Blue Blood, True Blood, Conflict & Creation - Chapter 6: Bluebloods!

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by Stewart A. Swerdlow

The inner Earth provided a subterranean locale for the Reptilians to regroup and formulate plans to retake the surface.

At this point, the Reptilians were completely cut off from their home in the Draco constellation.

Their spaceship, the Moon, was in human hands.

They were alone, isolated on a now hostile planet.

They needed to defend themselves.

They developed a plan to insidiously retake the surface by blending their genetics with the genetics of the surface humans.

Because the human prototype already had Reptilian genetics, it was easy to access the mind-pattern.

The Reptilian frequency was already established in the brain stem as well as the Reptilian brain section of these hybrid humans.

The population of Sumer was chosen as the starting point.

These humans were primarily descendants of the:

  • Martian
  • Maldekian
  • Lyraen


The Reptilians have a preference for the genetics of blonde-haired, blue-eyed people whose mind-patterns and genetics are so easily controlled.

They abducted members of the ruling classes, including political leaders.

Using these humans, they began a new hybridization program that took several generations to perfect.

Their goal was to reach a human/ Reptilian genetic 50/50 split.

This would produce a human-looking Reptilian that could easily shapeshift from Reptilian to human, then back again.

Shapeshifting was accomplished simply by concentrating on the genetics the hybrid wished to open, or lock up, whatever the case may be.

For this program the Reptilians engaged the help of the Sirians who had the technology to implement such a program.

The Sirians knew a lot about genetic alterations and mind-programming, which they freely shared with the Reptilians.

Once the hybridization program was complete, the Sumerian leaders were now shapeshifting Reptilians.

The new Reptilian hybrid became the elite of that culture.

Their blood, because of the increased Reptilian DNA, contained more of a copper content.
Since copper-based blood turns blue green upon oxidizing, these Reptilian hybrids were called "Bluebloods".
American government is probably the main focus of the current reptilian shapeshifters.

Your attention is drawn to the vertical slit eyeballs which shape shift into many US military leaders -
Norman Russbacher, Rupert Murdock, etc.

We suggested new rules requiring all government decisions and voting must take place in 20% oxygen air, to kill the shapeshifters.
The Bluebloods quickly realized that with a 50/50 human/Reptilian genetic split, it was necessary to intermarry to maintain the 50/50 split bloodline necessary to shapeshift.

When the split increased too far to the Reptilian side, shapeshifting became difficult, and holding human form became impossible. In these cases, it was discovered that the ingestion of human hormones, flesh, and blood, allowed the Reptilians to maintain the human form.

Human form was necessary to maintain to avoid scaring the population, which was now not accustomed to the Reptilian form.
Control of the masses was easier when the orders came from a humanoid.

The Reptilian format was kept to religious icons and legends.

The statues of their gods and goddesses reflect the Reptilian influence, even showing a female Reptilian holding a hybrid baby.

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The shapeshifting Reptilian Bluebloods asked the Sirians for help with the daily maintenance of their human forms.

The Sirians determined that feeding the hybrids human hormones and blood in an altered animal form would be the easiest way to do it unnoticed by the population.

The sacrificial animal used by most Middle Eastern people was the wild boar, so the Sirians chose it as the basis for this new animal hybrid.

Human genetics were mixed with those of the wild boar to create the domesticated pig.

This animal was served daily to the Bluebloods as a method of temporarily maintaining their human form until they could use an actual human in a sacrificial ceremony.

Because the domesticated pig is a combination of human and animal genetics, eating it is a form of cannibalism.

This explains why the Hebrews considered it unclean to eat.

This is also why the pig is considered to be the most intelligent animal on Earth, why pig skin can be grafted directly onto humans in burn cases, and why pig heart valves can be used in humans with little difficulty.

Cancer drugs and other chemicals are often tested on pigs before humans.

The domesticated pig frequency, or group mind, is the perfect vehicle for animal species to enter before entering human form on their evolutionary progression.

In many respects, pigs can be considered a form of humanity.

To a lesser degree, the same is true about cats.

As time progressed, the civilization of Sumer declined and transformed into other cultures.

Vast migrations from Sumer to other locations in Central Asia occurred.

The migrating peoples took their Blueblood leaders with them, as they were their royalty and kings.

The Sumerians became known as the sum-Aryans, or just, Aryans.

They spread out across Asia into the steppes of Russia and into the Northern Indian subcontinent.

In India they encountered the dark-skinned Dravidians, who were Reptilian remnants from Lemuria.

The Dravidians were driven to the central and southern parts of India, while the Aryan hybrids took control of the north, and into the foothills of the Himalayas.
The Aryan leaders, all Bluebloods, became the Sultans and Rajas of legend and history. Sumerians also created Babylonia.

The Sumerians also migrated to the area known as the Caucasus Region, where the Khazars developed.

From the Caucasus Region, the Blueblood kings and their people spread west toward Europe, developing into the:

  • Franks
  • Cambrians
  • Teutonic


These nationalities were also being manipulated by various alien cultures like the:

  • Antarians
  • Arcturians
  • Aldebarans
  • Tau Cetians

and other remnants of the Lyraens, such as the Atlans.

The Atlans located here eventually became the Celts.

To back-track for just a bit, I had said in a previous chapter that the descendants of the Reptilian hybrid Sumerians went into Central Asia and the Middle East.

They mostly established themselves in the Caucasus Mountains and became the Khazars. 

From here, they spread west toward Europe, seeding the national identities for:

  • the Vikings
  • the Franks
  • the Teutonic peoples

and the Russians.

Keep in mind that when Atlantis sank, some of those refugees went to Western Europe and developed into the Celts.

Some went to Greece and others to the Italian Peninsula.
These peoples were here before the hybrids moved in.

It was during the interim time period from the destruction of Atlantis until the Sumerian descendants moved in that other alien groups started to add their genetic mix to the pot and develop individual cultures based on their home worlds.

These Blueblood leaders also infiltrated the Middle Eastern peoples, such as the Biblical:

  • Canaanites
  • Malachites
  • Kittites

At the same time in Egypt, the Sirians were reorganizing the Atlantean descendants there, known as the Phoenicians.

The Phoenicians were blonde-haired, blue-eyed, with some green-eyed, red-haired people among them.

The Phoenicians colonized the coastal Middle East and the British Isles.

They even colonized parts of the North-eastern North American continent, all the way to the Great Lakes area.

Some of their mines and writings on stone tablets can still be found in the woods of North America.

The Sirians were also genetically creating the ancient Hebrews.

The Jewish people are actually a combination of these genetically manipulated Hebrews and the Sumerians.

These Jewish people were then released into the Palestinian territory.

The name, Palestine, comes from the ancient people, the Philistines, who were actually Phoenicians.

All of these mixed in the coastal plains of Palestine and created a new religion based on sacrifice and an avenging alien controller, that they called God, or Elohim.

Similarly, when the Aryans mixed with the Dravidians in India, they created the Hindu religion, which is actually a recreation of the Reptilian seven-tier hierarchy.

The caste system of India is a direct copy of the Reptilian division of function.

At the same time that all of this was going on in western and central Asia, the Rigelians, were developing the remnants of Lemuria who escaped to the coast of eastern Asia.

The Rigelians were a human civilization that was controlled, and eventually assimilated, by the Reptilians.

The Rigelians assisted the inner Earth Reptilians in developing a hybrid that included Rigelian DNA.
The Rigelian/Reptilian hybrids set up dynasties in what is now Japan and China that developed independently of their western cousins.

In their mania for control, the Reptilians used the various races that donated DNA to the original human project.

They fastidiously monitored these related sections of hybrids to determine which was best suited for overall control, and which for subservience.

All the hybrids could be controlled through the Reptilian brain that hooked them into Reptilian mind-patterns, but some were more controllable than others.

In Europe, the Bluebloods insidiously took control of the various tribes and groups, becoming their kings and royalty.

They infiltrated the Arcturian experiment, called the Etruscans and started to create a new global empire through the Romans.

These European Bluebloods then entirely eliminated the Antarian experiment in Greece and instigated their plan for globalization through the Roman Empire.

The Reptilians even offended the Sirians by infiltrating the Egyptian experiment and implementing their religion there.

The Reptilian hybrids became like the endometriosis of the known world, slowly growing into all areas and creating control through the Blueblood system.