Orion Greys
This race of Greys stands between 7 and 8 feet tall (similar to the Nephilim) and they tend to have a more developed nose than other Grey species. When they are observed they appear to be in charge of groups of shorter robotic Greys. Some abductees have detected emotional responses (sympathy, loathing, disgust, etc.) coming from these tall beings. The Orion Greys have also been seen working alongside various reptilian species.
As in all situations, the actions of individual members of a species cannot be taken to reflect the intent of all members of that species. The evidence suggests that some members of the Orion Greys may be sympathetic to the plight of humanity and may offer technological assistance in the upcoming alien confrontation.
CERN's Orion Stargate - Decoding Large Hadron Collider
Is the Supposed Correspondence Between Orion’s Belt and the Three Pyramids of Giza Genuine?
Orion Technology & Other Secret Projects – Library of Rickandria
The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction - Pitfalls and Fallacies of The Orion Monetary System
The Giza Pyramids and The Constellation of Orion
The Hopi Ancient Star City of The American Southwest
The Orion Civilization and Pirate Aliens
The Orion Correlation
The Orion Empire
The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction - The Orion Monetary System in The Historical Perspective
The Orion Pyramid Theory
The Orion Queens - Honey of the Queens
The Research of Wes Penre – Library of Rickandria
Men from Orion: The Soulless Ones – Library of Rickandria
The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction - The Theory of Macroeconomics Promotes the Orion Monetary System
Additional Information
Amateur Astronomers spots 'Massive Cigar-shaped UFO' near the Orion Nebula
Intergalactic ORBs
Meaning and Etymology of The Name Nephilim
The Passage of Change - What is Happening and What is Going to Happen? - Orion The Great Hunter
The Great Galactic Wars
The Serpent Knights Of The Round Temple
War of the Titans and the Destruction of Original Terra
Books, Reports & Treatises
The Orion Mystery - by Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert
Related Reports
Anunnaki – Library of Rickandria
The Hopi – Library of Rickandria
Occult Reptilian Saga – Library of Rickandria
The Watchers – Library of Rickandria
Life in the Universe – Library of Rickandria