Giza Death Star Destroyed - The Ancient War for Future Science (2005)
Title Page......Page 6
Copyright Page......Page 8
Dedication......Page 9
PREFACE......Page 10
Chapter 1. - THE WAR OF THE WORLDS......Page 15
A. The Mars-Earth Connection......Page 16
B. The Lost “Root Races ”and the Moral Reasons for the Flood......Page 20
A. Back to the Telchine-Tubalcainites......Page 24
B. Lord Nergal: God of Mars, Fire, and War......Page 26
C. Another Odd Coincidence?......Page 31
D. The Recarving of the Sphinx, Lord Nergal, and the Emerging Scenario......Page 33
A. Darth Vader Meets Superman......Page 36
B. Catastrophist Paleophysics......Page 37
C. Difficulties of Catastrophist Paleophysics......Page 44
D. The Enuma Elish: War Among “the Gods”......Page 50
E. A Preliminary Conclusion: The “Unified Intention of Symbol”......Page 61
A. Thoth’s Tablets: the Flood and the Origin of the Esoteric Tradition......Page 66
2. The Occulted Knowledge: History and Genealogy: Thoth’s Tablets Again......Page 74
B. The Twin Pillars of Freemasonry, Joachin and Boaz: The Pyramids as .........Page 77
C. Man, Mars, and the “Great Work”......Page 80
D. The Gap......Page 91
E. The Antediluvian Roots of Masonic Tradition......Page 94
F. Conclusions......Page 99
A. His Background in Mathematics, Science, and Esotericism......Page 106
B. Analogy, Unity, and Identity......Page 109
C. Consciousness, Relation, and Multiplicity......Page 113
D. The Primary Scission and φ......Page 115
E. The Hieroglyphic Symbol and Magic......Page 123
F. Some Conclusions......Page 126
A. LaViolette and the Problems of Relativity......Page 131
B. A New Paradigm: Systems Kinetics, Non-Equilibrium, and Ancient Esotericism......Page 136
C. [Back to the Pyramid: A Highly Speculative Application of Systems Kinetics .........Page 142
A. Why is Gold Really so Valuable?......Page 148
B. Petrie’s Unusual Sinai Expedition and Its Suppressed Findings......Page 150
C. White Powder Gold: The Egyptian “Mufkuzt”......Page 152
D. Alchemical and Ancient References......Page 154
(E) The Mysterious Properties of Monatomic, or Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic .........Page 159
A. Dr. G. Pat Flanagan......Page 170
(B) Flanagan’s Basic Model......Page 173
(C) The Hyperspace Pyramid Research of Joe Parr......Page 186
A. Russian Research into Pyramid Power: An Interdisciplinary and .........Page 194
B. Observed Effects in the Russian Research:......Page 196
C. The Topological Properties of the Aether, or Inerton Field: Bounias’ and .........Page 203
(A) Sumerian Traditions......Page 239
(B) South and North American Traditions......Page 241
(C) The Hebrew Tradition and the Occidental Middle Ages......Page 244
(1) Direct Paleographical Evidence of A Weapon Function (Sitchin’s Evidence)......Page 253
(2) Corroborative Paleographical Evidence of a Military Aspect of Giza .........Page 254
(3) Indirect Paleographic Evidence of the Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction in .........Page 255
(4) A Comparison of Paleophysics and Modern Physics......Page 256
(5) Encoded Harmonics of the Planck Units in Ancient Texts......Page 259
(6) Encoded Harmonics of the Planck Units in the Great Pyramid......Page 260
(6) Phenomena and Principles of Weaponization Thus Far Suggested.......Page 261
Giza Death Star Destroyed\_ The Ancient War for Future Science - Anna’s Archive
SS Brotherhood of the Bell (2006)
The Philosopher's Stone: Alchemy and the Secret Research for Exotic Matter (2006)
Prolific author Joseph P. Farrell, who commands a growing and devoted audience on Coast-to-Coast AM, Erskine Overnight, and other programs, initiates his Feral House association with The Philosopher's Stone, in which he demonstrates the connections of modern physics and ancient alchemy by investigating monatomic gold, the work of Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kozyrev, and the fuel for the mysterious Nazi 'Bell' device, Serum 525. Farrell's previous books investigated the scientific and astronomical implications of ancient monuments and the secret space operations of the Nazis who were brought into NASA to continue their highly classified research as a result of “Operation Paperclip.” The author is now working with best-selling authors Richard C. Hoagland and Mike Bara on a book about secret American space programs.
Chapters within The Philosopher's Stone include:
- The alchemical view of the physical medium
- Transmutations and time
- David Hudson's Monatomic Gold
- The Platinum Group Metals and High Spin State Atoms
- An Alchemical Examination of the Soviet Red Mercury Legend
- The Physics of Rotation: Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev
- H-Bombs and Torsion Physics
- The Greater German Alchemical Reich Nazis, Lasers, and Isotope Enrichment
- The Bell
and Serum 525
Joseph Patrick Farrell - The Philosopher's Stone_ Alchemy and the Secret Research for Exotic Matter - Anna’s Archive
The Cosmic War: Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics and Ancient Texts (2007)
Presents the history of the Exploded Planet hypothesis. Rejecting naturalist and materialist assumptions of catastrophism forwarded by other researchers, this work asserts that the causes are based in ancient myths of a Cosmic War in the heavens.
Secrets of the Unified Field: The Philadelphia Experiment, the Nazi Bell, and the Discarded Theory (2008)
Sequel to The SS Brotherhood of the Bell. What do the Second World Wars two most famous secret projects the Philadelphia Experiment and the Nazi Bell have in common? Alternative history and science researcher Joseph P. Farrell asks this question and comes to stunning conclusions. Rejecting the nonsense that has become associated with both projects, and documenting his case from scientific sources newly-discovered declassified War Department documents eyewitness testimonies Farrell maintains that both projects originated in careful considerations of Einsteins celebrated and now discarded Unified Field Theory. He demonstrates the breathtaking conclusions of wartime American and German scientists and engineers: while incomplete, it nevertheless was engineerable.
Secrets of the Unified Field: The Philadelphia Experiment, the Nazi Bell, and the Discarded Theory - Anna’s Archive
Secrets of the Unified Field: The Philadelphia Experiment, the Nazi Bell, and the Discarded Theory - Anna’s Archive
Babylon's Banksters: the alchemy of deep physics, high finance and ancient religion: an essay concerning the relationships between aether physics, economics, astrology, alchemy, geomancy, ancient temples, and the politics of suppression (2010)
In this latest installment of his remarkable series of books of alternative science and history, Joseph P. Farrell outlines the consistent pattern and strategy of bankers in ancient and modern times, and their desire to suppress the public development of alternative physics and energy technologies, usurp the money creating and issuing power of the state, and substitute a facsimile of money-as-debt. Here, Farrell peels back the layers of deception to reveal the possible deep physics that the “banksters” have used to aid them in their financial policies. Feral House also published Farrell’s Philosopher’s Stone: Alchemy and the Secret Research for Exotic Matter.
Babylon’s banksters - the alchemy of deep physics, high finance and ancient religion - Anna’s Archive
Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda (2011)
Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda - Anna’s Archive
Joseph Patrick Farrell & Scott D. de Hart - The Grid of the Gods: The Aftermath of the Cosmic War and the Physics of the Pyramid Peoples (2011)
Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations: The Secret Space Program, Celestial Psyops and Hidden Conflicts (2012)
Nazi International: The Nazis' Postwar Plan to Control the Worlds of Science, Finance, Space, and Conflict (2013)
Joseph Patrick Farrell - Nazi International: The Nazis' Postwar Plan to Control the Worlds of Science, Finance, Space, and Conflict - Anna’s Archive
Saucers, Swastikas and Psyops: A History of a Breakaway Civilization - Hidden Aerospace Technologies and Psychological Operations (2013)
Financial Vipers of Venice: Alchemical Money, Magical Physics, and Banking in the Middle Ages and Renaissance (2013)
The much-anticipated sequel to Joseph P. Farrell's "Babylon's Banksters." The banksters have moved from Mesopotamia to Venice...
Roswell and the Reich: The Nazi Connection (2013)
Already well-known for his bestselling series of exposes on secret Nazi technology and the survival of the Third Reich after the end of World War II, Oxford-educated historian and physicist Joseph P. Farrell here delves ever deeper into the activities of this nefarious group. In his previous works, Farrell has clearly demonstrated that the Nazis were clandestinely developing new and amazing technologies toward the end of WWII, and that the key scientists involved in these experiments were exported to the Allied countries at the end of the conflict, mainly the United States, in a move called Operation Paperclip. NASA director and developer of the Saturn V rocket that sent Americans to the moon, Werner von Braun, was one of these scientists. Farrell has traced the links between ongoing Reich activities and the newly-formed CIA and other defense/ military/ industrial establishments. Now, Farrell has meticulously reviewed the best-known Roswell research from UFO-ET advocates and skeptics alike, as well as some little-known source material, and comes to a radically different scenario of what happened in Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947, and why the US military has continued to cover it up to this day. Farrell presents a fascinating case sure to disturb both ET believers and disbelievers, namely, that what crashed may have been representative of an independent postwar Nazi power-an extraterritorial Reich monitoring its old enemy, America, and the continuing development of the very technologies confiscated from Germany at the end of the War.
Thrice Great Hermetica and the Janus Age: Hermetic cosmology, finance, politics, and culture in the Middle Ages through the late Renaissance (2014)
What do the Fourth Crusade, the exploration of the New World, secret excavations of the Holy Land, and the pontificate of Innocent the Third all have in common? Answer: Venice and the Templars. What do they have in common with Jesus, Gottfried Leibniz, Sir Isaac Newton, Rene Descartes, and the Earl of Oxford? Answer: Egypt and a body of doctrine known as Hermeticism. In this book, noted author and researcher Joseph P. Farrell takes the reader on a journey through the hidden history of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and early Enlightenment, connecting the dots between Venice, international banking, the Templars, and hidden knowledge. He draws out the connections between the notorious Venetian “Council of Ten,†little known Venetian voyages to the New World, and the sack of Constantinople during the Fourth Crusade. The hidden role of Venice and Hermeticism reached far and wide, into the plays of Shakespeare (a.k.a. Edward DeVere, Earl of Oxford), into the quest of the three great mathematicians of the Early Enlightenment for a lost form of analysis, and back into the end of the classical era, to little known Egyptian influences at work during the time of Jesus.
Thrice Great Hermetica and the Janus Age - Anna’s Archive
LBJ and Conspiracy to Kill Kennedy: A Coalescence of Interests (2014)
The Third Way: The Nazi International, European Union, And Corporate Fascism (2015)
Hidden Finance, Rogue Networks, and Secret Sorcery\_ The Fascist International, 9\_11, and Penetrated Operations (2016)
Table of Contents......Page 8
Preface and Précis......Page 16
1. The Basic Premises of LIHOP and MIHOP......Page 21
2. Critiques of the Oil Motivation: A Multi-Layered Operation with Multiple Objectives......Page 22
3. Webster Griffin Tarpley’s Critique of the LIHOP Hypothhesis: A Coup, Thermonuclear Blackmail, and Possible Indications Personal of a Third Player......Page 24
B. A Perspective: An Email to a Cousin......Page 37
1. The Problematic of the Perpetrators: Of Patsies and Pilots and Prescott’s Progeny......Page 49
1. The Shifting List of Hijackers......Page 50
2. The Dulles and Portland, Maine Airport Security Videos......Page 54
1. Bizarre Theology and Behaviors......Page 57
2. The Bizarre Flight School: Drug and Technology Smuggling......Page 60
a. Hopsicker’s Methodology......Page 61
b. Huffman Aviation’s Rudi Dekkers, and International Smuggling......Page 63
c. Drugs and Some Unbelievable Connections......Page 66
d. Welcome to Flight School, Here’s How You Fly Into Buildings: Stonewalling U.S. Intelligence Efforts......Page 69
3. Atta’s Most Bizarre Connection......Page 73
4. Another Bizarre Parallel Between 9/11 and JFK: Mohamed Atta, the Other Mohamed Atta, and Lee Harvey Oswald......Page 82
1. Jeb Swoops in to Remove the Evidence......Page 83
2. President George Walker Bush’s Strange Behavior on 9/11......Page 84
3. The Bush-Saudi-Bin Laden Connection......Page 88
4. Osama Bin Laden, the Plutocrat-Jihadist Patsy for the Pancake Theory......Page 90
2. The Puzzles of the Pentagon and Pennsylvania......Page 101
1. Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak begins the Unravelling of the Narrative......Page 103
2. The Safest Airspace in the World: Indications of a Third Player in the Timeline of Events 46......Page 105
a. Anomalies: Eyewitness Statements, Debris and Lightpoles......Page 112
b. A Brief Introduction to the Eyewitnesses Who See an Airplane......Page 114
(1) The April Gallop Case......Page 115
d. The Problem of the Debris......Page 116
e. Back to the Eyewitnesses: A Compilation of Testimonies, and Some Anomalies and Contradictions......Page 120
4. Kevin Robert Ryan and the Pentagon Renovation......Page 131
a. A Brief Foray into SAIC, Admiral Bobby Inman, and UFOs......Page 133
6. The Renovation Project and Walker Lee Every: Satellites, Boeing, and Saudis......Page 141
7. Pentagon Witness Frank Probst Again: Remote Piloting Systems and the Presence of Level Two at the Pentagon......Page 142
8. The Problem of Delta Flight 1989: Cleveland Airport, Delta 1989, and Flights 77 and 93......Page 145
1. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s Curious Statement, and the Debris Field from Flight 93......Page 149
2. Did Vice President Cheney Order a Flight 77 Shoot Down “Stand Down”? More Evidence of a Deliberate Obfuscation of Data, and of a Level Two Insider MIHOP Operation......Page 150
3. Flight 93 and Its Apparent Shoot Down......Page 151
4. Paul Thompson’s Theory about the Motivation behind the Shoot Down of Flight 93......Page 153
3. The Problematics of the Prescience......Page 161
A. Internal American Counter-Intelligence Warnings......Page 163
1. Deliberate Dissembling by Condaleeza Rice? Or an Attempt to Draw Attention to Something?......Page 164
3. A Brief Survey of Internal Federal Government Intelligence Warnings: The FBI, State Department, and Other Internal Warnings......Page 165
a. The LIHOP and “Rogue Network” Scenarios......Page 167
b. Reports of Bin Laden in an American Hospital Mere Weeks Prior to 9/11......Page 168
c. The Bush-Bin Laden-Carlyle Group Connections......Page 171
1. The “Project Bojinka” Warnings and the Philippines......Page 177
a. Israel, Odigo, and the “Art Student” Network......Page 178
b. Other International Warnings......Page 181
a. Michael Ruppert’s Involvement......Page 183
b. Back to Russia and Russian Intelligence’s Actual Assessment: The Global Network Once Again......Page 190
c. The Strange Prescience of the Domain Names......Page 192
C. Implications: The Structure Behind the Warnings Indicative of a Level Three Operation......Page 193
4. The Dilemma of the Drills and the Conundrum of the Codes......Page 201
A. A Brief Look at the Question of Doubles......Page 202
1. The Covert Operations Use of Drills......Page 204
2. The Purpose of the Drills vis-à-vis the 9/11 Operation......Page 205
C. The Conundrum of the Codes and More Indications of a Third Level in the 9/11 Operation......Page 211
5. Conclusions to Part One: Indications of a Penetrated Operation......Page 221
A. The Indications of the Existence of a Rogue Network within the U.S. National Security Structure......Page 222
C. The Indications of a Third Level and that 9/11 Was an Op within and Op within an Op......Page 224
6. Bombs, or was that Bonds, in the Basement?......Page 230
1. The 9/11 Commission’s “Warrenitis”......Page 231
2. The Size of the Trades......Page 233
1. Alex Brown, “Buzzy” Krongard, and the CIA Connection......Page 236
2. The Last-Second Computer Invasion and Trades through Deutsche Bank......Page 237
3. The Promise of PROMIS......Page 239
1. The Bonds in the Basement......Page 240
2. Axis Loot, the Hidden System of Finance, and the Origins of the “Rogue Network”......Page 242
3. Destabilizing the Russian Ruble......Page 245
4. The Dreadful Bush Family Once Again......Page 247
5. The Federal Investigations and the 9/11 Attacks......Page 248
6. The Erle Cocke Deposition: Back to the Gold-Backed Bearer Bonds......Page 250
D. Nazis... Again: The Nazi Banker to the Bin Laden Group......Page 252
7. The Mystery of the Mechanism......Page 264
a. Mark Walsh’s Statement......Page 267
b. Osama Bin Laden Obliges the Pancake Theory......Page 268
2. The Problem of Damage in All the Wrong Places......Page 270
B. The Controlled Demolition Theory......Page 271
a. Drills and “Upgrades” Prior to 9/11......Page 275
b. Indicators of Controlled Demolitions: Ejecta, Low Oxygen Fires, and Eyewitness Testimonies......Page 277
2. Contraindicating Evidence for the Theory: High Temperatures Long After the Event......Page 283
1. Evidence for the Theory......Page 285
2. Contraindicating Evidence for the Theory......Page 286
1. Evidence for the Theory......Page 288
2. Implications of the Micro-nuke Theory for the Assumptions of Levels Two and Three of the 9/11 Operation......Page 290
3. Contraindicating Evidence for the Theory......Page 292
1. Contraindicating Evidence and Arguments......Page 293
a. Revisiting Jim Hoffman’s Theory as First Articulated on Bonnie Faulkner’s “Guns and Butter” Radio Show......Page 297
(1) Pulverization (Dust) and Calculations......Page 298
(2) The Strange Evidence of the Surviving Steel......Page 301
(3) The Problem with Any Explosives Model......Page 302
(4) Hoffman’s Theory as He Articulated It......Page 303
(a) The Particulate Remains as a Resonance Effect, the World War Two Nazi Radar Stealth Experments, Phase Conjugation, and the Energy Supply Problem......Page 307
(b) Interferometry, Phase Conjugation, and Space-Based Platforms......Page 311
2. Miscellaneous and Circumstantial Data in Loose Confirmation of the Theory......Page 313
F. The Theories of Mechanism of the Destruction of the Twin Towers, and the Second and Third Operational Levels of 9/11: A Scenario......Page 314
8. The Conundrum of the Codes and the Promise of PROMIS......Page 326
A. Ka-Boom: Gas Explosions and Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative......Page 329
2. The Route of the Infected Software from the West to the Soviet Union and the Timing of the Urengoi Gas Explosion......Page 331
1. The Capabilities of PROMIS......Page 332
3. The Modificiations......Page 333
4. The Countries Known to have Acquired Versions......Page 334
a. The Affidavit of Michael J. Riconosciuto......Page 335
b. The Affidavit of Richard H/ Babayan......Page 339
c. The U.S. Agencies and Corporations Using PROMIS, the Nuclear Connection, and a Summary......Page 343
d. PROMIS and Continuity of Government Operations......Page 346
5. The PROMIS Connection to 9/11: Oliver North’s White House Operations Room, and Dick Cheney’s Behavior on 9/11......Page 348
9. The Esoteric Enigma......Page 355
1. Bain’s Thesis......Page 357
2. The Symbolism of the Numerology......Page 358
3. The Symbolism of the Twin Towers: The Trident and Human Sacrifice......Page 360
4. The Hanged Man, The Tower, and The Tarot......Page 364
5. While People Burn, Bush Reads about Pet Goats......Page 365
B. The Other Twin Towers Involved on 9/11: Deutsche Bank Symbolism......Page 367
10. Conclusions and Overview......Page 372
Bibliography......Page 377
Hidden Finance, Rogue Networks, and Secret Sorcery\_ The Fascist International, 9\_11, and Penetrated Operations - Anna’s Archive