The Case for Donald Trump being the Antichrist

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Mission Statement

There is no salvation in knowing who the Antichrist is.

The only way to be saved & born again is through a belief in Jesus Christ and what He did at the cross (paid your sin debt).

The Truth About “Jesus Christ” – Library of Rickandria

John 3:16 KJV - For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

This is meant to convince you that there is a real possibility that the Antichrist is here in the flesh, so you then come to believe that what the bible says is true.

The Truth About the Bible – Library of Rickandria

Because if you start to believe that what the bible says is true then you may start to believe not just what it says about the Antichrist but Jesus Christ as well.


I personally believe that the bible says the catching away (rapture) will take place prior to the official reveal of the Antichrist at the confirmation of his "peace deal" covenant (and the 7-year tribulation period).

Independence Day or “The Rapture?” – Library of Rickandria

So, what's really the point of this?

It is to convince you that the Antichrist is here right now, and that he's Donald Trump.

The Trump Shooting was of course Staged – Library of Rickandria

Because if you realize the potential of that being true then you may start to reevaluate your view of the bible, and of Jesus Christ.

I also want to add that when this was created, we had not gone through a pandemic that has set the stage to justify a type of control on the individual that would be unprecedented.

It only makes sense that preceding the rise of the Antichrist that there would be the worldwide "shift" we are seeing today.

Whatever your personal view is concerning what's going on I think we can all agree that things are changing, and rapidly.

The exact details and justifications of how the world will transition towards a mark-based system where you can only buy & sell if you have the mark is unknown, but it will get to the point where you will need to take a physical mark to buy or sell.

My main focus is to wake you up to what we can clearly see right around the corner (fulfilled bible prophecy) so that you will realize your own salvation ASAP.

Because if you're saved today then you won't need to worry about the mark or the rise of the Antichrist.

Christian Program & Purpose – Library of Rickandria

The catching away/up (rapture) is close, and when it happens it will serve as the catalyst to kick off end-times prophecy, specifically the 7-year tribulation period.

The Summit of the Future (22nd & 23rd of September in 2024) – Library of Rickandria

Scripture says that the Church (all born again Christians) is not appointed to wrath (1 Thessalonians 5:9 KJV), and wrath will most definitely come during the 7-year tribulation period.

Scripture also indicates that the Church is to be kept from the "hour of the trial" that will test the world.

The Dark History of the Vatican – Library of Rickandria

I interpret scripture as saying that the Church, because it's not appointed to wrath, will not be physically present to experience that wrath, and that point is backed up by Revelation 3:10 (KJV), which again points to the Church not being physically present during the period of time during which the world is tempted to take the mark.

Book of Revelation & the End of Days Messiah – Library of Rickandria

So where is the Church if it's not physically present to experience the wrath that God pours out upon the world during that period?

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YHVH: The Truth About “Yahweh/Jehovah” – Library of Rickandria

The only logical conclusion is that the Church was caught up (1Thessalonians 4:13-17) prior to that time period beginning.

So that's a short summary of what I believe regarding the timing of the catching up/away (rapture).

Independence Day or “The Rapture?” – Library of Rickandria

I also recommend that everyone get out their bibles to see what it actually says about the Antichrist (don't listen to popular opinion).

Then consider the points being made here that the Antichrist could be here right now & that Trump is THE prime candidate.

And if you're convinced of that possibility then start to read what the Bible says about the real Christ & consider that.

10 Christ-Like Figures Who Pre-Date Jesus – Library of Rickandria

666 The Number of the Beast

Revelation 13:18

Here is wisdom.

Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man:

His number is 666.

The calculation of the number of the beast is simple.

I do not believe that God is tricking us with gematria or numerology.

He wants us to understand, so this is how I understand it.

Here is wisdom

This points us to Solomon whose wisdom was unparallel.

1 Kings 4: 30

Thus, Solomon’s wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the men of the East and all the wisdom of Egypt.

him who has understanding

This also points us to Solomon who prayed for understanding and was granted it.

1 Kings 3: 9

Therefore give to Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people, that I may discern between good and evil.


behold, I have done according to your words; see, I have given you a wise and understanding heart, so that there has not been anyone like you before you, nor shall any like you arise after you.

calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.

The man referred to here is Solomon.

1 Kings 10: 14

The weight of gold that came to Solomon yearly was six hundred and sixty-six talents of gold.

The calculation is a simple currency conversion.

666 talents of gold= 1.5 billion US dollars

So, Solomon had a great wealth and also overlaid everything with gold.

Gold for Humans & Others… – Library of Rickandria

1 Kings 6: 21

So Solomon overlaid the inside of the temple with pure gold.

He stretched gold chains across the front of the inner sanctuary and overlaid it with gold.


The whole temple he overlaid with gold, until he had finished all the temple; also he overlaid with gold the entire altar that was by the inner sanctuary.

So, we know the beast must be a billionaire with a gold obsession.

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That is exactly how 666 relates to Trump.

Solomon was extremely wealthy.

The bible asks us to count or calculate.

To do that, we convert 666 talents of gold to any other currency.

In US dollars 666 talents of gold is $1.5 billion.

So, Solomon was a billionaire.

SOL-OM-ON all mean sun, so the person Solomon may have even been fictitious.

Did king solomon exist? : r/history (

Is there evidence for King Solomon? : r/exchristian (

666 identifies the antichrist as being a billionaire.

666 talents of gold x 100 lbs/talent x 16 ounces/lb x 2000 dollars/ounce = ~$2.1 billion. 

$2.6 billion (Trump’s net worth) minus ~$500 million (civil judgements) = ~$2.1 billion

[1 Kings 10:14]

Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was 666 talents of gold,

[Revelation 13:18]

This calls for wisdom: 

let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.

666 Talents of Gold Today (

[Daniel 12:4]

But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, until the time of the end.

Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.

30,000 divided by 666 = 45.045045

30,000 divided by 45 = 666.6666666

45 x 45=2025

(Trump has called the number 30,000 a sacred number associated with the stock market).

The above is a huge stretch.

The point of the passage is what follows subsequently, and how it correlates to the law of the kings.

Kings of Israel were not permitted to raise the levy after a deal was made.

Solomon did so in addition to the 666 talents, which then followed: 

his decline into immortality.

Maybe this is the point of the passage.

The king(s) e.g. two horns, or false prophet, speaks to a leader(s), who will decline morally and persecute the children of God by imposing the “mark.”

The number of 666 talents/year is no accident, just as Nebuchadnezzar’s idol being sixty cubits high and sixty cubits wide is no accident.

We are clearly supposed to connect the Antichrist to those two men in some way.

Of course, but that’s a strawman.

The Straw Man – Library of Rickandria

I never said the two correlations don’t apply.

In fact, they do.

The statue is akin to the image of the beast (e.g. all tribes of Babylon worshipped), which John said, others will do in the final days, and the Solomonic connection, is to the tyrant, a person who “believed” and was of the faith, but who then will decline morally and persecute those who helped him rise to power.

The false prophet, or beast for the land, is a composite, e.g. the two horns, as the angel in chapter 17 refers to horns as kings.

If we’re to follow this hermeneutic of what John referred to as kings are in chapter 1, e.g. priests and kings in tribulation, the obvious answer is the two horns (kings) are of the faith.

I would interpret the two horns, on the beast, who was like a lamb, but spake as a dragon, are the collective composite of the church as a whole, led by the pastors and priests, e.g. since the dawn of the church, and have become apostate, who have also forgotten their first love (Church #1, Ephesus), which had convoluted political power and faith.

The beast of the land is the institutional, apostate church.

The Dark History of the Vatican – Library of Rickandria

What John is speaking to is the whole body, led by the pastors and priests of the church, who have thus fallen away and caused the congregation at large, to fall away as well.

This is akin to what we see that has culminated into Christian Nationalism, once incepted in the RCC, until now.

Our country is at the center of this paradigm.

Yes, Trump is involved to a degree, but only because he has instigated what already had been growing since the dawn of the institutional church, and it is now manifested within the Republican Party coalesced with Christianity.

Exposing Christianity – Library of Rickandria

That party will control this country en toto after it has descended into civil war.

Meaning, the empire that follows our country’s decline, which I believe is very soon, will result in the end times tyrant, a leader, of the faith (and Republican Party), who will turn on us all, persecuting the church who had initially given it its power to begin with.

This leader may be after Trump, and he might be revealed in due time, soon.

I Samuel 8


When they said,

“Give us a king to judge us,”

Samuel considered their demand wrong, so he prayed to the Lord.


But the Lord told him,

“Listen to the people and everything they say to you. They have not rejected you; they have rejected me as their king."

They are doing the same thing to you that they have done to me, since the day I brought them out of Egypt until this day, abandoning me and worshiping other gods.


Listen to them, but solemnly warn them and tell them about the customary rights of the king who will reign over them.

Only Trump can be the Antichrist

The bible gives us plenty of characteristics of the Antichrist for us to be able to identify him.

But there are two main things that identify the antichrist as Trump without a doubt.

These two things are:

1. The number of the beast.

2. The country that the antichrist is from.

I'll start with #2 the country.

The bible says that the antichrist will be the king of Mystery Babylon.

Revelation 17: 3

So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

Revelation 17: 7

And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel?

I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.

The beast and the woman seem to be connected.

She sits on the Beast; the beast carries her.

So, the beast can only be the king of Babylon, since no other king could carry her, but her king.

If Babylon is America, the king of Babylon would be the President of the United States.

Lincoln’s Assassination was a Manufactured Event: Meaning it NEVER Happened – Library of Rickandria

If you believe that Trump is the Antichrist, but Babylon is not America, or that America is Babylon, but Trump is not the Antichrist, then you don't understand that all nations today are carried by their own leaders and no one else.

Point # 1 The number of the beast.

Please do not confuse the number of the beast which is 666 with the name of the beast, the number of his name or the mark.

Those are not 666, only the number of the beast is 666.

Also, don't attempt to calculate the number of the beast using gematria which is not what God is asking us to use.

God asks us to use wisdom.

Book of Wisdom by Harry B. Joseph (2021) – Library of Rickandria

Gematria or numerology are nothing more than mysticism and a Christian should not get involved with those practices.

The Christian Confusion – Library of Rickandria

Revelation 13: 18

Here is wisdom.

Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.


"Him that hath understanding"


"The number of a man"

are also clues to point us to Solomon whose wages were 666 talents of gold a year.

1Kings 10: 14

Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold,

Solomon was extremely wealthy.

God asks us to count or calculate.

To do that, we convert 666 talents of gold to any other currency.

In US dollars 666 talents of gold is $1.5 billion.

So, Solomon was a billionaire.

666 identifies the antichrist as being a billionaire.


Out of a population of 8 billion people there are 2640 billionaires in the world.

Out of a population of 342 million there are 756 billionaires in the United States.

Out of 756 billionaires in the US only one has been president.

The Assassination of Garfield was also Faked – Library of Rickandria

The antichrist must then be a President of the United States who is also a billionaire.

THE HIDDEN KING(S): Camelot Ruled from the Cave of Merlin – Library of Rickandria

That disqualifies everybody on planet Earth but Trump.

So, if Trump is the antichrist, the name of the beast is:


The number of his name is (or will be in this case): 


Then, Trump must also fit all the other descriptions of the biblical antichrist, and he does.

I am not going to list them all here but there is one I do want to mention.

Daniel 11:37

Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.

The antichrist does not regard the desire of women.

The desire of women in this generation is to have their "right" to choose.

The feminist movement is fighting for one thing and one thing only: to be able to have abortions.

The antichrist does not regard that.

That means the antichrist is pro-life.

For those of you who think that the antichrist would never be pro-life, the bible says he is.

Yet here is another way of interpreting scripture.

The harlot is described as sitting on a “beast”.

This is a metaphoric way of describing the fact that the Jewish religious leaders derived their authority from the Roman “beast”.

In John 19:15, the chief priests say:

“We have no king but Caesar.”

The beast had ten horns and seven heads.

The ten horns were the ten Roman provinces and their governors.

The seven heads were the Roman Caesars:

  • Julius
  • Augustus
  • Tiberius
  • Caligula
  • Claudius
  • Nero

and Galba.

ROME – Library of Rickandria

Five had been, one was ruling (Nero) and one was yet to come and he would remain only a “little while”.

Galba, the seventh emperor, ruled for only six months.

The beast made war on the saints for 42 months and conquered them.

This was the terrible tribulation that the first century believers endured at the hands of Nero.

His attempt to exterminate them lasted for 42 months.

The number of the beast was 666 and that is the value of Nero’s name in Greek.

Some ancient Greek translations of Rev.13:18 change the number to 616 and that is the value of Nero’s name in Hebrew.

These details of Revelation support the assertion that “the great city, Babylon” is first century Jerusalem.

And there are many more similar details.

Revelation, Apocalypse, John, Patmos, Nero, Domitian (

The Case For Nero Caesar Being The Beast Of Revelation - Cerebral Faith

The Roman Empire in the Book of Revelation | The Oxford Handbook of Postcolonial Biblical Criticism | Oxford Academic (

The beast and the woman are connected.

She sits on the Beast; the beast carries her.

So, the beast can only be the king of Babylon, since no other king could carry her, but her king.

Babylon is America; therefore the king of Babylon is the President of the United States.

Babylon is America - YouTube

If you believe that Trump is the Antichrist, but Babylon is not America, or that America is Babylon, but Trump is not the Antichrist, then you don't understand that all nations today are carried by their own leaders and no one else.

This interpretation isn't working for me in the sense of the internal logic of the story.

It is understood that the woman rides the beast, that is to say the woman is the jockey and the beast (Sea beast) is the horse.

The horse doesn't tell the jockey what to do.

So, in this Trump interpretation, Trump is the beast (getting told what to do) from?

The nation state America?

American “Empire” – Library of Rickandria

I don't think that is how this works.

And what does it mean to say that the president of the US "carries" the US?

European Royal Bloodline of the American Presidents – Library of Rickandria

I think the problem here is the vision as I understand it (and most others?) is the women "rides" the beast so to speak.

Hence my jockey/horse reference.

I suppose your take on it is something like the women isn't riding the beast in the sense of being a rider/jockey but rather is getting a ride on the beast, but the beast is in control wherever the hell they are going or doing.

"So, the beast carrying her means the beast has control over her."

There is a problem with that interpretation of the vision.

No nation has ever had power over its leader.

It has always been the other way around.

Have you read all the descriptions of Babylon in:

  • Isaiah
  • Jeremiah
  • Habakkuk

That tells you who the woman is.

No matter what, it tells you it is a nation.

Your vision of the nation having control over the beast doesn't make sense.

The nation is run by the beast.

Again, this has all sorts of problems.

The image and I would argue more consistent narrative is the beast who/what is being ridden by a human/woman (even metaphorically speaking) is a beast of burden, it doesn't call the shots. 

Like the horse to the jockey, like the ox that pulls the plow, the beast isn't the brains of the operation.

The above interpretation inverts that.

It's not necessarily wrong, but if you're going to invert the usual relationship of human/rider on a beast I would have to ask what else have you have in order to support that?

The beast carries her doesn't mean it is her telling the beast what to do.

It means to support and move, so the beast carrying her means the beast has control over her. 

The woman represents a nation.

So, if Trump is the antichrist, what woman (nation) do you think he carries?

There's a missing piece that has not been touched upon, also from Daniel.

The country that the Antichrist is out of is that northern kingdom that competes with the southern kingdom trying to woo Israel for a time before that country becomes the beast empire. 

That chapter wasn't fulfilled already with Alexander the Great like commentaries often boast about.

Trump is obviously a typology of Antichrist, that is certain.

I am not convinced that the Antichrist has been revealed as Trump and we have arrived at the precipice of the Great Tribulation.

Just because I'm not convinced doesn't make it in any way not obvious that he is an instrument of the enemy.

I agree that the chapter is only partially fulfilled.

According to the book of Daniel chapter 11, the antichrist is neither the king of the North nor the king of the South.

The chapter starts with all the kings from Persia all the way to the end times antichrist.

There have been many kings of the North

The chapter switches from one to the next while still calling him the king of the North, and the last one is Putin.

Putin is not the Antichrist.

He is the one who comes against the antichrist.

But I repeat, the antichrist is not the king of the North.

Notice in the following verses how the king of the North comes against the antichrist.

That means the antichrist is not the one from the Northern kingdom or the Southern kingdom. 

The antichrist is the king of Mystery Babylon.

Daniel 11:

39 Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many and shall divide the land for gain. 

40 And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries and shall overflow and pass over. 

41 He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.

If the king of the North comes against him, that means the antichrist is not the king of the North.

I hope you see it.

It is super-duper obvious to many, that mystery Babylon is America.

mystery babylon is america - Search (

mystery babylon is jerusalem - Search (

All you have to do is read all the descriptions given.

Hopefully, you will do it, and if you do, there is no way you can reach a different conclusion because it only means one place and one place only.

There is no room here for a private interpretation.

The True Authorship of the New Testament Books was by FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS (Arius Calpurnius Piso) – Library of Rickandria

private interpretation in the bible - Search (

There is no jockey and a horse analogy that works here.

In that analogy, the one with the brain is the one on top (the jockey).

In the case of Babylon sitting on the Beast, the one with the brain is on the bottom (the beast).

So, it is not me inverting that.

The bible does.

The Truth About the Bible – Library of Rickandria

You just want to change it to fit your interpretation.

Your analogy doesn't apply.


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Perhaps Trump is a Red Herring as for being the Antichrist:

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Trump says that his penthouse in Trump Tower is on the 66th floor when actually it is on the 58th floor.

Why does he say 66 unless he wants to co-mingle with 666?

NEW YORK — America’s next president lives on the 66th floor of a 58-story tower that bears his name.

A presidential penthouse, far above a madding crowd - The Boston Globe

Those numbers are associated with the occult, and he also does the 666 hand sign, which is also associated with the occult.

666 Decoded – Library of Rickandria

I believe that those in occult circles and whatever secret organizations that people like Trump are a part of have their own alternative narrative and belief systems that have been instilled in them through the generations.

Brotherhoods & Secret Societies – Library of Rickandria

The narratives and belief systems vaguely follow a Christian eschatological view but distorts and twists it to make it seem like they are going to come out on top because they are superior (genetically and psychologically).

“Enemy Attacks” & the Christian Mind – Library of Rickandria

On the surface these people act like orthodox Christians, but in secret believe they are above humanity and possess hidden "knowledge" & secrets of the real "truth", when in reality they are just being manipulated by thoughtforms.

YHVH: The Truth About “Yahweh/Jehovah” – Library of Rickandria

The Case for Donald Trump being the Antichrist (

The Case for Donald Trump being the Antichrist – Library of Rickandria