October 2021 SLS Update

Shannon Pritting (SUNY)
Shannon Pritting (SUNY)
Last updated 
GMT20211014-160015_Recording_as_1920x1080.mp4 207 MB View full-size Download

Rough timestamps for topics:
0:30-12:30 Discussion of Workplace Transition
12:30-19:00 Procurement Update
19:00-22:30 Whole Ebook ILL Update
22:30-23:50-LARS Wrap Up
21:15-27:10: DEI Update
27:10-29:30: WALDO-Lyrasis Transition
29:30-31:00  PrimoVE Discovery October Release Update
31:00-32:30  E-Resources October Release
32:30-33:45  SUNYConnect TF Update
33:45-35:30 ScienceDirect Title Swap and Update
35:30--36:50  OED Offer
36:50--38:20 NEJM and Artstor
38:40-39:15: Brief Level Rules
39:15--40:00  Corrupted Diacritics
40:00-41:15  MD Editor Exclusive Use Delayed
41:20-43:45  RS stats in Alma Sept.
43:45-45:00  RS Billing Update
45:00 - 47:45 Resource Sharing (Articles) with Connecticut State
47:45--50:45  Return Anywhere Issues and Discussions
50:45-55:00--Q and A

GMT20211014-160015_Recording.transcript.vtt 59.8 KB Download

Chat Transcript
GMT20211014-160015_Recording.txt 3.03 KB Download

Slide Deck
SLS-Update-10-14-21.pptx 22.2 MB Download