Many readers will likely come into the discussion with pre-conceived notions & emotional triggers that are difficult to lay aside, even just for the amount of time it takes to read this article.
But put them aside we must, if we are to have a fruitful conversation.
I am not out to convince anybody about an opinion.
I am out to elaborate upon an understanding of who & what Lucifer is that I find best explains the entire body of information that is out there about him.
Further, this explanation resonates the most with the paradigm I currently hold about spirituality & my understanding about why we are here on the planet at this time.
Some of my information comes from a forum thread between a self-proclaimed "generational member of a Ruling Bloodline Family," & forum members who pose questions to the person going under the moniker 'Hidden Hand.'
I found this information particularly, ahem... illuminating.
A general understanding that I work with about our life here on the planet is that we have incarnated into this '3rd density' reality to evolve, individually and collectively, to the 4th & higher densities.
Some people speak about our ascension into the 4th density as an event that was slated around the end of the Mayan calendar in December 2012, and remains imminent.
This ascension of our individual and group souls, unfolding in accordance with astrological cycles that our solar system is tied into, is the quintessential spiritual 'movement' of all sentient beings in our universe, whether they are focusing on their own advances up through the densities, ending in a return to oneness with the supreme creator, or holding themselves back by choice to help other beings rise out of those lower densities.
This is the 'game' that has been set up, to give life its:
A very simple way to explain how 'Creation' works within this context will help in our understanding of who Lucifer is.
Basically, the one 'Supreme Creator' did not create all there is as such.
The one 'Supreme Creator' created many 'sub-creators.'
A sub-creator (also known as a 'logos') could then create 'sub-sub-creators.'
In other words, there is something of a hierarchy or 'chain' of creation that goes from the unmanifest 'Supreme Creator' all the way down to us as individual souls, who are also 'creators' in our own right.
Simply stated, there are creator-beings who are creators of:
and even universes.
When asked who directly created us, Hidden Hand replies thusly:
Your Creator, the one you have called 'Yahweh', is not "God" inasmuch as your bible refers to him as being "the One True God".
He is 'a' Creator (or Sub-Sub-Logos) rather than the One Infinite Creator.
He is not even a Galactic level Logos, but rather, is the Planetary Logos for this one planet.
Stay with me now.
If we can entertain the possibility that creation is multi-leveled, and that at the 'planetary' level the 'creator' of a planet has free will to create as they choose, then the stories we hear from the book of Genesis take on far more meaning.
Apparently, Yahweh decided to create a nice planet that was somewhat of a paradise, because essentially evil didn't exist there & the human beings lived in a state of reverence & obedience towards Yahweh, who was providing humans all they needed.
Nonetheless, in the absence of conflict, challenge, or stress, neither the humans nor Yahweh himself were evolving towards reunion with 'Supreme Creator,' which as we previously mentioned is the 'game' that we all signed up for.
Humans did not have any 'free will' because in the absence of evil in their world things were 'all good' and they had nothing to choose from.
According to Hidden Hand, Lucifer (the 'light-bearer') is an advanced 6th-density being (or 'group soul') that agreed to descend into 3rd density on planet Earth to provide the 'context' by which human beings could experience free choice.
That context was made possible by the introduction of 'evil.'
In the face of 'evil' humans would for the first time be able to choose 'good' over something else.
Hidden Hand describes how polarity and the presence of evil first came into mankind's experience:
Yahweh agreed that we would introduce the concept of Free Will to Earth's inhabitants, by offering them an initial choice, as to whether they 'wanted' it or not.
Hence, "The Tree of the Knowledge of 'Good and Evil'" (or more accurately, the Knowledge of Polarity, of Positive or Negative).
Yahweh takes his inhabitants to a new 'garden' and tells them you can do anything you like, except this one thing, thus creating the desire to do the one thing there are told they cannot.
Hence, a "Choice"...
We provide the Catalyst by telling them the benefits of attaining Knowledge, they eat from the tree, and the rest is history.
Hence Lucifer 'tempts' humanity into polarity, as polarity is the one context through which knowledge can be acquired.
In essence, Lucifer has agreed to play a very challenging role on our planet in order to be a catalyst for our evolution into the higher densities.
Not An Endorsement of Luciferianism
If you are still with me, you undoubtedly agree that conversations like this require a high level of discernment between what is being said and what is not being said.
While Lucifer has so far been characterized as a highly evolved bringer of light and knowledge, for example, there has been no support given to the principles or the practice of Luciferianism or the 'Luciferian Doctrine.'
I hope you will rejoin me when we deal with those concepts in Part 2.
The 'Fall of Lucifer' can be understood as the fulfillment of an agreement to bring evil to the Earth in order to create duality and hence the possibility of free will.
Lucifer is a group soul that individuated through 13 sacred bloodlines.
Reflect On:
How would our relationships change if we believed that all the evil in our world was actually here to enable us to have free will?
How would it impact our personal evolution?
As we described in Part 1 above, Lucifer is considered to be a highly evolved 'group soul', having reached 6th density, while our world is currently in 3rd density transitioning to 4th density.
The concept of 'group soul' is important here, as it suggests that, as individual souls evolve towards reunion with the One Creator, they gather into ever larger sub-groups of consciousness from which they came.
In this context, the 'Fall of Lucifer' is actually based on an agreement between Lucifer and the Earth's planetary logos (creator) known as Yahweh, an agreement designed to introduce 'evil' to the planet in order to foster human free will and subsequently accelerate human evolution.
Fallen Angel
In the Bible there is reference made to the fall of Lucifer, characterized as God's punishment for a self-centered angel who aspired to be above the one almighty God:
"How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations! For you have said in your heart: 'I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;" Isaiah, 14:12-13
What this in fact represents is the result of Yahweh's anger at his human population having disobeyed him by succumbing to Lucifer's temptation in the garden.
Yahweh had only reluctantly accepted the proposition that his human subjects be granted free will, and actually went ahead with it believing they would not disobey him.
If you are wondering 'How could God the Creator be angry?' it helps to understand that Yahweh is not the One Creator but rather simply the creator of the planet Earth, and as a planetary logos had not evolved beyond:
While being fully aware and very powerful, Yahweh's soul had not grown much since the creation of the planet.
It is, in fact, the evolution of the human race that is the vehicle for Yahweh's own evolution into higher densities.
Lucifer Confined to Astral Planes
And so, Yahweh took out his wrath, not only on his human population - which is well documented in the Old Testament - but on Lucifer as well.
He confined the group soul to the Earth's Astral Planes.
Lucifer's 'fall from grace' is actually a consequence of Yahweh's jealousy, because Lucifer, as a 6th density group soul, had become a more highly evolved being than Yahweh was.
Here is how Hidden Hand explains the blowback from Yahweh's actions:
Now that Free Will had been granted, Yahweh could not retract it, and we have to stay here as contracted to continue to provide the planet with the Polarity choice.
Since then, Yahweh has confined us (as a Group Soul) here within the Earth's Astral Planes (which is very constricting and uncomfortable for a Being of our Wisdom and experience).
The Council of Elders gave us the choice to be released (against Yahweh's will), but at the cancellation of our contract to Serve the planet earth; or to remain and fulfill our assignment, & endure Yahweh's self-proclaimed "Wrath".
We stayed, but as a karmic result of our Group Soul's confinement by Yahweh, our own individuated Souls were given the mandate (by The Council) to "Rule" over Yahweh's people during our physical incarnations here on your planet.
The fact that the soul group's individuated souls 'were given the mandate (by The Council) to "Rule" over Yahweh's people' is of paramount importance.
It gives us a much greater and more profound understanding of the nature of the presence of evil on this planet.
The oft-heard references to a nefarious 'Cabal' or 'Illuminati' group running the planet, no matter how accurate or inaccurate as those words may be, appears to be validated in this big-picture view.
In effect, due to the karma that Yahweh created by his petty acts of jealousy and rage, the group soul named Lucifer would not simply be stoking the fires of evil on the planet from afar, but the individuated souls of that group soul would incarnate on the planet via 13 sacred bloodlines to actually rule the planet from a much higher level of consciousness and self-awareness that humans would have.
What is important to note is that, while the human race lived on the Earth with a healthy dose of 'amnesia' of who they were for the purposes of their own evolution, it does not seem as though the individuated souls of Lucifer were in the same boat.
They consciously understood their role on Earth and have had a structure in place to maintain cohesion in their role as rulers through their understanding that they are part of the 'Family,' an understanding that is passed down by every generation.
Hidden Hand, in fact, identifies himself as a 'generational member':
I am a generational member of a Ruling Bloodline Family; our Lineage can be traced back beyond antiquity.
From the earliest times of your recorded "history", & beyond, our Family has been 'directing' the 'play' from behind the scenes, in one way or another.
There are 13 'base' or 'core' original bloodlines.
Yet there are many other lines that spring from these, as do rivers from the oceans.
If you imagine the 13 Original lines as Primary color, that can be mixed to create a vast array of other colors, then you will have some comprehension.
Again, no competition, just Family.
Disciplines of Training Within the Family
The Family, then, appears to be essentially the group soul of Lucifer, whose core members unify around their sole and original purpose, to provide the catalyst for human growth through playing the role of controlling rulers of the planet.
They do so, according to Hidden Hand, through a very comprehensive program of training of family members in key areas of human influence:
There are six disciplines of training within 'The Family', and each member of 'The Family.' is schooled extensively in all of them, from early childhood.
We all have an area of specialty, though we have experience in all spheres.
The six spheres or 'schools' of learning are:
In practice, out there on the 'stage' of public life, we hold key positions in all of these main areas of importance.
With the addition of a complicit Media machine and ownership of your Financial establishments, all bases are covered.
Hidden Hand of Influence
These positions of power are not what we first think of:
corporate heads
even the visible monarchy.
In reference to a question about the British Royalty, Hidden Hand says the following:
The British Royalty is not the most powerful line.
The names that you know, do not hold the real ancient power.
There are others above these lineages in the Hierarchy.
You will not know the names of these lines.
So the individuated souls of Lucifer do indeed play the role of a hidden hand, and hold the true power behind those people and institutions who seem to exert the most authority in the world.
Are these powerful Luciferian souls actually perpetrating evil in the world themselves, or are they just inciting evil within human beings?
Lucifer's involvement in human affairs culminates in 'the coming harvest' where, according to Hidden Hand, some will ascend positively, some will ascend negatively, & some will have to remain for another entire cycle before the harvest comes again.
Would you likely become more oriented to being in service to others if you knew that it meant the difference between ascending into a golden age or returning to repeat an eons-long cycle before getting another chance?
In trying to reconcile the very polarized opinions about Lucifer as:
the bringer of light and wisdom on the one hand
the embodiment of pure evil and licentiousness on the other hand becomes important to envisage our reality as multi-layered, through which something that appears very real at one level is determined at a higher level to be an illusion, albeit a purposeful one.
Ultimately, in spiritual discourse, there is only one truth that binds all traditions at their root:
The fact that at the highest level of perception, we are all one.
To attempt to construct a spiritual cosmology that does not spring from this fundamental truth is where much of the confusion and contradiction starts.
Western Religions Grounded in Duality
While Eastern spiritual traditions are rooted in the idea that duality - yin and yang - is the immanent vehicle for movement around the wheel of karma, Western religions such as:
...seem to have devolved into a belief system where duality is still present in the highest order of reality.
There seems to be this odd notion, for example, that the one 'true' God created everything, but somehow part of his creation has slipped from his grasp.
Those forces of evil - call them Lucifer, Satan, the Devil, whatever - have established some kind of 'independent reality' outside of the gates of the Kingdom of'God' (i.e. 'everything'), and thus portrays the fight between Good and Evil as ubiquitous across all levels of reality.
Where there are hints about a full return to unity, it is only seen as occurring once 'God' has somehow, through fierce opposition, eviscerated all evil from the highest realms of universal reality.
There is a notion in christianity that if we are judged to have been 'good' in this life we will go to enjoy paradise in Heaven for all of time, and if we are judged to be 'evil' we will go to suffer in the fires of Hell for eternity.
This notion could generously be termed a gross oversimplification.
But it is more so an egregious departure from the fundamental tenet of the self-evident 'unity' of 'God' from which mature spiritual discourse emerges.
In the end, it has existed and been maintained to serve as one of several tools of control for the Roman Catholic Church.
Fortunately, this simplistic notion of 'Heaven' has increasingly lost favor among today's spiritual seekers in deference to more comprehensive cosmologies that better recognize the impeccably designed experience of 'life' that has been conceived and manifested by the universal intelligence some call 'God'.
Human Evolution Through Densities
The desire to 'return to Heaven' that some of us sense intuitively is connected to a much longer and more elaborate journey than Christian dogma would have us believe, involving many incarnations through which we learn and grow in order to move up an octave of 'densities'.
Hidden Hand explains the process here in terms of what happens after the Planetary Logos has been created:
The planetary Energy begins to become aware of Itself (the 1st Density of awareness is 'Consciousness'), and the Planetary Logos begins to create other downward steps within itself, and the internal makeup of the planet begins to form; as the raw elements of air and fire combine to 'work on' the Waters and Earth, thus arising conscious awareness of their 'being', and the process of 'evolution' begins, forming the 2nd Density.
2nd Density beings begin to become aware of themselves, as being 'separate', and thus begin to evolve toward the 3rd Density of self-conscious awareness, (the lowest Density into which a 'human soul' can incarnate).
Humans in turn (or the Souls incarnated within them), seek to 'return to the Light' and Love, from which they came, as they begin the journey of progression, from 3rd Density up to the 8th Density, and the return to The Infinite One-ness.
As we reach higher densities it is natural for us as individual souls to begin to return into the consciousness 'groups' from which we came.
Hence once we approach 6th Density, each of us will have likely begun to assimilate our individual 'identity' with other souls that we see as part of 'us,' like Hidden Hand and his 'group soul' named Lucifer.
Lucifer's Role in Human Evolution
Lucifer's role has been to stoke human beings to evolve from the 3rd Density to the 4th Density, which some have called 'Ascension'.
As described in an earlier installment, the inhabitants of Earth were living in a paradise but there was no possibility for evolution because there was a significant lack of duality (i.e. good and evil) and therefore no real freedom of choice.
Humanity's decision to partake of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil via Lucifer's temptation set humanity on a course of evolution into 4th density which has been widely prophesied to be about to occur at this very time in our history:
Questioner: Is it the end-times, as described in the book of revelations?
Hidden Hand: Yes. Not just described in the Book of Revelations, but also in the prophesies of virtually every:
spiritual philosophy
mystery tradition
throughout history.
This time is now at hand.
To use your own example however:
Revelation 14:14-16:
'14 Then I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and on the cloud sat One like the Son of Man, having on His head a golden crown, and in His hand a sharp sickle.
15 And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to Him who sat on the cloud, "Thrust in Your sickle and reap, for the time has come for You to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe."
16 So He who sat on the cloud thrust in His sickle on the earth, and the earth was reaped.'
The 'Harvest' described here by Hidden Hand is likened to the 'Day of Judgment,' whereby at the chosen hour the wheat shall be separated from the chaff, meaning the good from the bad.
Once we have done so, we will be released to once again assume our place as Sixth Density Guardians and Teachers of Wisdom throughout the Galaxy.
Those of the predominantly Positive Polarity (Love and Light) will Ascend to a beautiful new 4th Density Earth, where you will begin to work upon your learning and demonstrating of Love and Compassion.
It will be a very beautiful and "Golden" Age.
The 4th Density begins to open you up to your True Powers as a unique individualized aspect of The One Infinite Creator.
You will perform works and wonders of the like that the one you call "Jesus" promised you would do "and even greater things than these".
It will be a very magical time for you.
For the majority of Humans on the earth who could be considered shall we say "luke warm", they will experience a period of (what will feel 'ecstatic') zero-point time, where you feel totally at 'one with the creator,' giving you an encouraging reminder and glimpse of who you really are, before the veil of forgetfulness once again descends upon you, and you will be transported to another 3rd Density planet (a kind of 'Earth Replica'), to continue working upon yourselves and learning that life here is all about making choices.
You will remain "quarantined" incarnating in 3rd Density matter until the time of the next Harvest; in which time you will need to have proved yourselves that you have learned how to be more Positive Beings, focused more upon being of Service to others, rather than seeking only to Serve yourself.
While the whole purpose of this "exercise" on the part of Lucifer is to help as much of humanity have a positive ascension to the 4th density, Hidden Hand tells us that for Lucifer to be successful in their particular mandate with Yahweh, they must bring humans along with them to a new 4th density Earth as part of a 'Negative Harvest'.
Along with Lucifer, those humans will have to go through the arduous process of working off their karma in the 4th density in order to move over to the positive or service-to-others orientation.
There is no other way to ascend to the 5th Density, because the energy in the 5th density makes it impossible for a predominantly service-to-self orientation to exist.
This process of working off negative karma in 4th density is probably the closest thing to 'Hell' in this cosmology.
Soul Inertia
The main issue here, though, is the human group in-between...
Hidden Hand tells us that in order to positively ascend, human beings must be at least 51% positive, meaning that a little over half the time their thoughts, words, and actions need to be in the service of others.
In order to negatively ascend, human beings must be a full 95% service-to-self oriented, meaning that almost all of their thoughts, words and actions must be selfish.
That leaves the middle group, that sits between 5% and 51% positive.
Hidden Hand notes that:
'You may be surprised how many people on the planet are nowhere near reaching 51% Positive.'
The biggest challenge in what Hidden Hand calls 'the game,' which is the elaborate path of evolution up through the densities that all souls in this universe have signed up for, is to motivate souls to make the effort to move up the ascension ladder, while at the same time not infringing on any soul's free will.
But is the extent of the cruelty, horror, and evil we see in our world today - something that we can directly attribute to Lucifer - really necessary to that end?
I hope to discuss this in the next part of this conversation...
According to Hidden Hand, there is a big distinction between the extraterrestrial bloodlines (Lucifer's group soul) and human bloodlines (the 'Illuminati').
Members of Illuminati families have a soul contract with Lucifer to maintain negativity here.
Reflect On:
What does it mean to 'sell your soul to Lucifer'?
Does it make a difference if one has a pre-existing soul contract with Lucifer?
Where the rubber hits the road in this discussion about Lucifer is what his true impact is on us as human beings.
Is he the bringer of knowledge and enlightenment to us in our quest to evolve?
Or is he the cunning enticer who would drag much of humanity down into a well of iniquity?
Let's continue to examine the testimony of Hidden Hand to see what it reveals...
As discussed previously, Lucifer was mandated to introduce evil to the human population by providing a 'choice' in the garden of Eden between obedience and disobedience.
It was only after this initial choice had been made, however, that it became mandated that Lucifer would incarnate as individual souls to rule the planet:
Now that Free Will had been granted, Yahweh could not retract it, and we have to stay here as contracted to continue to provide the planet with the Polarity choice.
Since then, Yahweh has confined us (as a Group Soul) here within the Earth's Astral Planes (which is very constricting and uncomfortable for a Being of our Wisdom and experience).
to be released (against Yahweh's will), but at the cancellation of our contract to Serve the planet earth.
or to remain and fulfill our assignment and endure Yahweh's self-proclaimed "Wrath".
We stayed, but as a karmic result of our Group Soul's confinement by Yahweh, our own individuated Souls were given the mandate (by The Council) to "Rule" over Yahweh's people during our physical incarnations here on your planet.
Those 'individuated Souls' of the group soul Lucifer, which incarnate through 'extraterrestrial' bloodlines, need to be distinguished from the human bloodlines.
This is in order to clarify what it means to 'sell your soul' to Lucifer...
Extraterrestrial Bloodlines
The 'Extraterrestrial Bloodlines' consists, quite simply, of the individuated souls of the group soul Lucifer, which as a whole is known as the 'Family'.
Hidden Hand introduces himself as a 'generational member,' which he explains as follows:
It means that one is born into the 'Family'.
The Order and its agenda are handed down, from generation to generation.
Only in extremely rare occasions, have outsiders been invested into 'The Family', and then, even these were of other 'esoterically' integrable lines.
I presume, though I am not certain, that he means that there are on rare occasions souls who incarnate into 'The Family.' who are not part of the group soul Lucifer, but who nonetheless have enough compatibility with that group soul to participate in the agenda.
For the purposes of clarity, though, the core power of 'The Family.' is the group soul Lucifer.
And, as Hidden Hand points out in the following answer to a question, it's a pretty 'tight' family:
Questioner: To what extent has selective breeding been used to preserve the purity of the line?
Hidden Hand: The breeding is generally case specific, dependent upon the role that 'The Family.' members in question are due to grow into.
There are no unapproved unions.
Our Family will always intermarry between lines, or, what we would term 'Houses'. Marriages are arranged.
In all my years alive, I have never seen or heard of a Family member breaking this code, as far as marriage goes.
The whole idea that ruling bloodlines have been running our planet since antiquity is hard to fathom for many.
The very feasibility that something like this could be happening without it being common knowledge is the source of this next questioner's skepticism:
Questioner: If this really existed there would be countless thousands of people involved, and any one person could leak.
Hidden Hand: Thousands?
Try Millions... And you have no possible comprehension of the rigorous training and the harshness of the conditioning we undergo from an early age.
No one dares to go against the 'Family'. We know what would happen if we did.
But that is not the prime motivator.
The motivator is unbridled Loyalty to 'The Family', and our Creator.
We understand the importance of what we are doing here, even though most of humanity does not.
If we take Hidden Hand at his word, then we accept that MILLIONS of individuals on our planet work together in a coordinated effort to control and govern the rest of us.
By coordinated, I would refer to what we hear from Hidden Hand that there are local cell groups of families all over the world that are governed by a hierarchy of councils that range from local to regional, national, and global.
As with most hierarchies, knowledge of the entire operation and its true purpose increases as one rises up.
Hidden Hand makes the distinction here about where the human bloodlines end in the hierarchy and where the extraterrestrial bloodlines begin:
Then you have the Supreme World Council above them all, with the National Leaders representing their Countries.
Above this, is another group I cannot mention, who liaise with the "Hidden Hands".
Then above this, there are many other levels of Leadership, purely from the Power Lines (the ones that are not of this planet).
The Supreme World Council only know as much as is "Handed" down to them from us.
In our Power Lines, we have a similar structure, with Local and Regional groups etc, though most of us are living in entirely 'different' types of communities than you would understand.
All I shall say is that we are not "surface dwellers".
That last point certainly is enticing.
It implies that the entire group soul of Lucifer does not live amongst humans on the surface of the planet.
Do they live in hidden bases underground?
Cloaked in the air?
Do they transport to a different planet?
A different dimension?
Interesting questions, but not fundamental to our conversation here.
What is important is to note that the extraterrestrial bloodlines are only really in contact with the highest levels of the human bloodlines, calling the shots, delivering information as needed to those below, being true 'hidden hands' of influence, as it were.
Human Bloodlines
There is much that Hidden Hand disclosed that distinguished the Extraterrestrial Bloodlines from the Human Bloodlines, which would be populated by individuated souls that are part of Yahweh's group soul.
Questioner: Are these bloodlines the wealthy, as most assume, or seemingly ordinary people (including celebrities and politicians, etc), blending in with society, going relatively unnoticed, but yet contributing to your cause in the grander scheme of things?
Hidden Hand: The names you know, have no real power.
Sure, they "appear" to have lots of power, in the way earthbound souls perceive power. Our wealth makes the million and billionaire "celebs" and corporate bigwigs look like a child's pocket money.
Our wealth is Family wealth, which has passed down through the generations over thousands of years.
True wealth, however, is knowing deep in your heart, that you and your Infinite Creator, are One.
"Seek ye first the Kingdom of 'God' (Infinite Creator), and all these things shall be added unto you".
Questioner: So, part of this question could also be, are all of them aware they are part of this bloodline, or are some members oblivious to this connection they have?
Are they informed of this at a particular age?
For example, how and at what age were you told you belonged?
Hidden Hand: Yes.
If you are Bloodline (Family), you are born into it, and you are raised this way, from birth.
There is no other way.
I want to be clear on this Bloodline issue.
The ones you know, they are of earthly lineage.
Yes, they have their place in 'the Family', but the Real Power lines, do not originate from this planet.
The human bloodlines, then, also seem to have a rigorous upbringing that fosters absolute loyalty to the family.
Perhaps these societies were founded by the Lucifer group soul or perhaps they were co-opted by them.
There seems to be a very substantial structure in place, which uses both fear and an inbred sense of purpose and loyalty, that prevents many of the secrets of these societies from coming out into the open.
One exception to that rule is with a person named 'Svali,' who broke away from the group she identifies as 'the Illuminati' and became a whistleblower of a significant amount of information.
Hidden-Hand's direct comments on her case demonstrate how the human bloodlines do not actually have the same 'motivation' for their actions as the extraterrestrial bloodlines.
Questioner: Do people ever try to leave the family?
I asked you to comment on the case of one "Svali" in an earlier post.
I am still curious if she was one of you or your extended family or is she just a mis/disinfo agent.
Hidden Hand: I am aware of her, yes. I've not looked at her supposed "revelations" personally, though heard enough from others in my Family.
Yes, she was a part of 'The Family', at the lower levels, from the German Lines I believe.
As I understand, she did reveal a lot of truth about the lower levels, but she was only Regional Level in the Earth Lines, so not that high.
She certainly would not have had anything like the "bigger picture".
I understand that she went into detail about some of the training techniques in the lower levels, which to be fair, can be extremely harsh, though as I've said, it's all about reaching the 95% negativity, and when all is said and done, no matter how much one may have suffered in this life-experience, we can never lose sight of the fact that this is a game we are all playing here together, and each incarnating soul has already chosen and agreed in advance the parts they will play in the game.
No one really suffers, except in the game, and ultimately, they have chosen these experiences before-hand at a Soul level.
No one is 'forced' to incarnate into a storyline they do not want to play and learn from.
The German House is renowned for being particularly harsh and severe in it's training, so much of what she shares may have happened, though my Family have also said that unless her "trainers" were acting "out of protocol" (abusing their power) much of what she 'revealed' would not have happened, or has been embellished to some degree, for whatever reason.
I cannot comment myself, as I've had neither the time or inclination to examine her story.
The world of my own Family is very different from that of the lower Earth based bloodlines.
Whilst our (my own) training growing up was very strict and disciplined, we were never abused in any way.
We grew up with the bigger picture and didn't need any other motivation.
The Earth lines are not aware of the entire picture.
They themselves are not of our Lucifer Group Soul, and as far as they are aware, they are out to 'rule the world', to Control and Enslave, and create as much suffering and negativity as is humanly possible.
That's what they 'get out of the deal'.
World domination...
You'd have to say with that in mind, they're doing a great job.
But one of the things they don't know or understand, is that our (Venusian Power Lines) agenda, is ultimately for the Highest Good of all concerned, in providing you with the Catalyst.
If they were aware of this Truth, there is a slight risk that they would not have done their jobs properly, and they would miss out on joining us in our 95% Negative Harvest... They are aware of the Harvest, and the need for them to attain the 95%, to get out of 3rd density, and that is all the motivation they need to help us achieve our ultimate aims.
How they go about it, is not really of too great a concern to us, as long as they are getting the job done.
Sometimes we have to step in, where something they may do or plan goes against our desires, but such instances are few and far between.
The actual testimony of Svali is fascinating and worth examining in greater detail, and perhaps we will do so in a later article.
For now, Hidden Hand continues to put things in the context that at a soul level all of us agreed to the parts that we play in the Game.
In essence, this means that the human bloodlines are constructed of millions of people who, at a soul level, wanted to participate in the negative polarity of the ascension process, but as human beings, are not consciously aware that they are doing this for the 'benefit of humanity' in the way that the Luciferian group soul is.
Selling Their Souls to Lucifer?
If it is the case that the human (let's call them 'Illuminati') bloodlines are set up to be motivated by power, wealth, and world domination, can it be said that they have 'sold their souls to Lucifer'?
These people have been indoctrinated since birth, and if the testimony of Svali is any indication, it is extremely difficult and rare for someone in the human bloodlines to make the 'choice' of leaving their family.
Yes, at a soul level they chose to join Lucifer to support negativity, but having been subjected to severe indoctrination in this life, it's a matter of debate as to whether or not they have 'sold their souls.'
But what about the case of humans who did not go through this indoctrination?
I'm talking about people whose purpose here was to ascend positively, but got completely lured into the web of negativity on the strength of their desires for power, wealth, and pleasure.
This is perhaps where a human being can truly be said to have 'sold their soul to the Lucifer,' as they have actually chosen ego desires and a service-to-self orientation in contradiction to their soul's purpose.
As discussed in article 'Why do the Elites Participate in Child Sacrifice at Bohemian Grove?', it would seem that 'selling one's soul to Lucifer' involves a willingness to be slowly lured in rituals like the 'Cremation of Care' and other acts of depravity that sever all emotional connection to other human beings, and remove all empathy, care, conscience and sense of morality.
This, it seems, not only garners the worldly 'support' of the entire cult, it prepares a person mentally and emotionally for their unbridled pursuit of worldly:
Lucifer Does Not 'Own' Souls
In the context of Hidden-Hand's testimony, selling one's soul does not imply that one's soul becomes the permanent property of Lucifer.
It means that that one is bound to the 'Negative Ascension,' which involves going to a 4th Density 'Negative' planet to work out one's karma.
Of course, in many ways this experience can be considered a 'hell', especially for those souls who have less understanding of the process than the individuated Lucifer souls, and likely will face a tremendous amount of suffering and hard work.
There is much more to examine surrounding the esoteric body of knowledge that informs these bloodlines to:
'Create as much suffering and Negativity as is humanly possible,'
...and has the potency to lure outsiders into the cult.
Is this body of knowledge what is known as Luciferianism, which there is so much contentious debate about these days?
Let's build on what we've found out here to try to address this in the next installment.
According to Hidden-Hand, the human bloodlines do not understand the big-picture and the full truth about their goals and activities on the Earth.
Reflect On:
If we knew that the human bloodlines have been deceived for certain reasons by the Lucifer group soul, how would that help us understand the manifestation and ultimately the actual power of evil in our world?
You will recall from the above previous installment some rather telling statements on the part of Hidden-Hand that we will examine more deeply here.
In distinguishing very clearly between the extraterrestrial and the human bloodlines, he was explicit that the mandate of the human bloodlines is not founded in the highest truths, but rather are intentionally limited in scope and understanding:
The world of my own Family is very different from that of the lower Earth based bloodlines.
Whilst our (my own) training growing up was very strict and disciplined, we were never abused in any way.
We grew up with the bigger picture, and didn't need any other motivation.
The Earth lines are not aware of the entire picture.
They themselves are not of our Lucifer Group Soul, and as far as they are aware, they are out to 'rule the world', to Control and Enslave, and create as much suffering and negativity as is humanly possible.
That's what they 'get out of the deal': World domination...
You'd have to say with that in mind, they're doing a great job.
But one of the things they don't know or understand, is that our (Venusian Power Lines) agenda, is ultimately for the Highest Good of all concerned, in providing you with the Catalyst.
If they were aware of this Truth, there is a slight risk that they would not have done their jobs properly, and they would miss out on joining us in our 95% Negative Harvest.
They are aware of the Harvest, and the need for them to attain the 95%, to get out of 3rd density, and that is all the motivation they need to help us achieve our ultimate aims.
How they go about it, is not really of too great a concern to us, as long as they are getting the job done.
Sometimes we have to step in, where something they may do or plan goes against our desires, but such instances are few and far between.
Human Bloodlines Don't See The Big Picture
Hidden-Hand makes it clear that the human bloodlines, even at the very highest levels, do not see the big picture.
Where the individuated members of the Lucifer group soul retain the awareness that they are here on Earth to provide a catalyst for ascension (and they themselves are contractually bound to creating a 'Negative' portion of ascension as part of their contract, likely to give them the motivation to go through the intense training and effort they make to create evil), members of the human bloodlines (also generational) incarnate without the full knowledge of their soul purpose.
And this is as it should be, for if members of the human bloodline had that full awareness, they would likely not be able to play the game that has been created.
The human bloodlines, in essence, are not part of a 6th Density group soul that has come here to provide a catalyst but are rather part of the 3rd Density group soul of Yahweh, working to ascend to higher realms.
It is sufficient, as Hidden-Hand says, that they believe that 'they are out to rule the world' and achieve 'world domination' through the novus ordo seclorum (New World Order).
The testimony of Svali, the Illuminati whistleblower we met in the previous installment, bears this out:
Until the age of 38, I was a programmer with this group, and as such I was aware of much of the underlying agenda behind the programming.
I had to be.
I was teaching other trainers to do their jobs better, more efficiently, and as a former member of the group, totally "sold out" on the ideology that motivated me.
I became excellent at what I did.
The reason...?
I believed that the group would rule the world within my children's lifetime.
In fact, I was told that my children would be leaders in the New Order, which would be brought in by the middle of this century.
I was taught this from infancy on.
My parents believed it, the leaders around us taught and believed it. And the things that I saw certainly showed great organization and concentrated effort towards this goal.
What things did I see that indicated this?
There were several:
I saw a large amount of money being used to fund the projects of this group, funds that poured in from around the northern hemisphere and the world.
Couriers were sent to the corners of the globe, and many of the top financial institutions had a vested interest in bringing this "new world order" to pass.
This was discussed in leadership meetings; shown in videos to members of the group, such as the grainy films I saw in the 1960s showing a large round table with 13 members sitting around it, and the words "these are your leaders" spoken as the members rose and pledged allegiance to the coming new order.
I will not mention the figures shown in this film in order to avoid the claim of "libel" but they were well known, influential, and many were behind the banking system of the modern world.
World Domination Was Never The Real Plan
Clearly, a belief has been fostered within the human bloodlines that their group will achieve world domination.
However, for the Lucifer group soul, there was an inherent understanding that world domination was never going to come to pass.
This was a major part of the deception on the part of the Lucifer group soul in order to get the human bloodlines to play the game, so that their own underlying contractual goals for ascension were realized.
One of the main tasks of the Lucifer group soul on the planet was to create a structure that would stoke this deception through the vast and comprehensive mind-control programming methodologies that Svali tells us are implemented from infancy for members of the human bloodlines.
This programming, as Svali explains it, is extremely severe.
In fact, this was even acknowledged by Hidden-Hand as we discussed in the previous installment.
In reading Svali's testimony, which I would highly recommend to those interested in the way the Illuminati functions, I am coming to understand the vast magnitude of the network, with its checks and balances, that makes the case of someone like Svali so extraordinary.
It now seems reasonable to me that we have not heard so extensively from very many human bloodline whistleblowers, despite the fact that there are allegedly millions of people who belong to these bloodlines living on the Earth today.
As I understand it, Svali's life continues to be in danger, and as she admits herself, she can't be entirely sure she has fully rid herself of the programming:
I am still trying to undo the influence of a lifetime of being taught lies, lies which I once believed whole-heartedly.
Lies which make it difficult even now to sort truth from fiction, teaching from fact.
Having discovered that the supporting ideology that fuels the Illuminati is founded in lies and intense mind programming, we are in a better position to understand how the presence of such a self-serving and fundamentally 'evil' body of knowledge has been able to capture the allegiance of so many people.
Through the testimony of Hidden-Hand, there is no indication that the Lucifer group soul actually consider Luciferianism or other related esoteric traditions as being part of higher spiritual truth.
Reflect On:
Can esoteric practices like Luciferianism have any substance at all if their very nature is grounded in duality?
The time has come, finally, to examine the principles behind Luciferianism, what Svali calls Illuminism, and while we're at it let's throw in Satanism, or other derivatives thereof.
There are similarities and differences amongst all of these, and even disagreements on the basic principles that underlie each title.
Doing research on these bodies of knowledge on the Internet ultimately leads to more confusion than clarity, and I believe there is a reason for this, which I will discuss as we go along.
This article is not going to examine the historical roots of each, nor the various ways their branches have become entangled with one another over time.
Rather, we will focus on the fundamental basis that commonly underlies these traditions and how they relate to the mission of the Lucifer group soul.
First, let's take a look at Svali's description of her Illuminati group's religion or 'philosophy' she calls Illuminism, whose origins take us far back in history:
In order to understand Illuminati cult programming, it is first necessary to understand a bit about the structure and philosophy of the organization.
The Illuminati are a group of people who follow a philosophy known as "Illuminism" or "enlightenment".
The Illuminati were named several hundred years ago, but trace their roots and history to the ancient mystery religions of Egypt, ancient Babylon, and even Mesopotamia.
Out of these ancient religions, which were practiced secretly over hundreds and hundreds of years, there arose esoteric groups which continued to practice the rites, traditions, and enculturation brought in from the original groups.
Over the centuries, these groups practiced openly in some countries, and covertly in countries where Christianity or other religions opposed their practices.
Some of the groups which came out of these ancient roots included the order of the,
Knights Templar
These groups were the forerunners, or roots, of modern day Illuminism.
The original Illuministic leaders chose to take what they felt were the best practices of each root religion, combine them into principles, then organized these principles according to specific guidelines.
If we follow the narrative of Hidden-Hand that the Lucifer group soul is the main entity responsible for fostering evil on the planet, then Illuminism becomes not so much of a Lucifer-worshipping cult as some kind of 'philosophy' which serves as a highly effective system of covert global control...
This control needs to be understood as twofold:
primarily, control is maintained over Illuminati members by the Lucifer group soul to follow their direction in accordance with Lucifer's mandate.
Secondarily, the human bloodlines, afforded a sufficient amount of hidden knowledge as well as generational positions of wealth and power (e.g. Royal families) are empowered to set out to control the rest of the world, in their mission known as novus ordo seclorum (New World Order), a mission which, as noted in the previous article, was not ultimately designed by Lucifer to succeed.
As described by Svali above, this philosophy was adopted from ancient human practices or cults that may have sprung up organically from human groups somewhat independently from the workings of the Lucifer group soul.
The easiest way for the Lucifer soul group to organize and impose themselves was through a gradual infiltration over time of these groups, especially the secret ones whose very secrecy would make it easier for them to carry out their objectives by taking over the hierarchies.
Positive Origins?
A thorough historical examination of these secret societies may prove that some of them had positive origins.
If so, why would they be 'secret' societies?
Here's one possible example:
A group of people were openly practicing profound esoteric knowledge around
and manifestation.
A more militant group invades them and now seeks to thwart these practices because they prevent this militant group from gaining control.
The first group has to publicly swear off these practices at the pain of death.
The groups may take their practices underground and continue them in secret, to preserve the knowledge and power, to pass on to their offspring and hopefully one day re-introduce to the world.
In some cases, this militant group was the Catholic Church.
As Svali notes, some of the practices only became 'covert' as a consequence of the persecution of Christianity or other dominant religions within certain countries.
Of course, through the Catholic Church, Christianity had become a control mechanism that was not grounded in its own principles of love, acceptance, and forgiveness.
It had gained tremendous power and wealth in the world.
Is it possible that the Lucifer group soul long took over Christianity at the highest levels as well?
It would certainly explain the secretive nature of the Vatican and the rampant pedophilia at all levels.
Christianity, experienced through history as the control mechanism that is the Roman Catholic Church, gave rise to natural opposition from people who resist being controlled or told what to believe, especially by a Church that intentionally suppresses knowledge to maintain control over people.
Those who opposed the Church's control tactics, exemplified by the Crusades and other such measures, may be inclined to see the fallen angel Lucifer as the hero instead of God.
With his original appearance as the serpent in the Garden of Eden, as we have noted in this series, Lucifer is characterized as the liberator as well as the bringer of knowledge.
One must question, however:
If Luciferianism is really about giving freedom and knowledge to humanity as a whole, as Lucifer did in the Garden, or is it more about the individual being free to 'do what thou wilt,' as Aleister Crowley advocated, in full disregard and even condemnation of consequences?
Despite the Catholic Church being a control mechanism, Christianity through the teachings of Jesus Christ is founded on a service-to-others mentality.
No matter how watered-down and fragmented his words became in the official, sanctioned Bible, they still evoke love, charity, and humility amongst those who read them.
The golden rule:
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," the immovable centerpiece and remains the guiding principle of true and devoted Christians.
This stands in marked contrast to the other traditions we have been talking about.
Regardless of the various nuances or outright differences between:
...or the countless other esoteric, occult, or secret cults/religions/practices, there is one clear set of distinctions that helps us separate the wheat from the chaff:
Do they promote a service-to-self orientation, an 'us-and-them' mentality, an agenda of control?
Do they allow harm to others, find value in deception, and lose sight of the fact that we are all one?
If so, these practices are not rooted in the ground of being.
They are insubstantial, products of the limitations of 3rd Density consciousness, borne of ignorance and entrenched in fear.
Their essence does not and cannot survive the higher realms of existence, because duality is an essential construct for these practices to make any sense, and in the higher realms duality has no legitimacy since unity reigns as ultimate truth.
Distinguishing Lucifer from Luciferianism
It must be understood that the Lucifer group soul in no way believes in Luciferianism or any other service-to-self philosophy as ultimate truth.
They simply have adopted certain disciplines and practices in their incarnated lives here on Earth that will help them fulfill their mission of ruling the planet and bringing evil as a catalyst for our growth.
Some will argue that the agreed-upon time for their rule over the planet Earth is done, but that is a discussion for another time.
Hidden-Hand makes it clear several times what his group soul believes is the true purpose for their activities here on Earth:
The difference between us and you, in the Game, is that we know that we are "playing".
We surpassed the lowly negative vibrations eons ago.
We are Light, and we are Love.
It is a very hard thing for us to do Spiritually, to create all this Negativity, but we do it because we love you, and it is for your highest good, ultimately. You could say, that it is our Sacrifice that we have made, in order to be of Service to the One Infinite Creator, and to you, our Brothers and Sisters in the One.
The notion that Lucifer has created all the suffering on the planet for our own good - out of a purity of love that we cannot yet imagine - has been a sticking point for many readers, who find these kinds of statements made by Hidden-Hand to be:
While I can respect these feelings and I continue to be open to the possibility that Hidden-Hand is not the true 'source' of this knowledge, I nonetheless hold what is said here by Hidden-Hand to be true:
that at a higher level, the fostering of 'evil' on the planet, in a way that contributes to our awakening and our ascension, must ultimately be coming from a benevolent source originating from a realm that is positioned above duality.
It is because Hidden-Hand's narrative consistently embodies a non-dualistic perspective that I find his words so compelling.
In the next (and likely last) segment, we will discuss how we can use Hidden-Hand's testimony to help move ourselves closer to our collective goal of ascension...
The Hidden-Hand testimony speaks clearly to the role of Lucifer as a catalyst for our growth and learning to be in service to others, with the ironic statement that 'in order for us to be of the most Service to you, we must be utterly self-serving.'
Reflect On:
How does a view of evil on our planet from a realm beyond duality help us in our daily encounters with it?
Does it help us get beyond our tendency to oppose and judge others?
To understand that we are here to learn to serve others as ourselves?
Much of our discussion in this series has revolved around the idea that Lucifer appears to be a paradox:
A bringer of darkness and devastation on the one hand, a bringer of light and knowledge on the other hand.
This apparent paradox, as Hidden-Hand explains below, resolves itself when one is able to conceive of the realm from which Lucifer's mission here on Earth originates, under the wise direction of the Council of Elders:
Questioner: One thing I don't get - and perhaps you can explain this to me Hidden-Hand - is why those who belong to Lucifer (and Lucifer himself) do not fight for the freedom of all souls?
If Lucifer represents liberty, freedom of will and knowledge, why do those who serve him not do as the Biblical Lucifer did and rebel against the tyranny of the Elders?
Hidden-Hand: This is a very good question, thank you.
I will split it into two parts and answer the second part after this.
Firstly, the Council of Elders are the absolute opposite of tyrannical.
They are the Wise and Loving Guardians of our Galaxy.
There is so much that one cannot understand from only a 3rd Density perspective.
When you reach higher Densities, you see that ultimately, everything balances, and there is only Unity.
All else than Unity, is Illusion, or 'thoughtform'.
The Council gave us a set of choices.
We chose to stay here to help you, despite the cost to ourselves.
That is the nature of Loving Service to Others.
The ultimate paradox in all this, is that in this storyline we are all co-creating together, in order for us to be of the most Service to you, we must be utterly self-serving.
I do so love our Creator's sense of irony.
Hidden-Hand then goes on to discuss the real story behind the Biblical portrayal of Lucifer and the conflict with Yahweh which we touched on in Part 1 far above, where Yahweh grudgingly agreed to offer a 'free-will' choice to humans through Lucifer's temptation but did not believe he would be disobeyed by humans in the Garden of Eden.
Then Hidden-Hand continues on to say this:
As for "fighting for the freedom of all souls", remember that ultimately, this is a Game, that we are all playing here.
We are actors, playing on the "stage of Life".
This 'world' is all illusion, or 'though-form'.
No one really "dies", and no one is really hurt.
In between incarnations, you know this very well.
But the rules of the game ensure that you must forget who you really are, so that you believe it is all 'real' whilst you are playing the game of Life.
That is an essential prerequisite when you are making choices.
Otherwise, the game would be too easy.
All The World's A Stage
It is no coincidence that a recurring sense of irony, as well as the innumerable metaphors in our famous books and plays about the nature of life, like Shakespeare's:
'All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players,'
...resonate so deeply with us. It is because we sometimes have the vision to see the external signs, and the stillness to feel the internal inklings, that make it seem as though we are indeed in a game, in a play, participating of our own choosing to benefit from and enjoy the rich and evocative experiences available here on the planet.
Hidden-Hand's testimony not only bears this out, it elaborates upon it in precise detail, in a way that aligns with the heart of many great spiritual traditions, especially Eastern traditions like Taoism and Hinduism which make clear that the duality we experience on Earth is the illusion, and that unity reigns as ultimate truth.
Let's be clear about one thing though.
All of this (physical life/incarnation) is a very intricate and skillfully designed Game, whereby the One Infinite Creator, plays the game of forgetting who It is, so that IT can learn to remember, and in doing so, experience and know Itself as Creator.
All the way down to us tiny individuated sparks of the All That Is.
Off stage, and between "Lives" (zero-point time / anti-matter Universe) as incarnated "human beings", we, all of us / you (as Souls), are great friends.
Between 'lives' we all have a great laugh about the parts we have performed in the 'play' and look forward to and have great fun preparing the next chapters to act out.
I'm reminded of a story told by Dr. David Hawkins, the highly respected lecturer and writer of the bestseller Power vs. Force, who recalled a past life in which he was a fearsome Christian warrior, the best of his clan, and he faced off against his Muslim counterpart, also the most fearsome warrior of his group.
Power vs. force -- David R. Hawkins -- Rev. ed., Carlsbad, Calif., 2002 -- Hay House -- 9781561709335 -- 203b5395837937797c07d82bc7b4c19f -- Anna’s Archive.pdf
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As they attacked each other with their huge swords, one fighting for Jesus, the other fighting for Allah, they both struck at the same time and were killed simultaneously.
As their souls arose from their bodies they recognized each other and had a great laugh, aware that they had supposedly killed each other for the 'peace' of God.
They recognized each other instantly as good friends who have worked together in many lives to push each other to greater heights of knowledge and consciousness.
We Are Here to Work on Ourselves Individually
To be conscious of the big picture, to be 'awake in the dream' as it were, really does help to serve us move forward in our collective evolution.
As one moves up into the higher realms one identifies more with one's group soul, or social memory complex, a distinction made often in the Law of One series.
It is helpful to understand that Hidden-Hand identifies himself as part of the Lucifer group soul, and this represents the extraterrestrial bloodlines (the true 'Power Lines'), and human beings, including the human 'Illuminati' bloodlines, are essentially considered to be part of the Yahweh group soul.
However, that need not be our focal point here on Earth.
As Hidden-Hand importantly points out, our main focus in this realm needs to be our own personal, inner work.
That is what this particular illusion has been designed for.
Questioner: Regarding our enslavement, you seem to be saying - essentially - that as fractions of our Logos Yahweh, we are equally responsible for his decision to keep us trapped here on our 3rd density planet Earth.
That's an interesting thought. In that sense our total freedom must arrive through a collaborative spiritual effort.
Hidden-Hand: From a certain perspective, what you say is correct.
From a 3rd Density view, you see yourselves as being "separate" from everything.
From a higher perspective, you see that is not at all the case.
You and your Creator are One.
As to your statement on your 'total freedom', you are not responsible for those around you.
You and they are all One too, when seen from a higher Density, but in this Density, you are here to work upon yourself.
You are here to remember who you are, and why you are here.
You are here to remember the Infinite Creator.
To know your Creator within you, and to offer your Service to him, and others, of your own Free Will choice to Serve.
The one comes before the other.
When you remember who you are, and you know it, deep within the Core of your Being, you will know and recognize your 'invisible' connection to All that Is, and in so doing, Joy, and Thanksgiving, and Service, will be the natural outpouring result, from your grateful heart.
When you work upon yourself, and learn to know the Creator within you, being of Service to Others will be natural for you, and your Glorious Harvest shall await.
Questioner: How do you choose a Service to others path?
Hidden-Hand: Be good to yourself.
Cultivate a genuine Love for Life, and for Being.
Be genuinely thankful to the Infinite Creator every day, for bringing you into Being, and for his bountiful provision.
You have "survived" this far, have you not?
You may not have everything you want, but you have everything you need, in order to complete that which you incarnated here to do.
Give thanks for that.
Show acknowledgment and gratitude to the Infinite Creator, for all that It has done, and is doing for you.
It has given you the gift of Life Experience and offered you the Free Will to decide what you will Create with it.
Guard your thoughts carefully, as they are more powerful than you may imagine.
When you are coming from a place of Love for, and Service to your Creator, a life of Service to others will become a natural outflowing from that.
Always look for ways that you can be of assistance to your fellow Beings.
Being of encouragement to others.
Build people up, and do not put people down.
Be a beacon of light, in a dark world.
Does that old lady need a hand with her shopping bags?
How do you treat the homeless man who asks you for some spare change for the shelter?
Ever heard about "Angels in disguise"?
Look and see the Divine Spark in the Heart of all Beings.
Treat them as you would like to be treated yourself, and as you would your Creator if he was speaking directly with you.
"For even as you are doing it to the least of these, you are doing it unto me".
The Law of Radiation and Attraction.
Your thoughts, words, and actions return to you.
Ultimately, cultivate a spirit of humble Gratitude.
You won't go far wrong with that.
Desire to Serve flows naturally from a grateful heart.
Questioner: If we live with a "service to others" philosophy in order to achieve oneness with the infinite source, isn't that really "service to self"?
How is the distinction of negative and positive polarity made?
Hidden-Hand: You do not Serve others to achieve Oneness with the Infinite Source, you Serve others, because you love them, as yourself.
Others are an extension of yourself.
That's why the Law of Attraction works the way it does.
Truly, whatever you are doing to me, you are doing to yourself.
We are All One, in the Infinite Creation.
Separation is an illusion, because you only see what is in the 3rd Density.
You do not see the whole picture.
We achieve Oneness with the Infinite Source of All, as a result of our upward spiral of progression.
We are all on the path back to where we came from.
We are All on our way back Home.
We can only make a clear, conscious choice to be service-to-others if, indeed, there are perceived benefits for us in choosing a service-to-self orientation.
That is what Lucifer is here to provide.
Without being provided with this choice, we would remain forever in passive obedience to a 'higher' source, content in the peace and oneness we felt with all things around us but cut off from the myriad of unique individual feelings and experiences this exquisite game has to offer.
Thus the paradox is resolved...
Lucifer provides the pitch-dark context, out from which the brilliant and illuminating light of the morning star can dawn upon us and shine brightly to awaken our consciousness.
Final Verdict
It has been a great joy and pleasure to have put this seven-part series together for the Collective Evolution community.
While at the outset I received a few emails of dissent and ridicule, I am so pleased to say that most of the comments since this series got some momentum have been very positive.
Some readers were familiar with and had studied the Hidden-Hand material, and were grateful to deepen the exploration into it.
Others who were not familiar with Hidden-Hand appreciated having been directed towards the testimony, and felt it made as much or more sense about the good/evil dichotomy that we experience on Earth than anything else they had encountered.
For those who are having difficulty accepting the Hidden-Hand material, the best thing I can probably do is point you to his answer to this very question from a forum member:
Questioner: How can I as an individual take what you say as the 'truth'?
Hidden-Hand: No one is asking you to.
Never take what another says to you as "Truth".
Your purpose here, is to find your own Truth.
Sometimes, others can help you to do so by offering guidance, but for their Truth to become your Truth, it must pass through the test of your discernment.
Sit quietly in meditation, and ask the Infinite Creator to guide your path.
Meditate upon that which I have shared and listen to your inner feelings.
They are the language of your Soul.
Use all your Negative emotions as they arise, as the tools that they truly are.
Train yourself to notice when Negativity arises in you.
When you catch yourself projecting a Negative thought, remember that all thought is creative, and ask yourself if that is really what you want to create?
It takes a while to become proficient, but do not give up.
Just keep noticing your Negative thought patterns as they arise, and in so doing, simply choose again, and select a response that is more Positive.
It is called 'working on yourself' and is the main reason you have chosen to be here right now.
To work upon yourself.
I wish you well in your transformation process.
Suffice it to say, I have always found Hidden-Hand's testimony not only compelling, but also remarkably consistent in tone and perspective.
In fact, it is worth reading just for the times that he dismisses with witty aplomb any of the rude and cynical comments he decides to respond to.
If this person is a 'fake,' he is certainly a highly educated and discerning individual who has somehow gotten access to a very lofty paradigm.
For my money, Hidden-Hand's testimony is the best elaboration on how the paradoxical aspects attached to Lucifer can all be reconciled, and I feel grateful to have come across this information...