The last paragraph on the dust jacket back flap reads:
AARON LATHAM did his undergraduate work at Amherst College, having been an exchange student in Germany and France previous to that.
He received his Ph.D. from Princeton in 1970 for his work on Fitzgerald.
Since 1969 he has been a reporter for the Washington Post.
he was working for the CIA's newspaper before he even graduated.
From Wikipedia:
Aaron Latham (born October 3, 1943) is an American journalist who wrote the article that inspired the movie Urban Cowboy and co-wrote its script with director James Bridges.
He also co-wrote the book for the short-lived 2003 Broadway musical version.
Latham is a regular contributor to such publications as:
Rolling Stone
Esquire, Talk
The New York Times
Latham has written a few novels and cowrote the screenplays Perfect, also with Bridges, another film inspired by his articles, and The Program.
Latham was raised in a Methodist family in the tiny town of Spur in Dickens County in West Texas near Lubbock.
He is the son of Annie Launa (Cozby) and Cecil Clyde Latham.
He is married to CBS NEWS and 60 Minutes correspondent Leslie Stahl and has one daughter named Taylor.
That's right, he's married to Leslie Stahl of 60 Minutes.
Wikipedia tells us that she is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Sarah King's brother was William Rufus King, and Rufus is a family name of the Kings I out below.
Sarah's sister Margaret married Moses Brooks.
I feel I may be onto something here, because even this John Aaron Latham is privy to a strange scrubbing on Geni.
The first spouse of John is given as Sarah B. Latham, and since her parents are also listed as Lathams, John either married his sister or a first cousin.
You would assume first cousin, right, but both her father and John's father is listed as David, b. 1837.
Even stranger, Sarah also married John's first cousin Alexander.
But the scrubbing can be seen in empty slots, where brothers should be listed for John.
I suggest one of these empty slots would lead us to our current John Aaron Latham. He was born in 1943.
October 3.
That's 8/3/43.
He received his Ph.D. from Princeton in 1970; but he was also a reporter for the Washington Post starting in 1969 and Crazy Sundays was published in 1971.
So, he was going to Princeton, working for the Post, researching and interviewing movie people, and writing his book all at the same time.
Must have been a twin.
That said, in my opinion Crazy Sundays is an excellent book.
But curiously the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS take up almost a full page.
Latham needed permissions from:
Samuel Goldwyn Productions
Metro Goldwyn Mayer
Warner Brothers
Twentieth Century-Fox
and many more.
Just getting the rights and legal issues settled would have taken years.
Lawsuits are waiting if you get it wrong.
As we have seen, Aaron Latham co-wrote the movie Urban Cowboy starring John Travolta and Debra Winger (1980).
And here's an interesting paragraph from that article:
I was co-author of the screenplay, which was based on a magazine story I'd written in 1978 for Clay Felker at Esquire magazine called "The Ballad of the Urban Cowboy: America's Search for True Grit."
Set in a huge honky-tonk in Houston, the piece told the story of an unusual love triangle:
a girl
a boy
a mechanical bull
The boy's problem was that the girl could ride the bull better than he could.
Soon after the tale was published, Hollywood started calling.
So many people wanted to buy it that I was able to get first crack at writing the script.
Before long, I was taking transcontinental flights to that cruel city that had abused the talents of Fitzgerald and Faulkner (but was nice to me)."
As I said, Aaron Latham is special.
In a YouTube clip at an Urban Cowboy anniversary show, Latham said he got a hundred calls.
I guess they all had his phone number.
If any of your readers are screenwriters, ask them how many Hollywood producers are calling.
It would be your agent's job to handle these contacts.
Once a producer or studio options the story a pro screenwriter is usually hired to write the screenplay.
Latham said he got "first crack" at writing the script.
This would be highly unusual.
Latham had no track record as a screenwriter.
After Urban Cowboy, he has only two other screenwriting credits.
From over twenty years ago.
Even so, director James Bridges got first writing credit on the film.
The movie Urban Cowboy promoted Mickey Gilly's western-themed night club.
He was a news commentator, spokesperson and game show panelist in the United States during the 1950s.
(I remember his Timex watch commercials.)
There's no indication that they're related, but they must be.
Now I've finished reading Latham's book Crazy Sundays F. Scott Fitzgerald in Hollywood.
My conclusion.
It's too good.
Too good to have been written with the material the author had access to.
There's too much private information.
It could only have been written with F. Scott Fitzgerald's help.
You will say
Fitzgerald died in 1940.”
Maybe he did, maybe he didn't.
He would have been only 73 in 1969.
It is possible he lived out his life with partner Sheilah Graham (Lily Shiel) who was an actress and later a famous gossip columnist.
Note from Miles:
this is why X bowed out.
He told me these people were still alive and might sue him.
I told him they could not sue him for writing what he thought was true, but he didn't respond.
He was gone. I think the giveaway is those "long cardboard boxes the size of coffins" that Latham mentions in his Preface.
These boxes in the MGM "morgue" supposedly contain scripts and other documents written by Fitzgerald.
The problem with a cardboard box the size of a coffin is that it is too heavy to lift.
Storage boxes are usually 15X12X10.
A case box of typing paper is 18X10X15 and weighs 52 pounds.
So, the word "coffin" wouldn't apply, except as a clue.
Also “morgue”.
Aaron Latham may have worked with Fitzgerald himself.
Crazy Sundays is that good.
From a publisher's viewpoint, why would you publish a book by an unknown author about the Hollywood failures of the once-famous writer of The Great Gatsby?
Does this sound like a bestseller?
Would you invest in keeping the writer in Hollywood for a few years, with no guarantee that he'll produce a book?
In order to sell a few thousand copies, at most, if he succeeds?
No, you'd only do it if the project was for paid for by someone else.
I feel the same about the 2013 movie re-make of The Great Gatsby.
The financing sources listed in movie credits are fronts.
I'm still shaking my head.
Aaron Latham from Spur, Texas, is married to Leslie Stahl of the CFR.
Nothing suspicious there.
I am from Lubbock, so I know about Spur.
It is tiny.
Less than 1,000 people.
I have never heard of anyone from Spur, not even local Lubbock celebrities. Was Scott Fitzgerald's career simply a gift from wealthy parents to a talented child?
Or was he created by Intelligence to promote "Jazz Age" extravagance and later re-assigned to the movie industry?
Was he one person, or several, or none?
Wikipedia offers this nonsense:
Like most professional authors at the time, Fitzgerald supplemented his income by writing short stories for such magazines as:
The Saturday Evening Post
Collier's Weekly
and sold his stories and novels to Hollywood studios.
This "whoring", as Fitzgerald and, subsequently, Hemingway called these sales, was a sore point in the two authors' friendship.
Fitzgerald claimed that he would first write his stories in an 'authentic' manner, then rewrite them to put in the:
"Twists that made them into salable magazine stories."
Top short story writers express it this way:
There's no point in writing a story unless it's going to sell to the movies.
So, any "twist" or "gimmick" you add to a story that gets you some of that sweet Hollywood cash is good.
Common sense.
Hemingway didn't turn down movie money.
Writing salable stories is a writer's job.
Now, notice Esquire coming up again in that previous quote.
Curious that both Fitzgerald and Latham both worked for Esquire, a half-century apart.
Looks more and more like Latham is a front for Fitzgerald, or a front for the same writing committee Fitzgerald also fronted.
When Zelda wrote and sent to Scribner's her own fictional version of their lives in Europe, Save Me the Waltz, Fitzgerald was angry and was able to make some changes prior to the novel's publication, and convince her doctors to keep her from writing any more about what he called “his material," which included their relationship.
Scott wouldn't need to convince her doctors.
Let her write all she wants.
She needs something to pass the time.
Just because she scribbles on pages doesn't mean that it gets published.
Scott could have prevented the publication of Zelda's book with a phone call.
He probably allowed it so Zelda would finally STFU about being a writer.
Her novel came out in a cheap edition and sold poorly.
But Vanity publishing in other words. Zelda could hold up her book and show people she could write too.
Or was this another part of the Fitzgerald myth?
The two big events at the start of writing Fitzgerald's career were World War One, which made billions for the industrialists, and the Flu Pandemic of 1918-1919, ditto.
An unusual feature of this pandemic was that it mostly killed young adults.
In 1918–1919, 99% of pandemic influenza deaths in the US occurred in people under 65, and nearly half in young adults 20 to 40 years old.
The flu doesn't normally work like that.
It usually attacks the weak, which would be the old, not the young and strong.
Nonetheless, we are taught that the Spanish Flu Pandemic touched every family in America except the protected rich.
More people died than were killed in World War One.
Yet the subject barely appeared in fiction.
Fitzgerald should have seen the horror, but instead we are finding him in those years writing This Side of Paradise about "the lives and morality of post–World War I youth."
While the corpses were allegedly still being buried, Fitzgerald was exploring “the theme of love warped by greed and status seeking.”
I take myself back to 1920 and try to imagine what it would be like to have known so many of the dead.
Fitzgerald in the 1920's was considered the best writer of quality magazine fiction in America, and his stories brought the highest prices paid by slick magazines; the Saturday Evening Post, for example, paid him four thousand dollars per story even during the Depression.
Dorothy Parker has commented that Fitzgerald could write a bad story, but that he could not write badly.
Well, since Parker was another spook, that doesn't mean much.
Fitzgerald could write badly, and often did.
Beyond that, The Saturday Evening Post appears to be another Jewish enterprise, going back to 1821 and before.
It was founded by Samuel Keimer, and if you think that name sounds Jewish, you aren't alone.
Benjamin Franklin wrote for Keimer, and he stated that Keimer was Jewish.
That links to the book Jews and the American Slave Trade by Saul S. Friedman, so if you were thinking it was a bit of anti-Semitism being spread by Nazis, you are wrong.
On the Wiki page for Nathaniel Higginson, we learn that Rev. John Higginson was a leading investigator in the Salem witch trials of 1692–1693 which witnessed the prosecution of his own daughter and Nathaniel's sister Ann Doliver on charges of practicing witchcraft. [8][9][10]
Notice the three footnotes, which lead to three separate sources:
“A Very Grave Matter” [since scrubbed, link goes nowhere],
“The Biography of Anne Doliver” [since scrubbed, Safari can't connect to the server],
However, at, the Higginson name is pretty well scrubbed from the history, since the maiden name of Ann Doliver is never mentioned.
She is listed, but always as a Doliver, never as a Higginson.
Even stranger, we find no link out from Wiki to its own page on the Rev. John Higginson, although the page does exist.
And when we find it, they actually deny the Rev. John Higginson was involved in the Witch Trials, although it is admitted on the page of his son.
This Rev. John Higginson is the great-grandfather of Elizabeth Higginson above.
Just to be sure you are keeping up, that means F. Scott Fitzgerald's first editor at Scribner's was related in direct line through the Evarts and Shermans to the Higginsons, all of them involved in major events, at least some of which I have shown were faked.
But it may be even worse than that, since Perkins' mother is scrubbed.
We only know she was a Hoar.
Could Maxwell Perkins' maternal line be even more infested with spooks than his paternal line?
His mother was probably related to Ebenezer Hoar, first head of the Department of Justice after the Civil War [1870].
Both Hoars came from the area of Boston, Ebenezer's family being from Concord and Perkins' mother marrying into a family originally from nearby Watertown.
The two towns aren't five miles away.
Ebenezer was also an Overseer of Harvard College.
He was on the Commission to Settle Civil War Claims.
We are told his last twenty years were spent in private law practice, but that is doubtful.
More likely he was involved in Intelligence.
We know little of Intel at this time, and they did not include it in resumes, for obvious reasons.
“Private practice” is a usual cover for this.
Then there is George Frisbie Hoar, brother of above, US Senator (in Congress 34 years), Regent of the Smithsonian Institution, President of the American Historical Association (which made sure no real history was ever taught), and Trustee of the Peabody Museum.
And guess what, there was a Hoar in the Salem Witch Trials.
Dorcas Hoar was sentenced to hang but confessed and was given a reprieve.
I would tell you that makes no sense, but it doesn't much matter— she was never in fear of a real hanging.
But if she had been, she wouldn't have been able to change a plea after sentencing.
You can only confess before sentencing, not after.
Which is to say, you can confess at any time, but a confession after sentencing shouldn't change your sentence.
A confession is like a plea, and you cannot continue to plea after sentencing.
The background of Dorcas Hoar is rarely mentioned, and you are led to believe she was hapless widow, possibly of ill-repute.
You see that isn't the case at all.
Like the other players in the fake Salem Witch Trials, Dorcas Hoar was cloaked local royalty, being from a very prominent family.
The Hoares were among the top families of Eastern Massachusetts back to the beginning, and Dorcas was simply planted in the Salem project, like all the rest.
But let's move on.
Next, we are told of Scott's first major flame Ginevra King.
However, according to my research, she doesn't exist.
The story then contradicts itself, because we are told Ginevra was introduced to Scott while out sledding.
So, they were sledding in this party?
What, down the staircase?
Remember, Ginevra was 16 in 1915.
This was holiday season in Chicago, and she was a premier debutante in her sweet-16 year.
Do you really think she is going to miss the party season in her hometown to go to St. Paul on icy roads and hang out with a grocer's son on a fucking sled?
And we find another curious thing if we study the page at FamilyTreebyVirginia closely.
Although it is allegedly an extended family history with hundreds of prominent people mentioned across several centuries, the archive has only one tag:
That is very suspicious.
Even Fitzgerald isn't tagged, or billionaire Henry King.
Only this Ginevra.
I suggest because the history was posted specifically to resell this Ginevra King story.
That is what it does best.
And if we link out from this archive to the main archive, it takes us to MyFamilyTree, a blog of the McClaughry family.
In short, IMG represents the top athletes in many sports, including Woods.
What this means is that Virginia McClaughry, who is writing about her family that includes Ginevra King, admits that her family now also includes Ari Emanuel.
On that same page, she tells us the relation is to Sarah above, who is a Forgan.
The Forgans are related to the Kings and McClaughrys.
Who are the Forgans?
Well, Virginia tells us of James Russell Forgan, Sr., who was head of OSS Europe and helped found the CIA.
Actually, on closer examination, we have switched to a page by Mike McClaughry there, and he appears to know a lot about the CIA—so much so that we suspect he is running some counter-project.
He is hitting them pretty hard or appearing to do so.
It definitely merits further study. For now, just notice how this confirms my suspicion above, that Virginia's page on Ginevra was posted mainly to back up the mainstream story about her.
It confirms that theory because we find many other pages linked to it that don't read like normal family history pages, either.
Mike McClaughry's pages suspiciously run off into CIA projects, etc.
Although they are well-written and very informative, they are suspicious, nonetheless.
But let's move on.
We are told Scott's look-in with Ginevra was that he was “drop-dead gorgeous”.
He looks like a dweeby accountant, with a sheepish little mouth and a weak look in his eyes.
He doesn't seem the sort to turn a girl's legs to putty.
So why make up this girl?
Well, if she had been real, her father would have been the very wealthy banker Charles Garfield King, who was also involved in all the projects of the time—only one of which would be the Fitzgerald project.
Charles' grandmother was a Rockwell, and his mother was related to James Garfield, President of the United States.
The Garfield's were also related to the Chases, including banker Salmon Chase.
Charles King was also related to the earlier spook Charles King, who had been President of Columbia University during the Civil War.
Before that, he had been a newspaper publisher in New York, running the New York American until 1845.
His son Rufus married a wealthy Alsop (see previous papers) and their son Rufus was General Charles King, another huge spook.
You can see that just from the date of his death, March 17, 1933.
He was 88.
Intel loves St. Patrick's Day for some reason I haven't been able to unwind.
It has come up over and over in my papers.
And of course, 1933 needs no explanation as numerology.
Most importantly, Charles Garfield King was the nephew of Henry W. King, who owned the largest wholesale clothing establishment in the entire US at his death in 1898.
He was also the director of the Commercial National Bank of Chicago, a trustee of the United States Mortgage Company of New York, and one of the American trustees of the Liverpool, London & Globe Fire Insurance Company.
He was Ginevra's great uncle.
Many of these Kings were Skull and Bones [also see William Evarts, above].
All were descendants of Rufus King, a signer of the US Constitution.
But the most important use of the fake Ginevra King was something her father is alleged to have said when Scott wanted to marry her:
“Poor boys shouldn't think of marrying rich girls.”
Not only did that become a line in The Great Gatsby, being a premier piece of 20th century propaganda, before that it was used to whitewash Fitzgerald as a “poor boy”, or at least as middle class.
He never was.
Like Chevy Chase, he was sold as middle class or perhaps upper middle, but was upper, upper class.
He went to the prestigious Newman School in New Jersey, which apparently no longer exists.
It was a Catholic prep school of only 70 boys, apparently a spook feeder for Princeton.
And finally, as a last link in the chain, Paul Foster Case, famous occultist and Crowley wannabe who pushed Kabbalah, Tarot, and other fake mysticism through his B.O.T.A. School.
Does this mean Scott was related to Wallis Simpson, the Duchess of Windsor?
Her real name was Bessie Warfield, and she was from Pennsylvania.
Curiously, her maternal line is scrubbed.
We are given only her grandfather on that side, although her father's side is given to 9 generations.
We can assume Scott was related to the Governor of Maryland 1904-1908, Edwin Warfield.
Remember, the Fitzgeralds hail from Maryland, a small state, and smaller back then.
It has never been much more than Baltimore.
We may also assume Scott was related to S. Davies Warfield for the same reason.
This Warfield was an extremely wealthy railroad executive and banker from Baltimore.
He was the uncle of Wallis Simpson, so that ties her to Baltimore as well, and thereby to Fitzgerald.
This Warfield link turns out to be very important, since it means Fitzgerald was actually related to Ginevra King, or her father Charles Garfield King.
You see, the Kings had married the Warfields, tying them to the Fitzgeralds.
Charles King married Tracy Warfield and they had a son Charles born in 1903.
Guess what, he was also connected to the Kennedy assassination.
Through the name Fitzgerald.
They have denied and scrubbed the connections between him and Honey Fitz, or John F. Fitzgerald, the grandfather of JFK, but it exists.
We are told the Kennedy Fitzgeralds are from Boston, while Scott's ancestors hail from Maryland, but the Kennedy Fitzgeralds were originally from Virginia, which borders Maryland, of course.
Also, Honey Fitz was related to the Randolphs of Virginia.
We have to go back several generations, but he was related to Elizabeth Randolph, daughter of famous Colonel William Randolph II.
She was the 4great-grandmothter of Honey Fitz.
Now, Scott Fitzgerald's daughter Scottie Fitzgerald Smith admits that their family was related to Thomas Gerard, who was exiled to Virginia by Lord Baltimore in about 1660.
I suspect he was also a crypto-Jew, although we will have to pursue that another time.
If it is true, it would also out Gresham Machen, who is famous for starting a sect of “Orthodox” Presbyterians.
If that name “Orthodox” in that place ever looked strange to you, this would explain it.
The early photographic record of Zelda is almost as strange as that of Ginevra.
Assuming no one would unwind the genealogies (which were basically unavailable until the rise of the internet), they scrubbed Zelda's bloodlines directly through her photos.
In many of them she appears blonde, which would lead most people away from asking if she is Jewish.
I chose the second photo because that is iconic Zelda, where she is looking completely like herself—except, perhaps, that the hair is a bit shorter than usual.
Notice that the nose curves down a bit.
Also notice the face is short and wide, with almost no visible lid fold over her eyes even at this young age.
Finally, notice how dark her hair is, even in this bright light.
Her face has gone almost to hot white, but her hair is still dark.
In the first photo, everything is wrong.
That girl resembles Zelda, yes.
Her face shape is similar, though she has a longer face.
But she is too skinny, she is too blonde, her hair doesn't curl enough, her nose curves up, her lid folds are higher and visible even in this small photo, and she has a softer mien overall.
The fact that Zelda's photo record is so manipulated indicates to me she was also an agent in this project.
Real people—especially ones that aren't actors—don't have a photo record this distorted.
There is no reason to repaint the photos of most people.
So, when you see photos repainted, pasted-up, and mistagged, you can be pretty sure you are in the middle of some project.
Your only job then is to figure out what the project is selling.
Now to the next subject.
The mainstream bios admit that Zelda herself accused both Scott and Hemingway of being "fairies" and sleeping together.
That is often dismissed as just more of Zelda's antics, but I take it at face value.
I have had some crazy girlfriends, but none of them have ever accused me of being gay.
Zelda was in a position to know what was going on, and I assume she knew what was going on.
Zelda didn't like Hemingway at all, and that is well-known, she often calling him a big pouf, or the equivalent.
The actual quotes are worth sharing she called him "bogus,"
"That fairy with hair on his chest."
"Phony as a rubber check.”
You have to like her a little bit.
So, if Zelda and Scott were agents running a project, why would she partially out him and Hemingway like this?
Shouldn't she know to keep her mouth shut?
Well, I didn't say they were “running” the project.
They look to me like rich-kid fronts of a project, as usual.
They are just the pretty faces that get the attention, diverting you from the puppet masters.
The rich kids want this attention, at least for a while, so they are given it.
But, as usual, they find a way to screw it up pretty fast.
Eventually they make a series of mistakes not even Intel can clean up, and the project has to be ended.
Deaths are faked and people are relocated.
That is what happened here, I assume.
See Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love for a more recent but very similar storyline.
This also reminds me of my previous paper on Hemingway, where I tripped over an article from American Literature by J. Gerald Kennedy called “Hemingway's Gender Trouble”.
There we are told Hemingway was “androgynous” and it is implied he was probably bisexual at the least.
It is also admitted there that Hemingway satirized Scott's “sexual uncertainties”:
perhaps indicating Scott was even gayer than Hemingway was.
When I read all that the first time, I was prone to dismiss it, I suppose because I was still partially in thrall to 40 years of Hemingway myth.
At that time, I was prepared to believe Hemingway was anything and everything, including CIA; but not prepared to believe he was gay.
I have grown up a bit since then, I suppose.
My education in who might be gay was very late and slow, mostly due to my disinterest in the subject.
research that has basically reset my default for all famous people from straight to gay.
Once again here, all pointers indicate both Scott and Zelda were gay, and that they were paired together for that reason among others (rich and Jewish being the main other ones).
The standard Hollywood marriage, in other words.
Before I hit that with a bit more rigor, I wish to draw your attention to the author of “Hemingway's Gender Trouble”.
Again, his last name was Kennedy.
I have just shown you the Kennedys are related to the Fitzgeralds.
So why would this guy be talking about Hemingway's androgyny?
Well, he is probably drawing our attention away from other things.
It is called misdirection, remember?
He is admitting lesser facts to draw your attention away from greater ones.
To start with, he is probably drawing your attention away from the fact Hemingway was simply gay.
Not androgynous, gay.
They are always misdirecting you on this now, though the current gambits are even more ridiculous.
We saw that with J. Edgar Hoover in my last paper, where the New York Times was admitting he slept with men, but refusing to define that as gay.
The title of the article was something like,
“Hoover slept with men, but was he gay?”
That's like saying,
“Snow is a very light color, but is it white?”
These gambits are for people who don't realize words have definitions.
If Hemingway and Fitzgerald slept together, they were homosexual, by definition.
That is what the word means.
Having sex with the same sex.
They want to make you think everyone is now partially bisexual, but that simply isn't true.
There are a lot of people (a large majority, I would guess) who have never had sex with their own sex and never will.
Do you know why?
No, it isn't because they are repressed, it is because they don't want to.
They have no desire to.
Although I have been called a pretty boy and have been propositioned many times, I have never had the slightest gay experience.
I have never kissed a man, much less done other things.
In fact, you may notice I say it almost as a defense.
Being gay or bisexual is now so hip and cool I feel I have to defend my own sexuality.
I have to stand up and say,
“No, thank you but I am not interested in that.
If that is what you really wish to do, go ahead with my blessing.
Have fun.
But don't expect me to join you.
I have my own desires that I am very happy with, and I have no need to experiment with your desires.”
Since everyone is not bisexual to some degree, that would indicate there are two basic categories, not three.
Straight and gay.
To the extent you desire to sleep with your own sex, to that extent you are gay.
Yes, those people who have never slept with the opposite sex are the gayest.
But it is then absurd to claim that someone can sleep with his own sex and not be gay.
Gay is a synonym for homosexual, and if you are sleeping with the same sex, you are homosexual, by definition.
If you don't agree with all that, fine.
Believe what you wish.
You don't have to think what I think.
But, by the same token, I don't have to think what you think.
I will sleep with woman only and get my definitions from the dictionary:
you can do whatever you wish.
As I don't demand you be straight, please do not demand I be bisexual.
OK, that was a diversion, but I don't apologize for it.
Diversions are sometimes the most interesting things.
Back to Kennedy.
The other thing Kennedy is misdirecting you from with Hemingway is the fact Hemingway was a spook.
He would rather have you thinking about Hemingway's androgyny than Hemingway's status as a big fat phony.
These people will steer you toward anything but the truth.
You are allowed to theorize about anything but the truth, that being that Hemingway was a shitty writer who wrote boring books, promoted fascist causes, and whose fame rests on a mountain of lies.
The same can be said of F. Scott Fitzgerald, who, if he hadn't been born rich and promoted constantly by Intel, would be unknown to you.
His books aren't worth reading and his life wasn't worth reading about:
only incredible levels of promotion can account for your knowledge of either one.
We already saw in my previous paper that The Great Gatsby's sales figures were faked by the government.
After initial sales that were very poor, the government decided to get involved, buying up hundreds of thousands of copies and distributing them for free, allegedly as part of the war effort—although I don't know what reading that novel has to do with any war effort.
I guess the question begged is, has the government ever promoted any decent art or literature in support of any war or non-war effort?
Not that we know of.
OK, back to Scott and Zelda's relationship.
Do we have any other indication he was gay, other than his wife saying he was?
Well, we have the mainstream story, which is once again loopy.
We are told that when Zelda accused him of being gay and sleeping with Hemingway, Scott decided to sleep with a prostitute to prove he was straight.
Again, say what?
You might try to prove to your buddies you were straight by doing a prostitute.
And you might try to prove to a lesbian friend you were straight that way.
But you wouldn't prove to your wife you were straight by sleeping with a prostitute.
Logically, you would prove it by bouncing her until she couldn't walk straight.
Actually, even that isn't true.
If you were really straight, you wouldn't have to prove it to your wife, would you?
She would already know.
If you have to prove to your wife, you aren't gay, something is very, very wrong, and sleeping with a prostitute will only make it worse.
In the mainstream story, Scott never actually slept with a prostitute.
Of course he didn't.
If he isn't going to sleep with Zelda, he sure as heck isn't going to sleep with some prostitute.
It is at this point in the history that we get a telling tale from critic Edmund Wilson.
He met Zelda at a party, and, though entranced by her, could remember only one thing she said:
that she found the writing of Galsworthy a shade of blue for which she did not care.
Galsworthy is famous for the Forsyte Saga, a sort of extended English Gatsby.
Galsworthy was doing in England what Fitzgerald was doing in the US:
mainly boring the pants off people with awful, manufactured plots of false intrigue and vulgar liaison.
In other words, softselling corruption.
In fact, in the current context, it is worth reading a gloss of the first installment in this saga, the 1906 A Man of Property:
Galsworthy moves into the main action of the saga by detailing Soames Forsyte's desire to own things, including his beautiful wife, Irene Forsyte.
He is jealous of her friendships and wants her to be his alone.
He concocts a plan to move her to the country, away from everyone she knows and cares about.
She resists his grasping intentions, falls in love with the architect Philip Bosinney who has been engaged by Soames to build the house and has an affair with him.
However, Bosinney is the fiancé of her friend June Forsyte, the daughter of Soames's cousin 'Young' Jolyon.
There is no happy ending:
Irene leaves Soames after he asserts what he perceives to be his ultimate right on his property – he rapes Irene (as a husband was entitled to do under English Law until 1991), and Bosinney dies under the wheels of an omnibus after being driven frantic by the news of Irene's rape by Soames.
Remember, all that was 1906, before Fitzgerald got started.
Still, sounds familiar, doesn't it, especially the part about Bosinney getting run over.
In Gatsby, Myrtle gets run over and then everyone gets shot.
In both novels you have a bunch of nasty “upper-class” twits cheating on one another or raping their wives.
Half the cast ends up dead at the end, and the whole cast ends up miserable, but it isn't a tragedy because you don't care.
If you have any sense, you only wish the entire cast could have gone off a cliff naked and holding hands, peppered by gunfire from a passing Sopwith Pup.
This relates to Zelda because she was being paid to manufacture yet another saga of this sort, although they were selling hers as real.
So, her statement about Galsworthy should be read as cloaked irony.
But let's move on.
Do we have any indication Zelda was gay?
Well, we have her pics with Scott, which are not exactly warm.
Well, to start with, notice the line where the heads meet.
Why is Zelda so dark along that line?
They are outside in bright light, surrounded by white clothing.
Also, the two again don't appear to be aware of one another.
What is Zelda looking at?
She isn't looking at the camera and isn't looking at her child.
As usual, she is staring off strangely into the distance.
Her far eye is the weirdest, since although it should be in shadow, we see more white in it than in the near eye.
It has either been retouched or repainted, though I don't know why.
Strange that Zelda had just the one child, though she married at 19.
There is some talk of later abortions, unconfirmed, but that is probably just a cover story.
To prove how het Zelda was, they made up a story about her falling for a Frenchman while Scott was working on Gatsby.
We know the story is false because as usual it makes no sense.
It reads like an old Star Trek script, the ones where Kirk was wrestling with a miniature T-Rex in a spacesuit or something.
We are told Zelda asked for a divorce, so Scott locked her in the house until she changed her mind.
Do you think that would work?
If so, you have never been in a relationship with a woman, much less been married.
Which is another reason to think this story came out of the script department in Hollywood:
all those guys are gay and have no idea how a woman would respond in any real situation outside of a dance club.
Years later, the Frenchman Jozan admitted the whole thing was made-up by the Fitzgeralds:
he never even slept with Zelda, much less asked her to marry him or divorce Scott.
To show you what a genius Scott was, and what an unerring writer, did you know The Great Gatsby was almost entitled Trimalchio in West Egg?
Scott narrowed it down to that or The High-bouncing Lover.
No, seriously, I am not making this up.
We are told Zelda intervened and nixed those titles.
Thank God someone in that family could write.
But let's wrap this up:
it is overlong already.
Scott's death is surrounded with red flags.
Only about 20 people were invited to his funeral—the rest were kept out.
We are told he was refused burial in his family's plot by the Catholic Church because he was non-practicing.
That is not believable.
He hadn't become a Satanist or been excommunicated, so there was no reason for the Church to deny him burial in a family plot.
Curiously, his daughter Scottie allegedly got the Church to reverse its decision in 1975, and both Scott and Zelda were “moved” to St. Mary's Cemetary.
That is a huge clue everyone has missed, and it supports X's theory above that Scott faked his death and lived until the 1970s, perhaps even helping with Latham's book.
It indicates to me that Scott died in 1975 at age 78.
I propose that St. Mary's never refused him burial, he just didn't require it 1940.
Also, curious that they are still finding lost manuscripts of Scott.
Just last year [2015], they allegedly found a short story lost since 1939 in the rare manuscripts section at Princeton.
Why would all the Pat Hobby short stories of that time be found and published almost immediately [1940-41], but this one short story (hero Emmett Monson instead of Pat Hobby) end up in Princeton?
Why would Scott create two separate personae at the same time to tell the same basic stories concerning a hack in Hollywood?
We would have to believe Sheilah Graham found the manuscript in Scott's belongings after his death and sent it to Princeton for safekeeping, but why would she do that?
She knew Esquire was publishing all his Pat Hobby stuff, and they would also want this Emmett Monson thing.
It makes no sense.
I assume the manuscript was planted at Princeton until further notice.
Zelda's death is also surrounded with red flags.
One, she was 47.
Two, she was supposed to have died in a freak fire, locked in a room in the hospital awaiting shock therapy.
She and eight other women allegedly were killed.
The fire escapes were wooden and also caught fire, we are told.
Wooden fire escapes?
That makes sense, right?
Wooden fire escapes installed on the other side of brick walls catch fire before anyone can use them?
You've got to be kidding me!
And I guess Zelda jumped to her death from a ground floor window, landing in a puddle 33 inches wide and one inch deep, drowning before she could remember how to lift her head and breathe in.
Addendum April 16, 2017:
I discovered today that actor Robin Williams fits into the puzzle in this place.
143 KB
View full-sizeDownload Robin McLaurin Williams (July 21, 1951 – August 11, 2014) was an American actor and comedian. Known for his improvisational skills and the wide variety of characters he created on the spur of the moment and portrayed on film, in dramas and comedies alike, he is regarded as one of the greatest comedians of all time. He received numerous accolades including an Academy Award, two Primetime Emmy Awards, six Golden Globe Awards, five Grammy Awards, and two Screen Actors Guild Awards. He was awarded the Cecil B. DeMille Award in 2005.
They never admitted he was Jewish, though later in life when he wore a beard, he looked indistinguishable from an old rabbi.
We are told he was an “honorary” Jew, and that explains it.
Oy vey caramba, sure it does.
Anyway, what not many people know—and what I didn't know until today —is that Williams was a Fitzgerald.
His father was Robert Fitzgerald Williams, and his grandmother was Ollana Fitzgerald.
You will say
“So what, there are a lot of Fitzgeralds.”
Some of them must actually be Irish, right?
Well, I assume so, but Robin was definitely of the Jewish Fitzgeralds.
His 3g-grandmother on his mother's side is Nancy Anne Kennedy.
Her son married Nancy Rogers, which links Robin to the Rogers clan as well, including fellow actor Sam Shepard.
260 KB
View full-sizeDownload Shepard in 2004 - Samuel Shepard Rogers III (November 5, 1943 – July 27, 2017) was an American actor, playwright, author, director and screenwriter whose career spanned half a century.
In the direct maternal line, Robin is a McLaurin, taking him back to Senator Anselm McLaurin of Mississippi.
His wife Hepsibah Roberts is the end of the line, but I assume she is also Jewish, not only for the first name, but for the convenient scrubbing.
In the maternal line, we also find Smiths—and not just any Smiths.
We find a Solomon Cornelius Smith, son of James Pascal Smith, of Wilkes County, GA.
Note the names Solomon and Pascal, which are not names you see with every Smith.
And you may think the name Wilkes is just a coincidence (John Wilkes Booth), but it isn't.
That part of Georgia was founded by the families, so it is a definite clue here.
And it is these Smiths that married the Kennedys and Rogers.
Also remember that Robin later married Susan Schneider, a Jewish “artist”.