enjoyed.

Citing Augustus’ legislation as his precedent, he declared that “it is only proper” that they should all be free to:

“observe their traditional customs without obstruction.” [456]

Claudius did not understand that the,

“traditional customs without obstruction”

for the Jews was permission for them to betray, impoverish and destroy of the Roman Empire and to commit genocide upon the Roman People.

“But Yahweh your God will deliver them over to you and will harass them until they are destroyed.

He will deliver their kings into your hands, and you will blot out their names from under heaven; none shall withstand you, until you have destroyed them all.”
(Deu 9:23-24)

No god decreed this; it was the declaration of the:

  • bankers
  • moneylenders
  • merchants

of Judaism using the Sumerian Swindle as their own secret and special fraud.

The demon god of the Jews did nothing; it was the gold and silver bullion controlled by those demonic bankers and merchants of Babylon, combined with Jewish lies and treason, that did the destroying.

Claudius’ Letter to Alexandria, written in the autumn of 41 AD, admonishes the Jews sternly to behave themselves in future on pain of bringing the imperial wrath down heavily on their heads.

He accuses them of:

“making a general nuisance of themselves throughout the empire.” [457]

Obviously, the pagan emperor, Claudius, had no idea of the subversive and poisonous nature of Judaism nor of its warfare against all of Mankind, nor of its subversive goals for the destruction of all religion.

There was no god among the Jews; and Judaism posits the destruction of all religions among other peoples.

Being a “nuisance of themselves” is a tactic for engendering “fear of the Jews” in the people among whom they are allowed to live.

 “You must destroy completely all the places where the goyim you dispossess have served their gods, on high mountains, on hills under any spreading tree; you must tear down their altars, smash their pillars, cut down their sacred poles, set fire to the carved images of their gods and wipe out their name from that place.” (Deu 12:2-3)

So, Claudius had certainly received reports from all over the Roman Empire about the troubles that the Jews were causing to the people around them.

But he did not know that such troubles are ingrained within the Cult of Judaism and within its demonic followers.

Rather than banishing them from the Empire under pain of death, he gave the Jews permission to practice their swindles, promote their lies and destroy everybody with whom they made contact – all while being protected by Imperial Decree!

The Jews were not some magical, god-driven force which they claimed to be, but merely scheming, money-driven:

  • merchants
  • moneylenders
  • bankers

and criminal liars.

They destroyed entire peoples not by God’s will but by the mechanical forces of the Sumerian Swindle and the deceptions that they are the wonderful and “Holy Chosen Ones” of a mighty god, a deception which opened doors to them that allowed them to:

  • swindle
  • rob
  • murder

and genocide those who trusted the word of the Jews.

It wasn’t religious power that the Jews had, it was moneylending power and carefully concealed criminal power.

As the rabbis taught, once the Sumerian Swindle had dispossessed and impoverished the People, then the Jews could destroy them.

According to both their actions and the,

“Training Manual for Jewish Criminality and Sociopathy”

known as the Hebrew Bible, it was an eternal war of the Jews pitted against all of Mankind.

Who is it that “He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named” loves?

Only the Jews.

And who is it that this Jewish god hates?

Everybody on earth without exception.

So, once again the Jews had inveigled a political leader into betraying his own people for the benefit of the Jews.

But the Jews’ diabolical and insatiable greed has never been satisfied with getting less than everything because they always wanted it all!

Wherever they migrate, the Jews are in the habit of changing their Hebrew names into something less repellant to the local populace.

In this case, a:

  • wealthy
  • hook-nosed
  • greasy
  • kinky-haired

Egyptian Jew took the name that the local Ptolemaic Greeks (who hated all Jews) would most revere and respect, the very name of Alexander the Great who had founded the city of Alexandria.

Iron Maiden - Alexander the Great

This Jew began calling himself “Alexander” and bribed his way into the very profitable job of Senior Customs Official for Egypt (the Alabarch).

His equally Jewy brother was named Philo, who had a gift for gab, a not unusual Jewish skill for talking people out of their property and their common sense. Claudius’ “loyal Jewish friend,” king Agrippa, had owed to this same, rich Jewish customs official, Alexander, a lot of money.

Agrippa repaid Alexander after receiving his kingship from Gaius.

It was at this point that king Agrippa used the standard Jewish method of pushing more Jews into the governmental posts of those they wished to subvert, by recommending to Claudius one of the sons of Alexander.

Instead of naming his son with a Jewy-sounding name like Moishe Ezekiel Bergersteinweizmangoldwitz, he named this Jewish son after three famous emperors, 

  • Tiberius
  • Julius
  • Alexander

That ought to teach the Greeks to speak about a Jew with respect, by giving the kid a fake name to hide the fact that he is a Jew!

In Roman government service, an equestrian career was normally preceded by military service.

But king Agrippa was trying to get a Jew into the Roman government, itself, and through his friendship with Claudius, was able to inveigle and bribe him into appointing Tiberius Julius Alexander to a junior post in Egypt by 42 AD.

That must have been a real hard crust to chew for the Alexandrian Greeks, who had had nothing but problems with the local Jews, to now have the new Emperor of the Roman Empire saddle them with a Jewish governor.

Egypt’s reliable crops made it a breadbasket of Rome.

And Egypt was a major trade route connecting not just the interior of Africa but the Far East and India as well.

So, having a Jew control this great wealth for Rome was good for the Jews and good for Rome.

The center of Judaism was never in Jerusalem but wherever the most money could be made.

And with their official protection under the Roman emperors, money was to be made throughout the Roman Empire.

The Jews were free to travel the Roman roads, practice the ancient Sumerian Swindle and set up trade posts and markets while coordinating their business interests through the synagogues which were all interconnected from Europe to India by the synagogue and Kehillah network.

See Map. [Figure 118 - Map 100-300AD Roman Empire Diaspora] Jews were spread out over the entire Roman Empire and all of them were under the special protection of Rome.

Figure 118 - Map 100-300AD Roman Empire Diaspora 794 KB View full-size Download

Alexander was an efficient and capable administrator, the only Jewish procurator who went on to a distinguished career.

He reached the top of the equestrian tree as prefect of Egypt in 66 AD and later as praetorian prefect. [458]

As an imperial civil servant, Alexander outwardly repudiated his Judaism but, strangely, he was not assassinated for it because the Jews are parasitic chameleons, taking on the names and customs of the host people in order to insinuate themselves into power over them.

As Prefect over one of the richest trade routes and grain sources in the Roman Empire, Alexander was very useful for the international Kehillah network of bankers and merchants who operated the Temple scam, so he remained in his position of power.

However, a new and even more Jew-friendly Roman emperor was deemed necessary, especially to thwart the continuing spread of Christianity.

The Christians were ruining the “prestige” of the Jews through the teachings of Jesus by claiming that the Jews were

“liars, deceivers, hypocrites, murderers and the very children of the devil.”

The empress Agrippina was on the Jews’ side.

The Jews had such amazing stories to tell about how they were the “Chosen Ones of God” and how He-Who Must-Not-Be-Named had murdered Pharaoh and his army and divided the Red Sea for them so they could walk across without getting their feet wet, etcetera.

So, how could she prove herself worthy of being among such holy, Chosen of God, also?

A bust at the National Museum, Warsaw 762 KB View full-size Download

Julia Agrippina (6 November AD 15 – 23 March AD 59), also referred to as Agrippina the Younger, was Roman empress from AD 49 to 54, the fourth wife and niece of emperor Claudius, and the mother of Nero.

Agrippina poisoned Claudius in 54 AD so that her son Nero could be emperor.

Head of Nero from an oversized statue. Glyptothek, Munich 1.61 MB View full-size Download

Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (/ˈnɪəroʊ/ NEER-oh; born Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus; 15 December AD 37 – 9 June AD 68) was a Roman emperor and the final emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, reigning from AD 54 until his death in AD 68.

To show his appreciation for her motherly ways, Nero had his mother Agrippina killed in 59 AD.

Portrait head of Claudia Octavia, National Museum of Rome 1.84 MB View full-size Download

Claudia Octavia (late 39 or early 40 – June 9, AD 62) was a Roman empress. She was the daughter of the Emperor Claudius and Valeria Messalina. After her mother's death and father's remarriage to her cousin Agrippina the Younger, she became the stepsister of the future Emperor Nero. She also became his wife, in a marriage between the two which was arranged by Agrippina.  Octavia was popular with the Roman people, but she and Nero hated their marriage. When his mistress, Poppaea Sabina, became pregnant, he divorced and banished Octavia. When this led to a public outcry, he had her executed.

Then, he killed his wife Octavia and married the beautiful Poppaea Sabina in 62 AD. [459]

Bust of Poppaea Sabina at Palazzo Massimo alle Terme 2.15 MB View full-size Download

Poppaea Sabina (30 AD – 65 AD), also known as Ollia, was a Roman empress as the second wife of the emperor Nero. She had also been wife to the future emperor Otho. The historians of antiquity describe her as a beautiful woman who used intrigues to become empress. The large Villa Poppaea at Oplontis near Pompeii bears her name because of the archaeological finds there. It has been largely excavated and can be visited today.

Poppaea, herself, was a Jewish convert to the cult of He-Who Must-Not-Be-Named.

Between Nero and Poppaea, the Jews now had their dream team.

And just in time, too, because those pesky Christians were telling the Romans the truth about the demonic Jews.

But in Rome, Poppaea took up their cause and was an effective persuasion over Nero. [460]

With the lies of the Hebrew Bible with which to deceive people about their self-proclaimed “holiness” linked with the vast wealth that the Temple banking scam provided them, the Jews had more power than any other group in Rome.

And that power was increasing.

The Roman stoic philosopher and statesman, Seneca, (4 BC - 65 AD) had been Nero’s childhood tutor.

He said this about the Jews:

“These pestilential people have been known to acquire such influence that they, the vanquished, impose their customs up on us, their conquerors.”

But Nero did not listen to his patriotic old tutor because he was under the influence of the Judaized Poppaea.

In a pagan empire such as Rome where bribery was basic to all business and politics, those who had the most money, had the most influence.

How was that different from our modern systems of government where the rich, unelected and socially corrosive Jewish bankers and merchants determine the fate of the entire country?

Just because this is how the world,

“has always been,”

does not mean that this is how the world should continue to be.

A country ruled by merchant-moneylenders rather than by the natural leaders of the People, will always fail as the ship of state is sailed in whatever direction profits the merchant moneylenders.

And since they gain their profits from the People, the welfare of the People and the health of the State, is always secondary to the merchant moneylenders’ profits.

Under such a situation, the corrupted leaders sell the People into the hands of those who neither deserve nor merit leadership.

Devils should not be allowed to control your fate.

Those who,

“hate all of Mankind”

are devils.

The Jews hate all of Mankind.

Figure it out for yourself.

BOOK: EXCERPT: The White Man’s Bible – Relentless Problems Go Back with Jews for Thousands of Years – Library of Rickandria

The Jews had many special advantages in the Roman Empire above that of any other people. 

The Jews had the vast profits from international trade and moneylending monopolies.

The Jews had captured Roman finances and political direction by inveigling and bribing the Senators to convert Rome’s fiat bronze coinage to the gold and silver standard, the bullion of which they controlled.

The Jews had their religiously disguised,

“Training Manual for Jewish Criminality and Sociopathy”

known as the Hebrew Bible, as a unified system of subversion and national destruction.

The Jews had an international espionage and subversion system of the Kehillah.

And they had a magnificently fortified new Temple housing Abraham’s First National Bank and Pawn Shop in Jerusalem as a focal point for disguising their commercial swindles behind a religious hoax.

With limitless financial resources and a subversive system for the dispossession and destruction of Mankind, the Monsters of Babylon were well on their way of surreptitiously realizing their dreams of world ownership, just as Terah and his banking guild had envisioned.

As a dwelling place, Jerusalem owed its origin to its defensive qualities.

The site offered no other advantages.

It neither dominated communications nor was surrounded by fertile land.

The countryside is waterless.

That factor made Jerusalem hard to capture.

Its defenders could draw upon the water they had stored in cisterns; the besiegers were forced to search far afield to replenish their supplies.

Jerusalem could be assailed only from the north and northwest.

On all other sides it was surrounded by deep valleys. [461]

The Temple was built, says Tacitus, like a citadel.

Statue of Tacitus outside the Austrian Parliament Building 1.98 MB View full-size Download

Publius Cornelius Tacitus, known simply as Tacitus (/ˈtæsɪtəs/ TAS-it-əs, Latin: [ˈtakɪtʊs]; c. AD 56 – c. 120), was a Roman historian and politician. Tacitus is widely regarded as one of the greatest Roman historians by modern scholars.

It had well-constructed walls of its own and even the colonnades around the inner Sanctuary provided splendid defense.

The building was twice plundered.

In 167 BC, the Seleucid king Antiochus Epiphanes erected there a pagan altar.

Bust of Antiochus IV at the Altes Museum in Berlin. 1.38 MB View full-size Download

Antiochus IV Epiphanes (c. 215 BC–November/December 164 BC) was king of the Seleucid Empire from 175 BC until his death in 164 BC. Notable events during Antiochus' reign include his near conquest of Ptolemaic Egypt, his persecution of the Jews of Judea and Samaria, and the rebellion of the Jewish Maccabees.

In 63 BC the Roman general Pompey, after a siege of three months, entered the Holy of Holies.

He touched none of the gold and found nothing behind the Holy of Holies veil other than empty air, missing entirely the secret passage into the treasure room.

Herod the Great, using the gold supplied by the international bankers, rebuilt the Temple to please his subjects, to create a building by which he might be remembered, and as a showcase of the success of the entire fraud of Judaism.

Judaism depended upon the misdirection and hoax of a single focus for its mythological foundations.

A “holy temple” in a “holy city” in a “holy land” inhabited by a “holy people,” were all window dressing for hiding the most foul and unholy of monsters from the sight of Man. 

Herod doubled the size of the original platform and extended its thick walls.

The work was begun in 20-19 BC and was not fully completed until 64 AD, just in time for the Romans to tear it down just six years later. [462]

The inner precinct of the Temple had large reserves of foodstuffs intended for the priests. [463] 

These secret stashes of:

  • food
  • wine
  • olive oil

were traditionally what the priests drew from for feeding themselves and for keeping the oil lamps “miraculously” burning while claiming that God did it, and so to bring us yet another fraudulent Jewish holiday called Honukkah (completely non-Biblical and totally fabricated by the modern rabbis as a competitive assault against Christmas).

So, although the Jews had everything that they needed, they did not own everything that they wanted.

There was an entire world of which the Jews only owned a small percentage.

And it was filled with non-Jews whom their god hated and had commanded them to genocide.

As will be seen throughout history, as soon as the Jews attain a power over the non-Jews, they arrange for the non-Jews to be killed in various clever ways, warfare always being their favorite and most profitable, but impoverishment and dispossession followed by starvation and slavery also being among the Jews’ “blessings” upon Mankind.

The center of Judaism has never been Jerusalem; rather, it has always been where the most money was to be made.

In the first century AD, the most money to be made was in Babylonia and Persia.

Since the beginnings of civilization in Sumeria, it was through those two regions that the trade between the East and West flowed. That is where the hoards of gold and silver were kept, to be used for undermining Rome.

That is where the wealthiest Jews lived.

That is where the Patriarch of the Jews, that banker who controlled the Kehillah system of spying and sabotage, had his mansion.

The Jews all over the known world were exempt from military service, so they could start wars and avoid the actual fighting.

Those in Persian as well as those in Roman territory were equally exempt.

And they were very happy to sell anything the warring armies needed, or the soldiers wanted.

It was not holiness that gave the Jews their profits.

Those profits would devolve to any people who could make the acquisition of bullion and the perpetuation of moneylending their primary purpose in life.

This was well understood by this moneylenders’ religious fraud established by Terah and his Babylonian relatives.

With a banking system ensconced within a temple, its bullion safely guarded by a terrifying god, situated in a “holy city” founded upon an unassailable rocky promontory, surrounded by a waterless “holy land,” fiercely protected by the brainwashed zombies who called themselves “Holy Chosen Ones,” Abraham’s First National Bank and Pawn Shop was a safe place for the “sacred” gold.

For the small contribution of a yearly tax and ten percent of their profits, its members could enjoy among the many benefits, interest-free loans; free food and lodging at the internationally-distributed system of synagogues; access to business and political intelligence through the international Kehillah spy and subversion system operated by the bankers and rabbis; guaranteed military exemption from every army in the world; the best in medical treatment; guaranteed food sources that had not been poisoned by their enemies; as many wives and concubines as they could afford; community concealment of their crimes; and the  overall cloaking and protection of their persons within the amorphous mass of the tribal corporation.

All they had to do was follow the rules of the Contract and not deviate from it.

Judaism was a fool-proof system for sucking in the wealth of the entire world, impoverishing and enslaving its people and keeping for themselves whatever loot they had stolen.

But there was a problem with belief.

If the pagans didn’t believe the lies that the Jews were telling, that was okay.

The important thing was that the Jews believed the lies that the rabbis and priests were telling.

Then, this banking swindle would work even against all of the objections of the outraged Gentiles.

The trick for the priests was to balance their lies against actual Reality.

And that could not always be done when, for example, the Jews believed the lies of the Hebrew Bible so sincerely that they thought that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named would protect them even when they went completely insane.

And this is what happened.

But when the Jews rose up against Rome, the lying god of the Jews was nowhere to be found.

Although the Jews make a big deal out of their rebellion against Rome in 66 to 70 AD, repeating the details of their howling insanity here, is useless because there are thousands of other books written on the subject.

Because the Jews of antiquity destroyed all opposing documents as per the instructions found in the Hebrew Bible, all of our modern books are based upon the writings of the self-serving and deceitful Pharisee Jew, Josephus.

Imaginary portrait by Thomas Addis Emmet, 1880 1.44 MB View full-size Download

Flavius Josephus (/dʒoʊˈsiːfəs/; Ancient Greek: Ἰώσηπος, Iṓsēpos; c. AD 37 – c. 100), born Yosef ben Mattityahu (Hebrew: יוֹסֵף בֵּן מַתִּתְיָהוּ), was a Roman–Jewish historian and military leader. Best known for writing The Jewish War, he was born in Jerusalem—then part of the Roman province of Judea—to a father of priestly descent and a mother who claimed Hasmonean royal ancestry.

Once again, all we have is the Jews’ side of the story, although the word of the Jews is now modified by modern archaeology.

A surviving bust of Josephus sporting the original Jewish buzzard beak, has been found in the ruins of Rome. [see Figure 115 - Josephus]

Figure 115 - Josephus 196 KB View full-size Download

So, we know what this lying Pharisee looked like.

You can be assured by reading Josephus’ tales about the “brave” and “pious” Jews fighting against the greatest empire in the world, is complete pro-Jewish propaganda whereby the lies of the Hebrew Bible were mixed with the “leaven of the Pharisees” and distributed to the Roman population disguised as “history.”

The failure of this rebellion caused the Jews to lose Abraham’s First National Bank and Pawn Shop in Jerusalem.

The Romans burnt the Temple down and demolished the rest of it, leaving only the Wailing Wall upon which to focus their Jewish sighs, moans, and sniveling – the usual Jewish street theater – in taking pity on themselves.

So, I will mostly skip over this part of the Jews’ deceitful history.

However, there are a few choice tidbits that are worth considering which are not considered in other books.

One thing to understand about the Jews is their complete lack of a sense of humor when it comes to showing how utterly ridiculous, they are.

The Jews are quick to slander and ridicule all other peoples, while puffing themselves up as over-blown “God’s Chosen Ones.”

But they throw themselves into spasms of rage if they are required to take their own medicine.

Yet, this is a part of Jewish strategy, to make themselves appear to be paragons of greatness using nothing but their flapping, rubbery lips, while pulling Mankind down into the dirt using their lies as well as every other foul means.

And then, if anyone does laugh at them or censure their gross idiocy, they fly into a violent rage in order to create a “fear of the Jews” among their critics.

The Jews demand that you accept their lies and perversions with serious faithfulness and with no laughter allowed to be directed against “the Holy Chosen Ones of God.”

Yet, it was mere laughter that set off the First Jewish-Roman War of 66 AD.

 The Jews are the world’s evilest clowns because even though Judaism is a mythological fantasy and every Jewish holiday is a wacky charade, the Jews in all of their preposterous pomposity, hate to be laughed at!

Laughter ruins their sense of self-esteem and pops the balloon of their inflated and unmerited “prestige.”

So, even though a Jew hates you, never laugh at a Jew or he will hate you even more.

Are you worried, yet?

You shouldn’t be, unless you are afraid of evil clowns.

Herod the Great had founded Caesarea as a Greek city.

Jews settled there in large numbers from early times as:

“resident aliens with the right of domicile,”

not as citizens.

As usual, with their moneylending swindles and monopoly of business channels, they aggressively dominated the wealth of the region and took the profits of their own greedy acquisitiveness as a sign that they were “blessed” by something other than voracious materialism.

With their haughty malice which the Greeks so much detested, the Jews began claiming that 

“the city was theirs”

and that they should

“take precedence over the Greeks.”

Like everywhere they were allowed to live, once they had skimmed off the wealth from their business and banking frauds, they attempted to use their purloined wealth as leverage for political domination.

The Jews seldom use their own money to subvert a nation; they prefer to first rob a nation and then use that nation’s own wealth for the subversion.

That way, it doesn’t cost them anything to destroy other people because it is other people’s money that they use for the job – the compound interest of the Sumerian Swindle works like that.

As an example of the power of the Sumerian Swindle, it took the Jewish merchants and moneylenders of Babylonia and Persia a mere fifty years to rebuild their fortunes and to bribe and deceive the Persian king Cyrus in 539 BC, until they got their main vault back while destroying Nebuchadnezzar’s empire in the process and having any Babylonians who objected, executed.

But now, in 66 AD, it wasn’t just the Greeks of Caesarea who hated the Jews, it was everybody who came into contact with them – except, of course, those kings and senators who were taking Jewish gold to do Jewish bidding.

The Greeks knew of the Jewish fables found in the Biggest Lie Ever Told, not only because the Jews were so mighty proud to be bragging about the lies of the Hebrew Bible in an effort to draw more Gentiles into their scam, but because in Alexandria the Septuagint had already been translated into Greek.

What the Greeks did not know – but which Jesus had warned against – was the “Tradition of the Elders” which the Jews had actually been following over and above the Hebrew Bible.

The Greeks experienced this secret “Oral Tradition” daily, but they could not define it since it had not yet been written down anywhere.

They could suffer under it, but they could not grasp it.

And yet, it radiated from every dealing they had with every Jew.

The “Tradition of the Elders” was the secret “Oral Law” which the Pharisees taught.

These “traditions” were the allegedly secret teachings that they claimed only the Pharisees knew and which had been whispered into Moses’ ear by God and not written down.

In other words, it was another Jewish fraud dressed in robes of holiness.

The Jews’ Oral Law was nothing more than the rules invented by a secret society of con artists and murderers, the Pharisees.

A basic example of this “tradition,” which every Gentile experienced from every Jew, was this teaching of the Oral Law, this Tradition of the Elders:

“What is the meaning of Har Sinai, that is, Mount Sinai?

It means the mountain from which radiates Sina, that is, hatred against the people of the world.”
(Babylonian Talmud, Shabbath 89)

Pretending holiness while practicing such “Traditions of the Elders” and “walking in the ways” of their evil god who hated all of Mankind, the Jews paraded their foul Jewishness in front of the Greeks, smirking in deluded certainty that they were blessed saints.

Their Jewish smirks were backed up by their wealth.

And their wealth and their persons were protected by the legions of Rome!

No one could assault the insufferable Jews without the armed military of Rome intervening and the Jews aggressively played their advantage for all they could get.

Except for actually rising up and killing all of the Jews, whom the Greeks could see were actually master criminals in disguise, what else could the Greeks do other than laugh at those: 

  • big nosed
  • stinking
  • thieving
  • hypocritical


Thus, the incident which set off the First Jewish-Roman War in the summer of 66 AD, began with laughter at the Jews and their phony exhibition of holiness.

One of the synagogues in Caesarea adjoined a plot of land owned by a Greek who refused to sell it to the Jews even at an inflated price.

He then began to erect buildings on his own property line in such a way that the entrance to the synagogue was not as convenient to them as the Jews desired.

The following day was Saturn’s Day (Saturday), the Sabbath.

When the Jews arrived at the synagogue, they found a Greek performing a parody of a Jewish sacrifice at the entrance.

For a “holy altar” the Greek was using an upside-down chamber-pot upon which he was sacrificing some innocent birds.

The Greeks knew the Jewish fables about the alleged Exodus from Egypt and they knew that it was a lie because they also had the histories of Manetho, the Egyptian historian, available to them.

According to Greek knowledge of Egyptian history, the Jews didn’t run away from Pharaoh because of oppression, the Jews were expelled from Egypt because they were rotting, stinking, lepers.

Jewish Law prescribed the sacrifice of a bird in an earthenware vessel for a cleansed leper.

So, this Greek humorist was offering a free sacrifice of birds on an earthenware chamber-pot to brighten the Jews’ dreary day and to cleanse them of their leprosy.

But Greek humor was not appreciated for what it was.

The Jews take their lies too seriously for that.

A riot ensued.

The Jews got the worst of the engagement and fled. [464]

Problems between the Jews and the Greeks were occurring throughout the Levant and into Egypt and Cyrene.

These were the territories that Alexander the Great had conquered and which his generals Seleucus and Ptolemy had made into kingdoms of their own.

And these were the kingdoms where the Jews had betrayed the Greeks to their enemies, both to the Parthians and to the Romans.

While the Greeks could live under Roman rule – a kindred Hellenistic culture – they had nothing but problems living alongside the Jews.

And the problems always came from the Jews.

But because the Jews had bribed and ingratiated themselves to the Roman emperors, they enjoyed special laws that protected them with Roman soldiers from Greek wrath.

There were a lot of Jews living all over the Hellenistic world at that time.

All of them were interconnected through their international trade corporations and monopolies and unified through their Hebrew Bible, their “Tradition of the Elders,” and their Kehillah-synagogue-spy system.

In their hatred and aggressive subversion of the non-Jews around them, the Jews did not merely do business to make money.

They used both business and money to destroy the non-Jews with whom they did business. 

“Walking the ways”

of their god of armies, the Jews waged a silent war of bribery upon the leaders, combined with the impoverishment and enslavement of the people.

The Jews were like a malignant tumor upon Mankind, multiplying through numerous wives and countless children and then pushing their children into taking over the surrounding businesses.

They could do this not because they had some mighty god protecting them but because they controlled unlimited credit, the gold and silver hoards of the East, and the trade channels and monopolies in all trade goods – just as they do in modern times.

The Jews controlled the wealth; therefore, they had the money and leverage to control the emperors and Senators and thereby to enslave the people.

Once their victims were shackled, they were doomed to a short and hard life of perpetual servitude and early death from overwork.

They were the white slaves of Europe and the Mediterranean, not Negroes.

Could the Jews do this because they were “holy” and “worthy” of managing the affairs of the world?


They could do this because they were the world’s oldest organized criminal conspiracy of merchants and moneylenders using religion as their concealing camouflage to commit grand larceny and genocide upon Mankind.

Judaism was not merely a religion like any other religion where there were both “good” and “bad” Jews, but it was a religion that was false and hypocritical at its very core, led by black-eyed demons disguised as priests and rabbis.

Its very laws were designed with no intention of leading its followers to God but rather for leading its followers to material success by fair means and foul and for destroying all other peoples as a part of its genocidal contempt and hatred for Mankind.

As big as Alexander the Great’s empire was, as great as the entire Roman Empire was, the extent of the worldwide trade routes and their terminus in the distant cities over the horizon was even more extensive.

So, the Greeks never saw why the Jews always had the trade goods to under-cut them in business or the rarities and spices to bribe their leaders in politics.

Nor could they see through the carefully concealed Temple façade and the synagogue smoke screens to see why every Jew, no matter how poor, had gold to lend out at interest and silver to buy local crafts and produce at cut rates.

While a Greek could trust his Greek neighbors not to steal from him, whenever there were Jews in the vicinity parading their arrogant sneers of superiority, things went missing.

What chance did Greek suspicions have, crashing against a solid wall of holier-than-thou Jews groaning and whining in chorus about how they are always being falsely accused when their very own holy scriptures commanded them:

“Thou Shalt Not Steal”

What chance did a Greek have when such writings, in such an allegedly holy book, “proved” that the Jews could not possibly have stolen the missing article because they were holy Jews following a holy book?

But as Jesus had warned the world, the Jews are liars and hypocrites.

The rabbis taught in their “Tradition of the Elders,” that the Hebrew Bible was only given to the Jews and not to the goyim (lowly insects, stupid cattle).

Therefore, the laws of the Jews only apply to the Jews.

To a Jew,

“Thou Shalt Not Steal”

means not to steal from Jews but it says nothing about not stealing from goyim.

So, stealing from non-Jews is perfectly okay as long as the Jews can steal without getting caught.

Stealing from the goyim was only wrong if the Jew got caught doing it, so it was always a community exercise – several Jews would do the stealing and all of the other Jews would conceal the merchandise and provide the alibi.

And yet, none of them were guilty of theft because their Hebrew Bible only made stealing from fellow Jews into a sin.

That was a “Tradition of the Elders” that the Jews were so successful in practicing.

Crime against the goyim (non-Jewish, lowly insects, stupid cattle) was encouraged by the Jewish priests and rabbis because, as Jewish priests, they were entitled to one-tenth of the loot!

By Jewish Law, property stolen from the goyim was holy and could be given to the priests and rabbis as a tithe and shared out among their brother priests as holy munchies called temurah, that is, food fit for Jewish priests. [465]

This gang of Jews were all in it together, from High Priest to Jewish shoplifter.

The fraud of Judaism was thorough and complete, from the highest priest to the lowliest Jew.

And because it was a system of organized crime, the average person had no defense against something so widespread and well-populated with crooks.

Comparatively few bandits and thieves were understandable to everybody.

But an entire society of bandits and thieves disguised as a “holy people,” was unique and difficult to defend against, especially because the entire gang was mysteriously protected by the Roman Empire!

The Greeks could see and experience firsthand, the dishonesty and malice of the Jews, but they couldn’t prove it because the tribe was so well organized and precise in its subversive acquisitiveness.

Judaism was like a well-oiled machine designed to get and to keep.

Jesus had pointed out its diabolical and false nature, but in 66 AD, his teachings were still restricted to a relatively few people because the Gospels had not yet been written down for general reading.

BOOK: Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Chapter 11: The Gospels According to G_d – Library of Rickandria

All that the Greeks had to rely on, was their actual experience in dealing with the Jews and their instincts that told them that the Jews were really, really hypocritical liars.

Based solely upon first-hand experience and observation, Tacitus would later write:

“The customs of the Jews are base and abominable and owe their persistence to their depravity.

Jews are extremely loyal towards one another, and always ready to show compassion, but toward every other people they feel only hate and enmity.

As a race they are prone to lust: among themselves nothing is unlawful.”

But Tacitus did not understand Jewish law because toward one another, their laws restrict their larceny somewhat.

It is only toward non-Jews, that nothing is unlawful – 

  • murder
  • rape
  • theft
  • arson

toward a non-Jew is, by Jewish Law, perfectly legal!

Finally, the Greeks just could not stomach Jewish swindles and hypocrisy anymore.

Because of a little joke that the Greeks had made by sacrificing birds upon a chamber pot, the Jews had rioted.

So, the Greeks had had enough of the Jews.

The Greeks retaliated and massacred and expelled the entire Jewish community in Caesarea in the autumn of 66 AD.

“Leave or die,”

was the Greek demand.

This aroused the Jews of Palestine, as a whole, to such fury and vengeance that they undertook immediate reprisals on a massive scale by raids on a number of Greco-Syrian cities with large Jewish minorities just across their frontiers – 

  • Gaza
  • Ascalon
  • Ptolemais

and Tyre on the coast:

  • Philadelphia
  • Gerasa
  • Pella
  • Gadara
  • Hippos

and Scythopolis in the Decapolis, and unspecified places in Gaulanitis.

The vengeful Jews pillaged the villages in the territory of those cities and slaughtered the Greek inhabitants.

In reply, the Greeks throughout Syria fell on the Jewish minorities in their cities, in some cases as a preventative of Jewish attacks.

The result was that for a time the whole province was disturbed and even proselytes were in danger of being massacred for their Jewish allegiance; and for good reason, since they were traitors to their people.

In Scythopolis, where the resident Jews offered their “Jewish Loyalty” to the Greeks against the attack of their fellow Jews, they were killed for their hypocrisy as a safety measure.

Indeed, a few weeks later, in Damascus, where the timely precaution of keeping the Jews under surveillance had prevented their attacking the Greeks simultaneously with their fellow gang members from elsewhere, the news of Cestius Gallus’ defeat at Bethoron was followed by a wholesale massacre.

The conflicts resulted in a noticeable reduction of the Jewish populations of the cities affected. [467]

As a consequence, along with all of their other great contributions to civilization – 

  • music
  • poetry
  • mathematics
  • philosophy

etc. – the Greeks established an unwritten Natural Law for All of Mankind for All Eternity and that is:

“The fewer Jews there are, the more peaceful the world becomes.”

Although the Greeks knew this from actual experience, they could not always practice this philosophy because the Jews had bribed the kings and governors to protect them.

With the entire region in a state of rebellion and the Roman troops in retreat and disarray, those Jews who actually believed the mythological fantasies in the Hebrew Bible demanded that their God of Lies be defended in Jerusalem and that He, in return, give them victory against the might of Rome.

So, the more fanatical sects of Judaism seized control of the Temple, deceived and treacherously massacred the Roman cohorts stationed in Jerusalem, all while shouting their slogan,

“No master but God.”

These Zealots and Jewish assassins, the Sicarii, believed in the Hebrew Bible and were ready to die in defense of their God of Lies sitting in majesty on the golden throne in their shiny, new gold-plated Temple, built like a fortress on an unassailable rocky ledge.

Who was mightier than a Jew in righteous indignation and anger?

Uh ... well … you have the Roman Empire for one.

It is

“Oy, such a miracle”

that the only surviving records of the Jewish Rebellion against Rome between 66-70 AD were written by Jews.

So, the picture is one-sided, since no complementary accounts survive written from the Roman angle. [468]

But like all of the other “miracles” of the Jews, it is easily understood when you know that both the Hebrew Bible and the “Tradition of the Elders” (that is, the Babylonian Talmud) encourages the Jews to destroy public records and burn anything that is not complimentary to themselves. [469]

The Jews appear to be forever pure and holy when the proofs of their crimes are destroyed.

Destroying the literary work of their opponents, is one way for only pro-Jewish tales to survive to make the Jews look good.

Not because Jewish tales are true and worthy of being preserved but because the true and worthy works of the non-Jews “miraculously” disappear from the historical record.

This is how the Hebrew Bible became the only “history” of the ancient Near East available to the West for over two thousand years, because all other histories had been either purposely destroyed or buried under rubble.

Both the “Tradition of the Elders” and the Hebrew Bible encourages the Jews to do this. 

 “You must destroy completely … and wipe out their name from that place.” (Deu 12:2-3)

This is how the histories of such writers as Manetho and Apion have disappeared.

And this same method is used by the Jews in modern times as you will see in Volume III, The Bloodsuckers of Judah.

The Greeks of Caesarea had managed to rid itself of its Jews,

“in less than an hour.”

Thus, the Greeks proved to the modern world that all of the problems of:

  • treason
  • subversion
  • foreclosure
  • poverty
  • debauchery

and Communism, are quickly and easily solvable once you know who’s behind it and what a simple Solution there is available to one and all.

In Alexandria, a confrontation between Jews and Greeks had degenerated into a bloody riot.

The Jewish Prefect of Egypt, Tiberius Alexander, who had bribed his way into office with an amount that no individual man could have produced, could not convince the crazed Jews to quiet down.

So, he ordered the Roman army under his command, which included a couple of cohorts from Libya which were passing through at the time, to beat the hell out of the rioters and take whatever of their property that they wanted.

These stalwart soldiers quickly massacred fifty thousand of his co-religionists – additionally proving that Tiberius Alexander was working for the International Big Jews, not the local Little Jews of Jerusalem.

Galilee was surrounded with hostile Greek cities that had rid themselves of their Jewish Problem by the end of the summer and autumn of 66 AD. [470]

By using this newly discovered Greek philosophy of getting rid of the Jews, Alexandria, too, became peaceful and happy while the rest of the Roman Empire settled peacefully into quietude.

However, the city of Jerusalem had been taken over by Jewish maniacs and assassins who were still in a state of revolt against Rome.

So, in the spring of 67 AD, Nero dispatched General Vespasian to put down the rebellion.

There is no need to go into details about this Jewish desire to smash and burn, since there are details a-plenty in other books.

But for the present volume’s theme, a few subjects should be illuminated beginning with the central focus for all Jewish melodrama, the Temple of Abraham’s First National Bank and Pawn Shop in Jerusalem.

The care of the Temple had been entrusted to Agrippa by Claudius.

This state-of-the-art temple palace-fortress complex was completed just in time for the riots.

Its shiny, new magnificence undoubtedly gave the Jews even more delusions of grandeur.

Upon completion, it left eighteen thousand Jewish workmen without employment, all wondering what other mischief they could do.

It had been begun by Herod in 20 BC, and it was finished in 64 AD.

It had taken eighty-three years to build; and in six years’ time it became no more than a heap of rubble. [471]

A definite sign from God of what happens when Jews are allowed to build anything.

The performance of religious rites and the maintenance of the Temple required the services of about 7,200 priests and 9,600 Levites and priestly servants.

So, you know that the overhead to support all of those ravenous priests and their huge families was enormous.

One hundred doorkeepers were required each night to close the massive Temple doors.

The Captain of the Temple Police, the Sagan, was next in rank to the High Priest, to whom he was always closely related.

This reflected the military organization of Judaism, serving its Yahweh-god of Armies.

The priests and Levites were divided into “courses.”

When not on duty, they pursued ordinary occupations throughout the country, as did the Scribes and Rabbis.

The rabbis, many of whom were very poor because they were content with the free handouts that they got as their cut from the Temple trickle-down system of organized crime, were held in high esteem.

Only craftsmen at their work were exempted from the rule that all must rise to their feet as the rabbis passed by. [472]

Those stinky old frauds pretended to have not only great wisdom but magical powers as well, all derived from their street theater and demonic lies such as opening their eyes wide with awe and terror and throwing themselves with wails of fear supinely before the blood-dripping altar.

If a Jew didn’t believe the rabbi’s word or follow his commands, then the rabbis would conspire to murder him. (Deu 17:12)

“Respect” for the rabbis was enforced by the Devil’s Truth.

BOOK: Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Chapter 6: The Devil’s Truth & the Hebrew Bible – Library of Rickandria

Carefully chosen from the close-knit families who claimed the hereditary right of appointment, a claim based entirely upon the mythological genealogy and Contract of the Hebrew Bible, the High Priests – who advertised that their “only reward” was God – reaped a rich reward under the table.

With their eyes rolled up toward heaven, they controlled the Temple Treasury.

With the Temple tithe, the Temple tax on every Jew, moneylending, the numerous “sin” sacrifices and the side-businesses of the markets within the Temple walls where the sacrificial beasts had to be bought and where foreign currency was exchanged for Jewish shekels, their profits were enormous.

They also had vast power over the Jews to whom they lent money.

Foreign and Roman coins were brought there both by native pilgrims and by those who had traveled from the widespread Diaspora (Spores-that-Die-Ya), those ever-growing colonies of Jews who were breeding in the Roman and Parthian Empires while betraying both.

Because of liberal Jewish bribery, the Roman leaders pampered those Jews who preferred to live outside of Palestine.

This amicable relationship was “traditional,” dating in Alexandria back to the privileges conferred by Alexander the Great on the Jews who had betrayed the Persians.

In Rome, this cordial friendship began when the Jews supported Julius Caesar in his bid for power and mourned his death, as Suetonius describes.

Thus, Roman policy on the Jewish Problem remained rather constant and proved useful in 66 AD, when on the outbreak of the First Jewish-Roman War, the Diaspora (Spores-that Die-Ya) remained quiet. [473]

That’s right, Folks.

The Jews of Jerusalem were in rebellion against Rome while all of the Jews everywhere else in the Roman Empire were as quiet as raccoons stealing eggs.

If the Jewish Revolt was actually over religion, then why were not all of those allegedly “religious” Jews in the rest of the Empire also not rioting, instead of just sitting around lending money and attending to business?

Wasn’t the Temple in Jerusalem the very heart and soul of Judaism?

Or perhaps the very heart and soul of Judaism was actually found wherever the Jews were lending money and attending to business.

For its entire history, the center of Judaism had never been in Jerusalem.

The center of worldwide Jewry was always where the most money could be made.

The Jewish leaders throughout the Roman Empire, such as king Agrippa and Tiberius Alexander, wanted nothing to do with any Jewish Revolt.

They were among the super-wealthy International Jews who were all firmly in the Roman camp.

They offered the Romans every facility.

It was the little Jews of Palestine who revolted, the Jews who actually believed the lies found in the Hebrew Bible who threw themselves into the flames of hell for the sake of He-Who-Must Not-Be-Named.

This would be a continuing theme throughout the history of the Western nations as well:

entire peoples driven to a frenzy with the genocidal lies and heroic phoniness that the Jewish scribes had written with lamp-black on goat skins in their sacrificial temple of blood and gold.

But long before the Western Peoples went crazy from believing the lies of the Old Testament, the Jews went crazy first.

Although the history of the First Jewish-Roman War of 66-70 AD, is only sketched out in this volume, a general idea of the various Jewish sects and some other pertinent details, will give you a better understanding of later historical developments.

According to the Contract, the god of the Jews hated all of Mankind and demanded that the temples (banks) of all other gods be destroyed along with their worshippers and holy books. (Deu 12:2-3)

In this way, Judaism suppressed all other varieties of religious experience and destroyed all religious knowledge within its greedy power to do so.

Judaism was designed not to be a religion claiming a truth that would shine forth and enlighten the world through its own moral superiority and goodness, but to be a destroyer of all other religions.

And then to stand on the rubble and claim that it was the “truth” and “morally superior” to what it had destroyed.

This genocidal Monster out of Babylon could only declare itself as superior by first killing off all competing religions.

Its psychopathic and genetically retarded son, Islam, would use the same techniques of murder and arson to foist yet another Semitic fraud upon Mankind in later centuries.

True religions depend upon the kindness and religiosity of its members for support.

They worship their gods and accept donations and offerings from their congregations.

Its gods were not interested in anything other than godly attainments.

So, if society was peaceful and prosperous, donations were large, and the temples thrived.

But if:

  • warfare
  • disease
  • drought

or a thousand other causes created economic hardship on the people, then donations were meager, and that religion and its temples declined.

The Great Question that so many students of religion have asked over the centuries and which they don’t seem to be able to understand is this:

“How did Judaism and the Jews survive for so many centuries while other religions and nations fell into the dust?”

In various shades of religious yearning, most of those students hoped to see this great and mighty god that the Jews have claimed loves them so much, to be the answer to this riddle.

But the actual answer is this:

Judaism was, and is, a criminal system of banking and business in disguise.

It is not based upon God.

It is based upon cash flow and the hoarding of bullion with the Jewish “god” only there to stand guard over the gold and to terrorize any would-be burglars.

That is how Judaism has survived, simply because its main goals have always been:

  • moneylending
  • business profits
  • monopolization of resources
  • political bribery
  • ownership of bullion

and all of the criminal businesses that are driven by the Sumerian Swindle.

While other religions (their people and their temples) suffered from economic downturn and political disaster, Judaism thrived because its Jewish:

  • bankers
  • moneylenders
  • merchants

were the main cause of economic downturn and political disaster from which they profited.

Ten percent of their profits were tithed back into the banking system that swathed the entire hoax in an illusion of religion.

This ten percent protected the bankers with a camouflage of fake “sanctity” and a disguise composed of both the bullshitting rabbis and the synagogue of lying Jews.

And all of the Jews benefited from the hoax.

Unlike any other religion, Judaism’s god was most in love with:

  • gold
  • silver
  • gems

and jewels, expensive purple linens, spices and one-tenth of the profits from all businesses. 

These were the things that this god demanded in addition to the butchering of innocent animals, the pouring out of their blood and the daily:

  • barbeques
  • wines
  • fresh breads

for the priests.

The entire Contract of the Hebrew Bible is based upon providing these things for the mighty and terrible god sitting between the Assyrian cherubs on a throne of gold.

The Jewish priests wrote that this god would instantly strike dead anyone who even looked at the gold on deposit in his temple.

So, giving to the Temple was allowed, but don’t even think about taking!

To ensure that no other religion could compete with or to call into question the methods used by this system of organized crime, genocide became a major Jewish practice from the earliest days in Canaan.

Actually, and literally killing off the competition has always been a basic Jewish technique.

This is one major reason the Jews have been hated forever.

But to get away with their betrayal of Mankind, eliciting pity and sympathy from their victims has also been a Jewish technique from ancient times.

Whining and crying about how the goyim (those non-Jewish, lowly insects and stupid cattle) “oppressed” them and “hated” them and wished to do them harm, has been a magic song of the Jews.

It has worked for them because they left no survivors to tell tales of how the Jews actually deserved any ill-treatment that they had gotten.

Through their destruction and burning of the books and writings of their foes, the story of the Jews has become an one-sided story with the lying Jews doing all of the talking, while their foes have been murdered and their writings and religious symbols burned.

With no proof to the contrary, with only Jews telling the tales, what else could the people of the world believe other than that the Jews were God’s Chosen People, innocently wandering around in peace, and being unfairly hated by everybody because of their “holiness”?

Their orchestrated whining and crying have saved them countless times as these remorseless creatures who “have no pity” (Deu 7:16) inveigle pity from the emotions of their victims.

A roster of the various Jewish sects will identify the players in the First Jewish-Roman War.

The first of these sects were the Sadducees.

The Sadducees were a close-knit group of Jewish families who monopolized the office of High Priest, and who, during the period of Roman rule, controlled Jewish affairs. [474]

Their main goal was business profits and control of the Temple’s vast wealth which they maintained through political power via the kings; and, after there were no more Jewish kings, through the bribery of whatever foreign administrators were placed over Judea.

It is not surprising in a system invented by:

  • bankers
  • moneylenders
  • import-export moguls

and similar crooks, that the Sadducees were not interested in morality.

They even asserted that God did not see sin; that is, God did not see Jewish sin but only the sins of the goyim (non-Jewish, lowly insects, stupid cattle).

With only the relatively minor rules of the Torah to constrain them, rules that mainly were designed to keep the Temple Treasury operational, the Sadducees’ appealed mainly to the rich Jews.

But they made very few converts for two reasons:

  1. Using the laws of the Hebrew Bible, they passed their wealth and power along to their sons. So, anyone not of their exclusive families were barred from the control of the Temple and its finances 
  2. As wealthy merchants and moneylenders, they were an exclusive clique as they paraded about in their finery, posing with self-important dignity. These were those whom Jesus condemned for their “love of the places of honor” and making long prayers for public show. (Mar 12: 38-40)

BOOK: EXCERPT: Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Chapter 11: The Gospels According to G_d – The Gospel According to Mark – Library of Rickandria

The Sadducees were disagreeable even to each other since they were in business competition with each other.

And like most rich people, considered wealth to be a mark of personal excellence.

They were as harsh to their fellow-countrymen as they might be to foreigners.

And they jealously protected their family fortunes and Temple politics though intermarriage and careful attention to genealogical descent.

They were what might be called “the old money” families.

The Pharisees, a sect described as:

  • abstemious
  • conscientious
  • courteous

but also, proud and cunning, were much admired for their consistent moral conduct – “moral,” that is, by Jewish standards which only means someone who follows demonic Jewish rules.

They were even more hypocritical than the Sadducees.

As an example of their alleged “moral conduct,” they taught that,

“If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there.” [475]

In such ways, a Jew could indulge in any immoral vice but still keep up appearances of being a “holy and moral” Jew.

The Pharisees were very proud of their abilities to deceive.

It was a Semitic trait that they nurtured.

The Pharisees exerted great influence over the public at large because they had developed a system of legal deceptions and frauds which allowed them to evade the laws of Moses and substitute the laws of the Devil, instead.

This sect was later to become the modern Jews.

It was the Pharisees who promoted that special swindle within the great fraud of Judaism in what they called the “Tradition of the Elders.”

This “tradition” was that evil teaching condemned by Jesus.

It was a system of many additional rules which the Pharisees obeyed with meticulous care but which they could change in any way that suited them.

With their fork-tongued abracadabra, the Pharisees claimed that they had special knowledge that God had whispered into the ears of Moses and which Moses had passed down as a secret “Oral Law,” a law that only they knew.

An example of how this “Tradition of the Elders” worked would be this.

A Jew just cannot control his wild, circumcised penis so he rapes and sodomizes a little boy. 

The Laws of Moses, which are upheld by the Sadducees and priests of the Temple, declares the death penalty for such perversion.

However, the Jewish pervert goes to a Pharisee rabbi and admits his transgression.

The Pharisee asks how old the boy is.

“Seven years old,”

replies the pervert.

“Well, then, it’s okay.

Jews can screw little children as often as you like just as long as the child is not any older than nine years old.”

“Why is this?”

asks the Jewish pervert.


answers the Pharisee,

“the Laws of Moses declare death for sodomizing a man.

A child is not a man.

So, as long as the child is younger than nine years old and a day, then you are still a perfectly pious and holy Jew who can have sex with as many little children as a holy Jew desires.”

In such ways, among the demonic Jews, the Pharisees were the biggest devils of all.

They were the ultimate Jewish lawyer who could reverse any Biblical law.

This is why so many modern perverts and sex fiends are Jews because they are members of a so called “religion” that applauds such behavior.

The study and practice of Jewish law became a favorite pastime of the Pharisees because it was an intellectual exercise in verbal swindles and psychological treason; and they were experts at both.

Under the influence of the Jews, all law throughout the Western world (including modern times) became not something that built the nation or protected the People, but something designed to do battle against justice.

And that is what lawyers do to this very day.

Modern lawyers do not seek “justice,” they fight against it.

So, the Hebrew:

  • thieves
  • murderers
  • sex fiends

and the day-to-day Jewish crooks as well as the common Jews, admired the Pharisees because whatever Mosaic Laws that they broke, the Pharisee rabbis could always cunningly invent a way of absolving the “sinning Jews” from the punishment and fines of the Temple priests.

The Pharisees were friendly to one another and endeavored to be on good terms with the generality of people because it was through the general populace that they gained their power as well as became richer in gifts from devoted criminals who had been freed from the Mosaic Law penalties.

The Pharisees accepted as the word of God all three sections of the Hebrew Scriptures – the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings. [477]

And then added their own which they called “the Tradition of the Elders,” later known as the Talmud.

Although the Hebrew Bible nowhere mentions the immortality of the soul (with the exception of the late addition of the Book of Daniel which was written specifically to animate the Maccabean Revolt), the Pharisees made it an essential tenet of their teachings based on nothing more than their own cunning sophistries.

The Pharisees had another quality that helps to explain their influence with the people: they had a reputation for being approachable and affable.

This is the image that has come down to us from Hillel, the most famous Pharisee of the early first century.

He taught to,

“seek peace, love all creatures and bring them closer to the Torah.” [478]

The Torah is the Big Book of Jewish Lies, so Hillel’s advice was nothing more than the recommendations of a Jewish devil.

The third major sect, though the smaller of the three, were the Essenes.

These were a desert dwelling community of hermits and recluses living at Qumrum along the Dead Sea.

Josephus studied with one such hermit named Bannus who was living in the wilderness.

“With Bannus I lived for three years and, having accomplished my purpose, returned to the city.

Being now in my nineteenth year I began to govern my life by the rules of the Pharisees.”

Josephus’ purpose was to understand every trick and wile of Judaism, even those practiced by the Jewish hermits.

Finally, after accomplishing his purpose, he joined the trickiest and most deceptive of all Jewish sects, the Pharisees.

The Pharisees were the largest of the sects and had the widest following among the Jews. [480]

The Zealots were a sect that was originally formed as a tax protest movement lead by one Judas “The Galilean.”

He instigated a short-lived revolt which cost him his life.

But his philosophy lived on.

He had founded the Zealots, zealous for Israel and for Israel’s Yahweh-god.

The Zealots were to keep up a continuous agitation against Roman rule until their zeal brought about the destruction of Jerusalem. [481]

The preaching of this Judas of Galilea and Saddok the Pharisee, which made use of the Book of Daniel, fueled an apocalyptic unrest that inevitably led to war with Rome. [482]

The Zealots’ main idea was to kill anyone who didn’t appreciate the Zealot ideas of:

  • murder
  • theft
  • carnage

– all traditional Jewish methods of serving their demon god.

As “holy and pious” Jews exercising their circumcised weenies, they were also homosexual perverts.

Another splinter group was the Sicarii.

The Sicarii were Jewish murderers and assassins who appeared around the year 50 AD.

Driven mad by the lies of Judaism and the impossible fables in the Book of Daniel, these Jewish terrorists killed anyone whom they considered not one of themselves.

They regarded Rome as the Evil Empire, which, according to the Book of Daniel would be history’s last and would in turn make way for the Messiah.

It was the Sicarii who (according to the lying Jew, Josephus) at war’s end, committed mass suicide at Masada rather than face Roman crucifixion and slavery.

Ideologically, the Sicarii were very close to the Zealots, though the Sicarii were a more ruthless and murderous type of Jew. [483]

The Sicarii made the streets of Jerusalem unsafe, even in broad daylight.

Carrying daggers concealed in their clothing these assassins mingled with the festival crowds.

After stabbing their victims to death, they melted into the throng of would-be avengers and escaped undetected.

As they began to jockey for power, their first target was the high priest Jonathan, and similar murders became a daily occurrence, filling the Jews with terror and making them suspicious of their closest friends. [484]

When members of their gang were captured, they would slip back into Jerusalem under cover of the crowds and kidnap various town officials.

As ransom they demanded the release of ten of their imprisoned fellow-gangsters.

Once these ten were released, they proceeded to kidnap other officials, thereby securing the release of one batch of Sicarii after another, all of whom at once renewed their depredations in every part of the country. [485]

One final splinter group were the Idumaeans, or Edomites, who were allegedly descendants from Edom, another name for Esau. [486]

Although they were Jews by conversion, they retained their ethnic separateness.

They were Jewish by faith, not by genealogical descent.

So, the main body of Jews never really accepted them as full Jews.

However, the Zealots were able to rely on the Idumaeans’ devotion to the Temple.

No sooner had the Idumaean leaders received the summons from Jerusalem than they called for a mass levy and set out to place their swords in the service of the Temple. [487]

These were the Jewish players in the Jewish-Roman War of 66-70 AD.

Not all of them wanted a war with Rome, but all of them eventually joined in.

As has already been stated, the Jews throughout the Roman Empire enjoyed advantages and special privileges that no other people had.

Since Roman rule provided no serious threat to Jewish religion, itself, the religious leaders, whether Pharisee or Sadducee, did not as a body support the war, and the High Priests led the peace-party.

Only the fanatics whose slogan was “No Master but God” and whose ideal was a Hebrew Bible theocracy under the High Priest, saw Roman rule as undermining Jewish religion.

These were the Jews who actually believed the lies of the Hebrew Bible.

Because the Jews had rejected Jesus, they were still awaiting their Jewish Messiah who was declared by the rabbis to not be a peace-loving hippy like Jesus but to be a “real Jew” who would wipe out all of the people on the entire earth and leave it all for the Jews to own.


That was their ideal messiah!

In addition, many of the rebels were agitators wanting economic reform in the interests of the poor. [488]

Since they were poor, they thought this to be a noble and inspiring goal.

The breakdown of Roman authority began in such cities as Caesarea as a result of many years of hatred between the Greeks and the Jews.

The Jews were being Jewy and the Greeks were being normal people.

So, they didn’t get along at all.

Even in modern times, the rabbis teach in their “Tradition of the Elders”:

“The Jews are called human beings, but the non-Jews are not human.

They are beasts.”
(Babylonian Talmud, Baba Mezia, 114b)

It’s all in the attitude.

Neither the Greeks nor anyone else appreciated the Jewy attitude that oozed out of every Jew during every single encounter between them.

The Jews reacted wretchedly as if they had been touched by excrement whenever a Greek so much as brushed against a Jew.

Under the principles of Mosaic Law where only Jews are holy and God hates all of the rest of Mankind, the Jews,

“walked in the ways of their god”

with sneers on their lips and malice in their voices during every encounter of even the most ordinary kind.

To all non-Jews, they would refuse to return a friendly greeting, refuse to give water to thirsty travelers, cheat in business dealings, refuse to pay workers their wages, deal in stolen property, react as if they had been insulted if a Greek did them a kindness, refuse to eat food or drink beverages if the plate had been touched by a Greek, and ten thousand other reproaches and ill deeds for no reason that the Greeks could fathom.

The Jews were hated by everyone.

But it wasn’t because of that modern Jewish lie called “anti-Semitism” with which modern Jewish lawyers have befuddled modern people; it was because the Jews deserved to be hated.

They created that hatred, themselves, and then blamed it on the Greeks – and that is what “anti-Semitism” really is and nothing more than that, a Jewish creation blamed on the non-Jews.

Finally, when the Greeks just couldn’t take any more malice and deceit from the Jews, they rose up and slaughtered or expelled the entire Jewish population from Caesarea.

Afterwards, Jewish reprisals in other cities of the Decapolis and the Phoenician coast led to Greek counter-reprisals against Jews in other Syrian cities.

Massacre, fire and pillage became the order of the day, with the Jewish minorities suffering heavy casualties. [489]

None of this had anything to do with Roman oppression of the Jews.

Rome had given the Jews more than they gave to any other people.

All of this turmoil came directly from the hatred and crooked business methods used by the Jews for defrauding the Greeks and the slights and insults that the Jews gave to everyone around them.

It was the direct result of Judaism in the world and the natural response of Human Beings defending themselves from the Jews.

An indication of what some of these resentments were, came from the Greeks who, after they had gotten rid of the local Jews, asked the Romans to,

“remove the bronze tablets on which the Jews’ rights were inscribed.” [490]

These “rights” had been granted by Julius Caesar and verified by every emperor since then and were given to no people other than the Jews.

These “rights” basically allowed the Jews to practice their criminal behavior under the authority of the emperor.

This meant to the Jews that they were free to defraud whatever non-Jew they could with impunity.

And if a Greek complained of Jewish sociopathy, the Jews could have him fined, flogged or executed because his complaints were infringing on their “special rights.”

Modern Jews use the very same technique with their bogus “hate laws” and “anti-Semitism laws” and “Holocaust denial laws” that give them official advantage over their victims through a government enforcement of the Devils’ Truth.

Palestine and Egypt were in turmoil with fighting between the Jews and Greeks.

Both regions were important to Roman military security and economic prosperity.

Once the Jews had rioted enough and their more religiously deluded fanatics had massacred some Roman soldiers and seized Jerusalem, Rome had no choice other than to put down the rebellion.

Rome became an empire because of the strength of its army and the organizational skills of its civil service.

Each legion constituted a complete miniature army, supplied with cavalry and bowmen and trained and equipped to campaign on its own.

A legion’s official strength was about 6,000 men, officered by Centurions and Tribunes, and commanded by a Legatus, a man of senatorial rank.

A soldier served for twenty-five years.

Upon discharge he was granted a plot of land either in his own country or in the locality in which his legion had served.

Few, if any, of the legions were entirely Roman in composition, but whatever their country of origin, the soldiers were bound by strict discipline.

For even the slightest neglect of duty, the punishment was death.

It was this discipline that gave the Roman army its strength and character.

Some legions were better trained and disciplined than others; those raised in the East were reckoned inferior to those recruited in Europe.

The Romans had no powerful enemies; their opponents were either small, ill-organized kingdoms or barbarian tribes. By 66 AD, no strong State now existed to challenge Rome or threaten its Empire.

On their frontiers and in rebellious areas like Judea, the Romans might lose the first battle but were bound to win the war.

Suppression of revolt required only time and money.

Against the Jews, the army of the East was put on a war footing very quickly, due to the superb organizing ability of the Roman bureaucracy.

The clerks in Rome dealt with pay and allowances, and operated a soldiers’ savings bank into which they could deposit sums saved from their annual pay of 120 denarii (0.56 kilos or 1.2 pounds of silver) which was only about one and a half ounces of silver per month.

And half of this amount was held for food and clothing.

So, booty was an important part of a soldier’s pay.

But bribing them to derelict their duty was nearly impossible because it was a death penalty for Roman soldiers to neglect their duty.

Officers were highly paid.

A Centurion received 5,000 denarii (23.5 kilos or 51.8 pounds of silver), a Tribune 20,000 denarii (94 kilos or 207 pounds of silver), and a Legate 30,000 denarii (141 kilos or 311 pounds of silver) per year.

Each soldier was uniformly armed, wearing an iron-link cuirass and backplate, iron helmet, and heavy hob-nailed sandals.

He carried:

  • a shield
  • a sword
  • a dagger

and a javelin – the pilum, which during the first century had evolved from a defensive weapon into an ingenious and deadly lance.

It featured a spear point attached to a long, thin, iron shank designed to stick into an enemy’s shield, thus pulling down the shield with its weight and exposing the enemy to arrows, sword and more pilums.

Once it stuck, the iron shank bent under its own weight.

So, even if an enemy could pull it out of his shield, it was bent and useless to throw back.

Then as now, weapons dictated tactics, and the legion fought in a:

  • compact mass
  • mobility
  • firepower

being provided by the hosts of auxiliaries.

The horsemen still lacked the stirrup which, when it was introduced into Europe in the seventh century, gave cohesion to cavalry maneuvers.

The archers were armed with the “composite” bow.

The old “simple” bow was used by less-civilized peoples.

The range of the composite bow was less than it has been given credit for.

The light “practice” arrow could be fired for 250 yards, the heavy “war” arrow was effective only up to 150 or 200 yards.

Each legion carried, and may have individually constructed, its own artillery, which consisted of two types of machines – the catapult derived its power from spring action and could fling stones, arrows and spears with great impact:

the torsion-operated ballista hurled bolts and stone shot.

These weapons were very accurate.

In addition, they had the Roman testudo and battering-rams.

The artillery was:

  • constructed
  • serviced
  • operated

by a special corps of officers, men who were accorded unique status and rank.

In addition, each legion carried entrenching tools, bridging equipment with which to span streams and small rivers, and the implements for constructing fortified camps – a legion’s first task upon arriving at its destination.

To command the army for the re-conquest of Palestine, Nero selected fifty-seven-year-old veteran general Vespasian. [491]

The Jews really did not have a chance against Rome.

But Jerusalem was a fortress city built on a waterless and inaccessible stone ridge; and Herod’s Temple was built like a banker’s vault, not easy to get into.

The Romans surrounded Jerusalem and sealed off all escape routes.

The goals of the Jews inside Jerusalem were varied and all equally insane.

The Jewish terrorists and murderers known as Zealots and Sicarii (the Jewish dagger assassins) had a basic goal of attacking the wealthy Jews, those Jews who took advantage over other Jews based upon their genealogical descent.

Thus, their victims were mainly Sadducees.

One of the stated goals of the Zealots was social revolution for the benefit of the poorer Jews. 

Their basic method was to run a campaign of plunder against the wealthy Jews. [492]

After they had seized Jerusalem, they set fire to the house of Ananias the High Priest and to the palaces of Agrippa and Bernice.

They next burned the public archives in the Records Office, destroying the money lenders’ bonds to prevent the recovery of debts in order to win over a host of grateful debtors. [493]

This was standard Judaism in action, burning the libraries, records, books and account ledgers to destroy all evidence against the Jews.

It was (and is) the Tradition of the Elders which the Pharisees taught:

“If one destroyed by fire the bond of a creditor he would be exempt, because he can say to him,

“It was only a mere piece of paper of yours that I have burnt.’

Rabbi Rami ben Hania demurred:

What are the circumstances?

If there are witnesses who know what were the contents of the bond why not draw up another bond which would be valid? If on the other hand such witnesses are not available, how could we know what were the contents?”
(Babylonian Talmud, Baba Kama 98a-98b)

By these actions, the rioters show us that the actual operators of the hoax of Judaism – the merchant moneylenders and rabbis – did not follow the written Contract, themselves.

The rich Jews and the priests exploited their advantage over the poor Jews.

The rich Jews ruthlessly exploited the poor Jews with:

  • interest-bearing debts
  • high rents
  • high taxes

while the priests and Levites sucked off their tithes.

They used their alleged genealogical descent from famous mythological characters in the Hebrew Bible to assume social superiority over the “lesser” Jews who had no fancy names to add to their own family trees.

A written genealogical tree automatically excluded any other claims of kinship.

Once the leading Jewish families had established their real (or fraudulent) line of descent, no outside Jews could ever gain any power over the “inherited rights” of either kingship or priesthood.

The ink on the goatskins locked the big Jews into power and the little Jews out of power, which was the original intend of Terah and his fraudulent guild of Babylonian bankers and merchants who devised the swindle of Judaism.

So, once they took control of Jerusalem, the Zealots and Idumaeans indulged in an orgy of butchery of the big Jews, all of whom were Sadducees.

Their particular target was the children of the aristocracy.

The Hebrew Bible has always taught the Jews the strategy of murdering children to “crush the loins” and destroy the progeny of their enemies.

And the Zealots were zealous for obeying the commands of He-Who-Must Not-Be-Named.

They also murdered everyone who roused their envy by possessing superior social status, or anyone who showed courage and enterprise – two things that Jews just can’t tolerate in others.

By copying how the Jewish priests had treated the common Jews, the Zealots decreed the death penalty for every offence, heinous or trivial, real or imaginary.

Only those whom humble birth or poverty had made them insignificant went in safety. [494]

Twelve thousand young, Sadducee rich kids were imprisoned and summarily executed.

For certain prominent citizens, a mock trial was held, but if the seventy-one member tribunal refused to pronounce the death sentence, the victim was simply murdered in the presence of his judges. [495]

To purposely create famine so as to force the populace to fight more desperately, the Zealots burned the stocks of grain stored in Jerusalem. [496]

And when food ran short for themselves, they simply murdered and robbed the weaker Jews.

Finally, all privileges were abolished by decree:

the high priests were no longer to be chosen from among the members of a few top families but were to be selected by lot from among all the priestly families, no matter their social standing. [497]

The Zealots were obviously fighting not just against Rome but against the Sadducees and the built-in, genealogical swindles of Judaism, itself.

And all the while, they were praying to the mighty Jewish god sitting on his throne in the gold-plated Temple, fragrant with the scent of burning Arabian spices and rotting blood.

The masturbating and homosexual Zealots advertised themselves as being “zealous” for He-Who Must-Not-Be-Named and for the “holy” teachings of Judaism.

They were strict and pious Jews who followed the teachings of the rabbis to the letter – such as wrapping their holy penises with a special cloth and taking a bath after raping a little boy – really no different than the modern day Hassids or the Orthodox Jews or the members of that modern seditious organization known as the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (pronounced “B’ad Br’eath”).

As “holy” devout Jews, they tied little boxes on their heads, then they:

  • looted
  • murdered
  • raped

while dressed in women’s clothes, used cosmetics, perfumed their shaggy beards, walked with mincing steps; and turned the city into a den of unnamable vice.

Even though they looked like sissy, bearded faggots, wearing sidelocks and beanies, they murdered like ordinary maniacs.

Eventually, all of the Idumaeans in the City turned on the Zealots, killing some and chasing the rest into the Temple. [498]

By 68 AD, the entire Jewish leadership of the revolt were all dead, all killed by the Jews, not by the Romans.

Many historians who have written about those times and events, have commented that the Zealots and Idumaeans created in Jerusalem an atmosphere,

“strikingly like the one that prevailed in Paris during the Reign of Terror.”

But because those historians wanted their books to be published by the modern-day Jewish publishers who repress anything that is not complimentary enough to the Jews, that is as far as most historians were willing to conjecture.

If those historians would look a little deeper, they would see that the terrorism in Jerusalem of 66-70 AD was similar to the Terror in France in 1789-1793 AD as well as to the Red Terror in Bolshevik Russia beginning in 1917 AD, as well as to the many terrors thereafter.

Miles Williams Mathis: The French Revolution – Library of Rickandria

Yes, these were all the same disease symptoms having one, and only one, virus in common – they were all perpetuated by the same blood-thirsty, circumcised, kosher devils wearing beanies.

Like every criminal, the Jews have left their fingerprints all over the history of Mankind.

Modern “historians” and “scholars” who ignore the deeds of those perfidious creatures, are nothing but propagandists and cowards.


Outside of Jerusalem, a couple of interesting Jewish fingerprints can be found in the actions of two Pharisee rabbis, Joseph ben Mattathias and Johanan ben Zakkai.

Because the Jewish “religion” prolongs itself by burning the evidence against it of other people’s books and ledgers, most of what we know about the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD comes from the contradictory writings of a self-promoting Pharisee who bragged about his ability to deceive and betray his own people.

If it could save his own life or promote his own ambitions, this Jewish priest thought nothing of killing and swindling fellow Jews.

Joseph ben Mattathias is known to us as Josephus.

The Works of Flavius Josephus

He was a Pharisee, those arch liars and swindlers who had accompanied Ezra the Scribe when he brought the re-edited Hebrew Bible out of Babylon. [499]

In his own words, recorded in his autobiography, Josephus excelled in the Jewish arts of guile and cunning [500] and was proud of it.

But it is not just these self-admitted Jewish character flaws for which historians hold Josephus’ writings in askance, but for his propensity to promote his own cleverness, his distortions and obvious fawning before his Roman masters and the blatant flattery that he gave to his Roman bosses.

And yet, for all of his flaws, Josephus’ historical writings are all that we have to depend upon for what transpired in those happy days of 70 AD.

Most of Josephus’ source material is no longer extant, so his statements cannot be checked against the alleged original material.

Josephus was granted access to the Roman Archives including the use of their official war commentaries. [501]

Since the men who had actually been in the war were readers of his work, he could not have strayed too far from the truth even though he used the then common literary technique of inventing speeches that he had never heard by people in locations where he wasn’t present as well as promoting all of the lies of Judaism to his Roman audience.

But with no other sources to rely upon, most of what he wrote is accepted by historians as true with only minor quibble.

What else can they do with only a Jew telling the tales?

Once again, the Jewish method of destroying all opposing documents leaves only the Jewish lies as the only “truth” for men to follow.

And where will Mankind end up, if we follow lies?

Four years before the First Jewish-Roman War, certain Jewish priests who had been causing their usual troubles with the people around them, had been arrested by Felix, the Procurator of Judea (52-60 AD).

Felix had these Jews thrown into irons and sent off to Rome to explain themselves to Nero.

In 64 AD, Rabbi Josephus, at twenty-six years of age, was sent to Rome [502] in an attempt to free the rabbis from their incarceration.

One of his contacts in Rome was a Jewish actor named Aliturus.

Just as in modern times, the circumcised, penis-fetish Jews excelled at vulgar and pornographic theatrical plays.

The Jewish actors of Rome specialized in the most nasty and decadent type of comedy.

Such Jewish debauchery naturally appealed to a sexual deviant and psychopath like Nero.
Aliturus was one of Nero’s favorites.

Nero’s wife, the empress Poppaea, [503] was a convert to Judaism.


  • bribery
  • flattery
  • the urgings

of this porno star and the influence of Poppaea, Josephus was able to get the Jewish priests released, regardless of their guilt.

This shows that Josephus was very familiar with the Roman character traits and was an accomplished Jewish politician whose principal quality was, as he proudly bragged, his craftiness. [504]

At the beginning of the war, Josephus was given the rank of General by the Sanhedrin, so he was not a minor player.

When he later surrendered to General Vespasian, he greeted him, as Emperor:

“Ave domine imperator.”

With Jewish cunning, he declared that Vespasian was the long awaited “messiah” and offered to the greatly flattered Roman General his undying “Jewish Loyalty.”

So, Vespasian employed him to approach the defensive walls of Jerusalem and negotiate with the Jews.

The Jewish rebels, sporting bushy beards and sidelocks with beanies and little boxes tied to their heads, were lined up along the top of the wall, talking with lisps, wearing perfume and women’s clothes, swaying their hips and bumping-and-grinding while shouting,

“No Master but God.”

These holy Jews refused to surrender as they waited for their mighty god sitting on his throne in the vault to bring a plague down upon the Roman armies … or at the very least to swallow them up in an earthquake … or maybe even a lightning bolt would be okay, too.

Josephus’ arguments to the rioters induced many Jews to abscond from the city. 

The rich swallowed their gold coins.

After reaching the Roman lines, they were observed picking them from their excrement.

This sight aroused the greed of the low-paid Syrian auxiliaries who waylaid the deserters, ripped open their stomachs and searched the intestines of their corpses.

Titus was indignant when he heard of this atrocity.

He decreed death for it in the future.

But he was too late to save the:

“two thousand victims who thus perished.”

From then on the search for coins was conducted furtively. [505]

Thus, Josephus offered a valuable service to the Romans in his negotiation skills in getting some Jews to desert.

Another deserter to the Roman side was Rabbi Johanan ben Zakkai who went over to the Romans during the siege.

Since the leaders of the revolt prevented anyone from leaving, Johanan ben Zakkai had himself shut up in a coffin, pretending to be dead.

With as much gold as they could carry, and abandoning their wives and children, his closest disciples carried him out of the city allegedly to bury the old devil.

Once safely through Roman lines, he presented himself to Vespasian and flattered him in correct Latin as Emperor:

“Ave domine imperator.”

When Vespasian evinced surprise that a second rabbi greeted him as Emperor, the scheming Johanan ben Zakkai informed him that he was soon to succeed to the empire’s throne.

As reward for his flattery and the bribes that he offered, Johanan ben Zakkai was given permission to found an academy on the coastal plain at Jamnia [506] for the teaching of the evil doctrine of the Pharisees and thus to perpetuate the demonic fraud of the Monsters of Babylon.

Among all of the Jewish sects – 

  • the Sadducees
  • Pharisees
  • Essenes

and Zealots – only the demonic Pharisees have survived and are the only representatives of what is known as Judaism today.

Thus, the Tradition of the Elders has become the predominant law of the Jews.

The school at Jamnia was thus set up with Rome’s permission as a legitimate Jewish authority.

The rabbinic school which the Pharisee Rabbi Johanan ben Zakkai founded took the place of the Sanhedrin as the supreme Jewish religious authority.

Its president, the Nasi or patriarch, replaced the High Priest as the Jews’ religious and political leader and spokesman.

Thus, the Pharisees became the head priests for Judaism with the office of the High Priest being re-named as the Nasi or Prince.

This Patriarch was the leader also of the Kehillah spy network that was even then undermining and betraying the very Romans who had granted him that office.

But just as the High Priests from 6 to 66 AD had been appointed by the procurators and then by client kings bound to support Roman interests, so the appointments of the Nasi after 70 were ratified by the Roman authorities.

How this system worked was that the Jews chose the Nasi (Patriarch), then bribed the Romans who gave official permission for the Nasi to rule over the Jews.

After the war, Jamnia became the permanent center of rabbinic so-called “learning,” which is a Jewish code word for “phony bullshit” just as the words “Jewish scholar” is a code word for “Jewish con artist and fraud.” 

The school was never transferred to Jerusalem.

Under Johanan’s leadership the rabbis took upon themselves duties previously performed by the High Priests, such as the fixing of the calendar and the issue of new regulations for festivals and other religious observances.

Thus, the rabbis became the priests in all but name.

Though hereditary priests continued to exist for genealogical social conceits, the rabbis took their place as the religious authorities.

But more important, the school became the center for the detailed deconstruction of the Mosaic Law to produce the definitive codification of the Oral Law, later known as the Talmud. With the deceiving Pharisees now in control of Judaism, the Jews became super lawyers of:

  • lies
  • verbal swindles and swindles using verbals
  • illogical frauds
  • logical frauds
  • disassociated ideas

that only a moron could accept, abracadabra horse manure and Jewish gobbedlygook which they hold up today as even greater than the lies that they wrote in the Hebrew Bible, itself. 

Truly, the Jews are clowns.


  • anti-Christian
  • anti-human
  • anti-moral system

of deception bound up in 67 volumes of rabbi crap, is known today as the Babylonian Talmud.

It is the father of lies.

The Devil’s own book and the Jews all call it “holy,” of course, because they wrote it!

The study of these minutiae of ponderous Talmudic garbage of the Jewish Law, now became the sole basis and focus of Judaism.

There was never a God in Israel.

Judaism had always been a banker’s religious fraud.

But with the establishment of the Pharisee take-over of Judaism, they guaranteed that God would never exist in this Banker’s Cult.

It was the Pharisees who now prescribed every detail for the guidance of future generations of Jews. [507]

Judaism had always been an evil cult, but now it became even worse than when Jesus had been condemning it.

The Devil had escaped from Jerusalem hidden in a coffin.

After Nero died, Vespasian was, indeed, declared to be Emperor.

But how did both Josephus and Johanan ben Zakkai predict such a turn of events?

Was their mighty god on their side to accomplish this feat of precognition?

No, of course not!

Jews can’t precognate anything.

What they do, is manipulate and scheme.

And who were these two rabbis other than high ranking members of the Kahillah?

Both Pharisee Rabbi General Josephus and Pharisee Rabbi Johanan ben Zakkai, had only to send between one and seven messages into the Kehillah network with the message that they had chosen and would much desire that Vespasian be the next Roman Emperor, and their wishes would be relayed throughout the Roman Empire in a matter of weeks.

Every rabbi in every synagogue would receive a message from each of them and would pass along this request to all of their congregations, each member of which would agitate among the various:

  • city halls
  • guild halls
  • taverns

in the entire Roman Empire, using all of their Jewish methods to influence and bribe toward that result.

They didn’t predict that Vespasian would be the next Emperor, they conspired it.

In Mesopotamia, the large city of Nisibis had a considerable Jewish population.

Nisibis was situated on the Euphrates in Babylonia.

It was the center for the collection and transmission of the Temple tax from Jews in the northern Parthian domains.

Remember, both Parthia and Rome were at war more often than not, yet the Jews could move freely between the two empires bearing gold and messages between the rabbis.

Jews were numerous and influential in Nisibis, and Izates while still crown prince and his mother, queen Helena, had been converted to Judaism.

Izates’ half-brother Monobazus and other members of the family later followed their lead. 

They acted in the teeth of anti-Jewish opposition from their gentile subjects who resented the idea of:

“being ruled by a Jew.”

At one point, the People tried to get the Parthian king to dethrone Izates for his religious allegiance.

The royal family made a point of keeping in close touch with Jerusalem and securing the favor of the Palestinian Jews.

Helena as dowager queen made one recorded pilgrimage to Jerusalem during Claudius’ reign and gave lavish gifts to the Temple.

Izates and his mother were buried just outside the walls of Jerusalem.

The younger members of the family provided the only recorded help which Palestine received from the entire Diaspora (Spores-That-Die-Ya) in 66-70 AD. [508]

There had been Jews in Armenia at least from the mid-first century BC, and two Herodian princes had occupied the throne of Greater Armenia in the first century AD – Tigranes IV, a grandson of Herod the Great, from shortly before Augustus’ death until 36, and his nephew Tigranes V for an inglorious year or two from 60.

Aristobulus, son of Herod of Chalcis, had ruled Armenia Minor from 53, a part of Greater Armenia also from 60, and perhaps a principality in northern Syria from about 72 AD.

The Jews east of the Euphrates kept in close contact with Jerusalem before 70 AD.

Orthodoxy was maintained by rabbinic visits, the Temple tax was faithfully dispatched despite the length and dangers of the journey, and the international gatherings of pilgrims in Jerusalem for festivals included:

“Parthians and Medes and Elamites and the dwellers in Mesopotamia.” [509]

Thus, a huge network of Jews, interconnected by trade and business and the Temple Cult, communicated over the Roman and Parthian Road systems and shipping lanes.

All were being coordinated by the rabbis in the synagogues.

So, when the message was received that it would be good for the Jews to have Vespasian elected emperor, that message was acted upon by all Jews throughout the Roman Empire to bribe and influence that outcome.

And it was all accomplished by rabbi Josephus and rabbi Johanan ben Zakkai sending just seven messages each through the Kehillah network.

With Jerusalem still not taken, early in July, Vespasian himself was proclaimed emperor by the legions in the East, and the Jewish war temporarily had to take second place. [510]

Assured of the backing of the large province of Syria, Vespasian turned next toward the other part of the Roman East, Egypt.

That rich province was of the utmost importance because from its principal port, Alexandria, sailed the ships laden with grain for Italy.

The man who controlled Alexandria could starve Rome.

Thus, as soon as he had made the decision to stand as emperor, Vespasian wrote to Tiberius Alexander, the Jewish prefect of Egypt.

He informed him of his own army’s enthusiasm and offered him high posts if he could obtain Egypt’s support for his candidacy.

The reply was not long in coming.

On July 1, Tiberius Alexander had the two legions of Egypt, and its people swear allegiance to Vespasian.

So important did Vespasian consider this backing that he was to date the beginning of his reign from July 1. [511]

Thus, the new Emperor of Rome was surrounded by Jews and aided by Jews when he transferred command to his son, Titus Flavius, and returned to Rome.

Josephus’ “prediction” that the current messianic prophecy was to be fulfilled in Vespasian’s elevation to the throne, won him such favor that he remained in honorable detention with the Roman army for the rest of the war. [512]

Vespasian gave Josephus an annuity, both Titus and Vespasian gave him estates in Palestine, and Domitian later exempted those estates from taxation. [513]

Jews are always well-rewarded by those who are put into power by them.

It was Titus who finally conquered Jerusalem.

But he reportedly refused to accept a wreath of victory, as there is:

“no merit in vanquishing people forsaken by their own God.”

Prisoners taken in the whole war totaled ninety-seven thousand; those who perished in the siege one million one hundred thousand. [514]

These numbers temporarily lowered the price of slaves in Rome.

However, most of them were bought out of slavery by fellow Jews and released into the Roman populace, there to work their mischief.

The wealth of the Temple was immense.

The Jews had used its treasury as a private bank plus each year its deposits were increased by the half-shekel poll tax paid by every Jew both within Palestine and throughout the Diaspora (Spores-that-Die-Ya).

In addition to money, the Temple service required a profusion of vessels and ornaments made of silver and gold.

The Copper Scroll enumerates fantastic treasures:

  • 62 tons of silver
  • 26 tons of gold
  • 651 gold bars
  • 608 silver pitchers
  • 619 gold

and silver vessels.

According to Talmudic literature, a talent weighed 45 pounds.

Typically Jewish, this would tend to hide the real value of the treasure in the Temple.

Actually, a talent weighs about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds.

But even using the rabbis’ own fraudulent weights, by their reckoning, the treasure was valued at 3,282 talents of silver and 1,280 talents of gold. [515]

If the alleged Talmudic weight of 45 pounds/talent is used, then this makes 74 tons or 67,131 kilos of silver and 28.8 tons or 26,127 kilos of gold.

The gold exchange rate was twelves times silver, so the gold was worth 313,524 kilos of silver.

Thus, the total silver value was 380,655 kilos of silver.

This was quite a fortune even by modern standards.

But to put it into perspective, how much was this by ancient standards?

Yearly pay of Roman politicians, is a good place to start.

The numbers of Roman senators are well known – there were 600 in 150 AD.

Like most politicians today, they were wealthy – to become a senator, a man had to be worth at least 1 million sesterces (~ 1200 kilos of silver).

In reality, all of them possessed even greater fortunes because bribes were fundamental, and side businesses were a part of the Roman practice of politics.

The average Roman senator was worth over 5 million sesterces (~ 6000 kilos of silver) and drew annual incomes of more than 300,000 sesterces (~360 kilos of silver).

After the senators came the equestrians.

Originally the Roman army’s cavalry, the equestrians evolved into a commercial class.

An equestrian’s holdings were worth on average about 600,000 sesterces (~ 720 kilos of silver) and he earned an average of 40,000 sesterces per year (~ 48 kilos of silver).

The decuriones, or city councilmen, occupied the step below the equestrians.

They earned about 9,000 sesterces per year (~ 10.8 kilos of silver) and held assets of around 150,000 sesterces (~ 180 kilos of silver). [516]

In other words, the bullion in the Temple was enough to bribe every senator and most of the lower administrators in Rome as well as every city councilman in Italy.

And yet, the wealth in the Temple alone could only have represented, at the most, ten percent of the total wealth of the Jews throughout both the Roman and Parthian empires!

What kind of bribes and economic leverage did the International Jews have in the First Century AD when the rest of their wealth – hidden behind their shabby cloaks and the whining and moaning about how poor they were because business was always so very bad – was all put into economic pressure and leverage upon the leaders of the world’s kingdoms between Gaul and India?

Is it any wonder that the Roman emperors gave the Jews such special privileges over and above all other people in the Empire?

And yet, the Jews still betrayed the Romans.

How could the Jews betray Rome?

Through bribery, the devil finds it easy to betray all of Mankind simply through the greed of a few of its leaders.

“A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious.

But it cannot survive treason from within.

An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banners openly.

But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

For the traitor appears not traitor – he speaks in accents familiar to his victims and he wears their face and garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.

He rots the soul of a nation – he works secretly and alone in the night to undermine the pillars of a city – he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist.

A murderer is less to be feared.”
Cicero, speech in the Roman Senate, 42 B.C.

So, O Modern Man, can death for any of your leaders who accept bribes from Jews, be considered too harsh or not harsh enough?

Whether they are:

  • kings
  • senators
  • city councilmen

you will find that for those who sell themselves to the Betrayers of Mankind, harsher is better.

There were still hold-outs at the fortress of Masada which Titus assigned to one of his generals to put down.

Josephus’ account of the end of Masada is melodramatic.

And like everything else the Jews write about themselves; Josephus’ story is a myth. [517]

He wasn’t there and since there were no survivors as he claims, his story is merely another Jewish fable.

And yet, such fables are used by the modern bandit state of Israel to encourage its murderers and spies.

As it was now October, too late for a voyage to Italy, Titus dismissed one legion and retained two legions to guard the prisoners and the booty deposited at Caesarea, while he himself passed the winter very, very pleasantly visiting Jewish king Agrippa in his capital at Caesarea Philippi.

There, Agrippa’s sister, the Jewish Princess Berenice, did what all Jewish Princesses are trained to do.

She gave to Titus lots and lots of Monika Lewinski on his uncircumcised parts and followed him around like Queen Esther in heat.

Miles Williams Mathis: The Monica Lewinsky Scandal was faked – Library of Rickandria

Titus traveled around the cities of Syria with Berenice clinging to his toga.

He won a lot of popularity with the Greeks by the lavish use of Jewish prisoners in shows in the amphitheaters. [518]

With of all the malice and swindles with which the Jews had persecuted the Greeks, and all of the trouble that they had caused the Romans, it was to sold-out crowds, cheers of encouragement, and standing ovations at the stadiums to watch lions eat Jews.

But even so, Titus still refused the Greek entreaties to remove the bronze plaques where Jewish privileges were inscribed.

Doesn’t this seem odd?

What bribes could the Jews have, now that the ten percent wealth of the Temple was gone? 

Surrounded by:

  • king Agrippa
  • Jewish Princess Berenice
  • Tiberius Alexander of Egypt

and Josephus, the Roman general Titus, was very well-stocked with Jews who were all offering their never failing, totally reliable, eternally true, “Jewish Loyalty.”

While in Rome, itself, due to the war, the number of Jewish prisoners who were bought out of slavery by the local Jews, swelled Jewish numbers in that city where Cicero had been so wary of speaking too loudly against them.

The wealth of the Temple was now (temporarily) out of their hands.

But the other ninety percent was still in their strong boxes, sewn into the lining of clothes, stored in sacks of rags, buried under trash heaps and invested as loans and commercial enterprises not just in Rome but all over the Roman and Parthian Empires stretching from Gaul to India.

All that the Jewish Roman War of 66-70 AD had accomplished was to lose them the Temple, which was less than ten percent of their total wealth.

But through the Sumerian Swindle, they could get it all back.

The Jews of the Diaspora (Spores-that-Die-Ya) stood aside virtually completely from the revolt in the province of Judaea in 66-70 AD.

Not only was there no widespread rising in support of the “homeland” but the amount of external help forthcoming for the rebels in Palestine seems to have been negligible.

Dio Cassius speaks of help from Jews both in Parthia and within the Roman empire; but Josephus merely says that the rebels hoped that the Jews beyond the Euphrates would join them.

The only outside allies whom he names are a few individuals from the Parthian dependency of Adiabene, crown prince Izates and the queen mother Helena.

The Diaspora (Spores-that-Die-Ya) within the Roman Empire had no wish to jeopardize their own favorable position by supporting the rebellion and losing the great advantages that they had had over the Romans since the days of Julius Caesar. [519]

It was never the intention of the leaders of Judaism to rebel against Rome.

That much is obvious.

Herod had just finished building their new Temple for Abraham’s First National Bank and Pawn Shop.

They knew the strength of Rome and her finances.

They were making huge fortunes in trade and moneylending throughout:

  • Persia
  • Egypt
  • Rome

Their banking system was working flawlessly transporting gold and lending it out to the ever-growing numbers of Jews.

Why would they want to have such a perfect scam thrown into turmoil?

No, it was not the Big Jews, the actual operators of Judaism, the wealthy international Jewish swindlers and crime lords, who wanted a war with Rome, it was the little Jews who believed the stories in the Hebrew Bible.

It was they who wanted to rebel, believing that a god who had allegedly destroyed Pharaoh and the kings of Assyria and Babylonia, a god who had allegedly parted the Red Sea and stopped the sun in the sky for Joshua, the god who had allegedly saved Daniel in the Lion’s Den and gave Moses all the quail and grasshoppers he could eat, would surely help them against Rome.

Control over the Jews who actually believed the lies of the Hebrew Bible had slipped out of the hands of the priests.

But that would not happen again.

With the school in Jamnia set up, there were no competing sects of Judaism to contest for power – no Essenes intent only upon God, no Sadducees keeping the laws of Moses, no Sicarii murdering the rich Jews and burning everything to ashes, no hermits claiming to out-holy the demon priests.

A new kind of Jew was being developed, a Pharisee who took his orders not from a book such as the Hebrew Bible that declared itself to be holy but, instead, from a book that made no pretense at all about being evil.

Although the Jewish Revolt of 66-70 AD was not followed by any Roman ban on the observance or teaching of the Jewish Law, the destruction of the Temple was nevertheless a turning-point in Jewish religious history in that it brought about a fundamental change in the character of Judaism. [520]

Whereas Judaism had been like a cancerous tumor centered in Jerusalem, now that the tumor had been smashed, it metastasized and spread throughout the Roman Empire in the form of individual synagogues all connected through the Roman roads by the wandering “sacred envoys,” those rabbis who prayed to He-Who Must-Not-Be-Named while smuggling bullion, gem stones and secret messages.

And each synagogue was now presided over by a Pharisee rabbi who taught only the Oral Law in its most devilish form.

The Jews had become better organized and eviler.

No longer would the Jews be taught a variety of interpretations from the Hebrew Bible which the rabbis claimed was the “Word of God” (and if you didn’t believe it, they would kill you).

Now the Jews would be taught the Oral Tradition of the Pharisees, the “Tradition of the Elders” (and if you didn’t believe it, they would kill you).

Now, the “sacred envoys” would bring the teachings of the Babylonian school of Judaism, no longer filtered through the priests of Jerusalem but raw and direct from the rabbis of Babylon.

And, organized upon the military structure of the God of Armies, the “sacred envoys” brought the laws for every Jew to follow to every synagogue throughout the world, such teachings as: 

“Our vows shall be lies; our bonds shall be frauds, our oaths shall be deceptions.” [521]

  • Lies
  • frauds
  • deceptions

had always been a basic foundation of Judaism but now they became even more scientifically and diabolically applied against the people around them.

If the Greeks had hated the Jews before 70 AD when they practiced the swindles found in the Hebrew Bible, the people of the world were soon going to learn how to hate the Jews even more as they practiced the incredibly cruel and demonic teachings of Talmudic Judaism without restraint.

With the destruction of the Temple and the acceptance of a bribe from the top devil of Judaism, Vespasian had allowed the world’s most evil creatures to survive their well-deserved doom.

The poison of Judaism and the subversive nature of this social disease was no longer centered in the Temple but was distributed throughout the world in the guise of synagogues posing as “prayer halls” and “social centers.” 

Headed by a Pharisee rabbi, synagogues were found in every Diaspora (Spores-that-Die-Ya) Jewish community.

They were more than just places of teaching.

The congregation, once assembled, could take on a secret political role.

The synagogue was the physical focus for the community.

Communal funds were deposited there.

Courts sat in the synagogues, and it was there that punishment was executed.

The synagogue functioned as a meeting place for Jewish:

  • businessmen
  • travelers
  • spies

where they could get lodging and food without fear of being poisoned or overheard.

Hostels for visitors were often attached to the place of assembly so these “strangers” could meet directly with the various Jews of the community.

Now, every synagogue in the world was connected directly to the Pharisee yeshiva schools of Babylonia.

Eusebius quotes an earlier Christian writer, Hegesippus, in describing how the emperor Vespasian (69-79 AD):

“gave orders that all that belonged to the lineage of David should be sought out, in order that none of the royal race might be left among the Jews,”

and how his son the emperor Domitian (81-96 AD)

“commanded that the descendants of David should be slain.”

It is highly unlikely that any of the victims were actually genealogically descended from the house of David, which had died out centuries before.

But the powerful hoax of the David and Solomon tradition would not be dimmed even by these liquidations.

Jewish messianic rebellions would flare up again in 117 AD and 132 AD.

More important, the veneration for David and Solomon now lay primarily in the Jews’ imagination, where all of those fraudulent fables started, and where it would continue to flourish and take on new forms of Jewish abracadabra. [522]

The demonic lies of the Jews would create sick aberrations of Jewish thought which would be contracted like the pox by other cultures through Christians and Muslims believing these same Jewish hoaxes.

The First Jewish-Roman War of 66-70 AD had been a spontaneous outburst of Jews glorying in the new Temple-Fortress that Herod had built while believing that their lying Yahweh-god was responsible for it all.

The war was a masterpiece of Jewish insanity.

And why?

Because the Jews actually believed the lies of the Hebrew Bible.

Even as the priests and moneylenders tried to control them and stop them, those lies gave the Jews the deluded religious frenzy to wipe out all that the Jewish bankers had built.

It was an example of Jews going hog wild by thinking for themselves without the demonic guidance of the rabbis.

By about 90 AD, the council of rabbis in Babylonia declared the Hebrew Bible canon to be completed. [523]

What was to rule the Jews all the way into modern times was to be the demonic “Tradition of the Elders,” later known as the Babylonian Talmud, and declared by the only rabbis who now existed (the Pharisees) to be holier than the Hebrew Bible.

The Jews had written themselves into the history of Mankind as the most holy of all peoples.

Their own actions and thoughts belied such an assertion as everyone who had ever had dealings with a Jew would declare.

But that didn’t matter to the creators of The Biggest Lie Ever Told because as they walked about as the world’s biggest liars, they were also making millions in gold and silver.

So, they deemed Judaism to be a success.

Meanwhile, with the Temple in ruins, east of the Roman Empire, the Iranians and their Jewish finance ministers were developing the Persian Empire.

Although Alexander the Great had spread Greek culture throughout the Middle East and Persia, and Rome had spread Latin culture to an even larger empire, in 70 AD, Aramaic was still the international language of the merchant-moneylenders.

In Iran, the process of a vigorous Iranian revival was well underway by the 1st century AD where the Aramaic script for Pahlavi formally appeared on Parthian coinage, instead of Greek script.

The resurgence of Aramaic over Greek is very significant, as it was a revival of the main language of the Achaemenid Empire.

This symbolized the demise of Greek as a seminal language in the Iranian world. [524]

See Map (Figure_112_Map_500BC-1960AD_Persia Diaspora)

This showed that the underlying power of the Parthian Persians was the merchant-moneylender sub-culture of international bankers and import-export moguls, the very ones who profited from the wars between Parthia and Rome, the very ones who didn’t have to fight in those wars.
This benefited the Aramaic-speaking Jews not just because the international language of business was Aramaic but because anything that destroyed the Greco-Roman Culture also destroyed any memory of the science of money that the Greeks had discovered, and which Rome had used to its benefit.

True money was independent of gold or silver content and was a creation of the State, not a private property of the bankers.

With Greece and Rome destroyed, that left the monopoly of money in the hands of the international merchant-moneylenders and the Jews.

So, the Jews were enthusiastic participants in anything that brought the Greeks and Romans into poverty and destruction simply because Jewish profits were so high thereby; and Jewish vengeance is only satisfied with the extinction of the targets of their hatred.

As long as the money of the great empires was made out of gold and silver, then the Jewish moneylenders who controlled the gold and silver also controlled the empires who relied upon gold and silver for their money.

The Indian dharana, the Greek staters and drachmae, the Roman denarii and sesterce and aureus – you may call the coins by any name in any country and issue them in any weight with any king’s head stamped on them – it didn’t matter.

They were all made out of silver or gold.

The kings issued the coins, but the Jewish moneylenders:

  • controlled
  • supplied
  • sold

the gold and silver that the coins were made of; and they:

  • controlled
  • withdrew
  • bought

those same metals.

So, whether those metals were available or not and in what quantity, didn’t depend upon supply-and-demand like the lying modern economists would like you to believe.

Whether those metals were available or not depended upon how much profit the Jewish bankers could make by either building up or destroying entire nations and genociding entire peoples through their Sumerian Swindle and their hoarding of the precious metals.

In all situations, the Jews wanted to prevent any repetition of either Greek or Roman use of fiat money.

And to do that, using “Jewish Loyalty,” genocide, and the bribing of political leaders, both Rome and Greece would have to be destroyed, and their very memory expunged from Mankind so that only Jewish money systems remained.

The Jews were not powerful because of their demon god, they were powerful because of their lies for deceiving the common people and because of their international gold and silver hoards for bribing and blackmailing kings.

The Jews were not powerful like the angels they pretended to be, but rather more like the demons that they actually are.

But lying demons are always destroyed by Truth and Light, which is why the Jews fight against both.

One of the important consequences of Parthian attacks against Seleucid Greek and Roman territories, was its impact on the demography of Mesopotamia, as well as nearby Syria.

The trade routes that the Parthians controlled across Mesopotamia allowed for the creation of lucrative economic zones in the region.

This resulted in further Jewish economic immigration into Mesopotamia.

See Map. [Figure 108 - Map 600BC-1000AD Iraq Diaspora]

Judaism had never been centered in Jerusalem; it had always been centered in wherever the richest bankers resided and the most money was to be made.

And that was always where Jews were the thickest.

Following the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 AD, the north of Ctesiphon soon became a powerful Jewish center, known as Nehardea.

The migration of Jews to Mesopotamia is of special interest in that the region already had been home to a significant Jewish presence for many centuries.

Judaism and its moneylenders got their start there with Terah and Abraham followed by the immigrations of Jews brought in by Nebuchadrezzar, followed by the great benefits given to the Jews under Cyrus the Great.

Over the generations of huge Jewish families and business monopolies, those Jews had achieved a considerable position in Mesopotamia and were active in controlling the region’s: 

  • commerce
  • politics
  • cults

So, after 70 AD, the Jews who migrated from Judah to Mesopotamia were joining a large and already prosperous resident population of their kinsmen.

With the westward expansion of the Parthian Empire, Mesopotamia also became resident to a very large Iranian population. [525]

By the first century AD, a widespread Dispersion of the Jews throughout the civilized world had taken place.

Few coastal cities of the eastern Mediterranean and few major inland cities, were without a community of permanently resident Jews, lending money, under cutting Gentile businesses, dealing in European slaves and monopolizing trade.

Rome eventually had one of the largest Jewish communities in the empire. [526]

In the first century AD, Jews lived all across the entire Roman Empire, across the Persian Empire and into India.

See Map. [Figure 118 - Map 100-300AD Roman Empire Diaspora]

They had a worldwide trade and smuggling network that could manipulate the prices and supplies of goods and precious metals on an international scale.

Yet, basic to banking, moneylending and the hoarding of wealth, 

“If you can’t find it, you can’t steal it, and if you don’t know where it is, then you can’t find it.” 

Thus, throughout Europe, the Middle East and the Far East, the conspiring Jews were found wearing their traditional costumes of secondhand clothes with patches and having worried looks on their faces because business was always so bad, and they were so poor and oppressed.

Who would want to rob such obviously poor and oppressed Jews?

Yet, the People in every country could see that only the Jews, the kings and the aristocracy had money while the People, themselves, were always mysteriously short of even the basic necessities.

While all others became paupers and slaves, it was as if some Great Conspiracy was in operation to cause suffering among Mankind where only the Jews and the super-wealthy Treasonous Class prospered.

The People could see the results but could not see the distant trade routes over the horizon where these international criminals operated their cartels beyond the borders of every nation. 

Nor could they see the hoards of gold and silver that were used to siphon the wealth out of the nation by smuggling it over those same international borders.

The rich got richer and the poor got poorer because the rich twisted the rules to make it so. 

Once they had adopted the gold and silver money system of the Eastern merchants and moneylenders, the Roman Empire became politically and commercially focused toward the East as its precious metals flowed eastward mainly for luxury items, for religious dues, for the Gold-Silver Exchange Mechanism and for paying the price of the Sumerian Swindle.

The severe problems caused by the Roman emperors’ gold standard clearly demonstrates the primary importance of not placing the control of the monetary system outside of the country. 

Once greedy individuals seize on public wealth, they cause immense suffering and death for their fellow citizens.

And if those bankers and moneylenders are foreigners living outside the country, they become subversive enemy agents, sucking the wealth into foreign bank accounts.

And if such bankers are Jews, then using their wealth to purposely and physically destroy the goyim (non-Jewish, lowly insects, stupid cattle) means that they are:

“holy Jews who walk in the ways”

of their god.

Such is the Jews’ demonic delusion.

In 110 AD, disturbances once again broke out in Alexandria between Greeks and Jews.

Both parties sent delegates to the Emperor Trajan, who favored the Jews. [527]

The Greeks were represented by an able speaker named Hermarchus.

But the Jews already had bribed in advance both the emperor and his wife as well as the Senate.

Four men of Jewish ancestry, three of them descendants of Herod the Great, are known to have been members of the senate in the late first or early second centuries.

So, besides their wealth, which counted much in venal Roman eyes, the Jews also had political power in Rome with which to prejudice the emperor in their favor even before he had heard the Greek complaints against them.

The delegation of Alexandrian Greeks wrote an eye-witness account of the meeting which reads,

“The emperor learned that Jewish and Alexandrian envoys had arrived and fixed a day for hearing them both.

But [the empress] Plotina persuaded the senators to oppose the Alexandrians and support the Jews.

The Jews entered first and greeted the emperor Trajan, who returned their greeting very graciously, because he also had already been won over by Plotina.

The Alexandrian envoys came in after them and greeted the emperor.

He, however, did not return their greeting but said,

‘Are you greeting me as if you deserved a greeting in return, after the dreadful things you have dared to do to the Jews?’ ….”

Ah, yes!

There is nothing like a fair hearing before the emperor, is there?

And oh!

Such terrible things are always done to the Jews – to hear them tell it – but no notice is taken of the evil things that the Jews do to Mankind so as to deserve such hatred!

Besides their constant ill-will and insults, the Jews had swindled and impoverished the Greeks through the offices that they had bribed into their possession, such as the office of Alabarch or Customs Inspector.

By “controlling the gates” as Customs Inspector of all of the wealth flowing through Egypt, the Jews could smuggle and evade taxes themselves while preventing the Greeks from smuggling and while charging them higher rates on everything.

Even though the Greeks had genuine complaints about the thieving and swindling Jews, this is how they were greeted by the Emperor of the Roman Empire even before they could present their case.

After some initial exchanges with the Greeks’ envoy, Hermarchus, Emperor Trajan said,

“You must want to die, since you despise death enough to answer even me insolently.” 

Hermarchus replied,

“We object to the fact that your senate is full of impious Jews.”

Trajan said,

“Look here, Hermarchus, this is the second time I am warning you: you are trading on your noble birth to answer me insolently.”

Hermarchus said,

“What was insolent in my answer, mighty emperor?

Please explain.”

Trajan said,

“Making out that my senate consists of Jews.”

Hermarchus said,

“So, the term Jew is offensive to you, is it?

In that case you should be supporting your own side and not playing the advocate to the impious Jews.”

Being brave and confident that you are in the right, counts for little when faced with the implacable hatred and the rich bribes of the Jews as your opponent.

Trajan supported the lying, Semitic Jews against the truthful, Aryan Greeks even though the Jews were criminally in the wrong.

And he had Hermarchus executed, even though he was honest, brave and in the right.

His only “crime” was the obviously false charge that he was “insolent” to the emperor, a convenient way to cover up this injustice and to protect the Jews.

The Roman emperors were above any law; they made their own law and could execute whoever didn’t please them.

Apparently, the rich and devious Jews who controlled so much wealth and who could bribe the entire Senate, pleased them.

But the relatively poor and honest Greeks did not.

Notice that all of this happened more than forty years after the wealth of the Temple had been confiscated by Titus in 70 AD.

Even so, the wealth and political power of the Jews had not been diminished at all because the wealth that was found inside the Temple was only a very small part of the total amount hidden within the worldwide Jewish community.

Even though Trajan and the Roman Senate protected the Jews and gave them many immunities and advantages enjoyed by no other people, and even though Trajan and the Roman Senate had unequivocally stood in friendship with the Jews, and even though the Jews were guaranteed immunity for their crimes against the Greeks in Egypt, as soon as the Jews had gained these advantages, they turned around and betrayed Trajan and the Roman Empire to the Persians.

The revolt of the Jews in North Africa and Cyprus at the end of Trajan’s reign is one of the most puzzling chapters in the whole history of the relations between Rome and the Jews. No motive is attributed to the rebels and no provocation is recorded or even hinted at which would have made Diaspora (Spores-that Die-Ya) communities which had stood aside from the Palestinian revolt fifty years earlier turn savagely against their Roman protectors. With overwhelming military superiority, Trajan launched a campaign against Parthia. The Parthians had always placed heavy duties on Chinese and Indian  goods bound for Rome, but Roman control of the east west trade routes through Iran would end this. It was not the Jews of Egypt, Cyrene and Cyprus who would lose big money if Rome defeated Persia, but rather the Jews of Mesopotamia and Persia who would lose not only in trade profits but also in control of the Gold Silver Exchange Mechanism with India. Rome had already annexed Nabataea by 106 AD, a strategic move which asserted Roman control over a vital western station of the trade routes. [529] Once again note that the center of Judaism had never been the Temple in Jerusalem but wherever the richest Jews lived and made the most money. Historically, that center had always been in Babylonia and further east into Parthia. But once the Romans began to expand eastward, those profits were challenged. It was not the Jews of Egypt, Cyrenaica and Cyprus who would benefit by a rebellion behind Roman lines; they were mere pawns of the Big Money Jews of Persia and Babylonia whose tithe to the rabbis was greater than the tithe of the Jews of the Roman Empire. Control of the gold/silver exchange mechanism also helps explain the Second Jewish-Roman War of 115-117 AD. In 115, the Roman army led by Trajan was fighting against one of its major enemies, the Parthian Empire. The Diaspora (Spores-that-Die-Ya) Jews started a revolt in Cyrenaica that also involved Egypt and Cyprus. In Cyrene (Cyrenaica), the rebels destroyed many temples, including those to Hecate, Jupiter, Apollo, Artemis, and Isis, as well as the civil structures that were symbols of Rome, the Caesareum, the basilica, and the thermae. The Greek and Roman populations were slaughtered. Roman historian, Dio Cassius, in 117 AD, described the savage Jewish uprising against the Roman Empire that has been acknowledged as the downward turning point of Rome: “Then the Jews in Cyrene (Tripoli) choosing as their leader one Andreas, slew the Romans and Greeks, and devoured their bodies, drank the blood, clothed themselves in the flayed skins, and sawed many in half from the head downwards; some they threw to wild beasts and others were compelled to fight in single combat; so that in all, 220,000 were killed. In Egypt they did many similar things, also in Cypress, led by one of them named Artemion; and there another 240,000 were slain.” It should also be noted that the Jews ate the flesh, drank the blood and committed necrophilia upon the corpses of their victims. Every historian seems  to overlook this maniacal bloodlust. Yet, throughout history, these atrocities by the demonic Jews are repeated time and again. What of their self-praising abhorrence for even eating animal blood as part of their kosher rules? That is just another Jewish lie. It is the main reason that the moneylenders of Babylon forbad bloody meat to the Jews in their diets, so that they would become “blood-thirsty” in real life. The demonic rabbis actually encourage cannibalism as a part of Jewish blood lust as they teach the Jews that all non-Jews, the goyim (non-Jewish, lowly insects, stupid cattle) are animals to be slaughtered. The cannibalism of these Kosher Jews, was exemplified during the wars of 115-117 AD. There is no lie that the Jews can tell to absolve their demonic guilt. Through cannibalism, the Jews express their high and mighty superiority over the two-legged goyim, the two legged beasts who, according to the rabbis, were created to be servants of the Jews both day and night. Based on Ezekiel 34:31 the rabbis teach the Jews that only Jews are human beings while the non-Jews are beasts to be slaughtered. [530] Such obscene bloodlust would be repeated by the Jews throughout history such as during the French Revolution and the Bolshevik Revolution. (See Volume III, The Blood-Suckers of Judah) T he literary sources give no reason for the Jewish outbreak but all present the Jews as falling on the Greeks without justification or provocation: They rose “as if mad” (Orosius), or “as if in the grip of some terrible spirit of rebellion” (Eusebius), but the timing of the outbreak is surely connected with Trajan’s Parthian war. The Jews acted at the instigation of the Parthian Jews via their Kehillah network. The caravan route to India went through Parthia (Iran); and the Parthian and the Roman roads connected every Jew on earth with the Kehillah spy network. One message, sent by horse and ship, dated to begin at a single starting time, could be sent by the Prince of the Jews (a rich banker) living in Babylon or Susa and it would be received by every Jew in Europe and the Middle East within a couple of weeks. The Jews rose up all at one time, because they were coordinated by a central Jewish authority to rise up all at one time. This central Jewish authority was not centered in Jeruslaem but in Babylonia. T he Jews of the entire world did not rise against Rome in 66-70 AD because Rome was not a threat to their money in Jerusalem. But a Roman attack on their money in Babylonia and Persia was a threat to their very center of economic power. Knowing the wealth  of every kingdom and its resulting military power, the Jewish leaders of Babylonia and Persia knew that Peersia could not defeat Rome, but they could use the little Jews behind Roman lines to cripple Rome and to blunt the attack. Jacob Neusner reached the same conclusion in The History of the Jews of Babylon: “One may assume that the Parthians made preparations to meet the invasion by arousing Jewish rebellion in Alexandria, Cyrenaica, and Cyprus. The Jews in Babylonia as well as those in Mesopotamia, along with the caravan cities of the Near East, stood to lose greatly by Trajan’s revision of economic policy.” While this explains the Jewish uprising, it opens a larger question. For earlier, in 66-70 AD when Rome destroyed the Temple, there wasn’t any reaction from the Jewish Diaspora (Spores-that-Die-Ya). What? Rome destroys their “holy of holies,” their nice, new, shiny Temple in the “holy city,” in the “holy land,” and the “Holy Chosen Ones of God” throughout the rest of the world do nothing?! T his shows that the true locus of Jewish culture and power was not the religious center at the Jerusalem Temple, but the wealthy merchants farther east and that the organizational structure of Judaism was not the priests of the Temple but the merchant moneylenders and the Prince of the Kahellah. Trajan’s eastern conquests brought Rome for the first time into contact with the oldest and largest section of the Diaspora (Spores-that-Die-Ya) [531], the merchant moneylenders of Babylon and Persia who had been monopolizing trade and hoarding gold with their sons for the past 2500 years. In Alexandria, they practiced their undying hatred, malice and revenge that is endemic among the Jews. The rioting Jews battered down and desecrated Pompey’s tomb. After more than a hundred and fifty years, Jewish vengeance was still burning hotly against this Roman general! The Jews broke open his tomb, tore up, stomped on and scattered to the wind his dessiciated, dried out old corpse. [532] Such a “holy people walking in the ways” of their god, is how the Jews describe themselves to the naive. But a closer look at this incident reveals an endemic evil suffusing Judaism and its Jewish minions. This 150 years between the time that Pompey had walked into the inner Temple and the time when the Jews descrated his corpse, was three to four generations of hate-filled Jews, squealing and grunting for revenge!

These are the people who follow their demon god who demands  the complete genocide through four generations, murdering grandparents, parents, children and grandchildren. These are the people whose rabbis teach in their “Tradition of the Elders” that a Jew is to follow the example of Moses, to carefully look around for witnesses before murdering a non-Jew in revenge for any insult. “If a goy smites a Jew, he is worthy of death for it is written, ‘And Moses looked this way and that way, and when he saw that there was no man, he slew the Egyptian.’ He who smites a Jew on the jaw, is as though he had thus assaulted the Divine Presence; for it is written, One who smiteth a Jew attacketh the Holy One.” (Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 58b) With very few exceptions, the Romans did not understand what monsters were living in Babylon. The Roman senator and historian, Tacitus (56-120 AD), was one of those exceptions. He wrote that the Jews are “‘The enemy of all races but their own….The Jews are a race that hate the gods and Mankind. Their laws are in opposition to those of all mortals. They despise what to us is holy. Their laws condone them in committing acts which horrify us.” But modern people believe the Jews who lie and claim that all such first-hand observations by the great men of antiquity are “anti-Semitic bigotry.” The Jews are “innocent” while their “bigoted” detractors should be scapegoated with all blame. Their excuses are more Jewish lies but modern people believe the liars and not our own ancestors who lived during those times and who suffered under Jewish criminality. While the Jews of Egypt, Cyrenaica and Cyprus were rioting, the Jews elsewhere, using their political leverage, their bribes and their slanders, were busily scapegoating and destroying the early Christians wherever they could. After all, what other people in the entire world had a spiritual leader who correctly named the Jews as “liars, deceivers, hypocrites, murderers and the very children of the devil,” other than the spiritual leader that the Christians had in Jesus Christ? The Jews did not want this knowledge about them to spread. As Justin Martyr (St. Justin) stated in 116 AD, “The Jews were behind all the persecutions of the Christians. They wandered through the country everywhere hating and undermining the Christian faith.” But neither the pagan Romans nor the Christians actually understood what demons the Jews really are. 

However, the Greeks of Egypt understood the Jews all too well. Situated on the great Nile River which supplied grain to the entire Roman world as well as the vast treasures from inland Africa and the Red Sea trade routes from Arabia and India, the Greeks had f irst-hand knowledge of how the Jews swindle and subvert honest trade with their bribes, their unions and monopolies, all the while offering nothing but slanders, insults and malice in their daily dealings with any non-Jew beneath them in political power, yet, offering their “Jewish Loyalty,” gifts and advice to every non-Jew who was above them in political power. The Greeks hated the Jews and for good reason. To put down the rebellion, Trajan then sent Q. Marcius Turbo (one of the foremost generals serving under him in Parthia) with a combined land and naval force to restore order, a task which took him a considerable time and involved a number of battles in which many tens of thousands of Jews were killed. [533] The choice of Turbo as commander in North Africa, probably in 116, deprived Trajan’s army in Parthia of one of his ablest generals, and this shows the gravity of the situation when the revolt was at its height. For the revolt not only endangered the economic value of the wealthy province of Egypt, one of Rome’s chief granaries, but also constituted a serious threat to Trajan’s vital communication route by sea via Alexandria to Italy. [534] Trajan’s army got as far as Basra, but the Jewish revolt behind his lines in 115-117 AD stopped all further expansion of the Roman Empire, which thus had reached its greatest land expanse. Later, Hadrian would pull back, dismantling the great bridge over the Danube, moving all troops to the west of the Euphrates river and building a defensive wall across Britain. Diocletian would also later attack eastward. [535] Rome had given the Jews more advantages than any other people in the entire Empire, but the Jews still betrayed Rome. The Jewish Revolt effectively stopped Roman expansion with a stab in the back as the Jews offered their “Jewish Loyalty” to Parthia. While the First Jewish-Roman War was spontaneous Jewish insanity, the Second Jewish Roman War of 115-117 AD was an example of the focused application of Jewish delusion for the benefit of the Jewish merchant-moneylenders who are serviced by Judaism. Even though all of their investments in the Temple had been destroyed in Jerusalem after the war of 66-70 AD, the Jews of the Kehillah (that secret organization of bankers and  merchants who actually control the priests and rabbis who, in turn, control the Jews) had a realization. T hose riots had demonstrated to them the great military power that they had latent within the Jewish communities, themselves. This was a subterranean power, a guerilla power, a secret power hidden within the military structure of Judaism, itself, with its unions and guilds and synagogues – all praying to their “God of Armies.” But it was a power that was not fully appreciated by the leaders of Judaism until after 70 AD. It was a secret power than could be broadcast through every Jew worldwide either in groups or as lone terrorists and arsonists. The Jews were already brainwashed with the Hebrew Bible. All that was necessary was for the rabbis to flip the switch and off they would go, burning, killing, raping, tearing down. T he Jews were the perfect mindless robots, trained from infancy in the Biggest Lie Ever Told. T he Second Jewish-Roman War of 115-117 AD, was a war that used the blood of the little Jews to benefit the big Jews, using the Jewish bankers’ theorem that “many must suffer and die so that a few may live in luxury.” Through their Kehillah and synagogue espionage system, the Jewish merchant-moneylenders of Babylonia and Persia (where most of Jewish wealth was located) knew that the Roman attack toward the East could not be repulsed by their protectors, the Persians, because the Roman army was too powerful. T he Jews would not have to fight on either side in the war because of the dodge of their Sabbath military exemption. But if Persia lost, that would give the China trade, the India trade and the control of the Gold-Silver Exchange Mechanism into the hands of the Romans. Plus the Romans would tax the Jewish merchants even higher than did the Persians. The center of Judaism has always been at the center of f inance and commerce. The center was never in Jerusalem as the Second Jewish-Roman War proves, because if you ask who benefits from any war, you will always find at the bottom of it all, it is the big Jews who make the big profits. T he Parthians (Iranian Persians) could not defeat the Romans. But if the Roman army could be weakened by being drawn away to other fronts, then the Persians could at least maintain the border and all would be well for the Jewish merchant-moneylenders of Persia. This time, rather than a blithering, insane riot like the First Jewish-Roman War, the Second Jewish-Roman War was carefully orchestrated through the Kehillah espionage system.

The Exilarch of  Babylonia and Persia could exchange messages with the Nasi of Alexandria and Palestine in a week’s time, deliberate the course of action and coordinate that action timed with the Jewish Babylonian calendar. In this way, only the Jews living between the empires of Rome and Persia rebelled, thus cutting off Roman supplies and communications. With such central planning, the rabbis could agitate the Jews in Cyprus, Mesopotamia, Judah and Egypt to riot and use guerilla warfare methods against Rome all at once. The Jews of Alexandria, Cyrenaica, and Cyprus arose all at once. T hey had made careful preparations to be coordinated all at once. And all at once, Rome discovered to its surprise that the Jews were stabbing them in the back. T hat was the Second Jewish-Roman War where the immense wealth of the international Jewish merchant moneylenders manipulated the hallucinations of the Hebrew Bible among its minions of deluded Jews to commit mass suicide by attacking Rome so that they, the super-wealthy Jews, could protect their profits and trade monopolies in the East. It ended in disaster for the little Jews, but the big Jews in Persia and Babylonia gained a kingly realm in trade goods and bullion. T hus, in the Second Jewish-Roman War of 115 117 AD, only the Jewish merchant-moneylenders of Persia had gotten what they wanted. Their profitable commercial monopolies in Persia and Babylonia had been saved from Roman occupation and confiscation. T he main sources of Jewish finances had remained in their hands even though it took the blood of the little Jews behind the lines to save them. However, out of these two wars, the scheming rabbis had not gotten what they wanted. T he Temple was destroyed in the first war and the High Priests killed by both maniac Jews and enraged Roman soldiers. The Temple tax which all Jews worldwide had been sending to Jeruslaem to be divided among the priests, rabbis and Levites, was taken by the emperors as a “Jewish Tax.” But not for long did the Roman emperors collect this tax because the “Tradition of the Elders” encourages tax evasion and non-payment of fees to any non-Jewish king. [536] The rabbis quickly ruled that the Temple tax was to be sent directly to them at their new yeshivas at Pumbeditha and Sura, Babylonia. The rabbis had been able to save their pay, but their power had been greatly diminished. It was the power of the priests over the Jews that gave the rabbis their wealth and their “prestige.” They wanted that power back. T he Third Jewish-Roman War (or the Bar Kokhba  Revolt) of 132-135 AD, was a demonstration by the rabbis of their power over the Jews. It was a power of delusion that could send deluded Jews to their deaths for the sake of the lying rabbis’ word. It actually began in 130 AD when Emperor Hadrian visited the ruins of Jerusalem and promised to rebuild the city. One of Hadrian’s earliest actions as emperor had been the abandonment of all of Trajan’s eastern conquests, which returned the Jews beyond the Euphrates to Parthian rule. The Second Jewish-Roman War of 115-117 AD had saved Parthia from permanent Roman rule by diverting troops away from the East at a crucial time and giving the Parthian counter-offensive a better chance of success. The Jews of Parthia, unlike the Jews in Egypt and Cyrenaica, were not severely reduced in numbers or wealth by the revolt. [537] They continued to prosper and multiply in their huge and voracious families that required feeding with the food stuffs and dispossessions of the properties of the people around them. With the breathing space that the Roman Peace now gave to Hadrian, he could rebuild the infrastructure of his empire. T he work commenced on the rebuilding of Jerusalem in 131 AD after the governor of Judaea, Tineius Rufus, performed the foundation ceremony of Aelia Capitolina, the city’s proposed new name. It was only then that the Jews learned that Hadrian was a man of refined tastes who was revolted by the barbaric Jewish custom of castration and circumcision, both practiced by the Jews upon their non-Jewish slaves, destroying the “seed” of the non-Jews was one of their ancient methods of genocide. As for circumcision, the pagan men throughout the Empire had found that simply making a slit in their foreskin and then claiming that they were Jews, could get them out of a twenty-five year stint of hard labor and extreme danger in the Roman army. Thus, routine circumcision was a direct threat to the recruiting of soldiers. Hadrian declared both of these maimings to be crimes punishable by death. To the Jews, circumcision was a divine ordinance commanded by their devil-god which allowed them to have a built-in, physical membership card to all of the benefits of Abraham’s First National Bank and Pawn Shop – just show your card and step right in. A prohibition of circumcision constituted a grave attack on their entire religious hoax. Without circumcision, there could be no Jews because their holy penises were the holiest part of their bodies which connected them directly to their god.

Their entire so-called “religion”  revolved completely around the Jewish penis, the center of their universe. All thoughts, words and deeds of the Jews were entirely hypocritical lies and evil. So, what else did a Jew have to prove to himself and to the world that he was holy and pure other than his holy cock? Hadrian had also ordered the erection of a shrine to Jupiter on the site of the Jerusalem Temple, a temple that had lain in ruins for sixty years although the Jews had hoped one day to rebuild it. So, losing this prime real estate and the holiness of their penises, was too much angst for the pious, masturbating, child molesting Jews wearing beanies and boxes on their heads. So, they rioted. T he Romans were caught unawares by this Jewish uprising. It took a different form from either the First Revolt or the Second Revolt. The First Revolt was a spontaneous hodge-podge of contending Jewish sects fighting each other as well as fighting against Rome for political power. The Second Revolt had only one goal as its organizing principal, to kill as many non-Jews as ruthlessly and with as much terrorism as possible (including cannibalism and necromancy on the corpses) so as to draw the Roman army away from their attack on the centers of Jewish wealth in Babylonia and Persia. For the Second War, only a coordination of starting time was necessary since the goals were simple enough for every blood-thirsty, rioting Jew. T he Third Jewish-Roman War (or the Bar Kokhba Revolt) of 132-135 AD was organized around one leader, Simon bar Kochba, who followed the examples in the Hebrew Bible of the great Jewish bandit-hero, David. He adopted guerrilla warfare tactics, refusing to be confined in cities or to fight pitched battles. Hadrian called from Britain, his general Sextus Julius Severus. Troops were brought from as far as the Danube. The size of the Roman army amassed against the rebels was much larger than that commanded by Titus sixty years earlier. But against guerilla fighters who could attack and then run away to the hills, it was a difficult situation for Rome. Simon bar Kochba was claimed to be the “Messiah” by the Pharisee Rabbi Akiba. The Jewish priests had previously flattered such illuminaries as Cyrus the Great, Alexander the Great, and Vespasian with this honorific title, leaders whom they wanted to manipulate into giving them something. The bandit Simon was certainly under the direct influence of another wily rabbi, a rabbi who had placed himself as chief priest presiding over all of the sacrifices and other  rituals of Jewish Temple pantomime. Kochba neither claimed Davidic descent – an essential ingredient of Messiahship – nor claimed to perform miracles. Rabbi Akiba knew this but gave him the title, anyway. But more importantly, Akiba, as head of the Sanhedrin, also gave Simon the title of “Nasi” (Prince) of Israel. This was a direct challenge to the head of the rabbinic academy at Jamnia who was also called, Nasi, or Prince of the worldwide Jews. So, this Third Jewish Roman War can be seen also as a power struggle between the two rabbis. The rabbi in Jamnia was Nasi (Prince) over the worldwide Jewish religious scam. As such, he was the Chief Priest of Jewry. But now Rabbi Akiba had – Abracadabra! – created another Nasi (Prince) and a “messiah” to battle the Romans and destroy the Christians. If the rebellion was successful, this would place Simon bar Kochba as Prince (king) of the Jews and Akiba as High Priest while the rabbi in Jamnia would become a subaltern to Akiba. Kochba gathered his supporters into small bands which sallied out from their strongholds, devastated the country, and returned to their hiding places. The Romans were forced to subdue each band separately. Finally, General Severus cornered and captured Kochba. The losses on both sides were again heavy. T he Roman historian Dio Cassius claims that over half a million Jews died, 50 fortified towns and 985 villages were razed, turning all of Judaea almost into a wilderness. The struggle lasted for three years before the revolt was crushed in the summer of 135. So severe were the Roman losses that Hadrian’s message to the Senate announcing the end of the war omitted the usual statement that all was well with him and his army. T his war was, once again, a local exercise. But this time, Jews throughout the world were supporting the movement by acts of secret and overt hostility towards Rome, with the result that practically the whole Roman empire was in turmoil. [538] This was all accomplished through the Kehillah espionage system, taking Rome by surprise with such a vast net of sabotage appearing all at once. Its purpose of preserving the perverse practice of circumcision was achieved even though the goal of keeping the Temple area free of pagan altars failed. On the desolate site of Jerusalem, Hadrian built a new city which he named Aelia Capitolina. It was laid out on the lines of a military encampment. Its straight and right-angular streets are preserved to this day.

Aelia Capitolina became a pagan city  inhabited by gentile settlers. On the southern gate, looking towards Bethlehem, was carved the image of a pig. A temple of Jupiter Capitolinus stood on the site of the Jewish temple. All Jews were excluded from the city on pain of death – and soon driven altogether from their bandit territory of Judah to wander through the countries of the world [539] as subversive perverts and criminals pretending to be “the Chosen Ones of God.” With their Temple Cult of blood sacrifice of innocent animals and the protection of the gold deposits forever destroyed, the Jews regrouped around the rabbis who taught the Biggest Lie Ever Told and the demonic perversions of the “Tradition of the Elders,” known later as the Babylonian Talmud. But regardless of the rioting of the Jews in Palestine, the Jews of Rome were still making money and were still bribing Roman Senators. Hadrian’s successor, Antoninus Pius (137-161 AD), lifted the ban on circumcision in the case of the Jews alone. The Jews alone were the only people who were allowed the unconditional resumption of circumcision. [540] Judaism became once more a legitimate religion under the protection of Rome. But Judaea ceased to be its main homeland. [541] Unlike the aftermath of the First and Second Jewish-Roman Wars where Jews still lived in Judea, after the Bar-Kokhba Revolt, the majority of the Jewish population of Judea was either killed, exiled, or sold into slavery. In this way, these horrible people were scattered throughout the Roman Empire. They were quickly bought out of slavery by their fellow Jews who could afford to do so since they were all making so much money practicing their usual cons and swindles in every place they were allowed to lived. And Jews lived all over the Roman Empire like f leas on a dog. Most Italian Jews lived in Rome and more began to settle there by 200 BC. They lived in Gaul during the Roman Republic, mainly in the Mediterranean coastal towns where they were in contact with their worldwide trade network and from whence they could supply the Roman army with everything soldiers desire – alcohol, whores, gambling, pawn shops and loan sharking. Such “services” were also provided by the Jews who followed the Roman armies into Gaul and Germany. Those Jewish parasites bought cheaply the European and Slavic peoples captured and enslaved by the Romans, clapped them into chains and shackles and shipped them south to their fellow Jews in the port cities of Nice and Marseille.

There, they were sold to the Jewish slavers  who in turn sold them to the slave markets of the Near East. Negro Readers should understand that the Jews were the primary slave drivers since ancient times and none of their slaves were Negroes other than a tiny few who were sold as curiosities among the overwhelmingly huge numbers of Caucasian and Mediterranean peoples enslaved by the Jews with Roman support or enslaved by the Jews with Persian support. By the 1st Century AD, Jews lived in Germany. In the following centuries, they were numerous enough to have laws dictated by the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great (306-337) in Cologne in 321, defining the rights and obligations of the Jewish Community in the Rhineland and elsewhere. [542]. Jews were also in Spain by the 1st Century. [543] And always, they bribed the Romans into granting them “rights” to swindle the citizens while being protected from their victims’ wrath by Roman soldiers. T hroughout the history of Rome’s dealings with the Jews, runs the thread of toleration and protection of Judaism as a religion. In handling a racial and religious minority which controlled huge international trade resources and gold reserves through a Jewish controlled financial system, Rome was faced with the alternatives of suppression or toleration. To suppress Judaism, meant a financial loss to Rome as the Jews manipulated prices and availability of goods while whipping its deluded Jewish minions into maniacal violence. The people of the Empire hated Jews for their thievery, swindles and unconcealed malice and ill will. So, prompted by hefty Jewish bribes, the Romans always protected the Jews from molestation by the outraged Gentile victims of Jewish Crimes Against Humanity. Rome therefore made the choice of a policy of toleration. It pursued such toleration with almost complete consistency during the entire period of the pagan empire, despite the vicissitudes of her political relations with the Jews both in Palestine and elsewhere. [544] With more rights and protections than any other people in the Roman Empire, even so, the Jews still betrayed Rome. T he charter of Jewish religious liberty that had been formulated by Julius Caesar and confirmed with extensions by Augustus, gave Judaism the status of a religio licita throughout the empire, a status which it was to retain basically unaltered for three centuries. Minor local disagreements between the authorities and the Jews in Rome and the very serious revolts of the Diaspora (Spores-that-Die-Ya), were followed by no  permanent reduction in Jewish privileges. [545] Yet, the Jews still betrayed Rome. After the revolt, the Jewish religious center shifted to the Babylonian Jewish community of pseudo-scholars and rabbinical con artists. With the reconstitution of the Sanhedrin, the post of Nasi or patriarch, vacant since the death of Rabbi Gamaliel II during the war, could be filled again. Gamaliel’s son, Rabbi Simeon III, was appointed to it. Since the Temple was destroyed, the Nasi no longer faced the possibility of competition from a restored High Priesthood. This, together with the firm establishment of the principle of hereditary succession put the post war Nasi in a stronger position than his forerunners as supreme head of the worldwide Jewish community. T his laid the foundations for the autocratic rule of his son, Rabbi Judah I. Under the guidance and control of the restored Patriarchate, the wheels of Jewish rabbinical organization, local administration and autonomous jurisdiction were again set in motion. With the Nasi (Prince) in the Roman Empire and the Ethnarch (king in all but name) in the Persian Empire, all of them protected by both Rome and Persia, the Jews were given the opportunity to gain a subversive control over both empires. By leading the head, the horse is controlled; by corrupting the kings, the People are misled. As ticks-behind-the-ear, the Jews put themselves into the position to mislead the king and the people and profit from their destruction. To unify the teachings of their far-flung synagogue infestations of Jews in every country, the rabbis decided to write down their evil methods for the organization of the gangs of Jews into a unifed mass of internationally coordinated crime lords. They began to write down the Tradition of the Elders, the Oral Law which Jesus had warned against. In Jamnia, they called this the Palestinian Talmud. But in Pumbeditha and Sura, they called it the Babylonian Talmud. [546] Judaism had once again an official, recognized head to fix the Jewish-Babylonian calendar to be followed by all Jewish communities. The Patriarch established his control over the Diaspora (Spores that-Die-Ya) by sending “sacred envoys” to supervise the organization of individual communities and to collect the aurum coronarium, an annual tax for the benefit of the patriarchate which had replaced the Temple tax. Even though both Rome and Parthia were generally at war, no restrictions were imposed on the maintenance of relations of this type with the Jews

in Parthia, who continued to look to the Palestinian authorities for direction in matters of religion. As the head of a worldwide religious community, holding an official position recognized by Jew and Roman and Parthian alike, and in the course of time acquiring the title of vir illustris as a dignitary in the Roman system, the Patriarch could be described by Origen early in the third century as an “ethnarch with powers equivalent to a king’s.” [547] And yet, even with such power, to hide their wealth from the people whom they had swindled, the Jews wore shoddy clothes and whined about how poor business always was. And to hide their crimes from the victims they had dispossessed, they pretended to be interested only in God and to publically cry about the persecution that they suffered. Such poor, oppressed Jews! Actively stealing the wealth of the world while practicing genocide upon its people! Pointing to their victims and crying “Foul”! The Jewish Half-Lie! The Devil’s Truth! All practiced by the Jews! With the scheming, lying, deceiving, hypocritical Pharisee rabbis now in control of Judaism, at the beginning of the third century AD (200 AD), the Jews of the Roman Empire were governed by a Nasi (or Prince) who held a mandate from the Roman authorities to collect taxes from the Palestinian Jews and to govern them using both Jewish and Roman laws. At the same time, the Jews of the Babylonian communities were governed by a Jewish Exilarch who was granted this hereditary title by the Parthian (Persian) king. Both the Nasi and the Exilarch were hereditary offices. This transmogrified their rule into the traditional dictatorship of the Jewish priests of the Temple. Only now they were all presided over by Pharisee rabbis who had none of the so-called “promises made to Aaron and Moses for an eternal priesthood” as a basis of their authority. An “eternal priesthood” is proven to be just one more of the lies told in the Hebrew Bible. But such a “technicality” that it was a hoax presided over by frauds and usurpers, didn’t matter to the Pharisees because they had even better lies to tell in their “Tradition of the Elders,” their Babylonian Talmud. The cunning and larceny, the “leaven of the Pharisees,” was no longer just one of the ingredients of Judaism; because it became the main ingredient of Judaism. A word should be mentioned here of that mendacious poseur who is a rabbi, or I should say, all rabbis.

Throughout Jewish literature these cunning frauds describe themselves as “sages,” “wise,”, “learnéd”, and “scholars” when, in fact, they are none of these.  Lies are the basis of Judaism and its main proponents, the rabbis, are its most cunning liars. So, when they glorify themselves with descriptive words to magnify what they are not, it is only their Semitic abracadabra of substituting fancy words for actual reality. If the rabbis are “sages”, then they are sage only in their ability to calmly inject treason where there was innocence. If they are “wise,” then it is a wisdom of the fox devising ways of sneaking into the hen house. If they are “learnéd,” then they are learnéd in crafty deceits, blatant forgeries and concealed murder. If they are “scholars,” then it is a scholarship of evil machinations, diabolical depravity, blatant hypocrisy, lies and false authority. These are the rabbis even today; and these are the students produced by the academies of Jewish criminality and sociopathy known as yeshivas. The rabbis are the main devils who operate Judaism, but not the only devils. While both the Romans and Persians were generally at war with each other, they both made the fatal error of allowing the Jews and the Jews alone, freedom of movement with no restrictions on the rabbis carrying gold and messages between their empires. Both empires protected the Jews, and the Jews alone, from the wrath of the people whom the Jews had defrauded. Like ticks sucking the blood from behind the shoulders of a dog, the Jews made themselves untouchable, not through their “holiness” or the “blessings” of their god, but through the bribery and blackmail of the kings and leaders. In this way, the Jews were an autonomous corporate empire in their own right, hidden in plain sight from both the Romans and the Persians, like a modern corporation’s machinations are protected and hidden from the public’s view. The Jews benefited from both empires and betrayed both empires, first the one, then the other, then the first and then the other, again and again. Throughout their entire history, both empires were at war with each other. Only the Jews and the Jews alone, were exempted from fighting in those wars. And only the Jews, and the Jews alone, profited from those wars. As the modern rabbis say, “War is the harvest of the Jews.” [548] And while Jewish genocide was reducing the populations of host countries, Jewish populations grew through multiple wives each bearing eight to twelve children, and all of them bent on replacing the non-Jews with more Jews. Rome and Parthia (Persia) were at constant war. With Jewish advisors standing behind the kings of both sides, lavishly proclaiming their “Jewish Loyalty,”  both Rome and Persia always had the latest Kehillah supplied intelligence and low-interest loans and plenty of war material to throw their peoples against one another while the Jews stayed safely out of the battles, counted the profits, and multiplied their huge families for taking over the vacant homes and businesses of the goyim (non-Jewish, lowly insects, stupid cattle) who were killed. In 162 AD, a Roman army was crushed by the Parthian cavalry at Elgia. With Armenia secured, the Parthians now turned towards Syria and Cappadocia and decisively defeated the Roman forces in both theaters. The Parthian cavalry were received as liberators by the local Jewish populations, who always harbored bitter resentment against the Romans. Always making promises just like their Jewish God of Lies, the rabbis of the period even praised the Parthian cavalry as harbingers of the Hebrew Messiah. [549] They never let the Jews forget that Jesus was not the Jewish Messiah whom the rabbis were always promising would “arrive any day now but only if you are good Jews and do what we tell you to do.” By the spring of 198 AD, the Romans had besieged Ctesiphon, which fell to Roman arms for a third time. Predictably, the fall of Ctesiphon was followed by the capture of Seleucia and Babylon. Much of Ctesiphon’s treasury was emptied and carried off to Rome. So great was the amount of silver and gold captured that it reputedly helped stave off a possible economic crisis in Europe for the next 30 to 40 years. [550] What’s this? An “economic crises” for the greatest empire in the world? Why was this? Because the International Import-Export Monopolies in combination with their Gold-Silver Exchange Mechanism, were siphoning bullion to the East. The Caesars had fallen into the moneylenders’ trap and had allowed Rome’s money to be based on gold and silver. So, as gold and silver was used to buy the spices and silks of the East and as silver was shipped to the East to exchange for twice as much gold, both gold and silver became scarce. Since these metals are what Roman money was made of, as both of these metals became scarce, so did money disappear from circulation. Gold was the preferred money of the international bankers and financiers. So, as money became scarce, the wealthy capitalists and kings of Europe still had gold but as they shipped their silver to India, the common man was left with very little. However, the rich found that when the common man had very little, he would work for even less. Slavery increased as  the common man had to compete for his daily bread against non-paid slaves, leaving the “best” source of employment open to him as a soldier in the army. And armies could be marched off to foreign lands to loot the wealth of other people while killing off the soldiers. The vacant land of the dead soldiers as well as their wives and children fell into the clutches of moneylenders and slave traders who could then put their own children onto the vacant land and into the vacant houses. And so, as the Sumerian Swindle sank its fangs into Rome, the Roman people dwindled while the Jews grew numerous “as the sands of the sea,” living in “houses they did not build.” History repeated itself, time after time, century after century, as Rome and Parthia beat each other into exhaustion; killing millions of their people; destroying billions in the very war material that was sold by the merchant-moneylenders; weakening each other enough to allow themselves to be overcome by yet another Semitic hoax boiling up from the deserts of Arabia. During this time, Christianity was growing in popularity. People could see with their own eyes that the Earth and the Sky are good, not ruled by some Jewish demon who hates Mankind. People could see the auras of the saints. They could feel the joy in their hearts and the power in their lives of discovering their own Holy Spirit and the love that dwells in their hearts with God. It wasn’t a matter of Jewish fables. Christianity was an actual and a real experience, not something forever out-of-reach in demonic promises of cunning rabbis. Even more than any other goyim (non-Jewish, lowly insects, stupid cattle), the Jews hated Christians more than they hated any other people among Mankind. It was not just because of Jesus taking away their fake power by incarnating as the very Messiah whom they, themselves, had been promising. It was not just because Jesus had ripped away the mask of their hypocrisy and shown their phony, rabbinical street theater for what it is. It was not just because Jesus, as the Messiah, had brought their entire Jewish hoax to an end by becoming what they, themselves, claimed to be their ultimate goal. It was not just because Jesus had preached kindness and goodness and the forgiveness of debts – all anathema to the merchant-moneylenders of Abraham’s First National Bank and Pawn Shop. Yes, they hated Jesus and the Christians for all of these things and more. But what the Jews really hated most of all was that none of the abracadabra of the rabbis’  empty rituals could compare with the actual and true spiritual enlightenment experienced by the Christians. T he Christians had for themselves, the genuine love of God. And it showed in their bright, happy faces, the joy and love that raditated from their hearts and in their actual peace of mind and blissfulness of heart. But all that the Jews had was their hatred for Mankind and love for themselves – a very nasty combination when linked with the limitless wealth of the Sumerian Swindle, limitless wealth that gave them the power to exercise their malice and hatred and to bribe their way out of prosecution for their many crimes. This hatred showed in their malicious attitude, the dark animosity in their eyes, their black countenance and the unhappiness that they spread among the people of the world. Whenever they got the opportunity, the Jews burned the books of the Christians and allied themselves with any pagans who were in opposition to the Christians. Because they were a protected sect under Roman law and because they had the money to bribe every Roman official, the Jews did everything that they could to make life hard for the Christians. And these teachings became standard for all Jews worldwide once they were written into the Babylonian Talmud: “The Gospels and the Books of the Christians may not be saved from a fire, but they must be burned in their place. Rabbi Tarfon said: May I bury my son if I would not burn them together with their Divine Names if they came to my hand. For even if one pursued me to slay me, or a snake pursued me to bite me, I would enter a heathen Temple for refuge, but not the houses of these Christians, for the latter know of the god of the Jews yet deny Him, whereas the former are ignorant and deny Him.” (Babylonian Talmud, Shabbath 116a) As Christianity grew, the Jews were losing their religious terrorism over the people of the world, but none of their economic terrorism over the Kings and Emperors and Pashas and Rajas of the world. Although the people of the world could all have different ideas and religions in worshipping their various gods, all people used money in their daily lives. Simply because the Jewish moneylenders had bribed and deceived Julius Caesar, now all money of the civilized world was made out of silver and gold. It was coined and controlled by the governments of the kingdoms and empires who had stamped the various images of their kings thereon.

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But no matter what king stamped his  image on the money that he minted, and no matter what that king’s religion was, those who controlled the supplies of silver and gold, controlled the amount that the kings could mint and therefore the prosperity of their kingdoms. Those who controlled the silver and gold also controlled the kings and his peoples.

Even though a king could seize vast hoards of bullion successfully in warfare, none of it remained in his hands for long because as a commodity metal as well as a coinage, all gold and silver flowed into the hands of the merchant moneylenders. This is why money and gold and silver were always so important to the Jews. T hese evil monsters were not qualified to rule anybody because of any alleged “higher morality” or “promises of their mighty God,” which only existed on their lying lips. But they did rule the kings of the earth simply because of their cunning greed and ruthless acquisition, all encouraged by the rabbis who got ten percent of the profits from every thieving Jew. In 200 AD, the bishop of Rome became the Pope over all Christian churches in the Roman Empire. A Jewish yeshiva (that is, a training school of Jewish subversion and criminality) had already been established in Rome. And in 212 AD, the Emperor Caracalla granted Roman citizenship to all the free inhabitants of the empire. T hus, virtually all Jews in the Empire became Roman citizens and could follow the Roman armies around with legal rights equal to the soldiers and generals, themselves. This was looked upon with such joy by the rapacious Jews and their broods of insatiable children  from numerous wives, that Caracalla’s name, Aurelius (a name also linked to “gold”), became a popular name taken by the Diaspora (Spores-That-Die-Ya) Jews. Forever the parasitic chameleon, the Jews practiced their traditional tactic of taking the same names as their victims. “No, you’re wrong! My name is not Moises Hymiefinkle, it’s Aurelius. Same as the emperor! So trust me! These brass buttons are really made of gold! For you, half price!” Under Caracalla’s edict, the Jews were treated on an absolute equality with other provincials, and were put under no disadvantage – their religious charade was not impaired in consequence of their enfranchisement. [551] They were free to swindle and deceive in any way that they could get away with, “just as they had always done”. Following along behind the Roman army, troops of non-combatants sporting kinky hair, sidelocks and noses like you wouldn’t believe, operated various businesses serving the soldiers as well as any local inhabitants who wanted to buy wine, women, spices, pearls, gem stones and curious imports; or who chanced their gold on the dice cup; or who had some loot or stolen goods that they wanted to pawn; or who wanted their fortunes told and their dreams interpreted by these very loquacious and wise descendants of Daniel-in-the-Lions-Den and Joseph who-swindled-Pharaoh. “Okay! Okay! So, even at half price, if these gold buttons are too much, how much do you want to spend?” From 500 AD onward, Rome, Livorno, Ravenna, Venice, Pola, Genoa, Marseille, Avignon, as well as small towns in between, all had large Jewish settlements subsisting on and protected by the Roman army. See Map. [Figure_122_Map_500-1000AD_ German_Jews] And from these towns, following the Roman army, the Jews slithered into Germany and found great profits among a people who had no knowledge of the Sumerian Swindle. The Roman army as well as individual soldiers – each soldier doomed to a laborious twenty-five year service with low pay – could be depended upon, for a small bribe, to offer their strong-arm services to enforce loans gone bad, to seize security and pledges, and to enslave debtors who didn’t pay the interest on loans from all of those “loyal Roman citizens” who were all named Aurelius. Regardless of what the whining, lying modern Jews write about themselves in their fake modern history books, Europe was not invaded by individual groups of Jews who were all so very poor and oppressed, running  fearfully from the big-bad oppressors, eking out a bare subsistence. Not at all! The Jews were an international corporation of loan-sharks, slave drivers, and import export monopolists, working in collusion. They were unified in their subversion of Europe in both their hatred for all of Mankind taught in their Hebrew Bible as well as the criminal and psychopathic malice contained in the “Tradition of the Elders.” By this time, it was being codified into the Babylonian Talmud , presided over by Judah I, the Nasi (Prince) of all the Jews in the world at his headquarters in Babylonia. So, no matter which route through the Alps the Jews took following the Roman army into Germany and no matter from which town they called “home,” every Jew followed the same teachings of the Babylonian Pharisee rabbis such as this: “With respect to robbery – if one stole or robbed or seized a beautiful woman, or committed similar offences, if these were perpetrated by one goy against another, the theft must not be kept, and likewise the theft of a Jew by a goy, but that of a goy by a Jew may be retained. For murder, whether of a goy by a goy, or of a Jew by a goy, punishment is incurred; but of a goy by a Jew, there is no death penalty. And it applies to the withholding of a labourer’s wage. One goy from another, or a goy from a Jew is forbidden, but a Jew from a goy is permitted. (Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 57a) T he Jews always claimed to be “morally upright” and proved it with vociferous street-theater by insisting that such laws against theft and murder be strictly enforced against the non-Jews because these were the laws of the king. They never bothered to mention to the non-Jews among whom they lived that such laws meant nothing to a Jew because the “moral uprightness” and “piety” of a Jew meant that he could evade all the laws of Mankind since only the laws of the rabbinical Monsters of Babylon were valid for a Jew. T he rabbis controlled every aspect of the Jews’ life from the moment they awoke in the morning until they fell asleep at night. Even to this day, the Orthodox Jews follow the 613 mitzvoth or “good deeds of the Devil” that codify their behaviour. And among the “good deeds” runs this basic note – “hate Mankind and always take whatever you can get.” The Rabbis promoted capital accumulation but insisted that a wealthy Jew must also give of his wealth as charitable contributions to the Jewish community. Wealth was to be striven for and poverty was to be avoided at all costs  [552] especially because the rabbis got ten percent of all profits. So, they were very happy to guide the Jews in every criminal means for getting what the Gentiles had while simultaneously pushing the Gentiles into poverty and servitude. And why not? The god of the Jews hated everybody on earth except for the “apple of his eye,” his very own fishy-breathed, greasy-haired, lice-infested, big nosed, thieving, lying, murdering creatures, freshly arrived from the Garden of Eden. Who else could be so wonderful as they? After 200 AD, and beginning from the coastal cities, the Jews began to spread into Gaul (France) following the Roman armies with their carts ladened with wine jars, garments, chains and slave shackles. Wherever there was a profit to be made, could be found its community of Jews. Resolutely refusing to work one day per week in order to maintain their “holy military exemption,” they stayed safely behind Roman lines and were always ready and able to buy the soldiers’ booty of both stolen property and enslaved Gauls. See Map. [Figure_120_Map_800-1500AD_ French_Jews] The establishment of Jews all throughout Europe was not accomplished simply by using the Roman Army as a protective screen. 

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Unlike the Romans  who could just march into Europe and take over as a conquering army, the Jews, as hangers-on, could only establish permanent bases of operation by first following the Roman armies and then by being accepted by the conquered populace as legitimate residents. In addition, they did this by the legal idea of “ownership” through the ancient Sumerian Swindle of loaning money at interest. Although their international system of central banking had been temporarily suspended when Abraham’s First National Bank and Pawn Shop had been razed by the Romans in 70 AD, like the branched candlestick on the altar of gold, its many branches were still in operation in the main cities of the world wherever a synagogue was to be found. Once the temple tax and loan payments were again being carried by the “sacred envoys” to the rabbis in Babylonia, Judaism with its built-in financial system was again in full operation. Interest-free loans were available to every Jew from the rabbis in every synagogue who could draw both from the tithes of the local congregation as well as from the central bank now operating under the Nasi or the Prince of the Jews. Both large loans and small were available to every Jew who went to syngogue and performed all of the  membership rituals and paid his membership fees. T his system is how the Jews were able to defraud the Europeans of their homelands and their children. In the beginning, it was the Sumerian Swindle on a small scale, lending to poor farmers and shop keepers using their farm tools, produce, oxen or their children as collateral. Always the collateral was worth more than the loan. Eventually, the Jews swindled their way into Europe, settled in the repossessed homes of the dispossessed people and multiplied in numbers like the cells of a malignant melanoma. To get an idea of how the European common workers and farmers were swindled out of their property, take a look at the same swindle being practiced today in what are called Pay Day Loans, that is, short term loans at high interest and short repayment time. (See Appendix B: Loan Shark Rates for Short Time Loans) Of course, the Roman empire used monies called sesterces and auraii, but the calculations are the same for whatever you call your money. For the modern reader, I will use the modern money of US Dollars as an example but you can convert the dollar sign to represent any decimal money that you wish. Dollars, Pounds, Euros, Marks, Yuan, take your pick because the percentages carry the same ratio in any sort of money. What follows is how both the ancient and modern people today are defrauded by the Jews. In this example, a $10 is loaned at a rate of 25%, compounded weekly, when the borrower does not make any payments. From the chart in Appendix B, you can see that a loan of $10 at 25% interest per week means the peasant must pay the Jew $12.50. But if for some reason he can’t repay the loan, in the second week, he owes $15.63 in monies. The Jew might even encourage a late repayment with assurances of sympathy for the poor farmer’s predicament and citing the Jew’s higher morality in “helping” the farmer for another week or two, while letting the amount add up. After five weeks the amount reaches $30.52 and after six months it becomes $3,309.78 and at the end of the year the poor peasant owes the Jew $1,095,114.75 on a $10 loan! Of course, the Jew seizes the man’s farm tools, ox, and all of his property long before such a huge sum arises. Or the Jew might let the amount rise high enough to also seize the man’s wife and children as “payment” for the “debt.” The actual rate of the loan rate was not 25% but at the end of the year was over 100,000%. This is quite simply a swindle – the ancient Sumerian Swindle – on a small scale for defrauding the  common people.

T he Jews played their ancient Babylonian scam wherever they went, all throughout Europe beginning at the coastal cities and following the Roman armies northward into Gaul and Germany. Because he could obtain interest-free loans from the rabbi in any amount that he needed, as long as their victim owned some sort of personal property that could be seized for non-payment of the scam, every Jew was a moneylender to every European. A few coins in the hand of a poorly-paid Roman soldier would buy for the Jew all of the muscle-power he needed to carry away a man’s goods and cattle or haul away a daughter or son into slavery or prostitution in the international Jewish slave markets throughout the Mediterranean and Near East. Although the International Jews had enough corporate wealth to bribe senators and kings, most of the ordinary Jews hid their gold and silver in bags of rags. The destruction of the Temple in 70 AD had taught them that the best place to hide their wealth was in the ground, not in mighty banks inside temples. This strategy now became common among all Jews throughout the world as the teachings of the “Tradition of the Elders” became formalized in the Babylonian Talmud. “Money can only be guarded by placing it in the earth.” (Babylonian Talmud, Pesachim 31b) From this time onward in the history of the Monsters of Babylon, the safest place for their silver and gold was hidden among the Jewish people, themselves. Fearful of the curses in the Hebrew Bible of the mighty god who would strike them with fire if they touched the “sacred money” of the synagogue, the Jews did not steal from one another. They kept their gold hidden, generally kept a low profile behind fake humility and lengthy public prayers, while swindling all of the Gentiles around them. They really didn’t need to steal from each other since there were so many non-Jews ripe for the plucking. The European peoples could not complain to the Romans of being swindled because the Jews were under the protection of Rome. So, they would beat a few Jews who had stolen their property if they could get away with it or they would complain to the Christian priests who had a reputation of being merciful and kind and knowledgable of the Jews. However, the only thing the priests could do was talk and complain because they, too, were under the authority and laws of Rome which gave the Jews  protection from being beaten or killed for their crimes. “Give heed, thou Jew. Many a time does thou boast thyself, in that thou did condemn Jesus of Nazareth to death, and did give him vinegar and gall to drink … Consider whether your small portion of vinegar and gall is not the cause of thy present condition involved in these myriad of troubles.” (priest and saint, Hippolytus, 170-236 AD) From the very beginning, it was a part of Christian stupidity to believe that they could elicit human compassion and empathy from among the evil Jews whose god commanded them to hate all of Mankind, to be pitiless and to wreak vengeance to the forth generation of every person who was not a Jew. When four generations – grandparents, parents, children, grand children – are destroyed, that is genocide. And that is what the Jews practiced upon Mankind, genocide as a religious commandment. And who other than a devil desires the destruction of Mankind? But these were the Jews, “walking in the ways” of their demon god while dispensing all evils to Mankind whom they distained as lowly insects and stupid cattle. T he Christan priests did not understand that the Monsters of Babylon were actual demons in the flesh. T hey did not understand this, because the Christians believed that the lies of the Hebrew Bible were the word of God and that these lying, deceiving, malicious, greedy and avaricious Jews were whom they claimed to be – the Chosen Ones of God. “Oy Gevalt! Of course, we Jews are blessed by our god. Why else do we have all of your money?” From Julius Caesar to 250 AD the drop in metallic content of Roman coins, when averaged annually, was minuscule. But this minor reduction in silver and gold content accelerated as civil wars and chaos ruled Rome. From 250 AD onward, Rome’s primary coinages had severe problems for several decades. By allowing private individuals to mint the coins, Rome had allowed greed to steal from the Empire. Vast sums can be stolen when small amounts are pilfered from millions of coins. Under the smoke screen of war and the chaos of emergency measures, black-marketeers and bankers can steal billions, as they do today, while promoting war and chaos.

T he silver coin, which in 250 AD had contained 40% of its original silver content, was down to 4 % silver just 20 years later in 270 AD. And for a period they would be entirely copper. Bullion silver was still kept at a ratio of 12 to 1 for gold as silver continually  siphoned away to India. All of these counterfeited and debased coins created a severe inflation which continued until the reforms of Diocletian in 300 AD and by Constantine a bit later. During fifty years of anarchy (235-285 AD) in Rome and successive usurpations, there was a period of almost constant civil wars and consequently of foreign invasions. During this period twenty-six men, mostly barbarians, reached the Roman throne while a larger number attempted to do so and failed. Each usurper in turn found the treasury empty and an army demanding bribes for support. To obtain the necessary funds the emperors resorted to debasement of the currency, forced capital levies, proscription of the well-to-do with confiscations, and when these did not suffice they had to allow their troops to plunder. And it was all because the Romans had allowed the moneylenders to substitute the reliable Roman brass f iat coins for gold and silver coins. The knowledge of what True Money is, was lost once Rome adhered to the gold standard. With millions in yearly profits, the private minters of Rome’s coinage had the resources to hire mercenaries. Toward the end of the Third Century this hereditary caste of “moneyers” became entrenched in this wealth and its subsequent political leverage. They were manufacturing counterfeit coins without the full stated metallic content and keeping the difference for themselves. When they were discovered to be minting unauthorized coinage of a dead emperor, the Emperor Aurelian attempted to reform them in 275 AD and found himself at war. Emperor Aurelian wrote, “The workmen at the mint have risen in rebellion. They are at length suppressed; but 7,000 of my soldiers have been slain in the contest.” T he only way that the battle hardened imperial troops could be so thoroughly mauled, was that they were pitted against the wealth of the Equestrians and the arms of the Praetorian Guard. Only these could have displayed a strength capable of contending in battle with the veteran legions of the Danube. The “workmen at the mint” had powerful allies whose special monetary privileges of privately profiting from the wealth of the nation, were not privileges given up so very politely when called upon to do so. [553] But who were these conspirators protecting their profitable thievery while defying the political leaders of Rome? It was none other than the Senators and the wealthy moneylenders and goldsmiths who were fighting to protect the immense profits of their private banking  thievery. They, themselves, didn’t have to fight, they hired low-paid soldiers to fight for them. Until now, historians have not considered how three critical factors, combined with a diminishing supply of precious metals, conspired to destroy the Roman Empire. The first was the effects of a dramatic concentration of wealth into the Church and to a small number of powerful persons. A large proportion of private estates was being left to the Church in death bequests. Eventually the Church held one-third to one-half of the accumulated lands and wealth of the Empire, most likely including the existing coinage. T his concentrated wealth held by a few individuals could produce a similar effect as a great scarcity of coinage. The question is not only the quantity of money in existence, but how it is distributed and available for commerce and industry. If only the rich have money, then the poor are entirely destitute and dependant upon the pitiless greed of the rich. It is a downward spiral – the rich get their wealth from the poor and, seeing how miserable are the poor, the rich become even greedier and more ruthlessly acquisitive in their fear of falling into poverty. The rich got richer and the poor got poorer but both were the slaves of the gold and silver metal money and the Sumerian Swindle. As the rich got richer, the Empire’s vast wealth and power became ever more concentrated, culminating in its ultimate concentration behind the 120-foot thick walls of one luxurious fortress city – Constantinople – as well as behind the castle walls of numerous petty kingdoms throughout Europe and the Middle East and India. Remember, money is only an invention that increases the speed and efficiency of barter. Money is not the wealth, itself, but merely a tool. When the so called “nobility” have all the gold coins, the peasants have only barter by which to slowly trade their produce and labor for the necessities of life. Without money, society devolves to its slow, plodding level of 3500 BC when only barter of goods moved the ox sleds of commerce and people were paid in rations of grain. Money is not the actual wealth but it promotes an increase in the speed of producing and gaining wealth. T his concentration of gold at the top inflicted a punishing, multi-century deflationary depression on the rest of the empire, especially in Europe. Commerce and industry stagnated. Large sailing vessels disappeared. Arts and sciences were lost. Even the knowledge of cement making disappeared.

An unending depression which we call the Dark Ages took  hold, and was not shaken off until the deflation began to end, starting at the close of the 8th century. T he two other crucial factors, the Gold-Silver Exchange Mechanism and the gold coinage prerogative where only the government minted the gold coins, combined to further depress the Empire’s money system. Only the Roman Basileus could mint gold coinage. Local Princes were restricted to minting silver. But no new silver was being mined; and the existing silver coinage was being drained to the east because in Europe, 12 ounces of silver exchanged for one ounce of gold; but in India, 12 ounces of silver exchanged for 2 ounces of gold. This dichotomy enriched the International Jews and other import-exporters, and generally caused silver to flow east, century after century. Also both silver and gold flowed east through the trade for silks, perfumes, incense, gem stones and spices – all items that no one really needs but goods that the wealthy desire, goods in which the Jews specialized. T he combined evidence on wealth concentration, the absence of mining, the normal erosion of the coinage through usage and the tendency of precious metals, especially silver, to flow eastward, presents a powerful argument that an inadequate supply of circulating money was a major factor in the continued decline of the Roman Empire. [554] Without money, no one could be paid, no services could be purchased, no roads could be built, only the wealthy could engage in trade and the common man was reduced to poverty and slavery. But poverty and slavery was good for the rich because they had to pay less for laboring servants. So, there were some in society who welcomed poverty and slavery for others, in fact, welcomed it with religious zeal. T he lying Twentieth Century Jewish economists ridicule Diocletian for setting up price controls in 301 AD. They hypocritically point to their failure as one of the main examples of why governments should not intervene with markets but to leave the markets to the merchant-moneylenders. But as the body of Diocletian’s reforms continue to be pieced together, the picture emerges of him as one of Rome’s more capable Emperors. He was the first to organize the Roman budget on an annual basis and to levy taxes uniformly throughout the Empire. Before he acted on prices or coinage reform, he had extensive research carried out to better know what he was doing. Diocletian’s main complaint was the merchant-moneylenders taking unfair  advantage of the soldiers in the army, “extorting” prices that were “unspeakable.” Now that the Jews had been made Roman citizens, they could work their evil under the banner of Rome. Diocletian described Jewish methods when he wrote of their “… raging, greedy avarice, a desire of unrestrained madness amounting to a religion and an unbridled passion for plundering. Wherever the Army be directed – villages and towns, even roads – the profiteer extorts prices that are not simply four times or eight times but are such to render the name of the price and the act incapable of description by the human language.” Diocletian, who began his career as a slave, resigned the Emperorship in disgust and retired to his home on the Dalmatian Coast. When pressured to resume the throne he replied: “Would to god that you could see the herbs which I cultivate with my own hands at Salonika, you would not think of making me such a proposition.” [555] T here was no reduction of the privileges and rights of the Jews throughout the Roman Empire. By the “edict of Milan” in 313 AD, Licinius granted universal religious freedom, and in making no exception of Judaism he implicitly allowed it to remain a religio licita. Judaism was to retain that status for many years to come. Not only did Constantine preserve Jewish privileges, but as late as the end of the fourth century and the beginning of the fifth, Christian emperors were still issuing edicts confirming the Jews’ age-old rights of religious liberty and the inviolability of the synagogues. [556] None of them understood that they were granting the Jews the right to swindle everyone in the Roman Empire and to betray those very emperors who trusted their “Jewish Loyalty.” Constantine the Great attempted to deal charitably with the Jews in his Edict of Toleration of 313. Just two years later, however, he wasn’t prepared to be so forbearing because while the Jews were always hypocritically agitating for their special “rights” and “privileges,” they were all simultaneously working to destroy everyone else’s rights, especially the Christians’ rights. This is because when only the Jews are elevated with special “rights,” then everyone else automatically becomes lower than a Jew.

The arrogant Jew is raised up for special admiration and protection while Mankind remains at his feet – all accomplished through the power of the state protecting “Jewish rights” while ignoring everybody else’s rights. It is a  Talmudic swindle that is observable even in modern times with special laws just for the Jews’ benefit, special laws that no one else has, special laws such as “hate laws,” “anti-discrimination laws”, etc., all with different names but all of them masking the elevation of the Jew and the debasement of Man. Emperor Constantine said: “The Jews are a nefarious and perverse sect. We wish to make it known to the Jews and their elders and their patriarchs that if, after the enactment of this law, any one of them dares to attack with stones or some other manifestation of anger another who has f led their dangerous sect and attached himself to the worship of God, he must speedily be given to the f lames and burn together with all his accomplices. Moreover, if any one of the population should join their abominable sect and attend their meetings, he will bear with them the deserved penalties.” By 324 AD Constantine converted the official religion of the Roman empire to Christianity. [557] Modern historians all offer a variety of reasons of why Rome declined, but the real reasons become shrouded because none of the historians understand either the Sumerian Swindle (lending at interest) or the actual evil of Judaism. Both of these elements have been working in the background for the past 3500 years. One of the evils of Judaism is found in Jewish historians writing history books. If the cause of Rome’s decline has remained mysterious, perhaps it’s not so much from a lack of knowledge of what took place, but to shield from closer scrutiny similarly destructive attitudes and institutions operating on present day Western society. The same forces that destroyed Rome are at work against the modern world and its people today because evil does not sleep as long as one Jew has open eyes. Regardless of what modern historians say, what do the Romans, who were actually at the scene, have to say about the events of their time? From the viewpoint of advanced human and political values, we may prefer to associate the descent of Rome with the fall of the Roman Republic, which could not withstand the polarization and concentration of wealth that followed Rome’s loss of control over her money system. As the rich got richer, they bought the one thing that meant wealth in Roman Culture; and that one thing was landed property. The results – the rise of the great land estates, known as latifundia, and the vast, untaxed concentration of wealth that they represented – has been cited as the cause of Rome’s undoing:

“Latifundia perdida Roma” that is, “The great estates destroyed Rome,” wrote Pliny in the 1st century AD. [558] Pliny observed that Rome was destroyed by the wealthy, by the Treasonous Class, the wealthy ones who placed unending personal greed above the good of the people or the survival of the nation. Romans considered land ownership as a mark of wealth. And owning land required people to work that land. In Appian’s words, which apply to modern Europe and America in the 21st Century, just as they applied to Rome in the 3rd Century: “The race of slaves multiplied, while the Italian people dwindled in numbers and strength, being oppressed by penury, taxes, and service in the army. If they had any respite from these evils they passed their time in idleness, because the land was held by the rich who employed slaves instead of freemen. T he old stock who had made Rome what it was, no longer existed. To take the place of all these, had been brought slaves in great hordes; and the children of these strangers were now the dominant element in and about the ruling city.” [559] Does this sound familiar to those Readers in the 21st Century whose countries are being infested with Mexicans, Arabs, Chinese, Hindus and Muslims, imported by the Jewish merchants and bankers for cheap labor and by the Jewish politicians so as to dispossess and destroy your people and your nation? Throughout history the Jews have practiced the commandments of their demon-god to first “dispossess” and then to cause the “extinction” of the non-Jews who have allowed the Jews to live among them. What happened to Rome is purposely being engineered by the Jews and their wealthy Leftist allies today. And in both modern America and modern Europe, those who purposely imported these foreigners into our lands to dispossess us, are none other than the perfidious and greedy bankers and f inanciers, nearly all of whom are Jews, along with the treasonous politicians who betray the People in exchange for Jewish gold – just as it has always been, but not as it must always be. Under the strict gold Bezant coinage system inaugurated by Constantine in 325 AD, “debasement” of the gold coins was not tolerated. A gold-based money system only benefits the wealthy because its relative value is kept so high that poor people are reduced to slavery from lack of a freely circulating money.

Even so, the gold content of the coins need to be carefully controlled both for the wealth of the State  and to prevent private interests from counterfeiting, clipping or otherwise debasing the coins. Constantine personally “ordered death for counterfeiting, and burning of public minters committing falsification in the coining of money ... because the crime is greater in him who commits this under public authority.” The Byzantine laws contained strict controls on those handling money professionally and on jewelers who fabricated gold artwork. Money changers who received a counterfeit Bezant and didn’t report it immediately were flogged, shaved and exiled. Goldsmiths needed a license to operate, and were only allowed to work gold in their shops, not at home. T hey could purchase no more than one pound of gold bullion at a time. T hese regulations had their effect. The gold Bezant was 70 grains (68 pure) when inaugurated by Constantine in 324 AD, and after fluctuating slightly was still 68 grains in 1025 AD. But this constancy occurred under declining supplies of metal. There was a very considerable stock of gold in the west, and yet there were no gold mines. The Gold-Silver Exchange Mechanism brought gold into the Empire and siphoned silver out. Because of the shortage of silver and other exportable goods, gold became the major coined money throughout the Roman Empire. Since this was a rich man’s money, as silver continued to siphon to the East, poverty became widespread, leaving the common people impoverished to the level of barter. Only the church and the landed gentry could offer survival to the peasants, one through monastic life or church service and the other through feudal serfdom, a form of slavery. [560] Thus, the more commonly usable silver coinage, not gold, would have been more crucial to general economic activity. But gold was prefered for coinage because it controls silver; is easier to smuggle and conceal than an equal value of silver; and because of its relative rarity is more easily monopolized by the wealthy. Besides its profitability in the Gold-Silver Exchange Mechanism, silver was not used very much for coinage because it freed the poor people from the tyranny of the rich and their hoards of gold. The rich can get cheaper labor and more willing servants when the People are impoverished and starved. One of the greatest tragedies of Christianity was the Council of Nicaea held in Byzantium in 325 AD. T his was a major convention of Christian leaders called to formulate a standardize doxology of Christian belief. After the split of the Rome Empire, Constantine found  himself ruling over a large number of Jews within his eastern half of the Roman Empire. Constantine had many Jews within his royal court. After all, that is one of the main reasons for the success of Judaism as a “tick behind the ear” of every king. Constantine’s intent at Nicaea was to unite his pagan, Christian and Jewish subjects under one religious banner. By that time, Jews and Christians formed a large minority in the Roman Empire and they were all arguing with each other over the “meanings” found in the Jews’ Big Book of Lies and the Truths mixed up with the “leaven of the Pharisees” found in the Christians’ New Testament. Among the Christians were many forms of Christianity. Constantine wanted just one, united in harmony, not many claiming to be the “truth.” When Constantine cast his final verdict, all other Christian schools of thought simply disappeared. Constantine chose a school of thought that essentially combined the Christian and Jewish traditions, known at the time as the Pauline sect of Christianity, a sect of Christianity that did not believe the teachings of Jesus but promoted the lies of the Pharisee Rabbi Saul of Tarsus – even calling this usurping fraud, “Saint” Paul. T he Pauline Christians – reflecting Paul’s demonic Jewish subversion which claimed that Jesus was God and that blessings come through the Jews – proved to be very violent, mercilessly eradicating all other groups that opposed them. This was not a reflection of the teachings of Jesus but was a consequence of Paul’s hijacking of Christianity to serve Jewish masters and basing its teachings on the Biggest Lie Ever Told – all while ignoring Jesus’ warnings about the demonic Jews. In other words, what we have in modern times is a Christianity bereft of the actual knowledge of the Holy Spirit (the Qi) and confused by the “leaven” (the lies) of Paul and the hoax of the Old Testament. Modern Christians ignore Jesus’ warnings about the devil-Jews and accept the Jews’ ancient lies that they are the “Chosen Ones of God.” What a joke! Another consequence of the Council of Nicaea was the rejection and subsequent destruction of various troublesome texts at the time that simply did not fit into the un-spiritual, materialistic and demon-possessed Pauline mentality. Thus, a spiritually instructional text like the Gospel of Thomas was rejected. This eye-witness account also proves that Jesus originally taught that circumcision was bogus. It was an original teaching of Jesus, not a declaration of that lying Pharisee fraud, Paul.

BOOK: EXCERPT: Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Chapter 11: The Gospels According to G_d – The Leaven of Paul – Library of Rickandria

 Sayings of Jesus # 53: His disciples said to him,  “Is circumcision useful or not?” He said to them, “If it were useful, their father would produce children already circumcised from their mother.” [561] In addition to the spiritual hijacking of Christianity by the falseness and corruption of Paul, an equally devastating material hijacking was being prepared by the Christian Fathers at Nicaea. This was the gradual earthly destruction and enslavement of the Christians at the hands of the Jewish moneylenders. While the Pauline perversion of Christianity set the stage for centuries of death and destruction, pitting Christian against Christian and Christian against pagan and giving a rallying point to that Psychopath of Arabia (Mohammad), the Church Fathers were also stupidly working hard to give the wealth of the Christians into the bloody claws of the voracious Jews. Because the Sumerian Swindle (lending at interest) had been accepted as part of society because it has “always been here,” these humble and poverty-loving priests did not fully understand its criminal nature. The Christian priests could see the devastation wrought upon both rich and poor by lending-at-interest. But the Christian Fathers looked at the Sumerian Swindle from the kindness of their hearts, without using their minds to understand its basic fraud. The Church Fathers could see that loan sharking and foreclosure of homes was “contrary to mercy and humanity to demand interest from a poor and needy man.” But while the priests simply protested against the exploitation of Mankind, they really only prohibited the loaning of money at interest by priests and clerics while leaving the field open for laymen to be moneylenders. This is the purpose of the 44th of the Apostolic Canons of the Council of Arles (314); and of the 17th canon of the First Council of Nicaea (325 AD). Until the ninth century, canonical decrees forbade this profit by usury, shameful as it was considered, only to Christian clerics. The Jews and their devil rabbis could lend money to Christians at interest, but Christian priests could not lend to anyone. So, the synagogues increased their wealth while the churches grew poorer. Then, later, in the 12th canon of the First Council of Carthage (345 AD) and the 36th canon of the Council of Aix (789 AD), the idiotic Church Fathers began to stupidly encourage the Jewish swindling and impoverishment of Europe by further withdrawing the right to lend money-at-interest from  the hands of the Christian laymen. The Christian priests declared it to be reprehensible for Christian laymen, let alone priests, to make money by lending at-interest. [562] Thus, the Church Fathers gave the wealth of Europe to the Jews! Such modern phenomenon as World Wars, immigration subversion, dispossession of the white people of Europe by colored Third World invaders, national debts into the pockets of the Jews, and the general destruction of white, Christian Europe by the Jews, which is observable all throughout the 20th and 21st Centuries AD, was actually guaranteed by the Church as early as 325 AD! The Church took away the moneymaking engine of the Sumerian Swindle out of Christian hands and put it solidly into the hands of the perfidious Jews. By dominating all money and all wealth, the Jews began to dominate both the Christians and pagans of Europe beginning in 325. And simply because all profits from all businesses began to fall into their hands, the ancient Sumerian Swindle continued to give the demonic Jews the idea that they are “holy” and “blesséd” simply because they are successful swindlers, enriched by the wealth of the non-Jews. However, everyday the European Christians were gradually understanding the perfidious nature of the Jews simply by dealing with them on a day-to day basis. This was not through any “prejudice” or “bigotry” as the Jews would like everyone to believe, but rather through first-hand experience in dealing with these avaricious and malicious creatures. While the Christians were trying to live in peaceful ways and to forgive their enemies, the Jews, with their never ending, vindictive malice, were always on the constant alert for any way that they could bring harm to Christians. Especially, Christians who fell into Jewish hands through slavery, were the most at risk for their lives. Although circumcision and castration of their slaves had been forbidden to the Jews under Hadrian, Christians who became enslaved by Jews through both war capture and loan-sharking, were worked and degraded in the most shameful ways. By the middle of the fourth century, Christians were realizing how subversive and damaging Jews were to Society, so there was legislation enacted against the purchase of Christian slaves by Jews and against mixed marriages between Jews and Christians. None of these marriages were because of the modern concept of “love,” but were strictly as a means for Jews to marry their Jewesses into aristocratic or wealthy Christian families.

At the end of the century, independent  Jewish jurisdiction was curtailed, though it was left intact in purely religious matters. Early in the fifth century, Jews were debarred from the Roman Imperial service, while at the same time they lost their previous exemption from compulsory public service in the cities as decurions. Now, they were required to actually earn a place in society instead of getting social services for free. Existing synagogues were protected from gentile molestation, but the erection of new ones was forbidden. And after the extinction of the patriarchate in Babylonia some time before 429, the aurum coronarium (the Jewish donations to the Babylonian Nasi and his cohorts) was converted into an imperial tax. [563] The Jews could accept not owning Christian slaves since there were plenty of pagan Gauls, Germans and Slavs to take their place. They could accept not marrying into wealthy Christian families and being required to give something back to Society rather than always taking. But to have the Roman government interfere with their gold shipments, was and outrage. So, the Jews rebelled once again. T he Fourth Jewish-Roman War (351–352) was a revolt against the Roman Empire directed against the rule of Constantius Gallus, brother-in-law of Emperor Constantius II and Caesar of the East. But it was quickly put down. The Romans were very tired of the Jews causing troubles. Many of the revolting towns and other neighbouring towns were destroyed and a permanent garrison occupied Galilee. But the goal of the revolt was achieved. Because of the Jewish subterfuge that their banking system was actually a “religion,” the gold shipments to the the Nasi (Prince of the Jews) of the Babylonian academies were again allowed by Rome. And with the gold shipments went the espionage information of the synagogue and Kehillah spy network. While Christianity was having its mollifying effect upon the Romans and with Constantinople becoming the capital of the Eastern Roman empire, the Persians were busy building their own empire based in Iran. Parthia’s ability to militarily pacify the northeast frontier finally allowed for the unhindered transition of goods from China into the Iranian plateau. The Parthians established close political and commercial links with the Chinese Han dynasty by the time of Mehrdad I. This resulted in the first true “Silk Road” between China and Persia through Central Asia. From the Iranian plateau, the Silk Road crossed into the Roman Near East and the Persian Gulf.

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The founding of Ctesiphon allowed for an Iranian nexus point for  Silk Road goods to enter the Roman Near East. The recipient trading centers for Silk Road goods were city-states such as Palmyra, Hatra, and Petra. These “caravan” areas became very prosperous. The Silk Road not only transported goods, but also transmitted technologies and ideas. Thanks to the cultural and economic links between Persia and China, Chinese emperor Han Wu-Ti (r. 141–87 BC) knew of the effectiveness of the Parthian heavy cavalry, and obtained Parthian-Nisean horses from Ferghana. These horses were variously referred to as the sacred Tien-Ma (Celestial horse) and the Soulon (a mythical Chinese dragon). By the onset of the Northern Wei Dynasty (AD 386–634) Chinese cavalrymen had not only fully incorporated the Nisean horse into their battle order, but had developed their own version of the Parthian shot [564], (turning around in the saddle to shoot arrows at pursuers). Just as the Persian kings were building Ctesiphon into the largest city in the world, the Persian Empire was faced with a new threat, the Khazar Turk horsemen of the Caucasus. See Map. [Figure_121_ Map_700-1016AD_Khazaria ] The Khazars, a Turkic people, had carved a large empire spanning the steppe between the Don and Volga rivers.

The Turkish Khazar  Empire subdued or destroyed the last Iranian peoples in the north Caucasus and eastern Ukraine. [565] Using the ancient guerilla tactic of the plains of riding their horses swiftly to the attack and then running away into the vastness of the steppes, the Khazars were a formidable force. The Jews traded with Persians, Romans and Khazars. With their trade monopolies, their loan shark activities combined with the Christian Fathers forbidding Christians to profit from moneylending, the Jews began to increase their wealth over the Christians. With Christians forbidden to be lenders, they could only be borrowers; instead of becoming richer, they became poorer while the Jews gloried in “houses they did not build” and ate their fill of “crops they did not plant.” At the major trade center of Antioch, St. John Chrysostum (347–407), the Archbishop of Constantinople and a Church Father – a man who would certainly be in contact with all of the top Christian and Roman businessmen and top government officials – delivered eight sermons in the years 386–387. In these sermons, he showed his perceptive understanding of Jewish commerce and their criminal pawn shop operations when he said:

“If the Jews fill their granaries with fruit, their cellars with victuals, their bags with money and their chests with gold, it is neither by tilling the earth, nor by serving in war, nor by practicing any other useful and honourable trade, but by cheating the Christians and buying at low price from thieves, the things which they have stolen…. The Jews are the most worthless of all men. They are lecherous, rapacious, greedy…They worship the Devil. Their religion is a sickness.” Chrysostom’s lectures also tell us that during his time, when the Roman Empire was in serious decline, the Jews possessed large sums of money and their Nasi and rabbis assembled immense treasures. He also tells us that Jews occupied the highest commercial position (in Antioch) causing a cessation of all business when they celebrated their holidays. Yes, the Jews were a minority living in the vast Roman and Persian empires. They specialized in cartels and monopolies of resources, controlling the choak points and trade channels, controlling the “gates,” most importantly controlling the corporate hoards of gold that they kept as concealed as possible. But no, the Jews were never, ever a “poor and oppressed” minority. That is, they were never poor, but if they were oppressed, then it was all for the good reason that they deserved it. In 415, the Greeks and Christians of Alexandria had had enough of the hateful and greedy Jews and expelled them. In 439, the Emperor Theodosius forbad the Jews to hold public office in Byzantium or to control the city gates, or to become lawyers or judges. All of these offices they were in the habit of acquiring through bribery and then using their authority to oppress the non-Jews who fell under their administrative power. No, Dear Reader, this was not the fake psychosis of “anti-Semitism” as the lying Jew psychologists would have you believe. This was a normal reaction against the perfidious subversion by the Jews. They were oppressors of both Christians and pagans whenever they obtained any offices of authority over them. To this very day, a teaching of the rabbis is to treacherously betray every administrative office entrusted to the Jews. “A Jew may lie and perjure to condemn a Christian. T he name of God is not profaned when lying to Christians.” (Babylonian Talmud, Baba Kama, 113a & 113b) “Where a suit arises between a Jew and a heathen, if you can justify the Jew according to the laws of Israel, justify him and say:

‘This is our law.’ So, also  if you can justify the Jew by the laws of the heathens, justify him and say, ‘This is your law.’ But if this can not be done, we use subterfuges to circumvent him.” (Babylonian Talmud, Baba Kamma 113a) As you can see by their own laws, the Jews cannot be trusted to be lawyers or judges. Merely by being Jews, Judaism, itself, disqualifies them for such offices. It is not anti-Semitism; it is the Jews and Judaism which is the Problem. T he Silk Road during the Sassanian Persia Period became a major economic artery in the passage of Chinese silk and goods to Byzantium and Egypt. Once these were in Byzantine territory, Chinese goods, especially silk, would be transferred to Europe through Roman-ruled Syria. The Silk Road, however, traded in a wide variety of other goods including perfumes, incense, spices, gemstones, herbs, tools, weapons, and artistic products. The Sassanian Persians and their Jewish advisors also worked to formalize the passage of the Silk Road from their territory into that of Rome. This resulted in the signing of economic treaties with the Byzantines in 297, 408, and finally in 562 AD by Khosrow I. [566] Although all of this wealth was available to any pagan or Christian merchant among the Romans or Europeans who could afford the expenses of obtaining a share in it, but once the Muslims took control of Persia, all of this wealth became the complete monopoly of the Jews in their trade with the Christian countries. By 500 BC, the Babylonian Talmud, was proclaimed by the nasty old rabbis of Babylonia to be the ultimate authority of Jewish law – even higher than the Hebrew Bible, itself – according to those pompous, self-promoting, stinky old devils who wrote it. Claiming that they are the very mouth of God speaking, the rabbis dropped all pretense that this “holy” book was anything less than a product of their own “genius.” And for something to be even more holy to a Jew than the Biggest Lie Ever Told and his own penis, then you know that the Talmud must really be the bee’s knees of religious literature, according to the lying Jews. T he general principles of the Babylonian Talmud are these: (1) The Jewish people are the only people chosen by their God, while all other people are hateful and contemptible and scheduled for dispossession and extinction at the hands of the Jews. (2) The wealth and property of all other peoples –  indeed, of the entire world! – belongs to the Jews who are consequently entitled to appropriate it by both fair means and foul. (3) A Jew is not bound to observe any principles of morality whatsoever towards any other people. In fact, if it is profitable for a Jew, or in the interests of Jews in general, to act immorally and criminally against a non-Jew, then the Jews are tasked by their demon-god and their devil-rabbis to do so without remorse or pity. The Jews are to dance and sing when other people are destroyed, then in celebration to jump up and down on the Gentiles’ graves. (4) The Babylonian Talmud (as well as its Palestinian Talmud clone) is based entirely upon the circumcised Jewish penis and the Pharisee “Tradition of the Elders,” liberally mixed with rabbinic sophistry and demonic cunning. Upon examining the Talmud you know for a fact that Jesus told the truth about the Jews. For example, did you know that a holy Jewish rabbi is not fit to be a rabbi if his penis is so long that it dangles below his knees? This is a major qualification for a rabbi to this very day. Read it for yourself in the Jews’ holiest book: “Rabbi Eliezer ben Jacob says: The penis which reaches up to the knee makes the priest unfit, but if it is above the knee, he is fit. Some there are who say: If his penis reaches up to his knee the priest is fit, whereas if it dangles below his knees he is unfit for the priesthood.” (Babylonian Talmud, Bechoroth 44b) Not to leave the common Jewish perverts out of the rabbis’ definition of “holiness,” the Talmud gives the Jewish laws of etiquette for the proper ways for holy Jews to masturbate. [567] If you suppose that a holy Jew can’t get any holier than jacking off, then you will be disappointed. Such Jewish epiphanies of delight as the laws for a Jewess to wipe her pussy to check for lice and blood [568] was thought so worthy of these “learned scholars” that they devoted an entire Talmud book to the subject, the Book of Nidah. If you are shocked by these statements, you are not alone because anyone who reads the Talmud is shocked that these self-professed “Chosen Ones of God” can be such f ilthy monsters – proven by their own writings. As you will see, there were some very, very good reasons why the Talmud was burned by the Popes in later centuries.

But in 500 AD, only the Jews knew what  pornographic evil was found inside the Talmud and they were not talking about it, not only because they hated anyone who was not a Jew but because the laws that the rabbis wrote demanded death for both the goy who reads the Talmud as well as for any Jew who revealed its contents. [569] After all, even to this day, the entire swindle of the Jews is based on their lie that they are the “Chosen Ones of God,” whereas by their own actions and their own writings they prove that they are actually the “Chosen Ones of the Devil.” Since the Pharisees were allowed to escape the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, it has been a very grave a mistake by the Christians to believe that the Jews can be understood entirely through a study of the Hebrew Bible. It is a very grave mistake, indeed, simply because the Jews no longer follow the Hebrew Bible as a Training Manual for Jewish Criminality and Sociopathy. They follow something very much worse, the Babylonian Talmud. As you will remember, the Pharisees were that Babylonian sect of Jews who accompanied Ezra the Scribe out of Babylon to rebuild the Second Temple. T hey brought with them what they called the “Oral Law,” which they claimed had been whispered by God into the hairy ears of Moses and which only they knew. Using this entirely abracadabra Oral Law, the “Tradition of the Elders,” they argued with the other Jews for political and religious control over the Temple corporation. This power struggle came to a halt in 70 AD with the destruction of Jerusalem. Once the Romans had destroyed all other sects of Judaism while allowing Rabbi Johanan ben Zakkai and his Pharisee students to escape, only the Pharisees and their Oral Law survived. For you Modern Readers who wonder why the queers, lesbians and child molesters have modern Jews giving them legal protection, top billing and adoration in the Media, social “prestige,” political power, freedom from their crimes and financial support, you need only read the Babylonia Talmud, the holiest book of the Jews, to know why. For example, the “wise” and “learned” rabbis declared that it is a sin to sodomize a little boy who is older than nine years old and a day. The rabbis only allow the Jews to sodomize little boys who are younger than nine years old and a day because if they are older than that, it is a sin. [570] That makes pederasty into a Jewish virtue! And for the holy Jewish perverts rubbing their circumcised dongs while looking for little girls instead of little boys, the rabbis aim to please. Under Talmudic Law, the Jews are
allowed to rape a little girl as long as she is older than three years old and a day. [571] If she is younger than three years old, it is a sin to molester her. Oh, what virtuous and holy Jews! They just happen to be today’s lawyers defending today’s child molesters Jews are always bragging about their “higher morality.” Well, this is an example of how these self-proclaimed “Chosen Ones of God” discipline themselves in “Jewish higher morality” by only sodomizing little boys who are younger than nine and raping little girls who are older than three. The Jews! Such paragons of virtue! Why they have not all been buried centuries ago, is simply because they bribe the leaders of the Gentiles and lie to the People. Jesus told the truth about the Jews but the Christians don’t believe Jesus; the Christians believe the Jews! With such unbelievably unholy teachings, you now know why the Jews call their rabbis by such names as “wise” and “learnéd” and “scholars.” It is simply because the Jews are far too stupid to call these rabbis by their proper names – Fraudulent Demons and Foul Monsters. Judaism is a lie, invented by Babylonian devils to deceive Mankind. The Jews claim a morality that is completely non-existent among them. Like everything else in Judaism, theirs is an abracadabra morality – it is there only because the Jews say that it’s there. Yet, people believe these Masters of Deceit because they offer as “proof” the all-encompassing lie that they are the “Chosen Ones of God.” As the demon rabbis teach: “All the good deeds which Israel does in this world will bear testimony unto them in the world to come, as it is said: Let them bring their witnesses that they may be justified — that is Israel.” (Babylonian Talmud, Avodah Zarah 2b) If such Jewish statements are really true, then why is it that the actual witnesses, the very people who have had any dealings with the Jews are all in accord in claiming that the Jews have betrayed, deceived, swindled, and caused destruction among them? Part of this confusion comes from the Jews’ cunning reversal and deceitful re-definition of common words to have entirely different meanings to a Jew than what they ordinarily mean to a non-Jew. A Jew talks about doing “good deeds” and a non-Jew accepts that statement at face value, thinking in terms of “good.”

But the Jewish definition of “good deeds” includes the murder, betrayal and swindling of all other people because that is what Judaism teaches them to do as an act of piety  to their demon-god. If the Jews can accomplish such crimes, then they have “blessed” other people with the “good deeds” of the Jews. By changing the definition of words, the Jews claim that they are oh-so-good, but this lie is revealed in the oh-so-evil that they produce as parasites and destroyers of Mankind. The Jews were evil monsters before they returned from Babylonian “Captivity,” but with the completion of the Pharisees’ Babylonian Talmud, they became unspeakably worse. A synopsis of what the Talmud teaches about Christians and other non-Jews is that they are all idolaters, the worst kind of people, much worse than the Muslims, murderers, fornicators, impure animals, like dirt, unworthy to be called men, beasts in human form, worthy of the name of beasts, cows, asses, dogs, worse than dogs; that they propagate after the manner of beasts, that they have a diabolic origin, that their souls come from the devil and return to the devil in hell after death; and that even the body of a dead Christian is nothing different from that of an animal; and that all non-Jews and especially Christians should be harmed, deceived, swindled and murdered at every opportunity in which the Jew can do these deeds and still escape capture or punishment for his crimes against Mankind. In this single paragraph, is a summation of what the Talmud teaches about non Jews. And if a Jew is asked about this, he is instructed to lie and deceive the goyim about the true contents of this demonic “holy” book of the Jews. So, you Christians who think that you are serving Jesus by helping the Jews in whatever schemes they have inveigled you, you had better think again. The Jews are not the “people of the book” by any definition. Every single law that you think that the Jews follow because it is found in the Old Testament, those sly rabbis have reversed and turned inside out and backwards in the Babylonian Talmud. The modern Jews, themselves, claim that “Any decision regarding the Jewish religion must be based on the Talmud as the final resumé of the teaching of those authorities when they existed.” [572] From about 500 AD, the Christians were trying very sincerely to follow the teachings of Jesus. They truly wanted to believe all of the lies of the Hebrew Bible. And like modern Christians, their biggest mistake was to falsely assume that the Jews (always advertising themselves as the “Chosen Ones of God”) were following the Laws of Moses at the very least – you know, the “thou shalt not lie, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not kill” sort of thing.

But the Jews were  not following the Hebrew Bible. They were following the Oral Law, the “Tradition of the Elders” that was being written and distributed to all rabbis worldwide by the Nasi and his yeshiva school of devils in Sura and Pumbeditha, Babylonia. From 500 AD, the Jews of the entire world were no longer following the Hebrew Bible which they had bumped down into second place below the Babylonian Talmud. [573] T he Babylonian Talmud is the basic operating manual for all Jews worldwide today. Only the minor sect of Karaites rejected the Talmud. They were convinced that the Hebrew Bible had sufficient lies for every Jew to conduct his life. Once again, the rabbinic Jews used the Devils’ Truth – believe the lies that we tell or we will kill you – and they persecuted, hunted down and murdered the Karaites at every opportunity. T hose rabbis who were pretending to be “sacred envoys,” visited every Jewish community in the world to spread their demonic Pharisee teachings, to smuggle gem stones, to gather commercial and military information, and to collect the “sacred gold” for the “Prince of the Jews,” the Nasi in Babylonia. Under these Babylonian Talmudic Jews, world Jewry became a single, international, unified, corporate, militarily organized subversive organization by 500 AD. At that time, the Jews were infiltrating Gaul and Germany. Judaism was easily maintaining its record as the world’s oldest organized criminal conspiracy, now under new management by a Nasi instead of a High Priest. T he Jews followed the Roman armies as supply merchants, wine sellers, pimps, gamblers, loan sharks, moneylenders and slave buyers. They entered deep into the lands of the Germans by 500 BC and established themselves in every German community far into the north of the country. See Map. [Figure_122_Map_500 1000AD_German_Jews] The strong, Nordic stock of the German peoples and their Slavic neighbors brought high prices in the slave markets of the Mediterranean Basin where healthy blue-eyed blonds of both sexes brought a premium price. To the newly Christianized Germans, they introduced themselves as God’s Chosen People, the very same ones who were written up in such gory and glorious detail in the Old Testament. “Oy Gevalt! Every word is true! Every word is the word of God! If you can’t trust God’s Chosen People, who can you trust? My, that’s a fine ox that you have there. I could loan you some silver if you want to put him up as guarantee.

And your farm tools could guarantee a small loan so that you could treat your friends to drinks at my uncle  Mo’s tavern.” Little by little, the Jews swindled the wealth of both the rich and the poor of Europe. But while the Europeans were, at the very least, trusting the Jews to follow the Ten Commandments, the Jews had set new rules without telling the Gentiles of their swindle. “Rabbi Johanan said: A non-Jew who studies the Torah deserves death, for it is written, Moses commanded us a law for an inheritance; it is our inheritance, not theirs.” (Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 59a) T he Pharisees in Babylonia taught that the Hebrew Bible belonged to the Jews’ alone. So, the Ten Commandments specifically meant that “thou shalt not lie to a Jew, thou shalt not steal from a Jew, thou shalt not kill a Jew.” Therefore, in the exhaulted “scholarship” of the oh-so-wise rabbis, this meant that it was okay to lie to a Gentile, to steal from a Gentile and to murder a Gentile. After all, the god of the Jews loved only the Jews, the “apple of his eye,” but hated all of Mankind. So why not? With this Semitic swindle, the Jews considered themselves doing God’s work by defrauding and swindling the Gentiles whom their god hated. T hese poisonous snakes slithered their way into Europe concealed behind the Roman army, practicing their criminal scams upon the gullible Gentiles into whose faces they deceitfully thrust the Hebrew Bible as “proof” that they were “holy.” Especially in Europe, the Jews prospered with their monopoly of trade connections in the Mediterranean Basin. Since the Church forbad Christians to lend money at interest, the Jews especially prospered in their monopoly of moneylending and its related frauds. The Jews defrauded every Gaul and every German that they could of his farm tools, his cattle, his farm lands, his wife, and his children. With instant access to free loans through the synagogues, every Jew, both big and little, was a loan shark. Secret Fraud #3 of the Sumerian Swindle is: “Loans rely on the honesty of the borrower but not the honesty of the lender.” (see Volume I) So, among the honest people of Europe, the cunning Jews could pretend to be “helping” by offering something as simple as a ten dollar loan at 25% per week, and end up stealing everything a man owned, including his wife and children.

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The big Jewish merchants made large loans at low interest rates to the kings, nobility and bishops in order to both profit from them as well as to gain their  friendship. The little Jews made short-term loans for high interest rates to the simplest farmers and workers in order both to profit and to seize their property. And because the big Jews had made friends with the Gentile kings, the kings let the Jews have their way in ravaging the king’s people. The Jews defrauded the Gauls and Germans in every town in which they were allowed to live. And all the while, the Jews were protected by the Roman army and allowed to usuriously swindle the Christians by the decrees of the Church Fathers. The big Jewish ticks had found secure places behind the ears of kings and bishops. The Jews set up communities in every city and most of the smaller towns of Gaul and Germany. With their eight to twelve children per wife and with several wives each, their numbers increased quickly, augmented by relatives who immigrated to wherever the pickings were easy. Like a modern Walmart or other international chain store, the Jews of Europe offered imported rarities because of their international trade network all throughout the Mediterranian Basin and beyond from China and India. See Map. [Figure_123_Map_500BC-750AD_Before-Islam_ Diaspora ] There was no “genius” among the criminal  Jews, merely the criminal cunning of the Sumerian Swindle. There was no “hard work” among the Jews, merely holding out their hands for the interest payments to be deposited. Like parasites, the Jews supported their huge families with the produce and wealth of the Gentiles among whom they lived, under-cutting Gentile businesses and swindling Gentile properties with moneylending. Rome still controlled Europe; and Rome was on the gold standard while the capitalists – both Romans and Jews – were shipping the silver to India. As silver became more scarce and the common European man found himself without money, borrowing from the moneylenders became necessary. But the Church had disallowed Christians to lend money at interest. Thus, by 500 AD, the Jews became the monopoly moneylenders throughout all of the Christian countries. Because of their undying hatred and malice towards all of Mankind and especially toward Christians, the Jews “walked in the ways of their god” and showed the Christians no pity.

The Roman soldiers were always glad to earn a few coins by helping the Jews to dispossess those who failed to make the impossible interest payments, to beat them  into submission and clap them in fetters so that the Jews could ship them to the slave markets. As they swindled the property and businesses from their victims, the Jews began placing their many children into those same occupations, dispossessing the Gauls and Germans from their homes, their farms and their businesses and moving in Jewish relatives from abroad or placing their own children as overseerers of the very farmers who lands they had stolen. The Jews did not gain the wealth and property of the Gauls and Germans because they were “blessed” by their god as they falsely claimed, but simply by the fraud of interest-on-a-loan, the advantage of trade channel monopoly and the dispossession of people because of Jewish over-population and subversion. God had nothing to do with the success of the demonic Jews anywhere in the world. They were especially successful in Europe because the gullible European people believed that the Hebrew Bible was actual history and that the letters of Paul were true. T hus, the people believed the lies of the Old Testament more than they believed the warnings of Jesus. With their international trade cartels, their Kehillah spy network, their military organization through the synagogues and their access to the vast gold and silver reserves controlled by the Nasi (Patriarch) in Babylonia, the Jews of Germany and France spread their commercial web across all of Europe and were firmly established by 500 AD. Just because the Jews hated Christians, didn’t mean that they would avoid doing business with Christians. That is, the Jews would do business with Christians but not during Jewish holidays when the Jews were being joyful and certainly not during Christian holidays in order to prevent the Christians from being joyful. “For three days before their idolatrous festivals it is not permitted to buy or sell them anything. It is also forbidden to give or take any help from them, to change any money with them, to pay them back any debts or allow them to pay back debts.” (Babylonian Talmud, Abodah Zarah 2a) “A Jew must not enter the home of a goyim on a feast day to offer him greetings. However, if he meets him on the street, he may offer him him a greeting, but curtly and with head bowed.” (Babylonian Talmud, Gittin 62a)

T he Jews, themselves, could only afford to follow such Talmudic laws if they had money in reserve  and could afford the ill-will among the Christians that their actions elicited. They could not be both the assholes that they were, and the “poor, wretched, impoverished Jews” that they pretended to be, and still prosper because all normal business depends upon the goodwill of one’s customers. But Jewish business was not normal business. They did not have to have the goodwill of the Christians or pagans simply because Jewish business in medieval Europe was monopoly business. Only the Jews had the products and only the Jews could loan the money. So, the Christians had to accept ill treatment and insults from the Jews. It was very gratifying to the Jews to be able to both take the Christians’ money and to treat them with distain and loathing. It was about this time period when the Christians had had quite enough of the Jews. For three hundred years, the Jews had increased in enormous numbers while feeding their many wives and their broods of sullen and unfriendly children with the food and properties of the French and German peoples. If it had been a matter of equal business opportunity and fair play, both the Christians and the Jews would be equally prosperous. But while the Christians tried their best to follow the Ten Commandments and practice the kindness of Jesus, the Jews took every advantage and played every scurvy trick in obtaining for themselves what the European People of Gaul and Germany owned. Once they had a man’s property, they would evict him into the muddy streets and fill his home and farm with swarms of Jewish relatives. In 554, the people of Clermont, France, decided on the best way to handle the Jews. They expelled them from the diocese. This action was repeated over a hundred times at various places in Europe throughout history as a way for the Christians to rid themselves of the swindling, thieving, lying, vindictive Jews by being kind to them and ordering them to leave, rather than killing them as they so richly deserved. The Jews never imagined that their robberies and malice had anything to do with their predicament. No, the rabbis insisted that the “Chosen Ones of God” are always and eternally pure no matter what evils that they do. The Jews are just like nuts! “Why are the Jewish scholars likened to the nut? To tell you that just as in the case of the nut, though it be spoiled with mud and filth, yet are its contents not condemned, so in the case of a Jewish scholar, although he may have sinned, yet is his Torah not condemned.”  (Babylonian Talmud, Chagigah 15b)

Using their ancient scapegoat technique of putting the blame on somebody else, the cunning rabbis – even to this very day in modern times – insist that the Jews are never at fault for any crimes. Oh no! The Jews are always pure and innocent no matter what evils they do. It is always somebody else’s fault. When Jews steal, swindle, betray, dispossess and murder the people around them, and their victims rise up in self-defence and hatred against the Jews, according to the rabbis, it is the people who hate Jews who are at fault. In their attack upon Mankind, the demon Jews use the very human emotion of hatred as a fake lever for forcing their opponents aside. The Jews claim that no matter how evil their deeds are, which cause hatred to arise in the hearts of their victims, that it is their victims who are at fault for being human and hating Jews. “Blaming the victim,” is an ancient Jewish deceit. Thus, even in modern times, hate for the Jews has become a sin against God as well as illegal under modern laws, while all of the evil that the Jews do is brushed under the carpet and hidden away from view. T his same ancient lie is promoted in the Encyclopedia Judaica, under the subject “Expulsions” in this way, “While the motives for the expulsions fall into differing and variegated categories, the root of them all was hatred of the Jew. This hatred was at times exploited by fiscal considerations of the rulers responsible for the expulsions.” [574] According to these modern Jews, all of the motives of their victims are brushed aside as having no value whatsoever. Whatever crimes a Jew commits is permitted because he is – Drum Roll and Trumpet Blast – a holy “Chosen One of God.” But it is not permitted to hate a Jew for the totally unimportant and not worth mentioning reason that he is a thief, swindler, child molester, rapist, betrayer or murderer because God loves him and lets him do whatever he wants to do to the hated goyim (non-Jewish, lowly insects, stupid cattle). The Jew is holy, so hating a Jew because of his sociopathic crimes, is a sin! This Jewish Half-Lie screams at how the Jews were “persecuted” but they don’t tell you the very good reasons why the Jews were persecuted. They were persecuted because they deserved it. T he Christians of Old Europe welcomed the Jews, fully expecting them to live up to their own Hebrew  Bible advertizing at the very least. But the Jews had secretly changed the rules. Instead, they followed the laws that the rabbis wrote into the Babylonian Talmud, which specifically commanded the Jews to swindle and betray all of Mankind even more viciously than the Hebrew Bible recommends. Was it hate that animated the Christians or was it impatience with the Jewish criminals living among them, Jews who stole everything they could get their hands on while treating their Christian hosts like dirt? “If a Jew finds an object lost by a goy, it does not have to be returned.” (Babylonian Talmud, Baba Mezia 24a, also Baba Kamma 113b). Or if, in Christian charity, a Christian would offer a kindness or a favor to a Jew or express any other show of Christian love, the Jew would cringe with malice and ill will in reply, because that is what the wicked rabbis taught their “holy” Jews. “Rabbi Johanan said in the name of Rabbi Simeon ben Yohai: Even the favors of the wicked are distasteful to the righteous.” (Babylonian Talmud, Horayoth 10b) According the the rabbis, only Jews are righteous and all other people are wicked. So, was it hate, as the lying Jews claim, or was it the Jews’ own criminality that got them expelled from city after city in Europe? After the people of Clermont had gotten rid of their parasites, the people of the Diocese of Uzs, France, learned of the happiness and prosperity being enjoyed when there were no Jews allowed. So, they began looking more carefully at the Jews living among them, too. After several hundred years, the Jews were too numerous to mention and always more prosperous for some unfathomable reason. Even after swindling the Christians out of their money and property with short-term loans and under-cutting the Christian businessmen with cheap imports, the Jews would hire the foreclosed Christian farmer to labor on his former land and then not pay his agreed upon wage, cheating him and forcing him into starvation. All the while, the Jews maintained that they were the “Chosen Ones of God” who followed such “holy” teachings of the “sages” of Israel as: “A Jew need not pay a gentile the wages owed him for work.” (Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 57a)

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So, in 561 AD, the dioscese of Uzs, France, expelled the Jews and became there-by, prosperous and happy once again. Was it hate, as the lying Jews claim, or was it the Jews’ own criminality that got them expelled? T he 5th through the 10th Centuries are known as the Early Middle Ages in Europe. It was in 587 that the Visigoths of Spain converted to Christianity. See Map. [Figure_124_Map_Western_Empire_Invasions] T he Goths, later called the Visigoths, were the dominant Germanic tribes living north of the Roman empire’s lower Danube frontier. They were primarily agriculturalists raising wheat, barley and millet, rye, oats, peas, acorns and hemp as well as cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and horses. Hunting seems to have been no more than a very subsidiary part of their economy. And like all of the German peoples, they were mighty warriors to defend hearth and homeland. When they were not fighting against the Romans, many of them fought in the Roman army, going as far as Persia in their battles. But hordes of Huns began pushing into the Black Sea area. So the Goths fought and negotiated their way across the Roman Empire into Gaul and Spain to settle down. [575] When they arrived in Spain, they found gangs of Jews already living in the towns, lording it over the local populace. Unlike any other people in the Roman Empire, the Jews didn’t labor nor did they  f ight in the armies. They always had the best imported goods to sell. They would buy cheaply wholesale lots of local goods to ship to their relatives overseas. They always had money to lend at interest. And they were able to foreclose on the farms of the locals with the Sumerian Swindle. But they didn’t work on those farms, themselves, but hired the previous owner to work the land that he had lost to the Jews or else sell him into slavery. Once these hard working Visigoth farmers and proud warriors had been established in Spain for some time, and had realized that the Jews were swindling them with money scams and undercutting them in trade, they were less than happy with the Jews. The Visigoths worked the land and they fought for it when necessary. The Jews didn’t work at anything other than light occupations such as moneylending and bossing workers in their craft factories. The Jews always let others do the fighting. Why this was, the Visigoths didn’t know. But the Jews knew because it was the Pharisee teachings of Babylonian Talmud: “No occupation is inferior to that of agricultural labor…. Rabbi Eleazar once saw a plot of land that was ploughed across its width. ‘Wert thou to be ploughed along thy length also’, he remarked, ‘engaging in business would still be more profitable.’ Rab once entered among growing ears of corn. Seeing that they were swaying he called out to them,  ‘Swing as you will, engaging in business brings more profit than you can do’…. Raba said: A hundred zuz in business means meat and wine every day; a hundred zuz in land, only salt and vegetables.” (Babylonian Talmud, Yevamoth 63a) By 600 AD, ninety percent of the two million Jews in the world lived outside of Palestine and every one of them were following the organized Pharisee teachings of the Babylonian Talmud, propagated directly from the academies in Babylonia. Twenty-five years after the Visigoths converted to Christianity, read the scriptures, and saw in daily life that the Jews were far worse than the Scriptures claimed that they were, they decided that they had had enough of the Jews. In 612, the Visigoths expelled the Jews from Spain. Was it hate, as the lying Jews claim, or was it the Jews’ own criminality that got them expelled? T he Jews had gained more advantages under Roman rule than any other people in the Empire. Of course, they had bribed their way into high positions in Persia, too, where they had an equal opportunity to practice the Sumerian Swindle on those people, also. Ever since Julius Caesar put Rome on a gold and silver standard over 600 years earlier, the brass fiat coins that had made Rome into a world empire controlling its own money, were replaced with gold and silver which was controlled by the bankers and moneylenders of Babylonia and Persia, most of whom were Jews. T hrough bribery and economic coercion, as the power of money was kept ruthlessly in the hands of the bankers and kept out of the hands of the governments, the world forgot the Greek knowledge of what True Money is. Both Persia and Rome depended upon the gold and silver that was controlled by the Treasonous Class, the world’s most evil people – the merchant moneylenders whose only patriotism was to profits. With their Kehillah spy system operating out of the synagogues, the Jews knew which of these two great powers were in the ascent or decline at all times. Since they were making profits in both empires, one might think that there would be a balance in their betrayals of first one and then the other side in every conflict between Rome and Persia. And yet, the Jews preferred to betray Rome at every opportunity. Why was this?

Jewish vengeance, a vengeance that transcends time, a vengeance carried by every Jew across every Jewish generation from fathers to great great-grandchildren and beyond through time and across international borders, is one reason. Jewish  vengeance knows no limit to the scapegoating of every opponent and the sanctifying of every Jew. And of course, Persia sat on the ancient trade routes between India and Babylonia, where most of the world’s supply of Jews lived. Even though the Jews could make plenty of profits doing peaceful business, war was always the most profitable business for the Big Jews, the ones who controlled the gold, the ones who stayed away from the f ighting and counted their profits, the ones who knew where the next war would be. But over and above all other reasons, the Jews always betrayed Rome because by doing so, they could destroy Christianity. And by 600 AD, Christianity was the official religion of the Roman Empire. Six hundred years after Rome had destroyed the Temple, the Jews once again betrayed Rome. The Sassanian Persians captured the city of Caesarea in Cappadocia by 613. The Jews of the city rose up in support of Shahen’s cavalry and greeted them as liberators [576] dancing and singing in the streets and offering their eternal “Jewish Loyalty.” And so began the Fifth Jewish Revolt against Rome. T he Fifth Jewish-Roman Was (613–617 AD) was a Jewish insurrection against the Byzantine Empire by coming to the aid of the Persian invaders. Following Sassanid Khosrau II’s early seventh century push into Byzantium, advancing through Syria, Sassanid Generals Shahrbaraz and Shahin attacked the Roman Byzantine-controlled city of Jerusalem. They were aided by the Jews of Palestine, who rose up against the Byzantines Romans in support of the Persians. At that time, 150,000 Jews were living in 43 settlements throughout Palestine, so they offered quite a large reinforcement to the Persian army. In the Siege of Jerusalem (614), after 21 days of relentless siege warfare, the catapults finally broke through the city’s walls. Because the Jews knew the streets of Jeruslaem minutely, they led the Persian armies on a rampage of rape and slaughter. The interior of the city was quickly overrun. An eye-witness to the Jewish-led carnage was the Christian monk, Antiochus Strategos, who wrote an account of the Sack of Jerusalem by the Persians and Jews. Strategos was living in the monastery of St. Sabas in Jerusalem at the time. “The beginning of the struggle of the Persians with the Christians of Jerusalem was on the 15th April in the fourth year of the Emperor Heraclius.

T hey spent twenty days in the struggle. And they shot from their ballistas with such violence, that on  the twenty-first day they broke down the city wall. “Thereupon the evil foemen entered the city in great fury like infuriated wild beasts and irritated serpents. The men however, who defended the city wall fled, and hid themselves in caverns, fosses and cisterns in order to save themselves; and the people in crowds fled into churches and altars; and there they destroyed them. For the enemy entered in a mighty wrath … and slew all whom they found … and respected none at all, neither male nor female, neither young nor old, neither child nor baby, neither priest no monk, neither virgin nor widow…. “They slaughtered tender infants on the ground, and then with loud yelps called their parents. The parents bewailed the children with vociferations and sobbings, but were promptly despatched along with them … Those who ran swiftly were pierced with arrows, the unresisting and quiet they slew without mercy. They listened not to the appeals of supplicants nor pitied youthful beauty nor had compassion on old men’s age, nor blushed before the humility of the clergy.… “Holy churches were burned with fire, others were demolished, majestic altars fell prone, sacred crosses were trampled underfoot … Then their wrath fell upon priests and deacons; they slew them in their churches like dumb animals. “Thereupon the vile Jews, enemies of the truth and haters of Christ, when they perceived that the Christians were given over into the hands of the enemy, rejoiced exceedingly because they detested the Christians; and they conceived an evil plan in keeping with their vileness about the people. For in the eyes of the Persians their importance was great, because they were the betrayers of the Christians.… “And when the unclean Jews saw the steadfast uprightness of the Christians and their immovable faith, then they were agitated with lively ire, like evil beasts, and thereupon imagined another plot. As of old they bought the Lord from the Jews with silver, so they purchased Christians out of the reservoir; for they gave the Persians silver, and they bought a Christian and slew him like a sheep.… “When the people were carried into Persia and the Jews were left in Jerusalem, they began with their own hands to demolish and burn such of the holy churches as were left standing.... “How many souls were slain in the reservoir of Mamel! How many perished of hunger and thirst! How many priests and monks were massacred by the sword! How many infants were crushed under foot, or perished by hunger and thirst, or languished through fear and horror of the foe! How many maidens, refusing their abominable outrages, were given over to death by the enemy! How many parents perished on top of their own children! How many of the people were bought up by the Jews and butchered, and became confessors of Christ!…

“How many fled into the Church of the Anastasis, into that of Sion and other churches, and were  therein massacred and consumed with fire! Who can count the multitude of the corpses of those who were massacred in Jerusalem?” After the city was captured, the Jews cheaply bought from the Persians, 50,000 Christian captives for the sole purpose of cutting their throats like sheep on the slaughtering floor. A further 35,000 were carried off by the Persians as slaves. Jerusalem’s churches were looted and burned, the patriarch Zacharias was made prisoner, and the True Cross was transported to Ctesiphon. [577] As a repetition throughout history of how the Jews are rewarded for their treachery by the next conquering fool who trusts them, the city of Jerusalem was handed over to them to administer. T he Jews betrayed the Christians, bought them in wholesale lots from the Persians so they could butcher them like sheep. No, Jesus did not teach men how to be sheep, rather how to be shepherds. It was the Christian leaders, the priests and popes with their false humility, believing the Biggest Lie Ever Told, who were the real betrayers of the Christians. It was the priests and popes who allowed the perfidious Jews to live among Christians, to swindle Christians, to betray Christians, these were the real betrayers of the Christians – the priests and popes who betrayed them to the demon Jews. And the Jews, being real demons, slaughtered them. But their international Kehillah spy system was never idle. Operated by the Jewish unholy trinity of rabbis, bankers and merchants, it was active in every country where Jews were allowed to live. Knowing the politics and finances of every kingdom, the warning went out from the Nasi in Babylonia. Along the Persian and Roman road system, carried by those “sacred envoys” wearing sidelocks and beanies, was the message that Byzantium was mounting an unstoppable offensive against Persia. The Jews had betrayed the Romans to the Persians but now it was time for the Jews to betray Persia in favor of the Romans. They did this in the usual Jewish way of offering Byzantium golden bribes and their “Jewish Loyalty” in return for amnesty for the revolt. Now, Jewish spying was put into the service of Byzantium. And their butchery of 50,000 Christians was brushed under the Jewish carpet. In 625, the Byzantine army reconquered the territory. Bribing their way out of punishment for their treachery, amnesty was granted to the Jews who had joined the Persians. And in 628, Heraclius came as victor into Jerusalem with the Jews now offering their  “Jewish Loyalty” to his army and fighting against the Persians. Further war against Persia brought the True Cross back into Christian hands by 629 AD. Finally, after centuries of warfare, both Persia and Byzantium were exhausted from fighting one another. Their armies were depleted and demoralized. Both sides needed a long rest to recuperate. But such a respite was to be denied them. From the waterless wastes of Arabia arose a new threat to them both. A Semitic psychopath prone to epileptic fits by the name of Mohammad had captured the major trade center of Mecca. In 628, he sent letters to all the world’s rulers demanding them to join him in killing everybody on earth and stealing all property under the banner of Islam. But the Roman Empire had never regarded the Arabian frontier as one of its vulnerable points, nor had it ever massed there any large proportion of its military forces. It was a frontier of inspection, which was crossed by the caravans that brought perfumes and spices. The Persian Empire, another of Arabia’s neighbours, had also taken no precautions in that quarter. After all, there was nothing to fear from the nomadic Bedouins of the Peninsula, whose civilization was still in the tribal stage, whose religious beliefs were hardly better than fetichism, and who spent their time in making war upon one another and pillaging the caravans that travelled from south to north, from Yemen to Palestine, Syria and the Peninsula of Sinai, and passing through Mecca and Yathreb (Medina). When Mohammed died in 632, no measures had been taken to defend the frontier [578] by either the Romans or the Persians. Defend it from whom? A bunch of camel-eatting bandits? However, Mohammad was yet another Semitic maniac teaching the Devil’s Truth – believe what we say or we will kill you. And Islam elevated Judaism above Christianity while demoting Jesus to a prophet instead of a god. Thus, in Islam, the Jews found their perfect ally. In Islam, the Jews could offer their “Jewish loyalty” and be assured of a rich reward. There was enough common interest between these two Semitic religious hoaxes that the Jews could betray both the Romans and the Persians and always be assured of an honored place among the Muslims. In both Persia and Byzantium, the Jews were thickly settled like swine around a feeding trough.

T hrough their Kehillah spy and mail system, which was inter-connected from Gaul and Germany through Byzantium through Persia to India, the Jews  were perfectly situated to provide the Muslims with minute details of both Persian and Roman military and economic conditions, which they did. See Map. [Figure_125_Map_640-1532AD_Byzantium_Jews] T he Jews were in hog heaven as they betrayed both the Romans and the Persians by supplying the Muslims with military information concerning these war exhausted empires. In 638, the Byzantine Empire lost control of the territory of Palestine to the Arabs. The Arab Islamic Empire under Caliph Umar conquered Jerusalem and the lands of Mesopotamia, Syria, Palestine, and Egypt. T he Muslims fought like maniacs, fighting hard and then jumping onto spear points and running into sword stabs to purposely be killed. Mohammad had promised them Paradise if they died in battle. A very good deal if the Promise was true! But you had to die, f irst, to find out that Mohammad was only joking. In 642, in Spain the Jews were expelled from the Visigoth Empire. Stories had been circulating about how the Jews had betrayed and butchered the Christians in Jerusalem. Was it hate, as the lying modern Jews claim, or was it the Jews’ own criminality that got them expelled? The Jews of Spain ran away to join their relatives living among the Muslims in North Africa and their relatives living among the Christians in France and Italy, all connected through their synagogues by the international Kehillah spy and mail system with trade links throughout both the Western and Eastern Roman Empires, into Egypt, India, the Spice Islands and China. In this way, the Jews were not like cockroaches or fungus, but more similar in nature to a kind of parasitic vine digging its tendrils into every country; but a vine that could break off a piece, move to a distant land and re-attach itself to the parent vine at a different location. With the expansion of Islam, the thieving, murdering Jews gained a prestigious position in this new empire of Arabian thieves and murderers. The two Semitic religious hoaxes were finding a common cause. The Arabian Semites were not at all like the Hebrew Semites, those ancient sheep-stealers and goat-molesters of Canaan. These Arabian Semites were camel-stealers and goat-molesters of Arabia. They didn’t speak the Semitic Hebrew dialect, they spoke the Semitic Arabic dialect. The Muslims didn’t practice the abaracadabra technique of the Jews by telling lies and spinning yarns as they spoke. The Muslims used the technique of taqiyya, that is, telling lies and spinning yarns for the sake of Allah.

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The Muslims didn’t have  a god like the Jews did who promised them the world and the enslavement of Mankind in exchange for following the laws of Moses. The Muslim god promised them the world and the enslavement of Manknd in exchange for following the laws of Mohammad. The Muslims didn’t have rabbis claiming that every word out of their mouths was the word of god. The Muslims had Mohammad claiming that every word out of his mouth was the word of God. And of course, the Muslim god was nothing at all like the Jewish god who hated Mankind and only loved the Jews. The Muslim god hated all of Mankind and only loved the Muslims. And the Muslim god was not at all like the Jewish god who broke every promise that he had ever made to the Jews. The Muslim god promised that He would keep His Promises, but only after the Muslims had murdered, raped, arsoned, stole everything and then died. And the Muslims didn’t have a penis fetish like the Jews who were circumcised at the age of eight days. The Muslims had a penis fetish because they were circumcised at the age of six years. So you see, the Jews and Muslims were completely different. They were different like the two fangs of a Semitic viper are different, different but the same.

In Islam, the Jews had found their perfect match. “Oy Gevalt! We are like brothers, the Jews and Muslims! See, right here in the lies of the Hebrew Bible, it proves that the Arabs are all descended from Abraham’s son, Ishmael. They are be so lucky to be descended from Jews! So, of course, they owe us!” Islam was yet another miracle of the Semites! But instead of telling lies with the abracadabra of the Semitic Jews, the Muslims tell lies with the taqiyya of the Semitic Arabs. Instead of wearing little boxes on their heads, the Muslims wear bandanas over their faces!

BOOK: Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Vol. II – Library of Rickandria

Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II Chapter 12: AFTER JESUS – the Greeks, Persians, Romans & Jews

BOOK: Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II Chapter 12: AFTER JESUS – the Greeks, Persians, Romans & Jews – Library of Rickandria