The Rise of the Sorcerers: Chapter Four - THE SCARS OF THE EARTH

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A fatal mistake. - That is how we could end up... -- Barringer Crater. - Giant meteorites. - Regions beyond the solar system. -One idea about the Floods. - An idea about ice ages. -The Sudbury's sky mines. - A protection? - Meteorites and the possible seed of life. - The idea of a cosmo-history. - Those who discovered a starry sky.- External causation? - The mysterious chants of the terrestrial opera.

Russians, Americans, Chinese, English, and French all believe in the same At that moment, a massive atomic attack has just been launched. All They put the systems into operation at the same time. retaliatory. And the Earth burns. Now, the cause of this has not been It has not been the evil of a nation, but the blind "neither good nor evil" of the sky. The truth is that a giant meteorite has fallen. So we could end, annihilated from on high... It's a foreseeable future.

These gigantic meteorite falls occurred in the past. The Earth still shows its scars. Barringer Crater, in Arizona, was opened by an explosion whose power can estimated at 2.5 megatons (25 times the bomb of Hiroshima) and that It was produced 50,000 years ago. When the mining engineer D. M. Barrin Zer, stated that the cause of this explosion It had been the fall of a huge meteorite, he ran into opposition most stubborn officer. Hypotheses of an eruption were preferred volcanic eruption or a natural gas explosion.
But Barringer ended up making their opinion prevail. Today it is admitted that there was a collision between the Earth and a body of ten thousand tons that was moving at the speed of 40 kilometers per second. They were collected, Around the craters, microscopic pellets of iron produced, apparently, by the condensation of a cloud of steam from iron caused by the shock.

But Barringer Crater is not the most important. The Vreedovrt, in the Union of South Africa, has a volume of ten cubic kilometres. It appears that the projectile tore away the earth's crust, giving Lava immediately filled a portion of the gap.

Perhaps even more terrible collisions occurred, and there are reasons for this. to suppose that the Sea of Japan, Hudson Bay, and the Sea of Weddell were created this way. If this fact is true, the energy It would have been of the astronomical order of 1033 ergs. This The number says very little. but corresponds to a quarter of the energy emitted by the Sun in one second, or at conversion, to 100 percent, of one million tons of matter in energy.

An objection is made to these hypotheses. A collision of force Such a blow would have raised the temperature of the atmosphere, over the top of the world. planet, at two hundred degrees Celsius. The entire surface of the Earth would have been sterilized. Now, in all of history known biological evidence of the globe, no traces of such a sterilization. However, collisions are commonly allowed that would engender energies of a million megatons, and the scars produced by them in the earth's crust have been identified in quite considerable numbers.

A dozen of them have been discovered in Canada, with diameters ranging from 2 to 60 kilometers, and ranging in age from 2 to 500 million years ago. In Australia, we can cite the crater of Wolf Creek, and, in the United States, principally, the crater Deep Bay, where a lake has been formed, which has twelve kilometers in diameter and one hundred and fifty meters deep.

According to calculations, a projectile of more than 1,000 tons that was If it travels at sufficient speed, it is not stopped by the atmosphere. One projectile coming from the solar system would not exceed speed of 42 kilometres per second, otherwise I would escape this system. So, a meteorite that came to speeds on the order of 100 to 150 kilometers per second would have to from regions beyond the solar system.

Finally, we will mention the secondary meteorites. that is, coming out of the Earth, and that, when projected, they could transport living matter to the distant stars, and thus to give rise in the cosmos to a life analogous to our own.

If the fall points of large meteorites are distributed to the randomly, there are three odds to one that the impact will be produce in the sea. The collision would volatilize tens of thousands of miles of ocean. The whole Earth would be covered, for a long time. many days, of clouds as thick as those of Venus. Tides fabulous ones would sweep the planet. We can imagine a phenomenon of this kind. gender. Probably, it has happened before. Now, a A tide of this kind exactly resembles a flood, the Flood Universal that found an echo in all traditions.

It is, therefore, perfectly logical to imagine that a civilization or a A number of civilizations could thus be annihilated by the "wrath of heaven."

The scars of the Earth reveal two or three catastrophes for every million years. This is enough to call into question the orderly based exclusively on internal causes, which It presents the classical theory of evolution. It would also be necessary to put Once again, the thesis on the origin of the ages is called into question the thick clouds formed around the Earth by the impact of the meteorite, and composed of water vapour and dust, They had to reflect solar energy and reduce it considerably the average temperature.

The American R. S. Dietz was able to show that the important mines The nickel Canadian Nickel Plate, from Sudbury, comes from a giant meteorite. These mines have been exploited since 1860. So, for a long time, Men have been exploiting the wealth of a visitor fallen from the sky. The Giant Sudbury Meteorite Reached Earth 1.7 billion years ago. Its mass was 3,8,10.3 tons.
It contained a considerable amount of nickel. Which results in puzzling, in view of the relative proportion of iron and nickel from the small meteorites that fall today. Studies continue, and, as new facts are discovered, the age of the Earth is lengthening.
As Dietz says, "The Earth It ages a million years every day."

The problems posed by the scars of the Earth are very numerous, but the most important is undoubtedly the following: study of the Moon and observation of Mars show that these Stars were literally riddled with bullets by giant meteorites. Compared to those, the Earth has suffered very little. TRUE that its atmosphere has protected it from small impacts. But Everything leads us to believe that the atmosphere cannot retain meteorites from a mass of more than a thousand tons. So what? Can Think of magnetic or electromagnetic protection, exercised by the electrified layers that envelop the Earth. However Such protection would preferably stop the meteorites rich in magnetic material, such as nickel. ¿How explain the Sudbury case?

Let's keep dreaming. If Earth is the only planet in the solar system Where life exists, will there be the great engineers of the afterlife? organized your protection? If there are, in the galaxy, more powerful than we are, perhaps they intervene in celestial mechanics so that life and life may continue to develop. intelligence in that tiny neighborhood of space...

The second conundrum is related to the phenomenon of the collision. At the extraordinary temperatures that occur, the Matter cannot subsist in a gaseous state, but passes into the Fourth state, plasma. That is, atoms lose a lot of part of its electrons. A fireball is formed, and, according to the Dr. R. L. Bjork, an almost perfectly circular whirlwind. The craters on Earth and the Moon would be the fossil traces of these whirlwinds. The whirlwind rips away the earth's crust, giving Outlet to the primary magma.
Then it explodes, and this explosion can send fragments of the Earth into space at a speed of 80 kilometers per second. It is true that there is still much to discover through In this respect, since the fourth state of matter is very important to us, little known. But we must not forget this possibility of a projection, outside the Earth, of fragments of our substance at high speed, enough for such fragments to escape into the solar system and sail through the universe, with its cargo of living matter.

Thus, fragments of our Earth, uprooted 1.7 billion years ago, have been torn away from each other. years by the Sudbury meteorite, they could perhaps have reached some point in the day. half-fertile, somewhere in the starry sky...

Our ambition is limited to providing a few points of support to dreams, and to extol, with a handful of facts, the virtues of imagination. Modern Romantic geology—by resurrecting the thesis of the slippage of the continents-, the investigations on large craters and studies on the mechanics of the large meteorites, they seem to us to be much more suitable than the Alleged revelations of occultism to open up a question mark about vanished civilizations, about one or more past histories of Humanity, and to invite new interpretations of apocalyptic traditions, myths, and legends concerning the existence of Great Ancestors.
But the that must be remembered above all else, in our brief and fanciful examination of the Earth's scars, is that history of our globe, and of the men who inhabit it, is undoubtedly inextricably linked to the history of the solar system and, probably, to that of the Universe. Maybe the same cosmic heart attack destroyed Phaethon, ripped the planet Pluto from its satellite orbit of Neptune, and bombarded Earth at Sudbury.
Other crises A few tens of thousands of years ago, the years, the fall of giant meteorites on Earth or in the Oceans; engender ice ages; Destroy Civilizations or already developed, and cover the sky with clouds as thick, and for so long, that their dispersion led to the discovery of the stars to men who had never seen them before, and who They ignored the rhythm of the light and the nights populated by stars.
One South American tradition says that the Tiahuanaco civilization existed before the stars. Before the stars?
Absurd affirmation, if we take things literally. But not so much if we suppose that, at a given moment, men saw the the curtain, the clouds dissolve, and for the first time a sky shines constellated above their heads.

It has often been said that without the stars I would not have been able to civilization would not have developed, for men would not have had not had the slightest idea of the cyclic laws of Nature, nor point of reference, nor awareness of the infinite. If this opinion is right, Science would have begun, for certain men, in the dazzle of the stars made visible, and perhaps this was what happened at Stonehenge and among our Neolithic ancestors, who established a calendar stellar.

As far as life, intelligence, birth and life are concerned, the death of civilizations, the interactions between the Earth, the other planets, and certainly the entire cosmos, should seem much more important than the closed system admits of official science, which religiously clings to a causality to a continuous evolution and a simple dynamic of the "progress" of human history. The idea that such interactions could and still can affect the Earth, return and stirring up human history is one of the themes of the present work.
It aims to hear, in terrestrial opera, the "Mysterious Song of Backwardness."