Life in the Universe

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Only by arrogance and ignorance does Man believe he is alone in the Cosmos.

Galaxy Song - Monty Python's The Meaning of Life

The time from the 'Big Bang' until the formation of our Sun was about 9.1 billion years.

Big Bang – Library of Rickandria

Just about twice the 4.6 billion years it took the Earth to evolve to the present day.

What kinds of evolution could have been happening elsewhere during those more than 4 billion years, before our Sun even formed?

Then add to that the 4.6 billion, minus 200,000 years, to reach the dawn of Man as we know him.

Lots of time for several early technological civilizations to colonize the galaxy.

The conclusion of this exercise is to realize that ET's may be more than a few thousand years ahead of us technologically, they may be billions of years ahead.

There are probably more than 100 billion (1011) galaxies in the observable Universe.

Typical galaxies range from dwarfs with as few as ten million (107) stars up to giants with one trillion (1012) stars, all orbiting the galaxy's center of mass.

A 2010 study by astronomers estimated that the observable Universe contains 300 sextillion (3×1023) stars.

Just how many is that?

300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars...

Still believe we are the only "intelligent" beings in the whole of the observable Cosmos-Universe?

Sumerian Anunnaki & the Origin of Mankind – Library of Rickandria


Alien Life on Exoplanets may be 'More Abundant and Active' than on Earth - Say Scientists

Biodiversity on Some Alien Planets may Dwarf that of Earth (

Alien Mind - A Primer - The Verdants (

Alien Mind - The Thought and Behavior of Extraterrestrials (

Aliens Among Us – Library of Rickandria

Aliens and The Government (

Aliens - Star systems (

Alpha Centauri System and the Arcturus Civilization (

Ancient and Future Custodial Alien Races and the HyperDimensional Symbolic Cryptographic Munitions Conspiracy (

Ancient Astronauts Theory – Library of Rickandria

An Overview of the Major Events in the Galaxy Which Have Shaped The Now Moments of Our Earth (

A Photograph of an Alien? (

ASTRO-METRICS Of Undiscovered Planets And Intelligent Life Forms (

A Synthetic Myth - A Synthesis of Visionary Insights (
A Voice From Space (

Biodiversity on Some Alien Planets may Dwarf that of Earth (

Charles Hall and the Tall Whites ETs – Library of Rickandria
Closing The Gap With Our Cosmic Neighbours (

CoEVOLUTION - An Interplanetary Adventure (
Consciousness & Alien Life – Library of Rickandria

Cosmic Explorers - Different Reptilian Factions on Earth (
Different Typologies of Extraterrestrials – Library of Rickandria

Discerning Alien Disinformation (

Disclosure - Life in The Universe (

Earth and Celestial Conflicts (

The Lacerta Archive - Reptoids of The Inner Earth ( - TRANSLATE
Exopolitics & Michael E. Salla – Library of Rickandria

Extraterrestrial Civilizations – Library of Rickandria

First Contact - Gerry Zeitlin Gives an Interview to Karmapolis About the Plausible Origin of Mankind (

Galactic History – Library of Rickandria

Galactic Overview - A Journey in Oneness (

George LoBuono & Aliens – Library of Rickandria

Grey Aliens Bite The Dust (

Hints of Life on Venus (

Inflation - Theory Implications for Extraterrestrial Visitation (

Information From The Extraterrestrials/Extradimensionals - ETs/EDs (

Intelligent Life in the Universe - Something Incredible Waiting to Be Known... (

Life is Common in the Universe - New Analysis of Meteorites Suggests (

Life on Mars and Life on Venus (

Life on Mars (

Lyssa Royal & Galactic Information – Library of Rickandria

Marshall Vian Summers - The Allies of Humanity (

NASA Scientists Reveal Four Mayor Facts about Extraterrestrial Life on Mars (

New Dawn Rising - Formal Extraterrestrial Contact - the Ashtar Command (

New 'Life in Space' Hope After Billions of 'Habitable Planets' Found in Milky Way (

New Universes (
Flying Objects in Art ( - TRANSLATE

Organic Portals – Library of Rickandria

Orion Zone – Library of Rickandria - The Hopi Ancient Star City of the American Southwest - Main File

Our Stellar Origins – Library of Rickandria

Picture of Strange 'Beast' Organism Scientists Claim is Proof that Aliens Exist (
Staggering Picture of Extra-Terrestrial Organism is Proof of Alien Life - Scientists Claim (

Planetary Take-Over - The Covert Conquest of a Dying Planet (

Soul Technology – Library of Rickandria

Species in the Universe go Extinct Soon After Attaining High Levels of Technology - Astrophysicist Suggests (

Stargates, Ancient Rituals, And Those Invited Through the Portal - Metaphysical Nonsense, or High-Tech Mechanisms Built by "the Gods"? (

The Archons – Library of Rickandria

The Ashtar Command (

The Big UFOs Battle Around The Sun (

The Creation of Universes and The Creation (

The EBE - from 'The Day After Roswell"
The Day After Roswell - 07 (

The Gods of Eden – Library of Rickandria

The Greys: Zeta Reticuli Interaction with Earth – Library of Rickandria

The Man Who Fell To Earth (

The Reality of Alien Life in The Universe and The Newly Activated DNA in Humanity (


The Research of Alfred Lambremont Webre – Library of Rickandria

The Universe According to Kerner - Short Greys, Robots, Gods and Eugenism (

The Watchers – Library of Rickandria

To Catch A Falling Star (

Top Secret/Demon - Eyes Only Document (

Two Whistleblowers Independently Report Teleporting to Mars and Meeting Martian Extraterrestrials (

UFOs - The Psychic Dimension (

Venus (

We Are NOT the Only Technologically Advanced Civilization - Ten-Billion-Trillion to One - New Study (

Why the Idea of Alien Life now seems Inevitable and Possibly Imminent (

World-Class Astrobiologist Says "NASA's Hiding Current Life on Mars!" (

Additional Information

Alien Autopsy Photographs


Alien China Syndrome - Legend Claims Ancient Pyramids Provide Proof of Extra-Terrestrials (

Alien Disclosure from an Astronaut (

Alien Life on Earth-Like Planets 'Far More Widespread than Previously Believed' (

Aliens and Cosmic COINTELPRO (

Alien Saviors (

'Aliens Exist' - Say Real-Life X-Files (

A Map to Disclosure for President Obama - 7 Steps to Real Change (

Amazing Grace - The Coming of the Cassiopaeans (

Ancient Gnostic Disciples of Jesus Reveal Reasons for Extraterrestrial Denial in Western Society (

Andrew Basiago Is Predicted "'Planetary Level' Whistleblower for Mars Life and Time Travel" - Web Bot (

A New Scientific Model that Defines Alien Intelligence (

An Open Letter to The Prime Minister of Canada Concerning the Extraterrestrial Presence (

Anthropic Arrogance (

Apollo 14 Astronaut Claims Aliens HAVE Made Contact - But It Has Been Covered Up For 60 Years (

A Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy - Penetration (
Archive TC (

Are Aliens Already Here? - Harvard's Controversial John Mack Thinks He May Have The Answer (

Are the Aliens 'Us'? - UFOs may be Piloted by Time-traveling Humans - Book argues... (

Argentina - Expedition Seeks To Recover Crashed Saucer (

As Government frames ET's as 'Threat', many use Higher States of Consciousness to Contact Them (

A Theory about Aliens - For Years Watching it all Come True... (

"At Least 4 Known Alien Species have Been Visiting Earth for Thousands of Years" - Ex-Canadian Defence Minister Continues to Blow the Whistle ( - Paul Hellyer

Battleship - Is An Extraterrestrial Invasion Possible? (

Bob Dean's Presentation at The European Exopolitics Summit - Barcelona, 25 July 2009 (

Brain Zapping (
By 2020, we'll  'Finally' have The Ability to Locate Life-Harboring Alien Planets (

Can We Reach Technological and Cultural Parity With ET? (

Carl Sagan's Close Colleague Blows the Lid on Sagan's Involvement in the Extraterrestrial Cover-Up (

Channelers & Channeled Information – Library of Rickandria

Charter of Terra Exigo - A Declaration of Earth's Sovereignty (

Communicating With Aliens - The Psychological Dimension of Dialogue (

Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence - UNCLASSIFIED (

Confirmation & Update on Secret United Nations Meeting Discussing UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life (

Contact & Contactees – Library of Rickandria

Cosmic Aggressors of Humanity and Their Murderous Attacks (

Cosmic Deception - The Hoaxed Alien Invasion Scenario (

Cosmic Explorers - Scientific Remote Viewing, Extraterrestrials, and a Message for Mankind (

Cosmic Vision (

Cosmic Voyage - A Scientific Discovery of Extraterrestrials Visiting Earth (

Cowboys & Aliens Trailer

"Cowboys & Aliens" Movie Twists True History of UFOs and ETs in The Old West (

Creation Myths From Many Cultures (

Demons in Alien's Clothing (

Densities – Library of Rickandria

Determining Human Relations with Aliens (

Did An Ancient Advanced Civilization Exist on Earth? (

Did President Kennedy Meet Extraterrestrials? (
President Kennedy’s Deadly Confrontation With The CIA & MJ-12 over ET/UFO X-Files (

Disclosure 101 (

Discoveries Out There Require Preparation Right Here (
Do We Have the Right to Colonize other Planets? (

Eight other Worlds in Our Solar System might have Life beyond Earth (

Esotericism and Ufology - A Different Perspective on The UFO Phenomenon (

Estrange Extraterrestrial Zoology (

E.T. and God - Could Earthly Religions Survive the Discovery of Life Elsewhere in the Universe? (

ETs Warn Cataclysms Will Unify Human Consciousness - Russian Cosmonaut Popovich (

ETs Working in U.S. Military Bases - Philippe de La Messuziere Validates The Revelations of Dr. Michael Wolf (

Everything Has a Beginning - Even the Universe... (

Exoplanets & Habitable Planets – Library of Rickandria

Exopolitics and A Positive Human Future (

Exopolitics and Global Warming - A Cosmic Connection (

Exopolitics And Its Role As a Catalyst to Space Migration (

Exopolitics Comes of Age (

Exopolitics - Discipline of Choice for Public Policy Issues Concerning Extraterrestrial Life (

Extraterrestrial Contact - Political and Social Implications of “Going Multi-Dimensional” (

Extraterrestrial Contact - Why Might ETs Be Interested In Humanity? (

Extra-Terrestrial Exposure Law - Already Passed By Congress (

Extraterrestrial False Flag Operation – Library of Rickandria

Extraterrestrial Intelligence - The Challenge of Comprehending ET's IQ (

Finding and Processing Cosmic Information - Ongoing Problems Of Exopolitics (

First Contact and The Ederman Message (

Five Arguments Against The Extraterrestrial Origin of Unidentified Flying Objects (

Former Extraterrestrial Exposure Law Proves Extraterrestrials Live Among Us (

From Cthulhu to Cloning (

From Star Wars to Star Dreams (

Gearing Up for "Cosmic Watergate... The Beginning of ET Disclosure" (

Genome – Library of Rickandria

Geo-political Considerations on The Roswell Cover-Up and The Emerging Field of Exopolitics (

Global Elite Belief in Extraterrestrial Creator Gods - Alex Jones Has A Problem

Grays - What They Are - from 'The Threat - Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda?

The Threat - 05 (

Hawking - A UK Psyops to Promote Space Weaponization and A False War Against Extraterrestrials? (

Arthur Neumann aka 'Henry Deacon' - A Livermore Physicist (
How Exopolitics Can Offer Avenues to Resolve Population Reduction and Other Eco-Conundrums - Deep Politics, End-Games and Agendas (

How Old is ET? (

How Scientists could tell the World if they 'Find Alien Life' (
Humans Evolved Somewhere Else in the Galaxy - We Are Aliens on Our Own Planet - Scientist Says (

Human Simulacra … On The Manipulation of Society Via Artificial/Reprogrammed Humans (

Human Souls Common to Extraterrestrials and Earthlings (

If Our Universe is so Old and Vast then Where are All the Aliens? (

Implications for Extraterrestrial Visitation - Inflation Theory (

Integration With Universe Society - Toward a Decade of Contact (

Intelligent Life in the Universe - What Role Will It Play in Our Future? (

Interaction Between Governments and Extraterrestrials (

Intergalactic Politics (

Internet Alien Presence (

Italy’s Disclosure of Human Looking Aliens (

It's Clear That They're Here - But Who and Why? From Where and How? (

Join The Collective - Is it really such "A Privilege to be Assimilated"? (

Jupiter's Europa Moon 'Likeliest to Have Life' (

Knowledge of ET Life Is Maturing at Warp Speed - Says Paradigm Activist (

Lear's Aliens - Original Statement (

Life on Mars? - Amazing Photos From NASA Probe Reveal Image of Mystery Figure on Red Planet (

Massive UFO Event in Russia - Crashed Flying Saucer?
Dead Alien Found in UFO Hotspot in Russia (

Meaning of Life Questions - A Speculative Look at The Big Picture of Life in The Universe (

Messengers of Deception (

Moon Anomalies & Moon Bases – Library of Rickandria

Mothman & The Thunderbird - Separated at Birth? - A Striking Resemblance Between the "Mothman" and an Indian Thunderbird Artifact (

Multidimensional Selves or Extraterrestrial Beings? (

NASA is Getting Ready to Communicate with Aliens (

NASA Makes Plans to Head to Europa and Search for Life (

NASA Sponsors Course on How to Talk to Aliens (

About Neil Freer – Library of Rickandria

New Kepler Data Could Change our Odds of Meeting Aliens (

New Videos Reveal Celestials Helping Humanity With Extraterrestrial Technology (

Nine Theories of Extraterrestrial Contact - A Brief Inventory of The Leading Paradigms (

Official Culture in America - A Natural State of Psychopathy? (

On "Alien Writing" - An Interview with Mario Pazzaglini (

Time Travel - Egyptian Artifacts Support Scholarly Testimony of Oppressive Manipulative Extraterrestrial Infiltration of Human Society Through Militarism (

Options For A Planet In Peril (

Origin of Life & Man – Library of Rickandria

ParaSETI - ET Contact via Subtle Energies (

Physicist Explains Why We Haven't Seen Extraterrestrials Yet and It's Not Good (

Photo Reveals Star Trek-like Human-posing Extraterrestrials Who Visited U.S. Capital in 1957 (

Planetary Quarantine and Its Causes - Looking at The Universe Upside Down (

Precis on the Good, the Bad and What Curls Up Under a Rock (

Ronald Reagan: The Alien Thread – Library of Rickandria

Project Awareness - 2nd Annual Gulf Breeze UFO Conference Oct 1994 (

Prometheus - Are Humanity’s Creators Set to Return and Destroy Us? (

Putin's Wild Card in Syria (

Radioactivity may fuel Life Deep Underground and Inside other Worlds (

Red Dwarf Stars May Be Best Chance for Habitable Alien Planets

Super-Earth Detected in Star's Habitable Zone

Odds of Finding Alien Life Boosted by Billions of Habitable Worlds (

Relationships With Inhabitants of Celestial Bodies - The Einstein-Oppenheimer Draft Document 1947 (

Remote Viewing ET Manipulation in Russia Ukraine War (

Retired NASA Space Craft Operator Witnessed Extraterrestrial in Space Shuttle Mission (

Rumors of 'Alien UFO Invasion' - UFO Decloakings Multiply, as Do Forthcoming 'Alien Invasion' Movies (

Saving Earth and Humanity Critically Relies on Developing Extraterrestrial Awareness (

Scientific Research - Cherokee Tales of 'Little People' Give Clues About Our World (

Scientist Proposes Telepathic Communications in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (

Scientists Confirm Extraterrestrial Genes in Human DNA (

Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence - A New Empirical Approach - Astro Biological Nonlocality at the Cosmological Level (

Several Scientists publish Paper suggesting Octopuses arrived as "Extraterrestrial Imports" to Earth (

Signs of Life Spotted on Venus - Russian Scientist (

Skepticism Vs. The "Art" of Debunking (

Some ETs' Agreements and Treaties (

Something Wicked This Way Comes (

Source at U.N. Tells of Secret UFO Meeting February 12, 2008 (

Speech of Hon. Paul Hellyer at The 2008 X-Conference (

Stargate International's Disclosure Conference - Transcript of Interview with Bob Dean March 24, 1996 (

Star Wars or Star Dreams? (

Statement of Aspirations and Code of Conduct for Extraterrestrials Interacting with Earth (

Stephen Hawking's Aliens - Commentaries (

Synopsis of The Alien Master Plan - The Hybrid Breeding Program and Impending Enslavement of Mankind (

System of The Universe (

Terraforming & Planetary Engineering – Library of Rickandria

The 1950s Contactee Movement Revisited (

The 3 Earth Grand Experiments (

The Aldebaran Mystery…? (
The Alien Overlords (

The Aliens of the Golden Dawn – Library of Rickandria

The Allies of Humanity (

The Ancient History of UFOs and the Oppenheimer-Einstein Report (

The Andreasson Affair (

The Anglo Saxon Mission - The Timeline - Letter from a Whistleblower… (

The Anthropology of Searching for Aliens - Q&A (

The Blue People - Ancient Races, Angels and Hell.... (

The Book of Enoch, Celestials and Extraterrestrials (

The Cassiopaeans Logs - Cassiopaeans Transcripts from 1994 to 2002 (

The Chilbolton 'Arecibo Message' (

The Cosmic Hoax - An Exposé (

The Detection of Extra-Terrestrial Life and The Consequences for Science and Society (

Divine & Manipulative Extraterrestrials: Effects on Humanity’s Religions, Beliefs & Others – Library of Rickandria

"The Earth Will Be Mine" - Fall of Man From a Higher Civilization in Antiquity (

The Enoch Book – Library of Rickandria

The Epic Scale of Time and Space (

The Exopolitics Debate Heats Up (

'The Extraterrestrial is My Brother' (

The Global Crisis and The Ultimate Secret of The Empire (

The Gnostic Theory of Alien Intrusion (

The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man - Visa to Magonia (

great-story-nevertold.pdf 5.21 MB View full-size Download

The Greatest Story Never Told - Book Review Of Lana Cantrell's (

The Great UFO Cover-Up Is Falling Apart - We Are Definitely NOT Alone! (

The Lam – Library of Rickandria

The Last Letter from Dr. Dan B.C. Burisch (

The Master File - Cosmic Awareness ( - Revelation of Awareness with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter - Main File

Middle East Exopolitical Saga – Library of Rickandria

The New World and Its Fall - Fall of Man From a Higher Civilization in Antiquity (
The Nibiru, The Anunnaki and Human Devolution - A Tale of Two Brothers (

Occult Reptilian Saga – Library of Rickandria

The Origin of The Basque People? (

The Problem With The Verdant ET Takeover Plans (

The Return of The "Sky People", Secret Military Agreements & Using Positive Intention for Extraterrestrial Contact (

The Search For Extraterrestrial Artifacts (SETA) (

The Study Of Alien Humanoids (

Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries - (

The Superpowers of the Human Biomind - Vis-a-vis the Probabilities of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (

The Theogony - Fall of Man From a Higher Civilization in Antiquity (

The Truth About A Semitic People... (

The United Nations and Other Governances are Preparing for An Alien Invasion (

The Unknown Agenda - Are There 'Good' and 'Bad' ETs? - Project Camelot Interview to Dr. Steven Greer (

The Work of Gerry Zeitlin – Library of Rickandria
The Zeta Reticuli Incident ( - Betty and Barney Hill

Tholins - The Red Goo critical to Life in the Universe (

Top Secret Apotheosis - Excerpts (

Towards a Decade of Contact - Preparing for Re-Integration into Universe Society (

Transgenics and Reverse Incrementalism (

Transmission About the Social Order and Lifestyle of the Greys and Reptilians

Archive TC - 13 (

UFO Secret Meetings at the United Nations – Library of Rickandria

Underground Bases, Missing Children, Extra-Terrestrials - What You Need To Know For Your Future (

Underwater Bases And Vehicles In Relation To Cetaceans (

U.S. Government Releases Document with Details of Extraterrestrial Bodies, Craft and Home Planet (

Virgin Pregnancies and Alien DNA Problems (

Vatican Says Aliens Could Exist (

Visitors From The Twilight Zone (

Voyagers of The Universe - Study Notes (

War in Heaven: The Invisible College – A Completely New and Revolutionary Conception of the Nature of Spiritual Reality – Library of Rickandria

War in Heaven - The Invisible College - Summary of Kyle Griffith's Book

Was Quetzalcoatl an Extraterrestrial? - Here's how Mesoamerican "Mythology" described him (

What Role Will Extraterrestrials Play In Humanity's Future? (

Who and What are the Extraterrestrial Cosmic Powers (

Why did NASA Send a DNA Sequencer to Space? (

Why ET's Genetic Code Could Be Just Like Ours - A New Thermodynamic Analysis Suggests That 10 of Life's 20 Amino Acids Must Me Common Throughout The Cosmos (

Why Haven't We Met Any Aliens Yet? (

Will Contact With ETs Lead to Space Weaponization and Space War? - Paul Hellyer vs. Stephen Hawking (

Will Vatican Declaration of An Alien Savior Spark a Religious War? (

Wisdom of The Higher Extraterrestrials (

World Business Leaders to Discuss UFOs and Extraterrestrial Life (

Zen of Stars - Michael St Clair, Futurist and Visionary (

Reports & Projects

Blue Planet Project - Alien Technical Research 25 (
The COMETA Report (

Declaration for Citizen Contact Councils - Announced at Earth Transformation Conference (

Exo-Vaticana - Petrus Romanus, PROJECT LUCIFER, and the Vatican's Astonishing Exo-Theological Plan for The Arrival of An Alien "Savior" (

Galactic Diplomacy (

New Study Claims ET Life Can Exist Inside Planets with Inhospitable Surfaces (

Project Aquarius (

Project Blue Book (

Project LUCAS - Borderland Sciences SETI Project (
Project Ozma – Library of Rickandria
Project SERPO – Library of Rickandria

Report on Royal Society Conference on Extra-Terrestrial Life (

Scientists Endorse Study of Societal Consequences of Extraterrestrial Life (

The Alien Question - An Expanded Perspective - A White Paper (

The Brookings Report (

The CONDON Report – Library of Rickandria

The KRLL Papers (

Majestic Project: MJ-12 – Library of Rickandria

The Robertson Panel - 1952-53 (

Lloyd Pye & the Starchild – Library of Rickandria

"Threats to Human Freedom" - Prepared for All Terrestrial Earth Humanity

Books & Treatises

Archaeology, Anthropology and Interstellar Communications

archaeology_anthropology_interstellarcommunication.pdf 1.37 MB View full-size Download

A Solution to the Fermi Paradox - The Solar System, Part of a Galactic Hypercivilization?

a-solution-fermi-paradox.pdf 158 KB View full-size Download

Assessing the Possibility of Biological Complexity on Other Worlds, with an Estimate of the Occurrence of...

assessing-possibility-biological-complexity-otherworlds.pdf 112 KB View full-size Download

Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation (

Beyond the Light Barrier - by Elizabeth Klarer

beyond-light-barrier.pdf 961 KB View full-size Download

Brane Worlds, the Subanthropic Principle and the Undetectability Conjecture

brane-worlds-subanthrop-principle-undetectability.pdf 120 KB View full-size Download

Call for a Framework for Reporting Evidence for Life Beyond Earth

call-framework-reporting-evidence-life-univ.pdf 238 KB View full-size Download

Chariots of The Gods? - Unsolved Mysteries of The Past - by Erich von Daniken

chariotsgods.pdf 1.82 MB View full-size Download

Circumstellar Habitable Zones for Deep Terrestrial Biospheres

circumstellar-habitable-zones.pdf 836 KB View full-size Download

Climate Change and The Collapse of the Akkadian Empire - Evidence from the Deep Sea

climatechange_collapseakkadianempire.pdf 363 KB View full-size Download

Defining Lyfe in the Universe - From Three Privileged Functions to Four Pillars

defining-lyfe-universe.pdf 464 KB View full-size Download

Does the Rapid Appearance of Life on Earth Suggest that Life is Common in the Universe

rapidappearance-lifeearth-commonuniverse.pdf 293 KB View full-size Download

EARTH - An Alien Enterprise - The Shocking Truth Behind the Greatest Cover-up... - by Timothy Good

earth-alien-enterprise.pdf 5.07 MB View full-size Download

Extraordinary Encounters - An Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrials and Otherworldy Beings - by Jerome Clark

extraordinaryencounters.pdf 1.77 MB View full-size Download

Extraterrestrial - The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth - by Avi Loeb

extraterrestrial-first-sign-intelligent-life.pdf 1.42 MB View full-size Download

Fingerprinting Non-Terran Biosignatures

Implication of Our Technological Species being First and Early

implication-our-technological-species.pdf 104 KB View full-size Download

Inanna Returns - by V.S. Ferguson

Life in the Cosmos - From Biosignatures to Technosignatures - by Manasvi Lingam and Avi Loeb

life-in-the-cosmos.pdf 10.2 MB View full-size Download

Mirage Men - by Mark Pilkington

mirage_men.pdf 1.03 MB View full-size Download

Organic Matter in Extraterrestrial Water-bearing Salt Crystals

organic-matter-extraterrestrial-water-bearing.pdf 2.26 MB View full-size Download

Our Haunted Planet – Library of Rickandria

Passport to Magonia - On UFOs, Folklore and Parallel Worlds - by Jacques Valle

passportmagonia.pdf 2.67 MB View full-size Download

Predicting What Extraterrestrials Will Be Like - And Preparing for The Worst

predicting-extraterr-willbelike.pdf 399 KB View full-size Download

Project Pulsar

pulsprojp.pdf 5.73 MB View full-size Download

Pyramid of Thoughts ( - by Daniela Giordano and Jan Pajak

Revelations - Alien Contact and Human Deception - by JF. Vallee

revelations_vallee.pdf 1.77 MB View full-size Download

Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts - by Allen H. Greenfield

secretcipher_ufonauts.pdf 6.06 MB View full-size Download

STAR KIDS - The Emerging Cosmic Generation ( - by Richard J. Boylan

Starry Messages - Searching for Signatures of Interstellar Archaeology

1001.5455v1.pdf 828 KB View full-size Download

Ten Thousand Revolutions - Conjectures About Civilizations

denning-tenthousandrevolutions.pdf 113 KB View full-size Download

The Alien Agenda - An Update and Overview - Cosmic Awareness

cosmic-awareness-alien-agenda-92-4.pdf 3.88 MB View full-size Download

The Arcturus Probe - Tales and Reports of an Ongoing Investigation - by José Argüelles

arcturus-probe.pdf 738 KB View full-size Download

The Celestial World Discover'd - Or, Conjectures Concerning the Inhabitants, Plants... - by Christiaan Huygens

celestial-world-discover.pdf 13.4 MB View full-size Download

The COSCON Files

coscon_files.pdf 335 KB View full-size Download

The Dark Extraterrestrial Agenda and the Human/Divine Solution - by Karl Mollison

dark-extraterrestrial-agenda.pdf 1.51 MB View full-size Download

The Detection of Extra-Terrestrial Life and The Consequences for Science and Society

detection_etlife_royalsociety.pdf 281 KB View full-size Download

The Gods of Eden – Library of Rickandria - by William Bramley

The Gold of The Gods - Explosives New Evidence About the Origin of Man... - by Erich von Daniken

Erich von Daniken - The Gold of the Gods.pdf 2.19 MB View full-size Download

The Implications of the Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life for Religion

The LINK - Extraterrestrials in Near Earth Space and Contact on the Ground

the-link.pdf 1.24 MB View full-size Download

The Planet Mars and Its Inhabitants - by Eros Urides (a Martian)

mars_and_colony.pdf 299 KB View full-size Download

The Stargate Conspiracy - The Truth About Extraterrestrial Life and...  - by L. Picknett and C. Prince

stargate-conspiracy.pdf 2.25 MB View full-size Download

Would Contact with Extraterrestrials Benefit or Harm Humanity? - A Scenario Analysis

contact-extraterrestrials.pdf 268 KB View full-size Download

War in Heaven: The Invisible College – A Completely New and Revolutionary Conception of the Nature of Spiritual Reality – Library of Rickandria

The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla - HAARP, Chemtrails and The Secret of Alternative 4 ( by Tim Swartz

The Mission of The One Star - Transforming Planet Earth to Planet Star ( - by Alloya. N. Huckfield

The Mothman Prophecies ( - by John A. Keel
The Prism of Lyra - An Exploration of Human Galactic Heritage ( - by Lyssa Royal and Keith Priest

The Threat: Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda – Library of Rickandria - by David M. Jacobs

The Truth - by International Space Sciences Organization ( - by Joseph P. Firmage

The Truth About Mars ( - by Ernest L. Norman 

The War of the Worlds - by H. G. Wells

war_worlds.pdf 259 KB View full-size Download


Alien Autopsy - Roswell UFO Crash - Original Footage

Video Footage of an Alien Autopsy Sheds Light Over UFO Mystery | World's Strangest UFO Stories

Nurse Who Saw Alien Autopsies in Roswell | Roswell: The Final Verdict

Aliens Are Real and Watching Us - Dr. Edgar Mitchell - UFO Interview 2013

by livingselfsufficient on April 10, 2013, from YouTube Website

Edgar Mitchell is a famous NASA astronaut that has walked on the moon.
He says he has proof that the greys are real and that right now aliens are watching us.

The Greys: Zeta Reticuli Interaction with Earth – Library of Rickandria

Edgar was part of the Apollo 14 space flight which launched on January 31, 1971.

Astronauts & Apollo’s Missions – Library of Rickandria

Which was proceeded by the lunar landing on February 5th.

During the two lunar EVAs (Extravehicular Activity), Mitchell along with his Commander Alan Shepard the duo spent about 33 hours on the Moon.

Edgar claims that he believes in Aliens and UFOs. Claiming that we have been watched and observed for a long time.

He mentions the infamous Roswell aliens crash in the summer of 1947.

Pointing out the reason for the US government denial was they weren't sure if the specimen found was hostile.

He also says the US didn't want the soviets to know so a cover up was decided.

Edgar claims he is positive that we are being watched right now.

When asked how many Alien Civilizations there are Edgar's answer was: 


Extraterrestrial Civilizations – Library of Rickandria

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man on the moon, testifies to extraterrestrial visitation and military cover-up.

Edgar also gives us some insight to the reason our government has kept Aliens and other UFO related information above top-secret.

Saga of Flying Objects – Library of Rickandria

He stated that the Air Force is responsible for protecting our skies, and they and various other governmental agencies did not know what to do with the alien crashed saucer, and its superior technology.

They certainly did not want the Soviets to get their hands on it, and at the same, the best course of action was to just lie about it and keep it to themselves.

They labeled it "above top-secret," and that created the long running iron curtain separating a secret group within the government, and the American public.

It is believed by some UFO researchers that this group was the Majestic-12, which is often referred to as MJ-12.

Majestic Project: MJ-12 – Library of Rickandria

Mitchell's reference to this secret group does not in any way give validation to the so-called Majestic-12 documents, but it does give us proof that a group to protect UFO information did exist, and with ongoing UFO events of importance, it is only reasonable to assume that the group continues today.

There is no doubt that Dr. Mitchell's statements will have long reaching consequence in the UFO community, and hopefully, mainstream media will pay a more serious look at reports of UFOs.
So now, we who have always believed that there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, can know without reservation that this belief is based on fact.

We will continue to look for answers as to why they are here, where they come from, how they get here, and what we will do when and if they decide to make themselves known openly to this curious, tiny, third planet from the Sun we call Earth.

Aliens have contacted humans several times but governments have hidden the truth for 60 years, the sixth man to walk on the moon has claimed.

Contact & Contactees – Library of Rickandria

Apollo 14 astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell said he was aware of many UFO visits to Earth during his career with NASA, but each one was covered up.

Dr Mitchell, 77, said during a radio interview that sources at the space agency who had had contact with aliens described the beings as 'little people who look strange to us.'

He said supposedly real-life ETs were similar to the traditional image of a small frame, large eyes and head. Chillingly, he claimed our technology is 'not nearly as sophisticated' as theirs and "had they been hostile", he warned 'we would be gone by now'.

Dr Mitchell, along with with Apollo 14 commander Alan Shepard, holds the record for the longest ever moon walk, at nine hours and 17 minutes following their 1971 mission.

'I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we've been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena is real,' Dr Mitchell said.

'It's been well covered up by all our governments for the last 60 years or so, but slowly it's leaked out and some of us have been privileged to have been briefed on some of it.'

Dr. Mitchell is seen here giving an interview for the new Sirius Documentary,

SIRIUS: from Dr. Steven Greer - Original Full-Length Documentary Film : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Sirius - the movie : Dr. Steven M. Greer - The Disclosure Projec : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

a documentary created by Dr Steven Greer from the Disclosure Project that highlights the reality of the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon and the technological implications of it.

Dr. Edgar Mitchell 🌌 UFO Interview 2009 Aliens are Real and Watching Us 👽 the Day Before Disclosure

Aliens in the Past - The Inevitable Reencounter

by masscreation from YouTube Website

Season 1

Ancient Aliens

December 26-27, 2010
According to ancient alien theorists, extraterrestrials with superior knowledge of science and engineering landed on Earth thousands of years ago, sharing their expertise with early civilizations and forever changing the course of human history.
But how did this concept develop, and is there any evidence to support it?

Ancient alien theory grew out of the centuries-old idea that life exists on other planets, and that humans and extraterrestrials have crossed paths before.

The theme of human-alien interaction was thrust into the spotlight in the 1960s, driven by a wave of UFO sightings and popular films like 2001: 

A Space Odyssey.

The space program played no small part in this as well:

If mankind could travel to other planets, why couldn’t extraterrestrials visit Earth?

In 1968, the Swiss author Erich von Däniken published Chariots of the Gods?, which became an immediate bestseller.

In it, he put forth his hypothesis that, thousands of years ago, space travelers from other planets visited Earth, where they taught humans about technology and influenced ancient religions.

He is regarded by many as the father of ancient alien theory, also known as the ancient astronaut theory.
Most ancient alien theorists, including von Däniken, point to two types of evidence to support their ideas.

The first is ancient 'religious' texts in which humans witness and interact with gods or other heavenly beings who descend from the sky - sometimes in vehicles resembling spaceships - and possess spectacular powers.

Ancient Manuscripts & Treatises – Library of Rickandria
The second is physical specimens such as artwork depicting alien-like figures and ancient architectural marvels like Stonehenge and the pyramids of Egypt.

Flying Objects in Art – Library of Rickandria

If aliens visited Earth in the past, could they make an appearance in the future?

For ancient alien theorists, the answer is a resounding yes.

They believe that, by sharing their views with the world, they can help prepare future generations for the inevitable encounter that awaits them.

The playlist bellow includes all 6 episodes from the series:

  • Chariots, Gods and Beyond
  • The Evidence
  • The Visitors
  • The Mission
  • Closer Encounters
  • The Return

Jim Marrs the Ancient Aliens Conspiracy

Aliens - Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking

Into The Universe with Stephen Hawking is an epic new kind of cosmology series, a Planet Earth of the heavens.

It takes the world's most famous scientific mind and sets it free, powered by the limitless possibilities of computer animation.
Hawking gives us the ultimate guide to the universe, a ripping yarn based on real science, spanning the whole of space and time - from the nature of the universe itself, to the chances of alien life, and the real possibility of time travel.

Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking - 1. Aliens

Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking - Aliens

Ancient Aliens

September, 2009, from YouTube Website

Is it possible that intelligent life forms visited earth thousands of years ago, bringing with them technology that drastically affected the course of history and man's own development?

Presented in 1968 bestselling book 'Chariots of The Gods' by Erich von Daniken, the theory of "ancient aliens" rocked people beliefs in mankind's progress.
Ancient cave drawings of strange creature, remains of landing strips in Peru, and Indian text that describe the "flying machines of the gods" were just a few of the odd archaeological artifacts cited by von Daniken as proof that ancient astronauts were well known to our ancestors.

Ancient Aliens: Indian Gods Descend from the Sky (Season 5) | History

Ancient Aliens Playlist

Ancient Astronauts - Alien Gods

by The 5th Kind on July 01, 2019, from YouTube Website


Ancient Aliens 2019 Documentary with Erich Von Daniken

Throughout our ancient past humankind has documented various connections with advanced beings, examine and decide for yourself!

'Ancient Aliens 2019 Documentary with Erich Von Daniken' is a combination and re-narration of other works on the channel, that have been updated to a higher standard, and edited as one longer, more selective piece.

These stories can be found engraved upon the walls of temples and inscribed in religious works all over the world.
When asked from where they came, the visitors pointed towards the stars...

Return of the Gods | Ancient Aliens Documentary with Erich Von Daniken

Bob Dean's presentation, European Exopolitics Summit, Barcelona, 25 July 2009

Contact and Disclosure - The Final Sequence - by Steven Greer

Dr. Steven Greer presents "Contact & Disclosure - The Final Sequence" at the European Exopolitics Summit 2009.

European Exopolitics Summit 2009 (
This is the presentation that triggered the interview/debate between Dr. Greer and Kerry Cassidy/Bill Ryan of Project Camelot the following day,

Dr. Steven Greer presents "Contact & Disclosure: The Final Sequence"

Dead Alien Found in UFO Hotspot in Russia

by Allnewsweb on April 17, 2011, from YouTube Website


"We found him over there."

"We found him around two hours ago."

"It must have been lying here for days."

Alien body found near UFO crash site in Russia, video

Michael Cohen

Around one month ago this publication reported on a major UFO event that occurred in the region of Irkutsk in Russia's Siberia.
Hundreds of villagers saw a huge object, glowing pink and blue, hurtle towards Earth before loudly impacting the ground in a wooded area.

The event received widespread coverage in Russia and was reported by Inter-fax, Russia's government news agency.

In the West the event was completely ignored if not deliberately kept from public view.

An enormous team of government officials, including military personal, secret service agents and science ministry officials made their way to the UFO crash site within hours of the event occurring.

Now it seems a video has been leaked onto the Internet showing a dead Alien (see video below), found in the Republic of Buryatia, not far from the site of the UFO crash.
Is the alien seen in this video a survivor of that crash who managed to leave the area only to die as a result of Russia's harsh conditions?

UFO Video of dead alien found in snow in Russia - UFO crash?

Massive UFO Event in Russia

Crashed Flying Saucer?

by Michael Cohen on 17 March 2011, from AllNewsWeb Website

A UFO event of Roswell proportions has taken place in Russia and is being ignored by Western media. In Russia itself, the incident has been reported by Interfax, the official Russian government news outlet.
On March 1 in the Irkutsk region of Siberia, a huge object, glowing pink and blue according to some accounts, was seen by thousands of locals as it hurtled towards Earth. 

An enormous explosion was then heard over a wide area. 

Curious and frightened residents inundated various police and rescue departments with phone calls.
The military soon confirmed that it had not been doing any exercises in the area and therefore cannot be responsible for any reports of UFOs.

One villager, Mr Sergei Ivanov, described what he saw:

"It did not look like an aircraft, more like a UFO or some other unexplained object".

Soon a large array of officials inundated the area:

  • Army chiefs
  • Air Defense personnel
  • Ministry of Defense officials
  • heads of police
  • Emergency Ministry staff
  • geophysicists
  • avionics experts
  • members of the secret service

These officials made their way towards site of the alleged crash, declared the event classified and announced to the media that the specific area of impact would not be revealed.

Meanwhile a sizable number of journalists arrived in the region and fanned out to the area's various settlements in search of witnesses: 

And they found them in the hundreds. 

Some locals blamed the event on a alien UFO base said to exist beneath Lake Baikal.
Others talked of intense UFO activity leading up up the event.

The head of a primary school in the town of Vasilevka recounted how she saw a giant pyramid shaped UFO in the skies above the area in June 2010.

The mayor of the village of Bayanday, Anatoly Tabinaev, talked of a giant flying saucer that shot a ray of light onto the ground near his house.

Another group of residents talked about an odd object that "crashed" near the village leaving behind only mysterious footprints.

Only hours prior to this event, air-traffic controllers in Yakutks, Siberia claim to have picked up a UFO on radar travelling at 6000 mph at a height of 65000.
When they tried to speak with the crew of that craft, they heard bizarre cat noises being uttered to them.

Are these two events connected?

Was this the craft that crashed later that day?

And finally: 

Did the craft actually crash at all or was this just a noisy landing?

The video below shows some footage taken of the event.

UFO crash in Yarkutsk region of Siberia

Identify a UFO

March 11, 2011

Residents of several villages of the Irkutsk region claim that they saw an alien craft crashed. However, the place to be falling not found. asked the experts what they think about it and conducted a survey among readers.

Moscow, March 11 - INTERFAX.RU

Early March marked another surge of interest in the UFO-related reports from the Irkutsk region, where it was alleged that residents of the district Osinsky witnessed the passage of unidentified object.
Thunder, pink glow, the calls to the MES with the message that foreign ships crashed.

"I believe I do not believe, but I saw with my own eyes," - said witnesses a strange scene.

The mass nature of calls has led to validation: 

a helicopter with the task force EMERCOM Russia's Irkutsk region has taken off in the district, which allegedly crashed in a flying machine.

As reported on the results of the survey and overflight areas, information about the possible occurrence in aircraft has not been confirmed.
The press-service agency "Interfax-Siberia" made it clear that the glow of an unknown flying object, followed by cotton, residents watched the sky a number of settlements Osinsky area - 

  • Obus
  • Barahal
  • Highgate
  • Kutanka

In order to verify the information received was organized by the interaction with the head flight VostSibAeronavigatsii (Irkutsk), a shift supervisor of the zonal center of the search and rescue (Novosibirsk), operational duty 3rd Air Force Command and Air Defense (Khabarovsk), the duty of the Baikal branch of the Geophysical Service of RAS, the duty of the military unit 03 759 air defense operations duty officer of the FSB and the police department of the Irkutsk region, the duty of the investigating police department management in transport.
In place of the alleged incident in the area of the village Obus also traveled Osinsky Task Force Police Department. 

The surveyed area police any objects not found, the press-service.

After a version of the UFO was rejected, began a discussion of what could watch people Obus, Barahala, Highgate, North and Kutanki.
So, the director of the Astronomical Observatory of Irkutsk State University Sergei Yazev informed "Interfax", that he does not rule out the fall of the meteorite.

"I contacted the witness, and, judging from the description, the meteorite exploded at high altitude.

If so, then the consequences will be dangerous, stony meteorite at the time of the explosion collapsed into dust, because its speed is about 20 kilometers per second.

There is a possibility that fell to the ground small pieces"
- said the scientist.

Ufologists comment this situation very cautiously. So, Nikolai Subbotin, director of the Russian UFO Research Station, said that events in the Irkutsk region, rather similar to an operation of war.
Assessing voiced the idea that in the area of Lake Baikal observed increased activity of some extraterrestrial force, he said that the number of observations depends on the population of the region and the presence there of major research organizations,

"But because it is possible that the area of local UFO activity and attracting attention."
According to Subbotin, for example, from Perm, in the last year reported on the order of 50 such observations.

It was twenty years engaged in the study of the anomalous zone Molebko, where quite often there are strange glow.

However, according to him, these events (e.g. the appearance of glowing balls) must be tied not to the actions of space UFO, and with geomagnetic anomalies, which are most clearly manifest themselves in periods of high solar activity (note that we are now just one of those periods).

The expert noted that over Moscow is also quite often seen unidentified objects - in the month received one or two letters with a description and photographs of such events.

Subbotin said that accurate data on the materiality of the UFO still there: 

"And the visual, and auditory illusions can be photographed and detect the radar."

A small survey conducted among users Glavtwit Twitter, which is known in Russia as a rule, young people with higher education showed that the UFO advanced users trust.
Exactly half of those surveyed said that admits the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations.

19.4% of respondents said they have seen with my own eyes some unidentified objects.

Consider the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations crap 16.7% of respondents.

11.9% claim that they even stole the "green men", and 2.8% believe that, 

"They need us to take over."

Note that the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and their envoys admit and representatives of various faiths.

For example, in 2008, chief astronomer of the Roman Catholic Church priest Gabriel Funes said that admits the possibility of life on other planets.

Vatican Says Aliens Could Exist (
In an article entitled "Aliens Are my brothers," published in the Vatican newspaper "L'Osservatore Romano", he noted that the space can inhabit other intelligent beings created by God. 

According to the priest, the search for extraterrestrial life does not contradict faith in God.

He also did not rule out that some of the aliens, if they exist, can be free from original sin.

President of the Congress of Jewish Religious Communities and Organizations of Russia (KEROOR) Rabbi Zinovy Kogan, once pointed out that Judaism in its classical version of any extraterrestrial life is not because,

"Everything that exists in a universe created by God for man on earth."

However, in his opinion, God - the cause of all things, but knowing it exists - is a process, each opening only causes a person to see otherwise, "the glory of the Lord." 

And contact with extraterrestrial civilizations would not have an exception to this rule.

Acknowledge the possible existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and the Muslims.

"According to the Holy Quran, Allah says about the creation of different worlds.

We know the world of men, jinns, plants and animals.

Something, perhaps, unknown to us.

Maker can create any works.

Those worlds that are inaccessible, can be populated by other beings, "
-  said in 2006, Head of International Department of the Council of muftis of Rushan Abbyasov.

Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy Archdeacon Andrei Kuraev thinks that the probability of the existence of life on the newly opened American scientists the world is not contrary to Christian teaching.

"When in the eighteenth century was open to the atmosphere of Venus, Lomonosov hypothesized that there might be people.

If they are there, then one of two things: either they, like us, have fallen into sin, or perish,"
- said Father Andrew the correspondent of "Interfax-Religion."

Thus he commented on the message that American astronomers have discovered a new planet, where conditions are most similar to Earth, giving them reason to assume that their "finding" may be habitable.
Father Andrew said that he fully shares the view of Governors,

"Who believed that if aliens are not sinners, then Christ's sacrifice on Golgotha, they do not need, and so they live with God, and if they are sinners, then the atoning sacrifice of Christ and brought to them too - As for the people erdzya, which the apostles knew no more than the inhabitants of Venus. "

However, there is among Orthodox theologians and skeptics.

The well-known theologian, professor at the Moscow Theological Academy, Alexey Osipov said that Orthodoxy does not allow for the existence of extraterrestrial life, endowed with reason:

"From the point of view of Orthodox theology there is no reason to talk about the possibility of the presence of extraterrestrial civilizations that have reason and something to create".

According to him, that position is based firstly on the fact that the mention of extraterrestrial intelligent life forms "is missing in the New Testament."

Exposing the New Testament – Library of Rickandria

Genetic Manipulation - ETs and Atlantis

Granada Forum Lecture - Dr. Bill Deagle

by Matrix Discovery on September 26, 2022, from Odysee Website

This is the most important and comprehensive video you will ever see.

Dr. Deagle is a highly intelligent whistle-blower with info that you need to know about:

  • nutrition
  • extraterrestrials
  • New World Order
  • Moon Base
  • Mars colony
  • Deep Underground Military Bases
  • super soldiers
  • GMO
  • Illuminati 4th dimensional workings

even modified attack baboons...

Secret Space Program

by Red Ice TV on August 23, 2011, from YouTube Website / Spanish version


In this documentary the authors discuss the secret space program, what it is, who is behind it and why?
Is there a human civilization living off-world with highly advanced technology and knowledge about the existence of aliens?
Why are we being kept in the dark?

They feature lot of people and attendees of the Secret Space Program conference in Amsterdam who also share their own experiences with UFO sightings.
Then, they hit the streets of Amsterdam where the locals speak their mind about aliens, abductions and making contact with ET.

Since approximately 1980, a secret space fleet code named 'Solar Warden' has been in operation unknown to the public...
Is this nonsense, is it a conspiracy or is it simply so sensitive that it will cause uproar around the world?

Red Ice T.V. Episode 5 The Secret Space Program

Secret Space Program - Conference Amsterdam 2011

by samertje on July 29, 2011, from YouTube Website

"From Peenemunde to Paperclip, from Nazis to NASA the Secret Space Program and the Cold War."

Peter Levenda

Peter will focus on the Nazi space scientists, their UFO designs, Operation Paperclip, and the strange connections between the UFO phenomenon of 1947 and the Jim Garrison investigation into the JFK assassination in 1967.

Project Paperclip – Library of Rickandria


Peter Levenda is a native of the Bronx, New York, and has been investigating and writing about the connections that exist between:

  • politics
  • religion
  • history

since the 1970s.
His first book, Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult, was published in 1994 and bears a foreword by Norman Mailer.
Since then, he has published Sinister Forces: A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft, a three-volume magnum opus that searches for the meaning behind some of the most famous historical events in American history, from the Salem witchcraft trials to Jonestown, from Operation Paperclip to the weaponizing of the paranormal, from the serial killer phenomenon to the Manson Family and beyond, and exposes some of the strangest aspects of American political assassinations and their relation to a shadowy - yet well-documented - group known as "The Nine".

The Council of Nine – Library of Rickandria
His research has taken him to Chile during the Pinochet regime to investigate Nazi war criminals, to China, India, all over Southeast Asia, and throughout Europe and Latin America.

His work has been praised by:

  • Paul Krassner
  • Jim Hougan
  • Dick Russell
  • Jim Marrs
  • Whitley Strieber
  • Katherine Neville

and many others.

He has appeared numerous times in television documentaries on the influence of occult beliefs on the development of the Nazi Party:


  • the History Channel
  • the National Geographic Channel
  • TNT
  • Discovery


Peter Levenda Secret Space Program Conference Amsterdam 2011

Richard Dolan

One thing that a study of the UFO makes abundantly clear: someone is operating technology that is not supposed to exist, and yet it does.
Silent craft, for example, that can instantly accelerate, many of which are said to be of non-human origin, but others which are argued to be of classified manufacture.

Is there a clandestine infrastructure that has made significant breakthroughs, but which has kept them secret from the rest of us?
Richard Dolan answers in the affirmative.
He argues that the UFO phenomenon is infinitely more complex than many have previously suggested, and that human and non-human groups are behind what we call UFOs.

Within the human, classified part, breakthroughs have leap-frogged over each other to produce a society with substantially more advanced scientific, technological, and cosmological ideas - a society that can accurately be called a "breakaway civilization."

Torah: Breakaway Civilization Exposed – Library of Rickandria
This covert civilization has continued to interact with our own "official" society, but at the same time appears to have interactions or encounters with one or more of the non-human groups that are here on Planet Earth.
The result is a clandestine cold war, very possibly with multiple human and non-human factions.


Richard Dolan was born in Brooklyn, New York, studied at Alfred University and Oxford University, a Rhodes scholarship finalist, and completed his graduate work in history at the University of Rochester.
Prior to his interest in UFOs, Dolan studied U.S. Cold War strategy, Soviet history and culture, and international diplomacy.

In 2000, he published UFOs and the National Security State - An Unclassified History, 1941-1973 (republished in 2002 with the subtitle Chronology of a Cover-Up, 1941-1973).

Introduction to UFOs and the National Security State (

This 500-page history provides clear detail on the major UFO cases of the early Cold War era, the attitudes and policies toward UFOs by the military and intelligence community, and the fascinating development of the citizen movements to end UFO secrecy.

In 2009, Richard completed Volume Two of his historical study, subtitled The Cover-Up Exposed, 1973-1991, and is now at work on the final volume of his historical trilogy.

Richard has also published articles and spoken at conferences around the world.
Among his main themes are the destruction of our political liberties as a result of the UFO cover-up.

He has also speculated on the possible nature of the non-humans themselves and what their presence here means for our civilization.

This has led him to take a fresh approach to the topic of "Exopolitics" and to develop unique insights into the practical challenges and opportunities for a true disclosure of the UFO phenomenon.

EXOPOLITICS – Library of Rickandria

Richard has done a great deal of television work, having appeared on many documentaries for:

  • the History Channel
  • SciFi Channel
  • BBC

and elsewhere.

In 2006 he was host to a six-episode series for the SciFi Channel, called SciFi Investigates.
Richard Dolan lives in Rochester, New York, with his wife and 2 children.

Richard Dolan Secret Space Program Conference Amsterdam (2011)

Timothy Good

The secrets that the military/industrial complex has tried to suppress, and the inner workings of all countries have shared are enclosed in this fact based and comprehensive presentation that the average citizen never hears about.
Secrets that are revealed for the first time about astronauts who had interaction with UFOs, incidents where UFOs have been fired upon by the military, and other occasions where aircraft have been 'shot' down or 'absorbed' by extraterrestrial craft.
Advanced technological secrets that the military have gleaned from crashed UFOs [which] of course remain hidden within 'black' programs.

Open your minds and take in knowledge. It will amaze you, maybe frighten you, and maybe change your world as to the reality of our "visitors" and our place in the cosmic system.

Your mind will be altered and your mind will be open to the mystery of the ages changed forever.


Worldwide research, interviewing key witnesses and discussing the subject with:

  • astronauts
  • military and intelligence specialists
  • pilots
  • politicians

and scientists, has established Timothy Good as a leading authority on UFOs and the alien presence - the most highly classified subject on Earth.

Human Looking Aliens Among Us - Interview with Timothy Good (

Since 1961, he has amassed a wealth of evidence, including several thousand declassified intelligence documents.

Timothy Good has lectured at universities, schools, and at many organizations, including:

  • the Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences
  • the Royal Canadian Military Institute
  • the Royal Geographical Society
  • the Royal Naval Air Reserve Branch
  • the House of Lords All-Party UFO Study Group

and the Oxford and Cambridge Union societies.

In January 1989, following the dissolution of the Soviet empire, he became the first UFO researcher from the West to be interviewed on Russian television.

He was invited for discussions at the Pentagon in 1998, and at the headquarters of the French Air Force in 2002.

He has also acted as consultant for several U.S. Congress investigations.
He is known to millions through his numerous television appearances and has co-produced several documentaries on the subject.

Timothy Good Secret Space Program Conference Amsterdam 2011

Secrets Revealed - John Lear in Coast2Coast AM

image.png 312 KB View full-size Download

by TeamDarkMatter on October 7, 2009, from YouTube Website

May 11, 2006

In his first interview with George Noory, retired airline pilot John Lear spoke on a variety of topics which included his experiences as a pilot, NASA's secret space missions, and life on other planets.
A fourth astronaut died in the Apollo 1 fire of 1967 but the reason it wasn't made public was because he belonged to the "secret astronaut corps," Lear claimed, based on information he received from a "true insider" (now deceased).
This secret program actually started going to the moon in 1962 and landed on Mars in 1966, apparently using covert antigravity technology, he continued. Publicized space missions such as the Shuttle are actually a cover-up for what is really going on, added Lear.

Space Shuttle Cover-Up and True Story Report (

Also kept from the public, is the fact that there is life similar to ours on most of the planets in our solar system, he declared.

For instance, Mars has a population of 660 million (mostly underground) and Venus is actually "green and beautiful."

Life on Mars – Library of Rickandria
Further, the sky is blue on Mars and our Moon, Lear said.

Revealing Mars' True Colors of NASA (

Earth, he asserted, is a "farm for harvesting souls," and when people die their souls travel to the moon where they are processed by a huge machine (likely the miles-high "glass tower" spotted by Richard C. Hoagland in NASA photos) that erases their memory and eventually sends them back to Earth to be reincarnated.

The Energy Farm – Library of Rickandria

Lear's controversial disclosure briefing from 2003 was replayed during the show.

We apologize, our servers are down. (
He now believes that MJ-12 appears to want UFO/alien disclosure to take place, but seeks to put their own less-than-truthful spin on it.

lear-secrets-revealed.mp3 39.3 MB Download

Moon Secrets Revealed

John Lear

by milanmacejko January 18, 2009, from YouTube Website

John Lear is the son of the famous inventor of the Lear Jet.
He is a Lockheed L-1011 Captain and is highly regarded in aviation circles.

He has flown over 150 test aircraft and has won every award granted by the Federal Aviation Administration.

John also holds 18 world speed records and has worked for 28 different Aircraft Corporations.
During the late 1980s and early 1990s, John began coming forward with some startling revelations concerning the subject of aerial phenomena and Unidentified Flying Objects.

Lear returned for a discussion about photographic evidence for cities and mining operations on the moon.
He said that mining operations for such substances as helium-3 have been going on for years, and that antigravity ships, secretly launched from Antarctica, arrive at the moon in only one hour's time.

Antarctica Rediscovered – Library of Rickandria

He cited a poster known as "sleeper" (blog) at the forum as one of the sources for his information.

Lear also argued that the moon was towed into its current orbit by a huge electromagnetic vehicle, and that vehicle can be seen in a photo taken of the moon crater Tsiolkovsky.

He also believes that the moon contains a breathable atmosphere, as evidenced by photos showing smoke or vapor coming from the surface.

Joining the conversation during the third hour, Richard C. Hoagland concurred with Lear that there are artificial structures on the moon, yet he suggested they may be ancient rather than new.

If there is mining that is taking place there, it could be for the "retro-engineering of ancient technology," said Hoagland, who added that he does not think the photographic evidence supports the notion that the moon has an atmosphere.
During the last hour, Lear took questions from the listeners...


The Truth About UFOs - Brad Steiger

The Truth About UFOs & ETs - Various Contact W/ Non-Humans - Full UFO Documentary - Commentary Added

The Ultimate Question - Aliens, UFO's, Anunnaki - Documentary 2014

BBC UFO Documentary 2014 Aliens, Ufo's, Annunaki The Ultimate question 1

The Universe through The Hubble Ultra Deep Field in 3D

Hubble's UItra Deep Field in 3D is an amazing journey through space and time

The Hubble Ultra Deep Field in 3D

The deepest image of the Universe ever taken | Hubble: The Wonders of Space Revealed - BBC

Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact Has Begun - Dr. Steven Greer, Documentary

Shirley MacLaine: Extraterrestrials and JFK

Transcending The Dualistic Mind - Transpersonal Psychology - John E. Mack

Dr John E Mack, M D - Transcending the Dualistic Mind

Truth behind Alien Gray Videos & What's Coming – Interview with Sean David Morton

UFOs, Aliens and The Question of Contact

UFOs, Aliens, and the Question of Contact v2.0 (full length)


UFOs on NASA Space Shuttle Mission STS-115

by Top10Ufo on November 3, 2009, from YouTube Website

NASA watching and tracking an object... Pan/Zoom and then three UFOs and then a forth UFO appears!
No one says anything about the 4th object?

They pan down for a second then pan back up like someone told them to stop watching the objects with the camera. Where are the photos that were taken?
Now remember the Shuttle is in orbit going about 17,000 MPH and this object and then other objects appear from the left of the shuttle and then pass within 100 feet of the front of it.

  • Space debris that happens to float by at 17,000 MPH in a triangle formation?
  • A triangle formation very similar to other object formations viewed in Mexico and other parts of the world?

Scientists need to study the various movies of these formations and see if the angles of the triangle footage are the same.
The Space Shuttle Endeavor on Mission STS-118 shows objects that set up to almost the exact triangle shape I'm talking about.

They are described as Ice Crystals that form. 

YES, they form in the same perfect triangles as other missions, no biggie right NASA?
This FULL VERSION contains the talk back and forth between the Space Shuttle Atlantis and Mission Control on the public channel about the objects.

It also plays clips in Normal, 3x, and 6x Speeds.
An Emboss filter is also added at the end to show these aren't reflections in the camera like one astro-naughty says.

UFO Footage During NASA STS 115 Misson

Unmasking an Extraterrestrial Presence


Wavelength - The Film - 1983

In this sci-fi film, rock musician Bobby Sinclaire (Robert Carradine) and his girlfriend, Iris Longacre (Cherie Currie), discover that the U. S. government is holding a group of benign aliens prisoner.
When the government threatens to experiment on these unfortunate extraterrestrials, it is up to Bobby and friends to help them escape.
A young girl is lured to the Hollywood Hills by eerie whale like sounds that resonate inside her head.

These "signals" are coming from six stories below the earth, underneath the Hollywood Hills, inside a hidden air force base originally designed for nuclear fusion experiments. 

Now it holds 3 childlike aliens who have crashed landed to earth.
There they lay inside cylindrical tombs while scientist conduct experiments that are unsuccessful in proving how they think or even if they are alive. 

That is until the young girl and her boyfriend break in. 

Compelled by her uncanny ability to pick up the telepathic signals from these aliens. 

Aided by an old miner who originally worked on the construction of the underground fortress and still lives as a hobo near one of the unknown ventilation shafts that lead inside.

Now inside, the couple comes face to face with alien beings.

She hears their thoughts, she knows what they want, the officers of the military fortress want these answers.
But they are not prepared for what they find out.
They decide to seal the fate of the aliens and the intrusive couple, then abandon their post before it's too late.

Wavelength 1983

Wavelength (1983)

Wavelength 1983 (Remastered)

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