Nibiru: Planet X

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Nibiru (also transliterated Neberu, Nebiru) is a term in the Akkadian language, translating to
"crossing" or "point of transition".
The Nibiru collision is a supposed disastrous encounter between the Earth and a large planetary object (either a collision or a near-miss) which certain groups believe
will take place in the early 21st century.
Planet X  (X = number 10 in roman numbers) comes from being the 10th planet (after Pluto),
in our Solar System.

Roman numerals - Wikipedia
Planet Nine = ex-Planet X or 10 (when Pluto was a planet) = Nibiru

  |  -  Ancient Manuscripts contain Evidence of Planet Nine (ex-Planet X or 10) - Claim Queen's University...
  |  -  A New World's Extraordinary Orbit Points to Planet Nine (Ex-Planet X or 10)
Español |  -  Astrónomo británico afirma que podría haber Descubierto el Misterioso Planeta Nueve - Ex-Planeta X o 10
Español |  -  Avistamientos del Planeta X en Observatorios a Principios del 2001
  |  -  Brown Dwarfs - Main File | 
Español |  -  Científicos Japoneses Atisban el Misterioso Planeta X
Español |  -  Continúa Aumentando la Evidencia sobre el Noveno Planeta (Ex-Planeta Diez)
  |  -  Could 'Planet X' Cause Comet Catastrophes on Earth?
  |  -  Dark Star - The Planet X Evidence
  |  -  Did  NASA Fake Comet Flyby?
  |  -  Discussions on The Mysterious Planet X - From Massive Underground Preparation to Strategic Relocation
  |  -  Does Our Sun Have a Twin Star? - Is "The Twin" the Dual Sun The November 2013 Comet? - Nibiru-Planet X
  |  -  Earth-Size Planet to Be Found in Outer Solar System?
  |  -  Ecological Evidence from Previous Planet X Passages
Español |  -  El Desaparecido Gran Planeta Tiamat - ¿La Tercera Roca Desde el Sol Fue Alguna Vez la Quinta Roca...
Español |  -  El Enorme y Misterioso 'Planeta Nueve' - Ex-Planeta Diez o X
Español |  -  El Hercólobus - Profecía | 
Español |  -  El Misterioso Planeta X - ¿Está Regresando? | 
Español |  -  El Planeta-X, Cometas y Cambios Terrestres
Español |  -  El Planeta X y Ajenjo
Español |  -  El Planeta X y Los Próximos Cambios Terrestres - Instituto Alpha - Boletin #1
Español |  -  El Próximo Pánico Sobre El Planeta X - Extracto del "Pronóstico del Planeta X y Guía de Supervivencia 2012"
Español |  -  El Retorno del Planeta X - Luca Scantamburlo
Español |  -  El Vaticano sabe de la Existencia de Nibiru
Español |  -  Encuentran Nuevas Evidencias de que el Planeta Nueve (Ex-Planeta 10 o X) Existe
Español |  -  Enorme Objeto detrás del SOL - ¿Es Nibiru? | 
Español |  -  Estamos Acercándonos al Posible Paradero del Planeta Nueve - Ex-Planeta X/Diez
  |  -  Evidence Continues to Mount for Ninth Planet (Ex-Planet Ten)
Español |  -  Evidencia Ecológica de Previos Pasajes del Planeta X
  |  -  First Confirmed Picture of a Planet Beyond the Solar System
  |  -  First Planet X-Nibiru Images Leaked by An Anonymous South Pole Telescope (SPT) Informant
  |  -  Has Nibiru/Planet X Been Sighted? | 
Español |  -  Hercolobus - El Planeta Frio
Español |  -  Hercólobus - El Planeta X
  |  -  Hercolubus-Planet X Approaching - November 15, 2010 - The Earth is Shifting Its Angle
  |  -  Hercolubus-Planet X Inbound Preparation - White House Adviser - USA Must Prepare For An Asteroid...
  |  -  How Astronomers Could Actually See 'Planet Nine' (Ex-Planet X)
  |  -  Hunting for The Real 'Planet X'
  |  -  Hypothetical Planets - Planet X, 1841-1992
  |  -  Is it Planet Nine (ex-Planet Ten or X) or a Massive Disc?
  |  -  Japanese Scientists Eye Mysterious 'Planet X'
Español |  -  La Estrella Oscura - Evidencia del Planeta X
Español |  -  Las Visitas de Hercólubus
  |  -  Learmonth Solar Observatory and Planet X | 
Español |  -  Los Anunnaki y Nibiru
Italiano |  -  L'Osservatorio SECCHI Trasmette le Immagini di un Enorme Oggetto Vicino al Sole - Si Tratta di Nibiru?
Italiano |  -  Manoscritti Antichi Contengono le Prove del Pianeta Nove (ex Pianeta X o 10) - Dicono gli  Scienziati della...
  |  -  Minisolar System Coming to Us - Disturbing Information from Astrophysicist Jim McCanney
  |  -  Mysterious Gravitational Tug on Saturn May Help Find Planet Nine
  |  -  NASA and Planet X
  |  -  NASA's Saturn Probe Helps with the Hunt to Find Planet Nine! - Ex-Planet 10 or Planet 'X'
  |  -  Nibiru and The Anunnaki
  |  -  Nibiru and The Atlantean Connection
  |  -  Nibiru and The 'Great Pyramid' Connection
  |  -  Nibiru and The Kolbrin
  |  -  Nibiru and The Lemurian Connection
  |  -  Nibiru and The "Lost Tribes of Israel" Connection
  |  -  Nibiru and The Subterranean Connection
  |  -  Nibiru and The UFO Connection
Español |  -  Nibiru - El Planeta de Los Anunnaki
Español |  -  Nibiru es Real y está Influyendo en la Orbita de los Planetas - Dicen los Científicos
  |  -  Nibiru - Getting Rid of The Smoke and Mirrors
  |  -  Nibiru Holds The Key to the Bottomless Pit
  |  -  Nibiru Insider Speaks Out - An Interview with Dr. Eugene Ricks
  |  -  Nibiru is Here, and You Can't Stop Me from Warning Americans - Says Persecuted NASA Scientist
Español |  -  Nibiru - La Solución
Español |  -  Nibiru - Liberándonos del Humo y los Espejos
Español |  -  NIBIRU o el Planeta X
  |  -  NIBIRU or Planet X
  |  -  Nibiru's Orbit Identified
Español |  -  Nibiru Tiene la Llave del Abismo Sin Fondo
Español |  -  Nibiru y la Herejía al Interior de Chartres
Español |  -  Nibiru y los Anunnaki
Español |  -  Nuevos Datos Sugieren que Existe una "Súper Tierra" Más Allá de Plutón
  |  -  Object Bigger than Pluto Discovered - Called 10th Planet
  |  -  Observatory Sightings of Planet X In Early 2001!
Español |  -  Origen del Nombre de la Sociedad Nibiru
  |  -  Planet 10? - Another Earth-Size World May Lurk in the Outer Solar System
  |  -  Planet Nine or Planet X? - New Evidence of a Mystery Object on The Periphery of Our Solar System
  |  -  Planet Nine - The Super-Earth that Came Home for Dinner
  |  -  Planet X and 'Wormwood' | 
  |  -  Planet X and The Coming Earth Changes  - Alpha Institute Bulletin
  |  -  Planet X and The Kolbrin Bible Connection - Why The Kolbrin Bible is the Rosetta Stone for Planet X
  |  -  Planet X - Astronomers say a Neptune-sized Planet Lurks Beyond Pluto
  |  -  Planet-X, Comets and Earth Changes
  |  -  Planet X - Is a Runaway Wrecking Ball Part of Our Solar System?
  |  -  Planet X Quotes
  |  -  Planet X Research - Sitchin, Velikovsky, Harrington, Malachi, Hapgood
  |  -  Possibly as Large as Jupiter - Mystery Heavenly Body Discovered
  |  -  Project Wormwood - Planetary Defense at Learmonth Solar Observatory
  |  -  Putting Planet X to the Test
  |  -  Quest for Planet X Continues - Several Never Before Seen Objects Discovered Extremely Far Away from...
  |  -  Researcher Links Mass Extinctions to 'Planet X' | 
  |  -  Robert Harrington and Planet X - Main File | 
Español |  -  Se afianza Hipótesis del Noveno (Ex-Décimo) Planeta - Descubrimiento de Nuevo Planeta Enano puede...
  |  -  Searching for Planet 9
  |  -  Secretum-Omega - Main File | 
Español |  -  Símbolos Nibiruanos
  |  -  South Pole Telescope (SPT) - America's New Planet X Tracker
  |  -  Strong Evidence Suggests a 'Super Earth' Lies beyond Pluto
Español |  - ¿Tendrá Nuestro Sol una Estrella Gemela? - ¿Será "El Gemelo" el Sol Dual el Cometa de Noviembre 2013?
  |  -  Tenth Planet of Our Solar System - Latest Briefing From High-Level National Security Informant
  |  -  The 2012-13 "Nibiru Flyby" Meme/Hoax
  |  -  The Comet-Planet - ISON, Planet X, Nibiru - Carlos Muñoz Ferrada
  |  -  The Coming of Nibiru - An Interview With Bob Dean | 
  |  -  The Coming of Planet X - Nibiru
  |  -  The Coming Planet X Panic - Excerpt From 'Planet X Forecast and 2012 Survival Guide'
  |  -  The Huge and Mysterious 'Planet Nine' - Ex-Planet Ten or X
  |  -  The Late Great Planet Tiamat - Was the Third Rock from the Sun Once the Fifth Rock from the Sun?
  |  -  The Return of Planet X - Luca Scantamburlo
  |  -  The Scientific Search For a Missing Planet - Scientific Articles And Studies On Planet X
  |  -  The Search for Planet Nine - New Finds Boost Case for Distant World
  |  -  Unknown Glowing 'UFO' in Evening Western Sky - Starship, Comet, Nibiru, Hercolubus?
  |  -  Was Planet Nine found in the IRAS Data?
  |  -  We are Closing In on Possible Whereabouts of Planet Nine - Ex-Planet X/Ten
  |  -  What Is Going On in The Solar System and Is The "Planet X" Approaching?
  |  -  Who Will Determine Your Need To Know About Planet X-Nibiru?
  |  -  Why Can't we Find Planet Nine (Ex-Planet Ten or X)?
  |  -  Will Nibiru Return in 2003? | 
  |  -  Wormwood

  | Additional Information
Español |  -  Actualización Sobre Elenin del Concejo de Andrómeda - Enanas Marrones, Nibiru, Cambios en La Tierra...
Español |  -  Alcanzando la Inmortalidad
  |  -  'Alien' Planet Detected Circling Dying Star
  |  -  Alien Planet May Have Come From Another Galaxy
  |  -  Andromeda Council Update on Elenin - Brown Dwarf, Nibiru, Earth Changes, 4D Earth
|  -  A New High Perihelion Inner Oort Cloud Object
Español |  -  Anomalía en Boyas Australianas de Estudio, Ofrece Nueva Evidencia de La Aproximación del "Planeta X"...
  |  -  Anunnaki - The Elite and The Remnants
  |  -  Appendix R - 2003 Pointers
Español |  - ¿A Punto de Encontrar el Planeta X? - Plutón Podría Tener un 'Gran Vecino'
  |  -  Archeological and Astronomical Papers - Sitchin and Harrington
Español |  -  Astrónomo Advierte que 'Fragmento de Nibiru' podría Impactar a la Tierra en Febrero
  |  -  Australian Survey Buoy Anomalies Offer New Evidence that "Planet X" Is Approaching From The South
Español |  -  Carta Urgente De Un Político Noruego a La Humanidad
  |  -  Comet Elenin is A Mother-Ship of The Galactic Federation
  |  -  Comets, and The End of The Ice Age
  |  -  Dark Star News
Español |  -  Desde 1983, NASA Sabe Que Nuestro Sistema Solar es Binario - Evidencias Científicas - Batalla por La...
  |  -  Earth Changes, Evolution of the Solar System and Planet X
Español |  -  El Cometa Elenin Es Una Nave Nodriza de La Federación Galáctica
Español |  -  El Gran Misterio de el Agua en el Universo
Español |  -  El Sello Sumerio VA-243 podría Representar los Planetas del Sistema Solar
  |  -  Extragalactic Exoplanet Found Hiding Out in Milky Way
  |  -  Extrasolar Systems
  |  -  First Direct Photos of Exoplanets - In an Astronomy First, Researchers Image Exoplanets Orbiting Two...
  |  -  Giant Stealth Planet May Explain Rain of Comets from Solar System's Edge
  |  -  Global Warming, The War on Terrorism, and The Extraterrestrial Link to "Planet X"
  |  -  Illuminati Whistleblower - Leo Zagami
  |  -  Is Google Censoring Nibiru-Planet X? | 
  |  -  Is Humanity Ignoring our First Chance for a Mission to an Oort Cloud Object?
Español |  -  LASCO Detecta un Objeto de Grandes Proporciones en El Espacio
Español |  -  La Teoria del Planeta Oscuro - Main File | 
  |  -  Like a Lost Shoe... Nibiru
  |  -  Lost in Space - Rogue Planet Spotted? | 
  |  -  Massive Earthquake Fears Rise After Mysterious Object Moves Nearer to Earth
  |  -  Mother Shipton's Complete Prophesy
  |  -  New Evidence of Artificiality at Cydonia on Mars
  |  -  New Planet Found in Our Solar System? | 
Español |  - ¿Nibiru, Júpiter o La Luna? - Fotografías del 27 de Diciembre de 2009 en Madrid a Las 12:00 Horas
  |  -  Planet Helion in the Planet X System - 20 December 2015
  |  -  Planet X - Classified Information
Español |  -  Planeta X - Información Clasificada
  |  -  Russia Sets Out to Tackle “2003 Problem” | 
  |  -  Safe Locations - Dialog with the Zetas on the Relative Safety of Locations around the World...
Italiano |  -  Scoperti Oggetti Trans-Nettuniani
  |  -  Sedna - A Clue to Nibiru
  |  -  SEDNA - Photo Gallery dated 15 March 2004
Español |  -  Sigiloso Planeta Gigante Podría Explicar La Lluvia de Cometas Desde Las Afueras del Sistema Solar
  |  -  Synchronized Events? - NATO, Vatican, New Exoplanet Discovery...
Español |  -  Temores de Masivos Terremotos Surgen Luego de Que Un Misterioso Objeto se Acerca a La Tierra
|  -  The Curiously Warped Mean Plane of the Kuiper Belt
  |  -  The Dark Star Theory - Main File | 
  |  -  The 'Eye of Horus' - A Celestial Warning Against War in Iraq?
  |  -  The Exploded Planet Hypothesis – 2000
  |  -  The Great Water Conundrum in the Universe
  |  -  The Installation - An Interview with Valery Uvarov
  |  -  The Kolbrin - Main File | 
  |  -  The Nemesis Theory - Main File | 
  |  -  Theosophy and The Dark Star Connection - An Essay | 
  |  -  The Search for Planets Beyond Pluto
  |  -  The Sky Disc of Nebra - Bronze Age Sky Disc Deciphered
  |  -  Trans-Neptunian Objects Discovered
  |  -  Two Planets Identified as Most Similar to Earth - Both Orbit the Same Star, 20 Light-Years from Earth...
  |  -  Vulcan and Comets Related Sites - New Solar Planets
  |  -  Water for The Rock - Did Earth's Oceans Come From The Heavens? - Research Into The Origin of The...
  |  -  We May have just Seen the First 'Comet' from Another Solar System
  |  -  WISE Telescope Confirms Nibiru a Rogue Planet Outside of Neptune

| Media News |
  |  -  News Reports - 2002 | 
  |  -  Recollection of Media News 1999 - Planet X
  |  -  SEDNA - Astronomers Discover 'New Planet' | 

| Books-Treatises |
|  -  Blindsided - Planet X and Earthchanges - by Mark Hazlewood
|  -  Code Red - The Coming Destruction of America 2004 - by David Booth
Español |  -  El 12º Planeta - por Zecharia Sitchin |
Español |  -  El Fin De Los Días - Armagedon y Las Profecías Del Retorno - por Zecharia Sitchin
|  -  Planet X - Nibiru / Slow Motion Doomsday - by Robertino Solàrion
|  -  Surviving Planet X Passage - by James M. McCanney
  |  -  The 12th Planet - by Zecharia Sitchin | 
  |  -  The Age of Cataclysm  - How Man Can Survive The Impending Disasters - by Alfred Lambremont Webre
|  -  The Celestial Ship of The North - by E. Valentia Straiton
|  -  The Cosmic Tree - by Robertino Solàrion |
|  -  The End of Days - Armageddon And Prophecies of The Return - by Zecharia Sitchin
|  -  The Theory of Celestial Influence - Man, The Universe, And Cosmic Mystery - by Rodney Collin

| Reports
|  -  Arguments for the Presence of a Distant Large Undiscovered Solar System Planet - by JB. Murray
|  -  A Search for Planet 9 in the IRAS Data - by Michael Rowan-Robinson
|  -  A Sedna-like Body with a Perihelion of 80 Astronomical Units
|  -  Beyond the Kuiper Belt Edge - New High Perihelion Trans-Neptunian Objects with Moderate Semimajor...
|  -  CFBDSIR2149-0403 - A 4-7 Jupiter-Mass Free-Floating Planet in The Young Moving Group AB Doradus?
|  -  Cometary Evidence of a Massive Body in The Outer Oort Cloud - by J. Matese, P. Whitman, D. Whitmire
|  -  Constraints on the Location of a Possible 9th Planet Derived from the Cassini Data
|  -  Cosmologists in Search of Planet Nine - The Case for CMB Experiments
|  -  Current and Prospective Near-Earth Object (NEO) Detection Activities - October 15, 2010:
  |        1 - To The House Committee on Science and Technology
  |        2 - To The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation
|  -  Discovery and Dynamical Analysis of an Extreme Trans-Neptunian Object with a High Orbital Inclination
|  -  Evidence for a Distant Giant Planet in the Solar System
Español |  -  La Perturbación de Sagitario - La Falsa Supernova y La Búsqueda de Nibiru
|  -  Mass and Orbit Estimation of Planet X via a Family of Comets - by R. Nenhaüser and JV. Feitzinger
|  -  Observational Constraints on Planet Nine - Cassini Range Observations
|  -  Observational Constraints on the Orbit and Location of Planet Nine in the Outer Solar System
|  -  Planet X and The Stability of Resonances in the Neptune-Pluto System - by A. Jackson and R. Killen
|  -  Planet X - The Current Status - by RS. Harrington and P.K. Seidelmann
Español |  -  Solaria Binaria - Origins and History of The Solar System
|  -  Solar Obliquity Induced by Planet Nine
|  -  The Doubling Theory - Corrects The Titius-Bode Law and Defines The Fine Structure Constant in The...
|  -  The Location of Planet X - by RS. Harrington |
|  -  The Planet Nine Hypothesis - by Michael Brown and Konstantin Batygin
|  -  The Study of the Anomalous Acceleration of Pioneer 10 and 11 - by Slava G. Turyshev, John D. Anderson...
|  -  Twin Sun Calculations
|  -  Unidentified Point Sources in Rhe IRAS Minisurvey |

| Multimedia |
|  -  A New 9th Planet for the Solar System? |
|  -  Are You Ready? |
|  -  BBC Broadcasts Nibiru in A Documentary on 18 June 2012 and Can See on IPlayer
|  -  Dr. Robert S. Harrington - Planet X Nibiru |
|  -  First Contact Documented by NASA (Planet X/Nibiru/Erin/DarkStar/Destroyer Approaches)
|  -  It Turns Out Comet ISON is Planet X-Nibiru
|  -  La Llegada de Nibiru - Project Camelot Entrevista a Bob Dean
|  -  Nibiru 2014 - New Evidence Today |
|  -  Nibiru - English - Español |
|  -  Nibiru Exposed |
|  -  Nibiru - Planet of The Crossing |
|  -  Nibiru-Planet X Photos Taken January 2008 - Study Findings
|  -  Nibiru-Planet X - The Best Evidence to Date - The Coming Events 2016!
|  -  Planet From Another Galaxy Discovered
|  -  Planet X-Nibiru 2012 Flyby Scenarios - February 2009 Report
|  -  Planet X Visible Now May 2016 - Multiple Sources/Photos Nibiru, Wormwood and Binary Star System
|  -  Remembering The End of The World |
|  -  Search for Planet X |
|  -  Sedna Presentation 1 |
|  -  Sedna Presentation 2 |
|  -  Slides Presentation - Ancient Astronauts and the Search for Planet X
|  -  Sitchin, The Anunnaki and The 10th Planet
|  -  Strange Moon November 15, 2010 |
|  -  Surviving 2012 and Planet X |
|  -  The Killshot - Solar Flares Heading Towards Earth | 
|  -  The Last Return of Nibiru |
|  -  The Return of Planet X and The Anunnaki - Version 2.0
|  -  U.S. Covers Up Ancient Info Detailing End of Times!
|  -  WISE Telescope Confirms Nibiru a Rogue Planet Outside of Neptune

| Related Reports |
|  -  2012 - Main File |
|  -  Asteroids, Comets and Meteorites - Main File |
|  -  Books of "The Earth Chronicles Series" |
|  - "Comet" Elenin - Main File |
|  -  Enki's Chronicles - Mars |
|  -  Enki Speaks - based on Zecharia Sitchin's epic The LOST BOOK OF ENKI
|  -  Gods Of The New Millennium - The Shattering Truth of Human Origin
|  -  Hamlet's Mill |
|  -  Las Profecías y El Futuro - Main File |
|  -  La Teoría de La Tierra Hueca - Main File |
|  -  Los Anunnaki - Main File |
|  -  Robertino Solarion - Main File |
|  -  The Occult Reptilian Saga - Main File |
|  -  The Sumerians and The Anunnaki - Main File |
|  -  The Unconventional Views of James M. McCanney - Main File
|  -  Vulcan and Earth Catastrophism - The Beginning of the End
|  -  William Henry - Main File |
|  -  Zecharia Sitchin - Main File |
|  | Return to Cosmos
  |   | Return to Temas / Main Files
|  | Return to Heresies in Science

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The Sauce: