Blue Blood, True Blood, Conflict & Creation - Chapter 10: The Anunnaki & the Black Race

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by Stewart A. Swerdlow

The creators of the black race, the reptilian beings of Marduk known as the Anunnaki whose planetoid travels in an elliptical orbit of this solar system every few thousand years, are due to arrive in 2003.
It is now 2004 and reasonable to surmise that massive arrival/invasion is immanent.

We recommend isolation in community, hi ground, shelter from hi wind, good water, seeds, and being transparent to government.

Good shaman lucid dreaming skill to set up boundary.
The Anunnaki like to develop slave races for specific purposes, creating them out of lower animal forms.

In the case of their Earth creations, they used simians to create a slave race to work the mines in what is now known as Africa.

This race was genetically designed to work and live in hot, humid conditions with a limited life span.

Diseases were programmed into them to prevent development of culture and cause them to become dependent on their creators for existence.

This is why in the genetic memory of all other races; the blacks are slaves.

The American and European Illuminati decided to use the AIDS virus as a weapon to remove the black race from Earth.

These Illuminati concluded that if the Blacks were no longer here, the Anunnaki would find the condition of their slaves unacceptable, and not interfere with Illuminati plans.

The green monkeys of east Africa were subsequently infected with the AIDS virus, along with the blood supply of Haiti.

In Africa, AIDS is a heterosexual disease.
The World Health Organization, WHO, was also used to directly inject the AIDS virus into the population under the guise of immunization.

"The 1971 flowchart makes it perfectly clear, the design, intent and purpose of the U.S. Special Virus program.

As Dr. Peter Piot, Executive Director of UNAIDS says, the HIV/AIDS virus is the result of many steps in the laboratory, it was no accident.

The 1971 flowchart provides absolute evidence of the United States’ intent to kill its own citizens and others."
Dr Boyd Graves
However, a monkey wrench turned up in the plans.

A gay French-Canadian flight attendant had sex with a bisexual partner in Africa.

The infected flight attendant angrily spread the disease wherever he went.

New York City and San Francisco were two of his primary destinations.

He alone is determined to have been the main carrier outside of the intended target.

The Illuminati does not think of everything. (5)

By 2003 when Marduk returns, most of Black Africa will be infected.

Those who are not infected will be killed via Ebola, war, or famine.

Most Caribbean and North American blacks have a high percentage of European genetics that are not considered desirable for slave purposes.

In 1999, newspapers reported that US astronomers said that a huge planet had been detected beyond Pluto with an elliptical orbit opposite to all the other planets in this solar system.

They said it was on a trajectory that would take it to near the Earth in 2003!
Not another word was printed about it after that.

Quotes from:

Planet X, Comets & What NASA is Hiding

(exploring the parallel to the interventionist comet theory)

An Interview with James McCanney, by Rick Martin:

 "... the other factor... In 1991 what Harrington saw was two things: he saw Hale-Bopp, and he saw something much bigger beyond Hale Bopp.

That's Planet-X.

In 1991, Hale-Bopp was on a near direct collision course with Earth.

With a couple of quick photographs, they could chart the orbit, and it was on a new collision course with Earth.

Martin (Interviewer):

No wonder there was such a scramble.


It was a huge scramble.

When it was discovered, I called up Goddard Space Center- I knew the secretary there- and I said: 

'What's Going On?' I heard there's this comet...'

You could hear the screaming in the background.

And she said:

"Oh my God, this comet is huge!"

But I thought she meant in the sense of being a news story.

No, it was huge in the sense that is a planet-sized object.

They had been tracking it.

You see, this is where the division comes in, because it wasn't until then that even a lot of the scientists at Goddard found out about it.

But they had been tracking this since 1991, possibly earlier.

Harrington discovered it, and you see it in the 1991 memo that he knew exactly where to go and look at it.

A long time ago, what happened is... it was one of the companions of Niburu that did the damage to Earth.


A Companion?


A companion.

It was the one that became Venus.

Velikovsky was very right that Venus was a huge comet that worked its way through the solar system, and it took about a 600-year period from the time it was captured by Jupiter to the time it encountered Earth. and then worked its way in to become the planet (VENUS) that we know today.

So, originally, what happened was that Hale-Bopp was here about 4,200 years ago.

They were, literally, smaller companions to Niburu.

That's why they didn't want anybody to know about the companion, because they knew it was on a collision course with Earth, and they knew it was the companion to the bigger one that caused the problem.

But they didn't realize that Hale-Bopp was, literally one of the companions itself.

Now, when the destroyer, the Big Guy, Niburu, comes in, it has an entire entourage of these things.


I guess Comet NEAT would be one of those?


And that's the thing.

When we got barraged a few weeks ago by all these comets, and they never announced Comet NEAT,C-2002/VI.

Clearly all of this stuff is coming from the southern hemisphere.

Then of course, Harrington knew very well where that was, the reasons that I gave; they were 'pulling down' on the planets Uranus and Neptune.

It's interesting to note that when the story of Harrington came out, the government tried to make a statement through some of these astronomers that on the radio, the disinformation guys, who came up with a story:

"Oh well, we have corrected the masses of those planets due to new information, so that has taken care of the problem"

Well, no, that doesn't correct anything, when you see these planets being 'pulled down'. 

That would only correct things in the plane of the planets.

This object was big enough, back in 1991, that it was pulling Uranus and Neptune down out of their orbits.

That's how BIG this thing is!

So, you see the concern over the companion.

Because they all know, and the Vatican knows, that it was the companion that did the damage the last time.

The only problem is, the companion became the planet Venus.

What they don't understand is that it's a very different thing to produce the orbits for these, and NASA is learning the hard way.

They couldn't keep track of Hale-Bopp; it changed on a daily basis.

That was the one thing we did in The Millenium Group:

track the daily changing of its orbit on the government ephemeris pages.


Was Comet NEAT a surprise?

Did that come out of nowhere- or did they expect that?



Comet NEAT is another VERY large nucleus; planetary in size- probably the size of our moon, at least; probably larger.

They probably saw it coming in years ago, as part of this entourage of things coming in -- which I think of as things that are coming in as part of the Planet X entourage.

They didn't want anybody to know about it, for the simple reason they knew it was going to come in right around the Sun and it was big.

They probably never expected it to become as bright as it did.

But it was literally visible in the daytime sky, right next to the Sun, as it passed - over about a 12-hour period when it was coming in.


The obvious question is:

how many more of these companions can we look forward to?


We don't know.

Of course, though, NASA would have a very good knowledge of this.

The other important thing that I wanted to say earlier about Hale-Bopp is that in the six-year period from 1991 to 1996, where it actually hit perihelion with the Sun, it lost three months' time in arriving due to the tail-drag of the huge comet.

That's why we didn't have a direct collision with it.

And when I say "direct collision", I don't mean hitting Earth; I mean we would have been within about one million miles.

By anybody's standard, it would have been total devastation of this planet.

The flooding would have been enormous.

It was only due to the fact that this thing slowed down that we missed it.


I guess another question would be; where is NEAT going?


NEAT headed back out.

That is object number four of my South American Harrington Expedition to chart the new orbit for NEAT, because it clearly lost a lot of its energy as it came around the Sun, as it picked up a lot of tail material.

So, it's not going to come and hit Earth.

That's what NASA always says:

"Oh, these people think it's going to hit Earth."

No, no; nobody said anything about it hitting Earth.

They try to make fun of people, and, in fact, they actually have people who set up those stories on the Internet so they can go make fun of them.

It's part of their disinformation campaign.


When a comet the size of NEAT, swings by our Sun, how does 'action at a distance' come into play?


The flare that came off (the Sun), that you see in many of the photos, came and hit the back side of the comet tail.


The five-million-mile flare?



Now, if that were to have come at Earth, it would have knocked us to our knees.

But it went off in a totally obscure direction.

Let's look at something else.

What you didn't see there, but I could see it coming off of NEAT... if you look very closely, you'll see a pin-thin streak coming directly away from the Sun and out away from the nucleus, out the right of the screen.

That's connecting with planet MERCURY. Mercury was in a direct alignment with NEAT as it came across the ecliptic, the plane of the planets.

That line, that you can actually see on solar photographs, is connecting to Mercury.

So, now let's put Earth over there.

What if Earth had been over 90 degrees around, and we were not broadside to it?

Then, we could have very easily been in a position to take that flare, for example, or take an electrical discharge directly from NEAT.

That is what the ancients talked about with the comets, the lightning bolts flying across the heavens; they saw these things - Zeus throwing lightning bolts to Mars.

They saw this stuff.


It was literal; it wasn't metaphorical?


No, it was not metaphorical.

When Venus came around Mars, it lashed out with an electrical discharge and auroras in the atmosphere of Mars lit up; it looked like a snake grabbing Mars.

It literally sucked the oceans and atmosphere off of Mars as it passed by.

And they saw this.

They knew that Mars, prior to that, was a water planet, was a blue planet, just like Earth. 

Mars has a very thin atmosphere.

Venus has a massive atmosphere, thousands of times denser than Earth's atmosphere.

But percentage wise, the chemical composition of the atmospheres of Venus and Mars are exactly the same- which means they were formed in the same boiling pot there, as they passed by each other.


I wanted to ask you about Velikovsky.

You're very similar to him in that he was given a hard time and ridiculed, and it turns out he was right.


There's no question anymore that Velikovsky was right.

And I think the biggest thing that I want to say about Velikovsky is that he was not studying astronomy.

He was studying CALENDARS!

(In the next section-McCanney reviews more of his interesting work on how controversial he has been - "COMETS ARE NOT DIRTY SNOWBALLS- BUT large electrical VACUUM CLEANERS in outer space" - by demonstrating against the Science community opinion - that the plasma of space is active - full of charge - and NOT electrically neutral.

This has profound implications for what comets do in near misses - and perhaps - how in part - "planets experience gravity relations erotically" - a Gurdjieff sentiment.)
--the last section of the article is nice to add here: 

(fits nicely with the dozens of new web sites comparing George Bush's laws passed since 9/11 to Hitler)


Are there some closing comments you would like to make?


I would say, number one that the rest of the world is advancing far beyond the United States in consciousness and in progress as a human species.

The other thing I would say is that as a country, as a civilian population, we have to grab hold of this country and turn it around because, literally, the whole rest of the world depends upon it.

We are at a stage right now that is equivalent to 1939, pre- World War II Hitler's Germany.

They did not turn that country around - and if we don't turn this country around, we're going to be in a far bigger world problem than World War II ever thought of being.

The remnants of the Marduk/Reptilian experimentation in Central and Southern Africa were basically left on their own.

The beings from Marduk, the Anunnaki, also known as the Abbennakki, left the Earth, continuing on its elliptical journey through the solar system and beyond.

This artificial planet passes near Earth every 12,000 years.

A complete orbit takes 24,000 years.

The last time they passed Earth, approximately 10,500 BC, its gravitational pull exerted in conjunction with Atlantean crystal experimentation, caused the Earth to flip on its axis, sinking Atlantis.

The Anunnaki/Abbennakki have robotical scout ships that monitor Earth when the artificial planet is not close.

These ships have a crew of workers that look like dwarfed bears.

They are known to be aggressive, even attacking humans in the past.

These bear-like creatures are cyborgs with brain implants that allow control from a distance. 

Their bodies are organic and powerful.

These creatures started appearing in the late 1960s.

Government-released UFO investigation reports document their existence.

More of these creatures will be seen in the next two years.

Stay away from them!

They are dangerous.

Most likely, they will surface in Africa to check on the Black race for their masters on Marduk. Louis Farrkhan, the Black Moslem Leader, has often spoken about his UFO contacts.

According to Farrakhan, these contacts explained that the Black race was created by them.
They further told him about the need for the Blacks to develop without interference from other races.


5. This was augmented by experiments on gay men in New York City under the guise of Hepatitis shots.