Blue Blood, True Blood, Conflict & Creation Chapter 3: Is This Planet Taken?

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In the below - we suggest comparison to Lysa Royall’s "Prism of Lyra" book - a ’channeled’ more romantic and intuitive account- which at least agrees surprisingly about the Lyraen origin of today's humans.

WHO ARE THE LYRANS? | Time For Disclosure | We have never been alone

Empire 5: The Ascension of the Lyraens (


Because the Lyraens did not have a defense system in place, they were a sitting target for the Reptilians, also referred to as the "Draco".

After being brutally attacked by the Draco Empire, the survivors of the Lyraen society dispersed to other locations throughout the galaxy.

The remnants of the Draco attack on Lyrae are still seen by today’s scientists.
In 1985, a newspaper article stated that scientists are able to observe remnant waves of a blast that fan outward and emanate from a central part of this galaxy.

They believe this blast to be several million years old and of such intense proportions that the wave is still traveling toward the edge of the galaxy before dissipating.

They claim not to have any idea of what created the blast.

These survivors went to:

  • Orion
  • Tau Ceti
  • Pleiades
  • Procyon
  • Antaries
  • Alpha Centauri
  • Barnard Star
  • Arcturus

and dozens of other solar systems.

In this solar system, the refugees colonized the planet now called Mars.

At that time, it was the third planet in the solar system.

A world called Maldek was the fourth planet in this solar system and was also colonized.

The Lyraens were all blonde-haired, blue-eyed people, with an occasional red-haired or green-eyed person.

In Lyraen society, red-haired people were considered special with extrasensory powers that connected them to non-physical realms.

They were especially desired for breeding purposes.

Special permission to breed with a red-haired person was required because of the extra, or superhuman, abilities that came with the offspring.

For this reason, red-haired people were kept separate from the rest, and even had their own subculture.

They were also coveted by the Reptilians, who as a species did not have much psychic ability.

Often, when Reptilians came to a world for occupation, the Lyraen refugees offered a group of red-haired people to appease them for a while.

This practice eventually degenerated into sacrifices to appease the demons.

The planet Earth in those days was a water world in second orbit from the sun.

There was little land above the surface.

The only intelligent inhabitants were an amphibian race that was completely without technology.

The atmosphere of the Earth was mostly liquid.

The planet definitely could not sustain any type of human life forms.

The dispersed Lyraen descendants developed their own cultures over the eons of time.

Even their genetics manifested differently as a result of the mind-patterns of each of the colonies.

For instance, Mars and Maldek were similar to the current Earth environment, with warm to temperate climates and an oxygen-rich atmosphere.

The gravity on Maldek was denser that Mars, so those people developed a thicker frame and a more aggressive attitude.

Eventually, skirmishes developed between the occupants of the two planets.

Mars was rich in resources.

The people of Maldek thought that they deserved these resources for survival.

The Martians asked the beings of Sirius A, from the planet Khoom, for defense technology to shield their planet from attack, not only from the Reptilians, but from their humanoid neighbors and cousins.

God’s helpers, the Sirians – part 2 (

The Sirians are known throughout the galaxy as merchants of technology.

They have the best, even sharing it with the Reptilians.
So, the Sirians created a defense mechanism located in the Mars underground.

Mars is a hollow planet, as are Earth and Jupiter.

Planets created with material ejected from a star have hollow interiors.

As a molten ball is thrown from the star and starts spinning away, it begins to cool.

The centrifugal force of the globe spinning and moving at great speed pushes the molten interior to the sides, forming the crust of the planet.

This, in turn, forces hot gases out of the poles to form openings at both ends.

The molten core and gases that remain get trapped between the hollow interior and the plates below the crust of the globe.

These are pushed out periodically in the form of volcanic activity.

The nexus point on any such globe is always at the 19th parallel of the planet.

It is evident on Earth by the Hawaiian volcanoes, located at the 19th parallel; by the Mons volcano on Mars located at the 19th parallel; and at the red spot on Jupiter, also at the 19th parallel.

The geometry built into the monuments on Mars by the Sirians and Lyraen colonists explains about the 19th parallel through its geometric equations and measurements.
This geometry is also replicated and contained within the Giza Plateau in Egypt.
Compare this to Richard Hoagland - still clue less to WHY dolmen like Giza and Cydonia are at tetrahedral latitudes.

By modulating (adjusting) the spin rate of planets at tetrahedral hand holds - planetary spin comes into phase with zodiac spin - this self-similar spin relation (implosive collapse) is critical to stabilizing gravity and therefore atmosphere.