even most fearfully of all, a new mass religious cult threat.
And that’s no small single well-defined threat.
The question is, which aliens are the threat?
And which humans are the threat?
This is what everybody is holding their breath about, besides:
solar flares
cometary impacts
direct overt malevolent alien invasion
- the normal ‘yawning’ distractions.
Forget about peace on Earth if you let the real cat, or serpent, or bird out the bag, assuming there is a cat or snake or bird in the damned bag.
But we have to assume the worst until evidence proves otherwise.
Even a semi-coherent sounding Ed Dames of Technical Remote Viewing sounds like a nutcase ex-army psycho in this atmosphere but think what he would sound like if just one of his big predictions were to undeniably happen.
All his Art Bell appearances would launch him into the credibility stratosphere - he could suddenly become an oracle to millions, once that claim to credibility fame was seized.
But that influence power has been elusive for Ed, not because his threats assessments are mis-time-lined or it’s easy for him to get it wrong since things are changing so fast.
Credibility has been elusive because of the pure hocus unbelievability of some of his outrageous predictions and statements.
Not because they ARE hocus, mind you, some of them are quite accurate, but because anyone who predicts anything radical is easily stereotyped as being a hocus pocusP.T. Barnam protégé.
Barnum in 1851
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View full-sizeDownload Phineas Taylor Barnum (/ˈbɑːrnəm/; July 5, 1810 – April 7, 1891) was an American showman, businessman and politician remembered for promoting celebrated hoaxes and founding the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus with James Anthony Bailey.
PT can only sigh in his grave he isn’t alive today to cash in big.
Either case, even Ed Dames is still right, and we do have a rough and tumble solar flare event about to sear us sometime this Solar Max, who wants to know?
The desire to not know bad news you can’t do anything about is stronger than largely admitted.
“Ed Dames Prophet” fits into the same domain of lacking any mainstream scientific authority.
This is so, even if Clinton took Ed’s hint and caved to give North Korea this year a big break to stop them from open-air testing a crude A-bomb and horrifying the world, believe it or not.
Other than get into a paranoid hole-digging Ed Dames Prophet (some like Ed Nostra-Dames), modus operandi, what is a self-respecting normal civilian person to do?
When we are getting implanted microchip IDs just before evacuation in case the alien solar engineers fail to prevent an Earth-searing CME, then we should take it seriously.
But not until.
If there is no evacuation and most fry, then, as Ed says, it is a core wipe and reboot.
A very Biblical Revelations oriented Christian interpretation.
Take note of this for later.
We may have to card some folks coming to the party.
Why is this religious cult threat so huge?
We are a hungry high-tech civilization and culture yearning for Gods capable beyond our technology.
We especially yearn since our pre-high-tech era religions are not equipped to really assuage the high-tech mind.
And this rift between science and faith is a determining factor in the ET presence problem.
There is a current 1st World that has largely adopted a new God of science and mind.
This world has adopted God(s) of mind and matter (science) over Goddess(es) of heart and spirit (feeling and faith).
The feminine societies who’ve had the backseat more recently, are starting to re-emerge, some of them with ET help.
The masculine controlling orders continue to play the plausible deniability game with success.
But things could change in that regard.
Even if the coming revelation is yet just another very special ruse in a continuing line of higher intensity, but still deniable exposures and acclimations.
Like past ruses of revolting, maddening, and metered release activity on the part of different influence factions, from Alien autopsies to new MAJIC documents of yesteryear.
And not a few money-grubbing con men.
And aren’t all Ufology people con men and all contactees the untreated mentally ill?
That is not an unconsidered viewpoint on the part of a most science cultists.
Oops, the secret is out, that science is a cult?
Any system of cognition that denies the presence of other systems of cognition to its adherents is a cult.
and cynicism are cults as much as:
and hope.
Science is the cult of external physical instrumentality and religion is the cult of internal metaphysical instrumentality.
The bottom line is what is mainstream is not a cult and what is fringe is a cult, and that is the conditioned institutional and public mainstream authority sentiment.
Dr. John Mack has unwittingly become one of those front lines of deniability cracks, since he can’t be squashed so readily as the rest of the mentally ill.
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View full-sizeDownload John Edward Mack (Spook) (October 4, 1929 – September 27, 2004) was an American psychiatrist, writer, and professor of psychiatry. He served as the head of the department of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School from 1977 to 2004. In 1977, Mack won the Pulitzer Prize (Spook Award) for his book A Prince of Our Disorder on T.E. Lawrence (Spook).
But Dr. Mack himself has certainly been judged an individual who has been taken in by his mass hysteria cult subjects and has become an unwitting endorser of the first glimpses of a new religion.
An eminent researcher, some feel he knows not what danger he places the population in by his advocacy and bringing credibility to the idea of ET abductions of humans being real.
Oh, he says his patients believe it’s real, and he vouches they are not psychotic.
You see?
Science is controlling truth and power more than religion controls consensus in these matters in the most modern 1st world.
The seduction of:
and science has led to confidence in scientific truth so much that it controls the consensus security thermostat now more than age old but modern religions of the last couple millennia.
The organization of the Church existed to bring the populace the cult of the One God, control:
of course, but also to stop demons in the medieval past.
The demonic threat that existed in myth and religious history, exists today as reptilian ET’s and good-looking Aryan race ET’s.
The same players, new names, new frameworks of interpretation.
The Church in its founding role, started the recent millennia’s alien resistance movement, allying themselves to the right and good loving aliens.
God is love, right?
Many of western civilization’s law formed as a means to stop a possible, very feared ET demonic invasion.
Ally with the One God and Savior or perish in hell.
Same demons, different times?
ET has been around for a while, just hidden behind the veils of mass consciousness for the most part, but if ET has been involved as much as some fear is confirmed, then true revelation in scientific tangible form would dramatically change our civilization.
It could probably corner enough people’s psyches to cause massive mental illness, immense collapse of confidence, without preparation to really weather revelation of ET presence on Earth.
That’s been a baseline assumption in the program for a long time.
The program to deny the existence of ET generates a growing conflict in the human subconscious between the reality of ET’s and the unreality of ET’s.
The side-effect in the mass social psychology domain creates a mass psychology dissonance problem.
This can be manipulated and used as a springboard for wild card UFO religion cults - the standard image.
It is the possibility that individuals could in the event of a faked or genuine ET mass event, rise to gain huge influence on the populace, in regard to newly established religious beliefs incorporating the existence of ET presence.
The wrong individuals could lead many people into Jim Jones (Spook), Solar Temple like mass suicides.
Jones in 1977
2.82 MB
View full-sizeDownload James Warren Jones (May 13, 1931 – November 18, 1978) was an American cult leader and mass murderer who led the Peoples Temple between 1955 and 1978. In what Jones termed "revolutionary suicide", Jones and the members of his inner circle planned and orchestrated a mass murder-suicide in his remote jungle commune at Jonestown, Guyana, on November 18, 1978. Jones and the events that occurred at Jonestown have had a defining influence on society's perception of cults.
This is at the top of the security concerns of those who watch cults, not knowingly, but unwittingly having any connection with ET.
These newly established belief systems could generate enough verificational and organizational momentum to breach the consensus hull in several ways.
Plants for this scenario are in place a good intelligence planner would assume.
The plant would not be so knowingly, but unwittingly as parties of influence by virtue of certain associations they keep.
Things are monitored and loosely ‘managed’.
Without providing a blueprint for would-be UFO-cult leaders of psych-ops counter-intelpro, let us just say, there are casual operations through the trickle-down influence systems.
Operations that seed and penetrate and gently ally with a variety of new age and other religious cult elements that have any connection to ET either physical or telepathic ET chumminess.
The more popular and accurate the UFO channeling cult, the more parallel decoys, compromise set-ups, and other credibility management chores such as associative confusion and dilutive counter-ops are applied.
The internet is a new battleground of mass-social PSYOPS today.
But the:
mainstream politics
and military, will all likely hold well against the onslaught of inevitable disclosures that reveal merely the full depth of the ‘mass delusion’, and ‘nutcases’ on the internet.
The real battleground remains the control of science, not technology, because once penetrated beyond the pale, the jigs up.
Hence our academic astrophysical scientific community and NASA community high observational power resources are very carefully controlled through lead scientific/ political/ security paths, and very effective cover of intellectual proprietary advance data analysis rights agreements to pseudo-private mainstream ‘crony’ organizations.
Of course, the military asset data stream acquisitions are secure.
By our arrogance of our own acceptance, and ignorance of how others live, we may well condemn masses of mentally unprepared humanity to experience serious psychological anarchy.