American Economic War

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America Will Lose the Trade War because that is what Globalists Want to Happen (

China has Been Preparing for a Trade War for Over a Decade
America's Largest Creditor - Will China end U.S. Trade War with a "Debt Reset" by Dumping U.S. Treasury Holdings? (

De-Dollarizing the American Financial Empire (

De-Dollarization - Europe Joins the Party (

Former White House Official Says U.S. Already at War with Russia and China (

Global Trade War U.S./E.U. Against BRICS (

Goodbye G20 - Hello BRICS+ (

How to Destroy Russia - The Rand Corporation (

Imagine what Would Happen if China Decided to Impose Economic Sanctions on the USA? (

It's Official! - Russia Central Bank announces Ruble bound to Gold! (

Overextending and Unbalancing Russia - Assessing the Impact of Cost-Imposing Options - The Rand Corporation

rand-corp-russia.pdf 1.13 MB View full-size Download

Putin Orders End to U.S. Dollar Trade at Russian Seaports (

Putin Targets U.S. Monetary System - "Aims to Eliminate the U.S. Dollar and the Euro from Trade" (

Russia and China Declare All-Out War on U.S. Petrodollar - Prepare for Exclusive Trade in Gold (

Russia Responds to New U.S. Sanctions by Dumping the Dollar (

"Sanctions" - Economic Aggression-Revisited (

Saudi Arabia Declares Oil War on U.S. Fracking - Hits Railroads, Tank-Car Makers, Canada, Russia and Sinks Venezuela (

The US' fury over the China-Europe Investment Deal shows how Rattled and Isolated they Are - It's clear Who's been 2020's Big Winner (

U.S.-China Relations in the Years Ahead - The 'Trade War' is a Sideshow (

Venezuela Ditches the U.S. dollar and Prices its Oil in Chinese Yuan (

Venezuela Ditches U.S. Dollar - Will use Euros for International Trade (

Venezuela is About to Ditch the Dollar in Major Blow to U.S. - Here's Why it Matters (

Library of Rickandria – Mankind's greatest fears manifest due to their lack of knowledge…