BOOK: EXCERPT: The Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) - Volume II – Chapter 11: The Gospels According to G_d - Matthew 4

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Early commentators of Matthew 4 were also confused by the word, “Spirit.”

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Every person has a holy spirit within them.

Even those who are demoniacal in nature have a holy spirit within them, though it is very compressed and tiny and, unless released from its error, falls into hell, as you will understand by what follows.

Everyone, both good and evil, can find their holy spirit if they look for it.

But it usually takes a lot of:

  • prayer
  • meditation
  • other religious practices
“Seek and ye shall find.”

You can also find a direct path to it with the lessons in Appendix A: How to Develop  Your Qi and Live Within Your Holy Spirit.

BOOK: The Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Chapter 4: Secret Powers of the Ancient People – Library of Rickandria

This use of the word, “spirit,” should be understood both as a manifestation of one’s will, such as in Matthew 4:1,

“Then Jesus was led by the Spirit out into the wilderness ....”

In this case, Jesus was following his own spiritual power and physically wandered into the wilderness to fast and to pray.

After fasting for forty days and nights, with the lightness of body and the clearness of mind that prayer and fasting offers, he was able to fly in the spirit to the top of the Temple in Jerusalem.

RELIGION: CHRISTIANITY: New Jerusalem – Jesus of Borg – Library of Rickandria

But the spirit of the Devil flew with him to try and tempt him into falsehood.

RELIGION: IS YOUR GOD A DEVIL? – Library of Rickandria

Next, Jesus flew to a high mountain where the spirit of the Devil followed and tried to tempt him with wealth and political power.

Power of the Purse (full length)

NEW WORLD ORDER: GLOBAL BANKING: Power of the Purse – The Origin of Money – Library of Rickandria

But Jesus was not tempted, so the Devil left him while the spirit of angels appeared to protect and guard him.

One of the false interpretations that the lying Jews and the ignorant Christians have made from this verse, is that the Devil owns the world.

They believe this because they believe the lies of the Devil.

The Anunnaki and the Bible: Was Enki Cast as the Devil for Defying Enlil the God?

Jesus taught that both the Devil and the Jews are liars.

So, when the Devil claimed that the whole world was his, he was lying.

Yet, the stupid Christians believe the Devil and actually hate this beautiful world that God created because they think it belongs to the Evil One.

EXTRATERRESTRIALS: ARCHONS: DEMIURGE: The Lord Archon – Library of Rickandria

Such simple-minded fools!

After Jesus heard that John had been arrested, he fulfilled another prophesy and began preaching this message:

“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is close at hand.” (Mat 4:17)

Now, all manner of wrong interpretations have been made in many Biblical passages and this one is no exception.

It is a very simple phrase and means exactly what it says without elaboration.

After all, death is always nearby.

And when we die, we spiritually enter into the kingdom of God.

This is why repentance of bad thoughts and deeds is so important at every moment of one’s life, so that we can enter the next life unimpeded by transgressions against the spirit within us.

In Matthew 4:18-22, it should not be assumed that Jesus called his first four disciples with some supernatural act of his own power.

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Matthew 4 (KJV) - And Jesus, walking by the

This impression is given in the way Matthew writes, as if Jesus called to total strangers.

They were not strangers to one another as these passages imply because Jesus had been part of the neighborhood for over thirty years.

Byzantine icon in Saint Catherine's Monastery depicting Peter in robes, holding keys, a martyr's cross and scrolls. 2.37 MB View full-size Download

Saint Peter (born Shimon Bar Yonah; died AD 64–68), also known as Peter the Apostle, Simon Peter, Simeon, Simon, or Cephas, was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus and one of the first leaders of the early Christian Church. He appears repeatedly and prominently in all four New Testament gospels as well as the Acts of the Apostles. Catholic tradition treats Peter as the first bishop of Rome – or pope – and also as the first bishop of Antioch.

Jesus called the fishermen, the brothers Peter

and Andrew

Saint Andrew by Peter Paul Rubens (c. 1611) 5.09 MB View full-size Download

Andrew the Apostle (Koinē Greek: Ἀνδρέας, romanized: Andréas [anˈdre.aːs̠]; Latin: Andreas [än̪ˈd̪reː.äːs]; Aramaic: אַנדּרֵאוָס; Classical Syriac: ܐܰܢܕ݁ܪܶܐܘܳܣ, romanized: ʾAnd'raʾwās) was an apostle of Jesus. According to the New Testament, he was a fisherman and one of the Twelve Apostles chosen by Jesus. The title First Called (Πρωτόκλητος, Prōtoklētos) stems from the Gospel of John, where Andrew, initially a disciple of John the Baptist, follows Jesus and recognizing him as the Messiah, introduces his brother Simon Peter to him.

and the brothers James

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James the Just, or a variation of James, brother of the Lord (Latin: Iacobus from Hebrew: יעקב, Ya'aqov and Ancient Greek: Ἰάκωβος, Iákōbos, can also be Anglicized as "Jacob"), was, according to the New Testament, a brother of Jesus. He was the first leader of the Jerusalem Church of the Apostolic Age. Traditionally, it is believed he was martyred either in AD 62 by being stoned to death on the order of High Priest Ananus ben Ananus, or in AD 69 by being thrown off the pinnacle of the Temple by scribes and Pharisees and then clubbed to death. James, Joses, Simon, and Judas are mentioned as the brothers of Jesus as well as two or more unnamed sisters. (See Matthew 13:55; Mark 6:3.)

and John.

He called them and they immediately dropped their fishing nets and followed him.

Remember, those were all small communities where everyone knew everyone else.

Those with a special interest in religion would naturally congregate in friendship and discussion.

So, out of personal familiarity, they immediately followed him.

This small group traveled around Galilee:

“proclaiming the Good News of the kingdom and curing all kinds of diseases and sickness among the people.” (Mat 4:23)

A word should here be mentioned concerning the powers of your holy spirit.

That’s right, I am talking about your personal holy spirit, not some mythological phantom but the real thing.

It sounds incredible to the average materialistic person who had not experienced it but yes, you can fly in the spirit.


And there are many additional powers as well.

The so-called:

“laying on of hands,”

is well-known among Christian congregations but it is not well represented in modern times. 

Many Christians try this technique but very few of them are experienced enough or powerful enough in the spirit to use it effectively.

So, they become disappointed and doubtful.

This also leads others to doubt the veracity of this power and they all fall away from True Knowledge of themselves as spiritual beings, simply through doubt.

Just as photons of light have the properties of both particles and energy waves, the holy spirit is not just the spirit body that inhabits your physical body.

It is also a spiritual power that can radiate outside of your physical body which you can direct with your Mind.

This is most often represented in religious art are:

  • halos
  • auras
  • beams of light

and flames of fire.

All of such representations of the Human Spirit are routinely destroyed by the demon Jews and Muslims.

The “laying on of hands” is a Christian healing technique whereby the aura of one’s spirit is radiated out of the hands and placed upon the diseased part of a patient.

The modern medical observation of the “placebo effect” definitely has some useful action with this method.

The Placebo Effect is when a sick person is given a fake pill or neutral substance and is told that that pill will make him feel better or cure him.

COSMOS: MATRIX: REALITY: The REAL Pill to Swallow – Library of Rickandria

Although the pill has zero medicinal value, by believing they will become better or that they will be cured, they actually do become better and are often cured.

This power of suggestion does not always work, but it happens often enough to be an observable medical phenomenon.

Is it fake?


What is the difference between giving to one sick person a pill of medicine and to another sick person a pill of “nothing special,” and telling both of them that the pills will cure them, if both of them are cured thereby?

The goal of healing is to cure the patient.

How that is done is less important than the results.

So, a placebo that cures, is very much better than a medicine that does not cure.

So, belief is very important in the method of “the laying on of hands.”

However, there is much more to it than such tricks of the Mind.


The holy spirit is a real force and energy that everyone can feel.

It radiates out of the hands and enters the sick person’s body, energizing his own weak and flagging holy spirit while pushing out or pulling out the negative energy blockages.

SPIRITUALITY: ENERGY: Absorbing & Directing Energy – Library of Rickandria

It is a genuine power that all people can call forth from within yourselves.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the holy spirit is called Qi (pronounced “chee”).

The Chinese healers are like the Christian healers but more scientific.

The Qi Gong physician combs his qi along the patient’s acupuncture meridians or pushes his Qi into the patient’s acupuncture points with the use of needles.

[Note: this is not an unqualified recommendation of Chinese Medicine because, like Western Medicine, it also has its portion of quacks and frauds.

So, one must be wary of both.]

Qi in Chinese Medicine is identical to the Holy Spirit of Traditional Christianity.

The main difference is that the Chinese only view their Qi as a part of the body which dies when the body dies or else it hovers about as a ghost.

So, the Chinese fail to associate their holy spirits with anything higher than the material plane of existence.

But the discovery of Jesus, as well as of many other saints and sages, is that the Holy Spirit lives on and is the tactile force of the Soul.

TRANSMIGRATION: SOULS: The Jewish Soul VS. the Gentile Soul – Library of Rickandria

Thus, when one dies, the Soul, immersed in the aura of the Holy Spirit, lives on in a similar way as a seed lives on within its surrounding shell.

TRANSMIGRATION: SOULS & SPIRIT – Library of Rickandria

The holy spirit gives the soul buoyancy and lightness.

But whether the Soul lives in a Heavenly or a Hellish level depends upon the weight or the lightness of one’s good or evil deeds.

Good increases the spiritual aura and it shines brightly.

Evil decreases the spiritual aura, and its darkness and lack of buoyancy allows the soul to be pulled into the center of the earth at death and there to remain stuck under tremendous pressure and heat.

Good and loving-kindness are the energies of Life and sustainers of the Universe.

But Evil is the betrayers of life and a hatred of the Universe.

COSMOS: UNIVERSE: LIFE – Library of Rickandria

Good and Evil are not two, equal, opposites because Evil only exists in the Mind of Man and nowhere else.

Everything in the universe is holy.

But that doesn’t mean that people are immune from making fatal mistakes and falling into Hell.

We people are balanced between Heaven and Earth.

RELIGION: War in Heaven, War on Earth – As Above So Below – Library of Rickandria

Just as gravity pulls all things inward, toward the molten magma at the earth’s core, those souls who have spent their lives “hating” and “betraying” Life and greedily “getting,” and thereby losing their holy spirits, find that they cannot take the chains of their karma off quickly enough at death when their souls leave their bodies before gravity pulls them downward into hellfire.

There, they will dwell until the solar sun novas and then sucks them into the next lower level of pressure and heat, burning inside a dwarf star.

It will be a long wait for them before the eternal Universe is made new again.

You can see the same natural phenomenon of gravity and density when you pour cream into a glass of coffee.

Even though both the cream and the coffee are liquids, the denser cream is pulled by gravity to the bottom of the cup where it sits as an unmixed layer.

Gravity does the same with those whose souls have lost the surrounding protection of their spirits because of evil inclinations.

Without the buoyancy of their spirit, the soul is too dense to float.

Upon the death of their bodies, they are pulled down into the center of the earth.

God does not punish them for their evil, they do it to themselves.

Anyway, Jesus and his four disciples became famous healers as they traveled around Galilee.

With the enormous power of his powerful holy spirit, he radiated his Qi and cured the entire person with the laying-on-of-hands technique.

With a jolt of his spiritual power, neither diseases nor devils could stay within a person’s sick body or soul.

The diseased, the possessed, lunatics, the paralyzed, those in pain, were brought to him and he cured them.