Neonicotinoids, Pesticides and Insecticides

Last updated 
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|  -  A Common Pesticide Decreases Foraging Success and Survival in Honey Bees
|  -  Assessment of the Environmental Exposure of Honeybees to Particulate Matter Containing Neonicotinoid...
  |  -  Bee Colony Collapse 'Solved' - Exact Pesticide Identified |
  |  -  Bee-Harming Pesticides may Impact Human Nervous System
|  -  Bees and Environmental Risk Assessment for Clothianidin - Bayer CropScience
  |  -  Colony Collapse Disorder Is a Fraud - Pesticides Cause Bee Die-Offs
|  -  Combined Pesticide Exposure Severely Affects Individual- and Colony-Level Traits in Bees

|  -  Crop Pollination Exposes Honey Bees to Pesticides Which Alters Their Susceptibility to Gut Pathogen...
  |  -  EPA-Approved GMO Insecticide Responsible for Killing Off Bees, Contaminating Entire Food Chain - Study
  |  -  EPA Document Shows It Knowingly Allowed Pesticide That Kills Honey Bees - Wik-Bee Leaks
  |  -  EU Approves 'Historic' Ban on Bee Killing Pesticides
  |  -  EU Proposes Neonicotinoid Pesticide Ban |
  |  -  Evidence of Pesticide Harm to Bees is Now Swarming
|  -  Exposure to Clothianidin Seed-Treated Canola Has No Long-Term Impact on Honey Bees - A Botched...
  |  -  First Long-term Study confirms World's Most Popular Pesticide is Wiping Bees Off the Planet

  |  -  Governments Fail to Act on Pesticide Threat to Honeybee Pollinators
  |  -  Grave Threat of Pesticides to Bees' Billion-Pound Bonanza Is Now Clear
  |  -  Honeybees 'Entomb' Hives to Protect Against Pesticides - Say Scientists
|  -  Impacts of Neonicotinoid use on Long-term Population Changes in Wild Bees in England
  |  -  Insanity - U.S. Approves Bee Death Pesticide as EU Bans It
  |  -  More Damning Evidence Points to Pesticide as Cause of Mass Bee Deaths - Bayer-Produced Imidacloprid...
  |  -  More Evidence Emerges that Insecticides are Responsible for Collapse of Honey Bee Colonies
|  -  Multiple Routes of Pesticide Exposure for Honey Bees Living Near Agricultural Fields
 Sicurezza Globale del Cibo
|  -  Neonicotinoid Pesticide Reduces Bumble Bee Colony Growth and Queen Production
  |  -  Neonicotinoid Pesticides Continue to Cause The Decline of Bee Population in The U.S.
  |  -  Neonicotinoids - The Toxic Pesticide that's Killing Bees and threatening Global Food Security
|  -  Pesticide Exposure in Honey Bees Results in Increased Levels of The Gut Pathogen Nosema
  |  -  Ontario, Canada admits Pesticides are Killing Mass Amounts of Bees - Here's What they're Doing about It
  |  -  Overwhelming Evidence Shows Pesticides Are Destroying Bees
  |  -  Pesticide Industry Deployed Aggressive Lobby Effort to Quash Bee Protections
  |  -  Pesticide That Kills Honey Bees - Wik-Bee Leaks |
  |  -  Study Proves Bee Decline Linked to Top Insecticides |
|  -  Sub-lethal Exposure to Neonicotinoids Impaired Honey Bees Winterization before Proceeding to Colony...
  |  -  The Buzz About Pesticides |
  |  -  Three New Studies Link Bee Decline to Bayer Pesticide
  |  -  Two Studies Point to Common Pesticide as a Culprit in Declining Bee Colonies
  |  -  U.S. Approves New Pesticides Linked to Mass Bee Deaths as EU Enacts Ban
  |  -  USDA Ignores Pesticide Ravaging Bee Population and Threatening Global Environment
|  -  U.S. Government Sued Over Use of Pesticides Linked to Bee Harm
