1-22-20 Designing Primo VE: 6 month tune-up

Michelle Eichelberger (SUNY)
Michelle Eichelberger (SUNY)
Last updated 

Primo 6 month tune-up.mp4 90.3 MB View full-size Download

6 month Primo VE tune-up.pptx 9.28 MB Download

GMT20200122-154828_Discovery-.transcript.vtt 52.1 KB Download


GMT20200122-154828_Discovery-.txt 2.38 KB Download

Answers to questions from session:

Hide SUNY Libraries: to hide the list of libraries on the full record you can either add this code to your custom.css:
/**Hide Other Libraries **/
prm-alma-other-members { display: none;}

or you can uncheck "Display locations from member institutions" in the view configuration on the general page, under Discovery Network Settings. It can take a day or two for this change to populate.

I don't know how either of these changes will affect advanced search or facets but feel free to poke around and post your findings here.

Modify style of locations and call number: I couldn't find information about applying style to pieces of the calculated availability. You could try playing with the code that can be used to add content to the calculated availability (add "Call Number"):
/* call number hack */
span[ng-if="$ctrl.currLoc.location.callNumber"]:nth-of-type(2n+1)::before {
    content:"Call Number: ";

Facets and Resource Types:
where do facets come from? How about resource types?