June 2020 SLSS Update

Shannon Pritting (SUNY)
Shannon Pritting (SUNY)
Last updated 
GMT20200623-185923_SLSS-June-_1920x1080.mp4 94.5 MB View full-size Download
6-23-2020-SLSS-Update.pptx 22 MB Download
GMT20200623-185923_SLSS-June-.m4a 29.9 MB View full-size Download

GMT20200623-185923_SLSS-June-.transcript.vtt 89 KB Download

GMT20200623-185923_SLSS-June-.txt 2.53 KB Download

0:30: Libkey
2:15: Update and Root Cause for March-April Activations Meeting
9:30: OCLC Agreement Update
11:10: SUNY Library Accessibility Cohort
15:45: ExLibris-SUNY Support Management Update
24:00: Announcement of CASL
26:30: E-Resource and Discovery Update
44:00: Resource Sharing and Fulfillment Update
57:15: Network ZoneĀ  and Resource Management Update
1:10: Training Update