More WWII Fakes

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First published January 18, 2018, by Miles Mathis, one of the foremost revisionist intellectuals today.

I have already shown you lots of fake photos of WWII in my papers on the Beer Hall Putsch

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The BEER HALL PUTSCH was Faked! – Library of Rickandria

and Hitler's Genealogy.

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Hitler’s Genealogy – Library of Rickandria

Here I will show you many more.

The photo under title is my first exhibit.

I found it on a general search for photos of WWII, among many others with the tag “photos that were hidden from the public until now”.

LOR note:

The site that Miles linked was this one & it's a dead link.

Page not found (

Here are some other links that may have the same pictures that was in the original link.

Ghosts of Time: 39 Incredible' then & now' pictures of WWII | War History Online

The Faces of WW2 – Meet the Extraordinary People in 11 of the War's Most Famous Photographs -

The 36 best World War II photos you've never seen | We Are the Mighty
World War 2 Pictures: Rare Photos from WW2 (

World War II Photos | National Archives

75 iconic photos from World War Two (

Inside the Haunting Remains of Secret WWII Bunkers (

Found in the Archives, Seldom Seen Photos From World War II (

Maybe you can see why it was “hidden”.

Because they were still working on it in photoshop.

It is an obvious fake, meant to sell us on the idea London was seriously bombed by Hitler's blitzkrieg.

If you can't see the signs of a fake at a glance, consider this clue in the text:

Due to the structure of the Tower Bridge, this famous landmark luckily faced little damage. 

However, the surrounding areas were not as lucky.


LOR note:

A British phrase that Texans, let alone Americans usually don't say.

An Open Letter to Miles Mathis: Part One (2017) – Library of Rickandria

The faked hits there are nowhere near the bridge, being in the far background, where they are easiest to fake.

But you should find it curious that none of the bridges of London were hit at all.

So, it has nothing to do with “the structure” of any of them.

It is not like they were built to be bombproof.

They were built before airplanes, so the builders could not have predicted something like a blitzkrieg.

Tower Bridge was built in the 1880s, for instance.

But the Germans would indeed have targeted the bridges in any real attack.

And these huge bridges would not have been hard to hit.

They allegedly had 57 days to take them out, and they never did.

The Germans also allegedly targeted the railways, as we would expect them to.

But, again, they failed.

Wikipedia admits:

The Ministry of Home Security reported that although the damage caused was "serious" it was not "crippling" and the:

  • quays
  • basins
  • railways

and equipment remained operational.

Ministry of Home Security - Wikipedia


That's curious, isn't it?

Despite 57 days of attack from the air, everything remained operational?

Battersea Power Station, one of the largest landmarks in London, received only one minor hit, and remained fully operational.

“An unused extension was hit during November.”

That's lucky, eh, that those pesky Germans only targeted unused extensions?

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That famous photo is another obvious fake.

Of course, St. Paul's was also spared, which is convenient.

The Dark History of the Vatican – Library of Rickandria

But notice the tower is lit from the front, in bright sunshine.

But the foreground is all black.


You will say it is because everything is charred.

But we saw the same sort of fakery in the Bikini Atoll pictures.

The Bikini Atoll Nuclear Tests were Faked – Library of Rickandria

Those foreground houses are black for the same reason the ships in the Bikini photos were black.

The Magickal Properties of Color – Library of Rickandria

It is easier to fake them that way, because then they are just outlines.

You don't even look at them closely.

Also see the faked photos from Trinity, which have this same telling makeup:

  • bright background
  • unlit and unconvincing foreground
  • no middle ground

This is photo faking 101.

Paste in a black foreground and fill the middle ground with smoke.

Which takes us back to the photo under title.

I knew it was fake because it doesn't have the feel of a real photo from that period.

This was in the 1940s, not that long ago, but the photo looks like something from the 19th century.

Notice how the photo is way too contrasty, with the water going to white and the buildings going to black.

Again, the foreground buildings are solid black, indicating the photo has been tampered with.

These contrast errors are very common in fakes, and we even saw a similar thing with faked photos of Sharon Tate, where her blonde hair suddenly became black.

The Tate Murders were a False Flag & the Greatest Unknown Success Story of Operation CHAOS – Library of Rickandria

Wikipedia almost admits the London bombing fake on its pages, telling us Based on experience with German strategic bombing during World War I against the United Kingdom, the British government estimated after the First World War that 50 casualties—with about one third killed—would result for every ton of bombs dropped on London.

German bombing of Britain, 1914–1918 - Wikipedia

The estimate of tons of bombs an enemy could drop per day grew as aircraft technology advanced, from 75 in 1922, to 150 in 1934, to 644 in 1937.

That year the Committee on Imperial Defense estimated that an attack of 60 days would result in 600,000 dead and 1,200,000 wounded.

Committee of Imperial Defence - Wikipedia

They now estimate around 40,000 dead across all of England, and of course that is vastly exaggerated itself.

I encourage you to read for yourself that page on the Blitz and come to your own conclusions.

The Blitz - Wikipedia

Note sentences like this:

British wartime studies concluded that cities generally took 10 to 15 days to recover when hit severely but exceptions like Birmingham took three months. [11]


Ten days to recover from a severe bombing?

Our recent ancestors were apparently magicians of total reconstruction.

Magic or Magick? – Library of Rickandria

The German air offensive failed because the Luftwaffe High Command (Oberkommando der Luftwaffe, OKL) did not develop a methodical strategy for destroying British war industry.

Oberkommando der Luftwaffe - Wikipedia

Hitler frequently complained of the Luftwaffe's inability to damage industries sufficiently, saying:

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"The munitions industry cannot be interfered with effectively by air raids... usually the prescribed targets are not hit."

Convenient for London, but unfortunately that is not the story we are told in other places, like, say, Dresden or Warsaw.

Apparently, bombers from both sides could hit targets when that was part of the story.

While the war was being planned, Hitler never insisted upon the Luftwaffe planning a strategic bombing campaign and did not even give ample warning to the air staff, that war with Britain or even Russia was a possibility.

The Jewish Takeover of Russia – Library of Rickandria

The amount of firm operational and tactical preparation for a bombing campaign was minimal, largely because of the failure by Hitler as supreme commander to insist upon such a commitment.

And you believe that?

That this important series of airstrikes was never planned:

it just sort of happened.

Some German pilots decided one afternoon it might be fun and took off, I guess.

The Luftwaffe's decision in the interwar period to concentrate on medium bombers can be attributed to several reasons:

Hitler did not intend or foresee a war with Britain in 1939; OKL believed a medium bomber could carry out strategic missions just as well as a heavy bomber force; and Germany did not possess the resources or technical ability to produce four-engined bombers before the war.

I reprint that to show you how little these historians respect your intelligence.

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They lie to your face over and over, and don't even try to maintain any continuity.

They contradict themselves every other sentence.

One minute Hitler thinks air warfare is crucial, the next he doesn't believe in it at all.
One minute the Germans are great engineers with amazing factories, the next they can't even produce large bombers.

Seriously, read that page looking for bald contradictions.

I bet you can find at least 100.

I also draw your attention to the Phony War, which has its own page at Wikipedia.

They admit the first eight months of WWII were phony.

If they would only admit that of the rest of it.

Much civil-defense preparation in the form of shelters was left in the hands of local authorities and many areas such as:

and the East End of London did not have enough shelters. [48]

East End of London - Wikipedia

The unexpected delay to civilian bombing during the Phony War meant that the shelter program finished in June 1940, before the Blitz. [55]

Again, so kind that the Germans waited to start bombing until Britain was fully prepared, giving them eight months to build shelters.

It's continuously curious how well planned-out the bombing was from the British side, although they were the ones being bombed:

Based in part on the experience of German bombing in the First World War, politicians feared mass psychological trauma from aerial attack and the collapse of civil society.

In 1938, a committee of psychiatrists predicted there would be three times as many mental as physical casualties from aerial bombing, implying three to four million psychiatric patients. [51]

Winston Churchill told Parliament in 1934,

"We must expect that, under the pressure of continuous attack upon London, at least three or four million people would be driven out into the open country around the metropolis."

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Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (30 November 1874 – 24 January 1965) was a British statesman, soldier, and writer who twice served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, from 1940 to 1945 during the Second World War, and again from 1951 to 1955. Apart from two years between 1922 and 1924, he was a Member of Parliament (MP) from 1900 to 1964 and represented a total of five constituencies. Ideologically an adherent to economic liberalism and imperialism, he was for most of his career a member of the Conservative Party, which he led from 1940 to 1955. He was a member of the Liberal Party from 1904 to 1924.

As usual, the highest officials seemed to know what was going to happen long before it did.

We can suppose that their planning included investing in psychiatric hospitals.

Also, convenient that the main shelters in London were the Underground stations.

Down there the Londoners could be “protected” from seeing what was really going on outside above them.

These sheltered people could be told what to believe the next morning by the media.

The Jewish Run Media – Library of Rickandria

Although the intensity of the bombing was not as great as prewar expectations so an equal comparison is impossible, no psychiatric crisis occurred because of the Blitz even during the period of greatest bombing of September 1940.

An American witness wrote:

"By every test and measure I am able to apply, these people are staunch to the bone and won't quit ... the British are stronger and in a better position than they were at its beginning."

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People referred to raids as if they were weather, stating that a day was "very blitzy".

Oh, that's cozy, isn't it?

You might almost think these people had nothing to fear, and that they weren't witnessing any real deaths:

According to Anna Freud and Edward Glover, London civilians surprisingly did not suffer from widespread shell shock, unlike the soldiers in the Dunkirk evacuation. [69]

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Anna Freud CBE (3 December 1895 – 9 October 1982) was a British psychoanalyst of Austrian–Jewish descent. She was born in Vienna, the sixth and youngest child of Sigmund Freud and Martha Bernays. She followed the path of her father and contributed to the field of psychoanalysis. Alongside Hermine Hug-Hellmuth and Melanie Klein, she may be considered the founder of psychoanalytic child psychology.

The psychoanalysts were correct, and the special network of psychiatric clinics opened to receive mental casualties of the attacks closed due to lack of need.

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That is supposed to be a German plane flying over London on Sept. 7, 1940, the first day of the raids. Strange that the photo is from an Australian government collection, and that only the lo-res image is available.


Note that is Australian, not Austrian.

Nonetheless, several things jump out at a close observer.

That is tagged as a Heinkel HE 111 but notice how old it looks at a glance.

It should have been new, since Germany was producing many new 111s at the time.

Also notice the shadow on the left rear tail wing.

Due to that shadow, it appears the wing tilts up on the end, doesn't it?

But it didn't.

The tail wing on the 111 was completely flat.

The Flat Earth PSYOP: Everything Old is New Again – Library of Rickandria

The only reason it would be casting a shadow like that is if it was bent.

The right main wing also looks bent on the end.

But that indicates we are looking at a junked 111 pasted in or a model.

The Germans wouldn't have been flying a 111 with bent wings on an important mission like this.

Another thing that looks odd is the apparent stripe on that tail wing.

The 111 didn't have such a stripe.

There should only be a single line, which indicates the line of the flap.

But here we see another line above that.

The fuselage also doesn't look right, since we should see a cross painted on the side.

We wouldn't be able to see it on the shadow side, but we should be able to see the top of it on the light side.

The other thing I noticed immediately is the propellers.

They are way too sharp.

They are moving so fast that cameras can't stop them completely, and they should appear blurry to some degree. See other photos of propeller planes in flight online, in which we see either a big round blur—indicating a slow shutter speed—or smaller blurs, indicating a faster shutter speed.

But we never see propellers stopped cold like this, again indicating a model pasted in.

You will tell me we do have convincing photos of bombed out areas in various cities, and I agree.

But I think it is possible certain slums were targeted for demolition.

The governors used the war as an excuse to remove blighted areas, which they could then rebuild at a profit, also accelerating gentrification.

They are still doing it now in peacetime, as we have seen in various more recent false flags and fake events, including the 9/11 event.

What Really Happened? 9/11 – Library of Rickandria

One of the primary purposes of that false flag was the removal of the trade centers.

False Flag Operations – Library of Rickandria

The Grenfell Tower fire in 2017 may have been another of these, since it was both public housing and an eyesore.

Being in a high-rent district in Kensington, the owners of the land likely figured they could make a better profit by getting rid of it.

By the way, the building burned for 60 hours on almost all floors without collapsing, putting the lie to the claims during 911. *

The leaders of various countries may have hired foreign air forces to take out their undesired regions, or they may have simply ordered their own air forces to do the job.

After 911 (and the evidence I have uncovered in this paper), I don't believe it is off-the-table to propose the RAF may have bombed Britain themselves.

The British press now admits that as much as half the damage in Britain was caused by their own antiaircraft shells, rather than German bombs.

How Thousands of Civilians Were Killed by British Shells in the London Blitz | History Hit

There, it is estimated that 25,000 deaths were caused by friendly fire.

That sort of confirms my line of reasoning here, doesn't it?

It looks like some late spin to cover what people on the ground already knew.

But the story still doesn't make any sense, because it is beyond belief that the English high command would do this.

We are told they knew shelling wouldn't work, since it would hit almost no planes and cause high damage to their own people on the ground:

but they did it anyway to make civilians think something was being done.

So, they murdered their own people to make them think something was being done?

And you believe that?

I don't.

The author at that site,, is Simon Webb.

No doubt a relative of the Queen, who is a Webb.

Death and state funeral of Elizabeth II - Wikipedia

So, he wants you to believe this.

But for myself, I don't believe any of the numbers.

The story didn't make sense to start with and it still doesn't make sense.

A real attack by the Germans wouldn't look like this, and a real defense wouldn't look like this.

So, my assumption is the local shelling was done to take out blighted areas, or areas the Phoenician navy wished to rebuild for their own purposes.

Where did ALL the Phoenicians Go? – Library of Rickandria

People were moved out for that purpose.

I would assume some collateral damage, including casualties, occurred, but it wasn't intentional.

The numbers were then inflated to better match the phony war being sold.

The higher the numbers, the more you would hate the Germans.

In previous papers, I have shown much evidence the war was largely managed and at least partially faked including many fake photos from the Dresden event.

Was Dresden another Fake? – Library of Rickandria

We have seen that all the top Nazis were Jewish, that the Beer Hall Putsch was faked, and that Hitler was never a German citizen.

Although Hitler was just an actor, it turns out he was related to top families in the British peerage, especially those with links to Liverpool like:

  • the Stuarts
  • the Houstons
  • the Stanleys

Even more, the mainstream now admits that the German army was run by Jewish officers, including many Jewish field marshals and generals.

Marx’s Wife & other things – Library of Rickandria

In the paper on Hitler's genealogy, we saw many faked photographs from the war.

Hitler’s Genealogy – Library of Rickandria

Here, I will show you many more.

As usual, I got into this paper in a curious way.

Even when I try to get away from this research and take a break, I am pulled back into it.

I have recently begun playing pub trivia with some local friends, so I was doing a bit of prepping yesterday by visiting a trivia site called Sporcle.

One of the quizzes I was taken to randomly was a quiz on famous people together in photos.

I was supposed to identify both people.

This was one of the photos that came up:

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I hope you can see why that hit me like a ton of bricks.

Although it is quite easy to identify Hitler and Neville Chamberlain there, it is also easy to tell the photo is a fake.

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Arthur Neville Chamberlain FRS (/ˈtʃeɪmbərlɪn/; 18 March 1869 – 9 November 1940) was a British politician who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from May 1937 to May 1940 and Leader of the Conservative Party from May 1937 to October 1940.

It is one of the worst fakes I have ever seen, in fact.

Although Chamberlain's head is the worst, the whole thing is a tragedy, and I can't believe they still post it.

Perhaps the most obvious clue is the line where Chamberlain's forehead meets the background.

See the black line there?

That is a cutting error.

Heads don't have outlines like that in real life.

They are outlined like that only in cartoons.

Same for the back of his head, which is obviously cut and pasted.

Before I move ahead, I want to pause on Sporcle.

Sporcle is actually pushing a lot of propaganda, so this is not a one-time thing.

How Propaganda Works – Library of Rickandria

There were other faked photographs in that same quiz, and large parts of the site are devoted to pushing hoaxes old and new.

You will say that would be true of any such educational or testing site, which is just regurgitating the given history.

The Controlled Global Education – Library of Rickandria

[These are pre-existing photos, you know, and I am not accusing the authors at Sporcle of faking them themselves.]

True, but Sporcle is especially bad, since it is heavy with newer propaganda.

It is hard to find quizzes there on “schoolboy” topics, the site leading with Harry Potter trivia, Game of Thrones trivia, and things of that nature.

By “schoolboy” topics, I mean traditional trivia of the old Jeopardy type, or even of the old College Bowl or University Challenge type.

As in “what every schoolboy knows”, from the old days.

You will tell me that is also full of faked events and propaganda, which is true, but propaganda pre1980 had a whole different feel than the newer stuff.

Newer trivia is much lighter, being geared to the fluffy minds of the new youth.

Newer quizzes have very little:

  • science
  • history
  • literature
  • vocabulary
  • geography

or art, being comprised mainly of current events and pop culture.

It is all about:

  • Hollywood
  • TV
  • video games
  • sports

and celebrities.

What I Finally Understood about Famous People – Library of Rickandria

In the rare case art or literature is included, it concerns the latest Modern art or literature, which is neither art nor literature.

I Would Like to File a Suspicious Transactions Report on the entire 20th century – Library of Rickandria

The same goes for science, where if you get a science question it tends to be about Stephen Hawking or something, and you are expected to regurgitate the latest bullshit story from the headlines.

Which all goes to say I suspect the big trivia sites of also being Intel fronts.

They are pushing the sort of general “knowledge” that turns your mind to mush, making sure all your braincells are wasted memorizing the minutiae of their latest gambits.

KNOWLEDGE – Library of Rickandria

You will tell me that is what trivia is.

It is supposed to be trivial.

Real knowledge isn't trivial.

But that isn't true, either.

Trivia doesn't have to be fluff.

I have to think that if they had trivia contests a century ago, the trivia would be comprised of minor facts in all categories, not the mind-garbage that is now passed off as trivia.

The Stolen Century – Library of Rickandria

Every category of knowledge has its more important and less important facts, the trivia being the less important facts.

In the old days, these were minor facts you learned with your reading along the way.

Although perhaps not historically significant, they added a color to the:

  • history
  • literature
  • science

or art you were studying.

A Study of History by Miles Mathis – Library of Rickandria

For instance, although it might not be necessary to your understanding of Van Gogh and his art to remember that he roomed with Gauguin, spent time in London, or lived with coal miners teaching them the Bible, these were things that might stick in your mind nonetheless.

The Truth About the Bible – Library of Rickandria

To take another example, geography is full of trivial facts.

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Sir Edmund Percival Hillary KG ONZ KBE (20 July 1919 – 11 January 2008) was a New Zealand mountaineer, explorer, and philanthropist. On 29 May 1953, Hillary and Sherpa mountaineer Tenzing Norgay became the first climbers confirmed to have reached the summit of Mount Everest. They were part of the ninth British expedition to Everest, led by John Hunt. From 1985 to 1988 he served as New Zealand's High Commissioner to India and Bangladesh and concurrently as Ambassador to Nepal.

While knowing Everest is the highest mountain isn't trivial, knowing Sir Edmund Hillary was the first to climb it is.

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Even more trivial is his sherpa, Tenzing Norgay.

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Tenzing Norgay GM OSN (/ˈtɛnzɪŋ ˈnɔːrɡeɪ/; Sherpa: བསྟན་འཛིན་ནོར་རྒྱས tendzin norgyé; May 1914 – 9 May 1986), born Namgyal Wangdi, and also referred to as Sherpa Tenzing, was a Nepalese Indian Sherpa mountaineer. He was one of the first two people known to certainly reach the summit of Mount Everest, which he accomplished with Edmund Hillary on 29 May 1953. Time named Norgay one of the 100 most influential people of the 20th century.

Norgay would be hard trivia; Hillary is pretty easy trivia.

Ok, got that off my chest.

Back to the fake photos.

You may be wondering why they would need to fake photos of Hitler with Chamberlain.

The obvious answer: 

they didn't have any real ones, since the two men were never together.

Hitler was an actor meant to fool the German people, and to fool the worldwide press.

To achieve that, it wasn't necessary to have him travel to meet real heads of state in other countries.

He could have done so, but I guess that wasn't cost effective.

They figured it was easier and cheaper to just paste up some photos.

Audiences were even easier to fool back then, and we may assume they didn't study these photos in the papers closely for anomalies.

Almost no one reads a newspaper or magazine that way.

Here's another one, but this time only Hitler has been pasted in.

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How do I know?

The photo is small and blurry, so we can't see the paste lines.

But we know because the paste was poorly done, nonetheless.

Hitler doesn't look right, does he?

He looks short and squat with an oversized head.

He is also leaning precariously to the port side.

LOR note:

Miles uses the naval term port for the direction of left...

Don't see what I mean?

Well, compare him to Chamberlain, who looks tall and lean.

He looks considerably taller than Hitler, doesn't he?

OK, so go back to the previous photo, where Hitler was taller.

So, something isn't right.

I will just tell you what it is, since I can tell even from this small blurry photo.

Those legs are genuine, but they pasted the top half of Hitler in.

They didn't do a proper job of it, though, because they didn't size him quite right.

Don't believe me?

Here the two men are on the same day, as we can tell from the clothing.

But now they are exactly the same size.

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Either Chamberlain has shrunk several inches, or Hitler is standing on a box.

If we search on Chamberlain's height, we find he was indeed quite tall, being given as 6'2”.

But it is known that Hitler wasn't anything like that tall.

He is currently given a height of 5'9”, and he probably wasn't even that tall.

That's at least a five-inch difference, which can't be made up with lifts or something.

Which brings us to this photo, also from Chamberlain's Wiki page:

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That is supposed to be the signing of the Munich Agreement, but both Hitler and Mussolini are way too tall.

Benito Mussolini – Library of Rickandria

Hitler is the same height as Chamberlain [measure them against the mantle behind], and Mussolini is only a couple of inches shorter.

Which would make Mussolini six feet tall.

But Mussolini was very short, being only about 5'3”.

They list him now as 5'7”, but he wasn't nearly that tall.

In reality, he should be shorter than the very short guy there.

Here he is with King Victor Emmanuel, who is famous for being just five feet tall:

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Compare to this one:

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There Mussolini is only about three inches shorter than Chamberlain, making him 5'11”.

As we see from the photo with King Victor Emmanuel, that means Mussolini would need to be wearing 8-inch pumps.

Even elevator shoes aren't that high.

Here is one from the National Archives tagged Hitler and Chamberlain:

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Chamberlain and Hitler 1938 - The National Archives

Am I missing something?

Which one of those guys is supposed to be Hilter?

The guy who is about a foot shorter than Chamberlain, with a French hat on?

You have to be kidding me!

He looks nothing like Hitler.

Since when did Hitler become a Francophile, wearing French clothing?

And here's one of Hitler and Chamberlain from the same visit we looked at above, apparently, since Hitler is again wearing the light colored coat:

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Hitler, the incredible shrinking man, now four or five inches shorter than in the other pics from the same day.

Of course, Mussolini is also shrinkable:

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After being deflated, he is now several inches shorter than he was moments before. His head has also deflated by about four hat sizes. You have to laugh.

In this one it is Chamberlain who has been in the dryer too long:

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The six foot two inch Chamberlain is now only about 5'8”, the shortest man in the picture.

We can also compare Hitler and Mussolini directly:

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Look how short Mussolini is there!

Since Hitler and Mussolini were both actors from the same studio, I have no problem believing they were photographed together.

That photo may be genuine.

But Mussolini clearly isn't over 5'2” there and may be shorter.

Compare it to the one above, where Mussolini is about two inches shorter than Chamberlain and Hitler.

Here he is six or seven inches shorter than Hitler.

Houston, we have a problem.

Can you even believe they try to pull this stuff?

Am I the first person in history born with eyes?

Nobody has ever noticed this before?

No one has ever noticed that pretty much all the historical photos are faked?

But if that last photo is real, it doesn't mean all the ones of Hitler and Mussolini are real:

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In that one, Mussolini has inflated by many inches, being only an inch shorter than Hitler.

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Later, they deflated him once again, since he looks about four or five inches shorter there.

And, conveniently, we can see his heel.

It is normal.

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Look how short Hitler is there!

The same height as the very short Mussolini, while above we saw Hitler the same height as the very tall Chamberlain.

Here's a picture that is supposed to be Churchill “from the trenches of WWI”.

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I guess the sun only shone on Churchill.

Why is his forehead bright white while everyone around him is lit normally?

Because it's a fake!

He was pasted in from another photo, where he wasn't wearing that hat.

Actually, the hat is another clue.

Some will tell me the flash bulb was aimed right at him, but if that were the case, his hat would also be far brighter.

But the bright squares on the hat match the hat of the guy to his left (your right), proving the paste.

Besides, they were outside: you don't need a flash outside, remember?

Also notice that the two hats, though similar, do not match.

The squares on Churchill's hat are larger, and his hat has no half-inch brim.

Ask yourself why two guys in the same company would have hats that almost match, but not quite.

Why would that photo need to be faked?

Because Churchill was a Spencer-Churchill, of the Dukes of Marlborough.

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Such people dress in fancy uniforms, but they don't get anywhere near real fighting.

Look at him with his sword.

Do you think they used swords in WWI?

Sure, when they weren't using longbows and catapults.

I hear swords were quite effective against tanks.

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Of course, Churchill wasn't in the trenches in WWI.

He was Lord of the Admiralty at the outbreak of the War, and the Lord of the Admiralty wouldn't have been caught dead in that Royal Scots Fusiliers uniform.

Born in 1874, Churchill was 41 in 1916.

As a younger man, he was allegedly a lieutenant with the Fourth Hussars.

Thepeerage tells us he fought in:

  • Cuba
  • India
  • Africa

in the 1890s, but Wikipedia admits he was at most a journalist there.

He was First Lord of the Admiralty until 1915 and was later Minister for Munitions.

We are told that WWI photo is from 1916, and he is supposed to be a Lieutenant Colonel commanding the 6th battalion in Belgium.

What a joke.

The only believable part is the Lt. Col. title, which we have seen was a common one for Intel officers.

It is a marker, that is, but it wasn't his rank.

Lords of the Admiralty don't take demotions to Lt. Col.

They sort of admit the whole thing was theater, since his battalion took part in zero battles, though they were in Belgium in the middle of the war.

To make up for that, we are told Churchill personally made 36 forays into no man's-land, in order:

 “To expose himself to danger.”


That just means he stepped outside the pub in Ploegsteert 36 times to piss on a tree.

This might be the time to insert a few genealogical tidbits of Churchill you probably weren't aware of.

His mother was American, from great wealth as well.

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Jeanette Spencer-Churchill CI RRC DStJ (née Jerome; 9 January 1854 – 29 June 1921), known as Lady Randolph Spencer-Churchill, was an American-born British socialite, the wife of Lord Randolph Churchill, and the mother of British prime minister Winston Churchill.

Jeanette Jerome was the daughter of Leonard Jerome, King of Wall Street.

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Leonard Walter Jerome (November 3, 1817 – March 3, 1891) was an American financier in Brooklyn, New York, and the maternal grandfather of Winston Churchill.

He was a business partner of Cornelius Vanderbilt, and equally wealthy.

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Cornelius Vanderbilt (May 27, 1794 – January 4, 1877), nicknamed "the Commodore", was an American business magnate who built his wealth in railroads and shipping. After working with his father's business, Vanderbilt worked his way into leadership positions in the inland water trade and invested in the rapidly growing railroad industry, effectively transforming the geography of the United States.

The Jerome Mansion was in New York on the corner of Madison Avenue and 26th Street, and that is only the corner of it.

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It had a 600-seat theater, a breakfast room which seated 70 people, a ballroom of white and gold with a champagne-spouting fountain, and a view of Madison Square Park.

Jerome also owned the huge Bathgate Mansion in the Bronx.

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Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn (Arthur William Patrick Albert; 1 May 1850 – 16 January 1942) was the seventh child and third son of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. He served as Governor General of Canada, the tenth since Canadian Confederation and the only British prince to do so.

Churchill's aunt Leonie Jerome was the lover of Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, son of Queen Victoria.

Churchill's mother was the granddaughter of Aurora Murray, which also brings that name into the list.

We just saw it in my update to my paper on Harry Potter.

The Great Harry Potter Hoax – Library of Rickandria

Rowling recently married a Murray and bought an old Murray castle.

Jerome's other grandmother was Elizabeth Ball, which of course takes us back to George Washington.

So, Churchill was closely related to Washington, something we are never taught.

It also links us to the:

  • Beardsleys
  • Hitchcocks
  • Summers
  • Munns
  • Bisbees
  • Hales
  • Stiles

and Gregorys.

Eulalia March : Family tree by Tim DOWLING (tdowling) - Geneanet

Through the Jeromes we also link to the Fosters and Clarks.

So, the source of Churchill's American wealth and influence was major Jewish money from trade.

Any time they tell you any Churchill was spending more than he made, you can roll your eyes.

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Geneanet ends the Jeromes in the 1700s, but we can switch to Geni, which tells us these Jeromes were previously Riches from. . . Salem.

The Salem Witch Trials WERE FAKED – Library of Rickandria

Before that we can trace them back to Gloucestershire, and Richard Rich, Lord Chancellor of England in 1547, in the rule of Edward VI.

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Edward VI (12 October 1537 – 6 July 1553) was King of England and Ireland from 28 January 1547 until his death in 1553. He was crowned on 20 February 1547 at the age of nine.

He is a primary villain in the film A Man for All Seasons.

We have seen him in several previous papers, most prominently destroying the monasteries and stealing Church wealth for himself and Henry VIII.

Henry VIII was Gay & an even bigger surprise revelation – Library of Rickandria

This genealogy of Churchill is never publicized.

Through the Riches, Churchill is also related to the Howes and Bathursts (later Hearsts).

The Jeromes had previous married the Spencers of New York in the 1760s, these Spencers being related to the:

  • Fullers
  • Bates
  • Dunhams

and Cranes.

Through the Dunhams we are linked to:

These Spencers go back to the knights of Bedfordshire in the time of Henry VIII.

Before that they were Barons Le Despencer.

So, Churchill is a Spencer through his mother as well as his father.

Through the Spencer-Churchills, Winston was also:

  • a Stewart (Earls of Galloway)
  • a Paget (Earls of Uxbridge)
  • a Vane (Marquesses of Londonderry)
  • a Pratt (Earls Camden)
  • a Russell (Dukes of Bedford)
  • a Leveson-Gower (Earls Gower)
  • a Pierrepont (Dukes of Kingston-upon-Hull)
  • a Cavendish (Dukes of Newcastle-upon-Tyne)
  • a Syndey (Earls of Leicester)
  • a Percy (Earls of Northumberland)
  • a Devereux (Earls of Essex)
  • a Dudley (Dukes of Northumberland)
  • a Manners (Dukes of Rutland)
  • a Montagu (Barons of Boughton)
  • a Noel (Earls of Gainsborough), a Hicks (Viscounts Campden)
  • a Feilding (Earls Denbigh and Desmond)
  • a King (Barons Kingston)

and a Knollys (Earls of Banbury).

Through the Knollys, we again link to the Riches.

Lettice Knollys' son-in-law was Robert Rich, 1st Earl Warwick.

Also, of great interest is who Winston Churchill married.

His wife Clementine's mother was Henrietta Ogilvy, whose mother just happened to be. . . wait for it. . . Henrietta Stanley.

These were the Barons Stanley of Alderley.

The first Baron's mother was an Owen.

Engels & Owen – Library of Rickandria

Her father was Hugh Owen of Penrhos, Anglesey.

Through her paternal grandmother, Churchill's wife was a Campbell.

Winston and Clementine met at a ball thrown by Margaret Primrose, whose mother was Hannah Rothschild.

Who are the Rothschilds? – Library of Rickandria

The 1st Baronet Owen married a Philipps, whose father was the 1st Baronet Philipps.

His son-in-law became the 1st Earl of Anglesey.

These Philipps were related to the Philips in Holland, as in Philips Electronics.

This links us to:

The Owens were related to the Tripps—think Linda Tripp of the Lewinsky hoax.

Also related to the Perrots, as in Ross Perot.

Although Churchill hadn't done anything of import by the time he was 25 except play polo and hobnob with his wealthy relations, in 1900 he won a seat in Parliament and immediately went on a speaking tour of England and the US, making about two million dollars.

We aren't told why anyone paid to hear him speak or what he had to say.

No doubt he rattled on about escaping from a prison in Pretoria and other such nonsense.

He couldn't hold a seat in Parliament, being deselected from Oldham, turning from Conservative to Liberal to sit for Manchester, soon losing that as well, and then sitting for Dundee.

Since Dundee is in Scotland, we aren't sure how he managed that.

I guess after that he sat for Funzie, on the Shetlands.

Some of his great reforms at the time included trying to “sterilize the feebleminded” (exceptions for those sitting in Parliament) and lobbying against women's suffrage.

At age 35 he was promoted to Home Secretary, which as we have seen was basically an arm of Intelligence.

But this was appropriate, since Churchill had instructed the Army to attack striking coal miners in Rhondda.

As such a man, he was well qualified to be Home Secretary.

At this time Churchill was also involved in the suspicious Sidney Street Siege, which now looks like an early false flag of some kind.

All the usual numerology markers are present, including the fact that it took place at 111 Sidney Street.

If you read the Wiki page on the event, notice how much it looks like an earlier version of the manufactured Waco Siege.

Many were arrested but all were acquitted.

One of the most famous of those allegedly involved, Peter the Painter, is now admitted being a ghost.

There is no evidence he ever existed at all.

His photo, as posted by the mainstream sites, is an obvious fake.

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One of the ones actually tried was Jacob Peters, and he later became deputy head of the Cheka—the Soviet secret police.

But that's not a clue, is it?

He couldn't have been European Intelligence all along, could he?

Best guess is this event was drawn up by MI5 to create local fear and an excuse for bringing in the Army, same as now.

Without constant acts of phony terrorism, the Government can't maintain its huge levels of “defense” and “homeland” spending.

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They also appear to be blackwashing artists in this event, though I can't say why.

But remember this was during the steep rise of Modernism, so they may have been blackwashing traditional art, as they still are.

At any rate, Churchill was photographed right outside the building during the supposedly dangerous siege, which is indication enough he knew it was all theater.

His presence has been commented on in every possible way. . . except that one.

More indication of that is that everyone, including Churchill, admitted that when the building caught fire, he himself ordered it be let burn.

Again, indicating that was the plan.

As at Waco, the fake crime scene needed to be destroyed.

LIFE AFTER WACO – Library of Rickandria

Churchill became a Freemason in 1902, still in his 20s.

Decoding Rosicrucianism & Freemasonry Using the Unified Field – Library of Rickandria

The rise of oil was helped along by Churchill, since as Lord of the Admiralty he switched the fleet from coal to oil.

For some reason this switch was classified top secret.

Could be because Churchill and his families were invested in oil.

During his tenure the government bought all the stock of the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (later British Petroleum), which had been founded in 1908 to import oil from Iran.

This company was headed by William Knox D'Arcy, but D'Arcy had been a partner of William Russell Hall and the Morgans.

Of course, William D'Arcy is also in the peerage, though he is mostly scrubbed.

What we do learn is that his son William, b. 1873 (about the same time as Churchill), married a Baring, daughter of the Barings of Barings Bank.

Her mother was a Schuster.

They were also closely related to the:

  • FitzMaurices
  • Earls of Orkney
  • Viscounts of Kirkwall

The D'Arcys were descended from Bartletts and Knoxes.

They are both scrubbed here, but the Bartletts are Baronets, related to the Robinsons.

[Charles Darwin married a Wedgwood, granddaughter of a Bartlett from Wales.]

The Bartletts ran Perry &Co, civil engineering contractors responsible for rebuilding Waterloo Station and many stations on the Underground.

The Knoxes were the Earls of Ranfurly, related to the Perys and Brownlows. 

Also, to:

  • the Stuarts
  • Earls of Bute; the Wortley-Montagus
  • Earls of Sandwich; the Campbells
  • Dukes of Argyll

and the Pierreponts, Dukes of Kingston-upon-Hull.

Those last four names all link us to Churchill, as we have seen.

So, the best guess is all these top families, including the SpencerChurchills, were invested in D'Arcy's oil business in Iran, and profited enormously when the treasury decided to buy all stocks in the company.

Iran’s Jewish Rulers – Library of Rickandria

After the war Churchill was appointed Secretary of State for War, where he got involved in the Russian Civil War.

No surprise there, since we have seen he was always an Intel officer, and the Russian Civil War was a staged event of European Intel from the beginning.

Vladimir Lenin is Another Fake – Library of Rickandria

At about the same time, Churchill organized the Blacks and Tans to quash the Irish War of Independence.

This is why the old Irish hated Churchill.

The Blacks and Tans were a British gestapo infamous for their unprovoked attacks on civilians and civilian property, and the encyclopedias like Wiki admit that.

In other words, they were state-sponsored terrorists, the only real terrorists then and now.

In 1920, the Blacks and Tans sacked Cork, destroying most of the central part of the city.

Many in England pretended to be shocked, including the King (George V), but of course no one did anything about it.

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George V (George Frederick Ernest Albert; 3 June 1865 – 20 January 1936) was King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions, and Emperor of India, from 6 May 1910 until his death in 1936.

Speaking of, here is a photo of George V with his cousin Nicholas II of Russia,

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Nicholas II (Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov; 18 May [O.S. 6 May] 1868 – 17 July 1918) or Nikolai II was the last reigning Emperor of Russia, King of Congress Poland and Grand Duke of Finland from 1 November 1894 until his abdication on 15 March 1917.

“Both dressed in German uniforms before the War.”

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Soviet Union & Jewish Ritual Murder – Library of Rickandria

Note that both are dressed as Germans.

That may help you understand both WWI and the Russian “Revolution”.

George and Nicholas were actually first cousins.

Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany was also George's first cousin.

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Wilhelm II (Friedrich Wilhelm Viktor Albert; 27 January 1859 – 4 June 1941) was the last German Emperor and King of Prussia from 1888 until his abdication in 1918, which marked the end of the German Empire and the House of Hohenzollern's 300-year reign in Prussia and 500-year reign in Brandenburg.

Notice how much George and Nicholas look alike:

they could almost be twins.

The Danish Royals were also included, since George's mother was Princess Alexandra of Denmark.

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Alexandra of Denmark (Alexandra Caroline Marie Charlotte Louise Julia; 1 December 1844 – 20 November 1925) was Queen of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions, and Empress of India, from 22 January 1901 to 6 May 1910 as the wife of King-Emperor Edward VII.

Her sister Dagmar was Nicholas' mother.

Do you still want to tell me the War wasn't managed?

Are you going to continue to let the historians tell you the cause of the War was the assassination of an Archduke in Sarajevo?

Archduke Franz Ferdinand – Library of Rickandria

The assassination of one man justifies the mobilization of 70 million people?

Supposing that assassination was real, wouldn't a single murder trial have sufficed?

It is also worth repeating that we have discovered all these Royals were Jewish themselves, including:

  • George
  • Nicholas
  • Wilhelm

and all the rest.

They all descend from lines like the:

  • Vasas
  • Radziwills
  • Jagiellons

who were Jewish.

Exposing the Jews – Library of Rickandria

We have traced these Royal lines back to the Crusades, in fact, discovering that they, the Popes, and the Byzantine Emperors all hailed from the same Armenian families (see the Komnenes).

Phillip III the Bold & the Crusades – Library of Rickandria

Also ask yourself this: do you think a real war of 70 million people taking place over 4 years would be limited mostly (in the West) to a so-called Western Front along the border of a neutral country?

Ten million people allegedly died, but no major cities were attacked in the West?

  • Not Paris
  • not London
  • not Berlin
  • not Moscow
  • not Copenhagen
  • not Munich
  • not New York

not even Brussels.

The Germans didn't even go after the biggest ports in Europe, Rotterdam and Amsterdam.

On the page for Amsterdam, WWI isn't even mentioned.

Rotterdam is mentioned only as a locus of spies.

What sort of war is waged without the attempt to control major ports?

The older I get, the less sense these Wars make.

And I don't mean that as in,

“War is a senseless enterprise.”

I mean that the stories don't add up.

The faked photos are just one part of that.

I pause to re-affirm that I haven't got it all figured out yet.

I still don't comprehend how large the fake really was.

I don't know where to draw the line:

what to believe and what not to believe.

I still need to do a lot more research before I can come to any sweeping conclusions.

But the extent of the photographic fakery in both wars indicates a very broad hoax, which may include the faking of the death figures.

That is, as of now I still assume a lot of people died, but I think it is possible the numbers have been inflated by many orders of magnitude.

I know those glad tidings won't be met in the spirit they were intended, since most people don't like to have mainstream stories or numbers questioned.

But just remind yourself how nice it would be if the numbers were inflated.

It is not really a suggestion that should be met with anger or malice, is it?

Any rational person should meet it with open arms, as a welcome possibility.

This doesn't mean there weren't any crimes against humanity in the wars.

Humanity’s History & Ancient Civilizations – Library of Rickandria

Even supposing the slums were cleared before they were obliterated by their own governors, I think we can all agree there is still a lot to answer for.

But I will have more to say on this question later, once I understand more about what really happened.

* We are told there was no formal register of who was living in the Grenfell Tower, which is of course beyond belief.

Grenfell Tower fire - Wikipedia

This indicates the victims list may also be fake.

We have seen many other fake victims lists, including most recently the one in Las Vegas.

Las Vegas Hoax – Library of Rickandria