Stargates - Wormholes & the Bearded Serpent Gods of all Major Religions

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by William Henry

Stargate (artificial or natural subspace Wormhole) is a portal device that allows practical, rapid travel between dimensions or two distant locations in the Universe.

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Why are the bearded savior gods of every world religion portrayed as serpents? My research reveals its because they are either revealers of the knowledge of the (star) gates or wormholes leading to the stars, or because they themselves are the actual wormhole.
Join me in a survey of artwork displaying a remarkably consistent concept: the gods delivered the knowledge of wormholes, or are the wormholes themselves.

E.A., the standing serpent wave, offers the secret of the stars to a priest 72 KB View full-size Download

Yahweh is the serpent that curls around the prophets. His head is at the lower right at the bottom of his column or pillar 510 KB View full-size Download

Quetzalcoatl, the Mayan "lord of life" and King of Tula being ’consumed' by a ’serpent' (left). Beside him is a statue of the Great Sun Buddha, dating from the 12th century in Cambodia. He is seated in the coils of a snake. The parallel between the two ’saviors' is remarkable. Both statues suggest a wormhole connection. 399 KB View full-size Download

Quetzalcoatl was portrayed as a bearded white man riding an ’ark' that resembles the Ark of the Covenant. 99.6 KB View full-size Download

The Gnostics called this serpent CHNOUBIS or KANOBIS and said he was the guardian of a 12-angled pyramid with holes that surrounds the Earth. Are the 12 angles holes in space drilled by this worm? 17.2 KB View full-size Download

Plato said if you could see Earth from a far it would appear as a 12-angled pyramid. 62 KB View full-size Download

Jesus as a serpent-god from bas-relief in Egypt. This drawing was made by a member of Napoleon's army in 1798, one hundred years before the same face appeared to the world ’for the first time ever' on the photograph of the Shroud of Turin. 141 KB View full-size Download

"No one has ascended into heaven except the one who descended from heaven, the Son of Man. And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life." "When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will realize that I am he." 163 KB View full-size Download

In the designs below from Egypt and Europe, the little souls is emerging jubilantly from the mouth of a Serpent (or worm hole). These express the passage "Osiris enters the tail of a great serpent, was drawn through its body and came out through its mouth, and was then born anew."
The story of Jesus/Jonah and the whale mirrors this story.

Egyptian and Cathar designs. 72.3 KB View full-size Download

The passage through the ’wheel or whirl of life' . 20.3 KB View full-size Download

Jesus in the ring. Hildegard of Bingen. 240 KB View full-size Download

Alchemical drawing of the serpent, the jar or Grail. From it a man emerges or exits. 111 KB View full-size Download

Man, wormhole, goddess. Jason, the Argo, Athena. Adam, the Serpent, Eve. Jesus, the wormhole, Mary Magdalene. 305 KB View full-size Download

The Mayans tell us that in 2012 a ladder will emerge from the center of our Milky Way galaxy. c John Major Jenkins. The god Nine Wind (who may be Quetzalcoatl) will descend on a ’serpent-rope' from a sun disk that resembles the symbol for Nibiru. Jenkins has concluded that the serpent-rope is a wormhole. I agree. 29.2 KB View full-size Download

Babylonian symbol for Sun, Divinity and Nibiru. 13.7 KB View full-size Download

Serpent-rope or wormhole from the Codes Vindobonensis. 38.2 KB View full-size Download

Are the Mayans telling us that in 2012 a stargate or wormhole will open and that it is connected with Nibiru?

Will the figure(s) that emerge from it be the long-awaited Teachers of many of the world's religions?

Akkadian seal impression (2340-2180 BC) depicting Gilgamesh's journey beyond the gates at the end of the Earth guarded by doorkeepers tending ringed (or ringing) posts. He met Utnapishtim (the Sumerian Noah) at the source of the waters of immortality. British Museum. 175 KB View full-size Download

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