OLD Business Card
FRONT of NEW Business Card:
Original image:
With this version above, there is no yellow tape, but the tree line can be seen, which allows the Company name to be placed. Font is Freestyle Script, size 48.
Phone number or e-mail or both can be placed underneath the company name. Here, the phone number is used. Font is Arial Narrow, size 30.
Address of Mountain Creek Boat Works can go underneath the contact information. To stand out, a different brighter color is recommended. Font is Bahnschrift, size 20.
If everything is moved up, a funny quote or brand logo can be placed underneath the address.
If everything is moved up, a funny quote or brand logo can be placed underneath the address.
With this version, there is room on the right of the image to list services that Mountain Creek Boat Works provide:
- Fiberglass Repair
- Gelcoat & Flake Work
- Restoration
- Detailing
- Electrical
- Service
- Insurance Claims
- Warranty