Blue Blood, True Blood, Conflict & Creation – Chapter 11: Mind Control Via Religion

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The first religion on Earth was the Reptilian belief system brought by the colonists of Lemuria.

Their religion believed in a God-Mind that contained a hierarchy, or caste system.

This caste system was extrapolated to the several Reptilian species incorporated into the Draco Empire.

Each species had its own place in the structure of their society.

Every individual knew its functions and respected these boundaries.

To violate these rules meant death.

The Reptilians operate as a group mind, meaning that no single Reptilian can make a decision for itself.

Only the upper caste, or winged ones, have the semblance of individuality.

They were, and are, the leaders.

When this religion was brought to Sumeria, the caste system was infused into society as a religious hierarchy.

Remember that the colonists of Sumeria were refugees from Lyrae/Mars/Maldek.

They, like the Atlanteans, maintained the original belief system of the Lyraen culture.

The Lyraen belief system encouraged individuality, as well as promoted service to others as a pathway to self-growth.

The Lyraens believed that red-haired people were connectors to God-Mind, and as such, used them as oracles.

The Reptilians worshipped the transparent beings from the astral planes as their creators.

The transparent beings have a mass consciousness, like an Oversoul.

They are basically genderless, although in terms of physical reality, their characteristics and traits render them more masculine than feminine.

When the Reptilians brought this religion to the Sumerians, they were careful to introduce it in a way that would be accepted and followed.

First, they created a gender base for a gender-minded population.

Then, they instilled fear to control the mind-patterns.

Cleverly, they devised a religion based on a male-female, god-goddess control system.

The male god was called Nimrod; the female goddess, Semiramis.

They are depicted as half-human, half-Reptilian.

Their appearances were designed to frighten the humans into submission.

Nimrod and Semiramis eventually became the Osiris and Isis of Egypt, and the Apollo and Athena of Greece, among many other gods.

All used the male/female, god/goddess theme because it represented the original Reptilian androgyny and the separation of the human prototype into the male/female, Adam/Eve.

Because of the "masculine" tendency of the transparent people, and despite being androgynous themselves, the Reptilians prefer the powerful male over the female.

They represented their androgyny in Sumer by placing three horns on the Reptilian God, Nimrod.

There are many layers of symbolism to this:

  • The penis and two testicles
  • Two energies uniting to create a third, i.e., the human prototype
  • The three levels of existence: hyperspace, astral, and physical
  • The three levels of awareness: conscious, subconscious, and superconscious
  • Androgyny leading to male and female sections

Thus, the number three was an important symbol to the Reptilians on Earth.

They represent this in many ways, including the lily, or fleur-de-lis with its three points.

They also use the scorpion with its stinger and two piercing claws.

The advanced version of the scorpion is the eagle, which represents the scorpion in its higher form.

Because of this, the eagle came to represent raising from a lower form to a higher one.

It represented power and globalization.

Because it was a bird of prey, it was able to capture everything beneath it, especially live food.

For these reasons, the Romans always used an eagle on their staffs whenever they marched into a city or country.

Most people do not realize that all birds are descendants of Reptilian dinosaurs.

Many corporate logos and superheroes of today have wings attached to them.

The wings also represent the winged Reptilian leaders in the upper echelon of the Reptilian/Illuminati flowchart.

Half a continent away in China, the remnants of Lemuria created a male-dominated Empire system.

Here, the male Emperor would always have an Empress.

The people were told that the Emperor and Empress were descendants of the Sun-God.

The symbol of the Empire was the dragon, another Reptilian figure.

This "royal" family created a dynasty that ruled tight-fisted for millennia.

The Chinese Reptilian religion spread across Eastern Asia, while the Sumerian version meandered through Central and Western Asia.

The spread of these religions was intentionally controlled from the underground Reptilian population, primarily centered under Tibet.

Looking at a world map, one can easily see that this is the best underground base location in Asia to reach all areas of the continent.

These Reptilians were aided by beings from Sirius B who developed the Buddhist philosophies, as well as a group of renegade Lyraens trying to reproduce a Lyraen civilization under Reptilian control.

Strange bedfellows!

At the same time in India, the Lemurian Reptilian refugees created a caste system that was a direct replica of the Reptilian hierarchy, from the lowly workers/untouchables to the Brahmin/winged ones.

This Indian/Reptilian culture remained localized, writing the ancient Vedas and building temples to the various Reptilian gods.

Meanwhile, the Egyptians, who were Atlantean/Lyraen refugees, were in the process of building a new civilization from the remnants of their two major ancestral ones that were destroyed.

The beings from Sirius A helped them, as they were a major factor in the interactions of Atlantis.

As previously stated, in Egypt, the Reptilian gods were known as Osiris and Isis.

The Egyptian panacea of gods included a large variety of hybrid creations, half-human, half-animal.

This was reminiscent of the Atlantean hybrid experiments that found their way into Egyptian culture and was promoted by the Sirians who were preparing that culture for a Reptilian takeover.

The Atlanteans were so entrenched in the original Lyraen belief system, that it took several millennia for the Reptilians to get a stronghold in that culture.

Now that the remnants were scattered over the Earth and non-cohesive, it was easy to send in infiltrators (in-full-traitors) to sway the belief system toward a Reptilian flavor.
This began with the introduction of the cat as a focal point of worship.

In the Sirius A star system, the main world is called Khoom.

The ancient name for Egypt is Khem.

There is also a correlation with Mexico.

Some researchers say that the Bay of Campeche translates to the Bay of Old Egypt, indicating a connection between Egypt and the Yucatan Peninsula.

This is not so.
Sirians who interacted with Atlantis named this area after their home world, and then carried the name on to the new refugee culture in Egypt.
Our info is that the word KHEM for Egyptaus (Egypt) meant from the BLACKNESS, for the black or dark copper based nubian blood of Thoth/Enki RA line, which founded it.

Evidence would include the black Zulu culture whose name for God - ENKI as in the KILIMANJARO - suggests their own black genetic origins with Enki (RA - abRAham) and his son Thoth.

Later the word KHEM meaning BLACK hole became alchemy and CHEMistry, from the IMPLOSION principle of the ABILITY to MAKE black holes (which Gold’s electron valence fractality enables).

Hence alCHEMy of the heart is the fusion ability which results from perfecting compression (compassion) implosion.
Another planet in orbit around Sirius A is a world called Kilroti.

Here, the Sirians created high-intelligence cat-like beings.

These cat-like beings are called the Lion People.

In the 1970s and 1980s, the government created a cartoon for children that described these beings.

Thundercats opening [HD]

In the high astral levels, there is an etheric race of Lion Beings who are gold, have wings, and violet eyes.

The name of the race is Ari. Ari is also the old Hebrew word for lion.

Their frequency is more powerful than the dolphin frequency.
The Ari created the Ohalu Council that governs the Sirius A star system.
This fits interestingly with Anna Hayes (Voyagers series books, and Amenti) who claims that the REASON the Sphinx is Lion or cat lion shaped is that the star elders of the interventionist Anunnaki (Nephalim) were Leonine or cat/lion like.

So, it was politically correct for the fallen Anunnaki to claim that THEIR God was the Lion being.

If your God is stronger than your enemies God, you have a problem in war, so your statue (the Sphinx) proves you have the right God (The Lion elders of Sirius) on your side.

We wonder why Swerdlow did not suggest that ARY-an .... means LION-based An-nunaki - instead of sum-aryan.
The Kilroti were generated by mixing the genetics of the Sirians with the energy of the Ari.

This is what was brought to ancient Egypt.

As the non-physical energy descended into physical reality, DNA formed that could be used to create corporeal life.

This was then mixed with human and wild lion DNA to form the common house cat found on Earth.

The cat was given to every home in ancient Egypt and programmed to leave at night to report back to their alien controllers.

This is why cats to this day have the urge to go out at night.

This also explains their aloof nature.

The Sirians incorporated worship of the cat idol into the Egyptian religion to ensure the perpetuity of this method of spying.

The Sirians also built the Sphinx as a symbolic reminder of the blending of human genetics with lion frequency.

This was a way to energetically bind future civilization to the Sirians.

The Sphinx was designed to face the morning star Sirius A every day.

The face on the Sphinx is identical to the face on the Mars monument that looks down to the Earth at the Sphinx.

Sirian technology built the complexes at the Cydonia plateau on Mars, upon the arrival of the first Lyraen refugees.

The new Martians were unaware of the close Sirian connection to the Reptilians.

The original pyramids, built after the destruction of Atlantis, were energy points.

They were the same shapes underground as above, making them into octahedrons.

At their center is a tetrahedron.

This master shape is the archetype symbol for God-Mind totality.

Anything at its exact center is absolutely protected.

The octahedron is also the shape of the Delta-T antenna used at the Montauk Project.

This shape, when energized in the proper color codes, causes interdimensional rifts, creating vortices and wormholes.
Rituals performed at this center point produce vast energies that can be transmitted through hyperspace to anywhere in creation.
We saw Preston Nichols spin the Delta T, octa antenna of Montauk - in model - at various psychotronic conferences.

It seems neither he nor Swerdlow understood the reason it was later called DECA DELTA, as only when the octa/cube is tilt spun into dodeca (
merkabbah) do you get implosive compression that becomes superluminal and time penetrating acceleration thru C light speed.

Observe to dodeca antenna required for time travel in the movie
Some researchers claim that the pyramids were pumping stations for underground Nile tributaries.

This is only partially true.
Because water is an electromagnetic amplifier, it was used to surround the ritual chamber located in the Delta-T to boost ritual energy.

Using these methods, the ancient Egyptians controlled weather, destroyed enemies, created stargates, and boosted their Reptilian energies in ceremony.

This is also why the Montauk Project was located near vast amounts of water.

The Great Pyramid is part of a protective solar system grid, linking the Moon and Mars monuments together to produce a force field to repel invaders.

The Great Pyramid is also connected to other points on the Earth such as:

  • Stonehenge, a submerged Atlantean crystal
  • Tiahuanaco
  • Ayers Rock

and the White Pyramid in western China.

"Great White Pyramid" of "Xian, China" is the "World's Largest Pyramid". It is reported to be about 300 meters high. 63.6 KB View full-size Download

Together, they form an energy containment field similar to an electric fence.
The HAARP project in Alaska taps into this.

Meanwhile, a dynastic culture similar to the Reptilian Chinese dynasties was forming in Egypt.

The Reptilian control religion based on Osiris and Isis fanned out over northeast Africa and the Middle East.

At the same time the Reptilian Sumerian cult of Nimrod and Semiramis fanned out over Central Asia.

A unification of these beliefs was necessary to accomplish the plan set forth from the beginning.

This is why Abraham originated in the Sumerian city of Ur, journeying westward toward the Middle East.

It was no accident that the followers of Abraham wound up in Egypt, where the Sirians then created the Hebrews.

The Hebrews were destined to be the cultural prototype for the future world.
This is why they were programmed to wander all over the Earth and influence all existing cultures.

(Dan Winter comments)

This would all imply that if Enki is in fact the RA in abRAham - that his genetic engineering exploits with his sperm to make Eve fertile using cro-mag egg implanted in his half-sister Draco Inanna/Ninhursag... was part of a more insidious plan from his Sirian AN family?

It fits that his exploits descend from UR because that is the name of the DRAC line. (n-ibi-URu, URushalaem/Jerusalem, il-UR-u, h-ibi-URu/Hebrew, ur-man/roman/romanian, UR-ban)

We would have to expect that the (part DRAC?) Father he shared with Yahweh Enlil, was half borg machine (Hark-onen, Sarkdauer, Darth Vader ...etc).

More at Return of Enki.

It also fits that Enki’s dad AN = antu the sirian SUN GOD (
tuethe de dANaan - people of the Gods) (called BIKI by Australian aboriginals) - was able to act distant and aloof even seemingly heartless to the creature-lings of Earths seeming pathetic slave borgs.

Today, Swerdlow’s description of the Sirius A politics perfectly fits that picture.

They will stand back, having sold guns to both sides, impartially waiting to see who wins- and assume education and evolution requires the blood spill.

Very much connected to the politics of the west Europe arms munitions families (presumably in
Bush’s family group) who got great corporate return for their investment in paying for the sub-sonic scalar device (a near tower base low frequency vibrator) that took down New York’s twin towers (evidenced by the seismic trace).
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"The seismic signals from the five events on 11 September differed from a small earthquake in significant ways.

They were richer in low-frequency energy and poorer in high-frequency energy."

"While going over some of the footage I had taped on a Tivo recorder, a clip caught my attention that hasn’t been noticed by anyone.

A shot from the top of a building looking south shows both towers burning and still standing.

Then in the lower left of the screen, at ground level quite a distance from the base of the towers a completely separate building collapses in a huge dust cloud.

I repeat, this is before the collapse of the towers"

Our supposition that Enki (Ra, AbRAham, Aton, Thoth, Hermes and the Akhanaton-Moses-Jesus myth/line they sired) was colored to try to prevent the total parasitic eating of the tak-adama (adam and eve) blood line (you and me) even against the more DRAConian wishes of his family- because he essentially fell in love with his own genetic creation.

And even possibly that he perceived eventually that the blood lines he crossed could be the vaccine in the Orion wars giving the remnant humanoids from many star cultures a chance IF they could (bliss) ignite their DNA to enough gravity making to out-steer their creator parasite ancestors??? (the BST of Wingmakers)
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With all of this as a background, the Reptilian Bluebloods now needed to form a global empire that would encompass the cultures that they had inspired.
They needed to counteract the other alien groups that had been working diligently in Europe to create more human civilizations.