Covid-19 & Anthony Fauci

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Anthony Fauci aka Dr. Mengele 2.0

 -  Alcuni Stati degli USA cercano di deporre Fauci ed altri Alti Funzionari nel Caso della Censura BigTech del...
  |  -  Aldous Huxley foresaw our Despots - Fauci, Gates, and their Vaccine Crusaders
  |  -  Anthony Fauci America's high priest of Scientism 'Wears Out his Welcome'
  |  -  Anthony Fauci and the 'Spanish Flu Epidemic' in 2008
  |  -  Anthony Fauci is Out "Sidelined" by Trump - Enter Dr. Scott Atlas to the 'Coronavirus Task Force'
  |  -  Anthony Fauci's Horror Experiments - Children and Dogs...
  |  -  As serious 'COVID Vaccine Side Effects' grow Dr Fauci Disappears
  |  -  Bioweapons Criminal - Anthony Fauci bought off Top-level Scientists to Cover-Up lab origins of Covid-19
Italiano |  -  Bugie, Propagandisti e Il Gran Reset
  |  -  COVID-19 may Turn Out to be like a "Bad Flu Season" - Anthony Fauci
  |  -  Covid Update - What is the Truth?
  |  -  Doctors Speak Out on Censorship and 'Mass Murderer Anthony Fauci's False Information' Hydroxychloroquine
  |  -  Documentary Unveils Disturbing Vaccine Contamination - Plandemic
  |  -  Dr. Anthony Fauci plotted 'Global Vaccine Action Plan' with Bill Gates before pushing 'COVID Panic Treatments'
  |  -  Dr. Anthony Fauci's Ties to George Soros, Bill & Hillary Clinton, the WHO, Bill Gates & the 'Big Pharma Mafia'
  |  -  Dr. Fauci-Mengele 2.0's NIAID Replacement is a Psychotic MK Ultra - Mask, Lockdown and DEATHVAX™ Zealot
Español |  -  El Año en que la Experiencia Colapsó...
Español |  -  El 'Doctor' Anthony Fauci - Sociópata al Servicio de las Farmacéuticas dice Robert F. Kennedy Jr
Español |  -  El por qué Fauci y la Cábala Mundial insisten en Vacunar a tus Hijos...
  |  -  Expert or COVID-19 Accomplice? - The Fauci Files
  |  -  Fauci - A Conversation in Hell
  |  -  Fauci and the CIA - A New Explanation Emerges
  |  -  Fauci Announces he is 'On His Way Out'
  |  -  Fauci confesses that Covid Vaccines could never have worked as Claimed
  |  -  Fauci declares "You Use Lockdowns to Get People Vaccinated" - Praises China's insane Lockdown
|  -  Fauci deposition Transcript - November 23, 2022
Italiano |  -  Fauci e la CIA - Emerge una Nuova Spiegazione
  |  -  Fauci Email shows that Daszak was Manipulating Bat Coronaviruses to make them Attack Human Cells
Español |  -  Fauci es Expuesto después que los Correos Electrónicos de la FOIA 'Conectan los Puntos'
  |  -  Fauci Hints at when all COVID-19 Restrictions may Finally End in U.S.
  |  -  Fauci makes 'Surprising Concession' regarding COVID-19 Vaccines
Español |  -  Fauci No Puede Explicar por qué los que se Recuperaron de Covid tendrían que Vacunarse
  |  -  Fauci's 'Latest Prediction' on Masks shows this is all about 'Controlling People' rather than 'Controlling Covid'
  |  -  Fauci's 'Perjury of Striking Audacity' - Excerpt from RFK Jr.'s book 'The Wuhan Cover-Up'
  |  -  Fauci, Trudeau and other Covid Tyrants - They backtrack their Crimes Against Humanity, claim they 'Never did...
Italiano |  -  Fauci - Una Conversazione all'Inferno
  |  -  Gates, Fauci, Daszak 'Charged with Genocide' in International Criminal Court
  |  - 'Genetic Fingerprint' reveals Synthetic Origin of SARS-CoV-2
  |  -  Good News - Fauci's Out and Common Sense Might be Returning
  |  -  How Fauci created The Covid 'Pandemic'
Italiano |  -  Il Dr. Anthony Fauci ha tracciato il Piano per il Vaccino Globale con Bill Gates prima di spingere "I trattamenti...
  |  -  Is Anthony Fauci Responsible for Killing More People than Hitler did in Nazi Germany?
  |  -  Is WHO Director Tedros a Terrorist? - Global Ties to Bill Gates, Clinton Foundation, Dr. Fauci, China and...
  |  -  Ivermectin 'Works throughout All Phases' of COVID according to Leaked Military Documents
Italiano |  -  La Misteriosa Morte del più Famoso Critico di Fauci... la sua Nemesi il Dr. Kary Mullis!
Italiano |  -  La Pista del Bio-Terrorismo Covid riconduce ai collaboratori del PCC Anthony Fauci e Peter Daszak
Español |  -  Las Artimañas de Bill Gates y Anthony Fauci
Español |  -  La Verdadera Agenda detrás de la Enloquecida Carrera por Inyectar a todos los Niños del Planeta
  |  -  Liars, Propagandists and The Great Reset
Español |  -  Lo que se Renombró como "COVID" siempre ha sido solo una Variación de Enfermedad Similar a la Influenza
  |  -  Military Documents about 'Gain of Function Research' contradict Fauci testimony Under Oath
  |  -  More Mask Masquerades - Covid Masking had No Effect
  |  -  mRNA Vaccines - A Fantastic Fairy Tale
  |  -  Never Forget - For 2 Years, Tyrants Locked us Down, forcibly Medicated us, and Destroyed our Livelihoods
  |  -  New Emails reveal Fauci's Role in shaping 'Highly Influential Paper' that established COVID 'Natural Origin'...
Español |  - "Niños Conejillos de India" - Los Crueles Experimentos con Niños autorizados por el doctor Anthony Fauci
Español |  -  No hubo 'Pandemia'
  |  -  'Pandemic' Lessons Learned - Scientific Debate Silenced with Deadly Consequences
  |  -  Peter Hotez vies for power as 'Fauci Steps Down'
Español |  -  Publican declaración de Fauci en caso de Censura de Grandes Empresas de Tecnología
Español |  -  Publican más Evidencia sobre el Posible Origen del Covid-19... y apunta a Estados Unidos
  |  -  Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and 'The Real Anthony Fauci'
  |  -  Science is Not to Be Trusted
  |  -  Smart Doctors leave a Clueless Anthony Fauci and CDC Director Speechless
  |  -  States Seek to Depose Fauci - Other Top Officials in Big Tech-Government Censorship Case
  |  - "That Simply doesn't Make Sense" - Lead author of 'Cochrane Mask Review' responds to Fauci's Dismissal...
  |  -  The 7-Hour Deposition of Anthony Fauci
  |  -  The Covid Bio-Terrorism trail leads back to CCP collaborators Anthony Fauci and Peter Daszak
  |  -  The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier
  |  -  The Fauci Dossier - David E. Martin
  |  -  The Mysterious Death of Dr Fauci's Most Notable Critic... His Nemesis: Dr. Kary Mullis!
|  -  The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2
  |  -  The Real Anthony Fauci - Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War...
  |  -  There Was No 'Pandemic' - An essay by Denis Rancourt
  |  -  The Scheming of Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci - A 'Formidable and Nefarious' Partnership
  |  -  The Triumph of the Apocalyptics
  |  -  Traitors of Humanity? - Covid and Health Officials...
  |  -  Two-Faced Fauci
  |  -  Video Emerges where 'Fauci and Others' planned for a "Universal mRNA Flu Vaccine"
  |  -  What was Rebranded as "COVID" has always just been a Variation of Influenza-Like-Illness (ILI)
  |  -  When will the Criminals be Arrested?
  |  -  WHO says 'Masks don't Prevent Infection' - Fauci says 'Not Mandatory Vaccination'
  |  -  Why hasn't Fauci been Fired and put under FBI Investigation yet?
  |  -  Will Fauci 'Be Held Accountable' for Lying to Congress?

  | Additional Information
Español |  - ¿Deberíamos Confiar en 'La Ciencia' de la Industria Farmacéutica?
Español |  -  Detengan el Holocausto
  |  -  Embalmers finding Numerous Long, Fibrous Clots that lack Post-Mortem Characteristics - Covid Vaccines
  |  -  Global Elite committing Crimes against Humanity
  |  -  Government wants to 'Dictate Truth'
  |  - "Herd Stupidity" - The Manufactured Covid Crisis, the Gene-based mRNA "Vaccine" and "The Pinnacles of...
  |  -  How Long Do the Vaccinated Have to Live?
Español |  -  La Corrupción de la Ciencia - El Escándalo del 'Estudio de The Lancet' sobre la Hidroxicloroquina
Español |  -  La Élite Global Sorprendida 'In Fraganti' cometiendo Crímenes Genocidas contra la Humanidad
  |  -  Nuremberg 2.0 - Update on legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO and Davos Group
  |  -  Nuremberg Code Punishable by Death
  |  - 'Pandemic and Erosion of Freedoms' have been Decades in the Making - A Timeline
  |  -  Stop Holocaust
  |  -  The Corruption of Science - The Hydroxychloroquine 'Lancet Study' Scandal
  |  -  The more 'You think You Know'? - Maddening Covid-19 Flip-Flops keep Population Scared, Obedient and Ignorant
  |  -  The Snakes are Coming Out - The Masks begin to Fall Off...!
Español |  -  Un "Grupo de Sociópatas" está Impulsando la Vacunación Masiva - Dice médico defensor de la Hidroxicloroquina

  | Book- Treatises
|  -  A Plague Upon Our House - by Scott Atlas
|  -  Covid-19 - Navigating the Uncharted - by Anthony Fauci
|  -  Predominant Role of Bacterial Pneumonia as a Cause of Death in Pandemic Influenza -  Implications for...
|  -  Rethinking next-generation Vaccines for Coronaviruses, influenza viruses, and other respiratory... - by A. Fauci
|  -  The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier - A Document prepared by Dr. David E. Martin
|  -  The Real Anthony Fauci - Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War on... - by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
|  -  The Wuhan Cover-Up and the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race - by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

  | Multimedia
|  -  Fauci Doubles Down - 'Put On Your Goggles!'
|  -  Fiery Clash Between Rand Paul and Dr. Fauci - Each Accuses the Other of Lying
|  -  Gates, Fauci and Covid-19 - Exposure of a Fake Pandemic, Economy Collapse and Vaccines
Italiano |  -  Intervista all'immunologo Anthony Fauci - Inmezzora
|  -  Plandemic - Interview With Dr. Judy Mikovits
Español |  -  Rand Paul increpa a Fauci por financiar investigación de Coronavirus mejorados en Wuhan
|  -  Smart Doctors leave a Clueless Anthony Fauci and CDC Director Speechless
|  -  The Late Kary Mullis, the Inventor of PCR Test, on Antony Fauci
|  -  The Mysterious Death of Dr. Fauci's Most Notable Critic
|  -  'The Real Anthony Fauci' Part 1 - A Documentary
|  -  'The Real Anthony Fauci' Part 2 - A Documentary
Español |  -  Tucker Carlson expone a Fauci después de que los correos electrónicos de la FOIA conectan los puntos

  | Related Reports
  |  -  Face Masks in the COVID-19 Era - Main File
  |  -  Global Reset - Great Reset - Main File
  |  -  Ivermectin - A Covid Defeater - Main File
  |  -  The Global Elite - The Transnational Capitalist Class - Main File
  |  -  The WHO - World 'Health' Organization - Main File
  |  -  Vaccines and Covid-19 - Gene Therapy - Main File
  |  -  Windows-Microsoft-Bill Gates - Main File
  |   | Return to Temas / Main Files
  |   | Return to Depopulation of Planet Earth
  |   | Return to The Coronavirus and the 'Fear Factor'...
  |   | Return to Psychopaths and Psychopathy - A Ponerological "Branch"
