From a different view, those who protest war are also waking up other people to the atrocities, oppression and tyranny of most governments, which is a service-to-others-based mentality.
Who’s right?
I personally don’t care for most of the world leaders who work against the best interests of humanity.
Do I love them?
Do I hate them?
I’m indifferent.
If anything, I appreciate the end result of their oppression, which ends up in a greater awakening for humanity through truth, which is always hidden by the powers that were.
Discovering the hidden truths is common for many who are beginning their spiritual journey.
Many of us have gone through this stage, where you find out about such nefarious things like:
Our world has been shaken, but it’s also the initial spiritual awakening which eventually leads to a deeper spiritual connection.
At this point in time, we gain an understanding of why things are the way they are, yet we’re unsure what we can do about it other than protesting or talking to other people about these issues.
As you progress on your spiritual path, you become more aware of yourself and your surroundings.
It becomes blatantly obvious how we’re all connected to one another.
Did you ever meditate during a full moon and feel like you’re meditating with thousands of other people at the same time?
Or have you ever participated in a global meditation where you could literally feel everyone else’s energy?
The grid isn’t just physical locations on this planet.
Earth’s inhabitants are the people who maintain the grid as we all become interconnected with one another in conjunction to our planet’s life force.
During this stage, you may become less of a truth fighter and more of a conscientious observer who realizes that no matter what those in power try to do to suppress humanity, it will always backfire.
You’ll also find many people who waiver back and forth to help assist those who are beginning their spiritual journeys through truth seeking, which can sometimes send a mixed message to others.
What’s important is that you are following YOUR spiritual path and that it doesn’t matter how other people perceive your intentions or actions.
Everyone plays a role in whatever they’re doing.
Some are activists or truth seekers while others share their:
through meditation.
Some are empaths, some are healers.
Gandhi chose the role of passive non-resistance.
At every stage, there will always be service to self and service to other people.
Some people go back and forth between the two.
For example, during meditation, you might spend some of your time on mentally creating 5d earth while also spending time on opening your pineal gland.
There are as many spiritual paths as there are people on this planet.
The most important thing to keep in mind is that we’re all on the same team.
The Maya have a saying, “In lak’ech” which means,
“I am another you”.
It really doesn’t matter what stage of spirituality you’re at.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a service to self or service to others person.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a truther or a pacifist.
There are no wrong or right paths.
You are constantly being guided in the right direction, and you are EXACTLY where you need to be at all times!