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Single Files

2012 - La Conexión Astronómica
2012 - The Astronomy Connection
A Different Story about the End of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9
Against The Tide - A critical Review by Scientists of How Physics and Astronomy Get Done
A Key to the Mystery of Comet Origins... in the Current Visit of Hale-Bopp?
A New Model Of Mars As A Former Captured Satellite - Bi-Modal Distribution Of Key Features Due To Ancient Tidal Stress?
Anillo de Estrellas
Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy So Far
A Sampling of Curious Features From the Mars Data Dump
Astronomers Announce First Clear Evidence of A Brown Dwarf
Astronomers Find Enormous Hole in the Universe
Astronomers Puzzled by Titan's Missing Craters
Biocosm - The New Scientific Theory of Evolution - Intelligent Life is the Architect of the Universe
Binary Stars - Does our Sun have a Dark Companion?
Blindsided - Planet X and Earthchanges!
Brown Dwarf Star
Cassini Images - Bizarre Hexagon on Saturn
Cave Skylights on Mars - Windows Onto The Abyss
Collision Earth - The Threat From Outer Space
Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 Disintegrates
Coming of Planet X - Nibiru, The
Constellation of Draco, The
Cycles of Precession
Cygnus X-3 and The Cosmic Ray Question
Dark Mission - The Secret History of NASA
Desaparecido Gran Planeta Tiamat - ¿La Tercera Roca Desde el Sol Fue Alguna Vez la Quinta Roca Desde el Sol?, El
Desde 1983, NASA Sabe Que Nuestro Sistema Solar es Binario - Evidencias Científicas - Batalla Por La Verdad X
Dwarf Star, Brown
Electric Comet
Electric Comet, The
Electric Sky, The
Enanas Marrones
Estado Planetofisico de La Tierra y La Vida
Estrellas Binarias - ¿Nuestro Sol tiene un Compañero Oscuro?
Europa Enigma - The Jovian Moons, The
Exploded Planet Hypothesis – 2000, The
Extrasolar Systems
Face It - It's a Face - More on Mar's Monuments
First Direct Photos of Exoplanets - In an Astronomy First, Researchers Image Exoplanets Orbiting Two Stars
Ganímedes Lleva Testimonio... - La Tercera Luna de Júpiter y el Satélite Planetario Mas Grande del Sistema Solar
Ganymede Bears Witness - The Third Moon From Jupiter and The Largest Planetary Satellite in The Solar System
Halton Arp, a Modern Day Galileo
Hidden Story of The "Asteroid" Steins' Encounter - Rosetta Flies by "Something" Very Strange, The
Hyperdimensional Hexagon
Iapetus - Moon with a View - Or, What Did Arthur Know … and When Did He Know it?
Jupiter's New Red Spot
Lecture That Could Change What You Believe About Everything - Tom van Flandern and Mars, A
Lluvia de Cometas - ¿Los Cuatro Jinetes del Apocalipsis?
Lunar Mysteries
Mars' Findings of Zecharia Sitchin, The
McDaniel Report - Extracts, The
Methane on Mars - Or … “Back to the Future …?”
"Milky Way" and Our Galactic Neighborhood, The
Moon - What Is It And Who Made It?, The
Nemesis Affair - A Story of the Death of Dinosaurs and the Way of Science, The
New Evidence of Artificiality at Cydonia on Mars
Of Thunderbolts and Celestial Marvels
Open Cluster
Origen del Nombre de la Sociedad Nibiru
Origin of The Elements, The
Our Busy Solar System
Our Milky Way Galaxy On Collision Course with Huge Gas Cloud - 40 Million Years from Now...
PHOBOS - A Strange "Thing"...
Phobos Incident - Malfunction or Early "Star Wars"?, The
Phobos Revisited - Looking For Some Answers
Planetophysical State of The Earth and Life
Planet X and the "Jesuit Footage" Classified "Secretum Omega, The
Pleiades and Stardust
Predictions on “Deep Impact
Secretum Omega - Il "Jesuit Footage", Classificato Secretum Omega, Sembra..., La Realta del
Shoemaker-Levy 9, A Different Story about the End of Comet
Shoemaker-Levy 9 Comet, The Nature of
Sistema Estelar Zeta Reticuli, El
Solar System Is No Accident, Our
Sol Station SouthEast - We Are Not Alone!
Sombrero Galaxy, The
South Pole Telescope (SPT) - America’s New Planet X Tracker
Spectacular Video of Ancient Moon Ruins?
'Spiral Galaxy' at Saturn's Pole, The
Stars that Bend Time
Star Systems
Stephen Hawking, Black Holes and Alex Collier
Studies from M.A.R.S - Mars Archeological Research Society
Sun and Earth 2012 Polar Shifts
Sun Is Freaking Out, The
Tiamat, The Late Great Planet
Two Planets Identified As Most Similar to Earth - Both Orbit The Same Star, 20 Light-Years From Earth, Called Gliese 581
Universe Gives Up Its Deepest Secret, The
Universo Devela su Mas Profundo Secreto, El
Venus Isn't Our Twin!
Vulcan and Comets Related Sites - New Solar Planets
Vulcan and Earth Catastrophism - The Beginning of the End
Vulcan y Catástrofes en la Tierra - El Comienzo del Fin
Zeta Reticuli Star System, The

Main Files

Agua Mas Allá de La Tierra
Agujeros Negros en Nuestra Galaxia
Asteroids, Comets and Meteorites
Astrosciences - Exploring The Mysteries Of The Universe
Brown Dwarfs
Cambios Dramáticos en Nuestro Sol
Cinturón de Fotones - The Photon Belt, El
Comet 73 Deep Impact 2006
"Comet" Elenin
Comet Holmes - Obscure Comet Brightens Suddenly
Comet NEAT
Cygnus Mystery, The
Deep Impact Mission
Dogon, Los
Electric Sun, The
Electric Universe, The
Estrellas Amarillas
Exoplanets and Habitable Planets
Hale Bopp - A Sign of the Times
Hollow Planets
Luna - Fenómenos Actuales No Explicados, La
Marte - Los Ultimos Descubrimientos y sus Interpretaciones
Message of The Pulsars, The
Moons of Our Solar System, The
Moon's Origin and Purpose
Mystery of the Cosmic Thunderbolt
Nemesis Theory, The
Nibiru - El Planeta X  ó  Hercolobus
Nuevos Universos
Planetas Habitables y Exoplanetas
Planeta X  ó  Nibiru
Shoemaker-Levy 9 Comet
Sirius - La Estrella Azul
Slow-Motion Doomsday - Planet X - Nibiru
SOHO Project, The
Solar Storms and Earth's Electric Grid
Sol, Cambios Dramáticos en Nuestro
Teoría del Planeta Oscuro, La
Thunderbolts of the Gods
Ultimas Noticias sobre Asteroides (actualizadas diariamente)
Ultimas Noticias sobre Marte (actualizadas diariamente)
War In Heaven, War On Earth
Water Beyond Earth
Zecharia Sitchin, Sumeria, Los Anunnaki y Nibiru
Zeta Reticuli Incident, The

Asteroids, Comets and Meteorites