I asked the woman if she knew who Maurice Strong was.
She didn't.
She should.
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View full-sizeDownload Maurice Strong having received the Four Freedoms Award for Freedom from Want in 2010 - Maurice Frederick Strong, PC, CC, OM, FRSC, FRAIC (April 29, 1929 – November 27, 2015) was a Canadian oil and mineral businessman and a diplomat who served as Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Strong got his start in oil in Canada, becoming CEO of Power Corp by the time he was 35.
He later ran Petro-Canada for Pierre Trudeau in the 1970's.
In the meantime, he had been tapped to run CIDA, the Canadian International Development Agency.
CIDA, like its US counterparts, claimed to be involved in foreign aid programs in developing countries, but was really a cover for big companies to access these countries, looting them of oil, minerals, and anything else of value.
Intelligence is also involved in this, of course, so Strong was working with Intelligence almost from the first.
By Intelligence, I mean CIA and its Canadian counterpart the CSIS.
After successfully defusing the hippie and anti-war movements in the 1960's via infiltration and destabilization, Intelligence saw that it could easily use its new tools to take over the budding environmental movement as well.
In pursuit of that, the United Nations Secretary General U. Thant tapped Strong to organize the first Earth Summit in 1972.
Due to its name, most assumed the Earth Summit was convened out of concern for the environment, but it wasn't.
As you see, it was convened by oilmen and other corporate people to hijack the environmental movement.
Like everything else sold to you for the past century, it was the opposite of what it claimed to be.
Big business had to make sure that the real environmental movement didn't get in its way, and the best way to do that was to create a fake environmental movement to take its place, making sure all media attention and funds went to the fake movement instead of the real one.
Al Gore is a protégé and successor to Strong, and he has continued the hijacking of the environmental movement via misdirection and co-option.
He would have you believe the best way to address environmental concerns is with more taxes and more Ponzi schemes like Cap-and-Trade.
Whereas any real environmentalist would know that the only way to solve problems is to pass legislation.
If something is wrong, you outlaw it, you regulate heavily, you watch the wrongdoers like a hawk, and you prosecute them to the hilt.
You don't tax them for doing wrong or allow them to trade their liabilities.
That just leads to a greater burden on the lower classes, to whom the companies pass the costs.
That isn't just a theory, it is exactly what has happened in the past thirty years of deregulation.
The rich have gotten richer and the poor and middle classes have gotten much poorer, while the environment has continued to go in the toilet.
So, although Strong is usually called a liberal, he is anything but liberal or progressive.
Strong got the Baca Ranch in Colorado—of which Crestone is but a small part—in a deal with Adnan Khashoggi.*
Khashoggi was once one of the richest men in the world, a Saudi arms dealer.
He is anything but liberal.
He was involved in the Iran-Contra and Lockheed bribery scandals, since he was the “marketing arm of Lockheed.”
Even Wikipedia admits,
“He covered his financial tracks by establishing front companies in Switzerland and Liechtenstein to handle his commissions as well as developing contacts with notables such as CIA officers James H. Critchfield and Kim Roosevelt and US businessman Bebe Rebozo, a close associate of former US President Richard Nixon.”
So, this is who Strong is connected to.
Notice that “covering of financial tracks.”
Since Strong owned 200,000 acres around Crestone, we should ask if the new-age communities are just cover for something else going on there.
And it turns out the answer is yes.
In 1987, we got a partial look at what Strong had in mind.
He incorporated a water development company which would have taken control of a large part of the water moving into the San Luis Valley.
He had discovered that a sizable portion of the water of that area moved beneath the Baca Land Grant, and he would have made millions from selling water to farmers to the south and west.
He was stopped only by the State Supreme Court in 1991.
But he then sold to Gary Boyce, who tried again and was again stopped by the Legislature in 1998.
The land then went to the Nature Conservancy, so you may think the tricks were over.
Think again.
Although the Nature Conservancy is sold to you as the greatest of environmental charities, it has about six billion in assets and is run by Mark Tercek, a former managing director at Goldman Sachs.
If that doesn't raise a red flag in your head, nothing will.
The Nature Conservancy** has ties to almost 2,000 corporate sponsors, and land donated by the Conservancy to the USGov is still allowed:
oil drilling
and natural gas drilling.
In fact, the Baca Wildlife Refuge—created from the Nature Conservancy donation—is a misnomer.
The mineral rights, including oil and gas, on the “Wildlife Refuge”, are privately owned by Lexam Explorations.
Wikipedia admits,
There is believed to be a small chance that commercial quantities of natural gas may be discovered
(An existing artesian well on the land, called "the gas well", produced enough gas to heat one home).
If that admission doesn't turn your head, you don't have a neck.
“A small chance.”
“One home.”
What you should take from that is that all government conservation is a front.
Lands that you think are protected aren't really protected.
It is all a smokescreen.
These lands like the Baca tract aren't Wildlife Refuges, they are corporate refuges.
They were set up to allow oil and mining corporations to hide behind government and conservation names.
You may not be allowed to ride your 4-wheelers there, but the corporations can tear the place up to any extent they see fit.
The rich guys couldn't get around the Colorado State Legislature and Supreme Court, so they donated the land to the Feds, who will let them do whatever they want. Colorado no longer has jurisdiction over its own land.
The news gets worse when you research Lexam Explorations.
It is a subsidiary of Lexam VG Gold, with headquarters in Toronto.
It was probably with the help of Strong that Munk dodged prosecution for illegal stock dumping.
So, it looks like the same set of people still own everything of value in that part of Colorado, even after all the lawsuits and sales.
The Nature Conservancy now just looks like a front, allowing for the transfer of State lands under State jurisdiction to Federal lands under the jurisdiction of. . . basically no one.
Since everything has been deregulated, the Federal government is now privately owned and operated by billionaire and trillionaire families.
They do whatever they want, with no oversight.
We have seen that in the last decade, where the banks just bailed themselves out from the treasury.
But it is true of other big businesses as well, including the military, Intelligence, oil, and—as we see here—mining.
Which brings us back to Crestone.
The hippies may think they have dodged the bullet, since unless they are living next door to a goldmine or gas mine, they may think they are unaffected by all this.
But that is not true regardless.
First of all, you don't have to live next door to a mine to be affected by it.
You only have to live downstream or downwind.
And if it is out of sight, you may not ever know you are downwind or downstream from it.
You are the victim of a secret poisoning.
Crestone is both downstream and downwind of the proposed mining.
Beyond that, you can't expect to live in the backyard of spooks and avoid a haunting.
What I mean by that is that the landlords usually use such a situation to spy on the freaks.
They create a community of hippies or progressives of any sort and then infiltrate it and destabilize it.
If you think they stopped doing that in the 1960's or 70's, you aren't keeping up.
They are infiltrating everyone now, not just hippies.
See the recent news of NSA spying.
But since hippies won't watch enough TV or eat at McDonald's often enough, they have to brainwash and poison the hippies some other way.
This they may do by introducing and testing the newest drugs, which many hippies still snatch up like candy.
They may introduce new ideas, or new sounds, or new mantras, or new stories, anything they think might destabilize the audience in any way.
If the current hippies understood the history of such things, they would be much more suspicious than they are.
Unfortunately, their very nature prevents it.
The first rule of this particular counterculture is openness (or maybe love), both of which conflict with suspicion.
You are supposed to assume the best of everyone, which of course makes infiltration by the bad guys stupendously easy.
I know because many of my friends are hippies, and I am one, too (kind of).
We don't usually call ourselves hippies anymore, since most of us have been fooled by history.
We have allowed the good hippie's name to be sullied by the fake events of the 1960's, in which fake hippies created by the government did awful things in our name (think Manson Family).
These false flags not only convinced the mainstream that hippies were:
they convinced some of the hippies, too, especially later hippies who didn't live through that time.
So, although we are basically the same set of people, plus 40 years, we think we have to distance ourselves from that name:
Most of our fathers and mothers were earnest and true, and many of them were better men and women than we are.
They didn't hide out in ashrams or retreats; they spoke on college campuses with bullhorns and started magazines and went to jail.
Most of us don't even vote.
That's why I consider myself an old-style hippie.
The old-style hippies were fighters for the truth.
They had enemies.
Maybe they loved their enemies and maybe they hated them, but regardless they realized they had to resist them.
They knew they had to do something besides smoke the herb and dress cool and meditate.
If the governors had it their way, you would be in a permanent shavasana, eyes closed, flat on your back, gazing ever inward.
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View full-sizeDownload Shavasana (Sanskrit: शवासन; IAST: śavāsana), Corpse Pose, or Mritasana, is an asana in hatha yoga and modern yoga as exercise, often used for relaxation at the end of a session. It is the usual pose for the practice of yoga nidra meditation and is an important pose in Restorative Yoga.
Henry Steel Olcott, a top Intelligence agent, co-founded Theosophy with Madame Blavatsky, and part of that co-founding was again a trip to India to find a guru.
Blavatsky's top London pupil Charles Leadbeater found on the streets of Adyar one Krishnamurti, a 13-year-old boy starving and covered in lice.
They proceeded to sell him in the West as the New World Teacher, based on nothing but his pretty face and Leadbeater's “intuition”.
Krishnamurti himself later admitted the whole thing was a scam.
LSD, among other lab drugs, had been created in government and university labs specifically to destabilize the mind, and now the Intelligence agencies had an enemy that needed to be destabilized.
In the 1960's, the antiwar protesters began to have a real effect, and since the government saw a link between these protesters and the hippies, it was decided to take them both out of the picture permanently.
To do this required a multi-pronged attack, but two of the main prongs were fake events and drugs.
The government planted events and stories about the hippies to make them look bad.
As one example, the CIA created the Merry Pranksters, a group of fake hippies who toured the country supposedly taking drugs, shagging indiscriminately, and making messes.
The Acid Test consisted (in part) of having these pranksters throw LSD-laced kool-aid on unsuspecting strollers.
Think of throwing water balloons out the window of your car.
If the pranksters could get some LSD in the mouth or up the nose of these victims, they could push their drug in the most direct way possible.
No real hippie would find this story amusing, since it smacks of violence, coercion, and a very poor sense of humor.
It is a military sense of humor, frankly, and gives away the story as much as anything else.
As another example of a planted narrative, we have the Manson family, manufactured from the ground up to scare the daylights out of the mainstream—which it did.
As far as drugs go, everything was put on the streets then, including:
and Heroin.
Some of these drugs had been around for decades, but in the 1960's they were put on the streets for cheap or free, specifically to snag unsuspecting hippies.
It was known that the youth had less discipline and were more likely to be liberal—that is, antiwar.
So, making these dangerous drugs easy to get on the streets was no accident.
Manufacturing events and pushing drugs are still the main prongs of the government's destabilization program against real progressives, and the hippies are still falling for it.
Today's pot isn't your grand pappy's pot, and you can expect it to not only be many times stronger, but spiked with all sorts of things you probably don't want to hear about.
You will tell me you grow your own, using soil you have tended yourself and filtered water and so on, but unless you are sitting on a stash of heirloom seeds leftover from decades ago, your seeds are as compromised as any Monsanto seeds.
If wheat and corn and soybeans and canola oil have been purposely poisoned, you don't think your pot seeds have been ignored, do you?
How do you think it got so much stronger?
Your precious pot is tainted like everything else.
As with new wheat and corn, it can be untainted only by going back to primitive varieties and starting over.
And it isn't just Crestone hippies who have to be vigilant.
We all do.
Let's look at Ram Dass' ashram in Taos, New Mexico.
It isn't just Dass who is a red flag, it is also Larry Brilliant, another founder of this ashram.
Brilliant has been involved with WHO and Google, so we have two red flags from the start.
WHO [World Health Organization] has long been in bed with the pharmaceutical companies, pushing vaccines and other drugs all over the world for profit.
Recently it was admitted that the CIA uses vaccine programs as fronts for spying all over the world.
They got caught and were forced to say they wouldn't do it anymore, but no one over the age of 10 believes it.
Of course, WHO knew this but didn't tell anyone.
As for Google, we now know that Google was started with money from the CIA, and that it works with NSA, data mining everyone in the world, including you.
Regardless, it is strange that all of Julius Hoffman's famous cases were such circuses—most of which backfired.
Remember, although accused by “Nazi hunter”Simon Wiesenthal himself and intially convicted by Hoffman, Walus was retried by the Justice Department itself (how does that work?), exonerated, and paid $34,000.
One of the Chicago Eight, Bobby Seale—although initially tried with the other seven defendants—was dragged from the courtroom, gagged, tied, and allegedly thrown into jail for contempt.
He was then supposed to be retried separately for the original charges.
He never was.
Charges for that were dropped, as were murder charges in the New Haven Black Panther case.
However, you might like to know that Bruce's biographer was Albert Goldman—who also wrote the biographies of Presley and Lennon.
Goldman was also Navy.
He got a PhD from Columbia without ever having attended college (undergrad).
As for the Bruce obscenity trial, the 1962 Chicago trial went nowhere, so Hoffman blew that one as well.
The 1964 trial in New York also ended very suspiciously, since although Bruce was convicted, he allegedly died during the appeal and so spent no time in jail.
Again, convenient.
His later pardon was also convenient, and par for the course in these fake trials.
Also, contradictory is that we are told his conviction was not stricken from his record.
But that goes against what we were told in the later pedophile trials, where Father Geoghan of Boston died during his appeal and had his conviction wiped.
It looks like our teachers just make up whatever story they like for the occasion, paying no attention to continuity. But back to Larry Brilliant.
Brilliant appeared in yet another fake hippie movie in 1971, Hare Rama Hare Krishna.
He appears in the song sequence “Dum Maro Dum”, which glorifies pot smoking.
As a hippie, that may not offend you, but remind yourself that Brilliant is supposed to be a medical doctor in real life.
And then remind yourself that breathing smoke into your lungs is unhealthy, no matter what the smoke is.
Brilliant is not recommending medical marijuana, consumed orally, as a pain killer or something.
He is an alleged doctor pushing smoking as a wonderful pastime.
That really doesn't make any sense.
In addition, Brilliant was linked to Stewart Brand through their co-founding of The WELL, the first internet chatroom.
Basically, it was an early incarnation of Facebook, by which Intelligence could eavesdrop on thousands of conversations legally.
Brand was of course the creator of the Whole Earth Catalog, which had its uses—one of which was tracking the mailing addresses and locations of communes.
We come to see this even in his truncated Wiki-bio, where we find that by 1962, he was in Menlo Park with Ken Kesey, Gordon Lish, and others, participating in LSD studies.
In this way, Brand was linked to both the Merry Pranksters and the Grateful Dead.
He makes his appearance in The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test.
In the 1980's, as a visiting scientist at MIT, Brand became a conference organizer for such companies as:
You should find that very odd, since Brand was not a scientist, then or now.
We are told he had a BS in biology from Stanford, but that does not normally qualify you to be a visiting scientist at MIT.
And why would a biologist act as a conference organizer for Shell and AT&T?
Do you need a biology degree to organize corporate conferences?
This is just more indication Brand was not a friend to the communes or the hippies.
More recently he has come out in favor of GMO's.
That, by itself, is enough to peg him.
In 2006, Brand hosted John Rendon as a Long Now Foundation speaker.
Rendon is the head of the CIA's favorite PR firm, and they admit that at Wikipedia.
Also remember that along with carpenters' tools, the Whole Earth Catalog pushed personal computers.
This at a time when no one had heard of the personal computer.
In the same year the Whole Earth Catalog came out (1968), Brand and Douglas Englebart came out with the Mother of All Demos, which pushed many new technologies, including hypertext, email, and the mouse.
So, in hindsight, it appears the Whole Earth Catalog may have been created to softsell the new computer technology to the communes and other DIYers.
So, this is who Larry Brilliant is linked to.
Most recently, Brilliant was given $100,000 by Bill Gates, via the TED Prize.
If you think Bill Gates is a friend to the hippies, you are definitely smoking too much herb.
I used to go to the Taos ashram with a previous girlfriend, who liked to chant there.
I assume most of the people who go there are kind people, ignorant of any dark current running around them, but I felt that current almost immediately.
Although the gardens are lovely, people asked me strange questions and made me strange offers.
Some of the “hippies” made me suspicious.
Drugs are sold or distributed there, and the management does not seem to discourage it.
But one of the most obvious red flags for me was the food, served for free to the public.
Although the people at the ashram—both the leaders and the attendees—claim to be the most progressive people in Taos, oddly they have no concern for organic ingredients.
In the kitchen they have big cans of GMO corn oil and canola oil.
And although they have gardens on premises, they don't use the produce from those gardens when cooking.
They use the cheapest ingredients from the mainstream market.
This makes no sense, since they spend money on much less vital things.
If you ask anyone about this, they tell you they bless the food.
The blessing is supposed to turn poison into manna from heaven, I guess.
Some of the dopiest hippies may believe that, but to me it smacks of more disinformation.
I soon refused to eat there, not only because I didn't wish to be poisoned by GMOs, but also because I felt I couldn't trust these people.
Hippies that are fake enough not to know anything about organics are also fake enough to slip even worse things in your food or drink than GMOs.
Before I move on, I want to hit this matter of blessing the food with a bit more rigor.
It is not that I don't believe in the value of blessings.
I do.
But let us assume the worst:
someone in the ashram is poisoning the hippies on purpose.
Can we assume any blessing will counteract that?
Even if we assume some blessing by some powerful wizard could do that, I am not aware of anyone with those powers at this ashram.
The hippies will tell me everyone has that power, but if so, why is everyone not healthy?
If everyone is so full of white magic, why are so many people sick and miserable?
You see, if you believe in blessing, you must also believe in cursing.
They are the same thing, just opposites.
Well, what if the black wizard poisoning you is more powerful than the white wizard doing the blessing?
Even more to the point, what if the person in the ashram doing the blessing is really a black wizard, only pretending to bless your food?
Are you personally blessing your food, and are you personally a powerful white wizard who can counter any curse?
I doubt it.
In which case you are simply trusting to the fates.
In short, you are nothing but a gull.
You are someone who can't be bothered to think anything through, so you just believe whatever is easiest to believe.
That isn't progressive; it is just stupid.
No matter where you are living, you have been infiltrated.
There is no place left to hide.
The spooks are everywhere, and no, they have nothing better to do than fuck with you.
That is their job.
But the answer isn't to:
become paranoid
buy guns
dig trenches
and booby-trap the yards.
The answer is to fight back in more logical ways.
Just as they are organized, you should organize.
First organize your thoughts.
Learn how things really are.
You can't fight a battle when you don't know where the lines are or who the enemy is.
After that, collectivize.
Think of it like a hippie union.
The government has successfully infiltrated and destabilized the labor unions, but people can unionize along any lines they like, without paying dues.
All they have to do is come together and act together.
Gandhi showed that in India, when they threw off the British.
Think of the spooks like the British.
Yes, there are huge numbers of them, and they have money and technology; but our numbers are far greater.
Remember, it isn't just the rich versus the poor anymore.
It is now the super-rich versus everyone else.
Almost everyone who isn't a billionaire is getting reamed right now, so your allies are everyone making less than $500,000 a year.
That is a lot of allies.
As a hippie, you can now ally with:
rural and urban folks
all colors
both sexes
all parts of the country.
If you talk about the right things, you can find allies everywhere.
You even have allies in the government.
You have allies in the military and even in Intelligence.
Those people aren't billionaires, you know.
They are also getting reamed and used and abused.
Many of them don't like the way things are.
They don't like working for corrupt paymasters, against their own neighbors and usually against their own better judgment.
Very little loyalty is involved, and when push comes to shove, many of those people will turn.
The best thing that could happen is if America stood up and said no more.
The hippies used to be at the forefront of that movement and could be again.
That is what it is to be a real progressive. * You may be interested to know that even Khashoggi was not immune to piracy among the billionaires.
Since he was not from the Saudi royal family, his 40 billion was seen as fair game.
His father had been the doctor for the King but was not royal himself.
After 2001, he lost a large portion of his wealth due to tricks from the royal billionaires of various countries, who owned the stock exchanges.
As one example, his US money was frozen after the 911 event, preventing him from making an important margin call.
They have been sucking away at his wealth ever since.
** For other fake conservation societies, I send you to the World Wildlife Fund (which Maurice Strong is also connected to) and the Sierra Club.