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By Niklas Arthur

And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. (Rev 16:19) 

Yes, The Vatican is “The City” of the Empire of the City, you could just as well say, “The Empire of the Vatican.”

Thru this tripartite division she fulfills every criterion of the Revelation to qualify as Mystery Babylon.

You will also notice that “city” is singular in all instances, this is more an indication of proof with the contemporary use in the description:

The Empire of the City.

Therefore, we have three locations, if not the entire world, to fulfill all of the grandeur, evil and catastrophe applied to the city, Mystery Babylon:

Little explanation is necessary when the required criteria are applied to the tripartite administrated New World Social-Economic Order of the Woman that rides the Beast.

It would be impossible to apply all of these points to any one particular nation, even the United States of America.

The Vatican

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The Roman Catholic Church openly rules over more than 2 billion of the world’s 6 billion people through her church hierarchy.

The staggering wealth of the Vatican includes enormous investments with the Rothschilds in:

  • Britain
  • France
  • the USA

and with giant oil and weapons corporations like Shell and General Electric.

The Vatican’s solid gold bullion stored with the Rothschild controlled Bank of England and the US Federal Reserve Bank is worth untold billions.

The Vatican is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator, and property owner in the world. 

She possesses more material wealth than any:

  • bank
giant trust

or government anywhere on the globe.

Secret Shadow Government: Deep State – Library of Rickandria

While two-thirds of the world earns less than two dollars a day, and one-fifth of the world is under fed, some even starving to death, the Vatican hoards the world’s wealth, profits from it on the financial markets, and at the same time fleeces as much as possible from even its poorest adherents.

Death: A Transition – Library of Rickandria

The Vatican is the very seat of the Man of Sin, the prophesied Anti-Christ of the Apocalypse, the Biblical Book of Revelation.

Book of Revelation & the End of Days Messiah – Library of Rickandria

Corporation of London

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Like Vatican City, London’s Financial District is also a privately owned corporation, or city state, located right smack in the heart of Greater London.

It became a sovereign state in 1694 when King William III of Orange privatized and turned the Bank of England over to the bankers.

Portrait by Godfrey Kneller, c. 1690 2.37 MB View full-size Download

William III (William Henry; Dutch: Willem Hendrik; 4 November 1650 – 8 March 1702), also known as William of Orange, was the sovereign Prince of Orange from birth, Stadtholder of Holland, Zeeland, Utrecht, Guelders, and Overijssel in the Dutch Republic from the 1670s, and King of England, Ireland, and Scotland from 1689 until his death in 1702. He ruled Great Britain and Ireland with his wife, Queen Mary II, and their joint reign is known as that of William and Mary.

Today the city state of London is the world’s financial power center.

It houses the Rothschild controlled:

  • Bank of England
  • Lloyd’s of London
  • the London Stock Exchange
  • all British Banks
  • the branch offices of 385 foreign banks

and 70 US banks.

It has its own courts, its own laws, its own flag, and its own police force.

It is not part of Greater London, England, or the British Commonwealth, and pays no taxes.

The city state of London houses Fleet Street’s newspaper and publishing monopolies.

It is also the headquarters for worldwide English Freemasonry and headquarters for the worldwide money cartel known as the Crown.

Decoding Rosicrucianism & Freemasonry Using the Unified Field – Library of Rickandria

The Crown is not the Royal Family or the British Monarch.

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The Crown is the private Corporation of London.

It has a council of twelve members who rule the corporation under a mayor called the Lord Mayor.

The Lord Mayor and his twelve-member council serve as proxies who sit in for thirteen of the world’s wealthiest, most powerful banking families.

Power of the Purse: The Origin of Money – Library of Rickandria

This ring of thirteen ruling families includes:

  • the Rothschild family
  • the Warburg family
  • the Oppenheimer family

and the Schiff family.

Reptilians & the Council of 13 – Library of Rickandria

These families and their descendants run the Crown Corporation of London.

What I Finally Understood about Famous People – Library of Rickandria

The Crown Corporation holds the title to worldwide Crown land in Crown colonies like:

  • Canada
  • Australia
  • New Zealand

The British Parliament and the British Prime Minister serve as a public front for these ruling crown families.

All of these serve the Vatican and as a result have become very rich while maintaining their wealth.

Domine Dirige Nos (“Master Direct us”, motto of City of London Corporation).

There is no doubt in my mind who their Master is, even the scripture indicates, the Dragon gives them their power.

The District of Columbia

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Like the Vatican and the Corporation of London, a third city state was officially created on land ceded by the several Catholic Colonies of Virginia and Maryland in 1790 as the first Act of the American Constitution.

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Frederick Tupper Saussy III (July 3, 1936 – March 16, 2007) was an American composer, musician, author, artist, and conspiracy theorist. He was a self-styled theologian, restaurant owner, ghostwriter of James Earl Ray's biography, King assassination conspiracy theorist, anti-government pamphleteer, and radical opponent of the federal government’s taxation and monetary authority.

F. Tupper Saussy reports in his book, Rulers of Evil:

“What? American government Roman Catholic from the beginning?


the land known today as the District of Columbia bore the name “Rome” in 1663 property records; and the branch of the Potomac River that bordered “Rome” on the south was called “Tiber.”

ROME – Library of Rickandria

This information was reported in the 1902 edition of the Catholic Encyclopedia’s article on Daniel Carroll.

Portrait by John Wollaston, 1753–1754. 798 KB View full-size Download

Daniel Carroll (July 22, 1730 – May 7, 1796) was an American politician and plantation owner from Maryland and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. He supported the American Revolution, served in the Confederation Congress, was a delegate to the Philadelphia Convention of 1787 which penned the Constitution of the United States, and was a U.S. Representative in the First Congress. Carroll was one of five men to sign both the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. He was one of the few Roman Catholics among the Founders.

The article, specifically declaring itself “of interest to Catholics” in the 1902 edition, was deleted from the New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967).

Saussy adds,

“In 1790, President George Washington, a Protestant, appointed Congressman Carroll to head a commission of three men to select land for the “federal city” called for in the Constitution.

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George Washington (February 22, 1732 – December 14, 1799) was an American Founding Father, politician, military officer, and farmer who served as the first president of the United States from 1789 to 1797. Appointed by the Second Continental Congress as commander of the Continental Army in 1775, Washington led Patriot forces to victory in the American Revolutionary War and then served as president of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, which drafted the current Constitution of the United States. Washington has thus become commonly known as the "Father of his Country".

Who WAS George Washington? – Library of Rickandria

Of all places, the commission chose “Rome,” which at the time consisted of four farms, one of which belonged to… Daniel Carroll.

It was upon Carroll’s farm that the new government chose to erect its most important building, the Capitol.”

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The January 6th “Attack on the Capitol” WAS STAGED – Library of Rickandria

The con of the Constitution was veiled, few would perceive or even suspect what was truly behind the reason given for popular consumption, “to form a more perfect union” than had the Articles of Confederation.

Articles of Confederation - Wikipedia

If not for the insisted upon Protestant Bill of rights, liberty would have perished that day.

Bill of rights - Wikipedia

Sixty years later when the secession movement swept the South threatening the Empire’s DC power center in the new world, the election leading up to the Civil War had one candidate who stumped vociferously for Preserving the Union.

The Empire did not want to lose its foothold for total control in the New World so stealthily backed the unwitting Abraham Lincoln who was pressured to keep his pledge to Preserve the Union at any cost, even the cost of the lives of hundreds of thousands of America’s fathers and sons.

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Abraham Lincoln (/ˈlɪŋkən/ LINK-ən; February 12, 1809 – April 15, 1865) was an American lawyer, politician, and statesman who served as the 16th president of the United States from 1861 until his assassination in 1865. He led the United States through the American Civil War, defending the nation as a constitutional union, defeating the insurgent Confederacy, playing a major role in the abolition of slavery, expanding the power of the federal government, and modernizing the U.S. economy.

After the war when Lincoln had turned his back on the money powers and genuinely sought to restore the South to equal footing and original intent of the Union, he had outlived his usefulness.

Lincoln’s Assassination was a Manufactured Event: Meaning it NEVER Happened – Library of Rickandria

The post war, post assassination era was just the time of crisis that the Empire needed to mold America into an image more to its liking.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand – Library of Rickandria

The first giant leap in the takeover of the free nation had just succeeded.

BOOKS: The Nation – Library of Rickandria

With the consequent Reconstruction, the Fourteenth Amendment and the Act of 1871, America would never be the same.

American “Empire” – Library of Rickandria

The next giant leap would include the 1913 Federal Reserve Coup of the United States Treasury by the City of London Bankers and the introduction of the first world reserve currency, the Federal Reserve Note.

The FED: Federal Reserve – Library of Rickandria

Its subsequent Great Depression and the numbering of all Americans through the Social Security System, the cause that began in America has now spread to every nation on earth, a New World Social Economic Order.

Communism in America – Library of Rickandria


Although geographically separate, the three city states of:

  • the Vatican
  • the Corporation of London
  • the District of Columbia

are one interlocking empire called the Empire of the City.

The flag of the District of Columbia has three red stars, one for each city state in the three city empire.

This tripartite union controls the world economically through London’s Square Mile financial district, militarily through the District of Columbia, with the Vatican its head and Spiritual as well as Temporal seat for the Vicar of Christ on earth, who is the Pope and the Anti-Christ.

THE ANTICHRIST – Library of Rickandria

And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies… Rev 13:5

If we are truly as close to the end of all things and the return of Christ as most believers hold, then we should be able to observe the elements of these things presently coming to fruition.

The Truth About “Jesus Christ” – Library of Rickandria

With the recent exposure of the Malachy Prophesy and the installation of the Jesuit Pope Francis.

Pope Francis in 2021 1.64 MB View full-size Download

Pope Francis (Latin: Franciscus; Italian: Francesco; Spanish: Francisco; born Jorge Mario Bergoglio;[b] 17 December 1936) is head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State. He is the first pope to be a member of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuit Order), the first from the Americas and the Southern Hemisphere, and the first born or raised outside Europe since the 8th-century papacy of the Syrian pope Gregory III.

The Jesuits – Library of Rickandria

I have had the honor of coming into agreement with many Evangelical and Futurist leaning Christians that the final Pope will in fact be the prophesied end time Anti-Christ.

Christian Program & Purpose – Library of Rickandria

All of the facts presented here, easily verified on the ground, confirm that the time is right for a one world religious leader, and no one is better positioned to fill that role that the Pope of Rome.

Time Magazine drives the point home by the selection of this Pope as:

Person of the Year 2013, with these two paragraphs of adulation among many:

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“How do you practice humility from the most exalted throne on earth?

Rarely has a new player on the world stage captured so much attention so quickly—young and old, faithful and cynical—as has Pope Francis.

In his nine months in office, he has placed himself at the very center of the central conversations of our time about:

  • wealth and poverty
  • fairness and justice
  • transparency
  • modernity
  • globalization
  • the role of women
  • the nature of marriage
  • the temptations of power

At a time when the limits of leadership are being tested in so many places, along comes a man with no [visible] army or weapons, no kingdom beyond a tight fist of land in the middle of Rome but with the immense wealth and weight of history behind him, to throw down a challenge.

ROME – Library of Rickandria

The world is getting smaller; individual voices are getting louder; technology is turning virtue viral, so his pulpit is visible to the ends of the earth.

When he kisses the face of a disfigured man or washes the feet of a Muslim woman, the image resonates far beyond the boundaries of the Catholic Church.”

The Dark History of the Vatican – Library of Rickandria

…all the world wondered after the beast. (Rev 13:3)

Former Catholic Priest Richard Bennett has this to say about the latest Pope of Rome:

“Cardinal Bergoglio, in order to build a public image for himself, once elected, chose the name Pope Francis in honor of St Francis of Assisi.

St Francis was known to be a softhearted lover of nature; thus, Pope Francis adroitly implied that he would be similarly unassuming, kind, and harmless.

On the other hand, from his first speech and subsequent presentations, he has shown himself as a totalitarian Jesuit.

The Jesuits – Library of Rickandria

Thus, as the media and many ecumenical Evangelicals fawn over Pope Francis, it is necessary to biblically analyze his speeches and performances.”

The Bible: A Jewish Conspiracy & Hoax on the Gentiles – Library of Rickandria

In 1545, the Catholic Church convened one of its most famous councils in history, which took place north of Rome in a city called Trent.

The Council of Trent continued for three sessions ending in 1563.

Council of Trent - Wikipedia

One of the main purposes of this Council was to plan a counterattack against the Protestant Reformation.

Before Trent the Vatican’s main method of attack had been largely frontal, the open burning of Bibles and of heretics.

The Truth About the Bible – Library of Rickandria

However, this method only confirmed in the minds of Protestants the conviction that Vatican was indeed the Great Whore that would “make war with the saints” (Revelation 13:7).

She has learned the lessons of history very well.

A Study of History by Miles Mathis – Library of Rickandria

The present Pope may or may not be the final one in the line of succession of the “Man of Sin” and if he is not, one just as capable or even more so will follow in his footsteps to fulfill the prophecy completely.

This article is based upon the same chapter of my book:

The Rapture Will Be Canceled.