And they give no credit to the Hebrew for the English language, even though they're using the word alphabet, which is literally the first two words in the Hebrew.
1 and 1 is always 2 unless you're a cheater, right?
But what's fascinating and definitive is that you see that the English language that we're speaking today is laid out perfectly mathematically, but backwards.
Now you begin to see that there are sacred languages.
That when people spoke those languages, there was a resonance of basic fundamental mathematics, a musical resonance in the voices, in the communications.
People were singing together, not just speaking together.
And it had this uplift spiritual, this blessing anointing coming from the Creator so that we could be in communion.
This whole process of pulling it down and together and being blessed with that flow of community and communication for divine communion, ultimately the expression of divine in each of us.
So, this is what we realized.
You read Hebrew from right to left.
You read English from left to right.
Flipped, reversal.
Now, this is absolutely certain.
I showed you, for example, that X's are sixes.
X's are sixes.
So, to show you how this truth is infiltrated into our culture, by design, not mistake, and that the global industrials who are, who have done that, are still using it.
If you were all that was, if you expanded yourself as, let 's say you were God, in all directions to infinity, in all directions, massive outward growth and beyond, beyond, until there was nothing left but you, there would be nothing else but you.
That means everything and nothing is the same.
It's all in that one symbol.
That's what that symbol represents.
Now, the shortest distance between two points, the creator and you, is a straight line.
So, you divide that, now you've got the rudimentary 8, which is the infinity sign on its side.
You see 45 degrees, 90 degrees, 180 degrees, it's all masonic, it's all architecture, it's all sacred geometry, it's all the buried mathematics.
Now flip this up, look, you flip this one up here, flip this one down here, now you got your X.
Like you see how the, divide the eight and a half, you got your three, but you also have this six here, cut off a little piece here, you got your six, which represents the spiraling down, spiraling down from heaven to manifest into earth.
And nines, the opposite, completion, going back up, rejoining creator in the wholeness of heaven.
That's the sacred understanding underlying our most fundamental mathematics.
While Hebrew is usually written from right to left, Greek was written from left to right, and the orientation of the letters were reversed.
Over the centuries, these ancient Greek letters evolved into their modern Greek forms.
Our English alphabet is Roman, and because the Romans adopted the Greek alphabet, we are able to see our own modern English alphabet in these ancient Hebrew turned Greek letters.
DIVAK in Hebrew means possessed by an evil spirit.
And so, I've spent today poring over ancient Hebrew texts and sifting through the theological word books of the Old Testament.
Was God trying to tell us all along about COVID and its connection with the Mark of the Beast and the New World Order that's arising, and he did it by putting it in plain sight by spelling it backwards in Hebrew?
Trachtenberg, Joshua (2004) [Originally published 1939]. "Glossary of Hebrew Terms". Jewish Magic and Superstition. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. p. 333. ISBN 978-0812218626. Retrieved 10 January 2023. Dibbuk – spirit of deceased person which has entered body of living person.
Dybbuk comes from the Hebrew word דִּיבּוּק dibūq, meaning 'a case of attachment', which is a nominal form derived from the verb דָּבַק dāḇaq 'to adhere' or 'cling'.
See A. Sáenz-Badillos & J. Elwolde, A History of the Hebrew Language, 1996, p. 187 on the qiṭṭūl pattern.
The term first appears in a number of 16th-century writings, though it was ignored by mainstream scholarship until S. Ansky's 1920 play The Dybbuk popularized the concept in literary circles.
Spirit Possession in Judaism: Cases and Contexts from the Middle Ages to the Present, by Matt Goldish, p. 41, Wayne State University Press, 2003
Earlier accounts of possession (such as that given by Josephus) were of demonic possession rather than that of ghosts.
Tree of Souls:The Mythology of Judaism, by Howard Schwartz, pp. 229–230, Oxford University Press, 2004
These accounts advocated orthodoxy among the populace as a preventative measure.
Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum, the Satmar rebbe (1887–1979), is reported to have supposedly advised an individual said to be possessed to consult a psychiatrist.
Traditionally, dybbuks tended to be male spirits who possessed women on the eve of their weddings, typically in a sexual fashion by entering the women through their vaginas, which is seen in Ansky's play.
Levin, Sala. "Jewish Word: Dybbuk". Moment Magazine.
In psychological literature, the dybbuk has been described as a hysterical syndrome.
Billu, Y; Beit-Hallahmi, B (1989). "Dybbuk-Possession as a hysterical symptom: Psychodynamic and socio-cultural factors". Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Science. 26 (3): 138–149. PMID 2606645.
the article was first published by All About Jewish Theatre the world's largest English-language Jewish theater website, before its demise in 2014, but recently rescued by Drama Around the Globe and republished by Phindie.
In the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons, the Dybbuk was introduced as a disembodied demonic spirit that could possess and control dead bodies.
They parasitically inhabited mortal corpses in order to partake in their vices and would murder others to steal their forms.
First introduced in the third edition, they were remade for the fifth edition D&D, and the most current version, as of April 2023, can be found in Mordenkainen's Monsters of the Multiverse (p.113).
In the 2009 horror film The Unborn, the main character is haunted by a dybbuk which appears as, among other forms, a dog with an upside-down head.
The 2017 Indian Malayalam language horror film Ezra is about main characters getting possessed by evil spirits after they come in contact with a dybbuk box.