Multimedia: Nikola Tesla

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"My Inventions" - a short movie about Nikola Tesla.

Hugh Jackman about Nikola Tesla

The Secrets Hidden in The Pyramids of Egypt - Were the Pyramids Actually Tesla Towers?

TESLA KNEW The Secret of the Great Pyramid: Unlimited Energy to Power the World

Electromagnetic Harvester - Device Charging Batteries with Radio and WIFI Waves

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by Dennis Siegel on January 10, 2013

Student Invents Device that Charges Batteries with Radio and WIFI Waves

We are surrounded by electromagnetic fields which we are producing for information transfer or as a byproduct.
Many of those fields are very capacitive and carry more energy than required.

The redundant energy can be harvested with coils and high frequency diodes

Accordingly, to this I built special harvesting devices that are able to tap into several electromagnetic fields to exploit them.
The energy is getting stored in an usual battery.
So you can for example gain energy from the power supply of a coffee machine, a cell phone or the catenary of a train by holding the harvester directly into the electromagnetic field whose strength is indicated by a LED on the top of the harvester.
Depending on the strength of the field it is possible to charge a small battery within one day.

The system is meant to be an option for granting access to already existing but unheeded energy sources.
By exploring these sources it can create a new awareness of the invisible electromagnetic spaces.

German university student, Dennis Siegel, invented a device that captures electromagnetic fields like WIFI and radio waves and converts them to stored energy in batteries.

His electromagnetic harvester won second place at this year's Digitale Medien (Digital Media) technology competition at the University of the Arts Bremen, Hochschulpreis when he successfully demonstrated charging one AA battery over the span of a day.

Siegel explains the device on his blog:

The omnipresence of electromagnetic fields is implied just by simple current flow.
We are surrounded by electromagnetic fields which we are producing for information transfer or as a byproduct. 

Many of those fields are very capacitive and can be harvested with coils and high frequency diodes.
Accordingly, I built special harvesting devices that are able to tap into several electromagnetic fields to exploit them. The energy is stored in an usual battery.
So you can for example gain redundant energy from the power supply of a coffee machine, a cell phone or an overhead wire by holding the harvester directly into the electromagnetic field whose strength is indicated by a LED on the top of the harvester.

Depending on the strength of the electromagnetic field it is possible to charge a small battery within one day. 

The system is meant to be an option for granting access to already existing but unheeded energy sources.
By exploring these sources it can create a new awareness of the invisible electromagnetic spaces while giving them a spatial dimension.

There are two types of harvester for different electromagnetic fields:

  • a smaller harvester that is suitable for lower frequencies below 100Hz which you can find in the general mains (50/60Hz, 16,7Hz)
  • a bigger one that is suitable for lower and higher frequencies like radio broadcast (~100MHz), GSM (900/1800MHz) up to Bluetooth and WLAN (2,4GHz)

Building upon a concept originally hatched by the famous Serbian inventor and engineer Nikola Tesla, a German university student has come up with a novel way to harvest stray radio waves and wifi signals and turn them into usable energy.
Dennis Siegel's prototypical device is already capable of charging a small battery in as little as one day and has the potential to power a whole lot more, a whole lot faster, with the right modifications.

The second-place winner in a technology competition at the University of the Arts Bremen, Hochschulpreis in Germany, Siegel's device takes advantage of the various stray electromagnetic fields that constantly surround us.
Radio waves, mobile phone signals, wireless router frequencies, and even stray energy emitted from overhead power lines can all be harvested by the device and reused as battery power in the many electrical devices we all rely on today.

"We are surrounded by electromagnetic fields which we are producing for information transfer or as a byproduct," explains Siegel on his blog about the device.

"Many of those fields are very capacitive and can be harvested with coils and high frequency diodes. Accordingly, I built special harvesting devices that are able to tap into several electromagnetic fields to exploit them."

Siegel's device is small, about the size of mobile phone, and is equipped with a simple light-emitting diode (LED) indicator that detects the presence of usable energy waves.
And there are currently two types of harvester available, one that picks up lower frequencies below 100 Hz, which can be obtained from general mains, and another that pick frequencies both lower and higher frequencies, including those originating from:

  • radio broadcasts
  • mobile phones
  • Bluetooth devices
  • WLAN

"Depending on the strength of the electromagnetic field it is possible to charge a small battery within one day," adds Siegel.

"The system is meant to be an option for granting access to already existing but unheeded energy sources. 

By exploring these sources, it can create a new awareness of the invisible electromagnetic spaces while giving them a spatial dimension."

As some readers will recall, Nikola Tesla's work with high-tension induction coils and wireless.

 energy transmission via electrostatic induction
back in the late 1800s basically laid the initial groundwork for Siegel's recent discovery.
It has been known by some for more than a century, in other words, that energy can be transmitted wirelessly, or in this case captured and utilized without wires.

Holes In Heaven - HAARP and Advances in Telsa Technology

by paranormaltvchannel on January 01, 1998, from YouTube Website

Man Solves Tesla's Secret to Amplifying Power by Nearly 5000%

Man Solves Tesla’s Secret to Amplifying Power by Nearly 5000%

Nikola Tesla - The Forgotten Wizard

The life story and work of Nikola Tesla.
He invented:

  • AC electricity
  • Neon Lights
  • Radio transmission
  • The Electric motor
  • Wireless electricity transfer
  • Remote control
  • Hydraulics
  • Lasers
  • Space weapons
  • Robotics

and many, many more things.

As Tesla claimed to have invented a way to harness free energy from the voltage difference in the ionosphere that causes lightning, he was seen as a threat to the world energy economy and most of his inventions were classified for national security by the US government.

A lot of his discoveries in physics have not been released to the public, despite being invented nearly 100 years ago.

Other technologies not yet released to the public include HAARP Electromagnetic technology and high energy directed particle beams used in space weapons.

Nikola Tesla - The Forgotten Wizard (Father of Scalar Energy!)

Nikola Tesla The Forgotten Wizard (LONGER)

HAARP Project – Library of Rickandria

NIKOLA TESLA - Free Energy, the Race to Zero Point

NIKOLA TESLA - Free Energy, the Race to Zero Point

Tesla - The Master of Lighting

This documentary does a wonderful job of conveying the genius that was Nikola Tesla.
Watch this documentary and then look around your house. You’ll be amazed in the ways in which Tesla impacts our everyday lives. 

His death ray is also examined, and a good discussion of particle beam weaponry follows.
Reagan’s Star Wars program is also discussed, along with HAARP, the super-secret microwave array in a remote part of Alaska.

Tesla was truly a man who knew the secrets of electricity. His thoughts on capturing free energy and transmitting it around the world was truly a humanitarian concept and the video explains how he was stopped by the greedy capitalists and how he died as a penniless man.

Like many geniuses, Tesla was not a conventional man. He gave his life to realize his visions, while others made millions with his inventions.
Tragically, he died nearly forgotten.

Tesla: Master of Lightning

The Genius Who Lit the World - Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla: The Genius Who Lit the World

The Missing Secrets of Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla (10 July 1856 - 7 January 1943) was an inventor and a mechanical and electrical engineer.
Tesla was born in the village of Smiljan near the town of Gospic, in Croatia (then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire).

He was an ethnic Serb subject of the Austrian Empire and later became an American citizen.

Tesla is often described as the most important scientist and inventor of the modern age, a man who "shed light over the face of Earth".
He is best known for many revolutionary contributions in the field of electricity and magnetism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. 

Tesla's patents and theoretical work formed the basis of modern alternating current electric power (AC) systems, including the polyphase power distribution systems and the AC motor, with which he helped usher in the Second Industrial Revolution.
Contemporary biographers of Tesla have regarded him as "The Father of Physics", "The man who invented the twentieth century" and "the patron saint of modern electricity."

After his demonstration of wireless communication (radio) in 1894 and after being the victor in the "War of Currents", he was widely respected as one of the greatest electrical engineers who worked in America.
Much of his early work pioneered modern electrical engineering and many of his discoveries were of groundbreaking importance.
During this period, in the United States, Tesla's fame rivaled that of any other inventor or scientist in history or popular culture, but due to his eccentric personality and his seemingly unbelievable and sometimes bizarre claims about possible scientific and technological developments, Tesla was ultimately ostracized and regarded as a mad scientist.
Never having put much focus on his finances, Tesla died impoverished at the age of 86.

The SI unit measuring magnetic flux density or magnetic induction (commonly known as the magnetic field B), the Tesla, was named in his honor (at the Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, Paris, 1960), as well as the Tesla effect of wireless energy transfer to wirelessly power electronic devices which Tesla demonstrated on a low scale (light-bulbs) as early as 1893 and aspired to use for the intercontinental transmission of industrial energy levels in his unfinished Wardenclyffe Tower project.

Missing Utopia - The End of Wardenclyffe! (

Aside from his work on electromagnetism and electromechanical engineering, Tesla has contributed in varying degrees to the establishment of robotics, remote control, radar and computer science, and to the expansion of ballistics, nuclear physics, and theoretical physics. 

In 1943, the Supreme Court of the United States credited him as being the inventor of the radio.
Many of his achievements have been used, with some controversy, to support various pseudosciences, UFO theories, and early New Age occultism.

The Missing Secrets of Nikola Tesla

The Secret Life of Nikola Tesla

The Secret of Nikola Tesla (1980)

They Tried to Make the World Forget His Name - Nikola Tesla the Greatest Inventor of All Time

Nikola Tesla - They tried to make the world forget his name

Tom Bearden Talks Nikola Tesla

A magnificent exposition of Tesla's transmission of hidden energy without loss, its peaceful uses, its weaponization potential, and implications for today.
Recorded in the 1990s, the information in this video is still fresh and relevant, valuable to both the serious researcher and the Tesla afficionado, and represents Tom Bearden's current thinking on these topics.

In this 1990s recording, Tom eloquently offers his insights about the true nature of the work of the fabled and eccentric inventor Nikola Tesla, best known for his patents and theoretical work that form the basis of modern alternating current electric power (AC) systems, which helped usher in the Second Industrial Revolution.
Tom explains how Tesla's phenomenal discoveries - made before the first successful radio transmissions of Marconi and others - still shed light on physics topics of current interest.

What did Tesla learn during his 1899 high-voltage high-frequency experiments with his so-called "magnifying transmitter" at Colorado Springs high in the Rocky Mountains?

Colorado Springs Notes 1899-1900 (

Why did he rush back to Long Island to build what conventional historians considered a boondoggle, Wardenclyffe, for which he received then-princely funding of USD $150,000 from legendary investor J. Pierpont Morgan?

Missing Utopia - The End of Wardenclyffe! (

Was Wardenclyffe really a prototype wireless power transmission facility, a communication system, or was it something more?

What secret project did Tesla intend to pursue concurrently, using the same equipment?
Tom thinks he knows the answers to these and other Tesla mysteries.

This recording also contains a bombshell where Tom speculates about the likely cause of the famous 1908 Tunguska Event in Siberia in which an explosion from an unknown source leveled an estimated 60 million trees over 2,150 square kilometers, felling them radially outward from the blast center.

The Tunguska Explosion – Library of Rickandria

The answers to these and other questions can be found in this must-see recording!

The TRUE story of Nikola Tesla - told by Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden - Free Energy device explained!!