Seriously, about Sirius...

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But, more importantly, in all likelihood, it was de Lubitsch's knowledge of ancient Egyptian "science-religion" that served as the basis for the strange statements about Sirius made by the Japanese military attache in Stockholm in his secret telegram to Tokyo regarding the German atomic bomb program, which we have already considered in the first part, because de Lubitsch

He was the very person who could point out the significance of Sirius for Ancient Egypt. For the Egyptians, this star "played the role of the central sun of our entire Solar system"; it was familiarity with their beliefs that allowed de Lubitsch to assume "the existence of a cosmic atomic structure, the core of which is Set, the "Great Breadwinner of the Ancients." De Lubitsch also had to be familiar with the meaning of ancient symbols and the connection of the colors of the German national flag, black, red and yellow, with Ancient Egypt and Atlantis, which was most likely known to the Nazis themselves. Thus, in its ancient Egyptian interpretation, the myth of the "black

The sun" is tied to the Sirius star system, as well as to the legends of rebirth after death and the "power of life", which occupied such an important place in the religion of the pharaohs.

Accordingly, the scientists of the prediction service working on various secret projects had an ideological basis for a more mundane scientific view, which is that the black sun is nothing more than an unusually large gravitational force generated by a significant mass rotating relative to the center of the galaxy. Ancient texts could provide the key to the revival of a forgotten science, radically different from the ideologically branded "Jewish" theory of relativity, but coinciding in spirit with the "Aryan" physics of vortex polarization of spins, quantum mechanics and mathematical prediction of the flow of vacuum energy, "zero point energy". In addition, the symbolism of the "black sun" was key to the doctrine of the secret community that preceded the Nazis, the Thule Society.

The symbol of the "black sun" was also adopted as the emblem of von Liebenfels' "new Templars".

In this context, the swastika itself becomes not only a well-known symbol that came from ancient esoteric teachings, but also a talisman of ceremonial magic on a celestial scale, deliberately chosen to reflect the visible reversal of the well-known constellation relative to the north pole of the axis of its own

the rotation of the Earth. All this combination of quantum mechanics, the "black sun", action at a distance and stellar rotation had a strong ideological influence on

Kammler's "think tank", because, as will be shown below, vortex and nonlinear physics have become the two main directions of his theoretical and experimental activities in modern Germany.

When studying some of the Reich's resources, it should be remembered that they used Armanic Futhark + Villiguta

The cube is an ancient symbol of truth, but the truth is represented on the physical plane. Among the five Pythagorean figures, respectively, the cube, as it was said, represents the element of the Earth.

Thus, the second Hyperborea is, if not out of time, in another time. This gives us a clue to her true location. As we have already said, Sat-urn, Sat-yaga, also Sat-va, is the purest of the modes of dualistic Sankhya philosophy and Tantric philosophy of the Aryans of India.

Saturn will return with Satya Yuga, with his own time, which he himself devoured. From here we see, for us, the Myth of Dreams and the return of the Holy Grail of the Grail King, Frederick I Barbarossa, who is served by Crows coming from Tula, from Hyperborea. From where the Jews stole two Urim and Thummim columns. How the leader sleeps among the glaciers of Antarctica, in the inaccessible invisible second Hyperborea, never grows old, because Saturn-Kronos devoured time, made it disappear. The last Avatar, the one who will come, is Kalki–Vid-Ar, the leader associated with the return of the Second Hyperborea to the visible surface of the earth, with Satya Yuga, with Saturn and Rhea, as Virgil used to say :

Once again, the great order of centuries is being revived now.

Virgo comes again and gives birth in the reign of Saturn —

Once again, a new tribe is being sent from the high heavens.

You will save the boy – the iron age will recede;

The golden age will return for the whole world..

He will get gods for life, he will see heroes with gods

Together, they will see him attached to them.

The world will submit to him, reassured by the valor of the fathers.

"In the hope that the Great Cycle will be fulfilled, that Kali Yuga will find its terrible end, and that the Age of Cumea, Virgo, the Kingdom of Saturn and Rhea will return again, the centuries will return to the Golden Age. Both poles will be inhabited by the golden generation."

Seriously, about Sirius...

Seriously, about Sirius… – Library of Rickandria