This is why in various secret societies and allegorical movies, belief is always represented as a key, if we take the image as illustrated in the First-degree tracing board of the freemasons, we can see that the key is hanging by a thread and symbolically close to the lady on green.
The lady on green with the G in the middle represents the heart chakra.
That image is telling you that even if your heart chakra is activated, you actually need to believe to be able to drive in your manifestation, but unfortunately many people cannot believe and that’s why the key is hanging on a thread.
We can also see the meaning of Beliefs being represented as keys in the allegorical movie The Matrix (1999).
In Matrix 4, when Morpheus meets with Bugs Bunny he says,
“No one was ever in the key shop, so I started looking.”
This means no one believed their reality could be different from what they were experiencing, yet it was.
Many people are curious about how energy works and how they can suddenly become free and untouchable by the dark ops.
They long to rebel against the tyrannical system externally, but fear that they haven’t acquired enough energy to protect their internal world.
This material will give you the tools you will need to become an external threat to the entire dark ops system.
Firstly, before you start manipulating energies you need to become aware of your chakra centers and the color vibrations.
These chakra centers and the color frequencies will prove to be very effective in your study of the ancient tools.
Chakras have often times been referred to as the wheels within through which energy flows through.
Energy on its own is like a stream or river, a chakra center is a small whirlpool where energy flows through and sometimes stays and builds up due to blockages.
Learning about your chakra centers allows you to be more aware of your physical body and what dimension of existence you might be in, or you need to switch to.
Yes, chakra centers are also the dimensional planes of existence which our:
and actions could manifest unconsciously.
I will breakdown the chakra systems and by the end of this material you will know what chakras are and how to activate certain chakras and deactivate other ones.
The chakra system
We have 7 chakras flowing through our body and these chakra points correspond with:
planes of existence.
Dwelling in a particular chakra can send majority of one’s:
into that dimension and will create results that either help or block that individual.
When one isn’t in control of their internal world, then their chakra points can be controlled externally by others, and they can be made to create circumstances that do not necessarily help them.
The 7 energy chakra points in the body are also ruled by the 7 planets and also have the 7 colors of the rainbow.
Once you are able to see the correspondence of the colors, the energy it vibrates with and the realms of existence they manifest in, you will make informed decisions that lead you to a state of freedom.
Starting from the base, we have the three lower chakras.
Root chakra
This chakra is also known as the Muladhara and it deals with:
unconscious behaviors
repressed emotions
and the fight or flight response, its color is red, but why is this so?
Why is the color red associated with the root chakra?
The human eye cannot see colors above Violet and below Red.
Everything above or below these colors are invisible to the human eye.
This is why we have ultraviolet light and infrared light as well; these are frequencies of colors that exists but are not seen with the genetic makeup of the human eye.
Therefore, because we don’t know the frequencies that exist below the color red visually, red becomes the gateway to our fearful emotions.
Red only leads to black which represents the unconscious.
This is why the base of the spine is represented with this energy.
When we feel scared or fearful of the energies in our surroundings our bowels get loosened, if your root chakra is not blocked you will get the urge to use the toilet.
This is our internal alarm to escape from a stressful situation and it’s the reason why several people who have their root chakra blocked will shit their pants instead of removing themselves from the air.
When your root chakra is unblocked, you will feel your internal alarm set off before a stressful or potentially dangerous situation occurs.
You can step into a place and immediately know who is dangerous or living life in their root chakra because your own root chakra will be in vibration as well.
By unblocking your root chakra, you can know what causes you fear and overcome it.
Since the root chakra is the lowest level of manifestation, beings who are continuously living life in the root chakra will only attract demons and malicious spirits.
The root chakra is the most easily manipulated chakra point as it deals with survival, so it can be manipulated externally by others.
A leader of the dark ops could easily manipulate his cult members to carry out immoral actions on others through coercion or promise of money.
As long as one is in survival mode, they are rooted in the root chakra and have to leave that plane of existence in order to stop their suffering.
It’s sad that this knowledge might only get to a handful of people and about a thousand of them might understand and choose chakra ascension.
The majority of people will die living life in the root chakra, and this is sad fact.
The planet that rules the root chakra is planet Saturn.
Saturn is known in astrology as the planet whose energy causes:
and injuries.
Having Saturn ruling the root chakra brings the energy of Saturn into play in the life of that being, it reinforces the idea of how dangerous spending one’s life span in the root chakra can be.
As the roots of a plant ground them in the physical earth so does our root chakra ground us.
Sacrum Chakra:
This chakra has also been referred to as the Svadhistana chakra in eastern traditions, it holds the realm of existence that deals with desires.
Now desires can be of various kinds, but the sacrum chakra deals with those desires of the emotions, it deals with the longing of wanting to know something.
It is associated with the sexual center and when energy flows into this center in the vessel of the being.
The being tends to experience a sexual tension in this part of the body.
Remember that chakras are energy points, and that even animals have chakra points because they incarnate into this earth and are affected by the external energies of the cosmos.
Whenever you feel sexual tension, feelings or thoughts just know that you’re now in a different dimension of your existence known as the Sacrum chakra.
If you focus too much here it can lead to:
compulsive behaviors
and sadomasochist tendencies.
Remember that when you feel the energy in your sacral center, unconsciously your thoughts and feelings will start to become more of a sexual nature, but the more you allow the energy flow freely and you don’t dwell in it you start to control reality.
You can talk to thousands of people even while feeling horny only because you have control of your sacrum chakra.
When this chakra is blocked you will experience guilt or feelings of:
Allowing the energy to flow freely allows more knowledge to come to light.
Does this mean that every time I feel wet down there or every time, I have an erection I am in the sacral dimension?
Yes, you can be the president of the United States and still experience an erection while on the podium, the sacral chakra channels you to the thoughts forms in that dimension and lets you use them in the moment.
A pastor praying in front of the congregation who feels the energy move towards his sacrum chakra can suddenly start speaking in tongues.
This is how energy is transmuted from its lower forms to the higher.
You can use the energy from your sacral as a drive to get your desire, but you should desire something more than just other human bodies.
Have you ever felt an erection at the thought of being in your private villa?
Or do you get wet when you look at yourself dressed in the most beautiful dress?
Tell me you at least feel horny when you think of travelling around the world and falling in love with someone you desired?
The planet ruling the sacral chakra is Jupiter, in astrology Jupiter is considered one of the benevolent of planets which gives you blessings in abundance.
The sacrum chakra will give you whatever you desire in abundance if you can overcome the feelings of guilt or shame which might hold you back.
this chakra is located in the stomach area of the body, it deals with the guts and how food is processed in the body.
Blockages to this chakra can come in the form of over-eating and cowardice.
The solar plexus has been referred to as the brain of the subconscious mind.
It is said that the solar plexus is the base of our actions, any action that we find ourselves doing without conscious control comes involuntarily from the solar plexus or the core.
Many people use the energy in their solar plexus and work their lives everyday applying their will power.
When your solar plexus is activated, you will have the courage to stand in the face of powerful opposition.
Activating the solar plexus means the individual can from within themselves face great challenges and overcome it.
This is the measure of your will power.
If you have a weak solar plexus, you will also have weak will power and you will not be able to rise to the higher chakras, instead you will go back to the lower chakras and keep finding yourself going up to the solar plexus and down to the sacrum and root each time.
You can only manifest courage in your solar plexus once you have connected to your heart chakra.
The reason you are manifesting obstacles externally is because within yourself your sacral chakra is blocked.
You might feel like a loser who desires something from their sacral chakra but because the guts haven’t been activated yet they decide they can’t have it.
Let’s say you desire some money using the energy in your sacral, now you have to put in the willpower to want to get that money.
If you put in the necessary action with you guts activated, then you will get it.
Until the energy in your solar plexus becomes free flowing you will continue to remain a coward who is afraid of opposition.
The planet ruling the solar plexus is the planet mars.
Having mars as the ruler imbues the realm of the solar plexus the energy of mars:
fighting spirit
and determination.
Its color is yellow.
Yellow symbolizes:
these are emotions you will feel when you are courageous.
Yellow also symbolizes cowardice.
These three lower chakras are where majority of the world are stuck in, both people and animals.
This is one of the meanings of the Baphomet symbol, in satanism it teaches its members to subdue the light and to raise materiality above spirituality.
If you look at the image of the Éliphas Lévi's Baphomet, notice that he has the caduceus positioned from his root chakra to the solar plexus chakra.
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View full-sizeDownload Éliphas Lévi Zahed, born Alphonse Louis Constant (8 February 1810 – 31 May 1875), was a French esotericist, poet, and writer. Initially pursuing an ecclesiastical career in the Catholic Church, he abandoned the priesthood in his mid-twenties and became a ceremonial magician. At the age of 40, he began professing knowledge of the occult. He wrote over 20 books on magic, Kabbalah, alchemical studies, and occultism.
Since snakes represent wisdom, and the rise of the kundalini energy, we can infer that the 2 snakes and a sword mean the individual will not rise above the 3 lower natures.
People who live their lives in these 3 chakra points experience the greatest amount of suffering.
If you are currently living life in these 3 lower planes of existence, you are what is known as a mini satanist.
Although you will rise above this and connect with your higher self, at this point in the book you want to stop and take a look at yourself, you will call yourself a coward out loud.
Admit that you have been a coward in ignorance of the truth, and you never really knew what was going on.
Once you’ve done that, you want to go within yourself and affirm to yourself,
“I have the courage I need.”
Say these over and over until you believe it.
This will unblock your lower natures.
Heart chakra:
this chakra also referred to as the Anahata chakra deals with love, and its expression.
Earth is an anagram of heart.
We can say that by connecting to our heart we are automatically connecting to the earth.
When the heart chakra is blocked or is lacking in consciousness we tend to experience an apathetic response to our environment.
We might not care for the body, people around us or the earth in general.
When you are disconnected from the earth you might feel strong emotions towards the wrong things and generally not care about that which is most critical.
The reason why the situation of the world does not bother you is due to a blocked heart frequency.
Simply put, it is because you do not CARE enough to change what’s happening.
You find that you CARE about other things.
There are other things that are more important in your daily life than what is presently happening in the world.
If you have never felt your heart respond to you after asking a question, or if you have never felt your heart for that matter, you might have some unblocking to do.
Your heart is your compass, which will forever guide you towards your desires.
The word compassion can be broken down to mean “Compass” and “ion”, compass being a tool that is used to tell a direction and ion meaning light.
When we put these words together, we get a directional tool of light.
The planet ruling over the heart chakra is the earth/moon combination.
Therefore, the energies of the earth are present in the heart.
The color of this chakra is green, and this is why we can see green all around us all over the earth.
Remember that the earth chakra is the middle chakra point in the body, it is the point of balance, and all frequencies strive to reach this point.
If you are observant, you will notice that certain sceneries and locations use the green energy to depict life.
We have even seen the color green being used to represent life in video games and when the health bar turns red, we know that we are in survival mode.
The more natural green content we can absorb into our bodies, the more in frequency with the earth we will be.
The higher chakras
Throat chakra:
the throat chakra is also known as the Vishuddi chakra.
This is the realm of voice and sound.
It deals with how we speak our truth from our hearts.
When the heart is blocked, we won’t say the truth.
When the solar plexus is blocked, we won’t say anything at all.
The throat chakra allows us to manipulate our reality with our voice.
You must have control over the throat, or it will lead you to say the wrong things.
There is a reason why the dark ops blocked the throat chakra of the masses during the covid pandemic in 2020.
This was to prevent people from speaking up and saying the truth.
Through subconscious mind programming the dark ops already blocked the throat chakra in the mental plane with apps like Snapchat which contained mask filters before manifesting it into the physical plane.
We have to let the energy flow in our throat chakra so that we can maintain silence when we want to and also talk if we feel the need to.
The planet ruling the throat chakra is Venus.
Venus is known in astrology as the planet of:
The color of the throat chakra is blue.
Since the planet Venus imbues the chakra point with its energies, this means that we should strive to use our own voice in a more soothing and peaceful capacity, by looking at ways through which we can beautify the sounds of our voice we will be able to easily communicate directly to the subconscious minds of others.
Remember that the blue frequencies are energies of submissiveness.
The pineal gland has been recognized in many civilizations and traditions as the architect of our universe and some claim this is where God can be found within.
The pineal gland is responsible for:
psychedelic experiences
waking dreams
and even nightmares.
It is also known that at certain conditions when the eye has been deprived of light well enough, the pineal gland begins to secrete a substance known as “DMT” otherwise referred to as the God molecule.
The pineal gland is thought to be responsible for the imagination.
Unlike the other chakra points, it is difficult to block the pineal gland, so it has to be subtly blocked out through a process known as calcification.
Calcification is when calcium salts bind to reactive substances and builds up in the tissues till it hardens, basically turning to stone.
When a person’s 3rd eye chakra has been blocked, it means their pineal gland has been calcified and turned into stone.
They would find it not just mentally difficult but also physiologically challenging to understand the Truth.
There are several ways through which the 3rd eye is turned into stone, but the severe reasons are due to too much television, using fluoride toothpaste and eating processed foods.
Anything that takes away the power of your imagination is restricting the flow of your pineal gland.
When the 3rd eye is activated, the individual will experience a balancing of the brain hemispheres which will cause him to become more aware of the flow of energies around him.
He will start to see patterns and challenge unhealthy dynamics.
Once you free up your 3rd eye chakra by intently focusing on it and seeing the white light emanating from it, you will start to experience some weird benefits of the 3rd eye chakra.
With your 3rd eye you can feel as if you’re one with another person.
When your 3rd eye has been activated you can look at different directions and your third eye will still be focused on your object of attention.
With your third eye open, you are seated amongst the gods in heaven and relating information down to earth.
The planet that rules the third eye is mercury and we all know mercury is the second planet after the sun.
This is why mercury is known as the messenger of the gods.
He brings the knowledge of the sun to the earth, similarly the third eye brings the knowledge of the higher realms into existence.
Most times the people who will bring information to you are those who have already awakened their third eye.
The color is violet.
Drawing a dot or any other symbol on the forehead does not mean that your third eye has been activated.
The user of this symbol might be trying to channel, or they might be driving the subconscious thoughts of others to focus on their third eye.
It really doesn’t achieve much.
It’s much better to have it running from within than using the external surface to misdirect and deceive people because they are ignorant.
Crown chakra:
this is referred to as the SAHASRARA chakra in the eastern traditions and it is the top of the head or the portion where we would normally wear a crown.
When a person wears a crown on their head it symbolizes authority and rulership.
The hair we choose to wear is our crown, if we choose to be bald that is also a crown.
Now I am going somewhere with this, if you are bound by a religious, socio cultural or ethnic tradition that restricts your actions over your crown chakra then you are a slave.
The crown chakra is the highest point of contact between the individual and the divine realms.
The hair acts as a sort of antenna for communication.
If you are not in control of your haircut then you are a slave to something or someone.
This is the reason why when black people were caught during the slave trade, their hair was cut off.
Their crown at that time was what we today call dread locks.
It was named “dreadlocks” because it gave whoever wielded such energy on their crown chakra strange powers during that time.
Those with chaotic energies on their crown are much more likely to mobilize a rebellion than those with domesticated haircuts.
The reason being, if you carry a domesticated haircut, you are a slave to the system that you work under or to the person who you answer to.
If you cannot choose how to wear your crown like a king or queen, then your crown chakra is blocked.
In fact, someone could claim ownership over you as many do.
For someone to claim ownership over another living human body’s consciousness is a taboo, but it is one in which our society today ignores due to the majority of people living in the lower 3 levels of existence.
This is also why in certain cultures where the boy gets a domesticated haircut, and the girls make a hairstyle.
The girls are usually smarter than the boys.
It’s not due to the sunlight hitting their scalps or skulls but due to the pressure applied on the skulls of the young girls during hair dressing.
When pressure like this consistently occurs on one’s head, it leaves the individual more in the higher planes than the lower, the nerve end may feel pain but the attention to the paid subconsciously raises one’s frequency to the higher.
I want you to know this.
The crown chakra is the highest chakra point we have.
Once you can control your crown chakra, you will be a full master of your own consciousness, and you cannot be controlled from without by another.
How do you take control of the crown chakra?
It might not be as simple as others due to the fact that you may have dark ops seeking control over your crown through coercion or possibly violence.
Affirm to yourself the following every day,
“I am guided by the divine therefore I am the full owner of my body.”
Become more conscious of your hair, hairstyles, head wear and other things.
The planet ruling the crown chakra is the sun.
The color is white.
There are certain people who suffer from the Dunning-Kreuger syndrome and believe that the planets are set in different ways, this is further obfuscation of the truth, and it is setup to generate a sense of confusion in anyone who tries to understand what the chakra systems are.
If you have been paying attention, you should have noticed by now that the 7 chakra points in the body are the colors of the rainbow, with the highest frequency starting from white to red.
Do you know any symbol like this?
Why of course?
Here we have the LGBTQ flag which reverses the chakra systems and removes the highest spiritual center which is the crown chakra altogether.
LGBTQ+ flag with chakra system inverted and crown chakra removed
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Instead of 7 colors, it is only 6 colors, with the 3 lowest planes of existence raised up first and the highest one removed completely.
If you understand the flag of this organization, you will know what this movement truly represents.
You have learned the chakra systems; you will be learning more useful occult information but before we get into that there is something you really need to know.
You need to become aware and also wary of the lower energies of manifestation, or manifestation with negative intent.
We have the black energy, the dark orange or brown energy and red energy.
The best energies are the blue, green energies.
The purple, violet-white energies are usually too blissful to explain.
The yellow, orange is the energy of positive manifestation.
The red energy deals with:
and the sphere of existence that keeps the blood pouring into the cosmos.
The black energy deals with:
subconscious mind
and black magic rituals that have serious karmic consequences.
The orange-brown energies deal with:
necessary action
negative thinking
power struggle
Why do you need to know these negative energies?
Well, these energies are present in our lives, and you might not experience the external manifestation of these negative energies until at a later experience in life.
But it is much better to experience them within and know their internal causes than to witness their external effects.
Most occultists like me like to use the orange-brown energies, although it’s not as karmic as the other energies it is just as powerful.
These energies cannot be described properly in text but must be felt in order to be truly understood and they can only be understood from within.
They are so powerful they are mostly tuned into or channeled in an altered state of consciousness, now you see why many people who have committed atrocities on substances have, this is because when the choice was presented to them, they made the wrong choice.
These negative energies should never be expressed in action from without, they can be internalized from within and with their knowledge gained, the wisdom can be applied, but one should never call on these energies to use them externally as they can damage your reality with consequences.
I would advise that these energies should only be used internally.
Using negative energies to manipulate your internal reality is like telling everyone you’re not going to a concert but then paying during the last minute, or you and your friends decide to go rob a bank, but you suddenly realize your cat has a cold at the last second.
Or promising to have a baby with your lover and then pulling out at the last second.
The point being you are free to do what you like and to use the negative energies to claim what you like up until a choice is presented.
But besides that, you are free to explore these lower demonic spheres.
The fact that everyone who reads the first part of this book gets the data of the external world but cannot use that to operate from the perspective of their own internal world is astounding, this is because the truth has been obscured and removed from view.
Knowledge of the exoteric world can only get you so far, have you ever tried to fill a basket with water?
That’s what happens when you get the exoteric knowledge of the external world and don’t get the esoteric knowledge of your internal world.
The people who like to think they are in control just can’t have you looking at such eye-opening content.
Of course, they don’t want you to make an informed decision about anything.
Now the thing is this, we can know the truth externally, but we still have to activate our own energy from within.
Here is where it gets interesting and if you haven’t been paying attention, I am about to reveal to you this whole game and how the ones who wield occult power use it to influence themselves and the world around them.
First, before we get into all the good esoteric knowledge that the second part of this book has in store for you, I would like to ask you two important questions, and if you are able to get even one correctly then believe me, you are not on the same level as just anyone.
The first question goes this way, what do you think the most hidden dangerous secret of all time is?
What information is so dangerous and yet so secret that if you understood how it worked then you could alter the very fabrics of reality however you want it, good or bad.
(Close this book for a minute and think about it)
Do you have any idea what that is, if you said the imagination, you are wrong but not far from it.
The correct answer is the knowledge of the subconscious mind.
He who seeks to control his own reality must first choose to make his unconscious conscious.
He has to activate from within himself through various methods which will be outlined briefly in this book.
The power of the subconscious has amazed several people over the centuries ranging from philosophers, psychologists to even modern-day celebrities.
It is amazing and yet no surprise to say that 90 percent of our biologically processes are performed autonomously without any required assistance from our conscious minds, the subconscious mind has the power to:
and literally anything the human vehicle can do which is the body.
With the power of our subconscious minds in our grip we can awaken ourselves to a deep sense of self awareness.
Most people make the mistake of thinking the subconscious mind has a limited capacity, this is why they do not know just how powerful it is to use repetition.
The subconscious has an unlimited capacity for absorbing data and information.
Even if our conscious minds worked in hundreds of terabytes, our subconscious operates on an infinite number of bytes.
If we delegate our higher selves and creativity to our subconscious mind we would achieve greater results.
The rational or conscious mind consists of those faculties which we can use to reason and select, the subconscious deals with the total compilation of information that bypasses the conscious mind and goes into the background of the mind to be activated.
Now that we know that the subconscious is a powerhouse and it can store beyond our every day-to-day information, we should strive to use our subconscious to the fullest capacity.
You never have to worry again about not being creative or feel like you’re not in control of how you feel.
You have all the power right in your subconscious mind.
You only need to do a little more research than is usual to become successful with it.