I have received several personal e-mails from former atheists and other skeptics who believed Satanism and the occult were nothing but fantasy, products of an overactive imagination, and/or unrealistic foolishness.
All of these people wrote to me because they realized to their surprise, Satan is *very* real.
I have also read public articles from varied sources where secular individuals attempted to experiment with the rituals on this website just for kicks.
They got blatant experiences all right, the wrong ones.
This material was hideously corrupted, with all of the spiritual knowledge being removed from it and twisted to conform to their agenda to spiritually enslave the world; keeping spiritual knowledge and power in the hands of a few.
Satanism is very different.
Satanism is in fact, humanity's ORIGINAL RELIGION.
Satanism is based upon the ancient religions that predated Judaism and Christianity from hundreds to thousands of years.
Satanism also differs from other modern-day religions in that Satanism is based upon science.
Everything of the occult can be explained scientifically.
Unfortunately, Judeo/Christianity has held humanity back dangerously in the areas of:
Kirlian photography is a specialized form of photography, along the same lines as x-ray imaging.
Though skeptics try to contradict the validity of Kirlian photography, there are photos of auras of individuals before and after performing a hatha yoga session [which amplifies the powers of the soul] and there is a noted difference, as the aura is much stronger after the session, and this is also keenly felt by practitioners; the "energy buzz" after the session engulfing the entire body.
Remember, treat the knowledge you are given here with serious respect, and you will be fine.
In addition to the e-mails I have gotten from former skeptics, my purpose for writing this article is because a group of professional people, who were skeptics, attempted to summon a Demon as a joke, and were brought to my attention after the fact.
They found out the hard way that Satanic rituals are not something to take lightly or to toy around with.
In finishing, Satanists respect free thought and staunchly support the separation of church and state.
We do not proselytize, nor do we push our religion on anyone.
I am merely stating some important facts for people who have chosen to visit this website.
Books to read concerning government awareness and involvement with the "paranormal":
"Although the Americans had won the race for outer space, they feared the Russians might win the race for inner space, the mind of man.
From CIA agents stationed behind the Iron Curtain came reports that the Russians were able to influence telepathically the behavior of people, alter their emotions or health, and even kill at long distance by using only psychic powers."
"But one thing is deadly certain: We had gotten our parapsychology probe out just in time, just before the Iron Curtain slammed down, tight..."
Additional Links and Information:
Here are CIA documents talking about literally controlling the physical world with your own mind, it even has meditation techniques in it:
Although, you should read the work of Miles Mathis, a mysterious Internet conspiracy sleuth whose mind works in the zone of Sherlock Holmes, when it comes to breaking down the events that have occurred throughout history:
Events that he has shown as false flags & hoaxes, orchestrated by various related bloodlines that ultimately connect to the Jews (in the shadows), hiding behind the very same families doing their bidding - working their agenda.
Although, like anything in this life, there are those that have suspicion (Allan C. Weisbecker) when it comes to Miles Mathis, believing that it is a team of writers & another Intelligence unit, the very thing that Mathis writes about: