Gladio Timelines: A Chronology of NATO's Private Army

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October 2008 from AnomaliesNetwork Website recovered through WayBackMachine Website


Secret Warfare - Operation Gladio and NATO's Stay-Behind Armies




In England Prime Minister Winston Churchill creates the secret stay-behind army Special Operations Executive (SOE) to set Europe ablaze by assisting resistance movements and carrying out subversive operations in enemy held territory.

Roaring Lion, 1941 968 KB View full-size Download

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill[a] KG OM CH TD DL FRS RA (30 November 1874 – 24 January 1965) was a British statesman, military officer, and writer who was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945 (during the Second World War) and again from 1951 to 1955. Apart from 1922 to 1924, he was a member of Parliament (MP) from 1900 to 1964 and represented a total of five constituencies. Ideologically an adherent to economic liberalism and imperialism, he was for most of his career a member of the Conservative Party, which he led from 1940 to 1955. He was a member of the Liberal Party from 1904 to 1924.

After the end of World War Two the stay-behind armies are created on the experiences and strategies of SOE with the involvement of former SOE officers.


London and Washington agree on the importance of keeping Western Europe free from Communism.

Exposing Communism – Library of Rickandria

In Greece a large Communist demonstration taking place in Athens against British interference in the post war government is dissolved by gunfire of secret soldiers leaving 25 protesters dead and 148 wounded.

1944 Greek naval mutiny - Wikipedia


In Finland Communist Interior Minister Leino exposes a secret stay-behind which is being closed down.

Leino in the late 1940s. 1.32 MB View full-size Download

Yrjö Kaarlo Leino (28 January 1897 – 28 June 1961) was a Finnish communist politician. Imprisoned twice for his communist activities, and spending much of the Second World War as an underground communist activist, he served as a minister in three cabinets between 1944 and 1948.


In the United States President Harry Truman creates the National Security Council (NSC) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Official portrait, c. 1947 2.33 MB View full-size Download

Harry S. Truman (May 8, 1884 – December 26, 1972) was the 33rd president of the United States, serving from 1945 to 1953. A member of the Democratic Party, he previously served as a United States senator from Missouri from 1935 to 1945 and briefly as the 34th vice president in 1945 under Franklin D. Roosevelt. Assuming the presidency after Roosevelt's death, Truman implemented the Marshall Plan in the wake of World War II to rebuild the economy of Western Europe and established both the Truman Doctrine and NATO to contain the expansion of Soviet communism. He proposed numerous liberal domestic reforms, but few were enacted by the conservative coalition that dominated the Congress.

The covert action branch of the CIA, the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) under Frank Wisner sets up stay-behind armies in Western Europe.

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Frank Gardiner Wisner (June 23, 1909 – October 29, 1965) was one of the founding officers of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and played a major role in CIA operations throughout the 1950s.

CIA: Central Intelligence Agency – Library of Rickandria


In France Interior Minister Edouard Depreux reveals the existence of a secret stay-behind army in France codenamed "Plan Bleu“.

Depreux in 1946 311 KB View full-size Download

Édouard Gustave Depreux (31 October 1898 – 16 October 1981) was a French socialist journalist, essayist, and politician of the French Fourth Republic; he was born in Viesly (département of Nord) and died in Paris.


In Austria a secret stay-behind is exposed which had been set up by right-wing extremists Soucek and Rössner.

Chancellor Körner pardons the accused under mysterious circumstances.


In France the "Western Union Clandestine Committee" (WUCC) is being created to coordinate secret unorthodox warfare.

Western Union Clandestine Committee | The National Archives

After the creation of NATO, a year later the WUCC is being integrated into the military alliance under the name “Clandestine Planning Committee” (CPC).

Operation Gladio - Wikipedia


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is founded, and the European headquarters is established in France.

The Battle of France – Library of Rickandria


In Sweden CIA agent William Colby based at the CIA station in Stockholm supports the training of stay-behind armies in neutral Sweden and Finland and in the NATO members Norway and Denmark.

Colby in 1975 1.49 MB View full-size Download

William Egan Colby (January 4, 1920 – May 6, 1996) was an American intelligence officer who served as Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) from September 1973 to January 1976.


In Germany former SS officer Hans Otto reveals to the criminal police in the city of Frankfurt in Hessen the existence of the fascist German stay-behind army BDJ-TD.

The arrested right-wing extremist are found not guilty under mysterious circumstances.


In Sweden the police arrest right winger Otto Hallberg and discovers the Swedish stay-behind army.

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Otto Vilhelm Sigurd Schuwert Hallberg (22 July 1908 – 2 September 1968) was a Swedish journalist, Nazi activist and volunteer for Finland.

Hallberg is set free and charges against him are mysteriously dropped.


In Norway the director of the secret service NIS, Vilhelm Evang, protests strongly against the domestic subversion of his country through the United States and NATO and temporarily withdraws the Norwegian stay-behind army from the CPC meetings.


In France NATO founds the Allied Clandestine Committee (ACC) to coordinate secret warfare and the stay-behind armies.

When NATO establishes new European headquarters in Brussels the ACC under the code name SDRA 11 is hidden within the Belgian military secret service SGR who has its headquarters next to NATO.


In Turkey the military supported by secret armies stages a coup d’état and kill Prime Minister Adnan Menderes.

Menderes in 1939 305 KB View full-size Download

Adnan Menderes (Turkish: [adˈnan ˈmændeɾes]; 1899 – 17 September 1961) was a Turkish politician who served as Prime Minister of Turkey between 1950 and 1960. He was one of the founders of the Democrat Party (DP) in 1946, the fourth legal opposition party of Turkey. He was tried and hanged under the military junta after the 1960 coup d'état, along with two other cabinet members, Fatin Rüştü Zorlu and Hasan Polatkan. One of the accusations brought against him was of him ordering the Istanbul pogrom against citizens of Greek ethnicity. He was the last Turkish political leader to be executed after a military coup and is also one of the four political leaders of the Turkish Republic (along with Kemal Atatürk, Süleyman Demirel and Turgut Özal) to have had a mausoleum built in his honor.



In Algeria members of the French stay-behind and officers from the French War in Vietnam found the illegal Organisation Armee Secrete (OAS) and with CIA support stage a coup in Algiers against the French government of de Gaulle which fails.


In Italy the secret stay-behind army Gladio is involved in a silent coup d’état when General Giovanni de Lorenzo in Operation Solo forces the Italian Socialist Ministers to leave the government.

Giovanni de Lorenzo in 1968 65 KB View full-size Download

Giovanni de Lorenzo (November 29, 1907 – April 26, 1973) was an Italian general and politician.  He was head of SIFAR (1955-1962), general commander of the Carabinieri (15 October 1962 - 31 January 1966) and chief of staff of the Italian Army (1 February 1966 - 15 April 1967)


In Austria police forces discover a stay-behind arms cache in an old mine close to Windisch-Bleiberg and force the British authorities to hand over a list with the location of 33 other MI6 arms caches in Austria.


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Yves Guérin-Sérac (French pronunciation: [iv ɡeʁɛ̃ seʁak]), born Yves Guillou ([iv ɡiju]; also known as Jean-Robert de Guernadec or Ralf; 2 December 1926 – 9 March 2022) was a French anti-Communist Roman Catholic activist, former officer of the French army and veteran of the First Indochina War (1945–54), the Korean War (1950–53) and the Algerian War of Independence (1955–62). He was also a member of the elite troop of the 11ème Demi-Brigade Parachutiste de Choc, which worked with the SDECE (French intelligence agency), and a founding member of the Organisation armée secrète (OAS), a French terrorist group that fought against Algerian independence in 1961-62.

In Portugal the CIA sets up Aginter Press which under the direction of Captain Yves Guérin-Sérac runs a secret stay-behind army and trains its members in covert action techniques including hands on:

  • bomb terrorism
  • silent assassination
  • subversion techniques
  • clandestine communication
  • infiltration

and colonial warfare.


In France President Charles de Gaulle denounces the secret warfare of the Pentagon and expels the European headquarters of NATO.

Wartime portrait, 1942 1020 KB View full-size Download

Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle (22 November 1890 – 9 November 1970) was a French military officer and statesman who led the Free French Forces against Nazi Germany in World War II and chaired the Provisional Government of the French Republic from 1944 to 1946 to restore democracy in France. In 1958, amid the Algerian War, he came out of retirement when appointed Prime Minister by President René Coty. He rewrote the Constitution of France and founded the Fifth Republic after approval by referendum. He was elected President of France later that year, a position he held until his resignation in 1969.

As the military alliance moves to Brussels secret NATO protocols are revealed that allegedly protect right-wingers in anti-communist stay-behind armies.


In Greece the stay-behind army Hellenic Raiding Force takes over control over the Greek Defense Ministry and starts a military coup d’état installing a right wing dictatorship.


In Sweden a British MI6 agent closely involved with the stay-behind army betrays the secret network to the Soviet secret service KGB.


In Mocambique the Portuguese stay-behind army Aginter Press assassinates Eduardo Mondlane, President of the Mocambique liberation party and leader of the FRELIMO movement (Frente de Liberacao de Mocambique).

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Eduardo Chivambo Mondlane (20 June 1920 – 3 February 1969) was a Mozambican revolutionary and anthropologist, and founder of the Mozambican Liberation Front (FRELIMO). He served as the FRELIMO's first leader until his assassination in 1969 in Tanzania. An anthropologist by profession, Mondlane also worked as a history and sociology professor at Syracuse University before returning to Mozambique in 1963.


In Italy the Piazza Fontana massacre in Milano kills sixteen and injures and maimes 80 and is blame on the left.

Thirty years later during a trial of right-wing extremists General Giandelio Maletti, former head of Italian counterintelligence, claims that the massacre had been carried out by the Italian stay-behind army and right-wing terrorists on the orders of the US secret service Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in order to discredit the Italian Communists.

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Gianadelio Maletti (Milan, 30 September 1921 – Johannesburg, 9 June 2021) was an Italian general and secret agent, former head of Department D (counterintelligence) of the SID.


In Spain right wing terrorists including Stefano delle Chiaie of the Gladio stay-behind army are hired by Franco’s secret police.

Stefano Delle Chiaie in 1975. 104 KB View full-size Download

Stefano Delle Chiaie (13 September 1936, Caserta – 10 September 2019, Rome) was an Italian neo-fascist terrorist. He was the founder of Avanguardia Nazionale, a member of Ordine Nuovo, and founder of Lega nazionalpopolare. He went on to become a wanted man worldwide, suspected of involvement in Italy's strategy of tension, but was acquitted. He was a friend of Licio Gelli, grandmaster of P2 masonic lodge. He was suspected of involvement in South America's Operation Condor, but was acquitted. He was known by his nickname "il caccola" (Roman slang for "shorty") as he was just over five feet tall - although he stated that originally, the nickname came from his very young involvement, at age 14, in the Italian Social Movement (MSI), a neo-fascist political party established after the war.

They had fled Italy following an aborted coup during which right-wing extremist Valerio Borghese had ordered the secret army to occupy the Interior Ministry in Rome.

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Junio Valerio Scipione Ghezzo Marcantonio Maria Borghese (6 June 1906 – 26 August 1974), nicknamed The Black Prince, was an Italian Navy commander during the regime of Benito Mussolini's National Fascist Party and a prominent hardline neo-fascist politician in post-war Italy. In 1970, he took part in the planning of a neo-fascist coup, dubbed the Golpe Borghese, that was called off after the press discovered it; he subsequently fled to Spain and spent the last years of his life there.

Benito Mussolini – Library of Rickandria


In Turkey the military stages a coup d’état and takes over power.

The stay-behind army Counter-Guerrilla engages in domestic terror and kills hundreds.


In Italy a bomb explodes in a car near the village Peteano killing three Carabinieri.

The terror, first blamed on the left, is later traced back to right-wing terrorist Vincenzo Vinciguerra and the Italian stay-behind code named Gladio.


In Italy a massacre during an anti-fascist demonstration in Brescia kills eight and injures and maims 102, while a bomb in the Rome to Munich train “Italicus Express”, kills 12 and injures and maims 48.


In Denmark the secret stay-behind army Absalon tries in vain to prevent a group of leftist academics from becoming members of the directing body of the Danish Odense University whereupon the secret army is exposed.


In Italy General Vito Miceli, chief of the military secret service, is arrested on charges of subversive conspiracy against the state and reveals the NATO stay-behind secret army during trial.

Vito Miceli in 1976 71.9 KB View full-size Download

Vito Miceli (6 January 1916 – 1 December 1990) was an Italian general and politician.


In Germany in the secret service BND secretary Heidrun Hofer is arrested after having revealed the secrets of the German stay-behind army to her husband who was a spy of the Soviet secret service KGB.

Operation Scorpion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In Turkey the stay-behind army Counter-Guerrilla attacks a demonstration of 500'000 in Istanbul by opening fire at the speaker's platform leaving thirty-eight killed and hundreds injured.


In Spain the secret stay-behind army with support of Italian right-wing terrorists carries out the Atocha massacre in Madrid and in an attack on a lawyer's office closely linked to the Spanish Communist party kill five people.

1977 Atocha massacre - Wikipedia


In Norway the police discover a stay-behind arms ache and arrests Hans Otto Meyer who reveals the Norwegian secret army.

Hans Otto Meyer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In Italy former Prime Minister and leader of the Christian Democratic Party, Aldo Moro, is taken hostage in Rome by an armed secret unit and killed 55 days later because he wanted to include the Italian Communists in the government.

Moro in 1972 30.9 KB View full-size Download

Aldo Romeo Luigi Moro (Italian: [ˈaldo ˈmɔːro] ⓘ; 23 September 1916 – 9 May 1978) was an Italian statesman and prominent member of Christian Democracy (DC) and its centre-left wing. He served as prime minister of Italy in five terms from December 1963 to June 1968 and from November 1974 to July 1976.


In Italy a bomb explodes in the waiting room of the second class at the Bologna railway station, killing 85 and seriously injuring and maiming a further 200.

Bologna massacre - Wikipedia

Investigators trace the crime back to right-wing terrorists.


In Turkey the commander of the stay-behind army Counter-Guerrilla, General Kenan Evren, stages a military coup and seizes power.

Evren in 1988 208 KB View full-size Download

Ahmet Kenan Evren (Turkish: [ˈce.nan ˈev.ɾen]; 17 July 1917 – 9 May 2015) was a Turkish politician and military officer who served as the seventh President of Turkey from 1980 to 1989. He assumed the post by leading the 1980 military coup.  On 18 June 2014, a Turkish court sentenced him to life imprisonment and demotion of his military rank, (down to private from army general) for leading the military coup in 1980. He was found guilty of obstructing democracy by deposing the prime minister Süleyman Demirel and of abolishing the parliament, senate and the constitution. This sentence was under appeal at the time of his death.


In Germany a large stay-behind arsenal is being discovered near the German village of Uelzen in the Lüneburger Heide.

Right wing extremists are alleged to have used the arsenal in the previous year to carry out a massacre during the Munich October bear festival killing 13 and wounding 213.

Oktoberfest bombing - Wikipedia


In the Netherlands strollers in the forest discover a large arms cache near the Dutch village Velp and force the government to confirm that the arms were related to NATO planning for unorthodox warfare.


In Turkey the stay-behind army Counter-Guerrilla fights against the Curds and kills and tortures thousands in the following years.


In Italy right-wing terrorist Vincenzo Vinciguerra in court reveals Operation Gladio and the involvement of NATO’s stay-behind army in acts of terrorism in Italy designed to discredit the communists.

He is sentenced to life and imprisoned.


In Belgium a secret army attacks and shoots shoppers in supermarkets randomly in the Brabant County killing twenty-eight and leaving many wounded.

Brabant killers - Wikipedia

Investigations link the terror to a conspiracy among:

  • the Belgian stay-behind SDRA8
  • the Belgian Gendarmerie SDRA6
  • the Belgian right-wing group Westland New Post

and the Pentagon secret service Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).


In Italy judge Felice Casson discovers documents on Operation Gladio in the archives of the Italian military secret service in Rome and forces Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti to confirm the existence of a secret army within the state to parliament.

Official portrait, 1987 2.12 MB View full-size Download

Giulio Andreotti OMI SMOM OCSG OESSH (US: /ˌɑːndreɪˈɒti/ AHN-dray-OT-ee; Italian: [ˈdʒuːljo andreˈɔtti]; 14 January 1919 – 6 May 2013) was an Italian politician and statesman who served as the 41st prime minister of Italy in seven governments (1972–1973, 1976–1979, and 1989–1992), and was leader of the Christian Democracy party and its right-wing; he was the sixth-longest-serving prime minister since the Italian unification and the second-longest-serving post-war prime minister. Andreotti is widely considered the most powerful and prominent politician of the First Republic.

As Andreotti insists that Italy had not been the only country involved in the conspiracy the secret anti-communist stay-behind armies are discovered across Western Europe.


In Switzerland Colonel Herbert Alboth, a former commander of the Swiss secret stay-behind army P-26, in a confidential letter to the Defense Department declares that he is willing to reveal  

"the whole truth“

Projekt-26 - Wikipedia

Thereafter he is found in his house stabbed with his own military bayonet.

The detailed parliamentary report on the Swiss secret army is being presented to the public on November 17.


In Belgium the NATO linked stay-behind headquarters Allied Clandestine Committee (ACC) meets on October 23 and 24 under the presidency of Belgian General Van Calster, director of the Belgian military secret service SGR.


In Belgium on November 5 NATO categorically denies the allegations of Prime Minister Andreotti concerning NATO's involvement in Operation Gladio and secret unorthodox warfare in Western Europe.

The next day NATO explains that the denial of the previous day had been false while refusing to answer any further questions.


In Belgium the parliament of the European Union (EU) sharply condemns NATO and the United States in a resolution for having manipulated European politics with the stay-behind armies.


In Sweden the media reveals that a secret stay-behind army existed in neutral Finland with an exile base in Stockholm.

Rehn at The House of Culture in Stockholm in 2015 2.35 MB View full-size Download

Märta Elisabeth Rehn VR 1 (née Carlberg; born 6 April 1935) is a Finnish former politician and diplomat. She served as the Minister of Defence of Finland during 1990 to 1995 and as an Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations during 1998 to 1999.[8] She was also a member of the Finnish Parliament and parliamentary leader of the Swedish People's Party of Finland, and a member of the European Parliament.

Finnish Defense Minister Elisabeth Rehn calls the revelations "a fairy tale", adding cautiously,

"or at least an incredible story, of which I know nothing.”


In the United States the National Security Archive at the George Washington University in Washington files a Freedom of Information (FOIA) request concerning the secret stay-behind armies with the CIA in the interest of public information and scientific research.

The CIA rejects the request with the standard reply:

"The CIA can neither confirm nor deny the existence or non-existence of records responsive to your request."


In England the London based Imperial War Museum in the permanent exhibition "Secret Wars" reveals next to a big box full of explosives that the MI6 and SAS had set up stay-behind armies across Western Europe.


In Italy the Senate commission headed by Senator Giovanni Pellegrino researching Operation Gladio and the assassination of former Prime Minister Aldo Moro files a FOIA request with the CIA.

Pellegrino in the 1990s 99.5 KB View full-size Download

Giovanni Pellegrino (born 5 January 1939) is an Italian politician. Born in Lecce and a lawyer by profession, he was a Senator of the Republic from 1990 with the Italian Communist Party and the Democrats of the Left to 2001. He also presided from last 1994 to 1996 and from 27 September 1996 to 29 May 2001 over the Parliamentary Commission on Terrorism concerning the "Years of Lead", created by a 1988 law to investigate about terrorism in Italy till 2001.

The CIA rejects the request and replies:

"The CIA can neither confirm nor deny the existence or non-existence of records responsive to your request."


In Austria stay-behind arms caches set up by the CIA are discovered.

For the Austrian government Oliver Rathkolb of Vienna University files a FOIA request concerning the secret stay-behind armies with the CIA.

The CIA rejects the request and replies:

"The CIA can neither confirm nor deny the existence or non-existence of records responsive to your request."