
Erin Rushton
Erin Rushton
Last updated 
At the last chairs meeting, the working groups were asked to develop testing scripts/checklists for campuses to use when they get access to their Primo/Alma environments.    This will be a priority.

With Kick-off happening next week, ExL will shift their priority from working exclusively with the vanguards to working with all of the SUNY campuses.  There are still a few outstanding issues from the Vanguard phase that need to be followed up on with ExL.

Since ExL will no longer monitor the Vanguard Basecamp site, the Discovery Group should review Primo issues.  If the issue are functional, they may need to be discussed on the SUNY  basecamp site or submitted to Basecamp.   

Vanguards are able to make configuration changes to Primo if they wish. 

Rebecca will do a short Primo demo at the kickoff next week and will focus on general look and feel, she’ll show the Discovery WG LibGuide page, including the FAQs

Action items
-we’ll add content to the testing doc, add a column for examples, note when there are associated known problems, and try to indicate who’d be responsible for the resolution of problems found (Ex Libris, local issue, etc)
-we’ll consolidate Erin and Nancy’s doc tracking known issues, and we’ll send this info on to Shannon and Heidi for review and possible follow up with Ex Libris
-Jill will upload her usability notes to Basecamp and we’ll review for possible inclusion in the FAQs and for future SUNYwide recommendations