If the Tree of Life is the symbolic reference to Man’s quest to return to the Higher Worlds and Creation from which he came, then the “Fall of Man” or story of Adam and Eve is the symbolic reference to that ‘fall’ from those very same Higher Dimensions that brought the planet and Man to the 3rd dimension in the first place.
Now, like the character referenced from the movie The Fisher King, most of us really just want to pay the fine and go home.
In ancient times, the consciousness of those on the planet was in a higher state than before the “fall of Man”, for the planet itself existed at a fourth dimensional level or higher, having lowered itself along the Galactic spiral on the outflow of the Breath of God during the millions of years prior to that moment. In those days, matter itself was not in as dense and as ‘concrete’ a form as we know it today.
All metaphysical or esoteric doctrines mention this fact, as well as attempting to explain the descent of spirit into matter—the idea that Soul only came into the inhabitants of Earth at a certain stage in its evolution.
In these earlier stages of consciousness, life also had a very different biochemical relationship with matter than it does today, and planet Earth has gone through many drastic physical and metaphysical changes since the time it was first populated by the Els.
The Branches of the Twenty-Four
Other planets and races involved with the starseeding of planet Earth include races such as the Alteans, whose specialty are the various mental aspects of existence.
They are about as tall as an average human, with blue eyes in the shade of a clear blue sky.
Their appearance, however, is translucent or iridescent, kind of like the aliens in the movie, Cocoon.
The ‘human’ template is fairly widespread in our galaxy, and out into the many galaxies which surround us. Altea has no sun as we have a sun, they are in the zone of cold.
That is why they could tolerate the cold ice ages going on here when they came.
The Ashans and Zeneels, on the other hand, do not have a humanoid form.
Aragon is a race that works towards perfecting the health of humankind.
Zeneel works with interplay or interchange—the creating of order in the color energies – they are the alchemist of the civilizations.
As we can now begin to see, these root races have a direct link to the political machinations that have occurred and are occurring on the planet right now.
For instance, the people of China were the result of one seeding, and the Tibetans were the direct descendants from another civilization which was the soul of the Chinese people.
The problems between them existed long before coming to this planet and what is going on here now is only a reflection of something that previously existed.
If this is all beginning to sound as if Earth at one time was something like the bar scene from Star Wars, you’ve probably got a good idea of what it might actually have been like.
It is for the very same reason Man’s favorite pastime is to sit somewhere crowded and ‘people watch’ –for therein lies the fascination of this planet with the great difference between races.
If you also begin to recognize some of these traits in you, you may be able to work out some of your own planetary roots as well.
This idea was echoed in a recent television movie in which the all too human-looking alien was confronted with the fact of his striking resemblance to earthlings.
His response to the line:
“It’s amazing how much you look like us” was simple—“No,” he countered, turning slowly to face the woman.
“YOU look like US!”
As Kryon likes to put it,
“Don’t be surprised one day when the entity that gets out of a UFO to greet you looks very much like you.”
Starseeds from the planet Ashan have been responsible not only for great art upon this planet, but have also been heavily involved with genetic seeding throughout much of Asia and Polynesia as well.
The Ashans are related to the legendary Muses of Greek mythology, however, according to The Nine, they are,
“not always capable of discipline.”
The Chinese show their influence, as do the Scandinavians, and also the Phoenicians.
It is the blending of these three primary civilizations:
which brings together the connection and the coupling of the planet Earth with the Universe.
This is a product of the Light and Sound as it is encoded in our DNA that connects us up through the cosmic Sound Current to the Soul consciousness known as the Sugmad, and hence through IT to the FATHER.
In The Pleiadean Mission, this is explained as our connection to Creation:
“On our spiritual side, we also have the ability to be in connection with Creation through the gemut.
When our spirit-form was created, our connection to the Creation was made through this special sensor.
While our spirit is listening to our thoughts and accepting wisdom into the subconscious, it always has the ability to use the gemut to check out our ideas with Creation.
It is like an open line that is always there for us, and it can only be felt through the spirit.
Our spiritual self will not accept any wisdom to be added to our accumulated consciousness unless it first checks with Creation through the gemut to be sure it is in line with the truth.
It is Creation that lays down the laws of evolution and creates the framework for man to live by.
If man could learn to think with his conscious mind, using these laws of conduct provided by Creation, not only would his life be easier, but his evolution as a spirit-form would progress much faster. In religions and different belief structures there is always the faith factor, for it is not possible to prove that God really exists.
It is something that we take on faith because our parents or the priest at our church told us to do so. “If you want to prove to yourself that Creation exists and that it is the ultimate source of love and understanding which can provide all knowledge that is necessary for life, then you have only to make your connection to the Great Eternity through the Gemut.
Here you can feel and experience for yourself the ultimate feeling of the life force that guides all things, and it is available to you at any time you choose without going through any ceremonies, spiritual leaders, guides, or forms of worship.
You are always connected to it, for you are part of it.”
Unfortunately, it also for the potential that lies within our DNA that Mankind has been seriously abused by members of the Opposition and by other less powerful individual races such as the Greys.
This point is stressed in a piece by Anna Hayes from her Voyagers - The Sleeping Abductees, about the Zetan (Greys) agenda here on Earth:
“The plan for the selected Earthseeds involves the eventual contamination of food, water and air supply with certain elemental components that would repress the emotional facilities and thus cut off the possibility of the individuals to link with their Host Matrix families—a biological block to the frequencies or the Host Matrices.
Those who are not selected are intended to be removed through dramas created by holographic inserts . . .
“Here the Earthseeds are regular human beings, while ‘Host Matrix families’ in everyday language is our soul and our soul’s connection further up the dimensional ladder.
“The members of your species that were not imbued with the gift of the Zionites, who do not carry the Silicate Matrix within their “junk DNA” and Soul Matrix codes, are known as the Earthseeds.
Though all of your species originated from the 12 tribes of the Turaneusiam sub-prototype, not all of you were selected for the Zionite experiments and resulting accelerated genetic strain (the original selection of the first encounter was random).
This does not mean that one group is superior to the other in terms of innate value, as all of you are needed for the fulfillment of the Turaneusiam imprint.
But the Starseeds are “ahead of their time” so to speak, and so they carry with them the burden of the sleeping Earthseeds, and the responsibility of helping them to awaken.
The Earthseeds are still connected to the Host Matrix families, they have not yet activated the Keylonta Codes that would allow them to begin assembly of their original memory patterns.
Many of them have not yet passed through the original frequency fence that would allow the reassembly process to begin.
These humans are the most vulnerable to manipulation through holographic insert, and it is some of these that the Zeta desire to utilize for the breeding of a “worker race.”
“The Zeta have other plans in mind for the Starseeds.
The Silicate Matrix within the Starseed genetic imprint is valuable to the Zeta.
It is this element for which they search during unauthorized (by the Soul Matrix) abductions, for they hope to create a stronger more versatile hybrid through humans carrying this code.
They view the Starseeds as the potential breeders of a three-dimensional Earth hybrid race that they hope will repopulate the planet once the clearing is completed.
The unenlightened Zeta also fear the Starseeds, as they possess the potential ability of seeing through the holographic inserts.
“The Starseeds also are able to more easily partake of multidimensional communication, which enables them to “go” above the frequency fence the Zeta are working now to “erect” within the human DNA code (remember, the frequency fence is a type of sound technology that utilizes contrived frequency modulation).
Because the Starseed is already re-linked, to some degree, to its original Soul Matrix the Zeta cannot perform a forced matrix transplant upon a Starseed without first dismantling the Soul Matrix.
This is very difficult to do with the technology they have available.
And the Starseeds are protected multi-dimensionally by the Zionites, as well as by other groups (enlightened Zeta, Aethien, Ranthin, Sirian, Pleiadean, Breneau and many other presences).
The Starseeds are the greatest threat to the old Zeta agenda, and so the Zeta try to find other ways in keeping them out of operation.
“Zeta do whatever possible to keep the Starseed from awakening to its true identity.
A sleeping Starseed is not a threat (and is prime for manipulation).
Much of the “brainwashing program” has been employed to keep the Starseeds sleeping through distraction and fear of their own identities as appearing “out of the norm.”
They have also instigated a campaign to create separation and segregation between the Starseeds and Earthseeds, and also between Starseed groups, thereby exerting social pressure upon the awakening individuals.
“The Zeta and the Interior Governments have also “pushed” in certain places and in certain times within the Medical communities.
The movement to discredit holistic therapies, and to use drugs for the treatment of “emotional” conditions not of a psychotic nature, the prejudice within the psychiatric professions toward “spiritual” or “paranormal” experience, the repression of “women’s issues” and “minority” rights—all of these things are fueled by Zeta “agitation” in the “right places at the right times.”
The Zeta and Interior also infiltrate religious communities when needed, to ensure that the factions will remain at odds, to ensure that humans will not band together in tolerance, for that would be the demise of the old Zeta agenda.
You would not believe the issues within your public forum that have come under Zeta/Interior influence at one time or another.
Why do you think issues of UFO sightings are repressed and censored from the media whenever possible?
Who supports the networks?
Advertisers, of course.
Who might be influencing conglomerates “behind the scenes”?
Although not a direct participant in the Civilizations of the Twenty-Four, the Ashtar Command was created from a peaceful planet as an example for all non-peaceful planets to emulate.
It is a planet which has seven major cities enclosed in crystal domes, or what appear to be crystal domes but are really energy fields held in place by a thought field from the general consciousness of the population there.
According to the book A Pleiadean in Time, Ashtarians are very scientific, they are often researchers or inventors.
They are tall and thin and prefer to wear their hair long.
Other Branches Involved with Planet Earth
In compiling this history, the author could have had a more massive job on his hands than it actually was.
The amount of literature on the subject is staggering to the imagination.
Just because it is written, however, does not mean it is all true.
Any history book in school is simply history as seen from the point of view of the dominant race in the culture.
Therefore, history books usually have an agenda to support, especially when the publishing of those books' rests upon their treatment of the current power structure in place.
In terms of Universal history, there has been literally a flood of new works over the past decade from people channeling this being and that being.
There are people with access to ancient documents of one sort or another, or people reliving some moment from an apparent past life, either of their own, or of someone they have been able to tap into through their psychic sensitivity to the Akashic Records.
Each one of these people, each one of these books, is not necessarily right or wrong.
Many are deceptions perpetrated by the Opposition to confuse the issues and lead people astray.
That is simply a given.
As for the others, it is important to understand that they are written from simply one perspective upon the whole situation.
If you are taking an elevator up the Space Needle in Seattle, you will have a different perspective of the city below at 100 feet above the ground than you will once you get to 200 feet above the ground, and so on.
Your vision may also be further restricted due to the direction in which the elevator faces.
You will not, however, gain the full 360-degree view of Seattle and its surrounding area until you reach the summit and are able to see in every direction from the pinnacle of the experience.
The Nine therefore give this following warning as to the validity of the information available on any certain subject concerning the spiritual works.
“If humans on the Planet Earth have (psychic) communication with a helper or a lesser civilization that does not understand the workings of all, then they are liable to receive misinterpretations.”
The Nine themselves are not privy to the even higher perspectives of the true Spiritual Hierarchy of the Universe, not just those who are involved with this planet.
In dealing with the other civilizations who have come to planet Earth for one reason or another, it is important to keep this fact in mind.
While some of these are simple visitors, and others one-time residents, a number of these civilizations are very war-like, and very oppressive races.
This area of the Universe has seen many wars since its creation.
Some alien civilizations have been on the planet to plunder and pillage its resources much as the marauding tribes of Earth’s history have done to other countries.
Others have been here to exert certain influences on the governments of the world in line with their own current agenda.
Some are simply in league with “the Opposition,” and are being used to help fulfill Lucifer’s ultimate goal.
As The Nine like to point out, at times these inquisitive extraterrestrial beings can create a problem.
Civilizations which do not understand the background of what is currently happening on planet Earth, who are visiting our planet for the sake of curiosity, research or experimentation, tend to get in the way of the delicate situation here, only helping to confuse issues further.
The best-known of these types of aliens are of course the notorious Grays or Greys, already mentioned.
Theirs has become the face, and especially the slanted eyes, that now represents a whole Universe of alien civilizations.
A small town of about 50,000 people in southeastern New Mexico called Roswell has made these little guys almost more famous than Elvis.
The Greys are a race from a star system known as Reticulum, or Zeta Reticuli, 37 light years away from Earth, but still in this galaxy.
As any 14-year-old child can now tell you, they are the ones, in league with a couple of other races, who are mostly responsible for the abductions taking place here on this planet.
According to The Nine, the Grays wish to know if they can exist upon planet Earth by taking tissue samples from abductees for culturing.
They have been working with the cooperation of the earth governments for some time to try and save the genetic pool of their race by trying to cross it with Earth genes, as described earlier.
The Nine give us a warning to be cautious of those from Reticulum and their motives.
In fact, they give a warning to be cautious at this time of all those visiting Earth:
“The Greys have an urgent hidden agenda of their own.
The cover-up around the arrangement with the Greys is obscuring the bigger picture... (but) do not create the mistake of believing their higher motivation at all times in visiting your planet Earth.
There are those who would wish to come here because they have begun the destruction of their own home physical planet and are looking for a place to relocate themselves...
A portion of this motivation is indeed prepared for utilizing, if necessary, Earth species for their own environments, on their own planets...
Therefore, they are experimenting upon humankind and animal kind for testing the available possibilities.”
There are many kinds of Zeta, but they are simply without Love.
Like many alien races, they are curious about our emotions, especially about Love.
Some writers say that the Zetans desperately want the emotions that we here on Earth use so freely and will actually come in another dimension to abduct your spirit, deal with you, ask you questions, and then return you to your physical body on Earth.
Can they really do that?
Yes, they can, we are multi-dimensional beings living in a multi-dimensional Universe.
Many abductees have stories of aliens without emotions who are so curious about our emotions and seemingly uncaring toward those they have abducted and experimented on.
The best answer suggested by one writer is to “practice lucid dreaming,” being awake even while asleep and thus better able to protect oneself.
The presence of this group of aliens on the planet, however, is fairly recent in comparison with many of the other races.
William Bramley, author of The Gods of Eden, says that abduction cases tend to follow a distinct pattern:
a human being is involuntarily taken aboard a UFO, is given a comprehensive physical examination, and is then released.
This appears to us much like what the wildlife experts do with game, especially endangered species which they wish to monitor—capture, tag, implant transmitter, and release.
And don’t get us wrong, implantation of monitoring devices is not just an X-Files fantasy.
“In the room, Mrs. Andreasson saw a large bird about fifteen feet in height.
The bird resembled an eagle, but it had a longer neck.
It was in fact, a replica of a phoenix, and it had the illusion of being alive.
As Mrs. Andreasson stood and watched it, the phoenix began to undergo a transformation.
Mrs. Andreasson felt an intense heat so powerful that she cried out in pain during her hypnosis session while recounting the incident.
These strange alien room abruptly cooled off.
Where the “Great Bird” had stood there now burned a small fire.
The fire died down to a pile of gray ash with a few red embers.
As the pile continued to cool, Betty saw something in the ashes: “Now, looks like a worm,” she recalled under hypnosis, “a big fat worm.
It just looks like a big fat worm—a big gray worm just lying there.”
What Mrs. Andreasson had witnessed was a re-enactment of the legend of the phoenix, clearly staged for her benefit.
The phoenix is a Brotherhood symbol which has often been used to promote apocalypticism and justify endless human suffering., according to Bramley.
Although Mrs. Andreasson’s “vision” of the phoenix constituted only a small portion of her abduction experience; the investigators concluded that it is only too obvious that the aliens had brought Betty to the bird as the focal point of her whole experience.
It seemed to be the purpose for her travel through the red and green spaces.
As a result of her experience, she began to include UFOs in her own Christian apocalyptic belief system.
Researcher Raymond Fowler probed these beliefs:
Raymond Fowler:
Have they (UFOs) anything to do with what we call the second coming of Christ?
They definitely do.
Raymond Fowler:
When is this going to occur?
It is not for them to tell you.
Raymond Fowler:
Do they know?
They know the Master is getting ready, and very close.
“If real, Betty Andreasson’s experience was a remarkable one.
It would indicate that she was but one in a very long line of reluctant prophets forcibly implanted with an apocalyptic religious message by members of what appears to be a custodial society.
(The issue of the second coming of Christ shall be further dealt with throughout this book.)
Like the “Ezekiels” who preceded her in history, Betty Andreasson’s testimony suggests she suffered considerable mental tampering at the hands of her abductors.
This tampering may account for some of the unusual perceptual phenomena she experienced during her abduction episode.
Unlike past “Ezekiels” however, Mrs. Andreasson’s vision will probably not be added to the Bible, nor will it cause her to rally an army to embark on a campaign of religious conquest.
Her courageous testimony will simply offer the world additional evidence that the 20th century has not seen a change in the methods by which a Custodial race appears to maintain a hold on the human race.”
Bramley’s conclusion that these people are being forcibly implanted with apocalyptic visions is daring and provocative but essentially correct.
But for what reason, we must ask ourselves, especially since some abductees have actually claimed to have met Jesus on board the spacecraft which abducted them?
And why should these aliens wish to monitor us with implants?
We shall come to those answers soon enough.
Another UFO researcher believes that he has found a common denominator in many of the abductions he has studied, one which keeps on being repeated over and over again.
“I deal with lots of people who have been abducted, and the one common denominator seems to be the blood line, and its the blood line that goes back to ancient Indian or Native American blood lines.”
This, of course, would be those of a Pleiadean or Sirian origin if this is true.
Many abductees such as the ones mentioned in Constance Clear’s book, Reaching for Reality, have come to understand their own part in agreeing to work with these alien ancestors—the fact that part of their life contract specifically agrees to be used for these purposes.
The Anunnaki of Nibiru, made famous by Sumerian scholar Zecharia Sitchin in his 12th Planet series of books, are exceedingly important to the overall picture of our history, so much so that we have allotted other chapters later in the book to exploring their interaction with Earth.
The SiriansLikewise with the Sirians, for they, along with the Orions, are the race which has had so much influence on the beginnings of Atlantis, and subsequently Egypt and the civilizations of the Mediterranean region before the time of Christ.
The Men in Black
According to Barbara Clow, the Men in Black from Orion, are responsible for many of the great tragedies that have occurred on Earth in the past 26,000 years.
The excerpt from Solara’s El An Ra—The Healing of Orion in the previous chapter touches on their influence on many other planets besides Earth.
They are returning heavily to Earth at this time because of the level of technology we have achieved, a level of technology still childish compared with the state of technology on Atlantis prior to its destruction, the time when they first began to get heavily involved with this planet.
The Men in Black are of the negative polarity spoken about in the section on ‘the opposition.’
Their particular skill, according to Clow, is in setting up situations which encourage evil choices during times of high technology.
Most people on Earth subconsciously remember their influence during the Fall of Atlantis, causing in them in this lifetime, a fear of ancient cataclysm and an almost total mental paralysis upon encountering the Men in Black.
They are usually dressed in dark suits with white shirts and red ties as people encounter them here on the planet.
Their original battle was with the Nibiruans and the Sirians, and they are to a great extent, responsible for the galactic wars which have been transpiring in this corner of the galaxy for eons.
“Orion had been monitoring technological developments upon Earth with great sophistication and have held the dominant paradigm on Earth in position for their own purposes of control, that is the belief that Earth is the only place in the universe with conscious lifeforms. Orion has also engaged in a program of seeding walk-ins—Orion robots—on Earth to help maintain their influence and control over the governments and peoples of this planet.”
According to Clow, the Men from Orion have decided to commence another battle which is going on right now as they try to trigger humans into nuclear conflict in order to gain this position of ultimate control.
The pollution of the Earth and the paralysis of well-meaning people is a behavior pattern from their previous wars in this solar system.
Like the Zetans, if they make the conditions on Earth bad enough, no one but themselves will be able to survive here, for beings from Orion can tolerate high levels of radiation because the stars there are extremely dense.
Orion immune systems are also very strong, since their low level of vibration enables them to tolerate the typical modern diet and exposure to pollution and toxic chemicals.
Since their agenda is basically negative, the Men in Black are also not agonized over the genocide of the species, remembering Lucifer’s ultimate goal and sworn mission to become ‘God’ of his own Universe.
In their first battle here on the planet, 26,000 years ago, crystals were implanted in the etheric bodies of powerful or rebellious people by the Orion Atlanteans.
The Men from Orion, able to step outside of the linear time frame, also knew that Earth would undergo another struggle at this point in the future between the positive and negative forces in the Universe.
Therefore, many of these key crystals were programmed to help their cause by affecting those of the Light who would return here one day to continue the fight against them.
The end phase of this Orion plan is to bring in walk-ins from their home planet in order to use the crystals to maximum advantage.
The Orion crystals are programmed to convince people here that radiation will not really hurt their children, or the planet Earth.
They are the influences behind many of the ‘blind eyes’ turned toward what is really going on here on Earth at the present time.
We shall deal with these crystal implants in more detail in the chapter on Atlantis.
In her book Heart of the Christos, Clow accuses the World Management Team, those on Earth working with the negative alien forces, of trying to flood the space around our planet with liquid plutonium to stop other multidimensional aliens coming here to help us.
The one element Pleiadeans especially cannot tolerate, she says, is plutonium.
“The purpose of the space shuttle program is to send liquid plutonium out into space from earth, so that we (the Pleiadeans) cannot return to Earth and so earth people will not remember their stellar selves...
We cannot incarnate into Earth form if the atmosphere contains much more plutonium, for our vibration is intensely disturbed by this element.”
Plutonium not only causes cancer, she says, but also destroys the immune system, our protection against viruses from space, a protection,
“which took billions of years to develop”
As many sources will agree, the unbridled use of radioactivity threatens to pollute the Galaxy.
The Nine also express their great concern about the intervention of so many “alien” races with the planet.
They say that many of the problems going on here today were set in motion many thousands of years ago:
“There are things which were not part of the planning... that come about by greed and vanity and desire.
We speak of the governments that control the world, that create the crisis. It was not part of the plan...
“The planet earth has been held in bondage.
And now it is in its last days in the form it has taken for millennia.
When the souls of Earth have recognized their reality and understood, they can then be released, and they can provide teachings and understandings for others in other galaxies and solar systems in the Universe.”
They are sad that the governments of our world have refused to publicly believe, or convey to the people, their existence, and that of so many other races.
Instead, most of the governments of the world are in complicity with the negative alien—or Opposition-backed plans for a New World Order.
These governments do not really have much of a choice considering the leverage the major powers and the bankers now hold over them.
Former Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, in an address to the Bilderbergers Group in France, on May 21, 1992, stated—
“Today Americans would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order, tomorrow they may be grateful.
This is especially true if they were told there were anoutside threat from beyond whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence.
It is then that the peoples of the world would plead with the world leaders to deliver them from this evil.
The one thing every man fears, is the unknown.
When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by their world government.”
Someone wise once said, ‘the biggest thing we have to fear is fear itself.’
This is true for if we give up fear, we need never give up another thing.
Fear is the key weapon of the negative forces against the people and those working for the Light.
So, the experiment of the Twenty-Four Civilizations got out of hand, as experiments will tend to do, especially with so much uncontrollable input from so many outside sources.
Many there were who didn’t want the plan to succeed in the first place, and these did their very best to spoil it.
How, though, does anything grow or improve without a little experimentation?
“When you accept, understand in totality, with complete trust and faith in self, in your connections with the Universe, then you bring about the balance and are no longer in bondage.
Through the mental process of mind, if you disconnect the mind from what it is holding on to, it will be free.
This disconnecting can go by stages, so that you can develop trust and faith in your ability to maintain your inner connection with the Universe. (12)
There is never just one future.
There are several choices of future.
This is involving your will.
If we (the Civilizations) know what is the future then that means that we in truth have become involved and have manipulated your free will.”
The many different realities or futures all exist only as possibilities until they are filled with the intention and energy which makes them the chosen future.
It has only become evident even to The Nine that the future is changing drastically at this time in Creation for exactly the reasons this book attempts to underscore.
Like the creatures running amok in The Island of Dr. Moreau, the experiment here has gotten out of hand and is becoming a cancer threatening the rest of Creation.
Decisions have already been made at much higher levels than that of The Nine.
“If you only knew upon worlds without number in space—stars of great majesty and beauty that appear like beautiful gems in the black velvet of the Omniverse—the millions of Souls that are crying out, and their voices ring out in a peal of peace towards the Earth.
If men were aware of such love and such affection and such direction the problems of Earth would not be problems at all”–Brother Phillip.
It may seem to some unjust, but these decisions even included at one time a plan to terminate the experiment that was getting out of control on planet Earth.
As Kryon puts it—
“In the last five hundred years... you used the technology that was given to you for negative instead of positive...
And so it was the expectation of Spirit that earth would be terminated... and that the polarity would be shifted in a far different way than it has been...
For you have changed that, even within the last fifty years of your existence here on this planet .”
Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon religion, once said this is the Darkest Star of all, and even The Nine admit that we are using our God-given creativity to export new kinds of negativity into the universe.
But one thing they do guarantee, they will not permit the total destruction of planet Earth in this time.
There are countless numbers of Light Beings on the Earth right now who chose to come here for the benefit of the Universe, to assist in what is going on right now.
Even Kryon says He has brought with Him thousands of his workers.
But have things changed that much, and where are they headed to?
These are the major questions yet to be answered.
As a way of looking back on Creation, let’s take a look at Emil Bock who, in his work Genesis: Creation and the Patriarchs, summarizes the Creation of the world in ways which often parallel the Creation stories of the Lakota, such creation stories as told in the book Sons of the Wind.
He adds another layer of meaning, however, to the various Creation stories we have already looked at:
“First came the old Saturn cycle: Soul-spirit beings were go through the first stage of incarnation weaving a garment and bodily sheath and eventually reaching the level of the mineral kingdom (but nothing as hard as stone minerals of today).
It was a weaving of the fire element; warm substance was the only corporeality that existed.
“Then came the old sun cycle: the air element is added to that of warmth. Light was born!—
“A greater wealth of possibilities of embodiment was offered to the hierarchical beings as well as the human souls still engulfed in a deep sleep.”
Creation did not reach above the plant kingdom.
Plant forms lit up and sparkled.
The old sun cycle contains the sun, moon, earth and other planets as one cosmic body.
“During the old moon cycle: water is added to warmth and air.
To the light is added tone, the cosmic Word.
There is significant separation, and duality appears when the sun’s etheric being separates from the corporeality of the planet.
The earth proceeds by degrees in condensation.
The soul-bearing animal kingdom manifests without bodily forms.
There is gradually diversifying animal corporeality.
Still in the fluid element, man is in the next stage of incarnation.
His deep cosmic sleep slowly lights up to dreamlike consciousness.
The earth and moon still formed a unity.
“The earth cycle: for the moon to prevent earth from becoming too hard, it separated from it.
Earth, fire, water, air, all brought forth corporeal existence to the stage of man.
Now dawned the wakefulness of thought.
“... The 5th and last stage, is the post Atlantean age which we are now in.
It has been developing for over 10,000 years and is our step into the future.”
The immediate and the ultimate future are two very different things.
This step into the future when looked at far into the distance is the ultimate future Randolph Winters speaks about as ‘Step Seven –Life with Creation’, the last of the seven cyclical steps in Creation from The Pleiadean Mission that we began in a previous chapter.
This is the level of return to a ‘Oneness’ with the Sugmad and the Ocean of Love and Mercy—the sea that is the collectiveness of Soul, that which Is often known as ‘The Source.’
Only this time we return as an ‘Awakened One.’
“Step Seven –Life with Creation
Twilight Sleep through Eternity
“Our Spirit forms are part of Creation that will sleep for a period of seven great-times, or an eternity (eternity doesn’t mean forever, just for one great cycle).
During this time all life and the whole universe ceases to exist.
There is no space or time, only the nothingness of sleep.
It is not a time for creative thought, but a restful time of cogitation.
A New Great-time for Creation
“Creation awakens and starts to create a new universe, just as before.
We are now part of a completely new cycle.
Our awareness of self is gone, for we are one with eternity now are contributing to the spiritual knowledge that guides all.
Creation Starts a New Universe
“Creation will once again begin its evolutionary cycle by creating living forms which can contribute to its evolution through wisdom gained from experience.
A New Universe will be formed to repeat the cycle of evolution (of soul).
The energy of Creation has evolved to a higher level.
Creation of New Spirit-forms
“Creation is constantly improving and creating new spirit-forms. Spirit-forms are small parts of creation that will evolve by becoming material life forms.
Creation will continue to evolve and improve itself through the cycle of life forms.
Creation is constantly starting new spirit-forms throughout the complete cycle of the Material Universe.
Even here on earth new spirit-forms are coming into life.
Since they have no accumulated knowledge or intelligence, we will often think of them as idiots or insane.
In many cases they are just new spirits who have come into a material world far too advanced for them.
Moving into Spiritual Form
“It is part of the function of Creation to continually strive fore spiritual greatness by gaining in knowledge.
Since the spirit is always awake and never sleeps during a great time, it is observing and learning at all times.
The human form continues to think and provides food for the spirit.
Creation is continuing to strive for perfection in itself in order to become an Ur Universe.
The Completion of Seven Cycles
“Creation cannot degenerate.
It is always moving forward in its evolution.
The same applies to the human spirit-form, for it cannot degenerate either (except in extreme cases ed.)
It is possible to be stagnant or to waste lifetimes without learning anything, but never does the spirit become ill or degenerate.
Seven cycles of evolution through the creation of Material Universes will be completed as the energy level of Creation continues to increase.
“As any Creation reaches the last cycle of its seven periods and has mastered the highest improvement possible, it will transform into an Ur Universe that is capable of creating other Creational Universes such as ours.
The energy level of the Ur Universe is so great that it can provide cosmic life force energy to several Creational Universes at one time.
Its existence is pure spiritual energy.
The cycle of evolution of spiritual energy continues.”
As for our immediate future, that still depends very much on us.
The individual’s future is certainly a very personal level decision, although there are collective processes at work as explained in this excerpt from an article by Jelaila Starr titled The 5th Dimension -What Will It be Like?:
“As I understand it, we (all of us on earth) have chosen through our actions to include a collective in our reality at this time, hence the Internet.
And the true purpose of this collective is to establish a foundation upon which we can create a different reality/society—one that is created on the precepts of Unity and Separateness.
I believe that many of us on earth have come here from other worlds where collectives are common and therefore when it was time, we pulled from our subconscious memories and began using the technology stored there.
There is a saying,
“There is nothing new in the universe.”
I really believe this.
All that we are doing right now on this planet has been done before.
I believe that we are tapping into our future selves and bringing the knowledge of how to establish a 5D society across the dimensions/states of consciousness to our world now.
In other worlds we are creating what we have created before on other worlds and other timelines . . .”
Perhaps as much as any other, the following excerpt from an interview with Alex Collier, done by noted author Val Valerian, draws out some of the details of what life is like on other planets, and certainly planets that exist and interact with varying other races in the Universe:
I have that question written down to ask them, because you gave me a question like that before to ask them.
But they did tell me that there was a time when they first left the Lyrae system, after about 21 generations had gone by, where they found themselves hiding.
Again, I don’t know all the details, but they were being hunted by another race.
They were living in hollowed-out asteroids and moons.
They were moving all the time.
This is the whole Zenetaen civilization.
That’s correct, and I do not know how many there were.
They were basically living on craft and having to move around all the time, looking for a place that was safe.
Well, there were beings from the Casseopian system that helped them, and apparently at that point in time the Zenetaens were under a kind of imposed dictatorship, because they were in survival mode and one person took control of their civilization.
I can remember Moraney saying that it was imperative that they receive help, because they may not have evolved out of that, had it gone on any longer.
What happened was that they were taken to two solar systems in the Andromeda galaxy.
We know them as ‘star 42’ and ‘star 44’.
Star 42 is Zenetae, which is now their star system.
Star 44 has nine planets, but all of the planets are equal to or greater than the size of Jupiter.
They at this point were all terraformed.
These beings from the Casseopian system interacted with them approximately how long ago in our terms?
About 2.5 million years ago, but perhaps a little longer.
Has the Zenetaen skin color always been blue?
It was red at one time.
Their original forefathers were red-skinned, and I am told that the Lyraens and Vegans were red-skinned at that time.
How did the progression begin to where the skin color changed to blue?
Apparently, it had to do with a pigmentation change caused by the ingestion of certain minerals. . .
Copper-based minerals.
It was in the food and everything they ate, and the double sun had an effect on this too.
You have to remember something here.
We are talking about fifth density beings, not third density, so you have the additional three-color spectrums.
I always try to take that into account when comparing them to us.
They do literally live in another frequency.
Now, at one point in time I had asked you whether the Zenetaens were aware of another group from the Andromeda system called the Inextrians, and you indicated that this group was from a star called Mirach.
Another question that has been put to me to ask you is the following.
If withholding love leads a race to regression and devolution, due to the absence of expressed emotion, then why is it that the Alpha Draconians are two billion years old and have not yet become extinct?
Second, what is the average life expectancy of the Draco?
The average life span of the Draconians extends from 1,800 to 4,100 years of age.
The ones that live as long as 4,100 years are the royal line of the Draconians.
The winged Ciakars.
Yes, because their genetics have been kept totally intact.
Now, as far as them being regressive, yes, they are, but what is interesting, Val, is that they are not regressive with respect to their own people, only against other races.
So, what you’ve got is that you have this race of beings that are very regressive toward other races other than their own.
It sounds like a super-model of imperialism.
They don’t turn on their own people and have continued to evolve within their own race.
I would not at all be surprised by that.
That kind of scenario has been foretold by many individuals, even Apollonius of Tyana, who spoke of “wars in heaven” in 79 AD.
The proverbial ‘war in heaven’...
Here’s another question that was submitted to me:
“You mentioned that the Lemurians and Atlanteans were extraterrestrials, and you also mentioned Nibiru.
Tell us about Nibiru and its role and relationship to us in this solar system.”
This is what I have been told about who those connected with Nibiru are.
A very long time ago, colonies on Sirius B and the Orion Group were having trouble with each other.
In order to bring peace, there was a marriage between two members of each group.
The woman came from the Orion Group, where the hierarchy includes a queen - the matriarchal paradigm.
The male was from Sirius B. Both members were considered royalty of their respective line.
When these two came together in marriage, their offspring had the genetics from both lines.
Because of these genetics, the new race that was created was given the name “Nibiru”, which I am told by Moraney in the Orion tongue means “divided amongst two”.
This is who they literally are - a cross between those from Sirius B and a race from the Orion system.
They said that we on earth have learned the concept of prejudice from the Orion Group who were here.
When they were here, we watched how they treated other races and groups.
So, we have just propagated that.
The bottom line is, if they do create severe racial tension on this planet... you may hear about it on the news or read it in the newspaper, and this is just an example, but in order for you to go out and actually harm another soul, you have to consciously make that decision.
I think what they are going to try to do is use our free will against us.
In other words, they are going to try and convince us that this is what we need to do, and instead of people separating themselves from that idea, they are going to buy into it and try to manipulate the situation so it will appear to other benevolent groups that might want to help us that we are not worth helping.
But, I would think that the Andromedans and other peaceful groups would know that the regressives would try this tactic...
Well, they probably will know it. I know they know that, but the fact of the matter is, if we move down that path and we don’t ask for help, they will not intervene.
Well, the idea of “asking for help” opens up an entirely new can of worms.
Well, I know.
Personally, I don’t see it happening, because I don’t see enough of whomever getting it together to make a difference.
I think the fact that our race has been betrayed by others both inside and outside our race is known by the Andromedans and other beneficent races.
And, the Andromedans and other races in the Andromedan Council know that this planet has been manipulated:
and otherwise to the point where the common neurological functioning of the human brain in the general population is so dysfunctional that a common consensus is not possible with a large number of people at this time in a direction of spiritual intent that would allow assistance to manifest itself.
Now, there is no possible way the Andromedans or anyone else out there could not know how deliberately messed up the human brain has become and how the possibility of general intent has been thwarted.
My question is, in knowing that, why would they then say,
“we’ll come and help you if you ask us,”
when they fully know that we cannot do that as a population?
Well, I don’t know that they know we can’t ask.
They know our whole history holographically about all the things that have been going on here with the perversion of the human neurology and the historical interference with the capabilities of the population in terms of intent.
For example, the process of water fluoridation interferes with the hippocampus, which in turn interferes with the ability to challenge tyranny.
This is why the Germans and the Soviets used fluorides, and it is why the U.S. is one of the most heavily fluoridated countries on the planet.
Now, the Andromedans know that this is going on, and that’s just the tip of the neurological iceberg.
So, in knowing that, they would still say,
“we’ll help you if you ask us?”
I find this interesting, and somebody has to ask this question.
There must be a missing piece here somewhere in something they are not saying.
“Truth, on your planet, is a filtered experience understood only through your personal belief systems or concepts.
We have discovered that everyone on your world has a different truth, and there have been cultures-of-truth in every society or civilization.
It has kept a continuum of light here on your planet.
The truth is not told to everyone because everyone, we feel, is not ready to hear it.
There are some who have and would take your truths and put them in a box, and then keep their lives detached from it.
The problems are that much of your mankind is taking these truths personally instead of seeing it as an objective truth or reality.
They would take this truth and make it very egotistical in order to glorify themselves and others, and as we perceive, and through our own experience, a truth is not meant for that at all.
They would then create a religion or some kind of dogma again, something which they could remain detached from, yet glorify in the eyes of others.
And a truth has nothing to do with your earth religions.
The secret, wondrous nature of Spirit has nothing to do with your religions.
You are all multi-dimensional.
Think that way.
In order to think that way, you Terrans should turn the way you understand and perceive yourselves and life inside-out, and make all of your belief systems abstract, not personal.
Because of your personal attachments, you have cut yourselves off from universal knowledge.
You have to have an objective mind to gain true knowledge.
You have all cultivated the attitude of a subjective self.
The Is-ness does not live inside of all of you, and if you won’t conceive of or believe in your own divinity, how are you going to make the leap into the next levels?
How are you going to attract and magnetize true, unconditional respect and love, to you, without thinking in this way.
If you do not participate, you will only be a spectator.
You will not watch or participate in the plan for growth and evolution in our galaxy, and not truly experience it yourself.”