BOOK: EXCERPT: The Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) - Volume II – Chapter 11: The Gospels According to G_d - Matthew 8

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In Matthew 8, the so-called “miracles” of Jesus were certainly phenomenal.

However, in the light of his teaching that

“What I do, you too can do and some things greater” (John 14:12-14),

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John 14 (KJV) - Verily, verily, I say unto

those miracles are easily explained.

In the first place, the power of a Human Being is suppressed by those who make a profit from ignorance.

Jewish physicians and political leaders try to keep the people subservient to them by withholding knowledge and stifling our true spiritual nature.

Today, as in Jesus’ time, the Jews who control the medical professions all work diligently to ban alternative medicine and advances in spiritual knowledge.

Anything that heals people cheaply or for free, is opposed by the wealthy Jewish physicians who profit from sick people.

The Jews in politics try to stifle religious knowledge because their goal is a worldwide Jewish-Communist authoritarian state which owns everything and everyone with the Jews as the bosses.

Thus, they try to keep people at the animal level of existence so that they can control the People as goyim (non-Jewish, lowly insects, stupid cattle) and not let us attain the higher levels of Mankind and God Consciousness.

In this, the Jews once again prove themselves to be devils.

The basic power that Jesus had; all people also have.

This power is called Qi (pronounced “chee”) in Mandarin.

It is called “prana” in Sanskrit.

It was called “pneuma” by the early Greeks.

And it was called the “Holy Spirit” among the early Christians.

But modern Christians have lost the knowledge of this power for two reasons:

  1. They believe the lying Jews.
  2. They wear Jewish clothing fashions which inhibit this power from manifesting.
“a hand within a hand.”

Saint John of the Cross, by Zurbarán 916 KB View full-size Download

St. John of the Cross OCD (Spanish: Juan de la Cruz; Latin: Ioannes a Cruce; né Juan de Yepes y Álvarez; 24 June 1542 – 14 December 1591) was a Spanish Roman Catholic priest, Christian mystic, and Carmelite friar of Converso ancestry. He is a major figure of the Counter-Reformation in Spain, and he is one of the 37 Doctors of the Church.  John of the Cross is known for his writings. He was mentored by and corresponded with the older Carmelite nun Teresa of Ávila. Both his poetry and his studies on the development of the soul, particularly his Noche Obscura, are considered the summit of mystical Christian literature and among the greatest works of all Spanish literature. He was canonized by Pope Benedict XIII in 1726. In 1926, he was declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope Pius XI, and is also known as the "mystical doctor"

It is the spiritual nature and the internal power of Man and Woman.

When it can be manifested, it can be used in healing and supernatural skills.

But not everyone can manifest this power, firstly, because most people are unaware of it.

How can anyone bring forth something that they don’t know?

And secondly, because in order to make your Qi (holy spirit) arise, you must practice the breathing and meditational methods that generally only

  • monks
  • nuns
  • hermits

and warriors have the time and interest to practice.

The modern Chinese exercises of Tai Chi Chuan and other internal Kungfu disciplines provide an easy way for busy modern people to discover this Qi power.

Jesus discovered this power at an early age in his life because of his interest in understanding his true relation with God.


  • fasting
  • prayer
  • meditation

with his smooth and deep abdominal breathing, brought his spirit forth like a river from his belly.

SPIRITUALITY: ENERGY: The Breath – The Basis of Magic, Energy Manipulation, & Mind Power – Library of Rickandria

It was a secret known to the ancient:

  • Celts
  • Norse
  • Druids
  • Buddhists
  • Aryan Hindus

and Egyptians but is not commonly practiced by modern man.

What is commonly practiced by modern man is Jewish debauchery with:

  • alcohol
  • sexual stimulations
  • drugs
  • media delusions
  • precious time wasted in Jewish-financed sports
  • Jewish trivia presented as entertainment
  • Jewish lies presented as news

So, modern man has been generally led away from his true place in the world by the Jewish devils.

Practice the Qi Gong methods in Appendix-A and be happy with the treasure that you find within yourself.

When Jesus cured the leper, the tremendous power of his spiritual force pushed the leprosy bacteria out of the leper’s body.

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The Centurion’s servant was cured from a distance simply because Jesus in an instant could fly in the spirit (sending his Ka) outside of his mortal body and go to where that servant lay and cure him.

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SPIRITUALITY: ASTRAL PLANE – Library of Rickandria

The fever of Peter’s mother-in-law was an easy cure.

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The casting out of devils was not just curing the insane of their maladies but the actual casting out of devils.

These spiritually malicious entities have no power in this world; even Satan, himself, is powerless in this world except for one place – in the minds of superstitious men.

Calling himself a “Son of Man,” is an indication of how Jesus saw himself.

He never claimed to be the “son of God” any more than any other saintly persons are the sons of God.

But he was certainly the greatest son of all of God’s children.

Calming the storm and pacifying the waves, is a power that every sailor or farmer has attempted for millennia.

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It is not through magic or personal power, is this accomplished, but only in wonderous appreciation for and unity with God.

God calms the storm when his son asks.

As Jesus taught, God is among us and within us, so it is not some god in the clouds who calms the storm, but it is our own power connected to the Great Spirit who does the deed.

That this great teacher had the spiritual connection with the Great Spirit, should not be a subject for wonder but, rather, an example to be followed.

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Because Jesus had lived in that area of Palestine for over thirty years, he probably had already met the local bums.

Darkness recognizes and yields to the light.

So, the demoniacs, no doubt inhabiting the bodies of these local drunks and winos living in the caves of Gadara just as modern bums live under freeway overpasses, recognized the holy light of Jesus.

They pleaded to be released into a herd of swine.

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And that was the end of them.

The bums rejoiced and joined society once again, cured of their alcoholic insanity.

The modern Salvation Army and Alcoholics Anonymous work similar miracles with the power of Christ and “a higher power.”