- ¿Abrirá el Gran Colisionador de Hadrones un Portal a otra Dimensión?
Español | - Anomalía Detectada en el Gran Colisionador de Hadrones podría Cambiar la Teoría con que se explica el...
| - A Particle God Doesn't Want Us to Discover - Could The Large Hadron Collider Be Sabotaging Itself from...
| - CERN Prepares Collisions at Double Potency
Español | - CERN - La Mayor Estafa en la Historia de la Ciencia
Español | - CERN - ¿Tú Que Sabes? |
| - Doomsday In Reverse? |
Español | - El Acelerador de Hadrones y El Dios Hindú 'Shiva el Destructor' Como Símbolo
Español | - El Bosón 'W' desvela su Masa - Es un Elemento Clave en la Búsqueda de Nueva Física
Español | - El Gran Colisionador de Hadrones del CERN - Comienza La Cuenta Regresiva
| - Extreme Machine - Large Hadron Collider |
| - Hamster in Tutu Shuts Down Large Hadron Collider |
Español | - La Cara Oculta del Colisionador de Hadrones |
Español | - La Gran Máquina del Big Bang - El Gran Colisionador de Hadrones
Español | - La Maquina de 'Dios' - Gran Colisionador de Hadrones |
Español | - La Máquina del 'Big Bang' |
| - Large Hadron Collider Discovers a New Type of Matter - Exotic Hadrons
| - Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Generates A 'Mini-Big Bang' |
| - Large Hadron Collider Scuttled by Birdy Baguette-Bomber |
| - Large Hadron Collider to Start Up in Three Weeks |
| - LHC Researchers 'Set to Create a Mini-Big Bang' |
| - LHC Smashes Protons Together for First Time |

Español | - Misteriosa "Onda Temporal" de La Puerta del Sol Ennegreció América del Sur
| - New Analysis of Large Hadron Collider Results confirms 'Something Weird' is Happening
| - Physicists Break Down Concept of 'God Particle' |
| - Professor Otto Rössler Takes On The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) - Interview
| - 'Something May Come Through' Dimensional 'Doors' at The Large Hadron Collider
| - The Big Bang Machine |
| - The Collider, the Particle and a Theory About Fate |
| - The Large Hadron Collider and The Future of Physics - Betting on The LHC
| - The Race to Reveal Antimatter's Secrets
| - Time Travel Accidentally Discovered at CERN by LHC? |
| - What The LHC Is Really Looking For - In SUSY We Trust |
| - Why there's more Matter than Antimatter - Study Sheds Light on one of Physics' Biggest Mysteries - CERN
| - Will the Large Hadron Collider Open Up a Portal to Another Dimension?
| Additional Information |

| - As Supersymmetry Fails Tests, Physicists Seek New Ideas - Large Hadron Collider

| - CERN Physicists Trap Antimatter for 1,000 Seconds - Unlimited Future Energy?
| - Designing Magnets for the World's Largest Particle Collider
| - Design Reports released for Proposed CEPC China Supercollider
Español | - El Modelo Estándar de la Física de Partículas sigue Agonizando

Español | - Los Experimentos Científicos Que Hay Que Seguir en El Siglo XXI
Español | - ¿Los "OTROS" Liberaron la Copiosa Producción del CERN de Agujeros Negros y Detuvieron la Puerta...?

| - New Physics Complications Lend Support to Multiverse Hypothesis
Español | - Nuevas Complicaciones en La Física Apoyan La Hipótesis del Multiverso
| - Physicist Dismisses 'Discovery' of Particles That Can Travel Faster Than The Speed of Light

| - UFO Sightings Connected to Large Hadron Collider Experiment?
| CERN - Black Holes, Stargates and Portals |

| - CERN's Orion Stargate - Decoding Large Hadron Collider
| - Con-CERN erupts over Portals, Particles and the Large Hadron Collider
| - Did "OTHERS" Disengage CERN's Copious Production of Black Holes & (Temporarily) Stop The Stargate?
Español | - La Puerta Estelar de Orión del CERN - Decodificando el Gran Colisionador de Hadrones
| - Large Hadron Collider Exposed - The Stargate of Shiva |
Español | - Los Científicos del Gran Colisionador de Hadrones esperan hacer pronto, Contacto con Universo Paralelo
| - Mysterious Sun Gate 'Time Wave' Blacks Out South America - Experiments at The Large Hadron Collider
Español | - ¿Que está Haciendo el CERN? - Nubes Extrañas sobre el Gran Colisionador de Hadrones Prueban que...
| - Scientists at Large Hadron Collider Hope to Make soon Contact with Parallel Universe

| - What is CERN Doing? - Bizarre Clouds over Large Hadron Collider Prove Portals are Opening
| Higgs Boson |
| - After Higgs, Ramped-Up Collider Hunts for Next Puzzle
Español | - Científicos Cuestionan la Existencia del Bosón de Higgs
Español | - Cómo fue Introducido este Universo
| - "God Particle" Found? - "Historic Milestone" from Higgs Boson Hunters
| - God Particle is 'Found' - Scientists at CERN Expected to Announce Higgs Boson Particle Has Been...
| - Higgs Data Could Spell Trouble for Leading Big Bang Theory
| - How this Universe was Introduced
| - IndisCERNible - The So-Called "God Particle" is Most Likely an Illusion
Español | - La Base Evolutiva para la Condición de la Conciencia Humana
Español | - La Ciencia de El Amor - La Evolución de la Conciencia y el Campo de Higgs
| - Large Hadron Collider Will Restart at Half-Power - It Is Hoped The LHC Will Discover The Higgs Boson
| - The Evolutionary Basis for the Condition of Human Consciousness
| - The Evolution of Consciousness on Earth
| - The Higgs Field, the Universe and the Experience of Life and Death
| - The Physics Still Hiding in the Higgs Boson
| - The Science of Love - The Evolution of Consciousness and the Higgs Field
| - Why the Higgs Boson May Seal Fate of the Universe |
| |
| Multimedia:

| Multimedia |

| Related Reports |
| - Agujeros Negros - Black Holes - Main File |
| - Free Energy - Hi-Tech/Top Secret Projects - Main File
| - Gravity and Antigravity - Main File |
| - Quantum - Main File |
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