Books & Treatises: DARPA

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Agricultural Research, or a New Bioweapon System?

agricultural-research-new-bioweapon-system.pdf 178 KB View full-size Download

Autonomous Weapons and Operational Risk

autonomous-weapons-operational-risk.pdf 542 KB View full-size Download

Human Systems Community of Interest

human-systems-community-interest.pdf 981 KB View full-size Download

Human Systems Roadmap Review

human-systems-roadmap-review.pdf 1.07 MB View full-size Download

Losing Humanity - The Case Against Killer Robots

losing-humanity-robots.pdf 715 KB View full-size Download

The Rise of The Machines

rise-machines.pdf 508 KB View full-size Download

Video Visualization

video-visualization.pdf 536 KB View full-size Download